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A key aspect role as a manager is to ensure that, all the staff comply with policies and procedures, are vigilant for risk and understand their role and responsibilities.
Academia Biology, 2024
The gut microbiome is a vital factor in animal health and development, influenced by various elements. This review explores the bacterial strains within the microbiome and their roles in digestion, immunity, disease causation, and overall host well-being. Across all mammals, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes are the dominant phyla, with omnivores and carnivores also harboring Proteobacteria. In canids, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Fusobacteriota are the predominant phyla. Bacteroidetes exhibit remarkable prowess in digesting organic material, while Proteobacteria are essential for oxygen uptake in anaerobic environments. Firmicutes, known for their health-promoting properties, can counteract the effects of harmful bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile. Notably, the host’s diet exerts a significant influence on microbiome composition, as evidenced by the division of gut microbiomes into two distinct groups: herbivores in one and carnivores/omnivores in the other. These findings lay a vital foundation for future endeavors in animal health and conservation. As the field progresses, we anticipate uncovering even more profound insights into the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and human health.
Open Philosophy, vol. 7, (2024): 1-24, 2024
I explore the roots of ontological thinking in the late thought of Georg Lukács via the development of the nature of praxis in German Idealism and the thought of Marx. I contend that the thesis of spontaneous, self-creation as well as social relatedness are both core themes in German Idealism that achieve definitive form in Marx's thought. In effect, I argue that the human capacities for relatedness and the formation of relations with others paired with the teleological structure of human practical agency constitutes a crucial ontological ground for critical theory. It is this that Lukács focuses on in his later ontological writings and which can be used as a means to reorient contemporary critical theory and critical philosophy which has been dominated by postmetaphysical and neo-Idealist currents in recent decades.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2018
Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables and Figures Supplemental Material v Chapter 4. A Comparison of Two Tai Chi Interventions Tailored for Different Health Outcomes Abstract 20. Li F. Transforming traditional tai ji quan techniques into integrative movement therapy-. J
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1997
The first three years of life present unique challenges to the study of psychopathology. We highlight four of the issues in a selective review of the developmental psychopathology of early childhood, including lack of specificity of risk and outcome variables, measurement difficulties, rapid developmental changes and the centrality of the relationship context in early childhood. We also highlight issues relevant to conceptualizations of disorders of infancy, emphasizing especially the need for efforts to validate clinical disorders. We consider two major domains of infant development that we believe are especially relevant to a discussion of psychopathology, namely, regulation of emotion and infant-caregiver attachment. Discussions of these two domains of infant development and their psychopathological extremes allow us to consider conceptualizations of psychopathology from the dual perspectives of developmental psychopathology and clinical disorders. We conclude by suggesting a number of strategies to build upon previous research., 2023
For the first time, the severed right hands of 12 individuals have been analysed osteologically. The hands were deposited in three pits within a courtyard in front of the throne room of a 15th Dynasty (c.1640–1530 BC) Hyksos palace at Avaris/Tell el-Dab‘a in north-eastern Egypt. Although this kind of practice is known from tomb or temple inscriptions and reliefs from the New Kingdom onwards, this is the first time that physical evidence has been used to learn more about the procedure and the individuals whose hands were taken. Here, we show that the right hands belonged to at least 12 adults, 11 males, and possibly one female. It is unclear if the hands were taken from dead or living individuals. After removing any attached parts of the forearm, the hands were placed in the ground with wide-splayed fingers, mainly on their palmar sides. The osteological analysis not only supports the archaeological interpretation of this evidence but also adds more detail regarding trophy-taking practices in Ancient Egypt.
Osmanlı Devleti'nin “Millet-i Sadıka”sı olan Ermenilerin Osmanlı toplumu içindeki ahenk, değişen uluslararası dengeler ve büyük güçlerin Osmanlı Devleti üzerindeki politikaları ile olduğu kadar misyonerlik faaliyetleri nedeniyle de önemli bir bozulma yaşadı. Daha önce Katolik misyonerlerin faaliyetleri ile Katolik ve Gregoryen olarak ikiye ayrılmış olan Ermeni toplumu bundan dolayı kendi içinde bir çatışma atmosferi yaşamaya başlamıştı. Her ne kadar 1830'da Katolikler de ayrı bir millet olarak kabul edilseler de bu çatışma atmosferi bu kez bir üçüncü kaynak tarafından daha da derinleşti. Bu kaynak 1830'lardan itibaren Osmanlı coğrafyasında görülmeye başlayan Protestan misyonerleriydi. Önceleri Osmanlı toplumunun tümünü hedef alan Protestan misyonerlerin amaçlarını gerçekleştirmede en uygun hedef olarak Ermenilere yönelmeleri için çok fazla bir zamana ihtiyaçları olmadı. İstanbul'dan sonra Osmanlı taşrasına da hızla yayılmaya başlayan Protestan misyonerler 1830-1831'deki öncü geziler sonrasında 1834'te Trabzon'da bir istasyon tesis ettiler. Bu istasyon hem Trabzon hem de iç kısımlardaki istasyonlar için önemli bir merkez olarak düşünülmüştü. Trabzon'da Protestan misyonerlerin faaliyetleri özellikle İngiliz konsolosluğunun desteği ile daha çok Gregoryen Ermeni toplumunu hedef aldı. Bu faaliyetler sonunda küçük de olsa Trabzon'da da bir Protestan cemaati ortaya çıkarılmış oldu. 1850'de ayrı bir millet olarak kabul edilseler de Protestanlar özellikle Ermeni toplumunun yoğun bir baskısına maruz kaldı. Bu bildirinin amacı Trabzon'da belgelere yansıdığı oranda Protestan Ermenilerin karşılaştığı zorluklar üzerinde bazı tespitler yapmaktır.
