intention is to emphasize that scientists must be
aware of their biases, because these biases can have
a dramatic effect on the outcome of their research.
If technical progress is to be made in the understanding of the possible genetic bases of mental
illnesses, then it will be essential that the biases be
explicitly acknowledged and that extreme efforts be
made to overcome their effects on scientific research.
Selected references
Sherrington,R. etal. (1988) Nature 336, 164-167
Baron, M. etaL (1987) Nature 326, 289-292
Egeland,J. A. etaL (1987) Nature 325,783-787
Pauls,D. L. (1993) Nature Genet. 3, 4-5
Barnes,D. M. (1989) Science 243,313-314
6 Baron, M. et al. (1993) Nature Genet. 3, 49-55
7 Baron,M., Endicott,J. and Ott, J. (1990) Br. J. Psychiatry 157,
8 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
3rd ed., Revised (1987), American Psychiatric Association,
Washington DC, USA
9 Aldous, P. (1993) Science 259, 591-592
10 Billings, P. R., Beckwith, J. and Alper, J. S. (1992) Soc. Sci.
Med. 35, 227-238
11 Kinney,D. K. (1990)in The Principles and Practice of Medical
Genetics (2nd edn) (Emery, A. E. and Rimoin, D. L., eds),
pp. 457-472, Churchill Livingstone
12 Alper, J. S. and Natowicz, M. R. (1992) Br. Med. J. 305, 666
13 Jensen,A. R. (1969) Harvard Educational Review 39, 1-123
14 Bailey, J. M. and Pillard, R. C. (1991) Arch. Gen. Psychiatry
48, 1089-1096
15 Goleman,D. (1992) New York Times, 15 September,C1, C7
We wouldlike to
thank membersof the
Study Group,Boston,
MA for their valuable
work wassupported
in part by a grant
from the Human
through the US
Thedynamicdamp: artificial condudancesin biological
A n d r e w A. Sharp, Michael B. O'Neil, L. F. A b b o t t and Eve Ma rd e r
The dynamic clamp is a novel method that usescomputer simulation
to introduce conductances into biological neurons. This method can
be used to study the role of various conductances in shaping the
activity of single neurons, or neurons within networks. The dynamic
clamp can also be used to form circuits from previously unconnected
neurons. This approach makes computer simulation an interactive
experimental tool, and will be useful in many applications where the
role of synaptic strengths and intrinsic properties in neuronal and
network dynamics is of interest.
A basic goal of neuroscience is to understand how
membrane and synaptic conductances combine and
interact to produce the behavior of neurons and
neural circuits. The conventional method for altering
the activity of single neurons or perturbing their
activity in networks is to inject constant current
using the current clamp. This allows the investigator
to either depolarize or hyperpolarize a neuron, but
does not correctly replicate the conductance
changes produced by synaptic inputs or modified by
neuromodulators. The primary tools used to determine the characteristics of individual neuronal
conductances are the voltage clamp and the patch
clamp. While essential for understanding the
voltage- and time-dependence of a conductance,
these methods are less useful for studying the
interplay of conductances that determine how
neurons act individually or in circuits. Most voltageand patch-clamp experiments halt the normal
voltage excursions of the clamped neuron and they
often employ pharmacological agents to isolate a
single conductance. For these reasons, conventional
voltage clamp methods do not allow the evaluation
of the role of conductances during the normal
dynamic evolution of the membrane potential. The
classical solution to this problem is to simulate the
electrical activity of a neuron using mathematical
descriptions of its measured conductances 1. The
limitation of this method is that it requires a detailed
description of many, if not all, of the conductances
in a neuron, and these data may be difficult or
impossible to obtain.
TINS, VoL 16, No. 10, 1993
The dynamic clamp is a new approach that allows
an investigator to introduce artificial voltage- and
time-dependent conductances into biological neurons (Refs 2 - 4 and Hutcheon, B. and Pull, E.,
unpublished observations). In a sense, the dynamic
clamp uses biological neurons as simulators, allowing the investigator to evaluate the role of individual
conductances in shaping the electrical activity of
single neurons, as well as determining the consequences of synaptic strengths in networks. The
dynamic clamp combines the control and flexibility
of computer simulation with the accuracy and
realism of electrophysiological recording, using
computer modeling as an experimental tool.
AndrewA. Sharp,
MichaelB. O'Neil,
L. F.Abbott and Eve
Marderare at the
Deptof Biologyand
Centerfor Complex
University, Waltham,
MA 02254, USA.
