The Vocabulary Size Test
Paul Nation
23 October 2012
Available versions
There is a 14,000 version containing 140 multiple-choice items, with 10 items from
each 1000 word family level. A learner’s total score needs to be multiplied by 100 to
get their total receptive vocabulary size.
There are two more recent parallel 20,000 versions each containing 100 multiple
choice items. A learner’s total score needs to be multiplied by 200 to get their total
receptive vocabulary size. The two forms have been tested for their equivalence.
Permission is not required to use these tests in research, although acknowledgement in
any thesis or publication is appreciated. The reference for the 14,000 level test is
Nation, I.S.P. & Beglar, D. (2007) A vocabulary size test. The Language Teacher,
31(7), 9-13. (Check Publications on Paul Nation’s web site for current information on
Goals and construct
The Vocabulary Size Test is designed to measure both first language and second
language learners’ written receptive vocabulary size in English.
The test measures knowledge of written word form, the form-meaning connection,
and to a smaller degree concept knowledge. The test measures largely
decontextualised knowledge of the word although the tested word appears in a single
non-defining context in the test.
Users of the test need to be clear what the test is measuring and not measuring. It is
measuring written receptive vocabulary knowledge, that is the vocabulary knowledge
required for reading. It is not measuring listening vocabulary size, or the vocabulary
knowledge needed for speaking and writing. It is also not a measure of reading skill,
because although vocabulary size is a critical factor in reading, it is only a part of the
reading skill. Because the test is a measure of receptive vocabulary size, a test-taker’s
score provides little indication of how well these words could be used in speaking and
Using Read and Chapelle’s (2001) framework, the Vocabulary Size Test is a discrete,
selective, relatively context-independent vocabulary test presented in a multiplechoice format. The test is available in monolingual and bilingual versions testing up to
the 20th 1000 word level. Test-takers are required to select the best definition or
translation of each word from four choices. The test is available in hard copy and
computerised formats.
Inferences: Although the tested words are presented in simple non-defining contexts,
it is essentially following a trait-definition of vocabulary which means that vocabulary
knowledge is tested independently from contexts of use. At the item level, the test
measures receptive knowledge of a written word form. At the test level it provides an
estimate of total vocabulary size where vocabulary knowledge is considered as
including only single words (not multiword units) and vocabulary size does not
include proper nouns, transparent compounds, marginal words like um, er, gee gosh,
and abbreviations. It does not measure the ability to distinguish homonyms and
Uses: For instructional purposes the results can be used to guide syllabus design,
extensive reading, and vocabulary instruction. For research purposes, it can be used a
measure of total receptive written vocabulary size for both native and non-native
Impacts: If it is used as intended, it is a relatively low stakes test for learners. One
consequence may be that it substantially underestimates the vocabulary size of
learners who are not motivated to perform to the best of their ability, especially if they
are judged to be low achievers within their education system. This could result in
faulty instructional decisions being made about their vocabulary learning needs, and
thus the test may need to administered orally to such students on a one-to-one basis. .
More generally, the discrete, context-independent nature of the test format may
encourage the study of isolated words.
The Vocabulary Size Test is primarily a test of decontextualised receptive knowledge
of written vocabulary. Such a test could encourage the decontextualised learning of
vocabulary. Such learning is to be encouraged, because (1) decontextualised learning
using word cards or flash card programs is highly efficient (Nation, 2001: 297-299,
and (2) such learning results in both explicit and implicit knowledge (Elgort, 2011).
Specifications for making the test
Sampling the words for the items
The items in the test need to represent the various frequency levels of the language
without a bias towards any particular frequency levels. The frequency levels are based
on word families occurring in the British National Corpus according to Bauer and
Nation's (1993) levels up to Level 6.
Because the goal of the test is to measure total vocabulary size, the test should
measure frequency levels beyond the test-takers' likely vocabulary size. For this
reason, only a small number of items can be sampled from each vocabulary level. The
test uses frequency levels based on the British National Corpus word family lists for
the sampling, but the tests do not reliably measure how well each level is known,
because there are not enough items at each level. We expect scores to decrease for the
levels. The total score for the test is what matters.
Words that are loanwords or cognates in the learner’s first language are not removed
from the test. Removing the items would distort the measurement of vocabulary size,
because loanwords and cognates are a legitimate part of a learner’s second language
vocabulary size. The Vocabulary Size Test thus measures words known rather than
words learnt.
Making the stem
The test uses a stem plus a 4 choice multiple-choice format. The item stem consists of
the word followed by a very simple non-defining sentence containing the word. The
non-defining sentence has the roles of (1) indicating the part of speech of the word,
(2) limiting the meaning of the word where words may have a homograph or very
different senses, and (3) slightly cueing the meaning by presenting an example of use.
