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Leaked sensitive data records has amplified dramatically during the last few years, from 412 million in 2012 to 822 million in 2013 [1]. Security firms, research institutions and government organizations are the main areas facing the data leakage problem. Data leak simply means that a secret data get exposed or data leakage is the unauthorized transmission of data. Unintentional or accidental data leakage is also unauthorized. Human mistakes are one of the main causes of data leak. A person mistakenly sending a confidential message to all contacts in his e-mail is a data leak caused by human mistake. Data leakage is defined as the accidental or unintentional distribution of private or sensitive data to an illegal entity. Sensitive data in companies and organizations include intellectual property (IP), financial information, patient information, private credit-card data, and other information depending on the business and the industry. This paper proposes a data-leak detection solution environment. Can design, implement, and evaluate fingerprint technique that enhances data privacy throughout data-leak detection operations. It enables the data owner to securely delegate the content-scrutiny job to DLD providers without revealing the sensitive data.
Surveys from many years have shown that many data leakages has been found due different problems like malicious attacks, hacking, different attacks. Approximately 28% of all data leakages are due to human mistakes which are increasing now a day. There exists lot of techniques to find out the leakages. Some cloud also provides this data leak detection (DLD) as an add-on service but they are semihonest means they provide information about leakages but also attempt to get sensitive data of our organization. So proposed work will securely detect leakages and also provide privacy for our sensitive data. This proposed model uses fuzzy fingerprint algorithm to find out the human data leakages securely. Keywords—Data leak detection; Privacy Preservation; Fuzzy Fingerprint; Shingles; Network Security.
According to Risk Base Security (RBS),leakage of sensitive data record instance has grown now a days. Human mistakes plays an important role in cause of data loss among various data leak. There are various method to detect the data leak cause by human mistakes and prevent the data by generating an alert. Among various approaches, monitoring the data which is transmit for expose of sensitive information is common. Also it consider all data as sensitive and perform detection operation for all those data. However this makes the detection process difficult and detection time to increase. In addition, the data owner may require to provide detection report to the DLD provider. But there is possibility that the provider can read the sensitive data. So there is a need of new data detection solution that allow provider to scan the content for leak without learning information. Therefore one need methods that gives accurate detection with very small number of false alarm under various leak sc...
Protecting sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure is a major concern of every organization. As an organization's employees need to access such information in order to carry out their daily work, data leakage detection is both an essential and challenging task. Whether caused by malicious intent or an inadvertent mistake, data loss can result in significant damage to the organization. Fingerprinting is a content-based method used for detecting data leakage. In fingerprinting, signatures of known confidential content are extracted and matched with outgoing content in order to detect leakage of sensitive content. Existing fingerprinting methods, however, suffer from two major limitations. First, fingerprinting can be bypassed by rephrasing (or minor modification) of the confidential content, and second, usually the whole content of document is fingerprinted (including non-confidential parts), resulting in false alarms. In this paper we propose an extension to the fingerprinting approach that is based on sorted k-skip-n-grams. The proposed method is able to produce a fingerprint of the core confidential content which ignores non-relevant (non-confidential) sections. In addition, the proposed fingerprint method is more robust to rephrasing and can also be used to detect a previously unseen confidential document and therefore provide better detection of intentional leakage incidents.
— Statistics from security firms, research institutions and government organizations show that the number of data-leak instances have grown rapidly in recent years. Among various data-leak cases, human mistakes are one of the main causes of data loss. There exist solutions detecting inadvertent sensitive data leaks caused by human mistakes and to provide alerts for organizations. A common approach is to screen content in storage and transmission for exposed sensitive information. Such an approach usually requires the detection operation to be conducted in secrecy. However, this secrecy requirement is challenging to satisfy in practice, as detection servers may be compromised or outsourced. In this paper, we present a privacy-preserving data-leak detection (DLD) solution to solve the issue where a special set of sensitive data digests is used in detection. The advantage of our method is that it enables the data owner to safely delegate the detection operation to a semihonest provider without revealing the sensitive data to the provider. We describe how Internet service providers can offer their customers DLD as an add-on service with strong privacy guarantees. The evaluation results show that our method can support accurate detection with very small number of false alarms under various data-leak scenarios.