The dynamic clamp produceschanges in
The basic set-up for the dynamic clamp is similar
to a conventional voltage- or current-clamp rig.
However, in the case of the dynamic clamp, the
injected current is controlled by a computer
program that duplicates the current that would flow
through a real membrane or synaptic conductance
(Box 1). Any conductance that can be modeled
mathematically can be introduced into the neuron
being studied. The capabilities and uses of the
dynamic clamp are illustrated here, using examples
from the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of the crab
Cancer borealis. The STG offers a small group of
well-defined neurons, whose connections and circuit characteristics are well understood, including
extrinsic inputs and neurotransmitters.
Unlike current-clamp injection, the dynamic
clamp duplicates both the voltage and the conductance changes caused, for example, by a neurotransmitter. In Fig. 1, the dynamic clamp mimics the
response of an STG neuron to rapid bath application
of the neurotransmitter ~,-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
Hyperpolarizing constant current pulses were used
to monitor the input impedance of the neuron.
GABA increased the conductance of the neuron
(seen as a decrease in the amplitude of the changes
© 1993.ElsevieSci
r encePublishersLtd, (UK)
Box 1. Componentsof the dynamic clamp
The dynamic clamp uses a standard electrophysiological set-up
with computer interface to measure membrane potentials and
control current injected through an intracellular electrode. The
membrane potential V is recorded with an intracellular electrode
and transmitted to the computer through an analog-to-digital
converter. On the basis of V and the differential equations
describing the desired conductance, the current I flowing through
the simulated conductance is computed. This is converted back
into an analog voltage V~, which controls the current injected into
the neuron by the recording amplifier (see Figure).
A mathematical model of the conductari~:e being simulated is
programmed into the computer that is controlling the current
injected by the dynamic clamp. The model current may be
explicitly developed from voltage-clamp data describing a current
from the preparation being studied. Typically, the membrane
current ! is given by the classic form of the Hodgkin-Huxley
I = gmPhq(V-6)
l = gm~,hq(V -E~)II
where s~ is given as a function of the presynaptic potential Vpr e
s~(Vpre) = tanh [ (VpreAvth) ]
where g is the conductance, p and q are integers, E, is the reversal
potential of the current, Vis the membrane potential, and m and h
are activation and inactivation variables described by the differential equations:
• m(V) d._m= moo(V) - m
~h(V) d h = h=(V) - h
where ~m, ~h, m= and h= are measured functions of V. During the
operation of the dynamic clamp these equations are integrated
numerically in real time to generate the desired current.
To construct an artificial chemical synapse, the dynamic clamp
must be programmed with a mathematical model of the synapse
being simulated (a previous method b used presynaptic potential
to trigger current injection). For the examples described in this
article, the synaptic current is given by:
I = gs( %ost- Er)
where Er is the synaptic reversal potential and Vpost is the.
membrane potential of the postsynaptic neuron. The synaptic
activation variable s varies between 0 and 1 and is determined by:
[l-s= (Vpre) ] T's ds = s= (Vp,e) -s
if Vwe > Vth; otherwise s= = 0. ~s, Vth and A are constants. An
electrical synapse of conductance g between neurons with
potentials V1 and V2 can be simulated by injecting a current,
I = g(V2- V1), into neuron 1 and a current of equal magnitude but
opposite sign into neuron 2 (see Refs c and d for another
approach to building electrical synapses with an analog circuit).
The configuration shown in the Figure allows the addition of
artificial membrane conductances into either or both neurons, and
construct on of artificial synapses between the two neurons. The
dynamic clamp uses generally available hardware. In the system
used for the examples cited in this article, analog-to-digital and
digital-to-analog conversions were handled by a 'Scientific
Solutions Lab Master DMA Board', and current calculations were
performed by an Intel 80486DX-based PC running at 50MHz. An
'Axoclamp-2A' (Axon Instruments) run in discontinuous current
clamp (DCC in Figure) mode (sampling frequency of 5 kHz) was
used to record membrane potential and control current injection
through an intracellular electrode.
