Books by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda

Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia, 1994
RESUMEN Este libro tiene su origen en la tesis de doctorado presentada en la Escuela Técnica Sup... more RESUMEN Este libro tiene su origen en la tesis de doctorado presentada en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña, que fue merecedora del Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UDC (1995). Es una rigurosa investigación que aporta una nueva perspectiva sobre el proceso constructivo de la obra de Sota, y su interrelación con la creatividad arquitectónica. El acercamiento a la obra y a sus formulaciones se realiza utilizando únicamente el material publicado (escritos, conferencias y memorias de sus proyectos). Al mismo tiempo, se realiza una lectura integral de su obra, situando al arquitecto en el contexto de la primera arquitectura moderna de posguerra. Abundante documentación gráfica y documental.
ABSTRACT This book has its origin in the doctoral thesis presented at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña, which was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize of the UDC (1995). It is a rigorous research that provides a new perspective on the constructive process of Sota's work, and its interrelation with architectural creativity. The approach to the work and its formulations is carried out using only published material (writings, lectures and memories of his projects). At the same time, a comprehensive reading of his work is made, placing the architect in the context of the first post-war modern architecture. Abundant graphic and archival documentation.

Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia, 2002
RESUMEN Esta publicación tiene su origen y es resumen de una investigación llevada acabo por cin... more RESUMEN Esta publicación tiene su origen y es resumen de una investigación llevada acabo por cinco profesores del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas y varios alumnos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidade da Coruña. Los trabajos se realizaron dentro del marco del Proyecto de Investigación «Construcciones tradicionales de junta seca en Galicia», financiado por la Consellería de Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia. Los textos y la documentación publicada en este libro sólo son una muestra muy reducida del material recopilado y estudiado durante los trabajos de investigación. Este material se encuentra ordenado y clasificado en el archivo del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas. La publicación, por su brevedad y por su esquematismo, posee un marcado carácter de guía. Podría compararse, pues, al catálogo de una exposición. Ciertamente, y por circunstancias de diversa índole, ni se pudo ni se pretendió hacer una publicación más extensa o más ambiciosa. Con el libro, tan sólo nos propusimos hacer una llamada de atención; despertar la curiosidad del mayor número de personas y en especial de los arquitectos, por unas construcciones que quizá, ni han despertado el interés que a nuestro juicio merecen, ni se han valorado suficientemente. También quisimos contribuir con nuestra publicación a la puesta en valor y a la conservación de un patrimonio constructivo en vías de desaparición por incuria, consecuencia probable de la ignorancia. Se puede decir, por tanto, que con esta edición nos hemos limitado a señalar —a destacar en el territorio— unas construcciones que consideramos de gran interés y a estudiarlas con una metodología específica. De ahí que nuestra aportación sea más bien de tipo general, dirigida a todo tipo de personas, más que a los especialistas y estudiosos de la construcción la arquitectura o la etnografía. No obstante, creemos que nuestra aportación resulta, también, especifica, pues hemos conseguido describir y documentar con el suficiente rigor, sistemas constructivos tradicionales que, como todos los de este tipo, resultan fuertemente determinados por el clima, el territorio, el sistema productivo y los materiales.
ABSTRACT This publication has its origin and is a summary of a research carried out by five professors of the Department of Architectural Constructions and several students of the School of Architecture of the University of A Coruña. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research Project "Construcciones tradicionales de junta seca en Galicia", financed by the Consellería de Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia. The texts and documentation published in this book are only a very small sample of the material collected and studied during the research work. This material is ordered and classified in the archives of the Department of Architectural Constructions. The publication, because of its brevity and schematic nature, has a markedly guiding character. It could be compared to an exhibition catalog. Certainly, and due to circumstances of various kinds, it was neither possible nor intended to make a more extensive or ambitious publication. With the book, we only intended to make a call of attention; to awaken the curiosity of the greatest number of people, especially architects, for some constructions that perhaps have not awakened the interest that in our opinion they deserve, nor have they been sufficiently valued. We also wanted to contribute with our publication to the enhancement and conservation of a constructive heritage in the process of disappearing due to negligence, a probable consequence of ignorance. It can be said, therefore, that with this edition we have limited ourselves to point out -to highlight in the territory- some constructions that we consider of great interest and to study them with a specific methodology. Hence, our contribution is rather of a general nature, aimed at all types of people, rather than at specialists and scholars of construction, architecture or ethnography. However, we believe that our contribution is also specific, since we have managed to describe and document with sufficient rigor, traditional building systems that, like all of these, are strongly determined by the climate, the territory, the production system and the materials.
