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Hydrokinetic energy conversion systems: A
technology status review
Article in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews · March 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2014.10.037
2 authors:
Mehmet Ishak Yuce
Abdullah Muratoglu
Gaziantep University
Batman Univesity
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Experimental analysis of TIGRIS-27H hydrokinetic turbine View project
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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
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Hydrokinetic energy conversion systems: A technology status review
M. Ishak Yuce a,n, Abdullah Muratoglu a,b
University of Gaziantep, Civil Engineering Department, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey
Batman University, Civil Engineering Department, 72060 Batman, Turkey
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 7 November 2013
Received in revised form
29 September 2014
Accepted 18 October 2014
Available online 21 November 2014
Hydrokinetic energy conversion systems are the electromechanical devices that convert kinetic energy
of river streams, tidal currents, man-made water channels or waves into electricity without using a
special head and impoundment. This new technology became popular especially in the last two decades
and needs to be well investigated. In this study, the hydrokinetic energy conversion systems were
reviewed broadly. They have been categorized into two main groups as current and wave energy
conversion devices. Their technology, working principles, environmental impacts, source potential,
advantages, drawbacks and related issues were detailed.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrokinetic energy
Current energy devices
River energy conversion
Wave energy
Tidal power
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Source potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Theory and design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Current energy conversion (CEC) systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wave energy conversion systems (WEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Existing technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Realistic applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technology survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Economic aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Environmental impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Operating conditions and mooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Discussion and conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Introduction
Increasing energy demand, harmful environmental effects of
conventional energy production technologies, increasing cost and
running out reserves of fossil fuels, climate change, spreading
health problems and social pressure have led scientists and
engineers to find alternative non-consuming, harmless, cheaper
and sustainable energy production methods. Renewable energy
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 90 507 702 0560.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M.I. Yuce).
1364-0321/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
technologies offer many environmental benefits over conventional
energy sources [1].
The hydropower is the world’s largest and cheapest [2] source
of renewable energy. It is also the most efficient way to produce
electricity [3]. Approximately 18% of world’s electricity is supplied
from hydropower [4]. Predictability, regularity and having worldwide spreading sources make hydropower one of the most
attractive choices of energy production.
There are mainly two approaches to harness energy from
water, namely, hydrostatic and hydrokinetic methods. Hydrostatic
approach is the conventional way of producing electricity by
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
storing water in reservoirs to create a pressure head and extracting
the potential energy of water through suitable turbo-machinery
[5]. In hydrokinetic approach, the kinetic energy inside the flowing
water is directly converted into electricity by relatively small scale
turbines without impoundment and with almost no head [2].
Hydrokinetic turbines are also called free flow turbines, ultra-low
or zero head hydro turbines [5]. Hydrokinetic technologies are
designed to be installed in natural streams like rivers, tidal
estuaries, ocean currents, waves, man-made waterways [6] and
other flowing water facilities with an optimum velocity.
Hydrokinetic energy technologies have some advantages over
the conventional hydropower production methods. Hydrokinetic
systems require minimum amount of civil work [5]. There is no
extra cost to construct a dam or a reservoir to accumulate the
water. The kinetic energy is harnessed based on water motion in
the form of current and waves. Although the hydrokinetic turbines
have relatively small scale power production, they can be installed
as multi-unit arrays like wind farms to increase energy extraction
[6]. The hydrokinetic systems provide more valuable and predictable energy than wind and solar devices [7]. Especially river
streams and tidal currents are highly predictable.
In developed countries the suitable sites for large scale hydropower plants have been mostly exploited. Furthermore, across
some river valleys dam construction may be either technically or
economical infeasible, due to the topography, geology of the site,
non-availability of construction materials, seismic hazards, right of
way cost, etc. Hydrokinetic energy conversion systems provide a
good choice for electrification of such sites. On the other hand,
employing hydrokinetic turbines can be the most suitable and
cheap way of supplying electricity to remote and off-grid areas
where transmission lines do not exist [8]. According to United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in 2008, there were
globally about 1.5 billion people who lived without electricity
especially in least developed countries and in sub-Saharan Africa
[9]. Reliable energy can be supplied with hydrokinetic systems to
remote areas having rich water resources such as South Africa [10].
