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Presentation about the fitness for American football. Involving approach: characteristics, tactical positions, the game, skills, metabolic domain, relationship effort-pause, anthropometric profile, physical demands, distance covered, velocity zones, heart rate, wingate, endocrine and biochemical changes. Capacities conditioning, coordinative capacities, physical assessment, training types, special technical training, longitudinal changes in strength and power, speed, agility, and anaerobic conditioning. Collision and tackle. Game based in conditioning drills, macrostructural variables of functional training ( movement learning, proprioception, core and biomotor capabilities), periodization. Injuries (head, shoulders, knee, leg, ankle and foot). Injuries in room weight, control training loads, loads relationship versus injuries, recovery and regeneration, neuropsychological recovery.
Football requires good physical condition in playing and competing. There are four phases in football training, namely physical, technical, tactical and mental. This study discusses the physical conditions required in the sport of football and was analyzed using the review method against references published online, related to physical conditions. In this research, it shows that the physical components in football are very influential in the game. Limited this study does not analyze matches. Research related to physical components has been widely used such as strength, flexibility, speed, endurance and anthopometric conditions, namely arm length, leg length.
Timisoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal, 2013
In order to achieve the great performance, the physical preparation represents one of the most important factors of the sports training. The development of speed, of force resistance and of skill at superior parameters should represent major objectives in the training of the football teams which aim to attain the top of the national and international hierarchies. The results of the assessments of the football games at high level, confirm this hypothesis that is why the physical preparation should be reconsidered and adapted to the requirements of the modern play. According to the opinion of the great specialists of the field, the physical qualities have a weight of 47% compared with the other qualities which a top football player should possess. For us the trainers, it is only about to find the most appropriate means in order to develop and exploit at maximum, those qualities
Sepakbola, 2022
The football competition period lasts 6-9 months on an annual training program. Long competitions certainly result in physical and mental fatigue in athletes. In the theory of training periodization, a period of rest after the end of the competition (transition period) gives athletes the opportunity to rest and psychic relaxation while maintaining optimal physical condition. This paper seeks to review the literature relevant to the concepts and practices in the transition period. Discussion covers two main things: the facts that occur during the transition period and exercises that athletes need to do during the transition period. The results of this discussion aim to make athletes and coaches understand the things that occur during the transition period and what exercise practices, such as what athletes need to do to prevent the potential detraining syndrome. So that in the preparation period of the new season, the athlete's performance level is in good condition.
Ricyde. Revista Internacional De Ciencias Del Deporte, 2015
tions used in this study enable coaches to carry out a more specific training, helping them to understand the real effects of eac aria le on pla ers' performance. real effects of each variable on players' performance. Abstract
Anu Books, 2022
The pace and intensity of the modern football game are getting bigger and bigger, and the requirements for the athletes' abilities are also higher. It requires more abundant physical energy to ensure the normal play of technology and tactics. The analysis of the real physical demands in training and competition is to carry out corresponding physical training only by analyzing the premise of training more accurately, can we carry out physical training pertinently and achieve the desired physical training effect. Different positions and different characteristics of the team's physical demand is different, in the overall arrangement of physical training on the basis of the specific analysis of individual characteristics. At the present stage, physical training is often ignored or not comprehensive enough, so as to fail to achieve the desired effect of training.
The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of specific preparatory training on selected physiological variables of inter collegiate football players in various playing positions. To achieve this purpose total subjects twenty four intercollegiate college men-football-players (8 forward 8 mid fielder, 8 defenders) from faculty of general and adapted physical education and yoga, Maruthi college of physical education and Sri Rama Krishna Mission college of arts and science, colleges in Coimbatore, were selected as subjects by applying the random sampling techniques. The subjects selected into theirposition wise namely forward, midfield and defender position each group consists of eight subjects. The subject’sage ranged from 17 to 28 years and they formed a true random group design. The selected criterionphysiological variables were namely vital capacity and cardio respiratory endurance. The vital capacity was measured by wet spiro meter and cardio respiratory endurance was measured by 12 min/run walk test. The training period consists of twelve weeks Monday to Friday 5 pm to 6 pm. The data were collected pre, mid and post testswere conducted initial and middle and end of training periods. After the training, the collected data were analyzed by applying the one way repeated measures (ANOVA) test. If obtained ‘F’ was significant new mans kuel test was used to significant difference treatment means pre, mid and post means. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to determine the significant difference among the three groups. If obtained ‘F’ was significant Scheffe’s post hoc test will be used. In all thecases 0.05 was fixed level of confidence. The results of the study shows that there is significant improvement in vital capacity, cardio respiratory endurance due to effect of preparatory training in forward position, mid field position and defender position inter collegiate football players.
