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Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari tiga sumber; Bank Indonesia, JLL, dan Colliers International.
Jurnal Pajak dan Keuangan Negara (PKN)
Property values in the Sudirman-Thamrin CBD area generally have a higher value compared to property values outside the CBD area, so the decision to build a building in the CBD area needs to consider the level of productivity, especially in financial terms. The Minister of Finance as the State General Treasurer (BUN) feels it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the productivity level of government buildings in the CBD area as material for making policy on State Property in the future. In this analysis, a comparison of the level of productivity from the financial side is presented between 6 (six) government-owned office buildings and 10 (ten) private-owned office buildings. The analysis shows that the government office building from the financial side has a low level of productivity compared to private office buildings located in the Thamrin-Sudirman CBD area.
Hasil Analisis Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Perkantoran “Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Presentasi Dapat Meningkatkan Kemampuan Belajar Administrasi Perkantoran (Menguraikan Karakteristik Administrasi Perkantoran)”
Abstrak—Meningkatnya kebutuhan hunian di Surabaya yang tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan tanah mengakibatkan harga hunian sangat tinggi, hal ini yang melatar belakangi dibangunnya hunian vertikal atau yang disebut apartemen. Maraknya pembangunan apartemen membuat persaingan sangat tinggi, untuk menarik konsumen lebih banyak dikembangkan apartemen dengan konsep berbeda yaitu memadukan apartemen dengan hotel. Mengingat besarnya dana yang dibutuhkan untuk investasi pembangunan, maka di perlukan studi kelayakan investasi untuk mengetahui apakah investasi yang dilakukan layak diteruskan atau tidak, dengan menggunakan metode Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), dan ProfitabilityIndex (PI). Pendapatan bersih tiap tahun diperoleh dari penjualan unit kamar apartemen, kios, perkantoran dan kondotel selain itu ada pendapatan pembagian pendapatan penyewaan kondotel dengan pemilik kondotel, investor dan pengelola (30%,35%,35%). Masa investasi proyek apartemen yaitu 10 tahun. Setelah dilakukan analisa kelayakan Net Present Value (NPV) yang diperoleh hasil Rp 5,758,776,077, metode Profitability Index (PI) diperoleh hasil 0.36 dan metode Internal Rate of Return (IRR) diperoleh hasil sebesar 19.55%. Dari hasil analisa sensitivitas proyek apartemen Gunawangsa bisa layak apabila MARR naik ≤ 7.21%, Harga penjualan unit apartemen, kondotel, dan sewa kondotel turun sebesar ≤ 1.44%, tariff listrik tidak naik sebesar ≤ 14.57 % dan biaya investasi naik ≤ 1.62%.
Abstract: This paper empirically examines microeconomic factors that influence rental ratesand selling prices of office space. Quarterly time series data is used for the period of 1996:1to 2012:4. In addition, quantitative methods in the form of vector error correction model(VECM) are also used in this study. The result showed that there is a long term relationshipbetween microeconomic variables with the rental rate and selling price. IRF and FEVDshowed that rental rates and selling prices, in general, responded permanently to the shocksof microeconomic variables. Rental rate is predominantly influenced by rental rate followedby selling price, office space stock, construction cost and vacancy rate. Conversely, sellingprice is predominantly affected by rental rate followed by selling price, office space stock,construction cost and vacancy rate. Investors and developers can use the results of this studyas one of approaches for market analysis, especially office market analysis. Keywor...
Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 2018
The purpose of this study is to investigation over the influence of profitability, firm size, registered public accountant switch, auditor working period, audit opinion, reputation of registered public accountant against cumulative abnormal return. This study uses 65 samples of public manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 to 2010 which acquired using sampling purposive method, and obtained from annual report and audit report for each company. This study also use multiple regression analysis.The result of this research obtained that profitaibility and reputation of registered public accountant have a positive in influence cumulative abnormal return. While firm size, registered public accountant switch, auditor working period, and audit opinion have no impact on cumulative abnormal return.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi, 2021
Perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan, khususnya dalam hal perkembangan pariwisata dan juga faktor pendukungnya yaitu tempat penginapan berupa Condotel, Villatel, dan juga tempat penginapan yang lainnya. Mengingat adanya peluang bisnis yang menjanjikan dalam hal properti komersial pada bidang penunjang pariwisata, sehingga menyebabkan banyaknya pengusaha yang berniat membangun properti komersial tersebut, tetapi sebelum membangun sebuah properti komersial dibutuhkan perhitungan dan perkiraan dana yang tepat, perkiraan harga pasar dan juga jangka waktu perkiraan penjualan pada properti komersial yang kedepannya akan dijual, dimana nilai pasar ini juga digunakan oleh suatu Bank dalam menentukan besaran dana yang bisa disetujui jika ada properti komersial yang dijadikan agunan. Atas dasar tersebut pada penelitian ini akan meneliti mengenai nilai pasar dan nilai likuidasi properti komersial khususnya pada properti komersial Villatel dan Condotel dengan...
