Glossary of Evaluation Terms
Central Institute of Indian Languages
Publication No : 1079
Subject - Glossary of Evaluation Terms (Telugu)
Pankaj Dwivedi
Editorial Assistance
V. Ilangovan
R. Shakunthala
Preparation of Parallels in Telugu
B.V. Raghava Reddy
N. Kishore Babu
T. Sharmila Prathima
B.V.S. Gowthama
Subject Experts (Review & Finalization)
K.V.V.L. Narasimha Rao
T.S. Giriprakash
A.V. Padmakar Reddy
P.R. Harinath
D.M. Prakasa Rao
D.G. Rao
Awadesh Kumar Mishra
Glossary of Evaluation Terms
Pankaj Dwivedi
National Testing Service-India
Central Institute of Indian Languages
(MHRD, Dept. of Higher Edcuation, Govt. of India)
Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
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First Published :
January 2017
Pushya Maga 1938
Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru, 2017
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A remarkable growth has been observed in the area of educational
testing and assessment and its relation to the process of learning in higher
education over the past ten years. There is no doubt to that education,
when imparted in the native tongue of the learners inculcates far better
learning and thereby yields better results.
The National Testing Service-India (NTS-India) has produced and
published about fifty volumes of materials in English and various other
Indian languages under different series such as Glossary of Evaluaiton
Terms, Introduction to Evaluation Terminologies, Tests of Language
Proficiency, Concept based Continuum of Graded Syllabi, etc. The
present manuscript "Glossary of Evaluation Terms in Telugu" is an
initiative to facilitate teaching-learning process in Bengali language.
The 'Glossary of Evaluation Terms in Telugu' cossists of about
1000 key terms in two lists, viz., 'Telugu to English' and 'English to
Telugu'. The terms are from the disciplines of education, linguistics,
literature, personality, psychology, statistics, etc. that together represent
the concepts used in the area of educational testing and evaluation. The
present work is a milestone in the march towards achieving the goal and
vision NTS-India.
After translating the terms from English to Telugu, the task of
finalizing Telugu parallels / equivalents has been accomplished during a
series of workshops. In these workshops, renowned professors /
academicians / professionals from related disciplines and backgrounds
were invited to correct, modify or evaluate the manuscript and to provide
their suggestions in this regard. The manuscript is published after a
consensus was reached for the appropriateness and adaptability of the
Telugu parallels / equivalents.
Thanks are due to all professors, academicians, professionals, etc.
for their support and guidance. The overall work related to this
manuscript, from beginning to the publication has been looked after by
the NTS-India team presently headed by Mr. Pankaj Dwivedi, Lecturer
cum Junior Research Officer. I am sure this work will prove to be an
asset for the scholars who are involved in teaching-learning of Indian
Language Pedagogy, especially in the Telugu language, at any of the
seven levels of general education.
(D.G. Rao)
Central Institute of Indian Languages,
, - )+
The main source for this work was "An Introduction to
Evaluation Terminology", 2008, 3rd edn. authored by Prof. Pon
Subbiah, (then Professor cum Deputy Director and Founder Head,
NTS-I) and published at Central Institute of Indian Languages. My
thanks are due to him.
Mr. B.V. Raghava Reddy of Thirupathi, Mr. N. Kishore Babu of
Vijayawada, Dr. T.S. Prathima and Mr. Botlaguduru Venkata Sai
Gowthama (Resource Persons for Telugu language at short term
workshop of NTS-I) were involved in the preparation of the Telugu
parallels. Several scholars representing the disciplines of language and
literature have participated in workshops and finalised the Telugu
glossary. They include Prof. K.V.V.L. Narasimha Rao (formerly of
CIIL, Mysuru), Prof. T.S. Giriprakash (Formerly of Madurai, Kamaraj
University, Madurai), Dr. A.V. Padmakar Reddy (Formerly of Telugu
Academy, Hyderabad), Dr. P.R. Harinath (Associate Professor in
Telugu, Regional Institute of Education, Mysore), Dr. D.M. Prakasa
Rao (Andhra University, Visakhapatnam).