In today's business world, the owner of the data are called as distributors and the trusted third parties are called as agents. Data leakage happens every day when confidential business information such as customer or patient data, company secrets, budget information etc are leaked out. This paper contains the results of implementation of Data Leakage Detection Model. Traditionally, leakage detection is handled by watermarking, e.g., a unique code is embedded in each distributed copy. If that copy is later discovered in the hands of an unauthorized party, the leaker can be identified. Currently watermarking technology is being used for the data protection. But this technology doesn't provide the complete security against date leakage. Watermarks can be very useful in some cases, but again, involve some modification of the original data. Furthermore, watermarks can sometimes be destroyed if the data recipient is malicious. This paper includes the difference between the watermarking & data leakage detection model's technology.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015
Measurements from security firms, research foundations what's more, government associations demonstrate that the quantity of information hole occasions have developed quickly as of late. Here human mix-ups are one of the fundamental drivers of information misfortune. Such a methodology as a rule requires the identification operation to be directed in mystery. In this paper, we introduce a privacy preserving information spill location (DLD) answer for fathom the issue where an extraordinary arrangement of delicate information summaries is utilized as a part of identification. The upside of our system is that it empowers the information proprietor to securely appoint the discovery operation to a semi honest supplier without uncovering the touchy information to the supplier. We portray how Internet administration suppliers can offer their clients DLD as an extra administration with solid protection ensures. Here system can bolster exact recognition with little number of false cautions under different information spill situations.
Among different data-leak examples, man-like mistakes are one of the main causes of data loss. There have existence answers sensing inadvertent sensitive knowledge for computers leak caused by man-like mistakes and to make ready for organizations. A common move near is to screen what is in place for storing and sending (power and so on) for made open to sensitive information. Such a move near usually has need of the discovery operation to be guided in secrecy. However, this secrecy thing needed is hard to give what is desired, needed to in experience, as discovery serves may be put at risk or outsourced. In this paper, we present a right not to be public keeping safe data-leak discovery (OLD) answer to get answer to the question under discussion where a special group of sensitive knowledge for computers goes through process of digestion is used in discovery. The better chances of our careful way is that it enables the facts owner to safely give powers the discovery operation to an almost upright, true giver without letting be seen the sensitive knowledge for computers to the giver. We make, be moving in how internet public organization provides can over their customers OLD as an add-on public organization with strong right not to be public gives support to a statement.
—The data leak detection plays a major role in organizational industry. The data leak poses serious threat to online social Medias, sensitive datas and so on. We take two papers for this survey. Both of them belong to the area of information forensic and security. In first survey, paper develops a model [PPDLD] the model is based on fuzzy finger print method. The goal of this paper is to generate special type of digest is called fuzzy fingerprint. Rabin finger print algorithm is introduced here just for sampling. A filtering method is used during the digestion process. In second survey, paper deals the fast detection of transformed data leak. This paper suggests a preserving method based on alignment algorithm. The paper aim to detect long and inexact leak patterns from sensitive data and network. Detection is based on comparable sampling algorithm.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 In any enterprise, database plays one of the most crucial part since organizations most confidential data (e.g. employee’s social security no) is stored in the database. Since the data is of great value, it should not be leaked or sabotaged. In every business field including private, public and individual level, database is widely used. In any organization there is a need to share the data among multiple trusted parties. But during this sharing of the data, it could be possible that any dishonest employees (aka guilty agents) may try to leak the data which results into data vulnerability or alteration. In order to prevent such data leakage, data leakage detection system has been proposed. It comprises of brief idea about data leakage and a methodology to detect the same
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
A data distributor has given sensitive data to a group of supposedly trusted agents (third parties). Data are leaked and found in an unauthorized place or in the hands of an un authorized person. There must be an acknowledgement by the distributor that the information is compromised from one or more agents instead of being gathered independently. We suggest data allocation strategies that upgrade the likely hood of identifying leakages. These methods don't believe alterations of the released data.
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