Papers by Elfi Anis Saati
The annual research report, 2017
Sertifikat Paten : Pewarna Alami dari Rumput Laut Coklat (Sargassum duplicatum) dan Proses Pembua... more Sertifikat Paten : Pewarna Alami dari Rumput Laut Coklat (Sargassum duplicatum) dan Proses Pembuatannya
Sari kedelai merupakan salah satu minuman sehat yang banyak digemari masyarakat, karena mengandun... more Sari kedelai merupakan salah satu minuman sehat yang banyak digemari masyarakat, karena mengandung isoflavon. Permasalahan yang sering muncul adalah rasa langunya, sehingga perlu perbaikan teknik pengolahan guna meningkatkan cita-rasa sari kedelai tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh beberapa varietas kedelai unggul dan metode perendaman terhadap kualitas sari kedelai, serta respon penggunaan essence alami. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunangan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor I adalah varietas kedelai dengan empat level yaitu Argomulyo, Bromo, Wilis dan Anjasmoro. Faktor II adalah perlakuan perendaman dengan enam level yaitu tanpa perlakuan perendaman, perendaman dalam air selama 4 jam, perendaman dalam air selama 8 jam, perendaman dalam NaHCO3 0,5% selama 15 menit, perendaman dalam Ca(OH) 2 0,5% selama 15 menit, perendaman dalam air selama 4 jam dan direbus dalam Ca(OH) 2 0,5% selama 15 menit dengan pengulangan dua kal...
The annual research report, 2017
Antosianin adalah pigmen yang menyebabkan warna merah, violet dan biru, pigmen tersebut dapat di... more Antosianin adalah pigmen yang menyebabkan warna merah, violet dan biru, pigmen tersebut dapat diperoleh dari ketiga jenis bunga yaitu bunga mawar, kana dan gladiol yang banyak diperoleh di Kota Batu dan seringkali banyak digunakan sebagai bunga potong. Sifat pigmennya yang mudah larut dalam air memberikan harapan pada ketersediaan pewarna yang aman dan halal, karena ekstraksinya tanpa menggunakan alkohol. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan kajian yang lebih mendalam tentang potensi kandungan pigmen, kualitas pigmen bunga dari bahan kekayaan hayati kita serta nantinya dapat diharapkan menjadi efektif dan aman digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai pengganti pewarna berbahaya ‘Rhodamin B” dan pewarna sintetis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis pigmen yang dikandung tiga bunga lokal yang potensial dikembangkan di Kota Batu, untuk mengetahui jenis dan kualitas pigmen bunga guna dikembangkan sebagai pewarna alami. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam dua tahap, tahap pertama meli...
Sifat mudah larutnya dalam air menjadikan pigmen antosianin sebagai bahan alam yang mudah dikonsu... more Sifat mudah larutnya dalam air menjadikan pigmen antosianin sebagai bahan alam yang mudah dikonsumsi dan diserap tubuh. Penambahan pigmen antosianin dari tiga variasi sumber pigmen ini bertujuan dapat meningkatkan nilai gizi, daya terima dan memperbaiki mutu fungsional sari kedelai lokal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh perbedaan varietas kedelai terhadap mutu sari kedelai dan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya interaksi varietas kedelai dan jenis kombinasi pigmen antosianin terhadap mutu sari kedelai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu desain rancangan pola tersarang dengan 2 faktor. Faktor yang pertama adalah varietas kedelai lokal (Wilis, Argomulyo dan Anjasmoro) dan faktor kedua penambahan sumber ekstrak pigmen (kulit buah naga dan daun jati,kulit buah naga dan bunga mawar,daun jati dan bunga mawar).Berdasarkan pengujian menggunakan De Garmo perlakuan terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah perlakuan sari kedelai varietas Anjasmoro deng...
