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2012, Proceedings of the 13th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC)
5 pages
1 file
In this study, the puppet master approach to solve the kinematics of complex multi-body systems is introduced. The puppet master approach is shown in comparison with traditional analytical one.
Il presente lavoro analizza la problematica della modellazione e simulazione dinamica multicorpo di robot antropomorfi multi link. Obiettivo dell'attività è quello di definire una procedura di modellazione parametrica che potesse svolgere la sua funzione a vari livelli di complessità pur mantenendo una comune strategia, propria di questo settore di ricerca (es. Denavit-Hartenberg, Veitschegger-Wu), e quindi utilizzabile a fronte di qualsivoglia codice di modellazione e simulazione. Questa procedura di modellazione prevede la possibilità di inserire le cedevolezze ridotte ai giunti nonché l'influenza inerziale dei motori. In aggiunta, con una approccio di cosiddetta co-simulazione, il robot è inserito in un loop retroazionato guidato da un codice numerico di simulazione, universalmente adottato per questi scopi (Simulink). Quindi la metodologia di modellazione è stata dapprima verificata mediante confronto numerico/numerico adottando due codici commerciali e poi mediante confronto numerico/sperimentale per uno specifico robot.
This paper deals with the Bond Graph dynamic modeling of a multi section bionic manipulator applied to Bionic Handling Assistant robot (BHA). This bioinspire flexible manipulator is comprised of two bending sections, one rotating section and one compliant gripper. Each bending section is comprised of three bellows, which are actuated pneumatically. To simulate the bellows behavior, differential equation for a pipe conveying fluid has been obtained and finite element representation of the mathematical model is carried out. This finite element approach has been linked to the bond graph modeling approach. Similarly remaining of the bellows have been modeled and are linked to each other by putting suitable boundary conditions to obtain the dynamic model of the manipulator as a whole. Thus, this model can be used to design an adequate control for the whole BHA robot. This model will be validated through simulation and experimental tests.
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2012
This paper deals firstly with experimental validation of the forward geometric models of a bionic manipulator, developed for the case of multi-section. This bionic manipulator is the main component of the mobile-manipulator robot called RobotinoXT. The choice of RobotinoXT is due to the industrial based research on mobile-bionic manipulator robot. The model is used for the overall accurate control of the position and the orientation of the end of the gripper relative to the mobile platform. Secondly, the paper describes methodology of the calculation of the inverse geometric model applied to one bending section.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Legged robots represent the bio-inspired family of robotic devices which has to perform the most complex dynamic tasks. It is essential for them to walk in unstructured terrains, carry heavy loads, climb hills and run up to a certain speed. A complete understanding of these performances and their optimization should involve both the control and the mechanics which has been ignored by robotic researchers for years. The solution we propose is a tradeoff between control and mechanics based on the Virtual Prototype Design Method. We build a simplified numerical model of a quadruped leg based on a hierarchial architecture. The proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical solution and the physical results coming from an extended campaign of experimental tests.
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2011
The modelling of the human locomotor system and its simulation are subjects of intensive studies, due mostly to the development of the computer processing power and the appropriate software. Most fields of application are located in the reconstruction of human movements: the motor, its transmission and the necessary control systems. The goal to have a general approach fully describing the Human Body as a System, with high accuracy and open set of functions for its entire complexity is still to be reached. Envisioning the body as an open system we refer to: the 3D-geometry of all bones and their 3D-defined positions (six degrees of freedom, the corresponding coordinates, restrictions and anomalies), the joints, ligaments and muscles with their frictions, both viscous and dry, and the contact pressures, the sensorial system with its information conduits and control mechanism and, last but not least, the human brain, as a hard-soft-controller for this most intricate and complex system that is the human body. This paper presents some main ideas for this approach and achieved results concerning steps on the way towards obtaining this goal. The first beneficiaries to welcome these results are, on the one hand, the sportsmen and, on the other, the architects and engineers working on humanoid robots.