Dr. V. Ilangovan (SRP, NTS-I) and Dr. R. Shakunthala (JRP,
NTS-I) were coordinated the workshops conducted for finalizing this
Ms. Radhika composed the material and corrections were carried
out by her. Mr. N. Jeykumar of NTS-I made the layout design.
Sri. H. Manohar, Artist of CIIL designed the wrapper.
The pre-publication formalities were completed by Dr. Narayan
Kumar Choudhary, Assistant Director (Admn.) i/c and Head,
Prof. D.G. Rao, Director has extended all positive gestures and
taken personal interest in the publication of this work.
I record my gratitude to all of them.
Pankaj Dwivedi
JRO, Officer i/c NTS-I
November, 2016
The main objective of this material is to provide Telugu
language equivalents / parallels for about 1000 evaluation terms in
English that represent the concepts drawn from various disciplines like
language, literature, personality, psychology, statistics, education, etc.
The source material for this work, is in English viz. An Introduction to
Evaluation Terminology 3rd edn. (2008) authored by Pon Subbiah and
published by the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore. It
consists of two sections - the first one is Telugu to English and arranged
in the Telugu alphabetic order and the second one is English to Telugu
and arranged in English alphabetic order.
While developing the parallels, the following points have been
kept in mind: (i) Telugu parallels, which are already in use and familiar
to the users, have been retained, e.g. personality (murthimathyamTelugu). (ii) Though certain terms / items, terms or phrases may not
accurately communicate the concepts, their inclusion has been preferred
as they already are in use representing more than one synonymous
concept. When new terms are proposed, the old ones in use are also
retained. (iii) For some of the phrasal terms like scaled score, age score,
etc., the parallels have been coined on the basis of the meaning expressed
by that concept; though same term ‘score’ occur in each of the phrasal
term (e.g., mapitha palithamsam, vayoganana – Telugu). (iv) Certain
terms have a number of synonymous terms causing confusion in
conveying the intended meaning. In such cases, a new term has been
coined to avoid conceptual overlapping. Some of the concepts which are
in phrasal forms are found to be tagged with proper nouns like F Max
Test, Fisher's Transformation, Guttman Scaling, Kuder-Richardson
Reliability, Spearman Brown Formula, etc. In such cases, the proper
nouns are retained as they are, and the Indian language equivalents have
been provided only for the adjoining forms (e.g., F max pariksha;
Guttman maapakam; Kuder-Reichardson vishwasaniyatha; Spearman
Brown suutram - Telugu). A similar approach was adopted for the terms
like ITED Score, R-Technique, etc (e.g., ITED palithamsam, R-paddathi
- Telugu). Some of the terms like Lepto-Kurtic, etc., have been adopted
without any change and no parallels have been suggested. For some of
the terms like Kurtosis, Platy Kurtic, etc., new Telugu parallels have been
coined (e.g., kukudata, samatala kukudata – Telugu)
Though all such complexities have made this task very tough, we
have succeeded in giving final shape to this glossary by accommodating the
suggestions of every user group to the possible extent. There is no doubt that
those in the field of education, especially, the teacher-learners who are
studying in the Indian language medium will derive maximum benefit of
this work. It would also be useful to all those who want to undertake any
study in the multidisciplinary area like Testing and Evaluation in which little
amount of work is available in Indian language.
Pankaj Dwivedi
Officer I/C, NTS-I, CIIL
Telugu - English
English - Telugu
Glossary of Evaluation Terms
Telugu to English
‘Q’ Technique/‘Q-Sort
Marking Test
.! "# $
*+ ,#
/0 % )
&1 -$ 2
%& )
Scorability (test eval. criterion)
, ' (
(- .
Arithmetic Mean (Average)
Marker (Reader or Scorer)
Arithmetic Fundamentals
Arithmetic Value
Marking Scheme
$ 6
78 *+ ,#
Scorer Reliability
9: ; (
Scoring Test Booklet
% $
Scoring Matrix
Scoring Technique
Scoring Key