16 JULY 2001
Optics with an Atom Laser Beam
Immanuel Bloch, Michael Köhl, Markus Greiner, Theodor W. Hänsch, and Tilman Esslinger
Sektion Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Schellingstrasse 4/III, D-80799 Munich, Germany
and Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, D-85748 Garching, Germany
(Received 29 November 2000; published 2 July 2001)
We report on the atom optical manipulation of an atom laser beam. Reflection, focusing, and its
storage in a resonator are demonstrated. Precise and versatile mechanical control over an atom laser beam
propagating in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is achieved by optically inducing spin flips between
atomic ground states with different magnetic moment. The magnetic force acting on the atoms can
thereby be effectively switched on and off. The surface of the atom optical element is determined by
the resonance condition for the spin flip in the inhomogeneous magnetic field. More than 98% of the
incident atom laser beam is reflected specularly.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.030401
PACS numbers: 03.75.Fi, 03.75.Be, 07.77.Gx, 32.80. – t
The realization of atom lasers [1] opens up new intriguing perspectives in coherent atom optics. These novel atom
sources are based on Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) [2]
from which a coherent matter wave beam is extracted. The
unique properties of atom lasers will make it possible to
enter an experimental regime in atom optics that is not accessible for thermal atom sources. In light optics the availability of coherent sources has substantially increased the
range of photonic applications. Similarly, it is expected,
that coherent matter wave sources will have a profound
impact on applications such as atom interferometry [3],
atom holography [4], or the manipulation of atomic beams
on a nanometer scale.
To fulfill these expectations it is crucial to invent atom
optical elements that are adapted to the demands of the new
highly coherent atom sources. For thermal atom sources
a variety of atom optical elements have been investigated
[5], which redirect, split, or shape atomic beams using
position- or time-dependent potentials. To preserve the
coherence properties of atom lasers a very high “surface quality” of atom optical elements is required. The
de Broglie wavelength of an atom laser beam can be well
below ten nanometers. The effective surface roughness of
atom optical elements should therefore be even smaller.
The most simple approach to realize a coherent matter wave source is to suddenly release a Bose-Einstein
condensate from the magnetic trap. The mechanical manipulation of released condensates has been demonstrated
using optical standing wave fields [6,7], suitably shaped
off-resonant laser fields [8], and pulsed magnetic fields [9].
Because of the sudden switch-off of the confining potential
the energy of the repulsive interaction between the atoms
is transformed into kinetic energy. The velocity distribution of the released atoms is therefore much broader than
the Heisenberg limit associated with the spatial size of the
trapped condensate. The velocity spread is drastically reduced for atom lasers employing continuous output coupling, where a Fourier limited output can be approached
[10] and interaction effects are minimized. The resulting monoenergetic atom laser beam is not susceptible to
dispersive effects in the manipulation of coherent matter waves [8], which are unwanted in most atom optical
In this Letter we report on the atom optical manipulation
of an atom laser beam. We have realized a versatile atom
optical element and demonstrate reflection, splitting, and
focusing of the atom laser beam, as well as its storage in a
resonator. This is accomplished by optically inducing spin
flips between atomic ground states of different magnetic
moment, thereby switching the force on and off that the
atom laser beam experiences in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. By a suitable choice of the frequencies and polarizations of the Raman laser fields, the coupling between
two specific ground states can be induced. This avoids restrictions in the coupling strengths and state selectivity that
would be encountered when using rf or microwave fields.
The atom laser output is extracted from a 87 Rb BoseEinstein condensate using continuous output coupling [11].
A weak and monochromatic radio-frequency field transfers the magnetically trapped atoms, which are condensed
in the jF 苷 1, mF 苷 21典 state, into the untrapped jF 苷
1, mF 苷 0典 state (F: total angular momentum, mF : magnetic quantum number). Gravity accelerates the untrapped
atoms downwards and a well-collimated atom laser beam
is formed, while the magnetic trap is still on. After ballistically propagating over a few hundred micrometers the
atoms enter the spin-flip region, where two focused laser
beams induce a two photon hyperfine Raman transition
and transfer a variable fraction of atoms into the state
jF 苷 2, mF 苷 1典 with the magnetic moment 2 mB (mB :
Bohr magneton).
The state jF 苷 2, mF 苷 1典 is low-field seeking and
the atoms experience the potential of the magnetic trap.
