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Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in
the Amazon
Article in Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia · December 2014
4 authors:
Alexandre M Fernandes
Mario Cohn-Haft
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
Tomas Hrbek
Izeni Pires Farias
Federal University of Amazonas
Federal University of Amazonas
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Genetic variability and population structure in silver arowana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Cuvier
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Phylogeography and population genetics of Cuvier’s Dwarf caiman (Paleosuchus palpebrosus) in the
Amazon: SNPs by next-generation sequencing. View project
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Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 361-371
December 2014
rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the amazon
alexandre M. Fernandes1,5, Mario cohn-Haft2, tomas Hrbek3,4 and izeni Pires Farias3
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, UFRPE, Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada, Serra Talhada, PE, Brazil.
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, INPA, Manaus, AM, Brazil.
Universidade Federal do Amazonas, UFAM, Manaus, AM, Brazil.
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, UPR-RP, Puerto Rico, USA.
Corresponding author:
[email protected]
Received on 19 November 2014. Accepted on 10 December 2014.
aBStract: Morphological, vocal and genetic studies have shown that the Madeira River and its right bank tributaries delimit
populations of primates and birds. We sequenced the cytochrome b gene (approx. 950 bp) for individuals of three suboscine passerine
bird species, Glyphorynchus spirurus (Furnariidae), Willisornis poecilinotus (hamnophilidae) and Schifornis turdina (Tityridae), on
opposite banks of the Madeira River and two of its right-bank tributaries, the Aripuanã and Jiparaná rivers. Phylogenetic hypotheses
(parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis) revealed clades that have over 3.1% genetic diferentiation on opposite
banks of the Madeira River for G. spirurus, W. poecilinotus and S. turdina, suggesting that this river restricts gene low among
populations of these three species. he Jiparaná and Aripuanã rivers apparently separate distinct populations of G. spirurus, the
smallest species we examined, but not those of the other two heavier bodied species, W. poecilinotus and S. turdina. In G. spirurus
four clades with high levels of genetic diferentiation (3.2–5.5%) were found to be delimited by the three rivers evaluated, whereas
in W. poecilinotus and S. turdina no genetic structure across the Jiparaná and Aripuanã rivers was detected. In general, birds that are
known to show population structure across the Madeira tributaries (Glyphorynchus spirurus, Hemitriccus minor, Hypocnemis rondoni,
Herpsilochmus stotzi, and Hylophylax naevius) have body masses smaller than those of both Willisornis poecilinotus and Schifornis
turdina, but some exceptions are discussed. Future studies controlling for several variables are necessary to determine the extent to
which body mass is a useful predictor of genetic population structure in understory suboscine passerines.
KeY-WordS: Areas of endemism, body mass, comparative phylogeography, conservation, dispersal rate, suboscine birds.
Avian distribution patterns are reasonably well known
and inluential in studies of evolutionary processes.
Jürgen Hafer was one of the irst authors to compile
bird distribution data to describe biogeographic patterns
in South America (Hafer 1974). His work made a
great contribution to evolutionary studies and to the
formulation of speciation hypotheses in Amazonia.
he “centres of species endemism” he described remain
largely unchanged in analyses of distribution patterns for
many avian groups. hey have been generally accepted in
subsequent works, and in the Amazon basin these regions
are often delimited by large rivers (Hafer 1974; Cracraft
1985; da Silva & Oren 1996). Bird species are usually
separated by the Amazon River and its major tributaries
such as the Negro, Madeira, Tapajós and Tocantins rivers
(Cohn-Haft 2000; Ribas et al. 2012; D’Horta et al. 2013;
Fernandes et al. 2012, 2013, 2014). Similar patterns are
also found in other Amazonian vertebrate taxa, including
primates and butterlies (Wallace 1852; van Roosmalen et
al. 1998; Hall & Harvey 2002), suggesting that rivers are
important barriers to dispersal.
