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Caso Práctico: La Empresa Comercial "San Fernando" SAC ubicada en la calle Los Tulipanes se dedica a la comercialización de calzado para damas y caballeros.
En los siguientes ejercicios realice el Flujo de los Procesos utilizando la notación BPMN
62-Venta de activos arrendados con opción de recompra. Rafael Bautista, Marta de Vicente y Horacio Molina………………………………………..……………………… 369 63-Permuta de elementos de inmovilizado material no similares en el Nuevo PGC Pública 2010. Marta de Vicente………………………………………………………… 373 64-Consolidación en el caso de operaciones de incremento de participación en la sociedad dependiente. Juan del Busto, Emiliano Ramos y Enrique Villanueva……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..……………………… 377 65-Operaciones entre empresas del grupo en el ámbito de la NRV 21ª.1 del PGC2007*. José Luis Alfonso López………………………..…………………………………… 382 CASO 1
Research run on behalf of a medium size Italian company operating in the industry of Digital Marketing and ICT solutions on an international level, upon the following themes related to the E-commerce industry: - Global Scenario an main Trends at the beginning of 2014 - New methods to address consumer needs and behaviors - Managerial improvement of E-commerce related Business Processes - Opportunities from new Technologies and solutions
Understanding Earth's changing climate is a crucial challenge. However, the available time series of direct measurements are often insufficient to fully capture climatic process that unfolds over centuries and millennia. Combining History and Geology can fill this gap. Focusing on rainfall and flood events, this research proposes a multidisciplinary approach to integrate the sedimentary and meteorological records of the Magra River (Northern Italy), using historical data as a bridge between the two datasets. A pristine record of shallow-water shelf sediments, collected at the mouth of the river and covering the last thousand years, is analysed interpreting sand layers as flood events. The results are compared with a coherent historical record of floods and river activity spanning six centuries and instrumental measurements spanning two centuries. The geological data are reasonably consistent with rainfall data and historical records, testifying for the reliability of the river mouth sedimentary record as a proxy for river discharge. The complete dataset and the comparison with other basin of the northwestern Mediterranean indicate common floods during the second half of the XII, XIV, XVI and XVIII centuries, and at the beginning of the second half of the XX century, all periods characterised by predominantly negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation.
NB I made the mistake of pre-publishing this text before submitting it to the editor's of the Festschrift. For this reason, he decided it could no longer be included. My mistake.
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