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
pigmen merupakan pewarna alami yang ada di jaringan tanaman, baik di bunga, buah, daun, umbi dan ... more pigmen merupakan pewarna alami yang ada di jaringan tanaman, baik di bunga, buah, daun, umbi dan lainnya. pigmen antosianin adalag zat warna alami yang berwarna merah pada kondisi asam. warna akan berubah seiring dengan perubahan tingkat keasaman. pigmen antosianin terdapat pada bunga kana, mawar danubi jalar. ekstraksi menggunakan air dan penambahan asam. pigmen ini dapat dibuktikan memiliki aktifitas antioksidan. pigmen dapat digunakan untuk pewarna makanan dan minuman
AGRIVOLTAICS2021 CONFERENCE: Connecting Agrivoltaics Worldwide
Functional drink is currently an interesting study, especially if they are non-alcoholic based as... more Functional drink is currently an interesting study, especially if they are non-alcoholic based as one of the cornerstones of consumer acceptance in several countries. Roses, which are usually only used as decoration, can actually be processed into functional drink with high antioxidant activity. This study uses the basic ingredients of roses and apples with the addition of fish collagen hydrolysate as a non-alcoholic and halal functional drink. Factorial Randomized Design Group 2 factors were used in this study. The first factor was the Rose-Apple ratio variation consisted of 60:40, 50:50, and 40:60 %v/v. The second factor was Fish Hydrolysate Collagen concentration variation consisted of 0, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 %w/v. The data then analyzed with ANOVA at α = 5% and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. This study result that rose-apple extract 50 (%v/v) with fish hydrolysate collagen 0.7 (%w/v) is the best formulation. The characteristic of the best formulation is pH 2.88 (match with SNI standard about fruit extract which pH maximal 4), total dissolved solids is 29.75 o Brix (suitable with SNI standard which minimal 10.5 o Brix), vitamin C is 5.18%, and antioxidant activity is 91.26%. Comparison result with commercial collagen drink appeared that the best formulation (89.9%) has higher antioxidant activity than commercial product (19.53%). This study aims that rose-apple drink with fish hydrolysate collagen is a non-alcoholic functional drink that is good for health.
Trehalosa sebagai krioprotektan dalam adonan beku berfungsi untuk mencegah kerusakan adonan roti ... more Trehalosa sebagai krioprotektan dalam adonan beku berfungsi untuk mencegah kerusakan adonan roti saat penyimpanan beku dengan cara melindungi membran ragi dan mencegah melemahnya jaringan gluten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi penambahan trehalosa yang efektif untuk mempertahankan karakteristik roti manis selama pembekuan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Tersarang (Nested) dengan 2 faktor yaitu penambahan trehalosa (0; 0,1; 0,15 dan 0,2% b/b) dan waktu pembekuan (0, 15, 30, 45, dan 60 hari). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan trehalosa efektif mempertahankan yeast yang hidup sebanyak 4,29%, dimana pada hari ke-0 ragi yang hidup sebanyak 33x10 6 CFU/g dan pada hari ke-60 ragi yang hidup sebanyak 141,5x10 6 CFU/g, selain itu juga dapat mempertahankan spread ratio sebanyak 2,4 cm, volume spesifik sebesar 1%, volume pengembangan sebesar 1,6%, dan menurunkan daya tekan sebanyak 0,6 N sehingga roti menjadi semakin lembut. Skor organoleptik untuk rasa agak enak, aroma agak harum, tekstur agak lembut dan warna agak menarik.
VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
Black tea in the manufacturing process undergoes an enzymatic oxidation process. The process of... more Black tea in the manufacturing process undergoes an enzymatic oxidation process. The process of enzymatic oxidation has occurred when tea undergoes a milling process. The study aimed to find out and analyze the black tea powder results from milling. This study used a RAK analysis design (Group Random Design) with 4 treatments (P1) rotor vane, (P2) roll 1 TPI 8, (P3) roll 2 TPI 10, and (P4) roll 3 TPI 10. The observed test parameters include form analysis, temperature analysis, sensory testing, and monitoring of the performance efficiency of the milling machine. The results of the form analysis showed that the treatment (P1), (P2), (P3), (P4) changed the entire shape of the particles into wet tea powder with a smooth texture. The temperature of wet powdered tea shows that the result on the 1st day of 28.75 ° C increased on the 2nd day, which is 29.5 ° C but does not exceed the standard factory regulation and there is no over at the powder temperature due to the temperature regulati...
