Optics & Laser Technology 30 (1998) 141±146
Improvements to laser forming through process control
Gareth Thomson *, Mark Pridham
Department of Applied Physics, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK
Received 6 April 1998; accepted 14 May 1998
Laser forming is a process that uses the energy of relatively high powered lasers to cause permanent deformation to
components by inducing localised thermal stresses. It is envisaged that this material processing technique will ®nd a number of
commercial applications. This paper brie¯y discusses laser forming and the development of a basic process monitoring and
control system used to overcome variability problems due to the complex nature of the lasers themselves and the manner in
which they interact with material. It then goes on to show how the basic control system was modi®ed, using increased feedback
data sampling, time delays and a modi®ed control algorithm which takes account of the forming rate in addition to the error.
The eect of these developments is then illustrated by a series of tests which show the modi®cations signi®cantly improve
process tolerances. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Laser processing; Process control; Laser forming; Prototyping techniques; System optimization
1. Introduction
Laser forming is a process that has been developed
over the last ®ve years or so as a novel material processing technique. Essentially a defocused laser beam,
normally from a CO2 device with a power rating of
100±200 W, acts on the surface of a sheet of metallic
material. This very localised heating causes the region
under the beam to attempt to expand while at the
same time this region is constrained by cooler surrounding material. This con¯ict creates compressive
stresses within the material and depending on various
process parameters, can lead to through thickness
buckling or plastic compression of the upper surface.
It is the latter process, more formally known as the
`temperature gradient mechanism' that will be used in
the tests carried out in this paper. A typical example
of the components which can be produced by laser
forming is shown in Fig. 1. More detail on existing
work and a fuller explanation of the laser forming
mechanism may be found elsewhere [1±7].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1382-344-908; Fax: +44-1382345-509; E-mail:
[email protected].
0030-3992/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 0 - 3 9 9 2 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 3 7 - 1
Laser material processing of any form is often a
highly complex process. High powered lasers are
devices which rely on optical, electrical, gas ¯ow and
cooling systems to operate eectively, all of which can
be subject to ¯uctuation. This may take the form of
the degradation of optics through accumulation of
debris or oscillation of the laser gas through minor
system leaks and automatic replenishment systems.
Such variation will alter the nature of the beam produced and so have an eect on processing [8±12].
Likewise, nominally similar materials will feature variations in surface ®nish, composition, thickness and residual stresses set up during production, which will
show up as process variability [13]. While some of this
process variability can be reduced through regular
laser servicing and careful material selection and preparation, in practice it can be very dicult to produce
repeatable results using purely historical or theoretical
information. These diculties have led to the development of a wide range of dynamic process monitoring
systems, particularly in the case of laser welding [14±
19], to ensure optimum conditions are maintained at
all times. It has been seen that laser forming can be
prone to process variability with nominally identical
test pieces and processing conditions exhibiting dier-
G. Thomson, M. Pridham / Optics & Laser Technology 30 (1998) 141±146
Fig. 1. Laser formed part made to approximately 1:8 scale of real door panel.
ent responses to the forming process [20±22]. It is evident that the process will require a similar feedback
approach if it is to achieve the degree of repeatability
required for commercial exploitation.
the top surface together as it cools resulting in the material always bending toward the beam. The process is
also incremental, with the de¯ection increasing with
each pass beneath the beam. If the forming increments
are too large there is a risk target de¯ections may be
subjected to excessive overshoot beyond these targets.
2. Basic control system
A simple laser forming control system was developed to investigate how easily the process could be
governed and a schematic representation of this system
is shown in Fig. 2. Essentially a strip specimen of 1
mm thick mild steel, 10 mm broad and 80 mm long
was clamped to a small CNC table. This allowed the
specimen to be moved beneath a pulsed CO2 laser
beam producing an average power of around 200 W
and with the beam defocused to give a beam diameter
at the material surface of 3 mm. The specimen was
laser formed using repeated traverses beneath the laser
along a track 30 mm in from the free end of the strip,
while the tip de¯ection was monitored using a linearly
variable displacement transformer (LVDT). The signal
from the LVDT was fed into a PC running software
which compared de¯ections to predetermined targets
and responded with appropriate signals for the CNC
Laser forming using the temperature gradient mechanism is essentially a non-reversible process. The plastically compressed upper region of the specimen draws
Fig. 2. Laser forming control system schematic.
G. Thomson, M. Pridham / Optics & Laser Technology 30 (1998) 141±146
Fig. 3. Relationship between the part de¯ection and the number of
passes by the laser for an ideal laser forming control.
If the steps are too small however, processing time
could be very long. A system is therefore required
which could switch from rapid forming in the early
stages of processing a given part to smaller forming
increments as the target deformation nears, so minimising overshoot while keeping processing times short.
This ideal is illustrated in Fig. 3. This concept is analogous to the roughing and ®nishing cuts used when
turning a bar to a diameter.