Additionally, hydrokinetic systems have minimal environmental impacts compare to dams [5]. Large scale hydroelectric power
plants have some unfavorable effects on the environment such as;
people relocation, inundation of agricultural, historical and habitat
areas, sedimentation of fertile lands, methane (CH4) gas emission,
altering the river regime, etc. Contrarily, the natural tissue of the
energy production site is not seriously affected by hydrokinetic
Hydrokinetic technology has several drawbacks compare to the
other energy production methods. These systems have relatively
small scale power production with lower power coefficients. The
maximum efficiency that an in stream hydrokinetic turbine can
reach is 59.3% which is also known as Betz limit. Only high quality
professional systems can reach 50% efficiency. On the other hand,
Power density (W/m2)
cavitation is one of the biggest constraints of hydrokinetic
turbines. It is defined as the formation of water bubbles or voids
when the local pressure falls below the vapor pressure. Cavitation
can significantly damage the turbine. Especially high speed moving parts can be subjected to cavitation [11,12]. Harsh marine
environment is another disadvantage of hydrokinetic systems.
Especially wave energy conversion devices should be strongly
designed to withstand high and irregular water loads. On the
other hand hydrokinetic systems can have small scale environmental risks. Installation of hydrokinetic systems can block the
navigation and fishing. The turbine parts, chemical agents, noise
and vibration can badly affect the water habitat. Bad environmental influences of hydrokinetic systems are still investigated by
There have been limited studies on hydrodynamic characteristics of hydrokinetic turbines. These systems are still in their
infancy and need to be well investigated. The scientific background
behind in-stream energy conversion systems is very similar to that
of wind energy conversion technologies. The main principles such
as utilization of blade sections, BEM theory, Betz limit, etc. are
learned from aerodynamic and hydrodynamic applications, wind
turbine and ship propeller methodologies apart from a number of
fundamental differences [13]. The design of hydrokinetic systems
requires interdisciplinary study of environmental, hydraulic,
hydrologic, electric and mechanical branches.
Considerable amount of power can be obtained from an instream hydrokinetic turbine comparing with the equally sized
wind turbine [5]. A hydrokinetic turbine operating with a rated
speed of 2–3 m/s can produce four times energy of similarly rated
wind turbine [14]. The approximate fluid densities are 1000 kg/m3
and 1.223 kg/m3 for water and wind, respectively. Wind turbines
are usually designed to operate at rated wind speed of 11–13 m/s
[15]. In contrast, the rated velocity for hydrokinetic turbines is
between 1.5 and 3 m/s. The comparison of power densities for
water and wind turbines are given Fig. 1. The power density of a
hydrokinetic turbine operating with 2 m/s free stream velocity is
same as that of wind turbine running with approximately 16 m/s
flow speed.
Several hydrodynamic models have been developed in order
to model tidal, river and wind driven circulations (Mecca, MIKE,
etc.) [16]. Many analytical and numerical modeling efforts have
been made to calculate the amount of extractable power from
river, marine and tidal resources [17]. One dimensional (1-D)
analytical models are used for the effects on water level and
velocity, whereas, advanced 2-D and 3-D are implemented to
calculate the source potential [18]. Yang et al. [17] gives an updated
list of models that employed to determine the tidal stream
resources. Majority of developed models are based on tidal power.
A riverine kinetic energy model was discussed recently by Khan
et al. [5,18].
y = 150V3
y = 0.183V3
Water turbine
Wind turbine
Velocity (m/s)
Fig. 1. Comparison of power density for in-stream water and wind turbines.
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
2. Source potential
The resource potential for hydrokinetic energy is investigated
for three different cases as river, tidal and wave energy. Various
independent studies have been established to reveal hydrokinetic
energy potential at the regional and global scale. While tidal
movements and river flows are highly predictable, it is relatively
difficult to properly estimate the wave resources due to its
irregular characteristics. On the other hand, the technical potential
is a specific part of the theoretical potential and changes according
to technology used. Therefore, technical potential estimations vary
based on the proposed technology. Hydrokinetic source potential
and technology analyses are mostly practiced by USA, UK and
Canada. The technically recoverable hydrokinetic energy capacities
of these countries and global predictions are given in Table 1.
In order to predict the power in a river, temporal and spatial
flow analyses must be conducted, the cross-section area, depth,
velocity and other related characteristics should be known. The
river energy is generally studied catchment based especially for
the dam feasibility analyses. Accordingly, there is limited number
of studies on the regional river energy potentials. On the other
hand, global river databases are not ready to present a worldwide
river energy resource assessment for hydrokinetic applications [5].