Recent studies of primates and birds in the
Madeira-Tapajós interluvium (M-T), also known as
the Rondônia area of endemism (Cracraft 1985), have
suggested that smaller rivers also limit the distributions
of some taxa, thus forming smaller areas of endemism in
what was referred to as “mini-interluvia” (Cohn-Haft et
al. 2007). Willis (1969), in a study of birds of the genus
Rhegmatorhina, was one of the irst to document complex
patterns of bird distributions in this area. He discussed
the parapatric occurrence of Rhegmatorhina berlepschi
and R. hofmannsi within the M-T and suggested that the
Madeira and Tapajós rivers have occasionally changed
their courses, resulting in the separation of populations
and subsequent speciation. Van Roosmalen and
collaborators (1998) described geographic substitutions
of species in primates of the genera Callithrix and
Callicebus on opposite banks of small rivers within this
interluvium and described a new species of marmoset,
Callithrix humilis, that occurs only on the west bank
of the Aripuanã River. Subsequently, several other bird
species in this region have been found to contain vocally,
morphologically or genetically distinct populations,
with restricted distributions and geographic substitution
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
on opposite banks of Madeira tributaries, such as the
Aripuanã and Jiparaná (or Machado) rivers (Cohn-Haft
et al. 2007; Isler et al. 2007; Tobias et al. 2008; Fernandes
et al. 2012, 2013, 2014; Whitney et al. 2013a, b, c, d,
e). Similar geographic patterns, with diferent races being
separated by small Amazonian rivers, have also been
found for butterlies (Hall & Harvey 2002).
Sardelli (2005) found genetic diferentiation
(cytochrome b, 500 bp) among morphologically
indistinguishable populations of the Snethlage’s TodyTyrant (Hemitriccus minor) apparently bounded by
the Jiparaná and Aripuanã rivers. his study raised the
possibility of the existence of cryptic endemism in miniinterluvia, which was subsequently investigated for
the other three species of passerine birds (Myrmeciza
hemimelaena, Glyphorynchus spirurus, Hylophylax naevius
(Fernandes et al. 2012, 2013, 2014). Fernandes (2013)
cited in a review a number of publications corroborating
the importance of the mini-interluvia, highlighting that
these diversity patterns are a key (and possibly unique)
Amazonian feature and that despite the fact that this inescale endemism is well known and recognized among
systematists working in the Amazon, it is not taken into
account in conservation plans. Fernandes (2013) pointed
out that many taxa in this region, including those yet to be
given formal scientiic names, may now be endangered or
even extinct. hus it is of utmost importance to consider
species that present this kind of ine scale diferentiation in
future conservation proposals. he objective of our study
was threefold: 1) describe phylogeographic patterns for
three species of suboscine passerines across the Rondônia
area of endemism; 2) compare these patterns to those of
other species know to have populations delimited by the
Madeira, Aripuanã and Jiparaná rivers; and 3) investigate
the relationship between degree of phylogeographic
structure and ecological attributes in the light of the
riverine barrier hypothesis.
rivers along their lower courses are roughly 3.0, 0.8, 0.4
and 0.3 km, respectively. Each collection point had a
corresponding point located on the opposite bank and
therefore in a diferent interluvium. For purposes of
sampling and analyses, we suggest the existence of three
mini-interluvia within the M-T: Madeira-Jiparaná (MJ),
Aripuanã-Jiparaná (AJ) and Aripuanã-Tapajós (AT)
(Fig. 1). A maximum of 5 individuals per species were
collected at each sampling point, with the total sample
as follows: Willisornis poecilinotus (n = 45), Schifornis
turdina (n = 23), and Glyphorynchus spirurus (n = 25)
(see Appendix). Specimens were deposited in the bird
collection of the National Institute for Amazonian
Research (INPA), Manaus, Brazil, where tissue samples
(muscle, heart and liver) were stored in liquid nitrogen
for molecular analyses.
Material and MetHodS
We chose to study these three target species primarily
because they are common, easy to collect, and widely
distributed across the entire Amazon basin. Although all
three are suboscine passerines, they represent three distinct
families and, as such, the results obtained in this study
can be assumed to be instances of independent evolution,
and, thus, support the generality of our conclusions. All
three species can be found in the same habitat (terra irme
forest) but they difer in a variety of ecological attributes:
Glyphorynchus spirurus – his is a polytypic species
widely distributed in Neotropical lowland forests,
occurring in Amazonia, Central America and along the
Atlantic coast of Brazil (Ridgely & Tudor 1994). Marantz
et al. (2003) recognized thirteen subspecies, six of which
occur in the Brazilian Amazon. hree of these occur
Species studied and sampling design
We studied three species of passerine birds belonging
to three diferent families: Glyphorynchus spirurus
(Furnariidae), Willisornis poecilinotus (hamnophilidae),
and Schifornis turdina (Tityridae). We sampled birds
at 12 sites between the Tapajós and Madeira rivers and
ive sites on the left bank of the Madeira River (LM;
Figure 1), with the inal number of localities sampled per
species difering among the three species (see Results).
Individuals were collected along the Madeira, Aripuanã,
Jiparaná and Roosevelt (the latter representing the largest
tributary of the Aripuanã) rivers; the widths of these
FiGure 1. Collection points and the interluvia sampled. MadeiraJiparaná (MJ), Aripuanã-Jiparaná (AJ), Aripuanã-Tapajós (AT) and
Left bank of the Madeira River (LM).
