(Aegean Working Papers)
Department of Shipping, Trade
and Transport
Issue Editors:
Issue 4
December 2007
Oral Erdogan & John Karkazis
ISSN 1109 – 9437
Issue 4, December 2007
John Karkazis, University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece
Galip Isen, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
Seraphim Kapros, University of the Aegean, Greece
Peter W. de Langen, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Nikos Litinas, University of the Aegean, Greece
Hilde Meersman, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Nikitas Nikitakos, University of the Aegean, Greece
Athanasios Pallis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Amalia Polydoropoulou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Helen Thanopoulou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Eddy Van de Voorde, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Evangellos Xideas, University of the Aegean, Greece
Managing Editors: J. Karkazis and G.Proios, University of the Aegean
Aims and Scope
JTS is an international multidisciplinary refereed journal the purpose of which is to present manuscripts that
are linked to all aspects of transport, shipping business and related issues. Areas of interest include business,
management and organizational studies, applied economics, finance, planning and forecasting, logistics,
systems engineering, digital decision support systems, new technologies, law, geopolitics and geo-economics.
The journal welcomes all points of view and perspectives and encourages original research or applied study in
any of the areas listed above. The views expressed in this journal are the personal views of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of JTS.
Issues appear periodically with, on average, one issue per year.
Correspondence: John Karkazis, Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean,
Korais 2a str., 82100 Chios, Greece (e-mail:
[email protected])
ISSN 1105-6164
Issue 4, December 2007
Highway-based logistical links spanning Tokyo to Piraeus via Istanbul: Euro-Asian
decentralized modular supply chains
N. Dholakia, M.M. Lennon, S. Banerjee J. Paquin and A. Suerdem
The Greek oil tanker fleet in the Middle East
G. Economakis, M. Markaki and P. Michaelides
Forecasting world fleet: Issues for Greek and Turkish fleet
O. Erdogan and M.H. Sengoz
The impact of transport cost on the European geo-economic dynamics
J. Karkazis
Connectivity and stability of the air network in the Southeastern Europe:
A Small World approach
F. Lamanna and G. Longo
The experience and the role of Pan-European Corridor X in the integration of transport
networks in the East Mediterranean area
M. Miltiadou, Ch. Taxiltaris, G. Mintsis and S. Basbas
The transport systems in the E.U. and Turkey
A. Uyduranoglu – Oktem
An exploration of road safety parameters in Greece and Turkey
G. Yannis, A. Laiou, S. Vardaki and G. Kanellaidis
Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
Nikhilesh Dholakia, Mark M. Lennon, Syagnik Banerjee and Jerri Paquin
College of Business Administration
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, USA
Ahmet Süerdem
Istanbul Bilgi University
Istanbul, Turkey
Abtract. In the contemporary globalized economy, the nature of competition is shifting from mere direct rivalry
amongst firms to more complex and systemic forms of supply chain-based rivalries. Contemporary competition is
often amongst entire supply chains, interlaced with instances of cooperation
In this vein, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate that international supply chains of Asian firms have to evolve
from a maritime, west-facing model to a more comprehensive model that incorporates multiple modes of transport
and reaches deep into Asia. Galloping intra-Asia trade demands this, and the gradually evolving Asian Highway
system presents some opportunities to Asian firms to establish flexible, customized, market-oriented
supply/logistics chains that can reach deeper into many more Asian markets than is possible under current
conditions. This paper analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of a future Asian-Highway to link the farthermost
eastern and western ends of Asia – Tokyo and Istanbul – via a land-based artery that winds its way through all the
major economic centers of emerging Asia.
More specifically this paper investigates the contributions of such a project to the peace and cooperation between
Greece and Turkey. Turkey and Greece’s cooperation with Japan around the AH-1 project may also benefit the
EU to implement policies for a radical transformation of its economy and society towards the directions required
by globalization and the new knowledge economy.
In the contemporary globalized economy, the nature of competition is shifting from mere direct rivalry
amongst firms to more complex and systemic forms of supply chain-based rivalries. Contemporary
competition is often amongst entire supply chains, interlaced with instances of cooperation
(Brandenburger, and Nalebuff 1996). As Kumar (2001, p. 58) points out:
Customer-facing firms at the retail level, whether large department stores, automobile dealerships, or
fast-food franchises, are only the tip of the iceberg. Behind them exist entire networks of manufacturers
and distributors, transportation and logistics firms, banks, insurance companies, brokers, warehouses and
freight-forwarders, all directly or indirectly attempting to make sure the right goods and services are
available at the right price, where and when the customers want them.
Starting with the Japanese export miracle of the last century, international supply chains of Asian firms
have mostly been Pacific facing, with North America usually the main destination. This state of affairs is
beginning to change, with rapid ratcheting up of intra-Asia trade. China and India’s rapid growing
export economies require more complex supply chain management systems connecting to multilateral
A number of political and economic developments have created the conditions for setting up Euro-Asian
supply chains that rely on land-based transport using rail and road links. Consider the following:
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
launched the Asian Highway program, modeled roughly on the European highway system, in the early
1990s. These highways are supposed to be operational by 2010.
At the Davos conference in January 2006, India proposed a free trade area that would encompass the
ASEAN nations and six countries including Japan, China, India, Korea, Australia and New Zealand;
paving the way for a common economic community in the eastern section of Asia.
Asian Highway 1 will enable, via a ferry link between Japan and South Korea, road-based transport
all the way from Tokyo to Istanbul, going through China, parts of the ASEAN region, India, Middle
East, and some Caucasus countries (see Figure 1).
There is also growing desire to link the farther reaches of Asia to Europe via roads, reminiscent of the
ancient Silk Road, and in a manner akin to the decades long TIR-reliant contemporary highway links
between several nations of Central Asia (the former Soviet republics) and the Middle East on the one
hand and EU on the other hand. TIR of course is the international system of “TIR carnet” documentation
for customs-sealed road transport cargo that can cross multiple borders, developed by International Road
Transport Union (IRU), the Geneva-based UN affiliated agency that promotes and facilitates road-based
transport of goods and people. To demonstrate the possibility of such road links, the October 2005 IRU
successfully sponsored a caravan of trucks that traveled from Beijing to Brussels. The caravan crossed
from China to Kazakhstan, then through Russia and the Baltic States, entered Poland, then on to Berlin,
and arrived at Brussels. The travel time was about two weeks, compared to the typical 6-7 weeks to send
goods via ships from Chinese to European ports.
Within the frame of “UNECE-UNESCAP Euro-Asian Land Bridges component project”, UN
emphasized the importance of developing Euro-Asian transport linkages in a meeting at Thessaloniki, in
Greece. In this meeting, experts from different countries discussed the role of the Asian Highway and
Trans-Asian Railway for developing intermodal interfaces as focus for development. Contributors to this
meeting emphasized the necessity of analyzing economic benefits of intermodal interfaces, preparation
of policy recommendations and enhancing awareness of the project for the concerned parties within the
affected regions.
Under appropriately favorable conditions, Euro-Asian transport linkages could revolutionize supply chain
logistics in Asia, supplementing today’s mostly maritime trade routes with various flexible routes. EuroAsia routes for the future could be purely land-based or combine land-based options with other transport
modes for versatile multimodal logistical chains.
In fact, there are several feasible alternative routes that may complement, supplement, and compete with
each other: Possible land-based routes include Northern via Russia and Baltics; Middle via
Kazakhstan, the Caspian region and Eastern Europe; and Southern via India, Iran, Turkey and
Greece. Each of these routes has its own strengths and weaknesses. Northern route basically passes
through the vast Russian landmass, making it too dependent merely on one country. Although
management of a logistical chain system under the management of a single political power may seem to
be an advantage in terms of efficiency, such a dependency carries the danger of being used as a political
weapon. As may be witnessed from recent natural gas crises, it is not an uncommon practice for Russia
to deploy its monopolistic position over energy sources and routes as a strategic dissuasion tool.
Besides, the political relations between China and Russia are not always straightforward.
Middle route seems to be a better alternative since it connects China in a more straightforward way
through Central Asian and Caucasian countries. The economies of these countries, however, usually
depend on monoculture sectors such as natural resources, cotton, or animal husbandry. Their
international trade turnover would not require an investment for such a grand, complex project when the
economies of scale are considered. Therefore, these countries will have neither resources nor incentives
for investing their parts in such mega-projects. Besides, these countries are always considered by Russia
as its hinterland; thus making them vulnerable to political instabilities.
Southern route on the other hand, passes through the most dynamic parts of Asia such as ASEAN,
India, and SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation). These countries would happily
invest their shares in an enhanced supply chain logistics, since their economies are oriented to the export
of diverse products. Moreover, since such a chain envisions a decentralized and modular system, it
would be easier to replace the missing link of the chain in case of a political or social disturbance.
Alternative routes can easily replace disturbed modules. Besides, all these links; northern, middle and
southern; do not exclude each other and might emerge at some point. This makes easier switching from
one route to another in case of a disturbance. When we consider these advantages, a southern highwaybased logistical link spanning Tokyo to Thessaloniki via Istanbul seems to be the best viable option in
today’s political and economic conditions.
Within this framework, the purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of decentralized Euro-Asian
modular systems on supply chain logistics. Our illustrative focus is on Asian Highway 1, the only main
arterial highway in the system that has Tokyo as a terminus, and that has the ambitious goal of linking
several key economic centers of Asia.
Starting with a general introduction to the decentralized modular supply chain systems we examine
Asian Highway system and its potential impacts on supply chain logistics. Further, we analyze the future
of supply chain management under divergent scenarios to show the immense opportunities as well as the
illimitable risks that various nations and corporations could face when using Asian Highway 1 as a
major supply chain artery. We next turn to issues of managing logistics under such uncertainties, and on
the more complex task of “managing the futures” – the very environmental conditions that spawn the
opportunities and the threats. We draw implications for Turkey and Greece, and provide conclusions.
Introduction of a series of new organization and production techniques in the late 1970’s has commonly
been called postfordism. Contrary to fordism which refers to a system of mass production and
consumption, postfordism refers to flexible production, organization, consumption and finance systems
(Jessop, 2002).
As its predecessor, postfordism was brought to public attention by managerial
technologies advanced in the automobile industry. Implementations of new flexible management
systems by Japanese companies lead by Toyota Car Company have served as a prototype for emerging
postfordism. Empowerment of workers during the production process (lean production), improvement of
the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback
(TQM), customized production reckoning on constant consumer feedback instead of mass production,
thus reducing the need for standing-by inventory (JIT) have lead to management systems that reduced
costs while improving the quality of the end-product (Piore and Sabel, 1984).
Competitive advantages endorsed by these technologies have encouraged many other companies to
follow the “Japanese management example” at the global level. Yet, large scale implementation of
Japanese example extended to larger socio-sphere affecting how we live and what we consume, leading
to what is referred to as postfordism. Postfordism reflects the declining importance of both scale and
scope and is driven by the implementation of cost reducing information technologies in
communications, logistics, and information (Reschenthaler and Thompson, 1996).
Just in time production plays an essential role in the emergence and maintenance of postfordist
sociosphere. First emerged in Japan because of high land costs, JIT attempts to utilize storage and
warehousing facilities optimally to achieve lean production by providing the right materials, in the right
quantities and quality. Smaller but more frequent deliveries reduce the need for inventories, space
requirements; smaller batch sizes facilitate to remedy defects more easily improving quality control and
reducing waste (Cua, et al. 2001) and provide firms with a greater flexibility in changing product mixes
according to feedback from consumer. Compared to just-in-case supply management which requires
holding large inventories to back-up possible supply disruptions, the reliability of delivery, product
quality and service, and communication and coordination with suppliers are substantial for sustaining
JIT production environment (Karpak et al., 2001).
Although JIT works fairly well in terms of supplying techniques designed to deliver products faster and
cheaper, it creates a supply chain that is extremely sensitive to risks. JIT logistics concept requires
optimized, linear supply chains that operate in a fairly predictable environment. However in today’s
dynamic globalized business environment, demand is ultimately unpredictable requiring extremely agile
and flexible strategies that will support dynamic, modular, adaptive operations. In "Adaptive
Enterprise," Haeckel and Slywotsky (1999) propose a sense-and-respond (S&R) business model that
would provide organizations with more anticipative, adaptive, and responsive strategies. S&R model
considers unpredictability and change as a challenge for energy and growth rather than a problem to be
In a concept document (2003), inspired by S&R and adaptive enterprise, US Department of Defense,
Office of Force Transformation suggests some modifications to JIT. According to sense-and-respond
logistics (S&RL) an effective supply chain is organized through modular units operating through
interactive network structures rather than optimization of hierarchical linear chains. Networks selfsynchronize through a common environment and a set of shared objectives supported by a sophisticated
IT system enabling information flow, commitment tracking, and role reconfiguration. While JIT systems
are sensitive to disruptions in the links of the chain, networks are strong enough to withstand node
failures since they have the flexibility to switch easily from one node to another. S&RL networks
distribute the risk by creating adaptive options and use transportation flexibility and robust IT to handle
Current efforts to modernize Supply Chain Management then focus on adaptive, flexible, modular,
integrated systems rather than linear, bi-directional transportation infrastructures. Conventional logistic
infrastructure systems organized according to JIC inventory systems relied on transporting inputs to the
point of production and transporting the finished product to the destination of consumption. Rail and
maritime routes were an effective and efficient way of transporting bulky items. On the other hand, in
today’s highly uncertain environment where demand is unpredictable and average life cycle for products
is measured in terms of months, such an infrastructure do not have the capability to satisfy economies of
scale. Logistically supporting localized production units which are more adaptive to real-time demand
signals depends on adaptability and speed of response. This brings forth the importance of a
transportation infrastructure relying on a network of decentralized modular systems which coordinate
rail, maritime and highway systems through sophisticated IT replacing linear transportation
infrastructure systems.
In principle, the Asian Highway System presents immense opportunities to Asian and non-Asian
multinational firms to develop rapid-response post-fordist supply chains. In a post-fordist environment,
decentralized modular systems and tight coupling are employed to reduce warehousing and increase the
integration between elements of the production and distribution systems in a complex network of
relationships (see Table 1). Such a system is demand-driven. The post-fordist supply chain adapts to
ongoing fluctuations at key demand and supply centers. The post-fordist transport function is tightly
coupled to the production and the distribution to minimize transit and warehousing delays (Rodriguez
TABLE 1: Fordist and Post-Fordist Supply Chains
Supply Chain Characteristics
Integration of production,
distribution, and sales
Transportation delays
Stocks and inventories
Fordist Supply Chains
very loosely coupled
Post-Fordist Supply Chains
Continuous, tightly coupled
Long delays and long
lead times
Short delays and lead times:
aiming for decentralized modular
supply chains
Small stocks, maintained at
supply-side logistics centers
Large, extensive
Demand expectations
Idealistic: stable and
Product form
Standardized, mass
produced and marketed
Sources of efficiency
Economies of scale in
transport and
Source: Authors’ research and conceptualization
Realistic: variable and flexible
Customized, often built-to-order
Cost reduction via inventory and
lead-time minimization
When AH-1 is substantially operational, for example, it may be possible for a firm like Sony or Toshiba
to establish an efficient, low-cost logistical hub in a location such as Vietnam to rapidly supply finished
goods as well as parts and subassemblies via flexible road transport – allowing any size loads, from a
single package all the way to a full container – to various locations in China, ASEAN, and India.
Similarly, a logistical hub in Istanbul, Turkey can service all of Central Asia, Caucasus region, the
Middle East, and southeastern EU, especially Greece where AH-1 can be connected to Europe and
North and West Africa.
In essence, a post-fordist system requires fast and efficient transport of relatively non-bulky components
sourced from different producing regions to be assembled according to the prevalent demand patterns in
the consuming region. AH-1 offers multiple new possibilities for such post-fordist production,
distribution, and demand management. To the extent AH-1 and other transnational Asian highways
become operational and efficient, Asian and other companies would be able to operate distributed,
flexible, and market-responsive supply chains and logistical hubs in ways that simply are not possible
under a maritime transport regime (see Table 2).
FIGURE 1: The Asian Highway System, with AH-1 Emphasized
TABLE 2: Supply Chains With and Without Asian Highway System: Illustrative Case of a Japanese MNC
Serving Global Markets
Supply Chain
Multimodal Supply Chains: Maritime and
Supply Chains
Asian Highways (especially AH-1)
Factory (assembly
Yokohama (Japan),
Yokohama (Japan), Sinuiju (N. Korea),
plant) locations
Guangzhou (China),
Guangzhou (China), Da Nang (Vietnam),
Tennessee (USA)
Dhaka (Bangladesh), New Delhi (India),
Teheran (Iran), Istanbul (Turkey),
Thessaloniki (Greece)
Pireaus (Greece)
Hong Kong,
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Long Beach (USA)
Lisbon (Portugal)
Long Beach (USA)
Stocks and
Minimal; Flexible JIT deliveries from nearest
assembly plant
Main Global
USA, Some EU,
North America, Europe: EU and non-EU,
Eastern China
Central Asia, Middle East, India and South
Asia, China, Russia, ASEAN
Shipping Methods
Container Ships, then
Mostly Road-based, Container Ships for North
2-6 weeks
1-7 days
Lead Times
Order Quantities
Usually Full Container
Any quantity, even single items
Load (FCL)
Major Global Shipping
Major Global Shipping Lines; Plus Flexible
Third-Party (3PL) and Fourth-Party (4PL)
Logistical Service Providers
Source: Authors’ research and conceptualization
The realization of the implied multimodal supply chain benefits, illustrated in Table 2, is contingent on
how the geopolitical situations along the AH-1 route unfold in the coming years.
With the continuing build out of the assorted segments of AH-1, positive network externalities could be
triggered. It is well known that in a telecommunications or Internet network, as the network expands
with additional nodes, branches, and users; the entire value of the network increases – as a whole and to
each user (Hellofs and Jacobson 1999, Katz and Shapiro 1985, Katz and Shapiro 1986). Similarly, as
more areas become reachable by road-transport options provided via the Asian Highway system, the
network externality effects would kick in, and the entire AH-rail-port logistical network would become
increasingly more valuable. Ongoing construction efforts to connect all regions along AH-1 route would
serve to boost trade, travel, and business growth along the route and amongst the various countries that
AH-1 crosses.
A major necessary condition for these positive externalities to occur, however, is the issue of
compatibility. Similar to the structuring of airlines, efficiencies are only achieved when one carrier can
offload to another with a minimum of effort (Brueckner and Spiller1991). Along AH-1, the ability to ply
trucks across multiple borders, with minimum transshipment, would help to boost the externality of the
To expedite the creation of a homogeneous transport system along AH-1, free and equal negotiations
involving all AH-1 nations may not necessarily be the most efficient method (Perrot 1993). Larger
economies (e.g., Japan, China, and India) should agree on mutually compatible standards – not just for
construction aspects but also for “soft” areas such as border-crossing protocols and GPS/sat-nav tracking
methods. These larger economic powers could then use diplomatic means and economic incentives to
persuade smaller countries – such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Turkmenistan – to accept such
standards. While perhaps taking longer to implement, all affected countries along the highway, should
conduct a dialogue to determine the most effective transport standards for all stakeholders (Farrell and
Saloner 1988).
Having said this, however, not all standards should necessarily be dictated by governmental directives.
Rather, country level cooperation should also permeate into private enterprise, with extensive inputs
being sought from the firms that would conduct the actual traffic and trading. Once again, with its huge
base of MNCs, Japan should involve its private corporate sector intimately in developing the standards
and operating procedures for AH-1. It would make sense, for example, for Toyota to provide inputs so
that its various assembly plants in diverse countries along AH-1 can link up easily via rationalized
logistics/supply chains. Through “co-opetition” between companies, many operating aspects of AH-1
could be more readily implemented as de facto standards, such as which language(s) to conduct business
in (Brandenburger and Nalebuff 1996). Companies that wish to take advantage of the new logistics and
supply chain options emerging from the supplementary road-based transport mode possibilities of the
Asian Highway system would have to be prepared with flexible and contingent ways of supply chain
development and management (Kumar 2001).
For the operationalization of new road-based infrastructures, such as that promised by AH-1, and the
creation of innovative post-fordist supply chains and logistical systems that take advantage of the AH-1
route spanning the entire Asian continent from Tokyo to Istanbul, we need a framework that develops
and integrates macro and micro level policies in a stepwise fashion. The IREDOP framework, outlined
in Table 3, lays out stages – requiring public policies and private strategies evolving in tandem – to
convert the implied supply chain benefits of AH-1 into reality.
There are, however, specific sources of risk associated with the Asian Highway system, and especially
AH-1. Some major sources of risk are:
Vast disparities in income levels and economic growth rates along the AH-1 route, making it
difficult to achieve anything resembling uniform standards of road maintenance, service levels, and
security/safety of transport.
Pockets of stark underdevelopment along AH-1, creating uncertain and dangerous conditions for
traffic traversing through these pockets.
To the extent AH-1 becomes a major engine of economic change, radical transformations from
agrarian (or even hunting-gathering) economies manufacturing/services economy could occur vary
rapidly, causing massive social and political upheavals.
Fundamental differences in culture, language, religion, and food could engender different political
and economic goals – and spawn conflicts.
TABLE 3: Stages in Developing New Supply Chains Utilizing AH-1
What needs to be done
Entities involved in
order of priority
Manufacturing and trading companies seeking to utilize AH-1 have to
Manufacturing firms,
identify products – raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished
Trading firms,
products – that would be moving across land borders. Major sources
(origins), destinations, and possible transshipment junctions should be
companies, Governments
mapped out.
For cross-border links to be operational, all potential conflicting political,
economic, and legal implications of mass volume cross-border trade must be
resolved. Since this is a time consuming process relying on diplomacy and
intergovernmental negotiations, it should start in parallel with the
“identification” stage.
Several estimations must be made prior to the commencement of cross-
Manufacturing firms,
border road-based trade:
Trading firms,
Quantity and mix of goods that would be transported per period (say
every month)
Traffic flow rate and peak and off-peak times
Average vehicle speeds across borders, including time spent at border
Potential night halt locations
Potential locations of customs-bonded warehouses and transshipment
Special needs such as for refrigerated “cold logistics links”
Taking all these into account, estimating the return on investment (ROI)
for fleet operators and cross-border transporting firms
Development of the hard infrastructure – highways, border posts, rest areas,
Governments, telecom
fueling stations, etc. Also, development of soft infrastructure such as
and IT companies,
GPS/sat-nav tracking and mobile communication networks.