To date, the largest study within this scope has been concluded by
EPRI [19] in order to assess the theoretical and technically
recoverable river energy in the United States. According to this
study, the theoretical riverine hydrokinetic energy resource
assessment of the continental US is estimated to be 1381 TW h/yr.
120 TW h/yr of this amount is predicted to be technically
recoverable [19].
The theoretical global tidal resource is estimated to be
8800 TW h/yr [20]. Technically recoverable tidal energy potential
is predicted as 800 TW h/yr [7,23]. US, Canada and UK are the
Table 1
Technically recoverable hydrokinetic energy resources [7,19–24].
Energy (TW h/yr)
leading countries having high potential of tidal energy. Total
theoretical power available along the U.S. coasts is estimated to
be 50 GW. The technical resource is estimated to be 250 TW h/yr
[21]. Alaska shares the vast majority of this amount. UK is
estimated to have a theoretical tidal stream potential between
50 and 94 TW h/yr with about half of the European resource.
Finally, Canada has 110 TW h/yr technically feasible tidal energy
potential [22,23].
According to the recent analyses, the gross theoretical worldwide wave energy resources are estimated to be up to
80,000 TW h/yr [25–28]. It is predicted that up to 750 TW h/yr
of this amount is technically recoverable [23]. World Energy
Council proposes that the technical recoverable wave energy can
be increased to 2000 TW/yr if the wave energy systems are
sufficiently improved [29]. The theoretical and technically recoverable wave energy potential of the US is estimated as 2100 and
210 TW h/yr, respectively. The highest wave activity is found
between the latitudes of 301 and 601 on the north and the south
hemispheres [20]. UK, Canada, Norway and Ireland, Denmark and
France have relatively higher resources of wave energy. The total
amount of European technically recoverable wave energy resource
Table 2
Annual average wave power for some countries [31].
Estimated wave power (kW/m)
France, Atlantic Ocean
France, Mediterranean
United Kingdom
USA, California
USA, Hawaii
USA, Maine
USA, New England
USA, North Carolina
USA, Massachusetts
USA, Oregon
Fig. 2. Approximate global distributions of wave power (kW/m of wave front) [30] and global tidal ranges (m) [20].
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
is estimated to be up to 236 TW h/yr [23]. UK itself has 105 TW h/
yr recoverable wave energy capacity [24]. The global tidal ranges
and approximate wave power distributions are given in Fig. 2.
Annual average wave power distributions for various countries are
given in Table 2.
3. Theory and design
Existing hydrokinetic energy technologies can be classified
according to the working principles, mainly in two categories as
current energy conversion (CEC) and wave energy conversion
(WEC) systems. CEC devices which are also called in-stream or
rotating energy conversion systems have been designed to harness
energy from a flowing stream through a rotating turbine. Tidal instream energy converters (TISEC) [32], marine current turbines
(MCT) [33] and river energy conversion systems (RCECS) are
among the CEC systems. WEC devices extract the energy of the
irregular waves basically by creating a system of reacting forces
in two or more bodies relative to each other [34]. CEC and WEC
systems have different working principles and design techniques.
The fundamental theories for designing CEC and WEC devices are
separately explained in the following sections.
3.1. Current energy conversion (CEC) systems
Current energy conversion (CEC) systems mainly have a propeller with two or more blades rotating around a horizontal or
vertical shaft by the effects of the hydrodynamic forces generated
by the free stream. Each blade is basically designed from one or
more hydrofoils. The blades rotate with the torque that is produced by the lift force. Selecting a high performance hydrofoil
having large lift/drag ratio is important in the design process.
The main principles that are used to model rotating hydrokinetic turbines are one dimensional momentum (actuator disk),
rotor disk and blade element momentum (BEM) theories. The BEM
theory is a universally accepted method which is the combination
of both blade element and momentum theories. It is more
complicated than the actuator and rotor disk theories. Actuator
disk theory presents a very rough approach and it is incapable of
determining the detailed design specifications of a turbine rotor.
The BEM theory provides a detailed turbine design procedure and
it is used to determine the lift and drag forces, thrust and power
coefficients, also rotational speed, twist and pitch angle distributions. The theoretical performance curves of horizontal axis
turbines can be extracted from BEM theory [35–37].