The words represented by the distractors should fit sensibly within the stem. The
vocabulary of the stem (with the exception of the tested word) is within the first 500
words of English.
Writing the choices
The distractors are the same part of speech as the correct answer, and in most cases
the distractors are the meanings of words from around the same 1000 word frequency
level as the correct answer.
59. emir: We saw the <emir>.
bird with two long curved tail feathers
woman who cares for other people's children in eastern countries [amah}
Middle Eastern chief with power in his own land
house made from blocks of ice
Non-meaning clues such as the length of the choice, and general versus specific
choices have been avoided and have been checked in piloting.
The occurrence of the correct answers is roughly spread evenly across the four
choices of a, b, c, d.
As much as possible, the test is a measure only of vocabulary knowledge and not of
vocabulary in use. Because of its focus on vocabulary, sitting the test should require
very little knowledge beyond vocabulary knowledge and reading skill. For this reason,
the choices are written in much easier language than the tested word. For the first and
second 1000 word levels, only words from the first 1000 of West’s (1953) General
Service List were used. As far as possible, the words in the definitions were of higher
frequency than the item being defined, but for the highest frequency items, this was
not always possible, e.g., there was no possibility for defining time except with words
of lower frequency (e.g. hours). For words from the 3000 word level upwards, the
defining words were drawn from the first 2000 of West’s General Service List.
If bilingual test items are acceptable, the test should be bilingual. Here is an example
of a monolingual item and a bilingual item.
soldier: He is a soldier.
a. person in a business
b. student
c. person who uses metal
d. person in the army
1. soldier: He is a soldier.
a. 商人
b. 学生
c. 金属工艺制造者
d. 士兵
Elgort (in press) found that sitting the bilingual version of the test resulted in scores
around 10% higher. The reasons for the higher scores are likely to be because
translations avoid the difficult grammar of English definitions and they are
immediately comprehensible to the test takers.
Using first language translations does not mean translating definitions into the first
language. It means providing a single first language word or phrase for each choice.
That is, the choices are first language synonyms of a second language word.
The test items do not require full knowledge of each word, but allow learners to use
partial knowledge. Partial knowledge is allowed for by having distractors that do not
share core elements of meaning with the correct answer. So, the item testing azalea
does not require the learners to distinguish between various types of plants, but simply
to know that an azalea is a plant.
azalea: This azalea is very pretty.
a. small tree with many flowers growing in groups
b. light material made from natural threads
c. long piece of material worn by women in India
d. sea shell shaped like a fan
The test does not use an I don't know option, because such an option discourages
informed guessing. The learners should make informed guesses, because these
guesses are likely to draw on sub-conscious knowledge.
The test is a measure of written receptive vocabulary knowledge, that is, the kind of
knowledge that is needed for reading. When reading, vocabulary knowledge is
supported by background knowledge, reading skill, and textual context. Full
knowledge of the meaning of the word is not required for reading, although the better
the words are known, the easier the reading will be.
In addition, a major use of the test will be to guide learners in their vocabulary
learning. If learners already have a partial but usable knowledge of some words, they
should not be studying these words, but should move on to unknown vocabulary.
The order of the items in the test
Learners need to sit all of the items in the test because for various reasons learners are
likely to get some items correct which are outside their typical level of vocabulary
knowledge. These reasons include the presence of loanwords, and the presence of
words related to hobbies, academic study, or specialist interests. Nguyen and Nation
(2011) found that even lower proficiency learners improved their scores by sitting the
lower frequency sections of the test.
The items in the test are usually arranged in frequency order. The frequency order
may lead learners to give up during the later levels, so it is probably better to mix the
levels, with higher frequency words appearing through the whole test. Such an order
is more likely to maintain engagement with the test.
Versions of the tests have been piloted in several ways.
Getting applied linguists who are native speakers of English to individually
read and critique the test.
Replacing the target word with the nonsense word and getting a test-wise
native speaker to try to choose the correct answer. This checked if the choices
themselves were indicating the correct answer.
Running the tests through the Range program to check the frequency levels of
words used in the contexts and choices.
A Rasch-based analysis was conducted using just under 200 students in Japan
(Beglar, 2010).
Using the Vocabulary Size Test
Administration of the test
The test is a measure of knowledge not fluency, and so enough time should be given
to complete the test and allow learners to ponder over each item. It typically takes
around 40 minutes to sit the 140 item test, and around 30 minutes for the 100 item
The validity of any test depends strongly on how seriously learners sit the test. If they
simply skip through it while playing with their cell phones, the results will be
meaningless. For some learners, it may be necessary to administer the test on a oneto-one basis. This type of administration can include providing help by pronouncing
unfamiliar words for the test-taker, encouraging them, and giving them feedback on
already completed items. For some learners, a one-to-one administration of the test
can double the score that they got on a group-administered test.