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
within or adjacent to the Madeira basin: G. s. castelnaudii
(west of the Madeira River to the Andes), G. s. albigularis
(south-eastern Bolivia and Peru), and G. s. inornatus,
which occurs throughout the Brazilian portion of the
Madeira-Tapajós interluvium (Peters 1951; Marantz et
al. 2003). With a body mass ranging from 10.5 to 21g
(typically 12.6-14.8 g in central Amazonia; Bierregaard,
1988), this is the smallest woodcreeper (Marantz et al.
2003), and it is the smallest of the three species we studied.
It occurs in both terra irme and seasonally looded
forests (várzea and igapó) (Marantz et al. 2003) and it
is moderately sensitive to environmental perturbation
(Ferraz et al. 2007). Recently, Fernandes et al. (2013)
found that populations of G. s. inornatus are delimited by
the Aripuanã and Jiparaná rivers.
Willisornis poecilinotus – A species endemic to the
Amazon basin, with seven subspecies recognized (Peters
1951; Zimmer & Isler 2003). Only one subspecies (W.
p. griseiventris) is recognized from the middle and upper
Madeira River basin; and there is no evidence of vocal
or morphological diferentiation across the Madeira,
Aripuanã and Jiparaná rivers (Isler & Whitney 2011),
although Bates (2000) found genetic diferentiation
(based on analyses of isozymes) across the Madeira River.
Occurs in the understory of terra irme forest, where it is
a regular follower of army ant swarms (Zimmer & Isler
2003). It is larger on average than Glyphorynchus, with
a body mass ranging from 15 to 19 g (Zimmer & Isler
Schifornis turdina – Nyári (2007), with no samples
from the middle or lower Madeira River basin described
close geographic proximity in the upper Madeira of two
genetically distinct forms, showing no obvious vocal or
plumage diferences; the author proposed recognizing
them as distinct species (S. amazona and S. turdina),
as adopted by the Brazilian Ornithological Records
Committee (2014). Schifornis turdina (in the polytypic
sense used here) occurs in the understory of terra irme
and sandy-belt campinarana forests. Body mass averages
31 g (Snow 2004). his species is sensitive to forest
fragmentation, disappearing from small forest fragments
(Ferraz et al. 2007).
volumes using a hermo Hybaid PCR Express thermal
cycler under the following conditions: (1) an initial
denaturing step at 94°C for 5 min; (2) 35 cycles of the
following: 1 min at 92°C, 1 min at 48°C, and 1 min at
72°C; (3) a 10-min extension step at 72°C. Following
PCR, correct fragment size and the presence of a single
ampliication product was conirmed via electrophoresis
on 1% agarose gel. After ampliication, the PCR
products were puriied using a salt protocol (Sambrook
et al. 1989). Sequencing was performed by the chain
termination method (Sanger et al. 1977), using a Big
Dye Termination Kit (Applied Biosystems) following
the manufacturer’s speciications. he products of the
sequencing reaction were precipitated with Tris-HCl and
alcohol, and resuspended in formamide and resolved by
capillary electrophoresis in an ABI 3130xl automatic
sequencer (Applied Biosystems). All sequences have been
deposited in GenBank (accession numbers: HM164938
– HM165034).
extraction, ampliication and sequencing of dna
Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data was
performed using maximum parsimony (MP) and
maximum likelihood (ML) via PAUP* 4.0b10 (Swoford
2002) and Bayesian inference (BI) implemented in
MRBAYES 3.0b4 (Hulsenbeck & Ronquist 2001).
Maximum parsimony analysis was performed using a
heuristic search with the following options: TBR branchswapping with 10 trees held at each step. Support for
nodes was assessed using 1000 bootstrap replicates.
Maximum likelihood was performed using the model
parameters determined in the program Modeltest
DNA was extracted from breast muscle (approximately
0.2 g) using a standard phenol chloroform protocol
(Sambrook et al. 1989). The mitochondrial
cytochrome b was ampliied via the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) using the primers: forward H16064
both of which were designed exclusively for this project.