The gradient of our trap in the vertical direction exceeds the gravitational force by 1 order of magnitude.
Therefore the atoms are slowed down until they reverse
their direction of motion. Traveling upwards the atoms
pass through the laser field for a second time where they
are spin flipped into the original state jF 苷 1, mF 苷 0典
and continue their motion on a ballistic trajectory [see
© 2001 The American Physical Society
0031-9007兾01兾 87(3)兾030401(4)$15.00
Fig. 1(b)]. When the Raman lasers are switched off
before the atoms cross the interaction region a second
time, the atoms remain in the magnetically trapped state;
see Figs. 1(a) and 4.
The frequencies of the two laser fields that induce the
Raman transitions are adjusted to drive the single photon
5S1兾2 to 5P1兾2 transition off resonance [see Fig. 2(a)]. The
polarizations of the laser beams are chosen such that the
lower frequency field drives p transitions and the higher
frequency field drives s transitions. Here the quantization
axis is chosen parallel to the local magnetic field vector,
which is oriented vertically in the spin-flip region. For
both laser fields the single photon detuning D is large compared to the single photon Rabi frequencies V1 and V2 .
Spontaneous scattering of photons is therefore suppressed
and the coupling between the states jF 苷 1, mF 苷 0典
and jF 苷 2, mF 苷 1典 can be described by an effective
two level
system, with a coupling strength of V 0 苷
V1 V2ⴱ
2 2D [12].
The resonance condition for the spin-flip transition
is fulfilled if the frequency difference between the two
Raman lasers is equal to the hyperfine plus Zeeman splitting of the two atomic states. Copropagating laser beams
are used in the experiment so that the Raman transition
is not sensitive to the Doppler effect. The resonance condition mentioned above is fulfilled on a shell of constant
magnetic field. In other words, the effective surface of
the mirror in the inhomogeneous trapping potential is
determined by the frequency difference between the two
Raman laser beams, which can be controlled with high
accuracy. The spin flip therefore occurs in a region which
is much better localized than the waist of the Raman laser
atom laser
F=2, mF=1
Atom laser
F=1, mF=0
1.5 mm
beams. The distance between the spin-flip region and
the coils, which produce the dc-magnetic field, is a few
centimeters. Therefore static corrugations of the mirror
surface on a smaller spatial scale, e.g., in the nanometer
range, are not expected. To minimize fluctuations in the
magnetic trapping field a highly stable current supply
(DI兾I , 1024 ) is used and the trapping region is placed
in a magnetic shield enclosure. Fluctuations in magnetic
field strength or Raman laser power can cause a jitter
of the height of the mirror, which could reduce the
coherence of the reflected beam. These fluctuations can
be minimized so that the mirror preserves the coherence
of the atom laser beam [13].
In the experiment Bose-Einstein condensates of typically 7 3 105 87 Rb atoms are produced in a quadrupole
and Ioffe configuration trap [14] by evaporative cooling.
The laser light used to drive the two photon Raman transition is generated by two extended cavity diode lasers [15].
A phase-locked loop [16] is employed to stabilize the frequency difference between the two lasers to a frequency
reference, which is tunable at around 6.8 GHz corresponding to the hyperfine splitting of the 87 Rb ground state. Each
of the phase-locked lasers is amplified by injection locking another laser diode. The amplified laser beams pass
through acousto-optic modulators used for switching them
on and off. Then the two beams are overlapped with orthogonal polarizations and fed into a single mode optical
fiber. The fiber filters the spatial mode and ensures that
the laser beams are exactly copropagating. After the fiber
the laser beams are directed into the vacuum chamber and
propagate along the symmetry axis ( y direction) of the
elongated magnetic trapping potential, in which the cigar
shaped condensate is stored. The focus of the overlapping
laser beams is positioned 400 mm below the condensate
at z0 苷 2400 mm. The beam waists are wz 苷 27 mm in
the vertical and wx 苷 500 mm in the horizontal direction.
