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2006, Microelectronics Journal
6 pages
1 file
We report on recent advances in the understanding of surface processes occurring during growth and post-growth annealing of strained islands which may find application as self-assembled quantum dots. We investigate the model system SiGe/Si(0 0 1) by a new approach based on ''reading the footprints'' which islands leave on the substrate during their growth and evolution. Such footprints consist of trenches carved in the Si substrate. We distinguish between surface footprints and footprints buried below the islands. The former allow us to discriminate islands which are in the process of growing from those which are shrinking. Islands with steep morphologies grow at the expense of smaller and shallower islands, consistent with the kinetics of anomalous coarsening. While shrinking, islands change their shape according to thermodynamic predictions. Buried footprints are investigated by removing the SiGe epilayer by means of selective wet chemical etching. Their reading shows that: (i) during post-growth annealing islands move laterally because of surface-mediated Si-Ge intermixing; (ii) a tree-ring structure of trenches is created by dislocated islands during their ''cyclic'' growth. This allows us to distinguish coherent from dislocated islands and to establish whether the latter are the result of island coalescence. r
physica status solidi (a), 2006
We report on the morphological evolution of strained SiGe islands epitaxially grown on Si (001). After reviewing the morphological transitions undergone by the islands as their size changes, we present recent results obtained by an approach consisting of "reading the footprints" left by the islands on the Si substrate during growth. Such footprints, which we investigate by a combination of scanning probe microscopy and selective wet chemical etching, are trenches carved in the Si substrate. The study of these trenches allows us to discuss general phenomena occurring during growth or post-growth annealing, such as coarsening and morphological transitions, surface-mediated material intermixing and lateral island motion, evolution of plastically relaxed islands and effect on the islands surrounding them.
Applied Physics Letters, 2007
Physical Review B, 2008
Ge deposition on Si͑001͒ substrates patterned by focused ion beams is a promising route toward fabricating highly ordered quantum dots. Depending on the growth temperature T, remarkable orderings of the assembled islands are observed. At low T's, when diffusion is limited, a metastable phase with dots nucleating in the holes prevails. At high T's, when diffusion is not limited by kinetics, an equilibrium ordered phase is observed with dots nucleating on the terraces in between the pits. At intermediate T's, random growth arises. Monte Carlo simulations shed light onto this phenomenon. It is shown that the average stress energy of the equilibrium ordered configuration is significantly lower than the energy of configurations with islands positioned in the pits. Random nucleation gives rise to saddle configurations between the two ordered phases.
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2007
We investigate the footprints left over by SiGe islands epitaxially grown on Si(0 0 1) substrates at temperatures between 620 and 740 1C by using a combination of selective wet chemical etching and atomic force microscopy. Dislocated islands (superdomes) exhibit rather complex footprints consisting of circular ''tree-ring'' structures. A simple phenomenological model is able to describe the formation of the ring like structures. Coherently strained islands are observed to move away from the nearby superdomes preserving their shape, while coherent islands located a few tens of nanometers away from the closest superdomes do not move. The lateral island motion is triggered by the strain repulsion produced by the growing superdome and leads to an asymmetric alloying of the moving island. r
Physical Review Letters, 2008
When strained Stranski-Krastanow islands are used as ''self-assembled quantum dots,'' a key goal is to control the island position. Here we show that nanoscale grooves can control the nucleation of epitaxial Ge islands on Si(001), and can drive lateral motion of existing islands onto the grooves, even when the grooves are very narrow and shallow compared to the islands. A position centered on the groove minimizes energy. We use as prototype grooves the trenches which form naturally around islands. During coarsening, the shrinking islands move laterally to sit directly astride that trench. In subsequent growth, we demonstrate that islands nucleate on the ''empty trenches'' which remain on the surface after complete dissolution of the original islands.
Nanoscale research …, 2010
The ordered growth of self-assembled SiGe islands by surface thermal diffusion in ultra high vacuum from a lithographically etched Ge stripe on pit-patterned Si(100) surface has been experimentally investigated. The total surface coverage of Ge strongly depends on the distance from the source stripe, as quantitatively verified by Scanning Auger Microscopy. The size distribution of the islands as a function of the Ge coverage has been studied by coupling atomic force microscopy scans with Auger spectro-microscopy data. Our observations are consistent with a physical scenario where island positioning is essentially driven by energetic factors, which predominate with respect to the local kinetics of diffusion, and the growth evolution mainly depends on the local density of Ge atoms.
Academia Medicine, 2023
Background: Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) is an uncommon supraventricular arrhythmia that can be seen most commonly in elderly patients with underlying lung disease. It can be easily misinterpreted as atrial fibrillation. Case presentation: We identified an episode of MAT in an asymptomatic patient who was scheduled for ambulatory cataract surgery. After a detailed physical examination and focused cardiac ultrasound (FoCUS), we decided to proceed with the surgery. Conclusions: When MAT occurs in the preoperative period, it can be challenging to decide whether to proceed with the surgical procedure or to perform prior evaluation by a cardiologist. Anamnesis, physical examination, and FoCUS are useful tools in making this decision.