All ampliication reactions were performed in 25 μl
Sequences of DNA were visualized and edited using
the Bioedit program (Hall, 1999). Alignments were
performed in Clustal X within Bioedit (Hall, 1999). We
used recommended precautions and are conident that all
sequences represent mitochondrial DNA for the following
reasons: (1) DNA was extracted only from tissue samples,
which have high ratios of mitochondria to nuclei relative
to blood or skin samples; (2) no stop codons occurred
within the cytochrome b of any of the sequences; (3)
sequences contain no insertions or deletions relative
to one another or to other known avian cytochrome b
sequences; (4) sequences in both DNA fragments from
each individual were identical and unambiguous in their
region of overlap; (5) in phylogenetic analyses, no samples
appeared in unexpectedly basal portions of the tree or
had exceptionally short or long branch lengths, both of
which, if present, would indicate a fast evolving gene or
an early diverged gene (a pseudogene, for example).
Phylogenetic analyses
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
(Posada & Crandall 1998). he support for nodes in
the likelihood tree was assessed using 500 bootstrap
iterations. For BI analyses, two independent runs of
8,000,000 generations each were performed; for each run
four Markov chains were simulated. Trees were sampled
every 500 generations and the irst 4,000 samples were
discarded as burn-in.
Because there is strong evidence that geographic
distributions of Amazonian birds are bounded by
large rivers that form areas of Neotropical endemism,
we used individuals from populations from other
interluvia as outgroups for the three species studied.
For the analysis of Glyphorynchus spirurus we used two
individuals collected in the headwaters of the Negro
River (Appendix) as the outgroup. For Willisornis
poecilinotus, we used one individual collected in the
Solimões-Negro River interluvium and for Schifornis
turdina, we used as outgroups one individual collected
north of Manaus and also one sequence of Schifornis
virescens from GenBank (accession number AF453816;
Phylogenetic divergence analyses
Phylogenetic divergence was estimated in the program
BEAST v1.6.1 (Drummond & Rambaut 2007) using
the coalescent constant population size tree prior
(Drummond et al. 2002), the uncorrelated lognormal
relaxed molecular clock model (Drummond et al.
2006), and the HKY (Hasegawa et al. 1985) models
of molecular evolution, including gamma-distributed
rate heterogeneity among sites and invariant sites.
After preliminary runs, we adjusted priors and MCMC
operators to assure optimum performance. To assess the
robustness of estimates and investigate the inluence
of the tree prior, we also performed analyses under the
exponential (Drummond et al. 2002) and the Bayesian
skyline (Drummond et al. 2005) tree priors. To convert
divergence time estimates into units of millions of
years, we used the mean substitution rate of 0.01105
substitutions/site/lineage/million years as proposed by
Weir & Schluter (2008).
For each set of priors, two independent MCMC
analyses were run for 100 million generations, subsampling every 100 thousand generations. After a 10%
burn-in, convergence of parameter estimates was assessed
using the Gelman-Rubin statistic implemented in the
module coda in the statistical package R (R Development
Core Team 2011). Independent chains were combined,
and marginal posterior parameter means and their
associated 90% highest probability density intervals (90%
HPD) together with efective sample size (ESS) for each
divergence time estimate were calculated in the statistical
package R (R Development Core Team 2011).
We found signiicant phylogeographic structure among
populations within all three study species. he Madeira
River clearly separates genetically distinct populations in
all of them. Within the Madeira-Tapajós interluvium,
the degree of structure varied among species (see below).
In each species, tree topologies were identical for all four
tree-building algorithms, thus we only show the tree
resulting from the Bayesian inference analyses. he pairwise genetic p-distance between individuals from opposite
banks of the three rivers ranged from 3.1 to 5.5% but the
variation within interluvia was low (0.0–0.09%). Results
for each species were as follows:
Glyphorynchus spirurus
We sequenced a total of 946 bp for 27 individuals of G.
spirurus. Parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian
inference analyses suggested a genetic structure in the
form of monophyletic groups on opposite banks of the
Madeira, Aripuanã and Jiparaná rivers, each supported by
high bootstrap values (MP = 100, ML = 100, BI = 1.00).
No barrier efect was found on opposite banks of the
Roosevelt River. Parsimony analysis yielded two equally
parsimonious trees (length = 170, CI = 0.8235, RI =
0.9504). From 130 variable sites, 110 were parsimony
informative. Maximum likelihood (-ln L = 2012.00097)
and Bayesian inference resulted in a topology very similar
to that of the parsimony analysis. Levels of genetic
divergence (uncorrected p-distance) between individuals
of diferent clades ranged from 3.2% (populations of
AJ versus MJ) to 5.5% (populations of LM versus AT)
and levels of divergence between individuals within the
same interluvium ranged from 0.0–0.03% (Figure 2).