Pasar Jiung adalah pasar tradisional yang berada di daerah Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat yaitu berada di sisi Jalan Benyamin Sueb, Jalan Haji Ung, Jalan Kemayoran Gempol Barat, dan Jalan Kemayoran Gempol Utara. Pada saat siang Pasar Jiung ini adalah jalan raya yang dilalui banyak kendaraan umum maupun pribadi sedangkan saat malam hari jalan raya berubah menjadi Pasar Malam Jiung yang sangat ramai yang terdiri dari kios tenda yang berderet pada ruas Jalan Kemayoran Gempol. Pada dasarnya kios tenda yang ada di Pasar Malam Jiung ini merupakan milik warga yang berada di sekitar Pasar Jiung maupun luar kawasan tersebut bahkan luar Kota Jakarta. Aktivitas maupun sirkulasi di Pasar Jiung cukup padat baik dari kendaraan bermotor maupun para pejalan kaki yang sering menyebabkan kemacetan di sekitar Pasar Jiung dan sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kegiatan aktivitas permukiman dan Pasar Jiung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif de...
In this short paper, I will sum up the findings of my study DID INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES STEM FROM A TRANSEURASIAN LANGUAGE? AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, published in Scientific Culture in January 2022 and on my profiles on Academia and ResearchGate. According to Kassian (2021), Eurasian languages stem from an original Eurasian language, which included Samoyedic languages and split between 18,000 and 8,000 BC. This is consistent with Pagel-Atkinson (2013), postulating that the seven language families of Eurasia form a linguistic superfamily which evolved from a common ancestor around 15,000 years ago, with a homeland in Central Asia, from which Dravidian, Kartvelian and Basque were the first to separate, followed by PIE around 8,700 years ago, which contradicts the theory of Kurgans, postulating a much later formation of PIE. This is consistent with Tarkhnishvili (2014) who states that "the Kartvelian and Dravidic language families hold the most basal position in a tree of Euro Asiatic languages (Bomhard and Kerns 1994; Pagel et al. 2013). Y-DNA haplogroups G and H dominant in speakers of these two linguistic groups: Kartvelian (this study; Yunusbayev et al. 2012) and Dravidic (Sengupta et al. 2006), similarly hold the most basal position in a tree of patrilineages descending from super haplogroup F widespread in Eurasia (Karafet et al. 2008). This fact may indicate correlated evolution of the G and H patrilineages and the Kartvelian and Dravidic languages, respectively". Sengupta et al. (2006) mark that haplogroups F and H appeared in India around 30.000 years ago and haplogroup F gave birth to all Eurasian haplogroups. Hallast (2019) goes back even earlier in time, stating that "the earliest split was into F and GHIJK; F is known only from East and Southeast Asia while GHIJK and its descendants are worldwide. These descendant lineages themselves often have more continent-specific distributions, but 11/12 GHIJK lineages originating before 50,000 years ago have distributions that include East, Southeast or South Asia", which pleads for a very ancient migration from this region to Europe. All these studies support a Central Asian origin of Eurasian languages. Bouckaert et al. (2012) also supports this theory, stating that "there are two competing hypotheses for the origin of the Indo-European language family. The conventional view places the homeland in the Pontic steppes about 6,000 years ago. An alternative hypothesis claims that these languages spread from Anatolia with the expansion of farming 8,000 to 9,500 years ago. This study concludes in a decisive support to an Anatolian origin over a steppe origin, as both the inferred timing and root location of the Indo-European language trees fit with an agricultural expansion from Anatolia beginning 8,000 to 9,500 years ago." A map from this study places the origin of Indo-Iranian languages between N-W India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Caspian Sea and Zagros, and shows close links between Indo-Iranian, Caucasian and Anatolian languages. This study pleads for the formation of Indo-European languages in this region before 8,000 BC. The timeframe set by this study also fits with the development of megalithism, which expanded, according to Mosenkis' study Dravidian Çatal Höyük, Ubaid, Balkan and West European Neolithic priest elite, jointly with Dravidian religion and language, from Zagros (around 10,000 BC) to Çatal Höyük (7,400 BC-6,200 BC), Vinča (6,000-4,000 BC) and Gaul (around 5,000 BC). It also fits with genetic data