In BEM theory, the blade is divided into a number of imaginary
small segments. The rotor is assumed to have infinite number of
blades and radial flow effects are neglected. The lift and drag
forces of each blade segment are taken from the blade sections’
two dimensional characteristics [35,38,39]. The aerodynamic loads
and performance of each blade element is evaluated iteratively.
The resultant loads on a blade section (hydrofoil) are seen in
Fig. 3. Each blade section has an optimum angle of attack which is
the angle between the relative velocity and the blade section’s
chord line. The extracted power is proportional with the relative
velocity which is the vector sum of the axial and tangential
velocities. The angle of attack varies (α) from hub to tip with the
effect of the tangential velocity. Therefore, the turbine blades
should be twisted around the twist axis to keep angle of attack
constant. On the other hand, hydrokinetic turbines are subjected
to high thrust and torsional loads due to density of water causing
high bending moment at the blade root [40]. So, thicker blade
sections are preferred near the hub.
The maximum efficiency that an ideal turbine can reach is
known as Betz Limit. Betz law proposes that the theoretical
maximum power coefficient for a rotating turbine in a fluid stream
is 0.593. This criterion can be applied to all hydrokinetic turbines
working in a free stream such as tidal and river currents [15]. The
typical efficiency for a hydrokinetic turbine with low mechanical
losses is approximately 30% [14]. For a well-designed system, the
overall power coefficient is between 0.4 and 0.45 [41].
Generally hydrokinetic turbines are modeled to have a fixed
speed rotor in which propeller turns with a constant rotational
speed (rpm). More professional systems use variable speed
mechanisms for better efficiency. Similarly, the performance of
hydrokinetic turbines can also be increased by assigning variable
pitch mechanism to the propeller [42].
The power output of rotating current energy conversion systems are evaluated as follows;
P ¼ ρAV 3 C P
where; P is the total power output from the turbine in Watts, ⍴ is
the density of the fluid, A is the swept area of the rotor blades
(m2), V is the flow velocity (m/s) and CP is the power coefficient of
the turbine which also represents the overall efficiency.
Fig. 4 illustrates the relationship between power, rotor diameter and free stream velocity in CEC systems. As it is seen from
Eq. (1), the total power is directly proportional to the cubic power
of the flow velocity. Therefore, in hydrokinetic turbines, the flow
velocity has a particular importance.
Fig. 3. The resultant loads on a blade section for a typical blade section (Vrel is the
relative velocity, FL is the lift force, FD is the drag force and α is the angle of attack).
Fig. 4. The relation of diameter and velocity for in-stream hydrokinetic turbines
with power.
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
P crest length ¼
ρg 2 H 2 T
Approximate power per unit of wave front (kW/m) for irregular
waves is [50]:
P wavefront ffi0:42H s T P
where; A is wave amplitude (m), T is period (s), ⍴ is the water density
(kg/m3), g is the ground acceleration coefficient (m/s2), H is the wave
height (m), Hs is significant height (m) and Tp is peak wave period (s).
Detailed theory of wave energy is given in [48–51].
4. Existing technology
Fig. 5. A typical power curve for in-stream CEC devices.
A typical power curve of hydrokinetic turbines is given in Fig. 5.
Each rotating turbine has a characteristic cut-in and rated velocity.
The maximum power that can be generated by a particular turbine
is called as rated power. The speed of the free stream at the rated
power is known as rated velocity.
Designing a turbine blade is a complex process having many
parameters. In order to make an ideal design, an optimization
algorithm should be employed to test all probable configurations
for an optimum solution. Several design and optimization algorithms have been developed in order to maximize the efficiency of
the turbines (Harp_Opt [43], JavaProp [44]). Traditional gradient
based optimization methods (e.g. Newton’s method) provide fast
convergence time but they can fail in the existence of multiple
optimum solutions. Contrarily, the genetic algorithms can effectively search the global optimum solutions and select the best
local optimum result although taking more time [45].
3.2. Wave energy conversion systems (WEC)
Wave energy conversion (WEC) is a hugely varying stochastic
process due to diffraction and radiation [46]. Therefore, the theory
is mainly device based. Various hydraulic and pneumatic power
conversion systems have been developed to convert the dispersed
movements of waves into the mechanical power. WEC devices
have reciprocating and rotating parts to use hydrodynamic lift
force created by the flow over a hydrofoil or lifting structure
producing high torque and low speed output [33]. They vary in
size, orientation and distance from the shore [47]. These systems
can be bottom and shore mounted or floating. Each wave energy
conversion device, extracts certain amount of power from the
wave resource in accordance with its efficiency.