Jurnal Dedikasi, Feb 27, 2014
Food Technology and Halal Science Journal, 2020
Jackfruit seeds have high carbohydrate and protein, which is around 56.21% and 12.19%. Substituti... more Jackfruit seeds have high carbohydrate and protein, which is around 56.21% and 12.19%. Substitution with cassava starch which has amylose and amylopectin can help analog rice characteristics. The addition of natural dyes such as chlorophyll is also needed in the diversification of analog rice food as a source of antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to find out the diversification of jackfruit seed processing through the use of jackfruit seed flour and cassava flour substitution into analog rice, determine the effect of adding extracts to different vegetables on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of analog rice, knowing the presence of chlorophyll and antioxidant content in analog rice substitution jackfruit seed flour and cassava flour. This study uses Nested design / nested design. Nest/parent namely the proportion of flour with 3 levels (10% jackfruit seed flour and 90% cassava flour, 20% jackfruit seed flour and 80% cassava flour, 30% jackfruit seed flour and ...
Food Technology and Halal Science Journal, 2022
Manalagi apple is Malanglocal apple that has high pectin content,so it has potential to be proces... more Manalagi apple is Malanglocal apple that has high pectin content,so it has potential to be processed into fruit leather. However, manalagi apple fruit leather has unattractive color and weak plasticity. The solution that can be used are using natural dye from anthocyanin pigment of butterfly pea flower and gum arabic as hydrocolloid. This research was conducted to determine the interaction, effect and best treatment of differences in concentration of butterfly pea flower extract and gum arabic on the physicochemical characteristics of manalagi apple fruit leather. This study used factorial randomized block design. Factor I is the concentration of butterfly pea flower extract, namely T0 (0%), T1 (5%), T2 (10%), T3 (15%), while the factor II is the concentration of gum arabic, namely G1 (0.9%), G2 (1.2%), G3 (1.5%) with consistent concentration of manalagi apple slurry. The results showed there is interaction between concentration of butterfly pea flower extract and gum arabic on organoleptic scores of manalagi apple fruit leather. Concentration of butterfly pea flower extract significantly affects pH, tensile strength, color intensity, antioxidant activity and organoleptic scores of fruit leather. Concentration of gum arabic significantly affects water content, pH, tensile strength and organoleptic scores of fruit leather. The combination of T3G3 (butterfly pea flower extract 15% and arabic gum 1,5%) treatment produce the best fruit leather which has attractive appearance (3,92), apple-specific aroma (3,64) and delicious taste (3,68), water content 13.23%, pH value 3.91, tensile strength 26.35 N, brightness level (L) 41.4, redness level (a+) +6.7, bluish level (b-)-0.6, antioxidant activity 90.62% and total anthocyanin 1.06 mg/L.
This study aimed at identifying anthocyanin pigment in local rose petal from Batu. Extraction pro... more This study aimed at identifying anthocyanin pigment in local rose petal from Batu. Extraction processes were conducted in fourlevel solvents (aquades-citric acid, aquades-lactic acid, methanol-HCl and Aquades-sulfuric acid). In order to measure the potential amount of anthocyanin pigment, isolation procedure was done with its twice further developers, concentrated HCl: H2O=3:97 and BuOH-HCl (n BuOH: HCl 2N=1:1) resulting in isolate and powdered pigment. The identification of anthocyanin was further conducted by using UV Vis spectrophotometry and FTIR analysis (by malvidin chloride standard). The study result showed that the use of aquades-citric acid and aquades-lactic acid triggered the most apparent anthocyanin pigment identification, as observed by their peak absorbency scale of 0.408 and 0.679 at 513.5-514 nm. The anthocyanin types identified by utilizing spectrophotometry and FTIR analyzes were malvidin glycoside, sianidin glucoside, and pelargonidin glycoside
The diversification of food is the solution of rice imports elevation, rice consumption dependenc... more The diversification of food is the solution of rice imports elevation, rice consumption dependence, as well as lack of protein calories for baby in Indonesia. Analogue rice from local resources such as various starches, both from tubers and nuts. Analogue rice is produced from flour with the addition of water or other nutritional components. To improve consumer appeal, the natural dyes addition also can increase nutrition product. This research aimed to analyze the effect of pigment sources and formulation of tapioca and soybean. Nested design was applied with 1st factor was sources of pigment (control, extracted green spinach, and red spinach). The second factor was the proportion of tapioca and soybean flour. The result showed that protein increased from 4.54% to 5.30% and iron (Fe) increased from 2.58 to 14.54 ppm. The best analog rice was produced from T1B2 (85% tapioca : 15% soybean flour x red spinach) which had moisture content (4.96%), fat (3.23%), protein (5.70%), absorptio...