from Dupanloup (2004), attesting that 30% of the French genetic pool, mainly Anatolian and Basque, came at the Neolithic, as for instance haplogroups Y-DNA H2, I M-170 and R1b, found from Iran, Anatolia and the Balkans to Gaul and characteristic of megalithic DNA. The presence of Dravidian haplogroups H2 and L-M20 in the Caucasus and Southern Europe confirms the Dravidian component of this migration. Khvorykh et al. (2020) promotes the major role of Central Eurasia (Central Asia, Iran, Caucasus) in the transmission of genes. The peoples with the most diversified genes as Uighurs, Azeris, Uzbeks and Iranians, carry roughly equal genetic contributions from the Middle East, Europe, China, and India. This study clearly shows that Neolithic migrations strongly modified the European genome by bringing Middle-Eastern, in particular Anatolian genes (40%), in the same proportion as the genes of original hunter-gatherers (40%). Indian genes spread in decreasing proportion in Iran (20%), the Caucasus (14%) and Europe (5%). Arctic and Siberian genes mostly spread in NorthEastern Europe (15% against 5% elsewhere). Finally, African genes spread mostly in Southern Europe (10% in Spain and 7% in Italy). Central Asia, at the crossroad of these influences, appears as a very serious candidate as original homeland of the ancestor of Indo-European, Dravidian and Ibero-Caucasian languages, of which Burushaski, which may have come from Altay, bringing Altaic linguistic elements and haplogroups R1a and R1b, would be an archaic remnant, as Kalasha, archaic Indo-Aryan language of the Pamir. This spread is supported by archaeological discoveries dating from the Gravettian in Altay, Pamir and Uzbekistan, according to Marcel Otte. This early migration brought haplogroup R1b in Italy (Villabruna, 12,000 BC), France (10,000 BC) and Serbia (9,000 BC). This is consistent with Arya (2019), dating the migration of Danaans to Europe around 13,000 BC. Hallast (2015) confirms the Central Asian role on the formation of R1b stating that "The addition of Central Asian chromosomes here contributes a sequence to the deepest subclade of R1b M-269, whereas another, in a Bhutanese individual, forms an outgroup almost as old as the R1a/R1b split". R1b M-269 and West-European subclades of this clade, as R1b P-312, were found in Central Asia according to genetic studies, strengthening the Central Asian theory. The Pamirian origin of haplogroup L-M20, carried by 15% of Burushos and 25% of Kalash, found in the Caucasus, but also in Southern Europe, the Pamirian origin of the Bulgarian genome, according to a study of S. Stoylov, and the proximity between the genome of Pamirian Tajiks and Europeans according to E. Heyer also plead in this direction. St Clair's study on the distribution of haplogroup G2a, or G-M201, which appeared around 21,000 BC around Pamir according to A. Perdih, also clearly shows genetic links between pastoralists and first farmers. It shows that haplogroup G-M201 shows quite high frequencies by Kalash (20%), Burushos (5%), Dravidian Brahui (16%), Tajiks (11%), Hazara (6%), Iranian Gilaki (16%), Assyrians (8%), Armenians (42%), Kartvelians (50%), Turks (6%), Greeks (9%), Bulgarians (5%), Italians (10%), Corsicans (22%), French (5%), Western Iberians (6%). Spencer-Wells et al. (2001) shows genetic and linguistic links between Brits, Basques, Czechs, Slovaks, Greeks, Armenians, Turkmens and Pamirian Yaghnobis and the major role of migrations from Central Asia. The formation of Indo-European in this region could be also attested by the interesting Burushaski language of Northern Pakistan which, according to Witzel (2012) mixes features from Dravidian, Sanskrit and Caucasian languages and shares the vigesimal numeration with Dravidian, Caucasian, Basque and Celtic, which left traces in French (vimsati, twenty in Dravidian, could even have given vingt, twenty in French). Greenhill (2012) places Burushaski between Kannada, a Dravidian language, Hindi, Caucasian languages and Basque, which supports its archaic character. Mosenkis also underlines the links of Burushaski, which he considers as very archaic, with Sino-Caucasian and Indo-European languages as Armenian, Phrygian and paleo-Balkan languages. Boc et al. (2010) underlines the links between Celtic and Indo-Iranian, Slavic and Indo-Iranian, and Slavic and Celtic languages, considering that this may be the evidence of a much closer common ancestry between these clusters than generally thought or of an intensive migration of the ancestors of the involved nations.
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