The power calculation from waves is still not explained sufficiently due to the complexity and the stochastic progression of
waves. Various types of wave turbines have been designed based
on different working principles. Therefore, in this study, the power
in a typical wave source is presented rather than the extraction
principles of energy from each wave converter. The wave power
density (W/m2) which is the energy per wave period is [48];
P density ¼
The hydrokinetic energy technology which was evolved in last
two decades is one of the newest and fastest growing sector of
renewable energies [52]. The technology has gained a significant
attention especially for current and wave energy conversion
devices. Majority of the systems are at the research and development stages and very few devices are at the pre-commercial
deployment stage [53]. The industry is growing rapidly with more
than 100 conceptual design of wave, tidal and current energy
turbines [54,55]. More recent comprehensive status of the technology and the industrial trends have been given in a number of
studies [52,53]. The abundant tidal resources, non-carbon based
renewable energy need and economic effects have led the UK to
provide a roadmap and assess the environmental effects of tidal
energy conversion technologies [52].
With the establishment of the European Marine Energy Centre
(EMEC) in UK, Fundy Ocean Research Center (FORCE) in Canada
and Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition (OREC) in the U.S. the
hydrokinetic device industry has gained momentum. More than
$50 million has been invested for the development of the
technology by the USDOE (United States Department of Energy),
Wind and Water Power Program. The RITE (Roosevelt Island Tidal
Energy) project of Verdant Power is one of the very first projects of
in-stream energy conversion technologies [56].
Powers per meter of wave front and crest length are [49];
P wavefront ¼
1 2 2
ρg A T
Fig. 6. Classification of hydrokinetic systems.
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
4.1. Classification
The classification of the hydrokinetic device technology is given
in Fig. 6. CEC systems can be sorted as horizontal axis, vertical axis,
helical and ducted turbines. Majority of hydrokinetic turbines have
a horizontal axis of rotation parallel to the flow direction. The first
vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine was designed by Darrieus in the
1920s [33]. In this system, there are a number of hydrofoil shaped
blades vertically placed between a top and bottom support,
rotating around perpendicular axis relative to the flow direction
[57]. Both horizontal and vertical axis converters can be designed
to have 2, 3 or multi-bladed propellers. Multi-bladed turbines
generate greater starting torques than the two and three-bladed
turbines without any balancing problem, however, they cause
greater hydrodynamic loses than the other two types [33].
The helical turbines are a different form of Darrieus turbines
designed by wrapping blades in a helical shape [58]. The first
helical turbine was designed by Gorlov to solve the vibration
problems that Darrieus turbines suffered from. In the helical
turbines, the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the water flow
[47] and they can capture the water motion from every direction
even in very low speeds [59]. They can be installed horizontally or
vertically with respect to ground [46]. This particular property
increases the efficiency and practicability of the helical turbines.
Augmentation decreases the pressure within the confined area
thus increases the flow velocity [60]. Concentrated fluid flow
around the ducted turbines provides high level of energy to be
extracted [5]. Ducted turbines are not subjected to Betz limit;
therefore, further investigations will help increase the efficiency of
these turbines to a desirable level [61].
WEC systems can be categorized according to the energy
extraction method as oscillating water columns (OWC), overtopping devices (OTD) and wave activated bodies (WAB). Oscillating
water columns (OWC) are partially submerged structures with a
collector below the sea level, containing a column of water. When
wave enters the collector, the water column moves up and down
depressurizes an air column by the compression force of rising and
falling of water level. The energy of oscillating air flow is then
Fig. 7. (a) SeaGen [66], (b) Verdant Power [61], (c) Pelamis [65] and (d) PowerBuoy [67].
Table 3
Technical specifications of some current energy conversion turbines (Source: [54,60,68–70]).
Turbine type
Horizontal axis turbines
Verdant Power
Tidal Stream
TidEl System(twin propeller)
Hammerfest Strøm
Tidal Stream Turbine (Tidal Generation ltd.)