We experimentally determined the reflectivity of the
spin-flip mirror, with the Raman lasers detuned by 70 GHz
Ω1 Ω2
F=1, mF=0
FIG. 1. Reflected atom laser beams for a single (a) and a
double pass (b) through the Raman lasers. (a) The spin-flip
mirror was switched on during a period of 2 ms. An adjustable fraction of the atom laser beam is spin flipped into the
jF 苷 2, mF 苷 1典 state, reflected and moves upwards, as indicated by the arrow. The unaffected parts of the atom laser beam
propagate downwards. (b) The spin-flip mirror was switched
on for a sufficiently long time, so that all atoms that were spin
flipped into the jF 苷 2, mF 苷 1典 state on their way downwards
were spin flipped again back into the jF 苷 1, mF 苷 0典 state
during their propagation upwards. The angle under which the
beams are reflected is caused by a weak horizontal component of
the magnetic field gradient at the position of the spin-flip mirror.
16 JULY 2001
-2 -1 0 +1 +2
V- (z)
FIG. 2. (a) Level scheme of the 5S1兾2 hyperfine ground state
of 87 Rb in a magnetic field (not to scale). The condensate is
produced in the jF 苷 1, mF 苷 21典 state and the atom laser
is generated by coupling the condensate to the jF 苷 1, mF 苷
0典 state using an rf transition. The Raman lasers drive the
two photon transition between the jF 苷 1, mF 苷 0典 and jF 苷
2, mF 苷 1典 states and are off resonance with the single photon
excitation to the 5P1兾2 state. (b) Adiabatic potentials V1 共z兲 and
V2 共z兲 in the presence of the Raman lasers.
Transition probability
to the red of the D1 line of 87 Rb and a magnetic field gradient of 200 G兾cm [17]. An atom laser beam was extracted from the condensate for 4 ms. The Raman lasers
were switched on 8.5 ms after the beginning of the output coupling for a duration of 2 ms. During this period
of time a fraction of the atom laser beam was spin flipped
into the jF 苷 2, mF 苷 1典 state and reflected. The magnetic trap was switched off 5 ms later and an absorption
image was taken [see Fig. 1(a)]. The reflectivity of the
mirror, i.e., the probability for spin flipping the atoms, was
derived from the absorption images. The reduced optical
density in that part of the atom laser beam which passed
through the spin-flip region when the Raman lasers were
switched on was compared to the optical density of the unperturbed atom laser beam. In addition, the optical density
of the reflected, i.e., spin-flipped, part of the atom laser
beam was measured. No loss of atoms was found in the
reflection process. Figure 3 shows the mirror reflectivity
vs the power of the Raman laser beams. For laser powers
of 1.2 mW a peak reflectivity in excess of 98% was found.
The measured reflectivity can be described by adiabatic
transitions according to a Landau-Zener model. The adiabatic potential curves for the atoms in a one-dimensional
case are given by
关V1 共z兲 1 V0 共z兲 6 4h̄2 V̄ 2 共z兲 1 D12
共z兲 兴 ,
V6 共z兲 苷
where V1 共z兲 苷 mgz 1 hnhf 1 1兾2mB B0 1 共B0 z兲2 and
V0 共z兲 苷 mgz are the potentials for atoms in the jF 苷
2, mF 苷 1典 and jF 苷 1, mF 苷 0典 states, respectively (m:
mass of 87 Rb, g: gravitational acceleration, h: Planck’s
constant). B0 and B0 denote bias field and radial gradient of the magnetic trap, which has an Ioffe-type magnetic
field geometry [see Fig. 2(b)].
The frequency difference n12 of the Raman lasers is
detuned from the energy splitting of the trapped and
untrapped atomic states by an amount D12 共z兲 苷 V1 共z兲 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Total laser power (mW)
FIG. 3. Reflectivity of the spin-flip mirror. The curve shows
the probability for an adiabatic transition as a function of the
total intensity of the Raman laser beams. The full line is a fit
to the data using the Landau-Zener model, as explained in the
text. The scaling between the squared coupling strength V 0 and
the laser intensity is taken as a free parameter.
16 JULY 2001
V0 共z兲 2 DAC 共z兲 2 hn12 , where DAC is the residual
difference in light shift induced by the Raman lasers that
the atomic states experience. The spatial dependence of
the Raman coupling is determined by the Gaussian laser
focus V共z兲 苷 V 0 e22共z2z0 兲 兾wz .