Modeling mechatronic multibody systems requires the same type of methodology as for designing and prototyping mechatronic devices: a unified and integrated engineering approach. Various formulations are currently proposed to deal with multiphysics modeling, e.g. graph theories, equational approaches, cosimulation techniques. Recent works have pointed out their relative advantages and drawbacks, depending on the application to deal with: model size, model complexity, degree of coupling, frequency range, etc. This paper is the result of a close collaboration between three Belgian laboratories, and aims at showing that for "non-academic" mechatronic applications (i.e. issuing from real industrial issues), multibody dynamics formulations can be generalized to mechatronic applications, for the model generation as well as for the numerical analysis phases. Model portability being also an important aspect of the work, they must be easily interfaced with control design and optimization programs. A global "demonstrator", based on an industrial case, is discussed: multiphysics modeling, control design and mathematical optimization are carried out to illustrate the consistency and the efficiency of the proposed approaches. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006
Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 2015
This article presents a set of generic tools for multibody system dynamics devoted to the study of bio-inspired locomotion in robotics. First, archetypal examples from the field of bio-inspired robot locomotion are presented to prepare the ground for further discussion. The general problem of locomotion is then stated. In considering this problem, we progressively draw a unified geometric picture of locomotion dynamics. For that purpose, we start from the model of discrete mobile multibody systems (MMSs) that we progressively extend to the case of continuous and finally soft systems. Beyond these theoretical aspects, we address the practical problem of the efficient computation of these models by proposing a Newton-Euler-based approach to efficient locomotion dynamics with a few illustrations of creeping, swimming, and flying.
Multibody System Dynamics, 2000
Procedures for modelling multibody systems are well known and many formulations and tools are available for these types of systems. For several years, emphasis has been placed on the modelling of electromechanical systems, particularly multibody systems, such as robots, which are driven by electrical actuators. In this paper, three different unified modelling strategies, based on the virtual work principle, linear graph and bond graph theories, are presented and compared. Three examples, including non-academic applications, illustrate this comparison.
Mechanical Sciences, 2013
The computational efficiency of symbolic generation was at the root of the emergence of symbolic multibody programs in the eighties. At present, it remains an attractive feature of it since the exponential increase in modern computer performances naturally provides the opportunity to investigate larger systems and more sophisticated models for which real-time computation is a real asset. Nowadays, in the context of mechatronic multibody systems, another interesting feature of the symbolic approach appears when dealing with enlarged multibody models, i.e. including electrical actuators, hydraulic devices, pneumatic suspensions, etc. and requiring specific analyses like control and optimization. Indeed, since symbolic multibody programs clearly distinguish the modeling phase from the analysis process, extracting the symbolic model, as well as some precious ingredients like analytical sensitivities, in order to export it towards any suitable environment (for control or optimization purposes) is quite straightforward. Symbolic multibody model portability is thus very attractive for the analysis of mechatronic applications. In this context, the main features and recent developments of the ROBOTRAN software developed at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) are reviewed in this paper and illustrated via three multibody applications which highlight its capabilities for dealing with very large systems and coping with multiphysics issues.
Multibody System Dynamics
Modeling mechatronic multibody systems requires the same type of methodology as for designing and prototyping mechatronic devices: a unified and integrated engineering approach. Various formulations are currently proposed to deal with multiphysics modeling, e.g., graph theories, equational approaches, co-simulation techniques. Recent works have pointed out their relative advantages and drawbacks, depending on the application to deal with: model size, model complexity, degree of coupling, frequency range, etc. This paper is the result of a close collaboration between three laboratories, and aims at showing that for "non-academic" mechatronic applications (i.e., issuing from real industrial issues), multibody dynamics formulations can be generalized to mechatronic systems, for the model generation as well as for the numerical analysis phases. Model portability being also an important aspect of the work, they must be easily interfaced with control design and optimization programs. A global "demonstrator", based on an industrial case, is discussed: multiphysics modeling and mathematical optimization are carried out to illustrate the consistency and the efficiency of the proposed approaches.
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Chapter in Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (4rd ed.), 2013
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Evangraf, 2018
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Terapan, 2021
European Urology Open Science, 2020
Australian Journal of Zoology, 2012
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2006
Journal of environmental health, 2014
Current Otorhinolaryngology Reports, 2014
Alkemie, Classiques Garnier, 2017
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications