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MONA - Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik, 2014
Temaet for 2017 BIGBANG-konferencens MONA-spor er "Veje til professionel udvikling af undervisere". I denne Aktuelle Analyse giver en af sporarrangørerne begrundelser for temaet og bud på en faelles baggrund: Hvor bredt kan/bør vi forstå professionel udvikling? Hvad ved vi om design af professionel udvikling der nytter noget på elevniveau? Hvilke spørgsmål står ubesvarede-og hvordan ser den forskning ud som bedst hjaelper os med at besvare dem? Disse ting kommer indlaegget/analysen på generel vis omkring. Alle der arbejder med professionel udvikling, opfordres til at levere projektdata til en forskningsbaseret online-database-resultaterne af denne mapping vil blive praesenteret på BIGBANG-konferencen.
K&K - Kultur og Klasse, 2011
UNNATURAL NARRATIVES, UNNATURAL NARRATOLOGY | In recent years, the study of unnatural narrative has developed into one of the most exciting new paradigms in narrative theory. Both younger and more established scholars have become increasingly interested in the analysis of unnatural texts, many of which have been consistently neglected or marginalized in existing narratological frameworks. By means of the collaboration of four scholars who have been developing unnatural narratology, this article seeks to summarize key principles, to consolidate some conclusions, to extend the work through carefully chosen examples, and, finally, to point toward the future.
Historisk tidskrift, 2002
Psyke & Logos
This article deals with how contemplative activities in a public school setting and a Waldorf school setting emerge in a phenomenological inspired life-world perspective. It starts with a short introduction to ‘contemplative activities’ and how they can be understood in connection to school settings as a way for the teacher to direct the attention ofthe children and foster mental health and well-being. In the qualitative literature, contemplative activities in schools are often described as part of a mindfulness or yoga inspired intervention. The two schools presented in this paper both have contemplative activitiesas an integrated part of their everyday school life. In these settings the teachers use poetry, music and movement to direct the attention of the children either as an opening to the subject learning, between subject activities or when there is a need for a break duringlessons. The purpose of this article is to describe and discuss what emerges when the researcher applies...
Martin A. Hansen nyhedsbrev, 2020
Hilsen til medlemmerne 2020 vil isaer blive husket for corona-krisen, for aflysninger og for aendringer i kulturelle arrangementer landet over. Det ramte også Landsforeningen, og isaer aflysningerne af de planlagte heldagsseminarer om "Martin A. Hansen og Skolen" har aergret mig. Der vil dog inden naeste Nyhedsbrev blive afviklet et mindre seminar i Middelfart (se punkt 266). Generalforsamlingen i april blev aflyst og flyttet til oktober. Referat o.a. kan laeses på hjemmesiden.
Tidsskriftet Antropologi
Taking its point of departure in their recent fieldwork, the authors explore the concept of knowledge in two different ways. How is scientific knowledge conceived in the debate surrounding the passage of the new Danish legislation on universities? And how is it possible to work with knowledge in the form of humanistic research as object of anthropological enquiry? In anthropology, knowledge, in relation to research has especially been studied regarding the natural sciences, i.e. in laboratories. The authors see this as a logical consequence of the development in anthropological method and theory, where the anthropological object has increasingly been defined as an object with a specific physical integrity – that is, as tied to a group of people and/or a physical place. This discussion finds an interesting parallel in the debate of the new act. Scientific knowledge is by some humanistic researchers understood as a solitary process where demands from larger society, as well as from th...
A better world somewhere (Substack), 2024
The relationship between money and power has evolved from the conflict between capitalists and traditional enforcers in the industrial revolution, through their uneasy alliance in national capitalism to contemporary varieties of their despotic merger in the culmination of a counter-revolution against postwar socialism and social democracy operating under the slogan of a revived market fundamentalism. This last phase has now reached its end, leaving us all in the grip of a world crisis of unknowable extent. What could money and markets become after capitalism? My main mentor has been Karl Marx, but I focus here on Marcel Mauss and Karl Polanyi. These are my main predecessors in exploring the prospects for a human economy. Humanist anthropology could be central to this, but it requires moving on from traditional humanism to what I call Humanism 2.0. The economy at all levels from the local shops to the world market runs on money. Money and markets, in different forms from now, are therefore essential to any version of a human economy, not antithetical to one.
Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, 2018
Arctos – Acta Philologica Fennica, 2020
Sustainability, 2021
Nutritions & Endocrinologie, 2017
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 1998
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions®, 2004
Neurocomputing, 2009
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 2010
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2021