For this approach to succeed two key factors had to
operate eectively. First, the control algorithm needed
to be able to determine correctly at which stage the
process parameters should be adjusted to produce the
slowest forming rate. This would avoid both the risk
of overshoot by switching too late or excessive processing time through changing too early. Secondly, the
adjustment of the process parameters must be able to
provide the control system with a range of suitable
and predictable forming rates. For simplicity, the traverse rate at which the specimen was passed beneath
the beam was used as the control parameter since this
could easily be accessed through the CNC controller's
interface. A high traverse rate for example, would
impart less energy to the specimen than if this traverse
rate was lower and so, in general, the rate of fold associated with this setting would be small. Other process parameters, such as focal position or laser pulsing
could have been used but had certain practical diculties, though these were related more to the speci®cs of
the equipment used rather than fundamental problems.
Fig. 4. De¯ection versus number of passes for basic control system
(5 mm target de¯ection).
within, the appropriate signal would be transferred to
the CNC controller. For example, a small error indicated the target was close to being achieved, that a
slow forming rate was therefore required and so a high
feed rate would be used for the next pass.
A very large number of tests were carried out using
this basic system albeit with some variations to the
error thresholds at which the process parameters were
switched and also to the traverse feed rates triggered
by each of the thresholds [20±22]. The results of a typical test are shown in Fig. 4.
Examination of the results of this test and others in
the same series show that the control system does not
appear to be functioning as had been hoped.
Comparing the example of Fig. 4 with the ideal in
Fig. 3 it can be seen that while the process parameters
were changed at the appropriate points they seem to
have had little eect in reducing the laser forming rate.
This results in the potential for quite large overshoots
of the target de¯ection.
Why was this happening? Tests were carried out
using constant traverse feed rates for the whole of the
forming operation and these tests were repeated for a
variety of feed rates. Results are shown in Fig. 5.
These tests show that while on average the laser
forming fold rate does reduce with increasing feed
rate, the rate of fold is not constant at high feeds but
increases at a rising rate with respect to de¯ection.
3. Control system trials
A control algorithm was written which allowed the
user to enter a target minimum and maximum value.
This algorithm then monitored the de¯ection of the
strip as it was formed, taking a reading after each forward±reverse traverse of the specimen beneath the
laser beam. After each reading the PC would compare
the error between the current de¯ection and the target
minimum value to a series of four ®xed thresholds.
Depending on which threshold the error value fell
Fig. 5. Constant feed tests for a variety of traverse feed rates.
G. Thomson, M. Pridham / Optics & Laser Technology 30 (1998) 141±146
This then highlights the source of the problem with
the initial tests since at high de¯ections, close to the
target values, all traverse feeds appear to produce similarly high rates of fold (i.e. steep gradients on the
graph). It does not however address why this is happening or how it can be dealt with to achieve a more
satisfactory control system.
Two possible reasons for the rising rate are
suggested: temperature build up in the specimen leading to a reduction in material strength and stiness
and/or the formation of a plastic hinge.
Laser forming is unusual in comparison to most
other forming operations in that it is non-contact, relying on internal stresses rather than any external pressure to create the deformation. In conventional folding
a specimen will be subjected to external forces from
clamps and presses. When these clamps are removed
the specimen relaxes as the external forces and
moments are removed from the specimen and springback occurs. In laser forming, because the moments
are internal they remain present after the forming operation. Each subsequent forming operation incrementally increases the applied moment. This has certain
advantages in allowing the process to produce accurate
geometries without the need to overbend to compensate for springback as the part is removed from the
formers. This feature however may also cause certain
When a strip of steel, for example, is folded by normal mechanical means, the relationship between the
moment applied and the degree of fold is not linear
due to the elastic±plastic behaviour of the material.
Instead, the angle of fold, while rising with the applied
moment, will do so at a reducing rate. The internal
stresses opposing the applied moment cannot increase
inde®nitely but are limited by the yield strength of the
material. Inverting this relationship shows that if the
applied moment is increased at a steady rate, as it
would be by laser forming, the de¯ection will increase
at a rising rate. This can be seen in Fig. 6 and the
shape of this curve is similar to that achieved experimentally for de¯ection versus number of passes at
high speed traverse rates such as those shown in Fig. 5.
Formation of a plastic hinge may therefore help to
explain the high forming increments at large de¯ections.
The plastic hinge analysis, while appearing to
explain the nature of the folding process does not provide a full explanation. As can be seen in Fig. 6, the
analysis was based on an assumption that the material
exhibited elastic behaviour up to the yield point (s y)
at which point it became perfectly plastic. In reality a
degree of work hardening would occur which would
allow the stress induced to increase beyond the yield
stress as the material was distorted, albeit at a reducing rate. The eect of this would be to make the
rising rate relationship shown in Fig. 6 less marked.