Coalescent analyses in the program BEAST indicate a
6.5 mya (1.9 – 32.7, 90% HDP) divergence between
populations on the left and right banks of the Madeira
Willisornis poecilinotus
We sequenced a total of 956 bp for 46 Willisornis
poecilinotus individuals. he results of parsimony,
maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses
were concordant, thus indicating a strong phylogenetic
signal supported by high bootstrap values (MP = 100,
ML = 100, BI = 1.00) (Figure 3). Parsimony analysis
yielded 100 equally parsimonious trees (length = 94,
CI = 0.8723, RI = 0.9634). From 71 variable sites, 41
were parsimony informative. Maximum likelihood (-ln
L = 1757.25307) and Bayesian inference resulted in a
topology very similar to that of the parsimony analysis.
he level of genetic divergence (uncorrected p-distance)
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
between individuals of the two clades separated by the
Madeira River, RM (right bank of Madeira River) versus
LM (left bank of Madeira River), was 3.4% (Figure 3).
Levels of divergence between individuals in the same
interluvium ranged from 0.0–0.09%. Coalescent
analyses in the program BEAST indicate a 2.6 mya (0.8 –
13.8, 90% HDP) divergence between populations on the
left and right banks of the Madeira River.
FiGure 2. Species–area relationships (a) and Bayesian inference phylogeny (b) estimated for Glyphorynchus spirurus. Numbers at the tips of branches
refer to localities where individuals were sampled. Bayesian inference (BI) posterior probabilities and genetic distance (uncorrected p-distance) values
are indicated in the branches. Note grouping of a sample from the Aripuanã-Tapajós interluvium (location 15) with those of the Madeira-Jiparaná
interluvium (see Discussion).
FiGure 3. Species–area relationships (a) and Bayesian inference phylogeny (b) estimated for Willisornis poecilinotus. Numbers at the tips of branches
refer to localities where individuals were sampled. Bayesian inference (BI) posterior probabilities and genetic distance (uncorrected p-distance) values
are indicated in the branches.
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
Schiffornis turdina
We sequenced a total of 968 bp for 25 Schifornis turdina
individuals. Parsimony, maximum likelihood and
Bayesian inference analyses suggested genetic structure on
opposite banks of the Madeira River supported by high
bootstrap values (MP = 100, ML = 98, BI = 1.00) (Figure
4). Parsimony analysis yielded 48 equally parsimonious
trees (length = 175, CI = 0.9371, RI = 0.9214). From 159
variable sites, 67 were parsimony informative. Maximum
likelihood (-ln L = 2043.26577) and Bayesian inference
resulted in a topology very similar to that of the parsimony
analysis consensus topology. he maximum divergence
(uncorrected p-distance) between individuals of the RM
and LM clades was 3.1% (Figure 4). Levels of divergence
among individuals of the same interluvium ranged from
0.0–0.3%. Coalescent analyses in the program BEAST
indicate a 3.1 mya (1.0 – 15.2, 90% HDP) divergence
between populations on the left and right banks of the
Madeira River.
FiGure 4. Species–area relationships (a) and Bayesian inference phylogeny (b) estimated for Schifornis turdina. Numbers at the tips of branches
refer to localities where individuals were sampled. Bayesian inference (BI) posterior probabilities and genetic distance (uncorrected p-distance) values
are indicated in the branches.
Strong genetic diferentiation in the face of highly
conserved phenotype is at the heart of numerous
descriptions of “cryptic species” in recent years
(Whitney et al. 2013a, b, c, d, e) and appears to be a
frequent phenomenon in the Amazon. In S. turdina,
diferentiation on opposite banks of the middle and
lower reaches of the Madeira River is consistent with
that detected earlier in the upper Madeira (Nyári
2007) and associated with species level taxa. In all
three studied species, the observed molecular groups
are monophyletic and parapatrically distributed, their
geographic distributions are delimited by rivers, and
the observed phylogenetic divergence between clades
on opposite banks of the Madeira River (3.1–5.5%) is
consistent with interspeciic divergences in other avian
taxa separated by the same geographic barrier (Ribas et
al. 2012). Based on coalescent analyses (see Methods),
we estimated mean divergences of 6.5 mya, 2.6 mya and
3.1 mya between populations on left and right banks of
the Madeira River for G. spirurus, W. poecilinotus and S.
turdina, respectively. he separation of the lineages in all
three species of passerines are clearly ancient, all lineages
are diagnosable by multiple molecular synapomorphies,
and all lineages are parapatrically distributed and likely
represent phylogenetic species. However, it is also clear
that a more detailed analysis evaluating species status and
establishing species boundaries is necessary.