Energy companies,
Hotel industry
Commencement of road-based cross-border operations by traders and
Manufacturing firms,
companies setting up post-fordist supply and logistics chains.
Trading firms,
Generating local participation and encouraging contributions of villages,
Small Businesses,
cities, and businesses along AH-1 for the ongoing support, security, and
Regional Trade
viability of these supply chains.
Associations, Local and
National Police Forces
Source: Authors’ research
While the economic benefits to major corporations from the post-fordist integration and flexibility
afforded by AH-1 are obvious, the overall social impact and economic welfare implications are less
clear-cut. Those with critical views of post-fordist production and distribution systems argue that – in
these new style production systems – there is a shift in power from workers to large multinational
corporations, which often results in declining wages and welfare standards (Rahman 2003). It is also
likely that the ultimate gainers would be consumers in advanced nations, enjoying benefits of low prices;
and giant retail enterprises with global supply chains (such as Wal-Mart); rather than newly emergent
Asian multinationals or Asian small and midsize firms.
The creation of distributed supply chain networks along the length of AH-1 have the potential for
boosting cross-border trade, reducing income disparities across the regions along the AH-1 route, and
triggering off a Keynesian multiplier effect – leading to improvements in consumption, employment,
productive skills, and other socioeconomic factors. To the extent the conditions for “peace and
cooperation” can be maintained, AH-1 and its connections to the E-routes can become the foundation of
a new wave of economic miracles.
Therefore, creating viable major land-rail-sea transport corridors between Asia and Europe as alternative
options to traditional sea routes for multimodal operations will basically boost the economies involved.
Although, at a first glance Greece seems to be a loser in this project since it has a dominant position
within traditional sea routes, AH-1 may have great potential for boosting its position as a maritime hub
connecting Asia to Europe, and North and West Africa.
Another important implication of AH-1 for Turkey and Greece would be to find alternative opportunities
for financing the development of new industries and transportation systems. We have mentioned in the
previous lines that industrial production systems are witnessing some major transformations requiring a
network organization of supply chain logistics. As the nation with the longest experience and deepest
knowledge of postfordist production systems, Japan is in a strong position to become a disseminator of
such knowledge to involved enterprises and populations. Also, as World’s preeminent nation in terms of
surplus available capital, Japan can contribute substantially to the huge expense of developing the hard
and the soft infrastructure for the construction and operation of supply chain networks. Involvement of
Japan to this project means more finance opportunities at competitive interest rates and will provide
Turkey and Greece with more negotiation power towards other sources. Evidence of such a role by
Japan is already evident in India, where Japan is providing massive assistance to upgrade India’s highly
inadequate internal highway and port infrastructure.
Turkey and Greece’s cooperation with Japan around the AH-1 project may also benefit the EU to
implement policies for a radical transformation of its economy and society towards the directions
required by globalization and the new knowledge economy. The Lisbon Agenda (2000) sets
fundamental objectives for the future of EU as pursuing economic reforms to prepare for the knowledge
economy and strengthening the European social model by investing in people. Japan’s know-how in
combining knowledge economy with network types of organization may serve EU to reach the first one
of these objectives. Furthermore, the private sector may benefit from the alternative finance
opportunities provided by Japan, facilitating EU and individual governments to concentrate more on
social policies. Multiplier effect contributed by the AH-1 project may relieve the “enlargement fatigue”
of the EU and may facilitate the integration of new members.
International supply chains of Asian firms have to evolve from a maritime, Pacific-facing model to a
more comprehensive model that incorporates multiple modes of transport and reaches deep into Asia.
Galloping intra-Asia trade demands this, and the gradually evolving Asian Highway system presents
some opportunities to Asian and European firms to establish flexible, customized, market-oriented
supply/logistics chains that can reach deeper into many more Asian markets than is possible under
current conditions. Such supply chains can also provide fast and alternate road-based Euro-Asian links,
in some cases saving up to 70% of the time spent by goods on ships.
In particular, AH-1 presents a unique opportunity to link the farthermost eastern and western ends of
Asia – Tokyo and Istanbul– via a land-based artery that winds its way through all the major economic
centers of emerging Asia. Greece appears as a major hub for bridging AH-1 to Europe through maritime
routes. When AH-1 is substantially operational, Japanese and other Asian firms would be able to craft
out efficient logistical hubs at various strategic locations along AH-1, and serve much of Asia and
Europe in flexible, low-cost ways. Pireaus port may serve as a gateway to Europe, North and West
Africa, and further to North America within this system.
As the Asian Highway system takes shape, besides the need for continuous and intense governmentlevel and corporate-level efforts, academic research enterprise would also need to reorient to study the
new patterns of competition and supply chain logistics enabled by such land-based transport
infrastructure. We hope this paper contributes by motivating further academic research and policy
oriented thinking focusing on new patterns of Euro-Asian supply chain logistics.
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Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
George Economakis
Maria Markaki
Panayotis Michaelides
University of the Aegean
Chios, Greece
National Technical University
Athens, Greece
National Technical University
Athens, Greece
Abstract. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the role of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet in the
building of Middle East oil sea transportation network. Meanwhile, we examine the factors that affect, both, the
magnitude and the modernisation of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet that operates in the area. In this context, the
paper investigates the factors that presumably influence the magnitude and the average age that, practically,
expresses the rate of upgrading and modernising the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet. The paper uses regression
models which test for the significance of these factors. The empirical results show that crucial factors which
influence the magnitude and the average age of the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet that is active in the Middle
East are the macroeconomic environment of the country, and the EU framework as well as the volume of
seaborne trade of crude oil in the area.
Keywords: Greece, Middle East, sea transportation, oil tanker fleet, modernisation.
Crude oil constitutes an important energy resource to the international economic system, and at the same
time it functions as raw material and intermediate good for the chemical and plastic industries. The
strategic importance of oil depends, primarily, on two factors: the quantity of crude oil reserves and the
availability of these reserves. Since oil transportation, globally, is dominated by seaborne trade, the
strategic importance of oil accentuates, in turn, the strategic importance of oil tanker fleet. As we know,
the great majority of oil reserves are to be found in the Persian Gulf. However, their accessibility is very
limited and it is made possible only through hazardous routes. Japan and Europe are the most
susceptible geopolitical areas in the supply of crude oil. Given that the main volume of crude oil
reserves is to be found in the Middle East, its oil transportation by sea routes is of great importance for
the integration of the international network transportation system, especially that of Middle East Europe - Japan (Ioakeimoglou and Milios 1991).
The purpose of the present paper is to examine the role of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet in the
building of Middle East oil network sea transportation, while attempting to examine the factors that
affect the magnitude and the modernisation of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet operating in the area. In
other words, the present paper empirically tests for the factors that presumably influence the magnitude
and the age of the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet with the aid of the relevant econometric techniques.
The paper is structured as follows: in section 2 we present some stylized facts about the Greek fleet; in
section 3 we examine the factors that presumably influence the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker
fleet in the Middle East; in section 4 we examine the factors that presumably influence the
modernisation of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet in the area; finally, section 5 concludes the paper.
According to Shipping Statistics and Market Review (1997-2006), in 2005 Greece controlled nearly
18% of the world's fleet and, in particular, 19% of the world tanker’s fleet by tonnage. The country
specializes in oil tankers and carriers that transport bulk commodities. Also, in 2005 the fleet controlled
by the Greek tanker owners had increased by 40% since 1997, while over the same period the total
world tanker fleet had increased by only 21.7% (Shipping Statistics and Market Review, 1997-2006).
With the exception of cargo and passenger ships, increases were noted in all categories, while the largest
increases are, among other categories, in oil tankers. However, the Greek fleet has embarked on a
renewal program with a significant number of new-building orders and purchases of more modern
vessels.1 More specifically, according to the Shipping Statistics and Market Review (2002-2006) the
average age of the Greek controlled fleet continued to decrease during the past years (from 19.6 in 2002
to 17.7 ages in 2005) as was the case with the Greek controlled tanker fleet (18.4 in 2002 to 14.4 ages in
2005) and thus came closer to the average age of the world fleet, i.e. 17.4 and 15.3 in 2005 respectively.
On the other hand, the average age of the existing Greek flagged fleet (from 18 in 2002 to 14.2 in 2005)
and Greek flagged tanker fleet (from 16.7 in 2002 to 11.1 in 2005) has slightly decreased (Shipping
Statistics and Market Review, 2002-2006).
Finally, the Greek oil tanker fleet has increased significantly as percentage of the world’s oil tanker fleet
since 1997 (from 16.6% in 2002, to 19.9% in 2005) a fact that underlines the crucial strategic role of
Greek oil tanker fleet in the international oil network sea transportation2 (Shipping Statistics and Market
Review, 1997-2006).
TABLE 1: World and Greek Owned Fleet, World and Greek Owned Oil Tanker Fleet (selected years)
Greek owned Greek owned
Greek owned
Greek owned
World’s oil
oil tanker
oil tanker
World fleet
fleet share
tanker fleet
fleet's share
Source: Shipping Statistics and Market Review, various volumes 1997-2006
Notes: * Authors’ elaboration
Inasmuch as the main volume of crude oil reserves is to be found in the Middle East, the role of Greek
However, the continual change in regulations has created a strict environment for vessels and shipping companies since they
have to comply with higher quality and specification standards and more rigorous inspections. In this context, there is
tendency towards fewer and larger tanker companies which are in a position to invest in younger vessels and new-buildings
(C.E.C. 2001).
And in the international network sea transportation in general as well, since already at the beginning of 1960s the volume of
seaborne oil has overcome the total amount of any other load (Thanopoulou 1994: 46).
oil tanker fleet is strategically crucial in the building of Middle East, and thus international, oil network
sea transportation: the magnitude of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet indicates the importance of Greek
controlled shipping in the building of Middle East and international oil network sea transportation.3 But
at the same time, the Middle East oil production (the load of oil that is being transported by sea routes in
the area) exerts impact on Greek controlled oil tanker fleet, on the magnitude of Greek owned oil tanker
fleet that operates in the area and on the modernisation of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet in general and
in particular of that part of it operating in the Middle East (decrease of middle age: the age of fleet
constitutes a very important characteristic of the fleet’s performance). It is a matter of negative relation
to the role that Greek controlled oil tanker fleet plays in the building of Middle East oil network sea
However, except for the linkage between Greek controlled oil tanker fleet and Middle East oil
production, our findings underline the significance that the Greek social formation holds in the
advancement of Greek controlled shipping and especially in the fleet’s modernisation. This means that
the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet (and therefore that part of it operating in the Middle East) is affected
by the economic dynamic of Greek social formation (as this is roughly expressed through Greek
G.D.P.). Our findings also show the impact of the E.U. environment (expressed through E.U. real
interest rate) in the growth of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet that operates in the Middle East.4
In our investigation we use hypothesis testing with linear regressions which is appropriate for the
purposes of the present analysis.5 Also, it should be noted that the time series analysis was subject to
data availability.
The “cross-trading” character of Greek navigation (see Thanopoulou 1998), underlines its strategically crucial role in the
building of the Middle East and international oil network sea transportation.
For a microeconomic approach to world shipping, and in particular tanker fleets, based on the theoretical notion of
equilibrium between supply and demand see Beenstock & Vergottis (1993, ch. 5).
In our analysis we make the assumption that the independent variables we use do not depend on any other variables. Such
an investigation (of the dependence of the – independent – variables we use on any other variables) would be extraneous to
the theoretical or empirical scope of this paper. Thus, we do not use a system-of-equations approach for the empirical
estimation of the model.
3.1. The hypotheses
In order to investigate the factors that presumably influence the magnitude of the Greek owned tanker
fleet which is involved in the Middle East crude oil trade we use hypothesis testing:
The first hypothesis is that the Middle East oil production (the load of oil that is being transported by sea
routes in the area) exerts a positive impact on the magnitude of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet that
operates in the area. This hypothesis could be viewed as the result of a broader assumption, namely that,
in the long run, the world production (and demand) determines ceteris paribus the volume of the
transportation services (that is the volume of the carriers that intermediate between production and
consumption), and especially the volume of the merchant fleet, inasmuch as it determines the amount of
freights, that is the revenue of ship-owners (see Thanopoulou 1994: 152-153). More precisely, the
magnitude of the world oil trade (the seaborne trade of crude oil and oil products) determines the
relevant (and corresponding to it) magnitude of the sea transportation, i.e. fleets of oil tankers, both at a
national and international level (see Economakis et al 2003).
The second hypothesis is that the (average) E.U. real interest rate (as expression of the cost of capital in
the E.U. macroeconomic environment) has a negative impact on the growth of Greek controlled
shipping that operates in the Middle East.6 This assumption is based on the traditional Keynesian
framework (see e.g. Milios et al 2000: 415), according to which the interest rate, as a measure of the cost
of capital, should affect decisions to invest. The direction of this impact is well documented to be
negative (see e.g. Dornbusch and Fischer 1990: ch. 9; Milios et al 2000: ch. 9) in the sense that, the
lower the interest rate is, the higher the present value of the cash flows is. At the same time, interest rate,
as part of the cost of capital, aggravates the profits of firms and therefore, given the fact that firms
Instead of the (average) E.U. real interest rate which is the typical expression of the cost of capital in the E.U.
macroeconomic environment, the Eurolibor could have been alternatively used. It expresses the global interest reference rate
(benchmark) used throughout the capital and derivatives markets. However, its use is limited as a macroeconomic variable,
since investment expectations and decisions are not based on it, and especially in the shipping sector. This is due to the fact that
Euro libor rate is fixed once a day by a small group of large banks and fluctuates throughout the day. Actually, at this interest rate
banks borrow funds from other banks in the London interbank market. Euro LIBOR exists mainly for continuity purposes in swaps
dating back to pre-euro times and is not commonly used (Investopedia, 2007).
borrow to (partly) finance their investments, we may affirm the thesis that the lower the interest rate, the
more favourable these acts of investment are.
However, empirical studies have shown that although the effect that the interest rate has on investment
is statistically significant, the investment is inelastic with respect to interest rate (e.g. Petraki-Kotti 1996;
Michaelides et al 2005). However, this second hypothesis is based on the fact that “maritime capitals
circulate in the first place from European credit and banking institutions” (Kachris : internet). That is the
reason why we use average E.U. real interest rate as a measure of the cost of capital that affects
maritime investment decisions of Greek capitalists.
Finally, there are two key assumptions related to our investigation. First, we assume that the Greek shipowners lease their ships with no specific preference for sea routes7 and, second, we assume that there is
no differentiation in the order of magnitude (tonnage) of the oil tankers that operate in the various sea
routes. Given these assumptions we will test the hypothesis that the Greek oil tankers which are
involved in the Middle East oil trade follow (or are determined by) the proportion of the crude oil
seaborne trade of this area to the world’s crude oil seaborne trade.
3.2. The data and the variables
The data is on annual basis and covers the period 1997-2006. The data time series for the magnitude of
Greek owned oil tanker fleet and seaborne crude oil trade from the Middle East comes from various
volumes of the annual edition “Shipping Statistics and Market Review” published by I.S.L. (Institute of
Shipping Economics and Logistics). The macroeconomic data about the average E.U. interest rate comes
from the “Statistical Annex of European Economy” published by the European Commission.
Or, in other words, “the Greek navigation takes traditionally action in the sector of TRAMP navigation” (Thanopoulou
1994: 67, see also 29).
TABLE 2: Crude Oil Seaborne Trade and Greek Owned Oil Tanker Fleet Involved in the Middle East (selected
World’s crude oil
Crude oil seaborne
Middle East’s
Greek owned oil
seaborne trade
trade from Middle East
crude oil seaborne
tanker fleet involved in
(million tons)
(million tons)
trade share (%)
Middle East (dwt)*
Source: Shipping Statistics and Market Review, various volumes 1997-2006
Notes: * Authors’ elaboration
TABLE 3: EU real interest rate (selected years)
Source: Statistical Annex οf European Economy, 2006
Dependent variable:
The dependent variable, magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet in year t, is measured in
deadweight ton (dwt).
Independent variables:
The independent variable, Seaborne Crude Oil Trade from Middle East in year t, is measured in
million tons.
The independent variable, EU average real interest rate in year t, is given as a percentage (%).
3.3. Empirical Results
As we have already said, our analysis tests for the significance of the factors, which presumably
influence the magnitude of the Greek owned tanker fleet which is involved in the Middle East crude oil
trade. The relationship is assumed to be linear, and we use a time-series data set for the time period
1997-2006. The results of the regression analysis demonstrated no evidence of serious multicollinearity
among the independent variables, so in the basic specification we use all of them simultaneously. Also,
the DW-statistic does not provide evidence of autocorrelation of the residuals.
Specifically, the basic model for estimating the Greek owned oil tanker fleets’ magnitude is:
TF t = f (OIL t , i t )
TF t = Magnitude of the Greek owned tanker fleet involved in Middle East in year t
OILt = Seaborne Crude Oil Trade from Middle East in year t
it = Average EU Real Interest Rate in year t
f : Linear Function
Table 4 presents the regression results.
The estimated coefficients are statistically significant and the regression explains 0.894 of the variability
of the Greek tanker fleet involved in Middle East. Also a constant term is included because omission of
this term might bias the results substantially. The signs of the estimated coefficients are consistent with
the theoretical framework presented above, since the increases in the seaborne crude oil trade from
Middle East lead to increases in the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the
area. Meanwhile, the decreases in E.U. real interest rate favour the maritime market, that is, in what we
investigate here, investments aiming at the increase in the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet
that operates in the Middle East.
TABLE 4: Regression Results on the Determinants of the Magnitude of Greek Oil Tanker Fleet Operating in
Middle East, 1997-2006
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Notes: * Significance at the 1% level or higher
An interesting observation is that the interest rate affects the magnitude of the fleet but not its
modernisation (see also below). This is a logical outcome of the fact that the growth of the fleet does not
imply in any case the purchase of new vessels. On the contrary, the purchases of second-hand vessels
“were the spinal column and the vaulting horse”, particularly, for (the competitiveness of) Greek ship
owning (Thanopoulou 1994: 143, 152-155).
We must point out that the age as a “structural fleet characteristic” seems “to have a potential two-edge
impact on shipping competitiveness” (Thanopoulou 1998: 364). On the one hand, for a given constant
cost and given the payments and the “naval profession” of the crew (see Thanopoulou 1994: 144-145)
an aging fleet implies decreases in quality and competitiveness along with increases in the ship’s
variable operation/transportation costs (Economakis et al 2003). According to Thanopoulou (1998: 363,
366) an older fleet would involve higher “variable costs”, that is “higher voyage and operating costs”:
“higher fuel consumption” or “higher consumption/manning scales of older vessels”. Moreover, older
fleets are “more labour intensive”. On the other hand, “in a paradoxical way”, although “detrimental” for
the competitiveness of the fleet, in the case of Greek fleet “the old age…contributed largely to the
increased cash-flow resilience and availability of reserves of Greek shipping as its old vessels bought
second-hand and to a large extent paid-up had less or even nil financial obligations to lending
organizations” (Thanopoulou 1998: 364). In this way the Greek shipping confronts the oil crisis of the
decade of 1980 (see below).
A matter of great interest is the extent of change in the magnitude of Greek owned oil tanker fleet that
operates in the Middle East as a result of a change in the seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East, and
in E.U. real interest rate. In other words, we are interested in the elasticity of the magnitude of the Greek
owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the Middle East. Table 5 presents the average elasticity of the
Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the Middle East, with respect to the independent variables.
TABLE 5: Elasticities of Magnitude of Greek Oil Tanker Fleet Operating in the Middle East, 1997-2006
∂TF i
∂i TF
The average elasticity of the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in Middle East
with respect to the seaborne crude oil trade from the Middle East is 0.52, which means that for an
anticipated 1% increase in seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East, the magnitude of the Greek
owned oil tanker fleet that operates in Middle East will increase on average by 0.52%. It is obvious that
the magnitude of fleet is non-elastic with respect to seaborne crude oil trade from the Middle East. The
inelastic behaviour of the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet means that the magnitude
presents a smaller percentage change for a given percentage change in the seaborne crude oil trade from
Middle East. Therefore, although the effect which the seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East has on
the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the area is statistically significant, a
significant increase of seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East is required for a significant growth of
the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in Middle East (and vice-versa).
A possible explanation for this inelastic behaviour can be formed by building on the analysis of Milios
and Ioakeimoglou (1991-b). Investigating the impact of the oil crises of the 1980s and the consequent
reduction of the world oil trade in the tonnage of the world and Greek owned oil tankers fleet, they
suggest that the fact that the tonnage of world oil tankers had decreased while the tonnage of Greek
owned oil tankers had increased is due to the processes of concentration of the world oil tanker tonnage
in the hands of the big maritime companies, among which belong the Greek shipowners (as one might
expect: “Increased acquisitions of second-hand tonnage were on the basis of this increase” –
Thanopoulou 1998: 364.) The trend towards concentration of maritime capital as long as it was activated
by the reduction of world oil trade, during the 1980s, in a way, interrupts (or counteracts to) the positive
relation between the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker and the seaborne crude oil trade during
the investigated period, inasmuch they have led to an oversupply of Greek owned oil tanker fleet’s
tonnage. This oversupply during the crisis period is expressed through this inelastic behaviour of the
magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet of the examined period with respect to the seaborne crude
oil trade.
The elasticity of the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the Middle East with
respect to the real E.U. interest rate is -0.186, which means that for an anticipated 1% decrease in real
E.U. interest rate, the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in Middle East will
increase on average by 0.186%. It is then also obvious that the magnitude of the fleet is non-elastic with
respect to real E.U. interest rate, as expected. The inelastic behaviour of the magnitude of the Greek
owned oil tanker fleet means that the magnitude of the fleet presents a smaller percentage change for a
given percentage change in the real E.U. interest rate. Therefore, although the effect which the real E.U.
interest rate has on the magnitude of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in Middle East is
statistically significant, a change in real E.U. interest rate will, practically, have a very limited effect on
shipping investments, since these investment are non-elastic with respect to interest rate.