Book chapters by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda

La arquitectura de la esencia. L. Barragán (1902-88), A. de la Sota (1913-96), 2014
RESUMEN ¿Cómo proyectaba Alejandro de la Sota? Es una pregunta pertinente y, de hecho, muy impor... more RESUMEN ¿Cómo proyectaba Alejandro de la Sota? Es una pregunta pertinente y, de hecho, muy importante para un arquitecto y sobre todo para alumnos y profesores de una escuela de arquitectura que son a los que va dirigida, principalmente esta reflexión. Es importante porque, se supone que si sabemos cómo proyecta un arquitecto, probablemente podamos imitarle, proceder de un modo parecido. En arquitectura, aprender, al fin y al cabo, más que copiar unas determinadas formas o unos determinados edificios, consiste en imitar unas determinadas actitudes: el ethos de un maestro.
ABSTRACT How did Alejandro de la Sota design? It is a pertinent question and, in fact, a very important one for an architect and especially for students and professors of a school of architecture, to whom this reflection is mainly addressed. It is important because, it is assumed that if we know how an architect designs, we can probably imitate him, proceed in a similar way. In architecture, learning, after all, more than copying certain forms or certain buildings, consists of imitating certain attitudes: the ethos of a master.
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Papers by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda

I Congreso Pioneros de la Arquitectura Moderna Española: Vigencia de su pensamiento y obra, 2014
RESUMEN ¿Cómo proyectaba Alejandro de la Sota? Es una pregunta pertinente y, de hecho, muy impor... more RESUMEN ¿Cómo proyectaba Alejandro de la Sota? Es una pregunta pertinente y, de hecho, muy importante para un arquitecto y sobre todo para alumnos y profesores de una escuela de arquitectura que son a los que va dirigida, principalmente esta reflexión. Es importante porque, se supone que si sabemos cómo proyecta un arquitecto, probablemente podamos imitarle, proceder de un modo parecido. En arquitectura, aprender, al fin y al cabo, más que copiar unas determinadas formas o unos determinados edificios, consiste en imitar unas determinadas actitudes: el ethos de un maestro.
ABSTRACT How did Alejandro de la Sota design? It is a pertinent question and, in fact, a very important one for an architect and especially for students and professors of a school of architecture, to whom this reflection is mainly addressed. It is important because it is assumed that if we know how an architect designs, we can probably imitate him, proceed in a similar way. In architecture, learning, after all, more than copying certain forms or certain buildings, consists of imitating certain attitudes: the ethos of a master.

Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges, 2013
ABSTRACT A great problem for the building construction is the need to work at high level. That i... more ABSTRACT A great problem for the building construction is the need to work at high level. That is a serious risk to workers and increased cost. The patented COTaCero system, developed by a research group of the University of A Coruña, allows the construction at ground level and the subsequent lifting of the structure. The upper level of the building is the first to be built at ground floor. This level is lifted through hydraulic lifting jacks and a new level is built under it. ubsequent phases allow build the entire building, always from the ground level. This article discusses the structural aspects of the solution. The building structure is composed of welded steel plates. These plates define the walls and partitions and themselves are resistant. It is therefore not necessary an additional structure. The paper provides the calculations that support the effectiveness of the solution. Complete this paper the experimental results obtained in a series of tests performed within a esearch project.
RESUMEN Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la necesidad de trabajar a gran altura. Esto supone un grave riesgo para los trabajadores y un aumento del coste. El sistema patentado COTaCero, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de A Coruña, permite la construcción a ras de suelo y el posterior levantamiento de la estructura. El nivel superior del edificio es el primero que se construye en planta baja. Este nivel se levanta mediante gatos hidráulicos y se construye un nuevo nivel bajo él. Las fases posteriores permiten construir todo el edificio, siempre desde el nivel del suelo. En este artículo se analizan los aspectos estructurales de la solución. La estructura del edificio se compone de placas de acero soldadas. Estas placas definen las paredes y los tabiques y son en sí mismas resistentes. Por tanto, no es necesaria una estructura adicional. El artículo proporciona los cálculos que avalan la eficacia de la solución. Completan este artículo los resultados experimentales obtenidos en una serie de pruebas realizadas dentro de un proyecto de investigación.