Irrespective of taxonomy, the pattern of geographic
variation delimited by rivers is clear for all three taxa
studied. Our results indicate genetically distinct
populations on opposite banks of the Madeira River. For
all three species analyzed in this study we found sister
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
clades on opposite banks of the Madeira River, and for
G. spirurus, as documented previously (Fernandes et al.
2013), the data further indicated sister clades on opposite
banks of the smaller Aripuanã and Jiparaná rivers. Our
data therefore reinforce the importance of rivers as
geographic barriers, and suggest a hierarchical efect in
which larger rivers divide older clades whereas smaller
rivers are associated with more recent divergences. For
G. spirurus, an individual collected on the right bank of
the Aripuanã River that grouped in the clade Madeira/
Jiparaná (MJ) provides evidence of upstream gene low
across both of the same rivers (Jiparaná and Aripuanã)
that delimit diferentiated populations in their lower
reaches. Since rivers naturally tend to be narrower in
the upper reaches, this result suggests that river width is
important in determining a river’s likelihood of delimiting
distributions and further strengthens the hypothesis
of a hierarchical efect of river width in structuring
populations (Hafer 1974, 1997).
Assuming roughly equal rates of substitution,
then Willisornis poecilinotus and Schifornis turdina
populations may have diferentiated across the Madeira
River at about the same time; however, Glyphorynchus
spirurus would appear to have diferentiated much
earlier. his implies that not all sympatric bird taxa
necessarily share the same evolutionary scenario.
Although the Madeira River currently delimits the
distributions of the left- and right-bank clades of all
three species, the Madeira River might not necessarily
be the primary agent that has driven the observed
divergence. It may simply represent current limits of
distribution for clades that have diverged due to other
abiotic or biotic forces, independent of the formation
of the Madeira River itself. Another non-exclusive
possibility is that rates of molecular substitutions are
2–3 times faster in G. spirurus than in W. poecilinotus
and S. turdina; however, such an elevated substitution
rate appears to be a rare phenomenon in passerine birds,
and has been suggested only for one case of an Old
World species (Nectarinia humbloti; Warren et al. 2003).
Finally, a third explanation suggested previously (Willis
1969, Fernandes et al. 2012, 2014) is that changes in the
courses of rivers might confuse the phylogenetic pattern.
here is evidence that the course of rivers in the Madeira
basin changed throughout history, but remained stable
for long periods of time (Latrubesse 2002). he period
of stability could be enough to cause diferentiation
until their course was modiied again and became stable
for another long period of time thus causing both spatial
and temporal incongruences among phylogenies of codistributed species (Fernandes 2013). A comparative
analysis including additional species and sampling
nuclear markers is likely to shed more light on this issue,
but at least three other studies have found populations
separated by the Madeira River not to be reciprocally
monophyletic (Aleixo 2004, Patané et al. 2009, SousaNeves et al. 2013), as recovered herein for G. spirurus,
W. poecilinotus, and S. turdina, hence supporting a more
complex scenario of diferentiation and a broad range of
phylogeographic patterns for the same region.
Despite the importance of rivers for avian
diferentiation, even the largest Amazonian rivers are
not barriers for all species and smaller rivers are less
likely to be barriers than larger rivers. here are several
potential explanations for this phenomenon. Molecular
studies suggest that populations of canopy species are less
structured than those of understory birds (Capparella
1988; Burney & Brumield 2009). he latter authors
showed that genetic divergence is signiicantly smaller
across the Andes and two Amazonian rivers (Amazon and
Madeira rivers) in canopy birds than in understory species.
Burney & Brumield (2009) further suggested that there
is a negative relationship between dispersal propensity
and genetic structure. Species that occupy the understory
are supposed to be less efective dispersers, which may
be one reason why there are more species of understory
birds, and that they are more locally distributed.
However, we found diferences in genetic structure
among understory species, suggesting that other factors
may also inluence the diversiication of birds. One
might also expect the degree of sensitivity to disturbance
or habitat specialization on primary terra irme forest to
predict the importance of rivers in driving or maintaining
allopatric diferentiation. Ferraz et al. (2007) analyzed
thirteen years of capture/recapture data for birds in the
reserves managed by the Biological Dynamics of Forest
Fragmentation Project (BDFFP), located in the Brazilian
state of Amazonas north of Manaus. hese authors derived
measures of the vulnerability of a species to isolation and
sensitivity due to fragment size. hese two measures
relect sensitivity to environmental change. Among the
54 species examined by Ferraz et al. (2007), G. spirurus
was the least sensitive to the size of the fragment and one
of the ten species least vulnerable to isolation. By contrast,
S. turdina was among the most vulnerable and most
sensitive species. Willisornis poecilinotus was not included
in the analysis. One would therefore expect G. spirurus,
the species least afected by isolation and fragmentation,
to have lower genetic divergence across the rivers than
the other two species; however, our results contradict
the expected pattern. Glyphorynchus spirurus, although
occurring in diferent types of forests and not being
especially sensitive to disturbance, has populations that
are much more strongly structured than are those of the
other two species. In this case, sensitivity to disturbance
and degree of specialization on primary terra irme forest
were not good predictors of the degree of population
genetic structure.