Open Hydro(twin propeller)
Amazon AquaCharger
Vertical axis turbines
EnCurrent Hydro Turbine (Non-ducted)
Davis Hydro Turbine
Exim Tidal Turbine
Ponte Di Archimede
Helical turbines
GCK Gorlov Helical Turbine
Lucid Energy Technologies GHK
Ducted turbines
Underwater Electric Kite (twin propeller)
Rotech Tidal Turbine
Clean Current Turbine
EnCurrent Hydro Turbine (ducted)
Clean Current Power System
Hydroreactor Stream Accelerator
Dimensions (m)a
Rated Power (kW)
Rated Velocity (m/s)
Cut-in Speed (m/s)
No. of blades
2 500
1.6 0.8
1 2.5
1.7, 2.9, 4
1, 1.5, 2
16, 44, 84
16, 37, 67
First and second character is the diameter and the length of turbine. If characters are divided by comma (,) that shows there are different dimensions of that type of
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
extracted by a turbine. Overtopping devices (OTD) have a partially
submerged floating reservoir which creates a water head. The
energy is extracted by using the water level difference between
the reservoir and the sea. Wave activated bodies (WAB) have an
oscillating mechanism which reciprocate by the effect of the waves
and produce energy [34,62].
4.2. Realistic applications
There are various CEC device projects that are working with
different principles. Most of the technologies are still at the testing
process. Some of the most popular hydrokinetic energy projects
are explained below:
SeaGen turbine (Fig. 7a) is the first largest attempt to harness
in-stream hydrokinetic energy and developed by Marine Current
Turbines Company. The device has twin horizontal axis bidirectional two bladed propellers each 18 m in diameter. The system
was installed in Strangford, Ireland, in 2008. The turbines were
mounted on a steel pipe of 21 m diameter which is anchored to
the seabed and they can be raised over the water surface for better
adjustment and maintenance. The system is grid connected and
capable of delivering up to 6000 MW h electricity. The design has
been made to withstand very severe conditions of the ocean. The
cut in and rated velocities of the rotor are 0.7 and 2.4 m/s,
respectively. Both propellers produce 1.2 MW power at the rated
velocity [59,63,64].
Verdant Power turbine (Fig. 7b) is a fixed speed stall regulated
device which is designed by Verdant Power Company. It has a
three-bladed rotor in 5 m diameter. The propeller has a constant
rotational speed of 40 rpm. The cut in and rated velocities are
0.7 and 2.2 m/s, respectively. The turbine delivers 35 kW power
with the efficiency between 0.38 and 0.44. The company has
installed 6 full scale grid connected hydrokinetic turbines at the
East River, New York in 2006 (RITE project) and delivered
70 MW h of energy [52,65,66].
Lucid Energy Company developed a new technology by placing
the vertical axis helical turbines inside the pipes having different
diameters. The technology uses the advantages of helical and
ducted turbines and enables to utilize multiple devices in a single
pipe. Up to 100 kW power can be produced in a 1.5 m diameter
pipe with 2.1 m/s water velocity. The technology extracts a certain
amount of water head from the system [67].
Pelamis (Fig. 7c) is the one of the most popular wave energy
conversion devices. In this technology, four cylindrical sections are
connected and aligned with the direction of wave. The connection
points contain hydraulic structures which pumps oil to the motor
and driving the electric generators [68]. Pelamis Wave Power
Company is working on a bunch of different projects to set up
wave farms at the coasts of Scotland and Portugal. Two WEC
devices each has 0.75 MW capacity have been deployed near
Orkney, Scotland. The technology is still being tested within the
scope of different projects [69].
PowerBuoy (Fig. 7d) has been designed by the American
Company of Ocean Power Technologies. It has axisymmetric two
body heaving mechanism. The power is produced by the relative
motion of both bodies. A 40 kW prototype has been constructed at
Spain, in 2008. It is planned to increase net power with multiple
applications [68].
The technical specifications of some prominent current and
wave energy conversion systems are given in Tables 3 and 4,
4.3. Technology survey
US Department of Energy’s water power program provides the
largest database [76] on hydrokinetic energy devices. In this
database wide variety of hydrokinetic turbines have been assessed
and listed according to their technology, company and project
status. The systems were categorized in five phases (undeveloped,
siting/planning, site development, device testing and deployed).
Globally, since the beginning of 2013, about 280 different companies have been worked on current and wave energy converters.
Totally there are more than 300 projects from undeveloped to
deployed phases. The number of hydrokinetic devices at the stage
of testing and deployment are 81 and 55 for current and wave
energy conversion systems, respectively. Fig. 8 shows the rates of
hydrokinetic turbine projects at different phases. Fig. 9 shows the
country based distributions for all stages except undeveloped
phase. Fig. 10 illustrates the quantities of different categories of
hydrokinetic turbines.