The test is suitable for computer-based delivery and scoring.
Test equivalence
Versions A and B of Vocabulary Size Test are parallel forms. It is relatively
straightforward to make parallel forms of the Vocabulary Size Test because it is
largely a unidimensional measure (Beglar, 2010) and the specifications described in
this document are easy enough to follow. The various forms of the test have been
trialled with 46 people who sat all forms of the test. The means and standard
deviations of versions A and B were close to each other and not significantly different
(Version A mean 81.37, sd 16.662; Version B mean 83.20, sd 13.982). This means
that versions A and B can be used as if they were the same test.
Scoring the test
When scoring the test, the 1000 frequency levels can be ignored. The levels are there
simply to make sure that the test is not biased to any particular level.
A learner’s total score on the 140 item test needs to be multiplied by 100 to find the
learner's total vocabulary size. So, a score of 35 out of 140 means that the learner's
vocabulary size is 3,500 word families. On the 100 item versions measuring up to the
20th 1000 word family level, there are five words for each 1000 word family level, so
the total score needs to be multiplied by 200.
Correction for guessing
There should not be a correction to guessing. This is because a correction would
distort the measurement of vocabulary size, because each tested word represents 100
or 200 words. We need to assume that learners are not making wild guesses. The
interpretation of the final scores however needs to be done with the understanding that,
because the test is a partially sensitive test and because there is no correction for
guessing, the vocabulary size score is a slightly generous estimate of vocabulary size.
Interpreting the scores
To work out what the score means in terms of language use, we need to look at the
vocabulary size needed to gain a text coverage of 98% in various kinds of texts.
Table 1: Vocabulary sizes needed to get 98% coverage (including proper nouns) of
various kinds of texts (Nation, 2006)
Children’s movies
Spoken English
98% coverage
9,000 word families
8,000 word families
6,000 word families
7,000 word families
Proper nouns
The goal of around 8,000 word families is an important one for learners who wish to
deal with a range of unsimplified spoken and written texts. It is thus helpful to know
how close learners are to this critical goal.
Initial studies using the test indicate that undergraduate non-native speakers of nonEuropean backgrounds successfully coping with study at an English speaking
university have a vocabulary size around 5,000-6,000 word families. Non-native
speaking PhD students have around a 9,000 word vocabulary.
To work out what learners should be doing to increase their vocabulary size, we need
to relate the vocabulary size score to the three main frequency levels of highfrequency, mid-frequency, and low-frequency words.
High frequency
1000 word family lists
Low frequency
10,000 on
Learning procedures
Reading graded readers
Deliberate teaching and learning
Reading mid-frequency readers
Deliberate learning
Wide reading
Specialised study of a subject area
The Vocabulary Size Test can be used to test both native speakers or non-native
speakers. The general rule of thumb for predicting the vocabulary size of young native
speakers is to take two or three years away from the age of the native speaker and
multiplied this figure by 1000. So, an average 13 year old native speaker knows
between 10,000 and 11,000 word families receptively (13-2 = 11 x1000 = 11,000). At
any age level however, there may be a wide range of vocabulary sizes.
Studies using the test
A good vocabulary test has the following features and Beglar’s (2010) examination of
the 140 item Vocabulary Size Test showed that it does have these features.
It can be used with learners with a very wide range of proficiency levels.
It measures what it is supposed to measure and does not measure other things.
Beglar found that the test was very clearly measuring a single factor
(presumably written receptive vocabulary knowledge) and other factors played
a very minor role in performance on the text.
It behaves in ways that we would expect it to behave, distinguishing between
learners of different proficiency levels, having a range of item difficulties
related to the frequency level of the tested words, and clearly distinguishing
several different levels of vocabulary knowledge so that learners’ vocabulary
growth over time could be measured.
It performs consistently and reliably, even though circumstances change. In
Beglar’s trialling of the test, these changes included comparing the
performance of male subjects with female subjects, comparing 70 item
versions of the test with the 140 item version, and comparing learners of
various proficiency levels. Rasch reliability measures were around .96.
It is easy to score and interpret the scores.
The items in the test are clear and unambiguous.
It can be administered in efficient ways with learners sitting only five words
per 1000 word level.
The 140 item test works very well because it covers a very wide range of frequency
levels, it includes a large number of items (even half of this number would work well),
the items have been very carefully designed and made, and the test is designed to
measure just one kind of vocabulary knowledge.
Nguyen and Nation (2011) showed that it is important to sit all levels of the test
because for various reasons some words at the lower frequency levels will be known.