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
he Jiparaná and Aripuanã rivers separate populations
of G. spirurus, the smallest species we examined (average
body mass 13.7 g), but not the populations of two other
species, W. poecilinotus (15–19 g) and S. turdina (30–35.5
g). he Jiparaná and Aripuanã rivers also appear to limit
the distributions of populations in other very small birds,
including Hemitriccus minor (Sardelli 2005), Hypocnemis
rondoni (Isler et al. 2007; Tobias et al. 2008; Whitney et
al. 2013a), Herpsilochmus stotzi (Whitney et al. 2013b),
Hylophylax naevius (Fernandes et al. 2014) and Picumnus
aurifrons (Cohn-Haft et al. 2007), all of which weigh on
average less than 13 g each. In other parts of the world,
tiny birds make spectacular long-distance migrations
and even in Amazonia, where most species tend to be
sedentary (Stotz et al. 1996), certain species, such as
those adapted to river islands (Remsen & Parker, 1983;
Rosenberg, 1990), are likely to be excellent dispersers,
independent of size. However, there is evidence that at
least two other heavier bodied species have structured
populations delimited by the Aripuanã and Jiparaná
rivers as well: hamnophilus aethiops (23-30g; hom
& Aleixo 2015) and Malacoptila rufa (36-44g; Ferreira
2013). As discussed by Smith et al. (2014) diferences in
life history attributes, efective population sizes, lineage
ages, and dispersal rates can together account for highly
disparate responses of avian lineages across important
physical barriers in the Neotropics such as the Andes
and some large Amazonian rivers, including the Madeira
River. Further tests, controlling for phylogeny, habitat,
wing shape and loading, and behavioral responses to open
spaces, will be necessary to determine the extent to which
body mass is a useful predictor of genetic population
structure in suboscine passerines.
AMF was supported during his masters studies by a
fellowship from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Cientiico e Tecnologico (CNPq). Financial support
for both laboratory and ield work was granted by IEB
(Instituto de Educação do Brasil, programa BECA).
he research was conducted in the Laboratório de
Evolução e Genética Animal (LEGAL) with portion
of the analyses being done in the High Performance
Computational Facility of the University of Puerto Rico.
We want to thank F. A. Carvalho for essential help and
aiding in preparing the igures, L. N. Naka, T. C. H.
Cole, C. A. Marantz and an anonymous reviewer for
useful and inspiring comments on earlier versions of this
manuscript. Collecting permits were provided to AMF
and to MCH by IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio
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Associate Editor: Gustavo Sebastián Cabanne
Information on the specimens analyzed.
taxon: Voucher/Genbank accession numbers
0/ AM: right bank of lower Juruá, RESEX Baixo Juruá,
comunidade Socó. 3°36’S; 66°4’W
1/ AM:”Campo do Lago Preto”, left bank of Madeira river, 39
km W Novo Aripuanã. 5°09’S; 60°44’W
G. spirurus: INPA A 808/HM164938
2/ AM: right bank Purús river, Ussuã stream, tributary of
Mucuim river (right bank). 7°13’S; 64°10’W
3/ RO: left bank of the Madeira river, near Jacy Paraná, ca. 45
km southwest Porto Velho. 9°10’S; 64°23’W
W. poecilinotus: INPA A 420/HM164985,421/HM164980,
422/HM164994, 424/HM164975. S. turdina: INPA A 395/
HM165029, 413/HM165028
W. poecilinotus: INPA A 101/HM164978
G. spirurus: INPA A 349/HM164942, 359/HM164941. W.
poecilinotus: INPA A 345/HM164983, 347/HM164999, S.
turdina INPA A 348/HM165032
4/ RO: left bank of the Madeira river, ca. 20 km N Abunã.