4.1. The hypotheses
We turn now to the investigation of the factors that presumably influence the modernisation (i.e.
decrease in the average age) of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet. We also make two hypotheses:
The first one is that the Middle East oil production (the load of oil that is being transported by sea routes
in the area) not only exerts a positive impact on the magnitude of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet that
operates in the area but also exerts a positive impact on the modernisation (and thus in the
competitiveness – see above) of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet (decrease of middle age as the load of
oil that is being transported by sea routes in the area augments).
This hypothesis is also a result of a broader assumption, namely that the world production (and demand)
determines ceteris paribus the modernisation of the transportation services, and especially the
modernisation of the merchant fleet. More precisely, the magnitude of the world oil trade (the seaborne
trade of crude oil and oil products) determines the modernisation of the sea transportation, i.e. fleets of
oil tankers, both at a national and international level, inasmuch as it ensures or not (as a market of
freights) the realization of the value invested in new vessels. This realization of value invested in new
vessels becomes particularly crucial for oil tanker fleets since, according to MARPOL and ΟΡΑ’s 90
regulations, the new building oil tankers must dispose after 1996 (MARPOL) or 1994 (ΟΡΑ 90) double
hulls, while all non-double hulls oil tankers must be taken off at the latest until 2015 (see also American
Bureau Of Shipping, internet site; Ferrel internet site; Gibson 1997; Unites States Coast Guard, internet
site; Thanopoulou 1998: 367). However, this does not mean that before the terminal dates the secondhand oil tanker vessels will be out of demand. Besides, this is why, as we have noted above, interest rate
does not affect the modernisation of oil tankers fleet.
The second assumption is that the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet (and therefore that part of it operating
in the Middle East) not only affects the Greek social formation,8 but it is also affected by the conditions
of reproduction of the Greek social formation, as they are roughly expressed through Greek G.D.P. This
assumption is based on the theoretical argument (see Milios and Ioakeimoglou 1991a; Milios and
Ioakeimoglou 1991b) that the Greek society produces and reproduces in expanded scale, and in the
frame of the overall historic social reproduction of Greek social formation, the social relations and the
social carriers of Greek navigation, producing-reproducing thus the corresponding productive forces (the
modernisation- competitiveness of oil tankers fleet in our case); this is done either directly (the case of
Greek flag fleet) or indirectly (the case of Greek owned fleet under flag of convenience). These relations
and carriers do not simply express the “pure” capital dominance, but a capital dominance which
embodies the historicity of “naval profession”, as a historical element of (the capitalist reproduction of)
“Shipping influences the economy… both Greek shipowners and seamen remit, in the form of foreign exchange inflow,
funds into the economy for various reasons. […] Thus, shipping was and still is a sector that has helped the Greek Balance of
Payment to balance” (Goulielmos 1997: 247-248).
Greek social formation: the skills of seafarers;9 the “business acumen” of Greek ship-owners, as the
historical product of capitalist dynamic which led to neo-Greek state through the dissolution of Asian
relations of production (see Milios 2000); the articulation of sailoring as a factor of class emergence and
complexness within the productive and class structure of Greek social formation, which is
capitalistically reproduced, producing and reproducing its structural class and historical elements.10 So,
insofar as the expanded reproduction of the Greek capitalism (as it is historically formed) is linked with
the expanded reproduction of Greek navigation, the latter’s reproduction is based on (and it is affected
by) the overall conditions of national capitalist development, inasmuch as the former prompt the
socioeconomic environment towards the reproduction of its vital elements.
In our analysis we assumed, implicitly, that there is no differentiation in the average age of the Greek
owned oil tankers that operate in the various sea routes. Thus, our conclusions have simultaneously a
general and a specific dimension (factors that affect the modernisation of Greek owned oil tankers and
therefore that part of it operating in the Middle East).
4.2. The data and the variables
The data is on annual basis and covers the period 1997-2006. The time series for the age come from
various volumes of the annual edition “Shipping Statistics and Market Review” published by the
Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL). The macroeconomic data on Greek G.D.P. comes
from the “Statistical Annex of European Economy” published by the European Commission.
If one aspect of the seafarer’s skill is historically spontaneous (pertaining to the historic past) the other is rather a conscious
consequence of this Greek naval historicity: “Greek shipowners since 1973 accepted to help the Greek state to run nautical
schools…through the so-called Marines Education Fund” (Goulielmos 1997: 249). Thus, in spite of the “reduction in
nationality requirements for Greek flag vessels […] the importance of Greek seafarers for sustaining a pool of maritime
knowledge cannot be underestimated” (Thanopoulou 1998: 371-372).
According to Union of Greek Ship-owners “Shipping can enable one to raise a small capital very fast through one’s wages
and it can enable one to sign off and start a new job or business of his own on shore at a very early age” (cited in Goulielmos
1997: 250). But, this is a case of emergence of simple commodity production and of traditional petite-bourgeoisie under
capital dominance, and of articulation of a non-capitalist form of production within the capitalist system of production (see
Economakis 2000).
TABLE 6: Average Age of the Greek Owned Oil tanker fleet (selected years)
Source: Shipping Statistics and Market Review, various volumes 1997-2006
TABLE 7 Greek GDP at constant 2000 prices (selected years)
Billions of
Source: Statistical Annex οf European Economy 2006
Dependent variable:
The dependent variable, average age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet in year t, is measured in
Independent variables:
The independent variable, Seaborne Crude Oil Trade from the Middle East in year t, is measured
in million tons.
The independent variable, Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P.) of Greece in year t, is measured in
billions of Euros.
4.3. Empirical Results
The analysis tests for the significance of the factors, which presumably influence the age of the Greek
owned tanker fleet that is involved in the Middle East crude oil trade. The relationship is assumed to be
linear, and we use a time-series data set for the time period 1997-2006. The results of the regression
analysis demonstrated no evidence of serious multicollinearity among the independent variables, so in
the basic specification we use all of them simultaneously. Also, the DW statistic does not provide
evidence of autocorrelation of the residuals.
Specifically, the basic model for estimating the Greek owned oil tanker fleets’ magnitude is:
AGE t = f (OIL t , Y t )
AGE t : Average age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet involved in the Middle East in year t
OILt : Seaborne Crude Oil Trade from Middle East in year t
Yt : Gross Domestic Product of Greece in year t
f : Linear Function
Table 8 presents the regression results.
The estimated coefficients are statistically significant and the regression explains a very high 0.928 of
the variability of the average age of the Greek oil tanker fleet (and therefore that part of it operating in
the Middle East). The signs of the estimated coefficients are consistent with expectations, since the
increase of the seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East decreases the age of the Greek owned oil
tanker fleet and the increase in Greek G.D.P. favours the modernisation of the Greek owned oil tanker
fleet (while, as we have noted, the interest rate does not affect oil tankers fleet’s modernisation).
TABLE 8: Regression Results on the Determinants of the Average Age of the Greek Oil Tanker Fleet, 1997-2006
Std. Error of the Estimate
Notes: * Significance at the 1% level or higher
A matter of great interest is the change in the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet as a result of a
change in the seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East, and in Greek G.D.P. In other words, we are
interested in the elasticity of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet. Table 9 presents the average
elasticity of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet (and therefore that part of it that operates in the
Middle East), with respect to the independent variables.
TABLE 9: Elasticities of the Average Age of the Greek Oil Tanker Fleet, 1997-2006
The elasticity of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker with respect to the seaborne crude oil trade from
Middle East is -0.883, which means that for an anticipated 1% increase in seaborne crude oil trade from
Middle East, the average age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in Middle East will
decrease on average by 0.883%. It is obvious that the age of fleet is non-elastic with respect to seaborne
crude oil trade from Middle East. The inelastic behaviour of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet
means that the age presents a smaller percentage change for a given percentage change in the seaborne
crude oil trade from Middle East. Therefore, although the effect which the seaborne crude oil trade from
Middle East has on the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet is statistically significant, a significant
increase of seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East is required for a significant reduction of the age
(modernisation) of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet.
The elasticity of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the Middle East with respect
to Greek G.D.P. is -0.393, which means that for an anticipated 1% decrease in Greek G.D.P., the age of
the Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the Middle East will decrease, on average, by 0.393%.
It is obvious that the age of the fleet is also non-elastic with respect to Greek G.D.P. The inelastic
behaviour of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet means that the age of the fleet presents a
smaller percentage change for a given percentage change in the Greek G.D.P. Therefore, although the
effect which the Greek GDP has on the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet is statistically
significant, a significant increase of Greek G.D.P. is required for a significant reduction of the age
(modernisation) of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet.
Both these inelastic behaviours of the age of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet (and of its part operating
in the Middle East) with respect to the seaborne crude oil trade from Middle East and to Greek G.D.P.
pertains to the “paradoxical” significance (which we have tried to mark out in the previous analysis) that
secondhand vessels have to the competitiveness of Greek shipping (secondhand vessels as “the spinal
column and the vaulting horse” of the competitiveness of Greek ship-owning). More precisely, insofar
as the second-hand vessels – as an investment choice of Greek maritime capital – secures the dominant
world position of Greek ship-owning (increased cash-flow resilience, or even nil financial obligations to
lending organizations in a process of concentration of maritime capital), the dynamism of the factors
(independent variables) that could affect the modernisation of the oil tanker fleet (seaborne crude oil
trade from Middle East and Greek G.D.P) run down, so that a significant increase of them is required for
a significant reduction of average age (modernisation) of the Greek owned oil tanker fleet.
The purpose of the present paper was to examine the role of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet in the
building of Middle East and thus international oil network sea transportation by attempting to examine
the factors that affect the magnitude of Greek owned oil tanker fleet that operates in the area and the
modernisation of the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet (in general and in particular of that part of it that
operates in the Middle East).
In this framework, we empirically tested for the factors that presumably influence the magnitude and the
age of Greek controlled oil tanker fleet. More precisely, the paper used regression models which tested
for the significance of these factors. The empirical results indicated that crucial factors which influence
the magnitude and the average age of the Greek controlled oil tanker fleet are the macroeconomic
environment of the country, and the E.U. macroeconomic operational framework (expressed through
Greek G.D.P. and EU real interest rate, respectively) as well as the volume of seaborne trade of crude oil
in the area.
The authors wish to thank but not implicate Dr. Helen Thanopoulou who went out of her way to provide
us with constructive comments. Also, many thanks are due to the anonymous referees of this Journal for
comments that have helped us to improve the paper significantly.
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Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
Oral Erdogan11
Mehmet Hakan Sengoz12
Department of Business Administration
Istanbul Bilgi University
Istanbul, Turkey
Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences
Istanbul Bilgi University
Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract. This study focuses on forecasting world seaborne fleet and briefly assesses positions of Greek and
Turkish merchant fleet. It employs an Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) process as an econometric
modeling. Furthermore, the model includes interest rates, global trade indicators, inflation rates, stock markets
indices, and foreign currency parities as the explanatory variables. Consequently, it is obvious that shipyards and
fleet integration between Turkey and Greece will influence for good, especially regarding the cost of shipping and
shipbuilding, as a product of Turkey and Greece cooperation.
Keywords: Greek, Turkish, cooperation, Merchant fleet, forecasting
Corresponding Author; Professor of Finance at Istanbul Bilgi University, and an advisor to the Undersecretary of Maritime
Affairs, Turkish Prime Ministry; and to the Chairman of the Chamber of Shipping. Author is grateful to the participants of
the Chios Workshop titled “Cooperation, Security, Communication and Scientific Dissemination in Eastern Mediterranean”
April 14, 2007. E-mail:
[email protected]
Research Specialist in Capital Markets Certificate Program, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul
Bilgi University.
The cost of transportation is value for the economy. According to Adam Smith; final prices of goods
include transportation costs, hence transportation itself represents a division to the aggregate economy.
Freight rates, within the components of economy, are determined in conjunction with the demand and
supply in the world transportation markets. Greater need for transportation brings about changes in
freight rates. In addition, variations in supply or demand of shipping market may influence the direction
of freight rates, which are one of the leading indicators of growth in industrial production and/or
economic growth. In fact, freight may be classified as a cost for shippers, sales for carriers, expenditures
for consumers, primary indicator for academicians, and a financial tool to speculate or arbitrage or
hedge for finance.
From the perspective of maritime transport and international trade, Bendall and Stent (2003) argue that
shipping is a service sector with its demand related to changes in global trade situations and volumes.
Furthermore, Goulielmos & Psifia (2006) explain that the shipping industry with its 30000 world-wide
companies is one of the three most capital-intensive industries in the world, requiring 80 billion dollars
per annum for financing new buildings alone.
Historically, on international trade and economy subject, Price (1989) shows that trade growth, from
1660-1790, is dependent on development of a broad variety of credit operations, supported primarily by
big wholesalers and export merchants. Sicotte (1999) stresses that the shipping Act of 1916 created a
government-owned shipping company within the US. He presents that in 1914, the US merchant fleet
hardly carried 10% of its ocean-borne trade. By 1918 that share had risen to more than 40%. Fagerholt
(2004) explains the reasons for the growth that international trade has experienced a continuous increase
in standard of living. He also suggests that shipping should be the most-used transportation mode for
international trade and modest improvements in routing and in scheduling may result in large savings.
On the other hand, Juda (1981) raises a question regarding the economics of shipping. He questions that
the developing states are somewhat doubtful about the claims by the shipping lines of developed
countries that shipping is a low-profit, low return business. If that is so, they wonder, why do the
shipping lines stay in business?
Related to the literature on shipping markets, some researchers have also focused on the volatility of the
market. Harley (1988) explains that throughout the nineteenth century freight rates dramatically declined
because of the new industrial technology. Specifically, Tvedt (2003) claims that “adding time to-build”
will most likely create even larger cycles of freight rate. It is obvious that the freight rate volatility is
strongly correlated with the delays in the building time. Fusillo (2004) discusses that liner shipping
capacity is indeed fixed in the short term, which will lead to higher levels of volatility of freight rates
and, thus increasing the cost of international trade. On the other side, Matthews (2003) emphasizes that a
rise in ocean-shipping rates increase prices of commodities for consumers in the US.
Davies (1983) argues that in the cost structure of scheduled liner services high proportion of costs are
fixed and do not vary with changes in output and the persistent and valuable role of the liner conference
system in the servicing of world trade is likely to endure for many years.
Regarding the economic aspects of trade growth, Benham (2004) suggests that it is the issue of
sustainability of the oceans translated into how the future will evolve based on our actions or inactions
in the past and in the present. Such an action is investigated by Pires, et al (2005). They stress the
establishment of new shipyards, the modernization of existing ones and the recovery of the merchant
fleet (in Brazil) have been the subject of a severe national controversy. Goss (1965) discusses three
assertions as to whether nations with shortages of foreign currencies sometimes consider investment in
merchant shipping as a way of improving matters. However, Krugman (1995) shows that the most
apparent and also most controversial subject is the growth of low-wage manufactured exports. This
growth almost certainly has had some role in the growth both of unemployment in Europe and of; wage
inequality in the US. Finally, Kumar (2006) argues that China’s continuing economic growth and her
increasing trade surplus are the most important drivers of another solid year of shipping market
On forecasting shipping market, Stopford (1997) states that at their best; shipping market models are
educational in the sense that they help decision-makers to understand what could happen in simple
graphical ways, but when it comes to predicting what will really happen, they could be insignificant.
Following this section, the second chapter gives the explanation of the model. After introducing the data
and methodology in section three, we give the main finding in section four. Finally, section five
Regarding with many related studies, we accept that changes in the world seaborne fleet gross tonnage
are correlated with changes in volume of world trade.
fleet ⇔ trade
In a simple model; in two consecutive time periods, if the change in the volume of trade between two
countries (A and B), freight rates and other operational costs are constant, capacity of ships will stay
constant. On contrary, if there is an increase in the volume of traded goods (assuming all other costs are
constant), with a constant freight rate, supply of ships are expected to increase eventually. Hence,
volume of world trade will change depending on the production levels and world merchant fleet
tonnage. Of course, the monetary value relationship between those two countries (payer of the freight
and receiver of the freight payment) should be considered carefully.
Furthermore, according to the rational expectations in financial markets, investors can anticipate future
outcomes of the economy. Thus, fleet tonnage vis-à-vis stock markets returns should be correlated.
According to the Dow’s theory, stock market returns are leading factors to forecast economic growth.
So, in case that there is a relationship between fleet tonnage and world trade, a model of fleet tonnage as
a function of stock markets is also defended.
Fleet t ⇔ Tradet
Tradet ⇔ Stockmarket t − k
Fleet t ⇔
Stockmarke t t − k
Change in fleet gross tonnage is the consequence of numerous factors. These factors are as follows;
economic growth, change in industrial production levels, change in bunker rates, preceding changes in
freight, “mobile average” of freight changes, “benchmark stock market” return, other factors. Besides,
world seaborne fleet, which has grown dramatically in recent years, three main concepts aroused. First
of all, economic growth indexed to US and EU has been partially replaced with that of Asia. Second,
transportation of inputs to Asia from other World, and of outputs to Europe and America from Asia, has
fuelled the shipping demand. And for the last but not least, seaborne trade has increased both in terms of
tonnage and distance (tone-miles).
Models we used in the study emphasizes the importance of development of world foreign trade volume,
world GDP (real 2000), world merchant fleet (in grt), bulk trade volume and Baltic Freight Index (BFI)
returns. Correlation tables of parameters are also given to evaluate the relationship between these
factors. FIGURE 1 presents the annual development of main variables from 1985 to 2006. Upwards
trends in world GDP and world trade, relatively conservative increasing trend in world fleet and volatile
behaviour of freight rate index are the main observation that comes out in the first place.
In addition to FIGURE 1, a correlation matrix table for possible explanatory variables of world seaborne
fleet is constructed. It is developed via main indicators for changes in world trade volume, U.S. interest
rate, S&P 500 returns, exchange rates (US/YEN, US/FRN), commodity (steel and oil) prices, GDP
(world, EU, US and Japan) and fleet data (gross tonnage and number of vessels).
As an econometric model, two ARMA models are employed while the first model explains the annual
change in world seaborne fleet gross tonnage level according to the annual changes in world total
foreign trade, stock market (S&P 500) returns and commodity (steel and oil) prices. However, the
second model, definitely a “user manual” one, estimates annual change in the world seaborne fleet gross
tonnage level with respect to less explanatory variables, only annual change in world trade.
World trade growth is a determinant of fleet gross tonnage level, and an autoregressive process.
Notwithstanding; there is a strong evidence that the trade (demand side of the shipping market) is
significantly explained by the current and preceding economic growth. The changes in steel and oil
prices are also significantly correlated with the changes in fleet tonnage. In addition, stock market return
is another significant variable for the fleet tonnage change.
As it is previously mentioned, the first model (Model 1) defines annual change in world fleet tonnage by
change in the volume of world trade with a lag of 2 years, change in S&P500 returns with a lag of 3
years and change in oil prices of previous year, all significant at 1% significance level. Unlikely, change
in steel prices with a lag of 2 years is significant at 10% significance level. In addition, mean-reversion
after nine years is observed which may yield possible nine years long cycles in the world merchant fleet.
User Manual Model (Model 2) again explains annual change in world fleet tonnage with respect to the
change in the volume of world trade with a lag of 2 years and mean-reversion of possible nine years
long cycle holds.
Current studies on the relationship between the shipping markets and the world economy and/or trade
are neither the first nor the last. This study attempted to demonstrate the significance of the analyses of
the relationship between world merchant fleet and world trade growth.
To put it plainly; world trade growth is a determinant of fleet gross tonnage level, and an autoregressive
process. Notwithstanding; there is a strong evidence that the trade (demand side of the shipping market)
is significantly explained by the current and preceding economic growth. The changes in steel and oil
prices are also significantly correlated with the changes in fleet tonnage. In addition, stock market return
is another significant variable for the fleet tonnage change. For a step further, our study will need to
cover the effect of costs of shipbuilding, delivery deadline, and related factors. As confirming Stopford,
we will feel satisfied in our efforts if this submission contributes to the decision making process of those
in position to do so.
When the global economy and trade expand, it is obvious that the seaborne fleet will definitely keep
growing. According to the model implications, it is also certain that the maritime sector participants
should also be prepared for the potential adverse movements. From this point of view, on the one hand
Greece as one of the biggest ship operators in the world, and Turkey as one of the emerging shipbuilding
country in Europe can combine their market powers to create a synergy. If we believe that the world
fleet expands, we also infer that the shipbuilding demand will increase. The Turkish shipyards can
produce their modern ships to the Greek operators, while the latter can find lower cost tailor made new
building ships.
- Stopford, M. 1997, Maritime Economics, Second ed., Routledge.
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FIGURE 1: Sustainable World Growth Supports Trade (and Shipping)
6 00
20 0
18 0
5 00
F L E E T (G R T )
16 0
G D P (R e a l2 0 0 0 )
14 0
4 00
12 0
3 00
10 0
2 00
1 00
TABLE 1: World Seaborne Fleet (Correlation Matrix)
0,991 1,000
0,000 .
0,112 0,041 1,000
0,468 0,791 .
0,997 0,996 0,077 1,000
0,000 0,000 0,621 .
0,602 0,595 0,215 0,597 1,000
0,000 0,000 0,161 0,000 .
0,302 0,298 0,050 0,303 0,427 1,000
0,046 0,049 0,745 0,046 0,004 .
-0,225 -0,237 0,098 -0,226 -0,254 -0,285 1,000
0,142 0,122 0,527 0,140 0,096 0,061 .
0,115 0,123 0,119 0,117 0,154 0,079 -0,011 1,000
0,458 0,428 0,440 0,449 0,320 0,610 0,945 .
0,457 0,489 -0,198 0,472 0,194 0,014 -0,261 0,527 1,000
0,002 0,001 0,199 0,001 0,207 0,930 0,087 0,000 .
0,447 0,424 0,041 0,446 0,241 0,362 -0,237 -0,057 0,099 1,000
0,002 0,004 0,794 0,002 0,115 0,016 0,122 0,713 0,521 .