The atoms pass through the interaction region with a
velocity y which gives rise to nonadiabatic behavior. The
probability for nonadiabatic passage is given by
pn.a. 苷 e22pG ,
with G 苷 h̄ 1兾2mB B0 y . The efficiency of the adiabatic
transition can thus be controlled by the atomic velocity y
and V, which is proportional to the laser intensity. For the
narrow longitudinal velocity spread of the atom laser beam
the dependence on velocity of the Landau-Zener transition
is negligible. In a numerical calculation we have verified
that the finite interaction time of the atoms with the laser
beam and its Gaussian shape results only in a slightly
modified effective coupling strength and preserves the
general form of the transition probability for our experimental parameters.
The optical access in the experiment allowed us to
demonstrate reflection of the atom laser beam for various dropping heights of up to 0.8 mm. However, it is
instructive to examine how the laser power required for
adiabatic transitions scales with the dropping distance.
V t
From the criterion for adiabaticity 2G0 . 1 [18], where
t 苷 wz 兾y, we
Raman laser
p can estimate that the required
power P 苷 P1 3 P2 scales as P ~ z0 , where z0 is the
dropping distance in the gravitational potential. Since for
dropping heights of 0.5 mm only 1 mW of laser power is
required, applying this scheme to much larger dropping
heights is realistic. This is in contrast to atom optical
mirrors using optically induced dipole potentials, where
several watts of laser power are needed for reflection of
atoms from the same dropping distance [8]. Furthermore,
in the latter case the required laser power scales as P ~ z0 .
We have experimentally determined the specularity of
the reflection process by comparing the transverse width
of the atom laser beam before and after the reflection process. We have found that after a propagation time of 18 ms
the width decreases by 25% 6 5%, which is in accordance with the weak curvature of the mirror in the axial direction. The transverse velocity spread of the atoms
due to the reflection is well below 200 mm兾s, which is
the resolution limit in our experimental geometry. Limitations of the specularity are imposed by the profile of the
Raman laser beams resulting in a phase modulation of the
atom laser beam by the light shift potential VAC in Eq. (1).
From the spatial power spectrum of the laser profile we determine that at most 2% of the atoms are scattered out of
the diffraction limit of the atomic beam. In comparison,
evanescent wave mirrors or magnetic surface mirrors severely suffer from substantial diffuse reflection [19,20].
To demonstrate the versatility of the atom optical
spin-flip element we have demonstrated the storage of the
16 JULY 2001
In conclusion, we have demonstrated and quantitatively
studied a versatile atom optical element which allows manipulation of an atom laser beam close to the diffraction
limit in a free space environment. The experiments are
crucial for future studies of fundamental properties of the
atom laser and its applications.
70 µm
7 µm
FIG. 4 (color). Atom laser beam stored in a resonator formed
by the magnetic trapping potential. The elliptical cloud in the
center of each absorption image is the condensate. The stripe of
varying width and length is the atom laser beam, which oscillates
in the trap. Part of the atom laser beam which has not been
recaptured can be seen in the first image of the upper row. Each
image has a size of 2 mm 3 0.7 mm. The two images in the
bottom row show enlargements of the first image in the first row
and the second image in the second row. The propagation time
was increased by 2 ms for each image.
atom laser beam in the resonator formed by the magnetic
trapping potential. This was achieved by choosing a
timing sequence for the Raman lasers such that the atoms
in the atom laser beam were spin flipped only once. We
could then observe the storage of the atom laser beam in
the resonator formed by the magnetic trapping potential
(Fig. 4). In this configuration we could monitor the atom
laser beam for more than 35 oscillation periods. Because
of the axial curvature of the magnetic trapping potential
the atom laser beam was focused. The initial width of the
atom laser beam is 70 mm, which is determined by the
axial size of the BEC ground state in the magnetic trap.
After a propagation period of 18 ms a width of the atom
laser beam of only 7 mm, limited by the resolution of our
imaging system, is measured.
Focusing of the atom laser beam is a central step towards
an atom laser microscope [21]. To achieve a highly monoenergetic atom laser beam of short de Broglie wavelength
our novel atom optical element could be used to accelerate
the beam. It should then be possible to focus the beam to
spot sizes much smaller than achievable in confocal light
microscopy and comparable to high energy electron microscopy. An atomic fountain geometry as required for
atomic clocks and atom interferometers [22] could be realized by shaping magnetic field gradients and cascading
atom optical spin-flip elements.
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