New Proposals for Transformable Architecture, Engineering and Design. In the honor of Emilio Pérez Piñero, 2012
ABSTRACT A major problem for building construction is the need to work at great heights. It can ... more ABSTRACT A major problem for building construction is the need to work at great heights. It can pose a serious risk to workers and increases costs. The patented COTaCero system, developed by a research group at the Universidade da Coruña, allows construction at ground level and subsequent raising of the structure. The upper level of the building is the first to be built at ground level. This level is raised by means of hydraulic jacks and a new level is built underneath. Subsequent phases allow the entire building to be constructed, always from ground level.
This work analyzes the structural behavior of the structure during the lifting process. The structure of the building is composed of welded steel plates. These plates define the walls and partitions and are themselves strong. Therefore, no additional structure is required. The paper provides calculations supporting the effectiveness of the solution, when the structure is supported by lifting jacks. Experimental results obtained in a series of tests performed as part of a research project complete this work.
RESUMEN Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la necesidad de trabajar a gran altura. Puede suponer un grave riesgo para los trabajadores y aumenta los costes. El sistema patentado COTaCero, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidade da Coruña, permite la construcción a nivel del suelo y el posterior levantamiento de la estructura. El nivel superior del edificio es el primero que se construye a nivel del suelo. Este nivel se levanta mediante gatos hidráulicos y se construye un nuevo nivel por debajo. Las fases posteriores permiten construir todo el edificio, siempre desde el nivel del suelo.
Este trabajo analiza el comportamiento estructural de la estructura durante el proceso de elevación. La estructura del edificio está compuesta por placas de acero soldadas. Estas placas definen las paredes y los tabiques y son en sí mismas resistentes. Por lo tanto, no es necesaria una estructura adicional. El trabajo proporciona los cálculos que apoyan la eficacia de la solución, cuando la estructura se apoya en los gatos de elevación. Completan este trabajo los resultados experimentales obtenidos en una serie de pruebas realizadas dentro de un proyecto de investigación.

Tectónica: monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción, 22, 2007
RESUMEN El aluminio es un metal que no se descubre hasta el siglo XIX. El desarrollo de los sist... more RESUMEN El aluminio es un metal que no se descubre hasta el siglo XIX. El desarrollo de los sistemas constructivos de aluminio, desde sus primeras aplicaciones en la arquitectura a principios del siglo XX hasta las realizaciones actuales en las que este material tiene un papel determinante, es analizado por José Benito Rodríguez Cheda, profesor del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas en la Escuela de Arquitectura de A Coruña. El autor estudia sus propiedades, tratamientos, aleaciones y conformación, y detalla el amplio repertorio de elementos constructivos en cuya fabricación interviene el aluminio.
ABSTRACT Aluminum is a metal that was not discovered until the 19th century. The development of aluminum construction systems, from its first applications in architecture at the beginning of the 20th century to the present-day constructions in which this material plays a decisive role, is analyzed by José Benito Rodríguez Cheda, professor in the Department of Architectural Constructions at the School of Architecture of A Coruña. The author studies its properties, treatments, alloys and conformation, and details the wide repertoire of construction elements in whose manufacture aluminum is used.
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Tectónica: monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción, 10, 1999
RESUMEN La gran oportunidad del vidrio de mostrar todo su potencial constructivo no se ha podido... more RESUMEN La gran oportunidad del vidrio de mostrar todo su potencial constructivo no se ha podido dar hasta el siglo XX debido, primero, a que técnicamente no fue posible crear grandes paños homogéneos hasta fechas muy recientes, y segundo, porque fue necesario liberar a la arquitectura de la pesada construcción masiva para empezar a pensar en la posibilidad de crear livianas fachadas transparentes. Desde entonces, la evolución técnica del vidrio ha sido imparable, logrando con un material que, en principio, era frágil y sin cualidades aislantes, estructuras enteramente en vidrio o fachadas con un muy buen nivel de aislamiento térmico y acústico e incluso con una alta resistencia al fuego. El texto repasa la historia del vidrio como material de construcción, así como la arquitectura que genera, analizando las nuevas técnicas y productos que ofrece el mercado en la actualidad.
