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Šių metų liepos 1-ąją dieną patvirtinta nauja 2013 m. lietuvių kalbos ir literatūros egzamino programa. Ji tarsi pabaigtuvių vainikas papuošė tokį sunkų ir problemišką bendrųjų programų kūrinį. Tad dabar pats laikas būtų iš arčiau apžiūrėti visą naująjį "statinį" ir patikrinti, ar jis tinkamas gyventi -ar erdvus, ar nevaržo laisvės, ar modernus, saugus, patogus, ekonomiškas...
Measuring Area Deprivation , 2022
Laje, v. 3, n. 1, 2024
2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), 2020
Real-time ray tracing has been a goal and a challenge in the graphics field for many decades. With recent advances in the hardware and software domains, this is becoming a reality today. In this work, we describe how we got to this point by taking a look back at one of the first fully ray traced games: “Quake 3: Ray Traced”. We provide insight into the development steps of the project with unreleased internal details and images. From a historical perspective, we look at the challenges pioneering in this area in the year 2004 and highlight the learnings in implementing the system, many of which are relevant today. We start by going from a blank screen to the full ray traced gaming experience with dynamic animations, lighting, rendered special effects and a simplistic implementation of the gameplay with basic AI enemies. We describe the challenges encountered with aliasing and the methods used to alleviate it. Lastly, we describe for the first time the unofficial continuation of the p...
Le due anime di Caravaggio
Caravaggio ha ritratto se stesso in diverse tele, c'è chi ipotizza in più di venti, in realtà gli autoritratti evidenti sono otto, il primo in ordine cronologico è senz'altro il Bacchino malato dipinto appena uscito dall'Ospedale della Consolazione a Roma intorno ai 23-24 anni, in seguito si ritrae in Giuditta che uccide Oloferne nel 1599 nei panni di Oloferne mentre Giuditta lo sta sgozzando, poi nel 1600-1601 fuggitivo nel Martirio di San Matteo, e ancora nelle tre tele di Davide con in mano la testa di Golia nei panni di Golia, la prima è del 1597-1598, le altre due vengono eseguite dopo la fuga da Roma del 1606, una nel 1607 e l'altra nel 1610, infine attorno agli anni 1609-1610 si ritrae nei due Salomè con la testa del Battista nei panni del Battista decapitato.
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Unveiling Prehistory A Book on the Occasion of Audronė Bliujienė’s Jubilee, 2024
Topoi. Revista de História, 2016
Communication Design Quarterly, 2015
Asosjournal, 2023
Issues in Educational Research, 2010
JMTS: Jurnal Mitra Teknik Sipil
Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University
Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2015
Journal of Surgical Oncology, 1991
Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials, 2014
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 1996
2022 23rd International Radar Symposium (IRS)