G. spirurus: INPA A 173/HM164943, 191/HM164960. W.
9°31’S; 65°21’W
poecilinotus: 182/HM164984
5/ AM: left bank of Aripuanã river, Arauazinho stream, 130 km G. spirurus: INPA A 461/HM164951, 466/HM164950,
S Novo Aripuanã. 6°18’S; 60°24’W
510/HM164952, 553/HM164963, 562/HM164962. W.
poecilinotus: INPA A 465/HM164974, 472/HM164967,
475/HM165009, 504/HM164971. S. turdina: INPA A 533/
6/ AM: left bank of lower Roosevelt river, conluence with
G. spirurus: INPA A 906/HM164945. W. poecilinotus: INPA A
Aripuanã river. 7°35’S; 60°43’W
902/HM164976, 904/HM164992. S. turdina: INPA A 903/
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon
Alexandre M. Fernandes, Mario Cohn-Haft, Tomas Hrbek and Izeni Pires Farias
7/ AM: right bank of lower Roosevelt river, conluence with
Aripuanã river. 7°38’S; 60°40’W
8/ RO: right bank lower Jiparaná river, comunidade
Demarcação, ca. 20 km southeast Calama. 8°09’S; 62°47’W
9/ RO: left bank of lower Jiparaná river, opp. Comunidade
Demarcação, ca. 20 km southeast Calama. 8°14’S; 62°46’W
10/ RO: right bank of Madeira river, 9.5 km southeast Porto
Velho. 8°52’S; 64°0’W
11/ RO: right bank of Madeira river, near Jacy Paraná, ca. 45
km southwest Porto Velho
12/ RO: right bank of Madeira river, ca. 20 km N Abunã.
9°35’S; 65°21’W
13/ AM: right bank of Aripuanã, Extremo stream, 135 km S
Novo Aripuanã. 6°18’S; 60°20’W
14/ AM: right bank of middle Aripuanã, conluence with
Roosevelt river. 7°37’S; 60°40’W
15/ AM: Floresta Estadual do Sucunduri, right bank of upper
Sucunduri river. 8°34.5’S; 59°08.5’W
16/ AM: Parque Estadual do Sucunduri; right bank of Bararati
river. 8°21’S; 58°37’W
Outgroup/ AM: right bank of upper Negro river, 3 km SW São
Gabriel da Cachoeira. 0°8’S; 67°5’W
Outgroup/ AM: left bank upper Negro river, 10 km east São
Gabriel da Cachoeira. 0°10’S; 66°59’W
Outgroup/ AM: left bank middle Solimões river; RDS Amanã,
Comunidade Nova Canaã, Centro Grande stream. 2°36’S;
Outgroup/ AM: ca. 60 km N Manaus; highway BR-174, km
43; Campina reserve/INPA
G. spirurus: INPA A 895/HM164948. W. poecilinotus: INPA
A 894/HM164997, 896/HM165007, 900/HM165003, 898/
HM165001. S. turdina: INPA A 893/HM165015
G. spirurus: INPA A 875/HM164946, 877/HM164958. W.
poecilinotus: INPA A 876/HM164989, 884/HM164990, 907/
HM165008. S. turdina: INPA A 885/HM165016
G. spirurus: INPA A 870/HM164964, 886/HM164940. W.
poecilinotus: INPA A 871/HM164982, 872/HM164996,
873/HM165000, 878/HM164988, 881/HM165010, 882/
HM164977. S. turdina: INPA A 874/HM165034, 880/
HM165021, 883/HM165018
G. spirurus: INPA A 329/HM164959. W. poecilinotus: INPA
A 307/HM164966, 308/HM164970, 326/HM164968, 327/
HM164973, 334/HM164972
W. poecilinotus: INPA A 367/HM165002, 368/HM164969.
S. turdina: INPA A 371/HM165030, 372/HM165025, 374/
G. spirurus: INPA A 208/HM164949. W. poecilinotus: INPA
A 248/HM165005, 264/HM165006, 265/HM164993. S.
turdina: INPA A 249/HM165031, 266/HM165012
G. spirurus: INPA A 536/HM164944, 559/HM164947, 561/
HM164955. W. poecilinotus: INPA A 478/HM164987, 479/
HM164979. S. turdina: INPA A 525/HM165027, 527/
HM165023, 538/HM165024
G. spirurus: INPA A 890/HM164954. W. poecilinotus: INPA
A 887/HM164995, 888/HM164981, 891/HM165004. S.
turdina: INPA A 892/HM165033, 889/HM165019
G. spirurus: INPA A 845/HM164957. W. poecilinotus: INPA A
849/HM164998. S. turdina: INPA A 846/HM165013, 848/
HM165022, 850/HM165020
G. spirurus: INPA A 852/HM164953, 855/HM164956. W.
poecilinotus: INPA A 856/HM164986, 857/HM164991
G. spirurus: INPA A 1153/HM164939
G. spirurus: INPA A 1118/HM164961
W. poecilinotus: INPA A 398/HM164965
S. turdina: INPA A 777/HM165011
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(4), 2014
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