ABSTRACT The great opportunity for glass to show its full constructive potential could not be given until the twentieth century because, first, it was not technically possible to create large homogeneous panels until very recently, and secondly, because it was necessary to free the architecture of the heavy massive construction to start thinking about the possibility of creating lightweight transparent facades. Since then, the technical evolution of glass has been unstoppable, achieving with a material that, in principle, was fragile and without insulating qualities, structures entirely in glass or facades with a very good level of thermal and acoustic insulation and even with high fire resistance. The text reviews the history of glass as a building material, as well as the architecture it generates, analyzing the new techniques and products offered by the market today.
Tectónica: monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción, 3, 1996
RESUMEN El proyecto para la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Pamplona presenta una muy sugerente... more RESUMEN El proyecto para la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Pamplona presenta una muy sugerente paradoja, por un lado es un edificio claramente determinado, muy contundente y nada dubitativo y por otro es la luz, la antimateria se podría decir, la que ha generado los espacios, los volúmenes, los recorridos de este ejemplo de sólida arquitectura.
ABSTRACT The project for the Faculty of Social Sciences of Pamplona presents a very suggestive paradox, on the one hand it is a clearly determined building, very forceful and not at all hesitant, and on the other hand it is the light, the antimatter one could say, which has generated the spaces, the volumes, the paths of this example of solid architecture.

Tectónica: monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción, 1, 1996
RESUMEN El último edificio construido por Alejandro de la Sota pone de manifiesto la sabiduría d... more RESUMEN El último edificio construido por Alejandro de la Sota pone de manifiesto la sabiduría del arquitecto para entonar la arquitectura con exactitud y supone un paso definitivo en la utilización de una tecnología en él habitual: el cerramiento con paneles ligeros de aleación. Si el edificio de Correos de León determinó un hito en la utilización de este material, éste de Zaragoza representa la naturalidad de su uso. El texto analiza la solución técnica de fachada y su relación con la estructura, señalando las innovaciones a las que el arquitecto somete el sistema industrializado de paneles sandwich, apenas empleado en España en aquel momento para la arquitectura institucional.
ABSTRACT The last building constructed by Alejandro de la Sota demonstrates the architect's wisdom in the exact intonation of architecture and represents a definitive step forward in the use of a technology he is accustomed to: enclosing with light alloy panels. If the Post Office building in León was a milestone in the use of this material, this one in Zaragoza represents the naturalness of its use. The text analyzes the technical solution of the facade and its relationship with the structure, pointing out the innovations to which the architect submits the industrialized system of sandwich panels, hardly used in Spain at that time for institutional architecture.

Tectónica: monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción 1, 1996
RESUMEN Uno de los cambios más radicales y significativos que trajo consigo la arquitectura mode... more RESUMEN Uno de los cambios más radicales y significativos que trajo consigo la arquitectura moderna es sin duda el del nuevo concepto de cerramiento: la fachada debía ser autoportante, ligera, multicapa y montada en seco; ideal que quedó definido muy tempranamente pero que tuvo que dejar pasar el tiempo hasta que la tecnología y la industria se pusieran a punto para ofrecer los materiales y las soluciones necesarios. En este artículo se analiza no sólo los principios de la fachada ligera sino también las posibles soluciones que la industria actual ofrece.
ABSTRACT One of the most radical and significant changes brought about by modern architecture is undoubtedly the new concept of cladding: the façade should be self-supporting, lightweight, multilayer and dry-mounted; an ideal that was defined very early on but which had to wait until technology and industry were ready to offer the necessary materials and solutions. This article discusses not only the principles of the lightweight façade but also the possible solutions offered by today's industry.
