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Habitat III: theories and practices of the women facing the global challenges in cities/Habitat III: teorie e pratiche delle donne di fronte alle sfide globali nelle città Teresa bOCCIA Papers/Interventi Exploring Ageing, Gender and Co-producing Urban Space in the Global South/Esplorare la terza età, il genere e la co-produzione dello spazio urbano nel Sud del mondo Chiko NCUbE, Marcus OrMerOd, rita NEwTON Where to walk women? Routes and fears that limit women's experience in the center of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil/ dove camminano le donne? Percorsi e paure che limitano le esperienze delle donne nel centro di recife, Pernambuco, Brasile Lúcia de AndrAde SiqueirA Women´s right to the city. A feminist review of urban spaces/ il diritto delle donne alla città.un approccio femminista agli spazi urbani Laura Pérez PrietO The gendered dimension of leisure: the case of young women in Athens/ La dimensione di genere dello svago: il caso delle giovani ad Atene Polina PrentOu LGBTQ2+ Experiences of Public Safety: Theorizing Violence in the Queer City/ LGBtq2+esperienze di sicurezza pubblica: teoria della violenza nella queer City Jen RObERTON Habitat III: Towards Gender Sensitive Urban Planning/ Habitat iii: Verso una pianificazione urbanistica sensibile al genere Ana SAnCHO MArtínez Cities for whom? Re-examining identity, to reclaim the right to the city for women/ Città per chi? riesaminare l'identità, per rivendicare il diritto alla città per le donne Alicia YON, SriPallavi nAdiMPALLi Does the domestic space belong to women? An Assessment of the Housing in the New Indian Urban Agenda through the lens of gender/ Lo spazio domestico appartiene alle donne? una valutazione dell'Housing nella Nuova Agenda Urbana Indiana attraverso le lenti di genere Rewa MArAtHe, Suzana JACOb Metropolitan dynamics in the XXIst century: some elements to think about gender and sexuality towards Habitat III. A gender perspective /verso Habitat III. Una prospettiva di genere 11 17 23 37 53 91 119 105 79 5 Abstract
Contact Zones: Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Connections in English, a cura di Maria Micaela Coppola, Francesca Di Blasio e Sabrina Francesconi, Collana Labirinti, Università degli Studi di Trento, ISBN 978-88-8443-852-2, pp. 75-88, 2019
Direttore responsabile: Mario Coletta| print ISSN 1974-6849 | electronic ISSN 2281-4574 | © 2008 | Registrazione: Cancelleria del Tribunale di Napoli, n° 46, 08/05/2008 | Rivista cartacea edita dalle Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane e rivista on line realizzata con Open Journal System e pubblicata dal Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche dell'Università di Napoli Federico II. Habitat III: theories and practices of the women facing the global challenges in cities/Habitat III: teorie e pratiche delle donne di fronte alle sfide globali nelle città Teresa bOCCIA Papers/Interventi Exploring Ageing, Gender and Co-producing Urban Space in the Global South/Esplorare la terza età, il genere e la co-produzione dello spazio urbano nel Sud del mondo Chiko NCUbE, Marcus OrMerOd, rita NEwTON Where to walk women? Routes and fears that limit women's experience in the center of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil/ dove camminano le donne? Percorsi e paure che limitano le esperienze delle donne nel centro di recife, Pernambuco, Brasile Lúcia de AndrAde SiqueirA Women´s right to the city. A feminist review of urban spaces/ il diritto delle donne alla città.un approccio femminista agli spazi urbani Laura Pérez PrietO The gendered dimension of leisure: the case of young women in Athens/ La dimensione di genere dello svago: il caso delle giovani ad Atene Polina PrentOu LGBTQ2+ Experiences of Public Safety: Theorizing Violence in the Queer City/ LGBtq2+esperienze di sicurezza pubblica: teoria della violenza nella queer City Jen RObERTON Habitat III: Towards Gender Sensitive Urban Planning/ Habitat iii: Verso una pianificazione urbanistica sensibile al genere Ana SAnCHO MArtínez Cities for whom? Re-examining identity, to reclaim the right to the city for women/ Città per chi? riesaminare l'identità, per rivendicare il diritto alla città per le donne Alicia YON, SriPallavi nAdiMPALLi Does the domestic space belong to women? An Assessment of the Housing in the New Indian Urban Agenda through the lens of gender/ Lo spazio domestico appartiene alle donne? una valutazione dell'Housing nella Nuova Agenda Urbana Indiana attraverso le lenti di genere Rewa MArAtHe, Suzana JACOb Metropolitan dynamics in the XXIst century: some elements to think about gender and sexuality towards Habitat III. A gender perspective /verso Habitat III. Una prospettiva di genere 11 17 23 37 53 91 119 105 79 5 Abstract Based on a literature review of research conducted on planning the night-time, this paper argues for the need to include in the new urban agenda an intersectional gender perspective in planning the urban night. The paper analyses the existing research on how gendered bodies have been conceptualized in planning and at night, how urban planning has approached the nocturnal sphere, and how fear and safety affect women's mobility in the nightlife. The literature review reveals that the role of planning in relation to the nocturnal sphere has been to regulate and control what happens at night and "We can be strong, we can do it together, the night is ours" (Author: Lara Mazagatos, )
With Léa Lemaire, Lucas Oesch and Birte Nienaber
Over the last years, with an increasing number of asylum applications in Luxembourg, the question of refugee reception took centre stage. The paper investigates the implementation of reception measures by focusing on the interactions between central state actors and local actors. Its main objective is to understand the role of local actors in the provision of reception measures on the ground throughout the country. To what extent are they involved in reception practices, considering that reception policies are designed at a national level? To what extent do they produce local reception practices, given that Luxembourg is a small and non-federal state? Drawing from qualitative fieldwork from the CEASEVAL and REFUGOV projects, which combines interviews with national and local authorities, NGOs, and refugees, the paper will first discuss the overall organisation of the reception system in the Grand Duchy, by highlighting its high level of centralisation, according to which local actors have mainly an indirect role in the provision of reception. Then, it will show that, despite the high level of centralisation, the reception system in Luxembourg is characterised by substantial flexibility and heterogeneity at the local level. We will thus reflect on the relations between the central state and local actors, and on whether local actors may have a larger role than expected in the reception system. In conclusion, the paper argues that the local is an important dimension in the reception of refugees in Luxembourg, and one which should not be neglected.
