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Lista de temas disponibles y explicación de cómo se agrupó la cartografía de uso del suelo y vegetación:
Con el fin de coadyuvar con nuestros lectores en la presentación de sus proyectos de inversión ofrecemos a manera de sugerencia la siguiente lista organizada de temas y datos que es preciso consignar en los documentos de análisis, discusión y presentación, que creemos se pueden adaptar fácilmente a los formatos exigidos por las instituciones y corporaciones públicas y privadas de crédito y planeación. La estructura del documento de estudio de preinversión se presenta teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza, complejidad, requisitos solicitados por las entidades y desde luego, la función que cumple el documento como herramienta para la toma de decisiones.
Auteur theatre of Krystian Lupa can be viewed as an intimate, identityrelated process of the artist himself, who uses various adapted media — figures, books, and biographies —to talk about becoming an individual and their condition. Lupa searches for individualizing tropes and methods of theatricalization of what’s intimate — concealed for the individual, corporeal, unconscious, urge-related, irrational, saint/demonic in a human. Utilizing the medium of a dreaming body of an actor in the process of transforming into a character, as well as group process, he examines cultural icons of the 20th century — Andy Warhol (Faktory 2), Marilyn Monroe (Persona. Tryptyk/Marilyn), Simone Weil (Persona. Ciało Simone). The productions from his unfinished triptych Persona are radically personal in presenting the existence of actor/character in the motion of opening, the changes and processes of mutual percolation between personal rituals and collective myths. The individuality of actor/character i...
ore 10:30 presso Meeting Room Biblioteca Beato Pellegrino prenotazioni disponibili su Eventbrite streaming via Zoom
Martedì 5 marzo 2023, alle ore 15:00, presso l’Aula Goldoniana del Collegio Ghislieri di Pavia, si terrà il secondo appuntamento del ciclo "IN MOSTRA. Storie di allestimenti, esposizioni, musei", a cura di Gianpaolo Angelini ed Elisabetta Modena (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici). Il nuovo appuntamento è dedicato alla mostra che nello scorso anno la Villa Necchi Campiglio di Milano ha ospitato alla riscoperta della collezione d’arte contemporanea di Adriano Pallini, celebre sarto milanese con atelier in via dell’Orso sino al 1955. Interverranno i curatori della mostra, Paolo Campiglio (Università di Pavia) e Roberto Dulio (Politecnico di Milano).
International Journal of Higher Education, 2020
The objective of this study was to find out how effective the use of cloud technologies is in the formation and development of critical thinking in future lawyers. An experimental model using cloud technologies was tested in training courses in the special (Civil Law, Fundamentals of Administrative Law) and general (English for Specific Purposes, Business English) subjects of the educational professional programme for training specialists of Specialty 081 “Law”.The method of test control and the method of component analysis were used to diagnose the level of academic performance of students selected for the pedagogical experiment in the training courses. To accomplish the research objectives, the results of the author’s tests (seven control points) performed by students of both groups. IBM SPSS Statistics software was used to analyse the quantitative data. Two-tailed P-value and Student’s t test were calculated for statistical processing of experimental data.The study showe...
School supplies: notebook, cartridge, Envíe al instructor un archivo con esta evidencia a través de la plataforma, en el enlace Actividades / Learning activity 1 / Evidence: Identities.
The APA Handbook of Psychopathology, 2018
Voyage en Terres Sacrées. Calendrier des religions. Septembre 2023 – décembre 2024. Lausanne : Éditions Agora., 2023
Movimentos Sociais, 2023
Business History, 2005
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2006
International Journal of Law, 2020
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2005
Jurnal Teknik Informasi dan Komputer (Tekinkom)
Bioscience Hypotheses, 2009