0,306 0,348 -0,157 0,326 0,364 0,337 -0,019 0,359 0,175 -0,020 1,000
0,043 0,021 0,310 0,031 0,015 0,025 0,902 0,017 0,257 0,898 .
0,563 0,570 0,140 0,564 0,410 0,419 -0,177 -0,082 0,198 0,449 0,217 1,000
0,000 0,000 0,365 0,000 0,006 0,005 0,251 0,596 0,197 0,002 0,157 .
0,208 0,202 -0,182 0,210 0,106 0,208 0,045 -0,076 -0,005 0,252 0,096 0,181 1,000
0,176 0,189 0,238 0,172 0,494 0,176 0,771 0,623 0,972 0,098 0,535 0,238 .
0,256 0,264 -0,150 0,262 0,088 0,174 -0,129 -0,027 0,212 0,097 0,058 0,280 0,815 1,000
0,093 0,083 0,331 0,086 0,571 0,260 0,403 0,862 0,168 0,532 0,711 0,066 0,000 .
0,132 0,107 0,248 0,115 0,437 0,045 -0,085 0,101 0,038 -0,121 0,056 -0,152 -0,048 0,054 1,000
0,395 0,491 0,104 0,458 0,003 0,769 0,583 0,514 0,804 0,433 0,716 0,325 0,758 0,727 .
0,281 0,293 -0,146 0,291 0,301 0,206 -0,040 -0,046 -0,011 0,222 0,082 0,006 0,581 0,346 0,266 1,000
0,065 0,053 0,344 0,056 0,047 0,179 0,794 0,766 0,944 0,147 0,598 0,970 0,000 0,021 0,081 .
0,378 0,391 0,013 0,380 0,519 0,106 -0,126 -0,060 0,082 -0,118 0,225 0,010 0,270 0,297 0,698 0,635
0,011 0,009 0,931 0,011 0,000 0,492 0,414 0,701 0,597 0,444 0,142 0,949 0,076 0,050 0,000 0,000 .
0,338 0,356 -0,248 0,340 0,380 0,071 -0,134 -0,044 0,152 -0,040 0,118 0,017 0,399 0,387 0,477 0,716
0,025 0,018 0,104 0,024 0,011 0,649 0,387 0,775 0,323 0,794 0,445 0,915 0,007 0,009 0,001 0,000
0,000 .
uson us30 sp500 usyen usfrn cpi
steelp oilp
fleetn fleetgr gdpus gdpjap gdpw
World Seaborne Fleet Model 1:
Dependent Variable: Annual Change in the Gross tonnage Level
R square
Adjusted R-square
Regression S. Error
Sum of error squares
Log likelihood
Mean of Dep.Var.
St.Dev of Dependent Var.
Akaike Criteria
Schwarz Criteria
World Seaborne Fleet Model 2: A “User Manual” Model
Dependent Variable: Annual Change in the Gross tonnage Level
Adjusted R-square
Regression S. Error
Sum of Errors Squares
Log likelihood
0.874993 Mean of Dep.Var.
0.868583 St.Dev of Dep.Var.
0.011540 Akaike Criteria
0.005193 Schwarz Criteria
129.3633 F-statistics
2.121068 Prob (F-statictics)
TABLE 2: World Fleet
Source: SRO-Autumn 2006, Clarksons.net
FIGURE 2: Orderbook (CGT)
Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
John Karkazis
Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport
University of the Aegean
Chios, Greece
Abstract. The E.U. enlargement process (mainly upon its eastern neighbors and in particular upon Turkey),
which is expected to last for many years, offers significant opportunities mainly in the economic sphere for all
participants. The maximization of the positive impact of these opportunities on all partners requires the
introduction of appropriate policies, incentives and infrastructure investments.
In this context, the analysis of the impact of economic growth type scenaria on the spatial dimension of
the general and local geo-economic profiles and trends of Europe could offer valuable insight into the
mechanism controlling their regional socio-economic attractiveness (regional efficiency). Consequently, such
an analysis could greatly assist the exploration of the spatial dimension of emerging opportunities and it could
also enhance negotiating partners ability to intervene in making these trends more cooperative.
In this paper the notion of the “Geo-Economic Gravity System” will be employed as a conceptual tool in
the analysis of the key issue of “regional efficiency” and as a modeling tool in the effort to tackle the above
problems. Note that the term “Geo-Economic Gravity System” refers to a system of area-type supply poles
(spatial conglomerations of supply units covering an administrative area) which satisfy the demand of a system
of demand poles with the minimum transport cost.
Keywords: Regional Efficiency, Geo-Economic Dynamics, Transport Cost
The E.U. enlargement process towards its eastern European neighbors, which is expected to last for
many years, offers significant socio-economic opportunities for all parties involved in this process.
The maximization of the positive impact of these opportunities requires the introduction of appropriate
policies, incentives and infrastructure investments. In this context, the combined analysis of regional
geo-economic trends of Europe could offer valuable insight into the mechanism controlling the
regional socio-economic attractiveness (regional efficiency). More specifically, this paper focuses on
the location of areas, at a pan-European level, that can competently serve as global or regional “supply
centers”, and on the subsequent polarization process introduced by the supply centers gravitational
forces. Consequently, such an analysis can greatly assist the exploration of the spatial dimension of
emerging opportunities and it can also enhance negotiating partners ability to intervene in making
these trends (external and internal) more cooperative.
In this paper the notion of the “Geo-Economic Gravity System” will be introduced as a conceptual tool
in the analysis of the key issue of “regional efficiency” and as a modeling tool in the effort to tackle
the above problems. Subsequent analysis is divided into the following 4 sections. In section 2, selected
regional efficiency models are presented and discussed. In section 3, the notion of the “Economic
Gravity System” is introduced and analyzed. In section 4, numerical results regarding the application
of the general geo-economic model at a pan-European level, are presented and discussed. Finally,
section 5 gives the concluding remarks of the preceding analysis.
The introduction of policies enhancing the ability of administrative units (provinces, regions or states)
to better exploit the capabilities of their infrastructure as well as of their human and natural resources
so as to attain sustainable growth both in the social and the economic sphere is of paramount
importance in regional planning.
In this context, the location of administrative units or areas possessing (hidden or partially exploited)
comparative geo-economic advantages and the development of new or the expansion of existing
infrastructure which could unleash the growth generation power of them, is critical. Such regions will
be thereon called “efficient regions”. Modeling the above problem is a very difficult process and
relevant attempts were not always fully convincing.
There are two basic approaches in the literature as far as modeling of regional efficiency is concerned:
(a) The systemic approach and
(b) The cost approach
2.1 The systemic approach
The systemic approach encompasses models that can be further distinguished into two categories:
(a1) Frontier analysis models and
(a2) Regional image attractiveness models
Frontier analysis models
Frontier analysis models express regional efficiency through an input-output systemic structure (figure
human and natural
resources indices
investment and
infrastructure indices
Figure 2.1 Frontier analysis models
In general, a region is considered efficient if it can best exploit existing inputs (resources, investments
and infrastructure) so as to produce high levels of socio-economic growth.
Karkazis and Thanassoulis (1998) applied this approach to assess the effectiveness of regional
development policies in Northern Greece using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a specialized
linear programming based method. They employed the following systemic structure (figure 2.2):
public expenditure
private investment
Figure 2.2 Karkazis and Thanassoulis approach
The interested reader can find suitable introductions to DEA in Dyson et al (1990) and Charnes et al
In the above context, Athanassopoulos and Karkazis (1997) introduced the concept of “Systemic
Duality” as a modeling tool to analyze regional growth sustainability and they applied it to assess the
effectiveness of the prefectures of Greece to perform the following dual transformation process:
to transform improvements in five key indices of their regional social image (education, health
care, culture, telecommunications and transportation) into GDP growth and
to transform GDP growth into further improvements of the above social
image indices.
Regional image attractiveness models
Regional image attractiveness models focus on the structure of the socio-economic profile of an area
and in particular on its capability to attract capital and labor. According to this approach the socioeconomic image (profile) of an area is expressed through a set of social, environmental and economic
elements (indices) capable of being easily and commonly identified both by employees and investors
candidate to move in this area. Then an “area attractiveness” function, employing relevant indices as
independent variables, is developed. This function employees catastrophe theory concepts to express
the relative attractiveness of an area as perceived by employees and investors candidate to move in it.
Stellakou and Karkazis (1992) applied this approach to evaluate the effects of infrastructure on the
long-term viability of investments in the North Aegean Region whereas Angelis and Dimaki (1998)
examined the trends of selected areas’ images and applied a survival analysis approach to study their
The interested reader can find suitable introductions to this subject in Hunter and Reid (1968), Isnard
and Zeeman (1976) and Townroe (1979).
The cost approach
In the cost approach the key concept of regional efficiency is expressed as the geo-economic ability of
an area to act as a distribution (supply) center under cost criteria. The notion of the “supply center” is
expressed by a system of facilities, with the necessary infrastructure, supplying surrounding areas with
services or products at low cost. The notion of cost covers both the cost of establishing and operating
the facilities as well as the associated transport cost. Note at this point that, when the cost of
establishing and operating the facilities does not exhibit significant spatial variations then relevant
models employ only the transport cost. This is the case of the Weber model that will be presented in
the following chapter. The demand of the surrounding areas on services or products, in general, is
usually expressed by regional summary measures such as population, GDP, Manufacturing Value
Added (MVA), imports etc.
The geo-economic ability of an area to act as a distribution center lies mainly on two factors:
(a) on its spatial position on transport networks connecting wider geographical areas (position
centrality) and
(b) on its infrastructure and on its human and exploitable natural resources that offer economies-ofscale (profile attractiveness)
It is interesting to note at this point that, although certain areas possess a favorable spatial position on
transport networks they lack the appropriate profile attractiveness (as an example absence of relevant
infrastructure) necessary to exploit the former advantage. It lies in the ability of regional planners and
above all in the intuition of decision makers to unearth these hidden geo-economic advantages and
thus allow relevant areas to develop rapidly. Such areas, capable of attracting supply center facilities,
will be thereon termed “Geo-Economic Gravity Areas” and the supply centers attracted by them “GeoEconomic Gravity Centers”. Geo-Economic Gravity Centers will be characterized as Social,
Economic, Industrial and Trade if demand summary measure is the population, the GDP, the MVA
and the imports respectively.
Karkazis (1999a) introduced the simple Geo-Economic Gravity Model and applied it to E.U. regions.
According to his findings, the Social Gravity Center of E.U. during the period 1985-1994 was located
in northeastern France moving at a rather low for the size of E.U. velocity of 5 km per annum towards
Belgium. In 1985 it was located 100 km east of Paris whereas in 1994 it was located near the borders
of France with Belgium. During the above period, the Economic Gravity Center of E.U. exhibited a
significant relocation moving at a velocity of 20 km per annum from the northwestern part to the
southeastern part of Belgium. In 1985 it was located between the city of Brussels and the city of Lille
in France whereas in 1994 it was located near the city of Namur in Belgium.
Karkazis (1999b) applied the simple Geo-Economic Gravity Model to the Balkan countries. The
author noted that, in 1993 the population of Turkey was approximately 90% of the total population of
the rest of the Balkan countries whereas the Manufacturing Value Added (MVA) of Turkey was
approximately equal to the total MVA of the rest of the Balkan countries. On the other hand, in 1993
the GDP of Turkey was significantly higher than the total GDP of the rest of the Balkan countries. The
above, favourable for Turkey, distribution of the socio-economic indices under consideration forced
all three Geo-Economic Gravity Centers (Social, Economic and Industrial) to be located inside
The n-Facilities Location Problem regards the location of n non-competing supply facilities in a
geographical area which will fully cover the demand for services (public sector or social type
facilities) or commodities (private sector or economic type facilities) of a system of demand poles at a
minimum, fixed and transport, cost. The term “fixed cost” refers to the facility establishment and
operations cost. The notion of the “demand pole” plays a crucial role in the modeling process varying
widely as its spatial size is concerned. It can represent a small size “point-type demand pole” which
may coincide, for example, with an industrial plant or warehouse or a market complex (mall or
supermarket) or even with an industrial zone demanding raw materials, intermediate products or
services for its activities. On the other hand, it can represent an “area-type demand pole”, which is a
larger spatial conglomeration of demand points such as an urban area or even an administrative unit
(province, region or a state). The notion of the “supply facilities”, which is mainly determined by the
characteristics of the relevant demand poles, can vary widely from “point-type supply facilities”
coinciding with industrial plants, warehouses, industrial zones etc (which act this time as supply
sources for a system of demand poles) to “area-type supply facilities” which represent a system of
social or/and economic activities covering an urban area or even an administrative unit. For example, a
point-type supply facility may represent a plant or warehouse that a firm plans to establish in an area
so as to cover the demand of a system of demand poles in it at a minimum, fixed and transport, cost
(the case of private sector supply centers) or it may represent a public facility, health or athletic center
or school, that a local authority plans to establish in an administrative area that will cover the
associated demand of it with the minimum social cost (the case of a public sector supply facility). Note
that, in the context of the modeling process, area-type demand poles are spatially represented by a
“central” point inside them, usually the location of the corresponding administrative center (as an
example the capital of the province, region or state, figure 3.1). Note also that, in the context of
regional development approaches, the demand of large geographical areas (cities or administrative
units) can be represented by summary measures such as their population, their GDP, their MVA or
their imports.
The mathematical formulation of the above problem is given below:
Min P1,P2,.. ,Pn Є P
C(P1, P2,.. ,Pn) = F(P1, P2,.. ,Pn) + T(P1, P2,.. ,Pn)
where F(P1, P2,.. ,Pn) = ∑ni=1 f(Pi) , T(P1, P2,.. ,Pn) = ∑mj=1 t(bj, d(Aj, P))
d(Aj, P) = Mini d(Aj, Pi)
region capitals
(network nodes)
euclidean axes
transport network axes
Figure 3.1 The n-Facilities Location Problem
The above formulation regards the selection of n points from the set P (the set of permissible positions
for establishing the facilities) that will minimize cost function C which is the sum of the fixed cost F
and the transport cost T. f(Pi) represents the cost for establishing and operating a facility at point Pi.
The sum ∑mj=1 t(bj, d(Aj,P)) represents the total transport cost for supplying the m demand points Aj
j=1,2,…,m. In this context bj represents the demand of Aj and d(Aj,P) the distance (either on the
network or on the plane) between point Aj and the closest to it point (facility) of the set P.
The n-Facilities Location Model has two methodological versions:
The n-Facilities Location Model on a transport network (the network case)
The n-Facilities Location Model on the plane (the planar case)
In the network case, P represents the nodes (demand poles) of the transport network (urban centers or
administrative unit capitals) and the distance between two demand poles represents the length of the
shortest path on the network connecting these demand poles. In the planar case, P represents an area in
which supply facilities can be established (the area enclosed by the bold line in figure 3.1). In this case
f(Pi) is considered as independent of the position Pi (it is everywhere the same) and hence cost
function reduces to its transport part only. Also in this case the distance between two points, Aj and Pi,
is taken to be their “euclidean distance” given by the following formula:
d(Aj, Pi) = √ (xj-xi)2 + (yj-yi)2
where (xi, yi) and (xj, yj) are the planar coordinates of the points Pi and Aj respectively. Consequently,
euclidean distances are employed as approximations of the real ones (the shortest path lengths on
networks). The accuracy of this approximation varies with the morphology of the ground and the
quality and density of the transport system. In the case in which the analysis is focusing on the location
of whole areas (instead of specific points inside them) to establish a center then numerical experience
has shown that the solution of a planar model employing euclidean distances represents an acceptable
approximation of the solution of the corresponding network model even in cases of mountainous
ground morphology (Karkazis (2006)).
Karkazis and Boffey (1981) and Boffey and Karkazis (1984) introduced efficient optimal algorithms
for the n-Facilities Location Problem on a transport network. It is interesting to note that, Weber
(1909) introduced the 1-Facility Location Problem on the plane with a linear cost function whereas
Weiszfeld (1936) introduced a rapidly converging algorithm for its solution.
In the case of area-type demand poles coinciding with administrative units (provinces, regions, states
etc.) corresponding n-Facilities Location Model will be called thereon “General Geo-Economic
Gravity Model” since the role of the network nodes attracting supply facilities is played by
administrative units which exercise geo-economic type gravitating forces on their environment. The
solution of this model, that is the system of the n supply center locations minimizing corresponding
cost function C, will be called thereon “General Geo-Economic Gravity System”.
If the demand summary measure is regional population then the corresponding Geo-Economic
Gravity System will be called Social Gravity System. This system of supply centers is associated with
public sector facilities offering social services. On the other hand, if the demand summary measure is
regional GDP, regional MVA or regional imports then the corresponding Geo-Economic Gravity
System will be called Economic, Industrial or Trade Gravity System respectively. The last three
systems are associated with private sector facilities.
In order to distinguish between the various values n is taking in the applications performed in this
paper, the Geo-Economic Gravity Systems corresponding to the values n=1, 2 and 3 will be thereon
called simple, dual and triple Geo-Economic Gravity Systems respectively.
In this section, numerical results produced by the application of the General Geo-economic model on
Europe, are presented and discussed
4.1 The Social Gravity Systems of Europe
In 2004, the simple Social Gravity Center of Europe was situated in Wroclaw, Poland near the borders
with Czechia. (Appendix A, point C in map A1)
In 2004, the dual Social Gravity System of Europe consisted of a center in northeastern France near
Reims (Appendix A, point C1 in map A1) and of a second center in Ukraine near Kiev (Appendix A,
point C2 in map A1).
In the same year the triple Social Gravity System of Europe consisted of a center in northern France
near the borders with Belgium (Appendix A, point C1 in map A2), of a second center in the GermanyPoland-Czechia borders (Appendix A, point C2 in map A2) and of a third one in central Ukraine
(Appendix A, point C3 in map A2). The eastern center was the largest one accounting for 50% of
system’s total transport cost.
The allocation of European demand poles to the gravity centers of the triple Social Gravity System is
as follows:
Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, U.K. and Ireland are assigned to the
center in France which accounts for 20% of system’s total transport cost
Russia, Belarus and the eastern Balkan countries (Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria,Romania and
FYROM) are assigned to the Ukraine center which is the largest among the three accounting for 50%
of system’s total transport cost and
the rest countries (central Europe, Nordic and Baltic as well as western Balkan countries) are
assigned to the German-Poland-Czechia center.
4.2 The Economic Gravity Systems of Europe
In 2004, the simple Economic Gravity Center of Europe was situated in Thuringen, Germany
(Appendix A, point C in map A3).
In 2004, the dual Economic Gravity System of Europe consisted of a center in Paris, France
(Appendix A, point C1 in map A3) and of a second center in Poznan, Poland (Appendix A, point C2 in
map A3).
In the same year the triple Economic Gravity System consisted of a center in Calais, France (Appendix
A, point C1 in map A4), of a second center north of Rome, Italy (Appendix A, point C2 in map A4)
and of a third one in Wroclaw, Poland (Appendix A, point C3 in map A4). The center in Poland was
the largest one accounting for 51% of system’s total transport cost.
The allocation of European demand poles to the gravity centers of the triple Economic Gravity System
is as follows:
Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, U.K. and Ireland are assigned to the
center in France which accounts for 29% of system’s total transport.
all Balkan countries except Romania are assigned to the center in Italy and
Nordic and all central and eastern European countries are assigned to the center in Poland
which is the largest among the three accounting for 51% of system’s total transport cost.
4.3 The Trade Gravity Systems of Europe
In 2003, the simple Trade Gravity Center of Europe was located in Frankfurt, Germany (Appendix A,
point C in map A5).
In 2003, the dual Trade Gravity System of Europe consisted of a center in Paris, France (Appendix A,
point C1 in map A5) and of a second center in Berlin, Germany (Appendix A, point C2 in map A5).
In the same year, the triple Trade Gravity System consisted of a center in Calais, France (Appendix A,
point C1 in map A6), of a second center north of Rome, Italy (Appendix A, point C2 in map A6) and
of a third one in Dresden, Germany (Appendix A, point C3 in map A6).
The allocation of European demand poles to the gravity centers of the triple Trade Gravity System is
as follows:
Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, U.K. and Ireland are assigned to the
center in France,
All Balkan countries are assigned to the center in Italy and
Nordic and all central and eastern European countries are assigned to the center in Germany
which is the largest among the three ones.
The rapid geographical expansion of the E.U. towards the East, in combination with its principal
dogma of economic convergence on the one hand and the rapid growth of the Russian economy on the
other hand, seem to drastically alter the current geo-economic equilibrium defined here as the spatial
distribution of the Geo-Economic Gravity Centers of Europe.
During the first half of the 20th century Germany possessed significant geo-economic advantages in
the context of Europe. These geo-economic advantages were due to a synergy of three main factors:
its dominating socio-economic power,
its central position in Europe both geographically and economically and
the under-developed economies of the eastern Europe and the Balkan countries.
The notion of “economic centrality”, which is a key characteristic of a gravity center, refers to a
favorable for an area distribution of economic power around it, in the sense that the economic power
of the area appropriately combined with the external economic powers towards any direction can outweight the external economic powers towards the opposite direction. In the case of Germany, its socioeconomic centrality is examined along the two principal, for Europe, directions: East-West and NorthSouth.
During the second half of the 20th century the geo-economic power balance along the East-West
direction exhibits signs of weakening stability. As an example, in 1980 the combined GDP of
Germany (East and West) and of all countries lying east of it only marginally out-weighted the
combined GDP of all countries lying in the opposite (west) direction. The prospect of a sustained
growth for Russian and Turkish economies in combination with the economic convergence policies of
E.U. that will benefit most its eastern members, are expected to strengthen again the geo-economic
position of Germany by making the power balance along the East-West axis more stable.
On the other hand, the heavy territorial losses of Germany during WW I and WW II, weakened the
geographical and economic centrality of this country. These lost territories are characterized by a
significant geo-economic value which is now emerging to the benefit of Poland. Indeed, in 2004, the
simple Social Gravity Center of Europe was located in Wroclaw, the eastern center of the dual
Economic Gravity System was located in Poznan and in 2003 the eastern center of the triple Trade
Gravity System was located again in Wroclaw.