Biolaw Journal, 2019
The paper analyses gender antidiscrimination legislation regarding access and supply of goods and services in health. The paper focuses on the evolution of EU legislation prohibiting discrimination based on gender, “race” and ethnic origins, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion and personal convictions. By framing these issues, the paper addresses the complex relationship between EU antidiscrimination principle and the Constitutional principle of equality in the perspective of the Antisubordination dimension, trying to outline the limits of antidiscrimination legislation.
Diritto e genere visti dal margine: spunti per un dibattito sull'approccio intersezionale al diritto antidiscriminatorio in Italia Law and gender at the margins: A starting point for the debate over the intersectional approach to anti-discrimination law in Italy ABSTRACT Il diritto antidiscriminatorio tende a concepire l'identità delle donne e le loro esperienze di discriminazione come monoliti a sé stanti, prendendo in considerazione una categoria dell'identità alla volta. L'intersezionalità è diventata un concetto predominante nella ricerca sull'identità e sulle differenze e molti studi sono prosperati quasi ovunque per far sì che questo approccio sia al servizio del diritto. Prendendo ispirazione dai contributi di Crenshaw, McCall e Matsuda, questo articolo suggeirsce di portare l'intersezionalità dal margine al centro del diritto (e del diritto antidiscriminatorio in particolare), per realizzare un'efficace attuazione del principio di eguaglianza sostanziale e assicurare una piena tutela a tutte le donne. Anti-discrimination law tends to conceive women's identities and their experiences of discrimination as independent monoliths, taking into consideration one category of identity at a time. Intersectionality has become a predominant concept in research on identity and differences, and numerous studies have been carried almost everywhere to make this approach suite the law. Drawing inspiration from the contributions of Crenshaw, McCall and Matsuda, this article proposes to move intersectionality from the margins of law (of antidiscrimination law in particular) to the center, in order to achieve an effective implementation of substantive equality while providing a full protection to all women.
Capitalist and post-industrial societies are based on dualisms - including me/other, mind/body, nature/culture, man/woman, skillful/disabled, white/black - and on a variety of factors - which reflect a world view tailored to a dominant male subject, of a white and workable “race”, whose “normality” is defined through parameters such as heterosexuality and individual productivity. This cultural framework contaminates the design of algorithms; the fact that they are expressed in mathematical language would suggest their total neutrality, but in recent years many authors - including several mathematicians - have begun to emphasize partiality of algorithms and describe them as cultural constructs. The decisions, questions and aims of the algorithm’s creator directly affect the answers provided by the algorithm. If the dataset on which the algorithm is practiced is not diversified by gender, “race” and ability/disability, the machine will give us a view of things often marked by prejudices and stereotypes that can reinforce asymmetries and social injustices. In fact, the technicians who instruct and educate the algorithms are mainly male who, inevitably, tend to introduce into the system fragments of the heterosexual and patriarchal culture, based on the domain of the white “race”, as confirmed by the same “2018 Report on Diversity” of Google and Apple.
SPAFA Journal (Old series 1991-2013), 2008
International Journal for Research Trends in Social Science & Humanities, 2024
When we talk about spirituality, a conventional way of thinking is the connecstion to religion, which is why this paper will give an insight into the common definition of spirituality from various perspectives until its meaning is based on the conviction of Catholic Faith and the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel. Discussions on Spiritual Development have been overlooked in secular educational settings even though spirituality plays a pivotal role in shaping students' personal, emotional, and social well-being. This research will analyze the effects of Spiritual development and its contribution to the holistic development of students by developing a sense of connection to the divine and others. They are searching for meaning in life that leads them to personal and communal prayer and worship as well as the enforcement of their values to act accordingly. This research also explores how education, in general, plays a crucial role in developing one's spirituality, especially in public school settings that have no institutionalized religion, such as theology classes, compared with private Catholic schools.
Studies on Tantra in Bengal and Eastern India, 2022
New Literary History, 2015
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2023
Novel Nanomaterials, 2021
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2014
Vefi Febriana Sari, 2023
Network in Canadian History & Environment, 2022
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2018
BMC immunology, 2013