Patents by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda

RESUMEN Método para construir edificaciones de varias plantas mediante paneles portantes ligeros... more RESUMEN Método para construir edificaciones de varias plantas mediante paneles portantes ligeros desde el nivel del terreno, en el que se monta sobre una cimentación perimetral un forjado prefabricado de cubierta, y se eleva mediante gatos de elevación una altura correspondiente a una planta de la edificación, a continuación se monta sobre la cimentación perimetral un forjado prefabricado de planta, para después fijar entre ambos forjados una fachada formada por paneles ligeros portantes. Posteriormente, mediante los gatos de elevación se eleva el conjunto formado por el forjado prefabricado de planta, el forjado prefabricado de cubierta y la fachada, una altura correspondiente a una planta de la edificación, repitiéndose, hasta completar el número de plantas del edificio, los procesos de montaje de forjados de planta, montaje de fachadas entre ellos y elevación del conjunto para continuar el montaje sobre la cimentación perimetral.
ABSTRACT Method for constructing multi-storey buildings using lightweight load-bearing panels from ground level, in which a prefabricated roof slab is mounted on a perimeter foundation and raised by means of lifting jacks to a height corresponding to one storey of the building, then a prefabricated floor slab is mounted on the perimeter foundation, and then a façade made of lightweight load-bearing panels is fixed between the two slabs. Subsequently, by means of the lifting jacks, the assembly formed by the prefabricated floor slab, the prefabricated roof slab and the façade is lifted to a height corresponding to one floor of the building, repeating the processes of assembly of the floor slabs, assembly of the façades between them and lifting of the assembly to continue the assembly on the perimeter foundation until the number of floors of the building is completed.
Books by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda
ABSTRACT This book has its origin in the doctoral thesis presented at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña, which was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize of the UDC (1995). It is a rigorous research that provides a new perspective on the constructive process of Sota's work, and its interrelation with architectural creativity. The approach to the work and its formulations is carried out using only published material (writings, lectures and memories of his projects). At the same time, a comprehensive reading of his work is made, placing the architect in the context of the first post-war modern architecture. Abundant graphic and archival documentation.
ABSTRACT This publication has its origin and is a summary of a research carried out by five professors of the Department of Architectural Constructions and several students of the School of Architecture of the University of A Coruña. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research Project "Construcciones tradicionales de junta seca en Galicia", financed by the Consellería de Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia. The texts and documentation published in this book are only a very small sample of the material collected and studied during the research work. This material is ordered and classified in the archives of the Department of Architectural Constructions. The publication, because of its brevity and schematic nature, has a markedly guiding character. It could be compared to an exhibition catalog. Certainly, and due to circumstances of various kinds, it was neither possible nor intended to make a more extensive or ambitious publication. With the book, we only intended to make a call of attention; to awaken the curiosity of the greatest number of people, especially architects, for some constructions that perhaps have not awakened the interest that in our opinion they deserve, nor have they been sufficiently valued. We also wanted to contribute with our publication to the enhancement and conservation of a constructive heritage in the process of disappearing due to negligence, a probable consequence of ignorance. It can be said, therefore, that with this edition we have limited ourselves to point out -to highlight in the territory- some constructions that we consider of great interest and to study them with a specific methodology. Hence, our contribution is rather of a general nature, aimed at all types of people, rather than at specialists and scholars of construction, architecture or ethnography. However, we believe that our contribution is also specific, since we have managed to describe and document with sufficient rigor, traditional building systems that, like all of these, are strongly determined by the climate, the territory, the production system and the materials.
Book chapters by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda
ABSTRACT How did Alejandro de la Sota design? It is a pertinent question and, in fact, a very important one for an architect and especially for students and professors of a school of architecture, to whom this reflection is mainly addressed. It is important because, it is assumed that if we know how an architect designs, we can probably imitate him, proceed in a similar way. In architecture, learning, after all, more than copying certain forms or certain buildings, consists of imitating certain attitudes: the ethos of a master.
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Papers by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda
ABSTRACT How did Alejandro de la Sota design? It is a pertinent question and, in fact, a very important one for an architect and especially for students and professors of a school of architecture, to whom this reflection is mainly addressed. It is important because it is assumed that if we know how an architect designs, we can probably imitate him, proceed in a similar way. In architecture, learning, after all, more than copying certain forms or certain buildings, consists of imitating certain attitudes: the ethos of a master.