4.4. Economic aspects
The energy cost is one of the most important properties for the
majority of renewable technologies. The net energy cost is depend
on the capital cost, mooring, maintenance and operation cost,
simplicity of the design, diversity of the applications, scalability,
labor engagement, system reliability, performance and social
acceptance [5]. There is no definite universally accepted energy
cost for hydrokinetic applications because it is a new emerging
area and the technologies are still at the development and testing
stage. In order to supply suitable and reliable amount energy to
the grid, these technologies should be better investigated in forms
of array installations.
Table 4
Technical specifications of some wave energy conversion systems [67,71–74].
System name
Oscillating water columns
Overtopping devices
Wave Dragon
Wave activated bodies
PowerBuoy 500
Wave Roller
Archimedes Wave Swing
Aqua buoy
Dimensions (m)
Weight (t)
Water depth (m)
Rated powera (kW)
35 m (Parabolic width)
32 m (Diameter)
50 m
4 50
4 25
4 50
4 50
43 m
4 50
260 300
150 4.63 (Diameter)
15 Diameter
7 18 (Diameter)
6 Diameter
The rated power is for one unit, if there is multiple application of the device.
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
Device Testing
Site development
Fig. 8. Hydrokinetic turbine projects at different phases (data is based on [75]).
United Kingdom
United States
Fig. 9. Country based distributions of hydrokinetic turbine projects (data is based on [75]).
Axial flow turbine
Cross flow turbine
Oscillating water column
Overtopping device
Wave activated body
Fig. 10. Categorization according to working principle (data is based on [75]).
The electric energy generation cost per kW by means of
hydrokinetic technology is still much more expensive than the
conventional hydropower. However, it is believed that, the hydrokinetic energy sector will become a major source of electricity and
supply more cost-effective and reliable energy by the year of 2050
with the further developments [77]. Today, the capital cost
required to install offshore hydrokinetic projects are 1.5–2 times
greater than on land applications Additional costs are required in
order to marinize a device. The first investment cost is highly
depend on the project location and technology. On the other hand,
the operation and maintenance costs are three times of land
devices [47]. Some of the considerable economic analyses on
hydrokinetic power have been summarized by Bahaj [46]. An
extensive and recent economic analysis on the tidal and wave
energy is given in [77]. It is estimated that, levelised cost of energy
for early array applications varies between 24–47 c€/kW h for tidal
and 34–63 c€/kW h for wave energy. The overall deployment cost
of wave applications is far greater than that of tidal devices [77].
5. Environmental impacts
In contrast to conventional hydrostatic systems, the hydrokinetic devices are working without significantly altering the natural
pathway of the stream [55] and water habitat. The impact of rotors
or other parts to the marine life and underwater noise is relatively
low, compared with wind turbines or ship propellers, due to the
low speed running characteristics and less surface area of the
propellers [7]. Since the hydrokinetic turbine technologies are still
at the development stage, they may have some concerns associated with the environment. Uncertainties regarding these new
turbines should be well studied. Some of the bad environmental
impacts of these systems have been noted by scientists. Interaction
of hydrokinetic devices with marine ecosystem is still under
The turbine blades or other moving parts can strike the aquatic
organisms such as fishes, diving birds, etc. Mobile animals can be
entangled in submerged cables. The electromagnetic impacts of
M.I. Yuce, A. Muratoglu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43 (2015) 72–82
transmission lines may affect the underwater animals. The noise,
vibration and turbulence generated by the moving or rotating
parts can damage the aquatic wildlife environment. The chemical
contaminants leached from underwater machine parts can pollute
the water. Due to the energy extraction from the system, the
volumetric flows, current patterns and tidal ranges can be affected.
The hydrologic regime such as, natural flow depth, velocity
distributions and sedimentation of the site can vary, especially in
shallow waters. The river navigation and fish migrations may be
blocked by the devices [78–81].
The most sensible way to prevent the environmental impacts of
hydrokinetic devices is to avoid the areas having sensitive habitats
such as the regions with high biodiversity and fragile sites. On the
other hand some of the seasons should play a critical role for the
biodiversity such as migration and reproduction periods. An
extensive study has been reported by USDOE (United States
Department of Energy) on the potential environmental effects of
hydrokinetic energy technologies [82].
Similarly the type of the device and technology plays an
important role for the environmental impacts of the system. These
effects should be studied at the designing process. Laboratory
experiments or CFD simulations should be conducted before
deployment. Fast moving and rotating parts should be avoided
in critical environments.