Both the yield point and the degree of work hardening possible can drop with increasing material temperature however [23]. The eect of this would be to
make the stress relationship closer to the assumption
used in the earlier analysis. In other words, the material would become easier to bend as temperature
rose. It was felt in practice that heat was building up
in the specimen as it deformed and this increased with
the number of passes beneath the laser. This would
tend to reduce the yield point and the degree of work
hardening of the material so making the deformation
rate at high de¯ections greater than may have been
hoped. By allowing cooling time between passes at
high de¯ections, the temperature of the specimen could
be kept relatively low thereby encouraging work hardening. This would allow for a larger internal moment
in the lower regions of the specimen to help oppose
that moment associated with the plastic deformation
of the upper surface, so helping to control the eects
of the laser forming process.
4. Process control development
Fig. 6. Results of the theoretical model of de¯ection versus number
of passes assuming plastic hinge formation and that each laser forming pass produces a constant increment to the applied moment
(insets show schematics of the assumed through thickness stress distribution).
A number of measures were taken to try and
improve the control process. These included using a
control algorithm which took account of the forming
rate, allowing cooling delays and doubling the process
sampling frequency.
The control algorithm was modi®ed to allow decisions on selecting the correct feed rate to take
account of the forming rate and not just the error. The
basic control system made use of ®xed thresholds to
determine when process parameters should be
adjusted. This made it dicult to produce consistent
results from day to day since non-controlled process
variability such as subtle variation in material thickness or ®nish or laser power ¯uctuation produced
G. Thomson, M. Pridham / Optics & Laser Technology 30 (1998) 141±146
undesirable variations in the forming rate and so compromised the eectiveness of the ®xed thresholds. The
control method was therefore modi®ed to allow process changes to be triggered when the error fell within
a ®xed multiple of the previous forming increment.
The algorithm therefore was able to take account, to a
certain degree, of how the uncontrolled process parameters were altering the forming rate. This modi®cation would not necessarily show itself as a process
improvement immediately. However, over a large number of tests, the control based on the forming rate
would be able to cope with variations such as the
gradual degradation of optics or variations in dierent
component batches more readily than one based on
®xed thresholds.
A second and quite obvious improvement was to
sample the deformation after each pass of the specimen
beneath the laser beam rather than after each forward±
reverse double pass. This added some minor practical
diculties but ensured that the process parameters were
changed at a more optimum time and also ensured the
process could be stopped as soon as the target had been
met without the need for a return pass.
The ®nal process improvement involved adding in
cooling time delays as discussed earlier. This step was
taken in an eort to help keep the forming increments
at high de¯ections to a minimum by allowing a degree
of work hardening.
Fig. 7 compares the results of a series of tests using
the original control system, with results when using the
individual process improvements in isolation and
®nally a set of tests were performed with all the process improvements incorporated.
It can be seen that the process improvements signi®cantly reduce the spread and mean overshoot above
the target. The mean ®nal de¯ection overshoot
Fig. 7. Eect of various control re®nements on overshoot above 5
mm target de¯ection. Key: 1, original ®xed control, measuring on
double passes; 2, relative rate control, measuring on double passes;
3, original ®xed control, measuring on double passes, cooling time
delays added; 4, original ®xed control, measuring on single passes; 5,
new control, (relative rate, measuring on single passes, cooling delays
dropped from a mean of 0.334 mm for the original
control system to only 0.023 mm for the completely
modi®ed system. Each of the individual improvements
helps in this respect, though it appears that the total
reduction in the mean value of overshoot seems greater
than the sum of the individual improvements. This
may be due to the test with the cooling delay improvement only having had these applied delays added after
each double pass, while a dwell was added after each
single pass when this feature was incorporated into the
®nal control system.
5. Conclusions
These tests have shown that a feedback control system can be used to produce simple laser formed parts
to a tolerance comparable with more conventional
techniques. However, for the system to be fully eective care must be taken in the implementation of the
control method. In particular, care should be taken to
avoid heat build up within the specimen, which can
give rise to large fold rates even if low bending
moments are applied to the part. It is also important
to include consideration of the folding rate in any control algorithm and not merely to rely on calculations
based on deformation errors. Inclusion of the folding
rate in the control algorithm helps the system with the
natural irregularity in the fold rate caused by variations in process parameters such as the material ®nish. These parameters would otherwise be dicult and
expensive to regulate suciently well to allow an open
loop system to be used.
From the work presented in this paper it is envisaged that a laser forming system could be used to
create automatically simple components from sheet.
The system could also be used to modify locally more
complex devices. For example such modi®cations
could be used as a mechanical `trimming' technique to
introduce subtle deformations to assemblies to eliminate the build up of tolerance between the individual
components. Alternatively electro-mechanical sensor
devices could be mechanically adjusted to alter their
behaviour subtly. This again would allow a reduction
in tolerances or allow sensor customisation from a limited range of stock parts.
While these suggested applications are more complex
than the trials reported in this paper and clearly more
work is required, the results presented here increase the
possibility of using laser forming as a niche technology.
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