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Map A1. The simple and dual Social Gravity Systems of Europe
Map A2. The triple Social Gravity System of Europe
Map A3. Europe’s simple and dual Economic Gravity Systems
Map A4. Europe’s triple Economic Gravity System
Map A5. Europe’s simple and dual Trade Gravity Systems
Map A6. Europe’s triple Trade Gravity System
Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
Fabio Lamanna and Giovanni Longo
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
University of Trieste
Trieste, Italy.
Abstract. In this study a new small world approach to air network stability will be presented, derived from the
social analysis and applied for one of the first time on a transportation case.
The Southeastern Europe air network has been modelled and analysed by means of complex network theories,
which help to defined the global behaviour of a network, in term of stability and efficiency.
Results show that, on the test case, it is not so easy to improve the efficiency of the system due to its particular
topological properties. In spite of this fact, it has been possible defining its behaviour under missing connections
and failures. The analysis show how a damaged connection between two nodes with higher number of flights
than the others, is not always the most critical one in case of faliure, under the global network behaviour point
of view.
Air networks become one of the busiest transportation systems in the world, because of their crucial
role and importance to the development of a country; they are one of the most significant signature of
its economical growth and social progress. Air transportation networks are responsible of the mobility
of millions of passengers every day, connecting their social and economical interests. For these
reasons the study of the stability and of the connectivity of such networks has been always taking into
fine account. Therefore, to provide a powerful study of an air network in all of its parts, is impossible
not taking into account the behaviour of the structure in its totality, and the role that even a little single
node or connection of a network could give in the global economy of the system.
The above considerations naturally fit with the special issue of the “Journal of Transport and
Shipping”, concerning the integration of transport network systems of the southeastern Europe. The
new proposed approach will give a fundamental role at the air transportation mode in the global aspect
of the network and it would be able to give answers to economic, social and environmental aspects;
moreover, the analysis will focus on the global role of the Greek and of the Turkish air networks in a
global harmonization for the benefit of all sides.
The last decade has witnessed the birth of a new movement of interest and research in the study of a
new kinds of systems, the complex networks, i.e. networks whose structure is irregular, complex and
dynamically evolving in time. This new field of research topics, triggered by two fundamental papers
(Watts and Strogatz 1998) and (Barabási and Albert 1999), increased the interest in applying new
concepts on the study of transportation networks using both small world and scale-free networks
The research on complex networks begun with the effort of defining new concepts and measures to
characterize the topology of real networks. The main results has been the identification of a series of
unifying principles that characterize social, information, biological and transportation systems
(Barabási 2002). In particular, all of these systems appears to be built by a small number of “hubs”
(nodes with higher connections than the others) and “weak ties”, i.e. connections between long
distance entities that makes all of these systems so close.
Only few studies have been developed so far in order to apply this theory on air transportation cases.
Airport networks have been characterized in terms of small world ones, modelling and defining the
importance of the hubs in the economy of global stability (Guimerà et al. 2005). More studies have
been developed by means of complex networks on real air transportation cases, to estimate the
connectivity and the possible growing up of particular kind of phenomena like aggregation and hubs
(Bagler 2006). Moreover, a model was proposed for the identification of weighted complex networks
properties, in effort to understand the statistical properties of real-world systems (Barrat et al 2004).
Finally, air network of China was analysed for its topology and traffic dynamics (Li and Cai 2003).
An extended definition of the small world properties for weighted networks has been introduced
(Latora and Marchiori 2001), in order to define if a network could be considered “small world”
efficient in term of the capacity of changing information between nodes.
Small world networks seems to be more stable than other types of complex networks. This study
analyses the air link networks of Greece and Turkey, both locally and related to their mutual
interactions, by means of a complex network approach; the local properties of the air connections
could help to better describe the hubs efficiency related to the global behaviour of the whole air link
network in the test case area. Moreover, a more general approach will be introduced, to evaluate the
efficiency (Latora and Marchiori 2005) of a particular kind of air network in case of missing
connections or hubs failures.
In the beginning of this paper, a briefly review of the small world phenomenon will be presented.
After that a review of the structure of complex networks (scale-free and small world) will introduce
the main part of this study: the small world analysis taken on the Greece Airport Network and on the
Turkish one, in their own properties and related with the efficiency of the entire Aegean Area. General
conclusions and further research indications are going to complete this part of the study.
In complex networks analysis, a small world network is a class of random graphs where most nodes
are not neighbours of one another, but most nodes can be reached from every other by a small number
of steps. Small world networks are well known to be very stable and useful characterizing social,
biological, and information network systems.
By the end of the 90’s, several studies (Watts 1999) have been made in order to evaluate the common
properties that could tie different kinds of networks. It has been found that social interactions,
biological protein connections, the world wide web and other types of networks present almost the
same properties of being extremely closed despite their apparently randomness or disorder structures.
This fact allows the system to be very stable, and permits to evaluate where and in which conditions
the system could be able or not to absorb failures or faults.
There are several properties that are commonly associated with small world networks: typically there
is an over-abundance of hubs nodes in the network with a high number of connections (known as high
degree). These hubs serve as the common connections mediating the short path lengths between other
edges. By analogy, the small world network of airline flights has a small mean path length because
many flights are routed through hub cities. Therefore small world theories are able to solve various
kind of connectivity, efficiency and stability problems, and in general could improve the well
organization of networks, in a relative simple way. Moreover, air networks are an evolving structure,
in which every day new airports or new flights improve the connections through the region and, at the
same time, failures or missing flights could affect its structure as well. For these reasons, the air
system has to be analysed and studied in a different way than it has been done so far; it is evolving in
time, and all of its parts are important to the global efficiency of its network; small world and complex
networks theories seem to perfectly fit to this study's topic.
Complex networks refers to systems (as well as the mathematical graphs structures) dynamically
evolving in time. Most social, biological, and technological networks (as well as certain networkdriven phenomena) can be considered complex by virtue of some special topological properties (e.g.
social network, computer network, neural network, epidemiology). Such structures appear to be much
more ordered and simple than it seems to be.
In contrast, simple networks have none of these properties, and are typically represented by graphs
such as lattices or random graphs. The two most well-known examples of complex networks are those
of scale-free networks and small world networks. Both are specific models of complex networks put
forward in the late '90s by physicists. However, as network science has continued to grow in
importance and popularity, other models of complex networks have been developed, and its structures
arise in very different contexts and situations: transportation cases are one of these new fields of
In the mathematics formalism (e.g. Watts and Strogatz 1998), a generic network is represented by an undirected
(or directed) graph G = (N,L) consists of two sets N and L. The elements of N = {n1, n2, ..., nN} are the nodes of
the graph G, while the elements of L = {l1, l2, ..., lN} are its links (or edges). The number of nodes and edges are
denoted by N and K, respectively.
A central concept in graph theory is that of the reachability of two different nodes of a graph. In fact two nodes,
and therefore two airports in this case, that are not adjacent may nether less be reachable from one to another.
The so called walk from node i to node j in an alternating set of nodes and edges that connects the two nodes,
and its length is defined as the number of edges one have to follow to reach one node to the other.
For this study's purposes, it is useful to define a path, which is a walk in which no node is visited more than
once. In the airport network case, it will be useful to evaluate the maximum number of flight that a traveller
have to change to reach his destination. Moreover, the shortest path (or geodesic) is the minimal length between
two nodes, so the shortest way that connects two different airports (in number of flight changes).
A graph can be expressed by means of its adjacency matrix A(aij), whose elements take the value 1 if an edge
connects vertices i and j, 0 otherwise. This is a symmetric matrix for undirected graphs, which are the ones
considered and analysed in the rest of the paper.
After defining the structure and the main properties of a complex network, it is useful to present the
numerical characteristics of these types of systems. There are four basically instruments to be
evaluated in order to characterized the connectivity of an air network: the node degree, which
represents the number of no-stop flights departing or arriving at an airport; the shortest path length,
that measure the minimum number of flights that a traveller have to change to reach one node of the
network from every other one; the clustering coefficient which give a measure of how two airports
connected to another one, are connected between them as well. Finally, the efficiency of a network
measures how efficiently the airports are connecting between them, both in a global than in a local
scale, characterizing how the system answer on case of airport failures or missing connections.
Node Degree and Degree Distribution
The degree, or connectivity ki of a node, is defined as the number of edges incident with the node, in
term of its adiacency matrix:
ki =
The most basic topological characterization of a graph G can be obtained by its degree distribution
P(k), defined as the probability that a node chosen uniformly at random has degree k. This will be
useful later to characterized the behaviour (in terms of connectivity) of different kind of air network
Shortest Path Length and Diameter
As said in the previous paragraphs, shortest path plays a fundamental role in transport and
communication within a network. It is useful to represent all the shortest path lenghts of a graph G as a
matrix D in which the entry dij is the length of the geodesic from node i to j. The maximum value of dij
is called the Diameter of the network.
Another useful measure of the typical separation between two nodes is the so called characteristic
path length, define as the mean of shortest path length over all couples of nodes:
∑ d ij .
N ( N − 1) i , j∈N ,i ≠ j
4.3 Clustering
The clustering coefficient, also known as transitivity, is a typical property of connected networks. It
considers if two nodes connecting to a third one, are also connected between them. Considering ei the
number of edges in a subgraph Gi, the local clustering coefficient ci is defined as the ratio between ei
and ki (ki -1)/2, the maximum number of edges in Gi.
The clustering coefficient of G is so defined:
C =
and, by definition, ci and C values goes from 0 to 1.
This measure has been developed (e.g. Latora and Marchiori 2005) as a natural extension of the small
world definition for the traffic capacity of a network. The efficiency measures how efficiently the
nodes exchange information, considering the harmonic mean of the geodesic length. For this study's
purposes, it is useful introducing the measure of efficiency related with particular kind of damages of
the network.
Starting from the infrastructure S, the resulting network obtained from a generic hypothesis of failures
(e.g. missing connections) has been defined as DAMAGE (S, d). The index d is related to the generic
event in case of a damage of the network. The importance of d in term of efficiency has been defined
as follows, where Φ is the function representing the so called Performance of the network:
Φ Φ ( S ) − Φ ( DAMAGE ( S , d ))
Φ(S )
By means of these two measures, in the following analysis it will be possible to predict the efficiency
of the global air system under fixed hypothesis and scenarios. According to the previous studies, it is
possible defining the Performance of these types of networks as the inverse of the characteristic path
length L, to measure how efficiently the nodes exchange information (i.e. flights).
Many kind of real systems are made by a large number of interconnected dynamical units. The first
approach to capture the global properties of an air network system is to model a real graph, in which
nodes represents airports, and edges no-stop flights between them. The same approach related to other
types of network shows, during the last years, that despite the inherent difference, most of the real
networks are characterized by the same topological properties, like the small characteristic path length
and an high clustering coefficient.
All of these common properties helped this research to analyse the Southeastern Europe Air Network
as a typical complex system, and to provide useful information about its structure. The air network
studied in this paper will configure as a complex network having both of the two common properties
of these systems: it is both small world and scale-free.
5.1 Small World Networks
There are two common features that make different kind of complex networks small world: the characteristic
path length L and the clustering coefficient C. Small world networks are highly clustered, like regular lattices,
while having small characteristic path length, like random graphs.
In random topological networks, C and L are relative small compared to the ones related with regular networks;
on the other side, non-random networks could be defined as structures having regular behaviour like the so
called physics 'lattices' networks. Regular networks have got high values of both clustering coefficient and
characteristic path length. By definition, the behaviour of small world networks is nor random neither
completely ordered; it is something between them.
In this study's topic, the above parameters L and C are going to be evaluate in order to define if the test case
networks could be related to small world systems. The small world behaviour could help the air network
provider to analyse the actual configuration of flight and to design various stable future scenarios related to
complex networks properties.
5.2 Scale-Free Networks
Approaching to the study of real complex networks, researches expected to find the common
properties of homogeneity of every graph structures; this means that almost all nodes in a network
should be topologically equivalent, i.e. each of all possible link is present with equal probability in the
graph, with a degree distribution which follows a binomial or Poisson law. However, real-world
databases shows that most of real networks display a power law relationship, where the probability
P(k) that a node connects other k nodes is proportional to k-γ , where the exponential coefficient value
goes from 2 to 3.
These kind of networks have been named scale-free networks, because they have the property of
having the same functional form at all scales. In such systems, some nodes act as "highly connected
hubs" (high degree), although most nodes are of low degree. Scale-free networks' structure and
dynamics are independent of the system's size N, the number of nodes the system has. A network that
is scale-free will have the same properties no matter what the number of its nodes is.
After defining the main characteristics of complex networks, in the following paragraphs the test case
model, from which the analysis derive, will be presented. The analysis have been taken first locally on
the Greek and the Turkish networks, then considering them as a single homogeneous air system.
Several scenarios will be described in the global case, in the scheduled scenario and then
hypothesizing some failures on links or airports, to provide useful information about the global
response of the network.
The Greek Air Network
The Air Network of Greece has got the fundamental role of building good connections through its
region, especially between many Aegean islands and the continent. In the summertime the great traffic
demand requests a major connection system between tourists areas, while in other months it should
replace the sea services, not always available.
In this study it has been considered the Olympic Airlines network, which is the state-run flag carrier
and the largest airline in Greece. It operates scheduled services both to domestic and to foreigner
cities, and its network arises from the two main airports of Athens International Airport (ATH) and
Thessaloniki International Airport (SKG) to a set of other thirty minor airports on all over the region,
including Rhodes (RHP) and the ones of the Aegean islands. Figure 1 shows the Greece air network
while Figure 2 represent the same system as appears as a classic circular layout; this kind of
representation is a lattice based layout algorithm where the nodes in the network are arranged in a
circle. The connections between the nodes depend on the structure of the network being visualized. It
is a very simple layout algorithm which gives an good overview of the number of nodes and edges in a
FIGURE 1: Greece Air Network
FIGURE 2: Greece Air Network. Circular Layout
6.2 The Turkish Air Network
The Turkish Air Network is the second system analysed; its closeness to the Aegean area makes it the
natural partner of the Greek Air Network to predict a global air behaviour in the Southeastern Europe.
Turkish Airlines is the national airline of Turkey based in Istanbul. It operates a network (Figure 3) of
scheduled services to 103 international and 28 domestic cities, serving a total of 134 airports, in
Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Far East, Africa, and the United States. The airline's main
base is Atatürk International Airport (IST) in Istanbul. Other main airports in the region are Ankara
International Airport (ESB) and Izmir (ADB). The domestic Turkish Airlines timetable has been
implemented in the following analysis to predict, as well as the previous Greek one, general topology
characteristics and complex networks behaviour (scale-free and small world).
6.3 The Global Aegean Air Network
Once built every single network by nodes and edges, several scenarios could be hypothesised to
predict both the future behaviour of the Global Aegean Air Network and the efficiency of its
connections in case of failures. The actual connections between Greece and Turkey operated by the
two flag carriers are between Athens and Thessaloniki to Istanbul, in both directions (Figure 5).
FIGURE 3: Turkey Air Network
FIGURE 4: Turkey Air Network: Circular Layout
FIGURE 5: Actual Aegean Air Scenario: Circular Layout
The analysis on different kind of global networks connections allow the air network provider to predict
how the stability of the system responds in case of traffic demand improvements, or if new
connections designed to follow the demand could or not help the system to decrease the distances (in
terms of number of flight changes) through the network. Several different scenarios have been
analysed in the following results paragraphs in order to predict the future expansion and stability of the
Aegean air connections; scenarios are growing up in this way (Figure 6):
Scenario 0: actual connections (red links);
Scenario 1: The two main Greek hubs Athens and Thessaloniki have been connected by no-stop
flights to Ankara, which is the capital city of Turkey and the most connected airport in Anatolia, after
Istanbul (blue links);
Scenario 2: other main airports of Greece and Turkey are Izmir and Rhodes. In this hypothesis
they have been connected to other Aegean hubs, Athens, Thessaloniki Istanbul and Ankara,
respectively. This scenario has been built up with the aim of study the behaviour of a network with full
connected hubs (blue links);
Scenario 3: because of the geographical closeness of the main Aegean hubs, it is trying to
connect also four of the most faraway airport between them (Corfù, Agri, Iraklion and Van), to the aim
of verified if the system could be more close than the one based almost only hubs connections (blue
FIGURE 6: Hub Connections
The models of the air networks have been built by means of the yEd open-source graph editor. It is a
sub-project of the yFiles Software (www.yworks.com) written in Java, which allow the user to built a
mathematical graph of nodes and edges, easy to be exported on .xml format on other applications. The
Greek, the Turkish and the global network scenarios have been mathematical described by the above
tool. Each node has been connected with each other by a link representing a connection by a no-stop
flight service operated by the two national Olympic and Turkish Airlines (in each country). Therefore,
analysis have been conducted with the help of different complex network algorithms.
Results are going to be shown in three different parts: in the first one it has been verified if each
network could be considered as small world, showing the course of L and the diameter of the network
in different scenarios.
In the second part it will be shown the scale-free properties of the network, by means of node degree
In the last part there will be introduced the Efficiency measures related to the hub connected scenario,
in case of possible failures.
7.1 Small World Properties
The local air networks have been analysed together with the other scenarios. By definition, the
behaviour of small world in real networks is often associated with the presence of clustering, denoted
by high values of C. For this reason, to characterize a small world network it could be useful to show
in a table the values of L, C and of the diameter for local networks and for the three different scenarios
of connections improvements (Table 1).
TABLE 1: Small World Properties
Sc 00
Sc 01
Sc 02
Sc 03
The first columns represents the different scenarios analysed, along with the number of nodes
(airports) and edges (no-stop flights) of every network.
The results show the small world behaviour for the analysed air networks; in particular, except the
behaviour of the Turkish network, which shows a very small value of L compared to the other ones,
the global network scenarios show almost the same properties; the distances between the Southeastern
air system nodes is almost the same in every scenario. For this reason is difficult to improve its
efficiency, because of the evaluation of the probability that a passenger can travel from each node to
another one of the network in a given number of steps, showing the course of L (Figure 7).
For any pair of nodes connected, it has been possible to find the global role and the integration of a
new flight link in the whole network. As appears in the results, the integration of the two local network
into one single system allows to cut the mean distance between nodes. On the other hand, several
improvement of the connections didn't help the system to decrease the mean path length between
airports. Moreover, the third scenario which connects four geographical remote airports along with all
hubs, is not able to cut the mean distance between two random choices nodes.
In term of clustering, this networks are characterized by the presence of connections between almost
any two nodes within them, and this topological structure doesn't concur, from the point of view of the
complex nets, more margins of improvements.
On the other hand, the value of the diameter of the network (i.e. the length of the longest shortest path
between pairs of nodes) is not constant for each scenario; the length of five steps in the actual
connecting scenario is equal improving the edges from main Greece hubs to Turkey main airport (both
Istanbul and Ankara). It decreases to four steps in the second scenario (with all hubs connected) and,
unexpectedly, in the third as well, where it has been connected airports at the borders of the network.
Therefore the ideal situation of a passenger who have to reach any airport of the network from another
one in as few as possible steps, is in contrast with the common idea that improving links between any
kind of airports could help a better organization of the air traffic.
7.2 Scale-Free Properties
The second analysis on the local networks have been conducted in term of node degree distribution of
the airports; Figure 8 shows the scale-free properties of each network. It has been diagrammed (in
logarithmic scale) the number of nodes having a given degree over the probability that a node is
connected to one another. As with all systems characterized by a power law distribution, the most
notable characteristic in a scale-free network is the relative commonness of vertices with a degree that
greatly exceeds the average. The highest-degree nodes are hubs, and are thought to serve specific
purposes in their networks, although this depends greatly on the domain.
As the Figure 8 shows, despite some incoherent state of the Greek network (due to the limited number
of nodes), the course of all networks follows the same power law course.
FIGURE 7: Distribution of Shortest Path Length
FIGURE 8: Scale-Free Distribution
Another important characteristic of scale-free networks is the clustering coefficient distribution, which
decreases as the node degree increases. This distribution also follows a power law (Figure 9). That
means that the low-degree nodes belong to very dense and connected sub-graphs of few airports, and
those sub-graphs are connected to each other through hubs, in a sort of tree structure.
FIGURE 9: Distribution of Clustering Coefficient
The common properties of different air connections scenarios show that an air network of this kind
(small world and scale-free) is not so easy to improve, i.e. its topological structure makes it so stable
and difficult to be changed.
The Aegean air system is so a good topological structure, able to get a stable behaviour despite the few
actual no-stop flight links between the Greek and the Turkish flag carrier programs. By the way, it has
been seen that one of the typical characteristic of these types of complex networks is the over
abundance of hubs but this is their “Achille's heel” as well; in fact, the system is stable until a failure
of one of its hubs. At that point, most of airports becoming unconnected, and the all system collapses.
In the final paragraph it will be presented the last analysis to measure the effective robustness of these
kind of networks, in case of failures.
7.3 Efficiency
The network structure and function strongly rely on the existence of paths between pairs of nodes.
When nodes or links are removed (i.e. there is an airport or connection failure), the typical path length
will increase and some locations become disconnected.
On the other hand, the improvement of new connections to follow the travel demand have to be
strongly related with the effective rate of benefit for the global network.
As the previous analysis reported, the structure of small world networks (as the Southeastern Europe
system is) is very stable and fixed in itself. It is not possible definitively improving it, if not
connecting all pairs of nodes. On the other hand, if we choose a few major hubs and take them out of
the network, it simply falls apart and is turned into a set of rather isolated graphs. Thus hubs are both
the strength of scale-free networks and their Achilles' heel.
In the following analysis it will be presented the results related to the deactivation of a connection, to
the aim of evaluate its importance in the global economy. In particular it has been analyzed the
previous Scenario 2, because of it takes into account the all region Hubs (Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir in
Turkey; Athens, Thessaloniki and Rhodes in Greece).
It has been removed each link connecting the above locations, with the aim to define which is the most
vulnerable in the global air network economy, in case of its damage. Table 2 shows the results in
function of the above described “Performance” measure: the expected Athens – Istanbul link is the one
with the most critical performance in case of its failure, follow by an efficiency decrease by the
Rhodes – Istanbul connection. This method is useful to predict some global behaviour of the system
because of, despite the common thoughts, it is not always the most connected link the more vulnerable
in the whole network economy.