6. Operating conditions and mooring
Hydrokinetic turbine parts are exposed to harsh and salty
marine environment. The propeller and other metallic parts
should be carefully constructed to prevent corrosion. Increasing
the thickness of the still and coating are the solutions to avoid
corrosion. The turbine nacelle should be water resistant and wellsealed. On the other hand, seaweed and other filamentous plants
can foul the blades and reduce the performance [14].
Wave energy converters are more difficult to design relative to
the tidal and river applications due to complexity of platform and
system motion [83]. The turbine itself, mooring and other structures, especially in wave devices are subjected to severe conditions
[46]. The turbine system should be sufficiently strong in order to
overcome the drift force of wave and currents. The requirements
of mooring technology could be transferred from offshore oil and
gas systems. Electric transmission lines on marine environment
should be well protected and tension loads must not be permitted
River current turbines are functioning in relatively calm environment. Scouring at the bottom of rivers can change the flow
regime thus, decrease the efficiency of turbines. Sedimentation in
rivers may block the turbine parts.
Cavitation is one of the major threats for the turbine rotors.
The design of the blades should carefully be conducted in order to
prevent cavitation. The amount of cavitation and its region could
be determined with the CFD (computational fluid dynamics)
simulations of rotating or moving parts.
exceed 80 to 90% levels in dams, hydrokinetic turbines can barely
achieve 35%. In current energy conversion (CEC) systems, the
power output is directly proportional to the cubic power of the
flow velocity. Therefore, in hydrokinetic systems, higher flow
velocity provides higher power.
So called Betz limit is one of the major obstructions on the
efficiency of in-stream hydrokinetic turbines. Betz law proposes
that a free flow turbine cannot exceed 59.3% theoretical efficiency.
However, the Betz limit can be achieved with the proper augmentation of the turbine propeller. Augmented turbines can provide
higher level of energy extraction with increasing flow velocity
and inducing sub-atmospheric pressure within a constrained area.
Malipeddi and Chatterjee stated that, the power coefficient of a
straight bladed-Darrieus turbine can be increased up to 0.72 with
augmentation [84]. Similarly, helical devices present a promising
technology. Further scientific investigations on the helical and
ducted turbines would increase the overall efficiency of hydrokinetic technology. On the other hand, in order to increase the
performance, variable speed and variable pitch hydrokinetic turbines should be further investigated [85].
Hydrokinetic technology has less environmental impacts than
that of conventional hydropower. The technology work without
significantly altering the natural pathway of stream; however, it
still poses some environmental concerns such as; striking the
marine animals, noise, vibration, electromagnetic impacts and
other regional effects. The environmental impacts and suitable
precautions are still being investigated by the scientists.
Harsh and sediment-rich water environment is one of the
biggest drawbacks of hydrokinetic energy conversion systems.
Especially wave energy devices should be projected and
assembled to withstand severe environment effects such as, the
drift force of wave and currents. On the other hand, effect of
sedimentation on riverine hydrokinetic devices should be better
Most of the sites that are suitable for hydroelectric energy
production have been occupied by dams in the developed counties. The hydrokinetic technology presents an alternative way to
produce electricity in such sites. On the other hand, these devices
would provide the solution of the electrification problem for
remote areas and less developed countries which are grid
The governments also play a significant role for the development of the technology. The leading activities such as research and
development studies, encouraging scientists to build prototypes,
developing, design and testing standards, licensing, leasing, permits, establishing required organizations and other formal works
should be concluded by the government activities [86].
Hydrokinetic energy conversion devices need further and
more rigorous studies. Feasibility, efficiency, impact and reliability
analyses [87] need to be conducted. Hydrodynamic characteristics
of the hydrokinetic devices should be better investigated. The
ways of increasing the flow velocity through augmented channels,
improving overall efficiency of the turbines, cavitation and other
structural problems should be adequately studied. This clean and
great source of energy embedded in water flow should not be
7. Discussion and conclusion
Hydrokinetic energy is a newly emerging area of renewable
energy technologies. Current and wave energy conversion devices
are desired to extract maximum amount of energy with minimum
environmental impact. Relatively low efficiency, cavitation and
harsh marine environment are the biggest drawbacks of hydrokinetic technologies.
Efficiency of hydrokinetic turbines is far from that of conventional hydrostatic systems. While water to wire efficiency can
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