The study is to investigate the effectiveness of several anthocyanin on quality of papaya jam and... more The study is to investigate the effectiveness of several anthocyanin on quality of papaya jam and yoghurt. It was conducted using a randomized block design, arranged with two factors. The first factor is the anthocyanins with different source with several levels that of control (without pigment), kana flower, rose flower, grape and skins dragon fruit, factor II is application that pigments in two product. The results of the study, indicating that there is significant to increase quality products. The best treatment is the addition of the anthocyanin kana flower in papaya jam and the anthocyanin rose flower in yoghurt.
Flavonoid [is] dissolve pigment in water and disseminate many [in] plant’s organ, like [at] corol... more Flavonoid [is] dissolve pigment in water and disseminate many [in] plant’s organ, like [at] corolla of kana. Pigment which including in it for example anthocyanin ( giving the ruddle till purple) and, anthoxantin ( giving the brass colour). Beside can be used as [by] the source of natural colourant, the pigment also functioning as antioxidant because its molecule structure Natural colourant of plant’s organ pigment have the nature of which relative less [is] stable compared to colourant of sintetis. Pigment stability influenced am value of pH, warm-up temperature, light, existence of metal, level of sugar and also depository condition. Target of this research is to know contained [by] pigment type [is] flower of red Kana and yellow Kana, bound sugar type [at] tying of glikosida, condition of optimal pigment / stability, and also toxisitas respon to addition of yielded pigment. Research executed in a few step, by using random device [of] simple group, as according to selected treatme...
Eksplorasi Pigmen Antosianin Bahan Hayati Lokal Pengganti Rodhamin B dan Uji Efektivitasnya pada ... more Eksplorasi Pigmen Antosianin Bahan Hayati Lokal Pengganti Rodhamin B dan Uji Efektivitasnya pada Beberapa Produk Industri/Pangan Anthocyanin Pigments Exploration of Local Biological Materials to Substitute Rodhamin B And EffectivenessTest for Some Industry Product/Food Elfi Anis Saati Jurusan Agronomi, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Natural dyes that are safer, can be used from the pigments carot enoids, curcumin, anthocyanins and other pigments. Anthocyanin pigments area group of flavonoids natural dyes cause red, orange, purple and blue, a pigment important and wide spread, as are found in the tissue of fruit, flowers, leaves, stems and roots of plants (Nollet, 1996). Indonesia is a country that has the biological wealth of the 2nd largest in the world, therefore, very necessary to explore the potential sources of pigments which can be used as natural dyes to replace hazard ous dye Rhodamine Band Amarant. This stud...
Rose is a well-known cut ornamental flower. The rose crown has been known to contain high anthocy... more Rose is a well-known cut ornamental flower. The rose crown has been known to contain high anthocyanin, particularly cyanidine and dephinidine-glycoside. Those bioactive compounds have been proven to act as free-radical scavengers. Low grade and non-fresh flowers still contains potential pigments, which can be utilized as natural colorant for food and supplement such as effervescent tablet. The study was to investigate the effect of post-cutting process on the quality of anthocyanin extract and the quality products, and to examine bioactivity of rose effervescent tablets on the liver protection through SGPT test using white rat. The study consists of three experiments. First experiment was aimed to investigate the effect of pigment quality derived from rose crown, i.e. fresh cut rose, 2 and 4 days after cutting. Further, the pigment was then applied on several products (i.e. fruit juice, jelly and carbonated drink or effervescent tablet) and the qualities were examined in second expe...
The athocyanin of extract red rose proved to be an antioxidant. Liquid of extract red rose has a ... more The athocyanin of extract red rose proved to be an antioxidant. Liquid of extract red rose has a short saving period. Therefore, one of effort to extend the saving period liquid of extract red rose are processed into long lasting product such as powder. Foam mat drying is a drying method that produced powder with better quality compared to conventional drying. The research aimed to analyze the effect of foaming agent concentration and the addition of different types sugar on red rose instan powder properties. Nested design by two factor with 3 replications were applied in this research. The first was concentration of egg albumen as the foaming agent with 3 levels (6%, 8% and 10%) and the second was the addition type of sugar with 3 types (crystal sugar, corn sugar and palm sugar). The parameters of this research are water content, ash content, solubility, water absorption, pH, total dissolved solids, anthocyanin levels, antioxidant activity, color intensity (L, a, b) and hedonic tes...
Papers by Elfi Anis Saati