Finally the same analysis could be taken in case of a hub failure; airports often have to be closed due
to several reasons, even if for a short time, causing cascading delays or cancellations of flights. If one
of the this air system's hubs have to close, it means that at least one airport become disconnected to the
rest of the system. This fact dramatically increases the value of the shortest path length.
TABLE 2: Failure Analysis on Hubs connections
Damaged Link
Athens – Istanbul
Rhodes – Istanbul
Athens – Izmir
Thessaloniki - Ankara
Izmir - Athens
Rhodes - Ankara
Izmir - Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki – Ankara
By contrast, in a random air network, in which all nodes have roughly the same number of
connections, deleting a random node is likely to increase the mean-shortest path length slightly but
significantly for almost any node deleted. In this sense, random networks are vulnerable to random
perturbations, whereas small world networks are robust. However, small world networks are
vulnerable to targeted attack of hubs, whereas random networks cannot be targeted for catastrophic
In conclusion, a small world approach seems to be a new right method to evaluate typical air networks
properties as such as connectivity, stability and hubs efficiency. Small world and complex network
theories can help the air service provider to define which links are the most vulnerable in case of its
failures. The results showed that the connections departing from the nodes with higher degree are not
always the most vulnerable; it depends on the global economy of each edge.
Meanwhile, the Southeastern Europe network has got all the typical complex networks characteristics:
it is both small world and scale-free. This means that the system is very difficult to be improved by
more air links between its airports, and more connections make the travel distances through the
network very slowly decreasing.
Finally, this method helps the study of the harmonization of the whole Southeastern Europe and
Middle East airport network, not only by means of typical transportation topic, but also by the possible
spin-off of the topological structure for social and economical behaviours, within and beyond the
The research is now directed in several ways, to the aim of improving the definition of efficiency
modelling a weighted network of flights, to take into account more transportation aspects as such as
travel times, travel demand and available seats on each route.
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Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
M. Miltiadou, Ch. Taxiltaris, G. Mintsis and S. Basbas
Department of Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract. In this paper, the experience and the role of Pan-European Corridor X in the implementation of the
EU Transport Policy are presented. More specifically, the members of the Technical Secretariat of the Steering
Committee for Corridor X appose scientific, technical and procedural activities, which contributed to the
embedding of a Pan-European multimodal transport Corridor and feed its development perspective in Southeast
Europe. Then a brief description of the existing and future situation of Corridor X is given, being results of the
systematic following of all the activities concerning the development of the Corridor since the establishment of
the structures of Corridor X, and consist the documentation of the key-role of the Corridor in the wider area.
Finally, and based on the experience gained after several years of operation and intensive activation, and within
the framework of the revision of the Pan-European Corridors and Areas and the setting of the new policy
guidelines, the concept of the structures of Corridor X for the implementation mechanism of the South Eastern
Priority Axis is presented.
The Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas were defined in the previous decade, at the PanEuropean Transport Conferences of Helsinki and Crete. On the basis of the respective declarations, the
European Commission and the participating countries’ authorised Ministers for Transport signed
Memoranda of Understanding for the development of the Pan-European Corridors. For the
coordination and implementation of those Memoranda respective Steering Committees have been
constituted, and to their support Technical Secretariats have been established. Various studies have
been elaborated for the documentation and prioritisation of projects, as well as for the examination of
the development potential of the transport sector.
Meanwhile, extensive planning exercises have been carried out by the European Commission, in order
to define the Trans-European transport networks for the Member States and the accession countries.
The last exercise was carried out in 2005 by a High Level Group, which had been established
following the ministerial seminar of Santiago de Compostella in June 2004. The aim of the exercise
was the revision of the Pan-European Networks after the enlargement of the European Union, and its
result was a proposal of the Commission to the European Council and the Parliament of five Priority
Axes (actually regional networks) in January 2007; one of those axes refers to the wider South Eastern
European region, which links the EU through the Balkans and Turkey to the Caucasus and to Caspian
Sea, to Egypt and the Red Sea.
Hereinafter, the structures of Pan-European Corridor X and the results of their work are presented.
Reference to other structures, initiatives and organisations active in the region the evolutions on
European Transport Policy is made, and finally an implementation mechanism for the South Eastern
Europe Priority Axis is proposed.
The Prague Declaration on all-European Transport Policy of the First Pan-European Transport
Conference in 1991 for the development of an efficient all-European Transport System foresaw the
indication of the most important transport routes linking the European countries and regions to be
considered for improvement and modernization.
The Second Pan-European Transport Conference in Crete in 1994 declared that a starting point for
future work on coherent infrastructure development at Pan-European level was the report on a set of
indicative guidelines, which covered the main infrastructure corridors for the various transport modes.
Nine Corridors were defined then, while a tenth was added, Corridor X, during the third Pan-European
Transport Conference in Helsinki in 1997 to cover the region of the former Yugoslavian countries, and
mainly the today’s Serbian Republic.
The overall objective of the Helsinki Declaration was to promote sustainable, efficient transport
systems (taking into account technical and interoperability aspects in order to facilitate movements at
border crossings), which meet the economic, social, environmental and safety needs of European
citizens, help to reduce regional disparities and enable European business to be competitive in the
world markets. Among other sub-objectives, one was to promote rehabilitation or reconstruction of
problematic links, giving at the same time priority to measures able to better exploit the existing
Pan-European Corridor X is the traditional route linking South Eastern Europe with Central Europe,
which had served transportation in the area for many decades. Before the 1990’s this Corridor was
fully operational and more or less developed in terms of road and rail infrastructure. The crisis in the
region of former Yugoslavia caused a significant drop in traffic along the Corridor and also influenced
its physical and operational status with damaged and neglected infrastructures and facilities, and three
new international borders along the Corridor, between the four former Yugoslavian countries.
The multimodal Pan-European Transport Corridor X (Main Axis and four branches), as defined by the
third Pan-European Transport Conference in Helsinki in 1997, connects Salzburg, Ljubljana, Zagreb,
Belgrade, Nis, Skopje, Veles and Thessaloniki; Graz with Maribor and Zagreb (Branch A); Budapest
with Belgrade (Branch B); Nis with Sofia [to Istanbul via Corridor IV (Branch C)]; and Veles with
Florina [and via Egnatia with Igoumenitsa port (Branch D)]. It refers to the road, rail and
interconnection points for inland waterways, air, maritime, intermodal and in particular combined
transport infrastructure, including ancillary installations such as signalling, the installations necessary
for traffic management, access links, border crossing stations, service stations, freight and passenger
terminals and warehouses along the Corridor. The alignment of the Corridor is described in more
detail in Table 1 (represented in Figures 1 and 2 in Chapter 6 for roads and railways, respectively).
TABLE 1: Corridor X main characteristics and alignment
Concerned countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Greece,
Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia
Transport modes: Railways 2.528km
Inland waterways
Sea- & River- ports
Main Axis: Salzburg - Ljubljana – Zagreb – Beograd – Nis – Skopje – Veles – Thessaloniki
Salzburg – Villach – Jesenice – Ljubljana – Zidani Most – Dobova – Zagreb –
Novska – Vinkovci – Beograd – Nis – Skopje – Veles – Thessaloniki
Salzburg – Villach – Karawanken – Ljubljana – Bic – Krska Vas – Obrezje –
Zagreb – Beograd – Nis – Skopje – Gradsko – Thessaloniki
Branch from Graz (Branch A)
Graz – Sentilj – Maribor – Zidani Most
Graz – Sentilj – Ptuj – Gruskovje – Zagreb
Branch from Budapest (Branch B)
Budapest – Kunszentmiklos – Tass – Kelebia – Novi Sad – Beograd
Budapest – Szeged – Roszke – Subotica – Novi Sad – Beograd
Branch to Sofija (to Istanbul) (Branch C)
Nis – Dimitrovgrad – Kalotina – Sofija
Nis – Dimtrovgrad – Sofija
Branch to Florina (Via Egnatia to Igoumenitsa port) (Branch D)
Veles – Bitola – Florina
Veles – Prilep – Bitola – Florina
The initiative for the coordination of the activities for the development of Corridor X was taken by the
International Affairs Division of the Greek Ministry of Transport and Communications. Recognizing
the economic, commercial and geopolitical importance of the Corridor for the stability, cooperation
and the development in the Balkans, several meetings were organized with all parties involved and
sharing the same interest for the revitalization of Corridor X, in view of preparing and signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the Ministers of Transport of the Corridor’s countries.
After two constructive preparative meetings of delegations of the countries concerned and
representatives of the European Commission (EC) and other international organizations in 1998 and
1999, the Ministers of Transport of the participating countries signed the MoU for Corridor X on
March 15th 2001 in Thessaloniki.
The MoU of the Pan-European Corridor X (Steering Committee, 2001) aims at the cooperation for the
development of main and ancillary infrastructure on the multimodal Corridor X, which should include
maintenance, reconstruction, rehabilitation, upgrading and new construction of infrastructure, as well
as its operation and use with a view to fostering the most efficient and environmentally friendly
transport modes. Furthermore, the cooperation aims at perceiving and defining prerequisites and
conditions for the most efficient use of funds and know-how provided by public and private sources.
The MoU includes the general rules on studies to be carried out according to best practices and to the
requirements of the private sector and the international financial institutions, which should be involved
during the different stages of planning, implementation, operation and use of infrastructure. It also
foresees the exchange of information concerning the development, use and operation of the Corridor,
such as physical aspects, traffic flows, delays at cross borders etc.
Furthermore, the MoU foresees to the agreement upon a common set of technical standards necessary
to secure optimal interoperability of all the sections of the Corridor, including the interoperability
between transport modes. The border crossings and customs cooperation included in the MoU aims at
the minimization of waiting times and the improvement of the conditions for long-distance transport.
The framework for private participation in the development, use and operation of the Corridor is
intended for optimum private sector involvement through a dialogue with the private sector and the
International Financial Institutions during the planning and realisation of projects, and the ensuring of
the necessary legal and financial conditions.
The framework for the implementation of the MoU is the definition of priorities, budgets and timeplans for specific measures necessary for the development of the Corridor, based on the coordination
work of the Steering Committee of the Corridor.
The Steering Committee, which is consisted of representatives of the eight participating countries and
the European Commission, meets regularly once a year and it is permanently supported by a Technical
Secretariat (T.S.), which has been assigned by the Greek Chair of the Steering Committee to the
Department of Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering of the Faculty of Rural and Surveying
Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to support the Committee during the Greek
Chairmanship, since January 2000.
The role of the T.S. had been to become active especially in the collection and evaluation of existing
information and relevant studies with respect to Corridor X, such as the collection of the information
concerning the state of infrastructure, traffic flows, waiting times at borders, specific maintenance,
reconstruction, rehabilitation and upgrading investments, and the establishment of a geographic
information system (G.I.S.) to demonstrate in a systematic and comprehensive manner the state of the
Corridor at its various stages of development. Concerning the dissemination of the results, updated
information about the status of the Corridor is available at the T.S. website.
The T.S. adopts, among other coordination and monitoring approaches, a methodology of an analytical
and in depth data collection survey, which mainly includes: a) annual questionnaire-based surveys in
all participating countries, b) extended on-site visits of expertise and meetings with members of the
road and rail authorities and organizations in each country, c) collection of reports from various
sources (e.g., international and national organizations etc.) about Corridor X, d) International
cooperation, especially with other Corridors in the area, the EC – Directorate General Transport and
Energy (DG TREN) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) – Transport
Division. The exchange of information with the South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO),
which is the Technical Secretariat of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the South East
Europe Core Network defined by the Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study (REBIS, 2003) is also
Furthermore, the T.S. has to bring out conclusions of the inventory of existing studies and suggestions
for the terms of references of new studies concerning Corridor X in line with the international
experience in this field and to examine conditions providing interoperability. The T.S. also assists the
efforts of the concerned countries to attract assistance for the development of the Corridor by
International Financial Institutions and the private sector. In the framework of those efforts, the T.S.
has elaborated a traffic flows forecasting study (for both freight and passenger sectors) for the
documentation of needs for new studies and respective projects for the development of the Corridor.
Last but not least, the T.S. is assigned to contribute to the optimization of the operations and
procedures taking place at border crossings and the provision of improved conditions for access to the
Corridor. Based on the results of a detailed survey of the T.S. on cross borders infrastructures and
procedures in 2003, it was decided that the structures of Corridor X, apart from the Steering
Committee and the Technical Secretariat, should – and have been – enhanced by a Working Group,
which nowadays works towards the implementation of a Protocol signed in a Ministerial meeting in
Corfu on June 16th 2006 for the improvement of border crossings along the Corridor.
Most of the activities mentioned above are horizontal for the Technical Secretariat (apart from ad hoc
activities, such as the elaboration of Terms of References for new studies, the traffic flows forecasting
and the cross borders survey) and obviously in accordance to the MoU provisions.
6.1 Roads
The total length of the road Corridor X is 2.299,6km and at present consists of multilane motorways at
a percentage of 61,5% and highways and other main roads at 38,5%. The road categories along the
Corridor are presented in Figure 1.
FIGURE 1: Road category of sections of Corridor X
# #
S T A R T / E N D O F S E C T IO N
2 . R O A D C A T E G O R Y (A C T U A L )
M o to rw a y
Highw ay
O th e r m a i n ro a d
N o t a p p l ic a b l e
S K O P J E %[
F.Y .R .O .M .
Source: European Commission (2005)
The main part of Road Corridor X linking Salzburg and Thessaloniki through the capitals of the
former Yugoslav Republics is 1.451,4km long and consists of multilane motorways at a percentage of
81,4% of its length. The maximum permitted speed along the Main Axis is 120km/h at most of its
sections, and generally the infrastructure is in good condition.
Extended upgrading projects are on-going or scheduled. It is foreseen that the percentage of multilane
motorways will reach 90% of the Main Axis by 2008, with upgrading of all the Slovenian and
Croatian sections to full motorway profile. The remaining sections of the main part of Corridor X in
Serbia and F.Y.R.O.M. that upgrading is required are the Leskovac (Grabovnica) – F.Y.R.O.M. border
(102,13km) and Tabanovce – Kumanovo (7,4km) and Demir Kapija – Smokvica section (33km) in
Furthermore, the construction of the motorway between Leskovac and the F.Y.R.O.M. border is
foreseen by 2012, with Greek financial assistance (21% of total construction cost) through the Hellenic
Plan for the Economic Reconstruction of the Balkans (Hi.P.E.R.B.), as well as the construction of the
Belgrade bypass. Recently, the negotiations of the F.Y.R.O.M with the World Bank ended up with an
agreement for the financing of the Tabanovce – Kumanovo motorway, while financing of the Demir
Kapija – Smokvica motorway is under negotiation, with potential involvement of the European
Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the EC Instrument for Preaccession Assistance and the Hi.P.E.R.B.
Branch A, from Graz to Zagreb via Maribor, is 163,4km long and consists of multilane motorways at
55% of its length. This branch is foreseen to be fully constructed in motorway profile by 2012.
On Branch B, the 47,3% of the 352,9km are parts of the M5 motorway in Hungary. The construction
of motorways on the rest of the branch in Serbia is foreseen by 2011, through a recently signed
concession for the Horgos – Pozega motorway.
Branch C (191,8km) is consisted by highways at 71% and two-lane main roads at the rest of its length.
Finally, Branch D is 140,1km long and consists of highways and other two-lane main roads.
Rehabilitation plan exists for the Greek part of the branch by 2007 and also on F.Y.R.O.M. sections,
with no fixed horizon of implementation though.
Concerning all the Corridor, Main Axis and Branches, since 2001 246,96km of motorways have been
constructed, out of sections of total length of 402km. The length of constructed sections corresponds to
61,4% and by the end of the year 2007 will reach 69,3% of planned transformation of highways to
motorways (Table 2).
From the aforementioned perspectives it is concluded that by 2012 Road Corridor X will be
constructed and operate in motorway profile at a great extend, and if this will be accompanied with
realization of the plans of the improvement of infrastructure and facilitation at border crossings, Road
Corridor X would be fully operational.
TABLE 2: Progress of motorways’ construction along Corridor X since 2001
Part of
Corridor X
Bic – Obrezje
Vrba – Naklo
Velika Kopanica – Zu 53,56
Zagreb – Bregana
Belgrade bypass
Gradsko – Demir K 75,5
Udovo – Gevgelija
Maribor – Gruskovje 38,8
Krapina – Macelj
Kiskunfelegyhaza – S 60,0
401,99 246,96
A= 61,4%
A + B = 278,56km (69,3%)
Main Axis
Total len Constructed
length (km)
Branch A
Branch B
Grand Total
Length of
planned to be const
in 2007 (km)
B= 7,9%
6.2 Railways
The total length of the Rail Corridor X is 2.528,21km and at present consists of single lines at a
percentage of 64% and double lines at 36%. The 92% of the network is electrified.
The percentages of double tracks per section of the Corridor are presented in Figure 2.
The main part of Rail Corridor X, in accordance to the Road one, connects Salzburg and Thessaloniki
and has a total length of 1.742,3km. It consists of single tracks at 55% of its length and it is fully
electrified. Full doubling of tracks along the Austrian parts is foreseen in the next decade, as well as in
Croatia and Serbia. The percentage of double tracks after the implementation of these projects
sometime after 2010 will reach 64% of the Main Axis.
Branch A is 154,3km long and consists of 100% electrified lines and double tracks at a percentage of
70%. By 2015, doubling of the branch’s lines is planned.
FIGURE 2: Percentage of double tracks per section of Rail Corridor X
0% (100% single track)
1 - 40%
41 - 80%
81 - 99%
100% double track
Not applicable
No data
Source: European Commission (2005)
Branch B lines are fully electrified and consist of single tracks at most of their length (96% of
305,6km). Serbian parts are currently being rehabilitated and upgrade plans exist for the Hungarian
part of the branch but with no secure financing and therefore no exact time horizon of completion set.
The 161km of Rail Branch C are almost totally single (95%) and not electrified (90%). For 2010 the
upgrade of the line in Bulgaria for speeds of 120-160km/h is planned, whilst the rehabilitation of the
Serbian part of the branch is planned foreseen. The recent construction and operation of a joint rail
cross border station at Dimitrovgrad at the Serbian/ Bulgarian borders is expected and anticipated to
have a positive impact on the operational level of the branch.
Branch D has a total length of 165km and fully consists of single and not electrified lines.
Modernization works on the Greek part of the branch have been completed and rehabilitation of the
F.Y.R. of Macedonian parts is planned by 2007. Although in present the branch is not operating for
international transport, the works of renewal of Mesonission cross border station in Greece has been
Obviously, the progress presented on Corridor X mainly refers to the road sector and the border
crossings will remain the main issue to be solved for the service of international traffic. On the
contrary (Taxiltaris et al, 2005), and apart from the border crossings parameter, the railways, which are
sufficiently developed only in Austria and Slovenia and in less extend in Croatia, face the challenge to
overcome the general crisis of the sector especially in the Western Balkans countries.
After the Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA) exercise, which covered a wide
European region consisted of the EU acceding countries, a Working Group of the EC set the strategic
Network of South East Europe in 2001 (EC, 2001), covering those countries participating in the
Stabilisation and Association Process. After the elaboration of the Transport Infrastructure Regional
Study (TIRS, 2002) and the Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study (REBIS, 2003), the Core Transport
Network of the Western Balkans has been defined for priority implementation under an MoU signed in
June 2004. The sections of Pan-European Corridor X in Croatia, Serbia and in F.Y.R.O.M. are the
backbone of that network.
In the mean time, in April 2004, and after a proposal of the 1st High Level Group chaired by Karel Van
Miert a comprehensive plan of thirty (30) projects was approved by the EU for the improvement of the
trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) on its territory (EC 884/2004). That was challenged by
the enlargement of the EU in 2004 with ten new member states (and 2007 with Bulgaria and
Romania), fact which automatically resulted the embodying of big parts of the Pan-European
Corridors to the TEN-T.
However, the TEN-T policy does not comprise connections of the EU with its neighbouring countries
and its other trade partners and regions. At time being, Croatia, Turkey and F.Y.R.O.M. are candidate
countries and the rest of the countries of the Western Balkans also have this potential. Concerning the
rest of the EU’s neighbours, a strategic document was developed in 2004, the “European
Neighbourhood Policy” setting the terms of cooperation towards the strengthening of prosperity,
stability and security of all parties concerned.
The European Neighbourhood Policy in the transport sector aims at ensuring that legislation, standards
and technical specifications of the EU main trade partners are compatible with the European, and thus
encouraging trade, sustainable growth and social cohesion, in the process of integrating neighbouring
countries into the EU market.
For the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the field of transport, a 2nd High
Level Group (HLG) was established in September 2004, aiming at revising the Helsinki Corridors and
to extend the major trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions. The HLG
took into account the most recent international exercises that brought several neighbouring to the EU
regions to a position of having defined a core network for development or of launching a process to
identify priority transport axes and projects. Those with reference to the South East Europe (SEE) and
east Mediterranean are the SEE Core Transport Network (already mentioned previously), the EuroMediterranean Regional Transport project launched by the MEDA programme in 2003, the
TRACECA, the UNECE (TEM and TER) Master Plans and the Euro-Asian transport links examined
by the UNECE and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP).
Figure 3 presents the five major trans-National axes (Motorways of the Seas, Northern Axis, Central
Axis, South Eastern Axis and South Western Axis), which according to the HLG (EC, 2005) would
contribute to the promotion of international exchanges, trade and traffic between the EU and its
neighbours, with provision of some branches with lower traffic volumes aiming at regional
cooperation enhancement and integration in the long term. The proposed Priority Axes that concern
the area of east Mediterranean are the South Easter Axis and the Motorways of the Seas.
