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Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa. Volume 70, No 1. Pretoria, 2016. Almost all the Russian travellers who visited South Africa in the nineteenth century only saw the Cape Colony. Their stay in this part of the world was too brief to allow them trips deeper into the interior. And even those who made it a point to explore the Cape did not reach further than Worcester. That is why the long-forgotten memoir of Prince Grigory Volkonsky (1864-1912), rediscovered by Karel Schoeman thirty years ago, is so valuable, even unique. A member of Russia’s most distinguished aristocratic families lived for several months in Bloemfontein, the capital of the Orange Free State, a Boer republic and wrote down his impressions.
Journal of the Institute for African Studies, 2022
The Swellengrebel family is known in South Africa in connection with Hendrik Swellengrebel, the only local-born governor of the Cape Colony. Using Russian and Dutch archival sources as well as comprehensive studies of the Dutch merchant communities in the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Moscow and Archangel, we traced the transformation of this family from Pomeranian clothiers into leading Russian arms importers and Cape agriculturalists. The earliest-known correspondence between residents of Russia and the Cape, the letters from Heinrich Swellengrebel in Moscow to his son in Cape Town, was also studied. We established that the Amsterdam burgomaster and friend of Peter I, Nicolaes Witsen, was a patron of Johannes Swellengrebel, a native of Russia and the first Swellengrebel who settled at the Cape. Having achieved a high social status in Russia and at the Cape, members of Swellengrebel family gravitated towards Western Europe, their ancestral homeland. The history of this family reveals “the hidden thread” of human interaction that connected Russia with southern Africa long before the establishment of formal trade and political relations.
Proofs for my chapter in "Transnational Russian Studies" (Liverpool UP, 2020), edited by Connor Doak, Andy Byford, and Stephen Hutchings.
Sourozh: A Journal of Orthodox Life and Thought, 2016
In this article the author depicts the establishment of the Russian Orthodox Church in South Africa. It is preceded by a sketch of the historical background, including the participation of Russian volunteers in the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). Recognition for their sacrifice in the service of Boer independence came more than a century later with the dedication of a new chapel on the premises of the Russian Orthodox Church in Midrand.
Ach ja! Manchen Sonnenschein habe ich gesehen, aber auch manchen Sturm ....(J)etzt weiss ich nicht: was war haufiger, der Sonnenschein oder der Sturm? Fast glaube ich-der letztere. Adolf Schiel Opsomming Aan die stuur in die storm van verandering: Makhado, Venda en die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (1864-1895) Die Venda regeerder Makhado (?-1895) was een van die mees suksesvolle swart leiers in die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek gedurende die tweede helffe van die negentiende eeu. Sy regeringstyd is gekenmerk deur 'n fyn interaksie wat gehandhaaf is tussen strategiese politieke onderwerping en verset teen blanke heerskappy. Terwyl die swart samelewing elders op die noordelike grensterrein aan spontane ineenstorfing blootgestel was, as gevolg van blanke nederseffing, het die Venda staat onder Makhado gefloreer. Hy het as skerpsinnige en onverslane leier in 'n tydperk van intense verandering bly voortbestaan. In die voordrag word gepoog om tydgenootlike sienings aan beide swart en blanke kant van Makhado weer te gee. Daar word aandag gegee aan sy sty1 van leierskap. Ook word gepoog om vas te stel watter faktore daartoe aanleiding gegee het dat hy vir meer as dertig jaar (1864-1895) aan die bewind kon bly. 1. Introduction: Riding the storm In his autobiography Adolf Schiel tells the story of a lively Basuto pony-Fannyhe received as a gift from the Venda ruler, Makhado.' Schiel, a civil servant of the South ' Paper presented at the sixteenth biennial conference of the South African Historical Society.
Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Vol. 6(2): 428-460, 2010
Even before the establishment of the Union of South Africa (1910) the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) had ties with Russia and during WWII South Africa and the Soviet Union were allied against Nazi-Germany and Fascist Italy. These ties would remain despite the trials and turbulance of apartheid (1948-1989). Post-Soviet Russia and post-apartheid South Africa still have diplomatic and economic ties as is evidenced in the formation of BRICS. The article discusses the relations between Russia / the Soviet Union / Russia and South Africa over a century. []
Jewish Affairs, 2022
Reading on the immigration of Russian Jews to South Africa, you may conclude that the Russian officialdom disclaimed all responsibility for Russian Jewish emigrants once they crossed border. But the ministerial correspondence preserved in the Russian and the British archives tells a different story. Although the Russian government viewed the Jewish population as a burden rather than an asset, Russian diplomats tried to help Russian countrymen in South Africa. They often succeeded despite the fact that a Russian-speaking consul worked there for less than a year. In this article, I focus on a critical period for Russian Jews in the Transvaal and the Orange Free State when they badly needed support from the Russian government.