a Hodgkin,A. L. and Huxley,A. F. (1952)J. Physiol. 117, 500-544
b Yarom, Y. (1991) Neuroscience 44, 263-275
c Joyner, R. W., Sugiwara, H. and Tau, R. C. (1991) Biophys. J. 60,
d Sharp,A. A., Abbott, L. F. and Marder, E. (1992)J. Neurophysiol. 67,
neuron. In addition, many neuromodulatory substances either activate or influence voltage- and
time-dependent conductances. Because these conductances all have different voltage- and timedependent properties, it is often impossible to
predict, without simulation, the effect on the activity
of the neuron of changing one or more of these
conductances. The dynamic clamp provides this tool
directly. Figure 2 illustrates the use of the dynamic
clamp to determine how a biophysically characterized, modulator-activated conductance influences
Using the dynamic clamp to understand single
the electrical activity of a single neuron. The peptide
neuron behavior
A large number of voltage- and time-dependent proctolin elicits a non-specific cation conductance 5
conductances may contribute to the activity of a in certain STG neurons that is maximal at membrane
in membrane potential produced by the current
pulses). When programmed to mimic the effect of
GABA, the dynamic clamp also decreased the
change in membrane potential produced by the
current pulses, demonstrating that the dynamic
clamp effectively changes the conductance of the
neuron. In fact, the dynamic clamp behaves as if the
channels described by the programmed equations
were located at the tip of the microelectrode.
TINS, Vot. 16, No. 10, 1993
~ ~ ~i~
• •
!~ , i~~¸
0.1mM GABA
GABA simulation
Fig. 1. Artificial y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) conductance. (A) Intracellular recordings from a crab stomatogastric
ganglion (5TG) neuron in primary cell culture. Hyperpolarizing current pulses (-0.05 nA) were applied every 3 s to
monitor the input impedance of the neuron. At the arrow, the superfusion medium was changed from 30s to one
containing O. 1 mM GABA. Recordings at different baseline potentials show that the reversal potential for this response
was around - 8 0 mV. (B) Recordings from the same neuron shown in (A). At the arrow, the dynamic clamp was used to
simulate the response of the neuron to GABA. The GABA response was modeled as having an 8 nS conductance with a
reversal potential of - 7 5 m V and an exponential rise (t = 5s) and fall (t = 15s). (Taken from Ref. 2.)
potentials close to the resting potential, but that clamp in conjunction with the biological AB neuron,
decreases at hyperpolarized potentials because of a with all of its conductances intact, we were able to
voltage-dependent block by extracellular Ca2+. The study the effects of the one conductance whose
biophysical properties of this current are shown in properties we had obtained by conventional voltageclamp methods.
Box 2.
Bath application of real proctolin to a pacemaker
neuron of the STG, the anterior burster (AB) neuron, Using the dynamic clamp to understand circuit
increases both the frequency and the amplitude of dynamics
its bursts6 (Fig. 2A). What features of the proctolinNeural circuit activity depends on the intrinsic
activated current and the conductances of the AB properties of all the constituent neurons, as well
neuron are important in these actions? Although as the synaptic connections among them. Many
proctolin adds a depolarizing inward current to the neuromodulatory substances influence circuit
neuron, its actions are not adequately mimicked by merely de- A
10-6 M proctolin
polarizing the neuron (right-hand
panel in Fig. 2B). Note that depolarization with conventional
current clamp duplicates the in0.5s
crease in burst frequency, but fails
to replicate the increase in burst
amplitude produced by proctolin
and the artificial proctolin current. B
Artificial proctolin
Constant current
This is because the voltage
dependence of the proctolin
current interacts with the other
currents present in the AB neuron, so that the neuron undergoes
oscillatory swings in membrane
potential that alternately activate
and inactivate the proctolin
current. For this reason, the
proctolin-activated current in5mV
creases both the amplitude and
---J 0.5nA
the frequency of the AB neuron
burst. Because we do not have
detailed descriptions of all the Fig. 2. Artificial proctolin conductance. (A) Intracellular recording from a lobster AB neuron (a
voltage-dependent conductances pacemaker neuron of the stomatogastric ganglion) in control saline and in 10-6 M proctolin. (Taken
in the AB neuron, these results from Ref. 6.) (B) Intracellular recordings from a crab AB neuron ( - 4 5 m V at dotted line). The
could not be obtained using con- middle panel shows the effect of 2On5 of simulated proctolin current added to the cell. The final
ventional modeling techniques. panel shows depolarization with constant current. The bottom traces are simultaneous recordings
However, by using the dynamic of the injected current.
TINS, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1993
Box 2. Testing the implementation of the dynamic clamp
After the dynamic clamp has been programmed to mimic a given
conductance it is important to test the accuracy of the program with a
voltage-clamp experiment. A useful way to do this is to replace the neuron
with a resistance-capacitance (RC) circuit. This approach retains the RC
components of the cell membrane, but eliminates all the voltage- and timedependent conductances other than those created by the dynamic-clamp.