The South Eastern Axis links the EU with the Balkans and Turkey and further with South Caucasus
and the Caspian (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia), the Middle East, Egypt and the Red Sea. In SEE
it actually merges and extends Corridors IV and X, and adopts Corridors VIII, VII (Danube) and
Branch C of Corridor V. Analytically this Priority Axis includes the following connections:
FIGURE 3: European Commission’s proposed trans-National Axes
Source: European Commission (2005)
Multimodal connection Salzburg – Ljubljana – Zagreb/Budapest – Belgrade – Nis, including the
following connections:
– Sofia – Istanbul – Ankara – Georgia/Armenia – Azerbaijan (TRACECA)
– Skopje – Thessaloniki
Multimodal connection Budapest – Sarajevo – Ploce
Multimodal connections Bari/Brindisi – Durres/Vlora – Tirana – Skopje – Sofia – Burgas/Varna
Inland waterways Danube and Sava
Multimodal connection Ankara – Mersin – Syria – Jordan – Suez – Alexandria/East Port Said,
including the following connections:
– Sivas – Malatya – Mersin
– Turkey towards Iran and Iraq
– Tartus – Homs towards Iraq
– Beirut – Damascus towards Iraq and Saudi Arabia
– Haifa – Israel border
– Jordan border – Amman towards Iraq and Saudi Arabia
Multimodal connections Damietta – Cairo and beyond including the Nile river
Multimodal connections from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia towards North and South
The Motorways of the Seas incorporate the four existing Pan-European Areas, including the Ionian
and the Mediterranean Seas, with extension to the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. Maritime transport
plays a crucial role in freight traffic between the EU and the neighbouring countries, particularly in the
Mediterranean, where direct land connections across the sea are scarce. For the improvement of the
organisation of intermodal freight transport, special attention is given in the context of the
implementation of the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) concept.
The MoS concept aims at introducing new intermodal maritime-based logistics chains in Europe,
which should result a structural change in the transport organisation. These chains will be more
sustainable, and should be commercially more efficient, than road-only transport. Hence, MoS would
improve access to markets throughout Europe, and relief the extended road system, through the
maximal use of the maritime transport resources in combination with better exploitation of rail and
inland waterways, as parts of an integrated transport chain. The concept is based on high quality,
frequent and regular maritime links between sea routes and a limited number of ports or port regions
with sufficient capacity and with very good hinterland connections.
The HLG proposed a number of priority infrastructure projects classified according to their degree of
maturity, which for the EC are considered indicative and should be thoroughly examined within
master plans to be developed per axis, subjected to their strategic, economic, environmental and social
impacts assessment. The above mentioned priority projects are presented in Figures 4, 5, 6 and Tables
3, 4, 5.
FIGURE 4: European Commission’s proposed South Eastern Axis – Western Balkans region
Source: European Commission (2005)
TABLE 3: European Commission’s proposed priority projects – Western Balkans region
Projects of short to medium term
Inland waterway
1a Reconstruction of the Sava river to the 1990 standard (phase 1)
Bosnia/Herzegovina 2 Reconstruction and modernisation of river port Brcko
Development of Danube navigability (river training works, locks and
removal of vessels sunken)
Upgrading of railway line Slovenia border-Zagreb-Serbia &
Montenegro border
Bosnia/Herzegovina 5 Single track railway tunnel 'Ivan'
Reconstruction and modernization of railway line Hungary borderSerbia
6 Belgrade-Nis-Bulgaria/FYROM borders, including bridge over
Danube in Novi Sad
Reconstruction and modernization of railways within Belgrade railway
8a Rehabilitation of the railway line Tabanovce-Gevgelija (phase I)
9 Railway line Kumanovo-Beljacovce-Bulgaria border
10 Railway line Kicevo-Stuga-Albania border
11 Railway line Lin-Qafe Thane-FYROM border
Road upgrading Slovenia border-Zagreb-Lipovac-Serbia &
Montenegro border
Bosnia/Herzegovina 20 Road upgrading on Croatia border-Saravejo-Mostar-Croatia border
Road upgrading from section Hungary border-Belgrade-Nis-FYROM
22 Belgrade city road by-pass section Batajnica-Bubanj Potok
23 Road upgrading Kumanovo-Tabanovce
24 Road upgrading Demir Kapija-Udovo-Smokvica
25 Road upgrading Albania border-Skopje-Bulgaria border
Projects of longer term interest
Inland waterway
Reconstruction of the Sava river to a higher navigability class (phase
Bosnia/Herzegovina 31 Reconstruction and modernisation of river port Samac
8b Rehabilitation of railway line Tabanovce-Gevgelija (phase II)
Other major projects on multimodal axes, projects of regional or national interest
38 Gazela bridge
39 Intermodal logistic platform in Belgrade
40 Construction of the multi-modal terminal located in Struga
Source: European Commission (2005)
FIGURE 5: European Commission’s proposed South Eastern Axis – Turkey, Caucasus, Middle East,
Source: European Commission (2005)
TABLE 4: European Commission’s proposed priority projects – Turkey, Caucasus, Middle East, Egypt
Projects of short to medium term
Railway line Istanbul-Cerkezköy-Bulgaria border
Railway line Ankara-Sivas
Railway line Gyumri-Ayrum
Railway line Baku-Georgia border
Cabining of the optical cable on railway line Baku-Yalama
Railway line Poti/Batumi-Azerbaijan border
Ha’emek railway (from Haifa up to Jordanian border)
Road upgrading Gerede-Merzifon
Road upgrading Turkey border-Jordan border, including the branch Tartus-Homs
Irdib ring road
Road upgrading Alexandria-Cairo-Suez-Taba (Israel border)
Road upgrading Ismailia-East Port Said
Projects of longer term interest
Upgrading transportation through the River Nile (up to Cairo)
Construction of railway line Syria border-Amman-Aqaba
Signalling system and station infrastructure Beni Suef-El Minya-Asyout
Road connection Sanhurfa-Silopi
Road connection Homs-Tanf-Iraq border
Road construction Amman-Iraq border
Other major projects on multimodal axes, projects of regional or national interest
Electrification of Shebin El Qanater-Damietta railway line
Railway line Bir El Abd-Rafah
Upgrading of coastal road Rafah-Damietta-Alexandria-El Saloum
Road tunnel under Suez Canal
Burg Al Arab-Aswan western desert road
Airport – supporting air cargo
Airport – expansions, rehabilitation and modernisation
Source: European Commission (2005)
FIGURE 6: European Commission’s proposed Motorways of the Seas
Source: European Commission (2005)
TABLE 5: European Commission’s proposed priority projects – Motorways of the Seas
Projects of short to medium term
Port of St. Petersburg (Ust-Luga + railway terminal)
Port of Novorossyisk (upgrading + logistic centre)
Port of Illyiehevsk (container terminal)
Port of Mersin (capacity increase, phase 1)
Port of Baku (railway handling etc,)
Port of Poti
Port of Tartus
Port of Aqaba (master plan, capacity increase, phase 1)
Multipurpose platform East Port Said Port
Deep water port in Enfidha
Port of Djen-Djen
Container terminal of Mohamedia port
Projects of longer term interest
4b Port of Mersin (capacity increase, phase 2)
Port of Aqaba (capacity increase, phase 2)
Port of Batumi
Extension of existing breakwater and new platform of El Dekhela Port
Source: European Commission (2005)
Concerning the coordination framework for the implementation of the new policy guidelines,
extensive dialogue with the different stakeholders took place since the delivery of the HLG report
through the public consultation process, through which the EC concluded to propose a “strong binding
document” [COM(2007) 32 final]. That binding document would ensure the commitment of the
participating countries to implement the appropriate measures timely stemming from the respective
Action Plans of a Priority Axis.
The EC proposes that a possible coordination framework could foresee the establishment of a threelevel structure for the implementation and monitoring of the Priority Axes (EC, 2007): On the higher
level, the strategic decisions regarding the coordination framework, the axes, infrastructure projects
and horizontal measures would be taken through Ministerial Meetings, based on proposals of the
Regional Steering Groups. Regional Steering Groups would be responsible for the coherent
implementation of the axes and measures at technical level, ensuring agreed common methods for
strategic and project level assessment and monitoring. Finally, a Secretariat would provide
administrative and technical support.
The process foreseen by the EC proposal is the performance of exploratory talks with the neighbouring
countries concerning their interest and level of commitment that they are willing to undertake within
the proposed coordination framework. Following that outcome, the EC would make recommendations
and proposals to implement the policy and coordination framework.
The EC has recently launched a process by creating four workshops to examine the problems and
propose solutions related to the implementation of the Priority Axes in the EU and in the neighbouring
regions: More specifically, the workshops shall deal with the a) the differences of approach inside and
outside the EU; b) the optimum geographical coverage (or how to handle very long axes); c) the
promotion of “non infrastructure” measures; and d) the strengthening of cooperation and monitoring.
At time being the structures of Corridor X are leading the fourth workshop and its members participate
in the rest of the workshops.
However, the position of the structures of Corridor X concerning the implementation of the Priority
Axes has already been defined.
As a principal it is considered that the structure of the authorities responsible for implementing each
Priority Axis, on the basis of a document to be signed by the interested countries and the EU, should
incorporate the existing structures of the Pan-European Corridors. It is considered fundamental to take
advantage of the experience, know-how, the cumulative data and the studies that have already been
realized in most sections of the new Priority Axes.
Furthermore, exploiting the best practices concerning mechanisms already in operation, such as for the
Pan-European Corridors, the SEETO and the Energy Treaty, the structures of Corridor X concluded to
an analytical proposal, where, in broad lines, it is proposed that a proper mechanism for each Priority
Axis should consist of the following bodies:
A Steering Group: Political body consisted of representatives of the authorised Ministries of
the countries participating in each Priority Axis and the European Commission, responsible for the
implementation of the Binding Document.
A Regulatory/ Administrative Unit: Regulatory, administrative and technical unit, cofinanced by the European Commission and the participating countries, responsible for the
administrative and secretarial support of the Steering Group, the coordination of the activities to
implement the approved by the Steering Group Action Plan of the respective Priority Axis and the
regulation and coordination of the activities of sectorial Technical Secretariats.
Sectorial Technical Secretariats: Their actions are regulated and coordinated by the relevant
Regulatory/ Administrative Unit and they are financed by the budget allocated to the Regulatory/
Administrative Unit, donors and ad-hoc contributions, responsible for the implementation of the action
plan on a Corridor/ Sector of the Priority Axis. The Sectorial Technical Secretariats would be existing
structures of Pan-European Corridors included in the Priority Axis and new structures for the new
Corridors/ Sectors defined by a Priority Axis.
Indicative organisational schemes are illustrated in Figure 7 for the South Eastern Priority Axis,
applicable after adjustments on any other Priority Axis, as well as in Figure 8 for the whole system of
the Priority Axes. In the case of the Motorways of the Sea, it should be noted that it is the EC intention
to appoint a Coordinator as in the case of some TEN-T projects.
FIGURE 7: Typical Priority Axis implementation mechanism proposed by the Corridor X structures
(applicable in the case of SEE Priority Axis)
FIGURE 8: Generalised Priority Axes implementation mechanism proposed by Corridor X structures
Finally it should me mentioned that a study has been assigned by DG TREN titled “Analytical support
framework to monitor the implementation of the infrastructure and "soft" measures proposed by the
High Level Group TEN-T Northern Axis” (TEN-NAxis), and its outcome is expected with high
interest. The aim of this study is to set up - as a pilot for the Northern Axis – the analytical support
framework that would enable monitoring the implementation of the measures proposed by the EC with
provision that the methodology and principles of the analytical framework to be easily extended to the
other Axes.
What has been described in the above as structures and achievements of Corridor X could comprise a
model for other Corridors, as well as for the new Priority Axes. It should be mentioned though
(Taxiltaris et al, 2005) that the projects implemented are not due such to the existence of composed
trans-national structures, as to the will of Corridor X’s countries separately and their financial
potential. That of course is a result of the existing framework of MoUs that is more or less based on
voluntary basis.
Therefore, the role of Corridor X’s structures is to an extend encouraging to the efforts for
development of the Corridor per country, but mainly is a mechanism able to present, with the
appropriate technical tools, the real picture of the Corridor at every turn, and also the perspectives of
the Corridor in function with fermentations, decisions, initiatives – often solitary, but also placed in
the framework of a de facto overall unified plan. Hence, the Corridor X’s structures on the one hand
comprise an observatory of the progress of the implementation of the Corridor, and on the other a
basis for documentation of the existing situation and the development planning.
Corridor X is the backbone of the Core Transport Network of the Western Balkans and remains a
priority for the EU, as it is fully incorporated in the South Eastern Priority Axis and is the gateway of
the Western Balkans to the Aegean through the Thessaloniki port and to Turkey and the AdriaticIonian through its Branches C and D respectively and through the Egnatia Odos Motorway. Corridor
X structures are in coordination and have cooperation with other organisations and initiatives active in
the SEE (SEETO, SEECP High Performance Railway Network, etc.) and have an active role in the
process of defining a model implementation mechanism of the Priority Axes, while it is certain that
they will be fully integrated in the new mechanisms; that is the direction given by DG TREN: to fully
exploit and built on the expertise of the existing structures of the Pan-European Corridors.
- 1st Pan-European Transport Conference organized by the European Parliament and Commission of
the European Communities (1991) Prague Declaration on all European Transport Policy, Prague.
- 2nd Pan-European Transport Conference (1994) Crete Declaration, Crete.
- 3rd Pan-European Transport Conference (1997) Helsinki Declaration towards a European wide
transport policy – A set of common principles, Helsinki.
- European Commission Working Group – Directorate General for Energy and Transport, Directorate
General for External Relations, EuropeAid Cooperation Office (2001) Transport and Energy
Infrastructure in South East Europe, Brussels.
- European Commission (2005) Extension of the major Trans-European Transport axes to the
neighbouring countries and regions, Brussels.
- European Commission (2007) Communication from the Commission to the Council and the
European Parliament [COM (2007) 32 final]: Extension of the major Trans-European Transport axes
to the neighbouring countries – Guidelines for transport in Europe and neighbouring regions, Brussels.
- Steering Committee for Pan-European Corridor X (2001) “Memorandum of Understanding on the
development of the Pan-European Transport Corridor X”, Thessaloniki.
- Taxiltaris C., Mintsis G., Basbas S., Miltiadou M. (2005) “Implementation of the Pan-European
Corridors Concept: The Case of Corridor X”. Paper presented at COST340 Final Conference Towards
a European Intermodal Transport Network: Lessons from History, Paris, June 2005.
Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
Ayse Uyduranoglu-Oktem
Department of Economics
Istanbul Bilgi University
Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract. The transport systems contributes indispensably to the economic and social development of a country
at both national and international level. Since the founding aim of the European Union (EU) is to enable the free
movement of goods and people and to maintain an internal market across the EU, it is inevitable to adopt a
common transport policy in both the EU member countries and candidate countries. Ensuring inter-modality
and the development of Trans European Network-Transport (TEN-T) are some of the priorities of the common
transport policy adopted by the EU. Accordingly, in the pre-accession and the post-accession period, Turkey
will receive financial assistance from the EU in order to expand and revitalise its railway network, and to link
its overall transport network to that of the EU to contribute to the development of TEN-Ts.
Keywords: Common transport policy, combined transport, inter-modality, sustainable transport, TEN-T,
Transportation is an essential component of daily life and economic growth. Rising population rate
and exponential surge in economic activities bring about an increasing demand for transportation. On
the other hand, an imbalanced growth in various transport modes causes some problems such as
inefficient use of some modes, and high transportation cost, not to mention environmental problems.
Aware of the role of an efficient transportation system in the development of countries, the EU aims at
achieving a common transport policy within the Union as well as in candidate countries. Being a
candidate member itself, Turkey is re-structuring its transport policy to incorporate the rules of the EU
transportation system. The aim of this paper is to compare the transport system in the EU with that in
Turkey. Section 2 provides brief information on the evolution of the EU common transport policy.
Section 3 offers an account of the Turkish experience in developing its transport system. Section 4
provides a conclusion.
Economically speaking, the transport sector has a very crucial place within the EU framework. It
accounts for about 7 per cent of the EU’s GDP and for 5 per cent of employment in the EU
(Commission of European Communities, 2006). The need for a common transport policy in the EU is
of utmost importance to achieve the use of more sustainable modes, to fuel competition among
transport operators, and to attain better integrated infrastructure. Such a policy will boost the
competitiveness of the EU’s economy at the international level, and contribute to the social cohesion
of the Union.
The history of the common transport policy dates back to the establishment of the European Economic
Agency in 1957, which was the first step taken towards the EU. The Treaty of Rome recognised the
need for the adoption of a common transport policy. Thus, the importance of an effective transport
system was acknowledged as early as the Treaty of Rome. In the Part Three of the Treaty, Articles 7484 drew a general framework for the EU common transport policy. Cabotage rights, known as the
transport of goods within one country by a haulier from another country, common rules for
transportation between member countries and improvement in transport safety were determined as the
objectives of this policy (Pitsiava-Latinopoulou et al, 2006). Despite the fact that the objectives of the
common transport policy were determined by the Treaty of Rome, it took almost thirty years to shape
the common transport policy in the EU. In 1983 the European Parliament sued the European Council
for not acting on the common transport policy. In 1985 the European Court of Justice decided that the
Council was neglectful in not fully acting on the common transport policy (Economic Development
Foundation, 2004). After the decision of the European Court of Justice, the European Union enacted
legislations, which aimed at achieving ‘inter-modality’ across the EU.
Up to date, the European Commission has published a number of documents on the EU’s transport
policy framework. These documents determine the priorities of an effective transport system and point
out the weaknesses of the existing transport system across the EU. White Papers on transport can be
enumerated among these documents. The White Paper published in 1985 focused on the completion of
the internal market and set out the guidelines for the common transport policy (Commission of
European Communities, 1985). This document placed an emphasis on the importance of development
of infrastructure and improving safety. The White Paper adopted by the Commission in 1992 mainly
revolved around the importance of coherence in transport policy at the EU level, opening of transport
markets and fair competition between modes (Commission of the European Communities, 1992). The
White Paper in 1998 commented on the unfair payment of various modes for infrastructure use in
search of sustainable development (Commission of the European Communities, 1998). The White
Paper submitted by the Commission in 2001 set out new objectives for the common transport policy,
especially for achieving sustainable transport, including 60 measures to fulfill the objectives in
question (Commission of the European Communities, 2001). Eventually, the Commission recently
published another White Paper on transport to underscore that measures announced by the previous
White Paper would not be sufficient to achieve sustainable transport, and to announce further
measures to fulfill the objectives of the transport policy of the EU (Commission of the European
Communities, 2006).
The EU’s continuous enlargement will not only endow its citizens with the opportunity of travelling
across new borderless territories, but also accelerate the movement of goods among the member
countries. It is expected that the growth in freight transport and passenger transport will increase by
around 50 per cent and 35 per cent respectively between 2000 and 2020 in the EU-25 (Commission of
the European Communities, 2006). Priorities of the common transport policy at the EU level including
the new member countries are twofold: the development of TEN-T13 and sustainable transport. The
Treaty of Maastricht signed in 1993 introduced the concept of TEN-T with the vision of eliminating
cross-border ‘bottlenecks’. A report by the European Commission (2005) provides detailed
information on the forthcoming TEN-T projects, their costs and funding as well as their environmental
benefits. In 2004, the European Commission revised guidelines and financial regulations with a list of
30 priority projects for the development of TEN-Ts. When realized, they would not only eradicate
cross-border ‘bottlenecks,’ but also supplement those policies designed to cope with increasing
transport related CO2 emissions. According to statistics, CO2 emissions from transport are expected to
be 38 per cent greater in 2020 than today. If these 30 priority projects are successfully devised and
implemented, a fall by 4 per cent will be witnessed in such hazardous emissions.
Inter-modality or combined transport, known as one characteristic of a transport system where at least
two different modes are used to complete a door-to-door transport sequence, is also listed among the
priorities of the EU common transport policy. The aim of inter-modality is to achieve sustainable
transport by shifting demand from road transport to transport by rail, sea and inland water. As
contemporary data shows, road transport dominates transport by accounting 44 per cent of freight
transport and 79 per cent of passenger transport in total transport activities (EEA, 2007). To realize
inter-modality, the EU first launched Pilot Action for Combined Transport (PACT)14 in 1992. 146
projects benefited from PACT between 1992 and 1999. Later on, Marco Polo I inter-modality
programme was introduced for the period of 2003-2007. Finally, the European Commission proposed
Marco Polo II programme for the period of 2007-2013 in 2004. It is expected that every 1 € in grants
to Marco Polo II programme will culminate in 6 € in terms of social and environmental benefit
increasing the use of inland water for freight transport in the EU, is called Navigation and Inland
Waterway Action and Development in Europe (NAIADES). The implementation period for the
NAIADES Action programme covers the years 2006-2013.
In 1996 the European Parliament and Council adopted Decision No: 1962/96/EC for the development of the Trans
European Network-Transportion to interlink the transport networks of all member countries and of candidate countries to
one another.
Countries outside the Union may also benefit from PACT, Marco Polo I programme and Marco Polo II programme as
long as they fulfil the objectives of combined transport. But at least one member state must involve in projects.
Transport activities have an increasing trend in Turkey and, as expected, they simultaneously play an
essential role in the development of the country. A comprehensive report by TUSIAD (2007) offers an
account of the transport sector in Turkey, indicating that the sector has shown a dramatic change over
the years. Until 1950s, railway transportation was the dominant mode for both passenger and freight
transport. It amounted to 40 per cent of passenger transport and 55.1 per cent of freight transport until
the 1950 general election (TUSIAD, 2007). The right-wing Democratic Party emerged from the
election as victor and, adopting populist policies, opted for investing more in road transportation.
Inadequate investment in railway transport resulted in increasing market share in favour of road
transport, which became the dominant mode in national transport system. Today, 95 per cent of
passenger and 90 per cent of freight transport are realised by road transportation in Turkey (State
Planning Organisation, 2001). This high rate of dependency on road transportation raises grave
concerns about sustainability, while threatening the competitiveness of the country at the international
Following the granting of candidacy status to Turkey by the Helsinki Summit of the European Council
in December 1999, negotiations for full membership were opened in 2005. The progress reports by the
European Commission on Turkey are regarded as very crucial documents on the country’s path along
the accession process. These documents demonstrate the progress made by Turkey in line with the
Acquis expressed in the Treaties, the secondary legislation, and the policies of the EU. Unfortunately,
the 2007 Progress Report, like the previous reports, indicates the weaknesses of the Turkish transport
system, and expresses the measures the country should take to internalise the common transport policy
of the EU (Commission of the European Communities, 2007).