This may be because they are loan words or cognates, because they relate to learners
hobbies and interests, because they are technical words in fields the learners are
familiar with, or because the learners just happened to meet them.
An as yet unpublished study shows that when there is an “I don’t know” choice
the test takes less time. This shows that learners are carefully considering
options and are not making wild guesses when there is no "I don't know"
learners' scores are lower. This shows that discouraging guessing means
learners cannot get credit for items where they have some partial knowledge of
the word.
their receptive multiple-choice scores are closer to their receptive recall scores.
This shows that discouraging guessing turns a sensitive test into a tougher test.
a penalty for making an incorrect answer instead of choosing "I don't know"
increases the choice of the "I don't know" option by around a third. This shows
that if you want to use a multiple-choice test as a tough test of knowledge
rather than as a sensitive test of knowledge giving credit for partial knowledge,
then adding an "I don't know option" should be accompanied by a penalty that
the learners know about.
An important reason for using a multiple-choice format for a vocabulary test is to
allow learners to draw on partial knowledge when they answer the test. That is, the
choice of that particular format can be because the goal of the test maker is to give as
much credit as possible for what learners know even if this knowledge is incomplete.
If the test is designed for this purpose, then test-takers should be encouraged to use
their intuition and make informed or intuitive guesses.
Sources of words for the tests
The British National Corpus word family lists
The words to be tested are sampled from the British National Corpus word family lists
which now go up to the 25th 1000. The British National Corpus word lists (more
recently the BNC/COCA wordlists) are lists of word families developed for two main
The lists are designed to be used in the Range and AntWordProfiler programs
to analyse the vocabulary load of texts.
The lists are designed to be as complete as possible lists of the high-frequency
(1000-2000), mid-frequency (3000-9000) words. They also cover 16,000 lowfrequency words which include the more common low-frequency words.
For information on the British National Corpus wordlists see Paul Nation’s web site.
Word families
The unit of counting in the British National Corpus frequency lists, and therefore the
unit of counting in the test, is the word family. The word family was chosen, rather
than the word type or lemma, firstly because research has shown that word families
are psychologically real (Nagy, Anderson, Schommer, Scott & Stallman, 1989;
Bertram, Laine & Virkkala, 2000). Secondly, when reading, knowing one member of
the family and having control of the most common and regular word-building
processes makes it possible to work out the meaning of previously unmet members of
the family. Here are some examples of low-frequency family members of highfrequency word families – burningly, helplessness, snappishly, curiouser.
The unit of counting makes a substantial difference to the number of words in the
language. For example, the first 1000 word families contain 6,857 word types, which
means each word family at this level has an average of just under seven words per
family. The average number of types per family decreases as you move down the
frequency levels. When measuring vocabulary knowledge for productive purposes,
the word type or the lemma is a more sensible unit of counting. If the lemma was the
unit of counting for receptive purposes, the following items would be counted as
different words – walk (verb), walk (noun), walking (adjective), walker. These are all
members of the same word family.
You can find the 14,000 test at these sites. Bilingual versions are also available.
Online versions of the test are available at
You can find the 20,000 versions A and B on these sites.
Bauer, L., & Nation, I. S. P. (1993). Word families. International Journal of
Lexicography, 6(4), 253-279.
Beglar, D. (2010) A Rasch-based validation of the Vocabulary Size Test. Language
Testing, 27(1), 101-118.
Bertram, R., Laine, M., & Virkkala, M. (2000). The role of derivational morphology
in vocabulary acquisition: Get by with a little help from my morpheme friends.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 41(4), 287-296.
Elgort, I. (2011). Deliberate learning and vocabulary acquisition in a second language.
Language Learning, 61(2), 367-413.
Nagy, W. E., Anderson, R., Schommer, M., Scott , J. A., & Stallman, A. (1989).
Morphological families in the internal lexicon. Reading Research Quarterly,
24(3), 263-282.
Nation, I. S. P., (2006). How large a vocabulary is needed for reading and listening?
Canadian Modern Language Review, 63(1), 59-82.
Nation, I.S.P. and Beglar, D. (2007) A vocabulary size test. The Language Teacher,
31(7), 9-13.
Nguyen, L. T. C., & Nation, I. S. P. (2011). A bilingual vocabulary size test of
English for Vietnamese learners. RELC Journal, 42(1), 86-99.
Read, J., & Chapelle, C. (2001). A framework for second language vocabulary
assessment. Language Testing, 18(1), 3-32.
Schmitt, N., Schmitt, D., & Clapham, C., (2001). Developing and exploring the
behaviour of two new versions of the Vocabulary Levels Test. Language
Testing, 18(1), 55-88.
West, M. (1953). A General Service List of English Words. London: Longman, Green
& Co.