Identify hazards.
Decide who might be harmed and how
Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions Record your findings and implement them
Review your assessment and update if necessary
Complying with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAW) and all other relevant legislation.
Defining and adopting best working practices and relevant codes of practice.
Holding regular Health and Safety meetings and implementing the recommendations.
Reviewing accidents and incidents on a regular basis.
Work together with applicants and employees if it is necessary to assess whether their disability affects health and safety and, if so, to what extent. In other words, work together when doing risk assessments that consider the effects of the person's disability and when thinking about the 'reasonable adjustments' needed for them to enter or stay in work;
Take account of any adjustments already in place, so your conclusions are based on any remaining risks, if they exist;
Make new 'reasonable adjustments' to overcome remaining risks, remembering to work with the disabled person to tailor the adjustments to their needs;
You would need to explain the risks involved to the individual and make sure they understand. An explanation of the actions that staffs members are expected to take to reduce risk to themselves and others.
Identifying hazards and assessing risks, deciding what precautions are needed, putting them in place and checking they are used, protects people, and improves quality, and safeguards plant and production.
Once you have identified potential practice risks, you need to perform a systematic analysis to understand the nature and level of each risk. A full understanding of the what, where, when, why and how is required to help you appropriately manage the risk. The Framework categorizes various risk analysis resources by timing or phrase of incident.
Risk management needs to be managed carefully and appropriately. There are at times, calculated, which must be taken in order to allow for the natural development of service users. This may be permitting a young person to use electrical appliances, or use public transport for example. Young people needs to be able to thrive and develop and there will be risks involved in the process. I ensure therefore that there are adequate risks assessments produced which highlight any risk and provide advice to staff members on how to minimize any potential danger or unnecessary risks. Children and young people are consulted appropriately by experienced and qualified staff members to give them advice and support and help provide them with the knowledge they need to remain safe. This is usually done through direct work and key work sessions.
Getting good balance between managing risk and promoting choices is key to person-centered practice and is an ideal that all health and social care workers need to be committed to. Enabling a person to have autonomy and control in their life has positive effect on self-image, their sense of wellbeing and overall quality of life.
Helping others to understand the balance between risk and rights greatly improves practice, as it shows that you are not just making decisions, but you are consulting people about why a certain decision may have to have been made and explaining the reasons for this. Direct work with young people or formal supervision with staff members, creates a forum for discussion and allows for reasoning, explanations and understanding to take place. Once somebody understands the reason why a decision may have to have been made, they then begin to understand that it is for the benefit of them and in the best interests of all concerned. This in turn greatly improves practice as it creates a more open environment for future discussion to take place and compromise to be achieved.
The Human Rights Act was brought in to ensure that people's rights were upheld at all times. To help people understand and guidance about helping others to understand the balance between risk and rights, alongside The Human Rights Act, other legation such as The Mental Capacity Act is used. Also alongside this the Deprivations of Liberty guidelines are also used to ensure if for any reason someone in your care who lacks capacity is if being deprived of any of their liberties, they reasons why are analyzed and the rights vs. risk to the service users are managed accordingly. This ultimately will help others to understand that even if there are risks to a service users, this does not mean that they have to stop doing to task, it means that the task needs to be managed effectively and the risk reduced as much as possible for the service user.
Obtaining feedback on our health and safety system is vital to ensure we meet requirements and offer a high quality service. A formal boardroom review of health and safety performance is essential. It allows the board to establish whether the essential health and safety principles -strong and active leadership, worker involvement, and assessment and review -have been embedded in the organization. It tells you whether your system is effective in managing risk and protecting people. Examine whether the health and safety policy reflects the organization's current priorities, plans and targets.
All health safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices within the work setting are evaluated regularly. The risk assessments regarding the young people are a live document and may fluctuate on a regular basis, according to the needs and current affairs of the young people. Any updated information is recorded appropriately and all necessary parties are informed -(parents, social worker, and young person) the staff team is then given guidance on how to ensure that any updates are adhered to through the communication log book and daily handovers. Health and safety policies and procedures are reviewed/evaluated annually, or before if required and any areas of concern are addressed without delay and reported appropriately work setting.
Changes in legislation do occur and this will always impact on our service. Any change that are implemented it will be to improve and deliverer the best service.
DEChriM_Conference_Christians and Christianities in Fourth-Century Egypt
Journal of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2018
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2016
Topics in Language Disorders, 1999
Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews, 2021
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 2012
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2016
Romanian Journal of Rhinology, 2024
Integrity Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2024