Conflict theory versus functionalist theory

Conflict theory versus functionalist theory Conflict theory perspective of education is that it perpetuate social inequalities According to the conflict theory the education system is a tool used by the controlling sector of society to maintain its dominance. Education reproduces the social class structure as well as society’s division of race ethnicity regardless of ability students of the wealthy are usually placed in a college bound track and students of the poor are usually placed on a vocational track also whites are more likely to complete high school go to college, get a degree that black. The education system help to pass privilege or the lack thereof across generation. Public schools are financed largely by local property tax so therefore there are rich and poor school districts. Functionalist perspective of education is that education provides social benefits, education teaches knowledge and skill, it includes the cultural transmition of values (individualism, competition pariotism), includes social inigration (moulding students into a cohesive unit), funvtions as gate keeping (determining who will enter what occupations through social placement and tracking). Schools also assume functions that was previously fulfilled by the family eg. Sex eduction and child care.