Military History Journal, 2020
An analysis of data from various sources, both Russian and international, helps to evaluate the contribution of the Russian corps to the republican cause and to understand the ambiguities of its brief existence. Despite the founders’ intentions, the unit failed to ‘set an example of proper organisation for the Boers’. Yet the Russian corps was not an embarrassment but a missed opportunity. ‘The Russian corps in the Anglo-Boer War: two months of misfortune’, Military History Journal (South African Military History Society), 2020, vol 19, no 1, pp 10–17 (ISSN 0026-4016). "Русский отряд на англо-бурской войне: два злополучных месяца".
Chapter 1. A German Diaspora Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Heimat and Deutschtum Chapter 4. Demut und Treue-"Humility and Devotion" Chapter 5. Das Heimatrecht zu Erwerben-"Earning the right to belong" Chapter 6. Gedenke das du in Deutscher bist! 102-"Remember that you are a German!" Conclusion-From Afrikadeutsche to Deutsch-Afrikaner 122 Bibliography 126 Summary The history of the Afrikadeutschen of Kroondal that began with the formation of the Hermannsburg Mission Society in 1849 and that grew to encompass a century of German nationalism over the course of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, provides an important dimension to the greater story of German immigration and settlement in South Africa. It is a narrative in which the position of the community's growing association with their adopted landscape or Heimat serves to create the inevitable counterpoint to their ideological identity as Germans and thereby too, its reconciliation in the name Afrikadeutsche (African-Germans). Situated in the NorthWest province of South Africa, the community of Kroondal displays a unique collection of archival and literary source material that along with the this dissertation's use of the specifically German descriptors Heimat and Deutschtum (Germanness) then serve as the basis for its investigation into its African-German identity.
'n Buitengewone dokument uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog-die besoekersboek van die Transvaal Hotel in Pretoria Dié bydrae ondersoek die waarde van "ongewone" dokumente vir historiese navorsing. Die Annalesskool van Frankryk het historici die belangrikheid geleer om 'n breër uitkyk op ander moontlike bronne as die voor die hand liggende dokumente soos amptelike regeringsdokumente en private dagboeke en briewe te hê. Die besoekersboek van die Transvaal Hotel in Pretoria gedurende en ná die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899-1902 bewys die waarde van sodanige "ongewone" dokumente. Die historiese waarde van die boek is onskatbaar. Dit bevat die handtekeninge van nie slegs vooraanstaande persone soos Winston Churchill, sir Arthur Conan Doyle en Leo Amery nie, maar ook oorlogskorrespondente en Britse generaals, soos John Brocklehurst, Edward Brabant, Horace Smith-Dorrien en Herbert Plumer, en Boeregeneraals soos Christiaan de Wet, Louis Botha en Barry Hertzog, asook Waarnemende President Schalk Burger van Transvaal. Talle ander mans en vroue (maar hoofsaaklik mans) wat beroemd was of in die twintigste eeu roem sou verwerf, het in die hotel tuisgegaan. Die boek is bykans 'n "Who's Who" van die Anglo-Boereoorlog. As sodanig besit die boek beslis antikwariese waarde. Wat dit egter histories belangriker maak, is dat die verblyf van party van hierdie besoekers in sommige gevalle met belangrike momente in die oorlog verbind word. In party gevalle stel GLW GLH KLVWRULNXV LQ VWDDW RP GLH SOHN YDV WH VWHO ZDDU µQ KLVWRULHVH ¿JXXU KRP RS µQ gegewe oomblik bevind het. Dit is die skrywer se oortuiging dat historici bewus daarvan moet wees dat "ongewone" dokumente hulle in hulle navorsing behulpsaam kan wees.
History Compass, 2008
To outward appearance at least, South Africa and the Soviet Union did not enjoy close relations during most of the 20th century. Diplomatic relations existed on paper between the Boer republics and Russia during the Anglo-Boer war but they ended when the republics lost their independence. During the 1920s and 1930s trade was negligible, and the new high point in mutual interest and relations came only during the Second World War, when Soviet diplomatic or trade missions opened in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. This official relationship was broken by the National Party government in 1956, and was re-established only in the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of apartheid. Diplomatic relations were, however, just the tip of the iceberg. The Soviet Union maintained a close connection with the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) and, later on, with both the African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP), the CPSA's successor. This article attempts to assess the extent and importance of this connection, and its influence on South Africa's transition to democracy and on the political players in today's South Africa.
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