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2009, Anticancer Research
3 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This paper discusses the associations between vitamin D, calcium, and various types of cancer, emphasizing their roles in cancer prevention based on historical and recent research. It summarizes findings presented at a special symposium, highlighting critical evaluations of vitamin D and calcium insufficiency's impact on cancer mortality, the prevalence of insufficiency influenced by demographics, and the differential effects on colorectal cancer between genders. The paper also explores potential mechanisms by which vitamin D and calcium influence cancer cell growth and their implications for public health.
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2006
Immunopathologia Persa
Vitamin D has been reported as an essential factor for bone health as well as a protective factor for many cancers, with potential effect of the pandemic situation of vitamin D deficiency worldwide. Vitamin D could affect every cell in the human body. Living at higher latitudes and having vitamin D deficiency could result in increasing risk of common fatal cancers. Enough intake of vitamin D could have a beneficial influence on some cancers such as cancers of colon, breast, prostate, pancreatic and ovarian. Both observational and experimental epidemiologic studies have reported that higher intakes of vitamin D are related to lower risk of cancer.
Annals of Epidemiology, 2009
Higher serum levels of the main circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), are associated with substantially lower incidence rates of colon, breast, ovarian, renal, pancreatic, aggressive prostate and other cancers. Epidemiological findings combined with newly discovered mechanisms suggest a new model of cancer etiology that accounts for these actions of 25(OH)D and calcium. Its seven phases are disjunction, initiation, natural selection, overgrowth, metastasis, involution, and transition (abbreviated DINOMIT). Vitamin D metabolites prevent disjunction of cells and are beneficial in other phases. It is projected that raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D level to 40 to 60 ng/mL (100-150 nmol/L) would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year, and three fourths of deaths from these diseases in the United States and Canada, based on observational studies combined with a randomized trial. Such ...
Cancers, 2013
Cancer mortality rates vary inversely with geographic latitude and solar ultraviolet-B doses. This relationship may be due to an inhibitory role of vitamin D on cancer development. The relationship between vitamin D and cancer appears to be stronger for studies of cancer mortality than incidence. Because cancer mortality reflects both cancer incidence and survival, the difference may be due to effects of vitamin D on cancer survival. Here we review analytic epidemiologic studies investigating the relation between vitamin D, measured by circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD), and cancer survival. A relationship between low 25-OHD levels and poor survival is shown by most of the reviewed studies. This relationship is likely to be causal when viewed in light of most criteria for assessing causality (temporality, strength, exposure-response, biological plausibility and consistency). A serum level of 25-OHD around 50 nmol/L appears to be a threshold level. Conversely, there a...
Current Nutrition Reports, 2012
Vitamin D and its potential role in the prevention of cancer have received widespread attention in recent years. A broad range of potential vitamin Drelated mechanisms affecting carcinogenesis have been identified. Epidemiology now provides evidence for a cancer protective role of elevated levels of serum vitamin D, particularly for colorectal cancer, and less clearly for breast cancer, while for many other cancers, including cancer of the prostate, no associations have been demonstrated. There continues to be a gap between results from observational trials assessing vitamin D status and those from randomized trials of vitamin D supplementation that cannot be resolved easily. However, whether new randomized trials on vitamin D and cancer development should be conducted in the future remains debatable.
Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences, 2022
Introduction: Vitamin D is involved in several human metabolismpathways, both in classic pathway, which involvesthe calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and in non-classicpathways, which are related to several types of diseases, includingdiseases related to muscles; kidneys; cardiovascular system;immune system; some types of cancer; diabetes; and pregnancy.Objectives: As cancer is one of the main health problems inthe world and knowing that it is one of the non-classic effectsrelated to vitamin D, the current narrative review aimed toverify the relevance of vitamin D has on the types of cancer.Methods: The bibliographic research was performed in databasesPubmed, Scopus and PEDro on June 16, 2020, using thekeywords “vitamin D”, “cancer” and “non-classic”. Only articlessince the year 2000 were included. Thirty-one articles wereanalyzed relating vitamin D to colon/rectum cancer, breastcancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, melanomaand other types of skin cancer, and gastri...
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
The literature base on the effectiveness of treatment for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is scarce with few empirically sound studies and no systematic review in over a decade. The authors conducted a systematic review to analyse the outcome trials measuring the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions in improving NPD symptoms. A systematic search was conducted on Medline, Embase and PsychINFO electronic databases. Eligible studies were selected based on a pre-written inclusion criteria and their methodological quality was assessed using the Jadad scale. The literature search resulted in eight eligible studies, including six randomised controlled trials (RCT), a non-randomised clinical trial and a quasi-experimental study. The types of psychotherapeutic interventions examined were Schema therapy, Clarification-Oriented Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Supportive-Expressive Psychotherapy. Six studies compared the outcomes of these interventions against one another or a control group (treatment as usual or waiting list). Two studies compared the efficacy of different settings including inpatient, outpatient, and day hospital treatment. Seven studies found that psychotherapeutic interventions resulted in a significant improvement of NPD and related symptoms. Schema therapy was shown to be more efficient than treatment as usual and clarification-oriented therapy. There was no consistent evidence of the other intervention types outperforming one another and therefore further RCTs are needed to confirm whether any of them are superior.