The Figure illustrates this process for the proctolin current and for the
hyperpolarization-activated inward current /H. The dynamic-clamp programs
for these two conductances are based on mathematical descriptions a'b
previously derived from voltage-clamp data obtained from the stomatogastric ganglion (STG)c,~. For the proctolin conductance, current traces
(after leak subtraction) are shown after steps from a holding potential of
- 1 0 0 m V to the eight test potentials listed at the right-hand side of the
traces. Simultaneous recordings of the activation variable are shown below
this. The steady-state I-V relationship measured from these recordings
(plotted on the right) are in good agreement with those induced by real
proctolin in the STG. The steady-state activation of the proctolin current
from this experiment (data points in the proctolin current activation plot)
fall properly on the theoretical curve. For /H, current traces produced by
voltage steps from a - 4 0 m V holding potential are also shown. These
current traces accurately represent the theoretical time- and voltagedependencies of activation plotted on the right.
dynamics 7. To understand how this occurs ~t s
necessary to study the effects of changes in synaptic
strength, and of modifications of the properties of
individual neurons. The use of the dynamic clamp to
understand the role of a particular membrane
current in network dynamics is shown in Fig. 3+ The
current studied here is /H, a hyperpolarizationactivated inward current that is present in stomatogastric ganglion neurons 8'9. The dynamic-clamp
description of this current is illustrated in Box 2.
Control LP
',mr ............. , -
r, D
Proctolin current in voltage clamp
Steady-state I-V curve
of proctolin current
- 10
~si .
,1 !
*+ * .
AB --
Artificial IH in LP
, IHllll__ . . . . . . . . Lu, 11111t!. . . . . . . . . . .d~
II~IIIF= - ' ' - ~w nnnr . . . . . . . . . r m
Instantaneous activation
of proctolin current
] 1+0
Proctolin current activation
10 [
Artificial /H in AB
120 80
M e m b r a n e potential (mV)
II "-.-m
till "''-+m
a .....
Ill ..... .
I. . . . .
/H in voltage clamp
/ H Activation curve ( and
relaxation rate ( . . . .
0"6hA 1L~s
___j 10mY
! o+t,.._L_
Membrane potential (mV)
a Golowasch, J., Buchholtz, F., Epstein, I. R. and Marder, E. (1992) J. Neurophysiol.
67, 341-349
b Buchholtz, F., Golowasch, J., Epstein, I. R. and Marder, E. (t992)J. Neurophysiol.
67, 332-340
c Go|owasch, J. and Marder, E. (1992) J. Neurosci. 12, 810-817
d Golowasch, J. and Marder, E. (1992) J. Neurophysiol. 67, 318--331
-- )
Fig. 3. Artificial IH. (A) Control recordings from an intact
stomatogastdc nervous system. The top trace is an
extracellular recordin& from the lateral ventricular nerve
(Ivn), which shows the periodic activity of the LP, PY and
PD neurons. The next two traces are intraceltular recordin&s made from the AB and LP neurons. (B) Recordings
from the same neuron as in (A) with 50n5 of artificial IH
added to the LP neuron. IH was modeled as shown in Box
2. Notice that the LP neuron fires earlier and for a Ion&er
period of time than in the control (C) Recordings from the
same neuron as in (A) with 50n5 of IH added to the AB
neuron. Notice that the frequency of the network has
increased. The horizontal dashed lines indicate a membrane potential of -50mY.
TIN& Vol. 16, No. 10, 1993
The pyloric rhythm of the
stomatogastric ganglion is shown
in Fig. 3. The top extracellular
nerve recording in Fig. 3A shows
-60 mV
-60 mV
the rhythmic activity of the lateral
pyloric (LP), pyloric (PY) and
pyloric dilator (PD) motoneuron~.
-49 mV
-48 mV
The other two traces in Fig. 3A
are intracellular recordings from
-61 mV
-65 mV
the AB neuron (which fires with
and is electrically coupled to the
_110 mV -85 m V - - ~
-80 mV
PD neurons) and from the LP
0.2 s
neuron. The LP and PY neurons
-100 mV~
-100 mV
are inhibited by the AB and PD
neurons. What determines when
the LP and PY neurons fire?