Logo quando escrevi o último parágrafo desta dissertação, parei olhei ao meu redor e respirei aliviado, nesse momento pude sentir toda a felicidade de ver meu trabalho pronto; aliás, quase pronto! Faltavam ainda os agradecimentos, que, de certa forma, representavam a última tarefa e, indiscutivelmente, uma das mais prazerosas de se fazer. Pesquisar não é uma tarefa fácil. Menos ainda nos momentos finais de conclusão, quando o prazo é curto e vivemos a ansiedade e o receio pela temida defesa, e então acabamos por esquecer um dos aspectos mais bonitos de se pesquisar: as pessoas que conhecemos durante todo o percurso e que de alguma forma nos ajudam na investigação. A elas, agradeço imensamente. Agradeço à minha companheira de vida Astrid, por todo amor, carinho, compreensão, e por ter acreditado em mim em momentos que nem mesmo eu acreditava. Obrigado por permanecer ao meu lado, mesmo sem a devida atenção e depois de termos perdido tantos momentos de lazer juntos. Agradeço pelo seus sorrisos e esporros diários, obrigado por me fazer feliz. À minha filha Esther, o grande amor da minha vida! Agradeço por existir e, mesmo sem ainda ter a devida noção, por ter me incentivado e transmitido uma força imensurável, através de seus desenhos e cartas, demonstrando que me admira e ama. Você escreveu em mim o melhor capítulo da minha história, te amo com todo meu coração. Agradeço imensamente à minha querida orientadora, Prof.ª Drª. Patrícia M. S. Merlo, por sua orientação, competência, profissionalismo e dedicação, que foram tão essenciais nesse processo. Quantas vezes nos reunimos e, ainda que eu estivesse desanimado, bastava alguns apontamentos e minutos de conversa e lá estava eu, novamente animado para seguir escrevendo. Tenho certeza de que não seria possível concluir essa dissertação sem seu apoio. Você se tornou para mim muito mais que uma orientadora, será sempre minha amiga. Agradeço especialmente a Eneias N. Batista, mais conhecido como "Zenaldo". Como diz a frase de um autor desconhecido, "família não é questão de sangue, mas de quem quer segurar sua mão quando você mais precisa". Zé! você é um irmão que a vida me deu e sabe muito também como foi árduo cada processo desse trabalho, muito obrigado por estar ao meu lado! Ao meu pai, mãe, irmão, inclusive à minha família que vive no Peru. Obrigado por, mesmo sem entender como é o trajeto da pesquisa, estar atenta e solícita com minhas dificuldades. Não posso esquecer dos meus "hijos perrunos" Nicolas Cage e Martha Splinter, que por diversas vezes ficaram deitados ao meu lado, sendo sempre presença constante no silêncio da madrugada, enquanto pesquisava. Agradeço aos meus colegas do grupo de pesquisa Modernidade Ibérica. Em especial ao Juliano Gomes; querido, te agradeço por todas as vezes que me ajudou: início da participação no grupo de pesquisa, projeto de mestrado, inscrição no processo seletivo, ajuda com fontes, qualificação e até mesmo no final para a finalização da dissertação. Você é inspiração! Por se tratar de uma pesquisa que envolveu um personagem além-mar, devo também agradecer à Profª Drª Laurinda Abreu, do departamento de História da Universidade Évora, em Portugal, que, ao longo dos últimos anos, me auxiliou e respondeu as dúvidas constantes sobre o tema de pesquisa. Gostaria de agradecer aos membros da banca examinadora, os professores doutores Sebastião Pimentel Franco e Lívia Maurício Scheiner, por todos os apontamentos e críticas, especialmente pelo tempo dedicado à leitura, tanto para a qualificação quanto para a defesa deste trabalho. Agradeço ao Rogério, que se dedicou na revisão e que sempre foi bastante atencioso comigo durante a correção deste trabalho. Por fim, agradeço à Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), em especial aos diversos funcionários do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social das Relações Políticas, que sempre foram atentos e solícitos aos diversos e-mails que enviei ao longo da minha produção acadêmica. "Não sabendo que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez". Jean Cocteau "Industriam adjuvat Deus".
Masonry walls constituted of solid concrete blocks are used very commonly in the framed structures as well as in the load bearing structures in various parts of Pakistan. However, very limited understanding on the characteristics and behavior of this type of masonry walls, particularly from the perspective of the seismic design and assessment, is available. This paper attempts to investigate the important characteristics, such as strength and stiffness, of the walls constructed from two grades/types of these blocks, referred as Type-1 and Type-2 blocks. The dimensions of Type-1 and Type-2 blocks are 300x200x150mm and 300x200x100mm, respectively. Compressive strength, bond strength, coefficient of friction, and diagonal (shear)strength of the masonry blocks and its assemblages are obtained from detailed experimental work. In the due course, the influence of the presence of the plaster on the masonry prisms made of two and three blocks subjected to compression and shear force respectively are investigated. The outcomes of the experimental investigation presented herein can be used effectively in macro and micro modelling of infill in framed structures as well as load bearing structures. of beams and columns in contact with the part of the infill due to the strut mechanism can lead to shear failure of the elements. Furthermore, the presence of infill reduces the fundamental period of the structure resulting in higher shear demands. This in turn produces higher stresses on the members which are usually not designed to meet these demands. Moreover, infill panels at the floors other than the ground floor result in creating soft-storey which can subsequently lead to drift concentration and column hinging at both ends of the lower storey as well as cause shear failure of the ground floor columns. While most of
© 20 0 5 C i s c o S y s t e m s , I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S e s s i o n N u m b e r P r e s e n t a t i o n _ I D Packet Tracer -v ersi o n 4 . 0 Michael Furminger Cisco Networking Academy Program T ech nical M anager -E u rop e, M iddl e E ast & Af rica © 20 0 5 C i s c o S y s t e m s , I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S e s s i o n N u m b e r P r e s e n t a t i o n _ I D Packet Tracer v ersi o n 4 . 0 B E TA © 20 0 5 C i s c o S y s t e m s , I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S e s s i o n N u m b e r P r e s e n t a t i o n _ I D Packet Tracer v 4 . 0
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