Leonardo Rujano
Merida, July 7th, 1998
Working with the religious dynamics in Mérida City, we have been able to formulate some hypothesis that allow us to organize these phenomenon. One such hypothesis is that there is a strong tendency, on behalf of those that have some religious interest, to search for “deep” experiences. In other words, they search for a highly emotional personal religious experience. Prayer and Life Workshops (PLW) are a particular case of this tendency. These appear within the Catholic context, where they have a strong and growing activity, which allows us to remember what used to be the important Charismatic Movement. PLWs are self-defined as a “method to learn to pray and live.” The basis of these workshops is the praying activity that will allow a personal relationship with God, a quasi-mystical experience. This paper provides a series of elements that serve as support for proving a hypothesis that appears in a broader paper, and according to which there seems to be a religious profile of the current inhabitants of Mérida City. This tendency is “mystical.” This could explain why in the last decades there have appeared successful groups of Buddhist meditation, practice of yoga, Catholic and Protestant workshops and prayer groups, etc. All these activities have in common a personal experience that implies a deep inner experience.
Key terms: Prayer, mystical, meditation, contemplation, laity.
Even though since the Renaissance, and especially with modernity, a growing secularization
First, in some philosophical and scientific environments there was a tendency toward an atheism that was generalized throughout all the intellectual environment, and lately during the XX Century there has been a process of religious indifference, “absence, if not of all convictions, at least of all religious practice.” (Poupard, P. 1987: 832)
throughout the whole Western World has appeared, even at the end of the XX Century, religion continues to be a present element in different human societies.
The religious element still plays an important role in modern civilization at a personal and social level. (Cfr. Panikkar, R. 1994: 745-753)
When we observe religious dynamics in Mérida City, among other things, we can state that some people who have religious interests seek personal and deep experiences that could be called mystical.
“The most general definition of mysticism is: <<spiritual activity that hopes to unite a soul with a divinity through several methods (asceticism, devotion, love, contemplation)>>. (Ferrater Mora, José. Book III, P. 2419-2420)
<<The term “mystical” is an adjective that means “occult” or “relative to a mystery.” According to A. Lanlande, “the proper thing in these states appears to be, on the one hand, the devalorization and a type of vanishing of sensible symbols and notions belonging to abstract and discursive thought. On the other hand, direct contact and immediation of the spirit with the possessed reality in itself.” There is a difference between “a mystics of immanence and a mystics of transcendence. In the first case…, belonging to numerous Hindus, reality is nothing but the subject itself in its abysmal depths, the âtman, discovered and perceived in the ultimate experience of nirvakalpa samädhi,”(O. Lancombe). [In mystical transcendence] the ultimate reality, conceived as transcendental, elevates the subject toward it…. This experience is an ecstasy, an exit or loss of oneself, a sudden interruption of the Absolute>> (Poupard 1987: 1199)
We have found this tendency in some practices such as Buddhist meditation, prayer techniques, and yoga.
Prayer and Life Workshops (PLW) are a particular case of this tendency. These workshops appear within the context of the Catholic Denomination, where we find a strong and growing activity, which is a remnant of the important phenomenon of the Charismatic Movement.
By looking at a bulletin board in some Catholic temples in Mérida City there are invitations to the Prayer and Life Workshops (PLW).
The first workshops took place in Mérida in the early 80s, and since then, they have had slow but progressive growth in the ecclesiastic community of the City. For example, in 1997 there were PLWs in almost all parishes of the City.
We have approached these groups with a particular interest in studying religious dynamics in our city, but we find that these groups have an international projection. Throughout the Americas and parts of Europe there are prayer workshops. The Vatican, according to people leading such workshops, has recommended that Christians attend these sessions. (Cfr. Larrañaga 1995: Introduction)
This paper is based on a study which began in mid 1997. Fundamentally, it has been done through direct observation of dynamics taking place in the workshop’s sessions, and a series of interviews with participants and leaders. Prayer workshops are held twice a year at different parishes, and during the second semester of 1997, workshops were held at almost every parish in Mérida City. We have followed the historical development of this movement in the City, and in general, its dynamics and practices.
PLWs are self-defined as a “method to learn to pray and live.” The basis for these workshops is prayer, which allows a personal relationship with God, an experimental knowledge of this divinity (an almost quasi-mystical experience.) Invitations on church bulletin boards usually state:
“PLW is a method that, supported on the experience of the Word of God, and the practice of different ways to pray, allows us to deepen our personal relationship with our Father, experiment His unconditional and free love, and strengthen our faith, which helps us to surpass anguish, fear, anxiety, and sadness, to feel secure and trustful, to recuperate emotional stability and joy of life”.
Workshops are held in 15 two hour sessions, and consist fundamentally of teaching a series of 11 prayer techniques. One of the most important elements of these workshops is the “sacred half hour,” which consists of a daily practice that must be done by workshop participants, where the modality of prayer of that week is followed. Also, a series of relaxation and concentration exercises are taught to be done before engaging in prayer. There is a particular emphasis on corporal position, which basically consist in keeping your back straight, eyes closed, and hands on thighs. These practices have some elements that can be compared with meditation techniques taught in Buddhist center in the City. In the last session, there is an intense prayer session called “Desert,” in which a whole day is devoted to prayer techniques, generally in an isolated place, and in contact with nature.
Also, we have observed that these workshops have an important moral component. At these workshops there is a constant insistence that prayer practice will affect the conduct of attendees’ everyday life. There is heavy emphasis on controlling “primary” affective impulses such as anger and anguish.
Through PLWs we can clearly see the Catholic Church’s new attitude in terms of laity participation in this institutions internal activities. In the particular case of prayer by laity, the Church’s conception has changed after Vatican II. Today, laity participate more actively in prayer in churches, and in PLWs we can observe that laity have access to contemplation , and mystical experience that has always been reserved for priests. In these last years, laity have been invited to participate by praying during Holy Mass, which was exclusively reserved for priests.
Cfr. Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, 1993: 614-619.
Until a few years ago, prayer by laity was reduced to vocal or repeated responses, such as praying the Rosary or reciting prayer readings at novenas. Also, these workshops have an important component of Biblical formation, where Biblical readings are frequent, serving as guide for prayer techniques.
In our observations, we have noted that Catholic population in Mérida City has more and more accepted this form of spirituality. PLWs are widely accepted and attendance is large in numerous parishes. Another element that must be pointed out is that PLWs are, in a certain manner, a defense mechanism before the expansion of other cults and sects. This was expressed by Capuchin Father Ignacio Larrañaga (founder of PLWs) in a recorded lecture that is heard during these sessions. Another important element that we have noted in the interviews is that some people link PLWs with a sort of psychological therapy. These people say that they have found peace and tranquility, which helped them to get out of a nervous crisis, etc.
One of this paper’s conclusions, which is an initial hypothesis of a broader paper that we are currently working on, is that in the religious profile of the current inhabitants of Mérida City is of a “mystical” tendency. This could be a way to explain the fact that in the last decades groups have been successfully established that use Buddhist meditation, yoga, Catholic and Protestant prayer workshops and groups, etc. All these activities have in common a deep personal experience.
Another point that remains to be addressed is to project the resurgence of mysticism found in Mérida City as a general characteristic of religious dynamics in the modern world.
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