Auteur-Les inscriptions éléennes dialectales. Textes, grammaire et vocabulaire institutionnel (VI e-II e siècle avant J.-C.), Genève, 2007, n° 38 de la collection Hautes études du monde gréco-romain de l'É.P.H.É.,
This is a short "provocation" -- 600 or so words -- by me, embedded within an article authored by Kathy Luckett & Ibrar Bhatt. Abstract of the article is below. A novel format indeed! This Point of Departure ‘kicks off’ a process that we hope will elicit submissions for a Special Issue to mark the 30th anniversary of Teaching in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives. The theme of the issue will be to debate the meanings of the concept ‘critical’ or ‘criticality’ or ‘critique’ and its associated uses such as ‘critical perspectives’, ‘critical thinking’ and ‘critical literacy’ in higher education and the implications of these debates for teaching. We will invite contributors to interrogate the definitions, uses and import of these terms, particularly in the context of conducting and writing about research on teaching theory and practice in higher education for this journal. Despite its pervasiveness in higher education discourse, the meanings of the concept remain vague and implicit, such that they can function as mechanisms of exclusion and domination, for example when assessing students (Stables 2003; Gravett, Taylor, and Fairchild 2024; Taylor et al. 2023) or reviewing submissions for publication (Bozalek and Romano 2023; Taylor et al. 2023). More specifically, we hope to clarify for ourselves and for potential authors how we might meaningfully rethink and redescribe the concept in contemporary higher education contexts that are shifting and unstable – at many levels – existential, institutional, disciplinary, epistemological, technological, cultural and planetary. As editors and reviewers of the journal, we also hope that contributions to the Special Issue will challenge not only how we teach, but also how we frame and manage the journal and thus open up, enrich, and diversify our coverage of research on teaching that adopts a critical perspective.
SUMÁRIO Prólogo • 7 CAPÍTULO UM As definições • 16 CAPÍTULO DOIS O velho paradigma • 39 CAPÍTULO TRÊS O modelo • 57 CAPÍTULO QUATRO O verbo • 72 CAPÍTULO CINCO O ambiente • 97 CAPÍTULO SEIS A escolha • 111 CAPÍTULO SETE A recompensa • 126 Epílogo • 137 PRÓLOGO As idéias que defendo não são minhas. Eu as tomei emprestadas de Sócrates, roubei-as de Chesterfield, fartei-as de Jesus. E se você não gostar das idéias deles, quais seriam as idéias que você usaria? -DALE CARNEGIE A ESCOLHA FOI MINHA. Ninguém mais é responsável por minha partida. Olhando para trás, acho quase impossível acreditar que eu -um superocupado gerentegeral de uma grande indústria -tenha deixado a fábrica para passar uma semana inteira num mosteiro ao norte de Michigan. Sim, foi isso mesmo. Um mosteiro autêntico, cercado por um belíssimo Jardim, com frades, cinco serviços religiosos por dia, cânticos, liturgias, comunhão, alojamentos comunitários. Por favor, compreenda, não foi fácil. Eu resisti o quanto pude, esperneando de todas as maneiras. Mas, afinal, escolhi ir. "SIMEÃO" era um nome que me perseguia desde que nasci. Quando criança, fui balizado na igreja luterana local. A certidão de batismo mostrava que o versículo da Bíblia escolhido para a cerimônia pertencia ao segundo capítulo de Lucas, a respeito de um homem chamado Simeão. De acordo com Lucas, Simeão foi "um homem muito correto e devoto, possuído pelo Espírito Santo". Aparentemente ele teve uma inspiração sobre a vinda do Messias ou qualquer coisa do gênero que nunca entendi. Este foi meu primeiro encontro com Simeão. Ao final da oitava série fui crismado na igreja luterana. O pastor escolheu um verso da Bíblia para cada candidato à confirmação, e quando chegou minha vez leu em voz alta o mesmo trecho de Lucas sobre Simeão. "Coincidência bem estranha", lembro-me de ter pensado na época. Logo depois -e durante os vinte e cinco anos seguintes -tive um sonho recorrente que acabou me atemorizando. No sonho, é tarde da noite e eu estou completamente perdido, correndo num cemitério. Embora não possa ver o que está me perseguindo, sei que é o mal, alguma coisa querendo me causar grande dano. De repente, um homem vestido com um manto negro aparece na minha frente, vindo de trás de um grande crucifixo de concreto. Quando esbarro nele, o homem muito velho me agarra pêlos ombros, olha-me nos olhos e grita: "Ache Simeão -ache Simeão e ouça-o!" Eu sempre acordava nessa hora, suando frio. Para completar, no dia do meu casamento o pastor se referiu a essa figura bíblica durante sua breve homilia. Fiquei tão atordoado que cheguei a confundir-me na hora de pronunciar os votos, o que foi bastante constrangedor. Na realidade, eu nunca soube ao certo se havia algum significado para todas essas "coincidências" envolvendo o nome de Simeão. Minha mulher, Raquel, sempre esteve convencida de que havia.
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