To be integrated into the EU common transport policy, policy makers in Turkey are incessantly restructuring the transport system. Since 1963, national policies of Turkey are predetermined in fiveyear development plans. The 9th National Development Plan (NDP) prepared by State Planning
Organisation (SPO) covers seven years from 2007 to 2013 in order to be in line with the EU budgeting
and financial assistance programming. The 9th NDP sets out priorities for Turkey in terms of
development. Accordingly, for the purpose of enhancing Turkey’s competitiveness, it is indispensable
to improve transport infrastructure. The fundamental aim of the transport system in Turkey is defined
by the 9th National Development Plan (State Planning Organisation, 2006) as follows:
“Establishment of rapid and safe transport infrastructure that will increase the competitive power of the country”
This document also determines the priorities of the transport system of Turkey under four headings:
Establishment of an efficient transport system
Improved safety and security
Integration with European and neighbouring countries
Environmental and financial sustainability
Official documents,15 which constitute the framework of transport policy in Turkey, recognise the
importance of linking the transport system of Turkey with TEN-Ts and of increasing the share of
railway and maritime transport for freight and passenger in total transport. The overall objective of
transportation in the coming years can be summarised as improving the transportation infrastructure
considering safety and inter-modality on future TEN-Ts, while maintaining an efficient and balanced
transportation system.
The European Council recently decided to increase the amount of financial support to Turkey, a sum
of which would be spent for harmonizing its transport framework with that of the EU. The EU
Regulation No: 1085/2006 set the Instruments for Pre-Accession (IPA).16 The aim of the IPA17 is to
provide financial assistance for candidate and potential candidate countries for the period of 20072013. The transport sector is one of the sectors where IPA funds will be utilised to contribute to
regional development. Transport related projects account for 30-35 per cent of total regional
development funds provided by the IPA. IPA funds will serve to support and widen the pre-existing
transport infrastructure. In a similar vein, the aim of Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment
(TINA) is to determine those initiatives, which must be undertaken to interlink candidate countries’
transport networks to the transport networks of the EU. The list of projects needed to connect the
The 9th National Development Plan and Strategic Coherence Framework (SCF) are the most important ones.
With the introduction of IPA the EU abolished PHARE (Polland and Holland: Asssistance for Restructuring their
Economies), SAPARD (Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development) and ISPA (Instrument
for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession) as of 2007. These funds were used to provide financial assistance for candidate
countries on the convergence to the EU.
There are five different compenents, which will receive financial support from IPA. These are transition assistance and
instutition bulding compenent, regional and cross-border co-operation component, regional development component,
human resources development component and rural development component. Transport takes place under regional
development component.
Turkish and EU transport networks will be determined in line with the evaluation of TINA. Put
differently, TINA sets the basis according to which IPA funds would be distributed to relevant
projects. Maritime and railway transport are under focus since they play an essential role in achieving
sustainable transport. Turkey has borders with Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Georgia, Armenia
and Azerbaijan. Due to its advantageous geostrategic position, Turkey can play a significant role in
connecting the EU to the Middle East and the Caucasus countries.18 After the EU enlargement, the
transport ministers of the member countries met in Spain in 2004 with the aim of linking TEN-Ts with
the transport networks of neighbouring countries. As a result of this meeting, a High Level Group was
established to work on priority projects. Five priority projects were determined by the Group, and the
south-east corridor, which will link the EU member countries with the Middle East through Turkey,
was declared as being one of the major transport corridors.
Turkey is constantly re-viewing its transport policy to be in line with the EU transport acquis.
Transport policies of Turkey are attracting remarkable attention from the EU due to the strategic
geographical position of Turkey. Hence, Turkey has received and will continue to receive a
considerable amount of financial assistance to strengthen its railway and port infrastructure during the
pre-accession period. As a result of the improvement of infrastructure, the transport network of Turkey
will significantly contribute to the extension of TEN-Ts towards the Central Asia and the Middle East.
This will lead the EU to increase its competitiveness at the international level to fulfil the objectives of
the Lisbon Strategy. In return, Turkey will derive benefit from the shifted demand from road
transportation to railway and maritime transportation in achieving sustainable development.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a number of new countries were established. Some of these countries are
known as the Caucasus countries. These countries are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and
Commission of the European Communities, (1985) Completing the Internal Market, Brussels, CEC,
COM (85) 310.
Commission of the European Communities, (1992) The Future Development of the Common
Transport Policy, Brussels, COM (92) 494.
Commission of the European Communities, (1998) Fair Payment for Infrastructure Use: A Phased
Approach to a Common Transport Infrastructure Charging Framework in the EU, Brussels, COM (98)
Commission of the European Communities, (2001) European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to
Decide, Brussels, COM (2001) 466.
Commission of the European Communities, (2006) Keep Europe Moving-Sustainable Mobility for
Our Continent-Mid-term Review of the European Commission’s 2001 Transport White Paper,
Brussels, COM (2006) 314.
Commission of the European Communities, (2007) Commission Staff Working Document: Turkey
2007 Progress Report, Brussels, COM (2007) 663.
Economic Development Foundation (2004), Avrupa Birliği’nin Enerji ve Ulaştırma Politikaları ve
Türkiye’nin Uyumu (Energy and Transport Policies of the EU and Turkey’s Adoption), Istanbul.
EEA, (2007) Transport and Environment on the Way to a New Common Transport Policy: Term 2006,
European Commission, (2005), Trans-European Transport Network: TEN-T priority axes and projects,
Pitsiava-Latinopoulou, M. Basbas S and Christopoulou P (2006), Sustainable Transport Systems:
Trends and Policies, Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st century, 89, pp. 13-22, WIT
Press, Southampton.
State Planning Organisation, (2001) Ulaştırma: Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu (Transportation:
Special Export Commission Report), Ankara.
State Planning Organisation, (2006) 9th Development Plan, Ankara.
TUSIAD, (2007) Kurumsal Yapısı, Yasal Çerçevesi ve Göstergeleriyle Ulaştırma Sektörü (Transport
Sector with its Organisational Structure and Legal Framework), Istanbul.
Journal of Transport and Shipping (JTS)
Issue 4, December 2007
George Yannis, Alexandra Laiou, Sophia Vardaki and George Kanellaidis
Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Athens, Greece
Abstract. Given that several regions of Greece and Turkey have higher road accident death rates than any other
European region, the objective of this research is the exploration of the underline parameters, which contribute
to this phenomenon. On that purpose, road accident fatalities are co-examined with basic macroscopic
parameters affecting road safety, like population and vehicle fleet and lognormal models are developed for
Greece, Turkey and three selected groups of EU countries. The application of the models developed showed
clearly that not only the rapidly increasing motorization level in both countries but mainly the highly risky twowheeler traffic constitute main contributing factors to the increased road fatality rates in the two countries. The
proposed calculation of the dimensionless elasticity for each examined parameter was found as a simple but
appropriate technique for the direct comparison of different cases of parameters and models. The results of this
research could be proved beneficial for the identification of specific measures addressing the underlying road
safety issues in Greece and Turkey, like the increased motorcycle traffic.
Keywords: road fatalities, road accidents, motorcycles, lognormal, elasticity.
Road accidents have become one of the major causes of death in many countries and road safety is
regarded as an issue of public health. In 2004, more than 43.000 persons were killed in almost 1.3
million car accidents which occurred in the EU. About 1.8 million persons were injured, 285.000 of
them seriously (CARE, 2007).
The road safety level differs a lot among the members of the European Union and the candidate
countries. Three main groups can be distinguished, based on the number of persons killed per million
registered passenger cars. It is noted that this ratio was chosen because of incomplete and partially
non-harmonised data on the actual transport performance (expressed in passenger - kilometers). Northwest countries perform best with Sweden, United Kingdom and the Netherlands having the lowest
number of persons killed per million passenger cars in 2004. Countries in southern Europe (Spain,
Italy, Portugal and Greece) display a clearly lower road safety level. Finally, eastern countries
(members and candidates) have the highest values of the examined ratio (Bialas-Motyl 2007, ETSC
During the last decade most of the European countries have achieved an important improvement on
their road safety level. In Greece and Turkey the number of persons killed per million registered
passenger cars has decreased by over 50 percent in ten years (Akgüngör, 2007). Nevertheless, there is
still need for further improvement in both countries. Focusing on the individual regions of the EU-25,
it appears that 7 out of the 10 most dangerous regions during 2004, are located in Greece.
Respectively, 18 out of the 20 most dangerous regions in the candidate countries are located in Turkey
(Bialas-Motyl, 2007).
Previous studies have shown, since long, (Smeed 1949, Adams 1987) that the examined ratio is
correlated with the density of car ownership and the population. Countries with high ratios like Turkey
and Romania are characterised by low passenger car density. The percentage of motorcycles in the
total fleet is also a parameter with an important effect on road fatalities as two-wheeler riders are at
increased risk in relation to passenger car drivers (Yannis et al, 2005b, Spyropoulou et al, 2005). As
far as population is examined, an increase of the population is usually related to a decrease of the
accident risk (Bialas-Motyl 2007, Isildar 2006).
The objective of this research is the exploration of the basic parameters affecting road safety
performance in Greece and Turkey and the comparison of road safety trends between these two
neighbouring countries but also in relation to three selected groups of EU countries.
On this purpose demographic and vehicle fleet parameters were selected and the impact of each one of
them to the number of road fatalities was explored. A lognormal model was developed for each
country or group of countries. Dimensionless elasticities were used for the direct comparison of all
model parameters, in order to identify differences and similarities in road safety performance in the
countries examined.
Five cases were explored in this research. These were: the cases of Greece and Turkey individually
and the cases of the rest members of the E.U. divided in three groups. The group of "North-West
Europe" included Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, the
Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The group of "South Europe" consists of Spain and Italy.
Finally, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania form the
group named "New members". It is noted that Finland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary and
Malta were not included in the research because of lack of the necessary exposure and accident data.
The road safety level of each country or group of countries is expressed by the number of road
fatalities per year. The parameters examined are the population, the total number of registered vehicles
and the percentage of motorcycles in the total fleet.
Data used in the analysis come from international databases as well as from National Statistical
Services when necessary. Demographic and vehicle fleet data for all countries were extracted from the
Eurostat database. Data on vehicle fleet were available only for years 1985-2004. Finally, data on
fatalities come from the IRTAD (period 1985-1990) and from the CARE database (period 1991-2004).
National statistics were also used in order to fill in the gaps. Data cover years 1985-2004 for Greece
and Turkey, 1985-2004 for North-West and South Europe and years 1991-2004 for the new members.
After collecting all the necessary data, a new database was created and used for the statistical analysis.
In order to develop a statistical model which would describe the road safety level for each case,
several types of models were investigated. Lognormal regression was finally selected for its simplicity
but also for its adequateness for such international road safety comparisons. Five models were finally
developed, each one referring to one of the countries and group of countries examined. The statistical
significance of the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables was assessed by
calculating the R2 value (Mc Carthy P.S., 2001). For each independent variable, the t - value was also
used as a measure of the statistical significance of each parameter (Leech et al, 2005).
In order to make possible the comparison between countries, focus was given to the estimation of the
responsiveness and sensitivity of the dependent variable with respect to changes in each independent
variable. On this purpose, the elasticity of each dependent variable was calculated (Washington et al,
2003). Visual presentation of results was also used for the better understanding of the impact on road
safety of the macroscopic parameters examined.
During the development of each lognormal regression model, three independent and one dependent
variable were used. The independent variables were: the number of registered vehicles (motorcycles
are not included), the percentage of motorcycles in the total fleet and the population of each country or
group of countries. The logarithm of road fatalities per year in each case was examined as the
dependent variable. Lognormal model was selected because of the more adequate depiction of the road
fatalities' time series. All five models were developed according to the following model structure:
y= 10
a0 +a1x1 +a2 x 2 +a3 x 3
where y: log(fatalities)
x1 : the number of registered vehicles
x2 : the percentage of motorcycles in the total fleet
x3 : the population
The results of the lognormal regression for all cases are shown in Table 1.
TABLE 1: Lognormal regression results for all cases.
population 8,29E-08 0,389
0,111 -1,29E-09 -0,664 0,082 2,55E-09 0,282
0,636 -4,81E-08 -3,108 0,836 3,29E-08 0,948
total num.
of regist.
-1,40E-07 -6,461
(%) motorcycles
in total
In North-West Europe, R2 value was calculated equal to 0,940. This value indicates a rather high
statistically significant relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. For the rest
of the cases, R2 values are lower though acceptable.
All five models were depicted on one chart (Figure 1). For each case both curves for actual and model
values of fatalities were drawn.
The elasticity of each dependent variable was calculated based on the formula:
ei =
where Xi: the average value of each variable xi
Yi: the average value of log(fatalities)
Elasticity is useful because it is dimensionless unlike any estimated coefficient of regression
parameter, which depends on the units of measurement of each parameter. In this way, it is possible to
express quantitatively the impact of each independent variable on the dependent. In combination with
the sign (±) of the coefficients it is also possible to identify whether an increase in each independent
variable results in an increase or a decrease in the independent one.
FIGURE 1: Actual and model values of fatalities.
North-W est Europe
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
f at.
North-W est Eur.
North-W est Eur.
South Eur.
South Eur.
New Mem bers
New Mem bers
South Europe
New Members
Based on the above elasticity calculations, the five models can be further explored and compared to
each other through the comparison of elasticities calculated for each case. The kind of impact that each
independent variable has on the dependent variable can be identified by the sign (±) of the
corresponding coefficient in each model.
In the case of Greece elasticity values are: e1 = 0,029, e2 = 0,042 and e3 =0,279. These results show
that the population is the variable which affects the number of road fatalities most but the percentage
of motorcycles in the total fleet has also a great impact on road fatalities. An increase in the total
number of registered vehicles results in a decrease in road fatalities, while an increase in the
percentage of motorcycles or the population result in an increase. Specifically, a 1% increase in the
population and in the motorcycles percentage result in a 0,279% and 0,042 increase respectively in the
number of road fatalities. A 1% increase in the total number of registered vehicles results in a 0,029%
decrease in road fatalities.
While examining the case of Turkey, it was concluded that the percentage of motorcycles in the total
fleet is the one with the greatest impact on road fatalities as elasticity values were found:e1 = 0,026, e2
= 0,291 and e3 = 0,112. Considering the way each independent variable affects the dependent, the
results show that an increase in the total number of registered vehicles or in the percentage of
motorcycles in total fleet has as consequence an increase in road fatalities while an increase in
population results in a decrease. Specifically, 1% increase in the percentage of motorcycles and in the
total number of registered vehicles causes respectively 0,291% and 0,026% increase in the road
fatalities, whereas a1% increase in population causes 0,112% decrease in road fatalities.
The following step was the examination of the three groups of European countries. The first case was
the North-West Europe. The elasticities were found: e1 = 0,111, e2 = 0,153 and e3 = 0,636. In this case,
population has the greatest impact in road fatalities. In this case, an increase in the total number of
registered vehicles causes an increase in road fatalities. On the contrary, an increase in the percentage
of motorcycles or in population causes a decrease in road fatalities.
In the case of South Europe, the population has the greatest impact on the number of road fatalities,
followed by the percentage of motorcycles in the total fleet and the total number of registered vehicles.
Specifically, the elasticity values for population, the percentage of motorcycles in the total fleet and
the total number of registered vehicles were calculated equal to 0,836%, 0,153% and 0,082%
respectively. The coefficients in this model indicate that an increase in the total number of registered
vehicles or the population has as consequence a decrease in road fatalities, while an increase in the
percentage of motorcycles in total fleet results in an increase of the road fatalities.
Finally, in the new members of E.U., increase of any of the three variables results in increase of the
number of road fatalities, with the population being the variable with the greater impact. Elasticity
values were calculated e1 = 0,057, e2 = 0,040 and e3 = 1,509.
In total, it seems that population is the variable which affects most the number of road fatalities in all
cases except in Turkey, where the highest impact comes from the percentage of motorcycles. In
contrast, the total number of registered vehicles seems to be the variable with the smaller impact on
road fatalities. Furthermore, it was found that the increase in the percentage of motorcycles leads to
the increase of road fatalities in all cases except in the developed countries of the North Western
Furthermore, from the comparison of the elasticities for each case it was found that in Europe of 15
(Greece, North-Western and Southern Europe) there are similarities concerning the order of variables
based on the impact each one has on road fatalities; in order of importance: population, percentage of
motorcycles and vehicle fleet.
Greece and Turkey perform worse in road safety among the European countries, with most of the most
dangerous regions for the year 2004, being located in these two countries. The objective of this
research was the exploration of the basic parameters affecting road safety performance in Greece and
Turkey and the comparison of road safety trends between these two neighbouring countries but also in
relation to three selected groups of EU countries. On this purpose, lognormal regression was applied to
vehicle fleet and demographical data. A lognormal model was developed for each case and elasticity
values were calculated for each variable. The examination of all cases was based on the comparison of
elasticity values within and between groups.
The proposed calculation of the dimensionless elasticity for each examined parameter was found as a
simple but suitable technique for the purposes of this research, allowing the direct comparison of
different cases of parameters and models. A single model for all cases should have been more
accurate but definitively more difficult to develop and well more complicated to analyse, especially
when all countries and groups of countries have not the data available for the same period.
Furthermore, using elasticities was found adequate for the comparison of the basic road safety
parameters not only between the two countries in question but also in relation to the selected broader
groups of European countries - and not with each one country separately that a single model would
The examination of Greece and Turkey, individually, revealed that there are some important road
safety similarities between the two countries. In both cases, an increase in the percentage of
motorcycles in the total fleet results in an increase in road fatalities, as expected for the less developed
countries with high percentage of motorcycle traffic (Yannis et al., 2005a). Consequently, successful
road safety measures implemented for years in the North Western European countries may not be the
most appropriate for the Southern countries and research should focus on measures addressing
properly the motorcycle traffic risk particularities of these countries.
It was also shown that road safety in Greece and Turkey has more similarities with road safety in the
Southern countries than with the other groups (North-Western, New members) of EU countries.
Another interesting finding was that population does have an important impact on road fatalities'
trends in all EU countries - with the exception of Turkey - demonstrating as expected that road safety
is primarily correlated to basic macroscopic socio-economic developments of the modern societies.
The results of this research revealed the role of basic parameters for the road fatalities' macroscopic
trends, a very useful information for all decision makers designing the national road safety policies
(Kanellaidis et al., 2005). Common characteristics of neighbouring countries may dictate similar road
safety performance, a useful hint for all those who attempt to identify future road safety trends and
propose countermeasure policies. It is obvious that among the parameters examined, some can be
more useful for the design of policies and countermeasures (vehicle fleet, motorcycle percentage) and
some others are useful mainly for macroscopic estimations (population).
Certainly, road safety trends can be attributed to various parameters, some of which can be modeled
explicitly (population,. vehicle fleet, motorcycle percentage, etc.), while others may be handled
indirectly due to lack of the necessary data (traffic, driver behaviour etc.).
Further research
comprising more parameters, more complete time series data and exploration of alternative and/or
more complex models could be proved beneficial for the identification of future road safety trends
through the respective performance of neighbouring countries.
Especially for the parameter
"population" it would be useful to examine various behavioural aspects of different population groups
(pedestrians, older drivers, etc.) and their safety impact in the various countries with different road
user behavioural patterns.
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after the year of publication. The references must be collected together in a reference list, which should include (in
alphabetical order by author) every work cited in the text. The reference list should be on a separate sheet at the
end of the main text. The following system of giving references is required.
For books:
Kmenta, J. (1986) Elements of Econometrics, 2nd ed, Macmillan, New York.
For periodicals:
Suykens, F. and Van de Voorde, E. (1998) A quarter of a century of port management in Europe: Objectives and
tools. Maritime Policy and Management, 25(3), pp. 251-262.
For edited books:
Lewis, M.K. (1992), "Off-the-balance-sheet activities", in: Newman P. Milgate M. Eatwell J. (Eds), The New
Palgrave Dictionary of money & finance, Macmillan, London, pp. 67-72.
For proceedings of conferences, symposia etc :
Lam, W.H.K., Lo, H.P. and Chung, C.M. (1990) "A unified framework for estimating origin-destination matrices
for roadside interviews". Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Survey Methods in
Transportation, Washington DC, January 1990.
Footnotes. They should be used only in exceptional cases. If footnotes are used, they should be numbered
consecutively with superscript Arabic numerals and should be kept to a minimum.
Figures and Tables. They must have a descriptive title legend, should be numbered consecutively in the text in
Arabic numerals and should be drawn on separate pages. The approximate position of tables and figures should be
indicated in the text. Upon acceptance of a paper, author(s) must furnish camera-ready artwork in triplicate for all
figures in a professional drawing on white paper (one original in black ink and two photocopies accepted).
Formulae. They should be typewritten. Subscripts and superscripts should be set off clearly. Equations should be
numbered serially in the right-hand side and in parentheses. Only equations explicitly referred to in the text need
in general be numbered. Lengthy mathematical proofs should be placed in an appendix.
Proofs. They will be sent to author(s), if there is sufficient time to do so. Proofs will be corrected and returned to
the Journal within three days of receipt. Extensive alterations or revisions cannot be accepted.
Issue 4, December 2007
Highway-based logistical links spanning Tokyo to Piraeus via
Istanbul: Euro-Asian decentralized modular supply chains
N. Dholakia, M.M. Lennon, S. Banerjee J. Paquin and A. Suerdem
The Greek oil tanker fleet in the Middle East
G. Economakis, M. Markaki and P. Michaelides
Forecasting world fleet: Issues for Greek and Turkish fleet
O. Erdogan and M.H. Sengoz
The impact of transport cost on the European geo-economic
J. Karkazis
Connectivity and stability of the air network in the Southeastern
Europe: A Small World approach
F. Lamanna and G. Longo
The experience and the role of Pan-European Corridor X in the
integration of transport networks in the East Mediterranean area
M. Miltiadou, Ch. Taxiltaris, G. Mintsis and S. Basbas
The transport systems in the E.U. and Turkey
A. Uyduranoglu – Oktem
An exploration of road safety parameters in Greece and Turkey
G. Yannis, A. Laiou, S. Vardaki and G. Kanellaidis