The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of specific preparatory training on selected motor fitness variables of inter collegiate football players in various playing positions. To achieve this purpose total subjects twenty four intercollegiate college men-football-players (8 forward 8 mid fielder, 8 defenders) from faculty of general and adapted physical education and yoga, Maruthi college of physical education and Sri Rama Krishna Mission college of arts and science colleges in Coimbatore, were selected as subjects by applying the random sampling techniques. The subjects selected into their position wise namely forward, midfield and defender position each group consists of eight subjects. The subject’s age ranged from 17 to 28 years and they formed a true random group design. The selected criterion variables motor fitness variables were namely speed and explosive power. The speed was measured by 50 meter dash and explosive power was measured by vertical jump. The training period consists of twelve weeks Monday to Friday 5 pm to 6 pm. The data were collected pre, mid and post tests were conducted initial and middle and end of training periods. After the training, the collected data were analyzed by applying the one way repeated measures (ANOVA) test. If obtained ‘F’ was significant new mans kuel test was used to significant difference treatment means pre, mid and post means. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to determine the significant difference among the three groups. If obtained ‘F’ was significant Scheffe’s post hoc test will be used. In all the cases 0.05 was fixed level of confidence. The results of the study shows that there is significant improvement in speed, explosive power due to effect of preparatory training in forward position, mid field position and defender position inter collegiate football players.
Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 2017
Pese a la importancia-e influencia-que la música ha tenido en la historia, es raro que los que la cuentan se acuerden de ella; y más de la que nos ocupa-la popular-, que ni gozó de los privilegios de la estampa-que tanta música mala nos ha legado-ni del aplauso de los poderosos, que entregaron a las «áreas» y «recigados» de los capones. De la música que se hacía en las aldeas, como la que corría por la Corte o inundaba las principales villas, apenas sabemos nada porque nadie habló de ella en su momento. Cabe pensar, no obstante, que unas y otras debieron tener su importancia porque una tradición que llega hasta hoy recuerda todavía unos cuantos temas que hunden sus raíces en el cancionero musical de la lírica popular dieciochesca, y no parecen pocos los bailes y danzas tradicionales de nuestros días que son un ejemplo de cultura degradada-gesunkenes Kulturgut-del período. I. De músicas cultas y populares Una de las constantes de la musicología europea del siglo pasado-todavía hoy de la española-ha sido su empeño por trazar una clara división entre músicas populares y cultas. Como ha puesto de manifiesto Josep Martí, pocas veces se ha tenido en cuenta que dicha dicotomía es «difusa»,-127
Histology Systems - short atlas, 2019
Histology is an essential tool of biology and medicine; refers to the study of the anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals using microscopy. These aspects of human physiology are commonly studied using a light microscope or electron microscope. Prior to examination, the specimen will have been sectioned, stained, and mounted on a microscope slide. The focus is on the four basic types of human tissues: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, together with subtypes, in order to assess health and disease. Histological studies can be conducted using tissue culture, where live animal cells are isolated and maintained in an artificial environment for various research projects. The ability to visualize or differentially identify microscopic structures is frequently enhanced through the use of staining. For this purpose, staining is employed to give both contrast to the tissue as well as highlighting particular features of interest. There is often a lack of suitable reference books showing high quality histology stains for the medical student and medical practitioner to refer to. The aim of this Atlas is to provide such source material.
Journal of Policy Research, 2024
᾽Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones (Madrid ), 2018
New Phytologist, 2008
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XV, 2010
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 2002
Lebensmittelchemie, 2020
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Nanomaterials, 2023
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, 2018