RESUMEN Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la necesidad de trabajar a gran altura. Esto supone un grave riesgo para los trabajadores y un aumento del coste. El sistema patentado COTaCero, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de A Coruña, permite la construcción a ras de suelo y el posterior levantamiento de la estructura. El nivel superior del edificio es el primero que se construye en planta baja. Este nivel se levanta mediante gatos hidráulicos y se construye un nuevo nivel bajo él. Las fases posteriores permiten construir todo el edificio, siempre desde el nivel del suelo. En este artículo se analizan los aspectos estructurales de la solución. La estructura del edificio se compone de placas de acero soldadas. Estas placas definen las paredes y los tabiques y son en sí mismas resistentes. Por tanto, no es necesaria una estructura adicional. El artículo proporciona los cálculos que avalan la eficacia de la solución. Completan este artículo los resultados experimentales obtenidos en una serie de pruebas realizadas dentro de un proyecto de investigación.
This work analyzes the structural behavior of the structure during the lifting process. The structure of the building is composed of welded steel plates. These plates define the walls and partitions and are themselves strong. Therefore, no additional structure is required. The paper provides calculations supporting the effectiveness of the solution, when the structure is supported by lifting jacks. Experimental results obtained in a series of tests performed as part of a research project complete this work.
RESUMEN Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la necesidad de trabajar a gran altura. Puede suponer un grave riesgo para los trabajadores y aumenta los costes. El sistema patentado COTaCero, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidade da Coruña, permite la construcción a nivel del suelo y el posterior levantamiento de la estructura. El nivel superior del edificio es el primero que se construye a nivel del suelo. Este nivel se levanta mediante gatos hidráulicos y se construye un nuevo nivel por debajo. Las fases posteriores permiten construir todo el edificio, siempre desde el nivel del suelo.
Este trabajo analiza el comportamiento estructural de la estructura durante el proceso de elevación. La estructura del edificio está compuesta por placas de acero soldadas. Estas placas definen las paredes y los tabiques y son en sí mismas resistentes. Por lo tanto, no es necesaria una estructura adicional. El trabajo proporciona los cálculos que apoyan la eficacia de la solución, cuando la estructura se apoya en los gatos de elevación. Completan este trabajo los resultados experimentales obtenidos en una serie de pruebas realizadas dentro de un proyecto de investigación.
ABSTRACT Aluminum is a metal that was not discovered until the 19th century. The development of aluminum construction systems, from its first applications in architecture at the beginning of the 20th century to the present-day constructions in which this material plays a decisive role, is analyzed by José Benito Rodríguez Cheda, professor in the Department of Architectural Constructions at the School of Architecture of A Coruña. The author studies its properties, treatments, alloys and conformation, and details the wide repertoire of construction elements in whose manufacture aluminum is used.
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ABSTRACT The great opportunity for glass to show its full constructive potential could not be given until the twentieth century because, first, it was not technically possible to create large homogeneous panels until very recently, and secondly, because it was necessary to free the architecture of the heavy massive construction to start thinking about the possibility of creating lightweight transparent facades. Since then, the technical evolution of glass has been unstoppable, achieving with a material that, in principle, was fragile and without insulating qualities, structures entirely in glass or facades with a very good level of thermal and acoustic insulation and even with high fire resistance. The text reviews the history of glass as a building material, as well as the architecture it generates, analyzing the new techniques and products offered by the market today.
ABSTRACT The project for the Faculty of Social Sciences of Pamplona presents a very suggestive paradox, on the one hand it is a clearly determined building, very forceful and not at all hesitant, and on the other hand it is the light, the antimatter one could say, which has generated the spaces, the volumes, the paths of this example of solid architecture.
ABSTRACT The last building constructed by Alejandro de la Sota demonstrates the architect's wisdom in the exact intonation of architecture and represents a definitive step forward in the use of a technology he is accustomed to: enclosing with light alloy panels. If the Post Office building in León was a milestone in the use of this material, this one in Zaragoza represents the naturalness of its use. The text analyzes the technical solution of the facade and its relationship with the structure, pointing out the innovations to which the architect submits the industrialized system of sandwich panels, hardly used in Spain at that time for institutional architecture.
ABSTRACT One of the most radical and significant changes brought about by modern architecture is undoubtedly the new concept of cladding: the façade should be self-supporting, lightweight, multilayer and dry-mounted; an ideal that was defined very early on but which had to wait until technology and industry were ready to offer the necessary materials and solutions. This article discusses not only the principles of the lightweight façade but also the possible solutions offered by today's industry.
Patents by José Benito Rodríguez-Cheda
ABSTRACT Method for constructing multi-storey buildings using lightweight load-bearing panels from ground level, in which a prefabricated roof slab is mounted on a perimeter foundation and raised by means of lifting jacks to a height corresponding to one storey of the building, then a prefabricated floor slab is mounted on the perimeter foundation, and then a façade made of lightweight load-bearing panels is fixed between the two slabs. Subsequently, by means of the lifting jacks, the assembly formed by the prefabricated floor slab, the prefabricated roof slab and the façade is lifted to a height corresponding to one floor of the building, repeating the processes of assembly of the floor slabs, assembly of the façades between them and lifting of the assembly to continue the assembly on the perimeter foundation until the number of floors of the building is completed.
ABSTRACT This book has its origin in the doctoral thesis presented at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña, which was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize of the UDC (1995). It is a rigorous research that provides a new perspective on the constructive process of Sota's work, and its interrelation with architectural creativity. The approach to the work and its formulations is carried out using only published material (writings, lectures and memories of his projects). At the same time, a comprehensive reading of his work is made, placing the architect in the context of the first post-war modern architecture. Abundant graphic and archival documentation.
ABSTRACT This publication has its origin and is a summary of a research carried out by five professors of the Department of Architectural Constructions and several students of the School of Architecture of the University of A Coruña. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research Project "Construcciones tradicionales de junta seca en Galicia", financed by the Consellería de Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia. The texts and documentation published in this book are only a very small sample of the material collected and studied during the research work. This material is ordered and classified in the archives of the Department of Architectural Constructions. The publication, because of its brevity and schematic nature, has a markedly guiding character. It could be compared to an exhibition catalog. Certainly, and due to circumstances of various kinds, it was neither possible nor intended to make a more extensive or ambitious publication. With the book, we only intended to make a call of attention; to awaken the curiosity of the greatest number of people, especially architects, for some constructions that perhaps have not awakened the interest that in our opinion they deserve, nor have they been sufficiently valued. We also wanted to contribute with our publication to the enhancement and conservation of a constructive heritage in the process of disappearing due to negligence, a probable consequence of ignorance. It can be said, therefore, that with this edition we have limited ourselves to point out -to highlight in the territory- some constructions that we consider of great interest and to study them with a specific methodology. Hence, our contribution is rather of a general nature, aimed at all types of people, rather than at specialists and scholars of construction, architecture or ethnography. However, we believe that our contribution is also specific, since we have managed to describe and document with sufficient rigor, traditional building systems that, like all of these, are strongly determined by the climate, the territory, the production system and the materials.
ABSTRACT How did Alejandro de la Sota design? It is a pertinent question and, in fact, a very important one for an architect and especially for students and professors of a school of architecture, to whom this reflection is mainly addressed. It is important because, it is assumed that if we know how an architect designs, we can probably imitate him, proceed in a similar way. In architecture, learning, after all, more than copying certain forms or certain buildings, consists of imitating certain attitudes: the ethos of a master.
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ABSTRACT How did Alejandro de la Sota design? It is a pertinent question and, in fact, a very important one for an architect and especially for students and professors of a school of architecture, to whom this reflection is mainly addressed. It is important because it is assumed that if we know how an architect designs, we can probably imitate him, proceed in a similar way. In architecture, learning, after all, more than copying certain forms or certain buildings, consists of imitating certain attitudes: the ethos of a master.
RESUMEN Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la necesidad de trabajar a gran altura. Esto supone un grave riesgo para los trabajadores y un aumento del coste. El sistema patentado COTaCero, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de A Coruña, permite la construcción a ras de suelo y el posterior levantamiento de la estructura. El nivel superior del edificio es el primero que se construye en planta baja. Este nivel se levanta mediante gatos hidráulicos y se construye un nuevo nivel bajo él. Las fases posteriores permiten construir todo el edificio, siempre desde el nivel del suelo. En este artículo se analizan los aspectos estructurales de la solución. La estructura del edificio se compone de placas de acero soldadas. Estas placas definen las paredes y los tabiques y son en sí mismas resistentes. Por tanto, no es necesaria una estructura adicional. El artículo proporciona los cálculos que avalan la eficacia de la solución. Completan este artículo los resultados experimentales obtenidos en una serie de pruebas realizadas dentro de un proyecto de investigación.
This work analyzes the structural behavior of the structure during the lifting process. The structure of the building is composed of welded steel plates. These plates define the walls and partitions and are themselves strong. Therefore, no additional structure is required. The paper provides calculations supporting the effectiveness of the solution, when the structure is supported by lifting jacks. Experimental results obtained in a series of tests performed as part of a research project complete this work.
RESUMEN Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la necesidad de trabajar a gran altura. Puede suponer un grave riesgo para los trabajadores y aumenta los costes. El sistema patentado COTaCero, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidade da Coruña, permite la construcción a nivel del suelo y el posterior levantamiento de la estructura. El nivel superior del edificio es el primero que se construye a nivel del suelo. Este nivel se levanta mediante gatos hidráulicos y se construye un nuevo nivel por debajo. Las fases posteriores permiten construir todo el edificio, siempre desde el nivel del suelo.
Este trabajo analiza el comportamiento estructural de la estructura durante el proceso de elevación. La estructura del edificio está compuesta por placas de acero soldadas. Estas placas definen las paredes y los tabiques y son en sí mismas resistentes. Por lo tanto, no es necesaria una estructura adicional. El trabajo proporciona los cálculos que apoyan la eficacia de la solución, cuando la estructura se apoya en los gatos de elevación. Completan este trabajo los resultados experimentales obtenidos en una serie de pruebas realizadas dentro de un proyecto de investigación.
ABSTRACT Aluminum is a metal that was not discovered until the 19th century. The development of aluminum construction systems, from its first applications in architecture at the beginning of the 20th century to the present-day constructions in which this material plays a decisive role, is analyzed by José Benito Rodríguez Cheda, professor in the Department of Architectural Constructions at the School of Architecture of A Coruña. The author studies its properties, treatments, alloys and conformation, and details the wide repertoire of construction elements in whose manufacture aluminum is used.
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ABSTRACT The great opportunity for glass to show its full constructive potential could not be given until the twentieth century because, first, it was not technically possible to create large homogeneous panels until very recently, and secondly, because it was necessary to free the architecture of the heavy massive construction to start thinking about the possibility of creating lightweight transparent facades. Since then, the technical evolution of glass has been unstoppable, achieving with a material that, in principle, was fragile and without insulating qualities, structures entirely in glass or facades with a very good level of thermal and acoustic insulation and even with high fire resistance. The text reviews the history of glass as a building material, as well as the architecture it generates, analyzing the new techniques and products offered by the market today.
ABSTRACT The project for the Faculty of Social Sciences of Pamplona presents a very suggestive paradox, on the one hand it is a clearly determined building, very forceful and not at all hesitant, and on the other hand it is the light, the antimatter one could say, which has generated the spaces, the volumes, the paths of this example of solid architecture.
ABSTRACT The last building constructed by Alejandro de la Sota demonstrates the architect's wisdom in the exact intonation of architecture and represents a definitive step forward in the use of a technology he is accustomed to: enclosing with light alloy panels. If the Post Office building in León was a milestone in the use of this material, this one in Zaragoza represents the naturalness of its use. The text analyzes the technical solution of the facade and its relationship with the structure, pointing out the innovations to which the architect submits the industrialized system of sandwich panels, hardly used in Spain at that time for institutional architecture.
ABSTRACT One of the most radical and significant changes brought about by modern architecture is undoubtedly the new concept of cladding: the façade should be self-supporting, lightweight, multilayer and dry-mounted; an ideal that was defined very early on but which had to wait until technology and industry were ready to offer the necessary materials and solutions. This article discusses not only the principles of the lightweight façade but also the possible solutions offered by today's industry.
ABSTRACT Method for constructing multi-storey buildings using lightweight load-bearing panels from ground level, in which a prefabricated roof slab is mounted on a perimeter foundation and raised by means of lifting jacks to a height corresponding to one storey of the building, then a prefabricated floor slab is mounted on the perimeter foundation, and then a façade made of lightweight load-bearing panels is fixed between the two slabs. Subsequently, by means of the lifting jacks, the assembly formed by the prefabricated floor slab, the prefabricated roof slab and the façade is lifted to a height corresponding to one floor of the building, repeating the processes of assembly of the floor slabs, assembly of the façades between them and lifting of the assembly to continue the assembly on the perimeter foundation until the number of floors of the building is completed.