Previous work had suggested that
the properties of both I A (the fast
transient outward K÷current) and
the time-courses and strengths of
synapses ~°-~2
played a role. Figure 3 shows that
l H is also important. Increasing IH
in the LP neuron caused it to fire
earlier and longer in the pyloric
rhythm (Fig. 3B). Note that inc r e a s i n g I H in the AB neuron
increases the frequency of the
pyloric rhythm (Fig. 3C). IH has
different effects on the AB and LP
neurons because they have different intrinsic voltage- and time10 mV vth"~/
dependent conductances. Sys0.2 s
tematic comparisons of the role of
IH, IA and the strength and timecourses of the synapses in deter- Fig. 4. Artificial chemical synapses. (A) Construction of a single inhibitory synapse between two
mining when the LP and other stomatogastric ganglion (STG) neurons. Depolarization of the presynaptic neuron generates a train
neurons fire are now possible of action potentials, which in turn generate IPSPs in the postsynaptic neuron. The postsynaptic
response is shown at several potentials. The synaptic reversal potential is programmed at - 6 5 mV
using the dynamic clamp.
Hutcheon and Puil (unpub- for the left panel and - 8 0 m Y on the right. (B) Recordings from the PD and AM neurons in the
intact STG. There are no synaptic interactions between these neurons under control conditions
lished observations) have used an (top). The bottom traces show the result of coupling these neurons with reciprocal inhibitory
independently developed system synapses created using the dynamic damp (Vth for PD = - 4 5 mV, Vth for AM = - 3 0 m Y ; for both
to study the role of I H in rat neurons g = lOOnS, Er = - B O m V , and A = -40mY). (Taken from Ref. 2.)
neocortical neurons in slice preparations. Preliminary dynamic
clamp experiments with the leech heartbeat prep- each PD neuron burst strongly inhibited the AM
aration (another well-defined ganglionic circuit) neuron, each AM neuron action potential elicited an
(Calabrese, R. H. and Sharp, A. A., unpublished IPSP in the PD neuron and, interestingly, the period
observations) indicate that the strength and voltage- of the PD burst was dramatically altered.
The modification of synaptic strengths is one of
dependence of I H a r e crucial in generating the
rhythm of the leech heartbeat oscillator, as well as the primary ways that neural circuits are modified,
either by activity or by neuromodulators. By building
contributing to its period.
an artificial synapse in parallel with a real synapse,
The dynamic clamp can be used to construct circuits the synaptic strength can be increased or decreased
The dynamic clamp can also be used to create in a controlled manner and the effect on network
artificial synapses between neurons. In order to activity can be observed.
Artificial synapses can also be used to form novel
construct an artificial chemical synapse, the dynamic
clamp is programmed to modify the conductance of circuits from otherwise unconnected neurons.
the postsynaptic neuron depending on the mem- Neurons grown in culture can develop natural
brane potential of the presynaptic neuron (Box 1). synapses13,14, and these circuits have been
Artificial synapses between STG neurons are shown studied ls-~7. However, in these experiments the
in Fig. 4. The PD and anterior median (AM) neurons investigator is 'held hostage' by the serendipitous
in the crab STG are not normally connected. When formation of synaptic contacts among the cultured
an artificial synapse was constructed between them, neurons. By using the dynamic clamp to form
TINS, VoL 16, No. 10, 1993
artificial synapses, circuits with precisely defined
synaptic connectivity can be built and studied.
In addition to constructing artificial synapses
between neurons, a computer model of an entire
neuron can be coupled through artificial synapses to
a biological network (see Ref. 4). This allows
interesting hybrid computer-biological networks to
be built and studied.
Accuracy and limitations of the dynamic clamp
We thank J. Rinze/ for
early discussions of
this idea, and
R. Calabreseand
M. Nusbaum for
helping us
troubleshoot the
system. S. RenaudLeMasson and
G. LeMasson
collaborated with us
on the parallel
development of a
similar system
simulating full model
neurons. We are
grateful to
B. Hutcheon and
E. Pull for shanng
unpublished work
with us. Thisresearch
was supported by
NSF BNS9009251
and NIMH
The primary limitation of the dynamic-clamp
method is the same as that of the voltage and
current clamp: the problem of measuring and
clamping the potential in situations where the
neuron is not electrotonically compact. Because the
dynamic clamp simulates a point source of conductance, it does not accurately describe the normal
distribution of channels in the membrane. In an
extended neuron, this may limit the use of the
technique, especially for fast currents. On the other
hand, if the neuron is reasonably electrotonically
compact and if the conductances are fairly slow, the
dynamic clamp should provide a good simulation.
We have successfully used the dynamic clamp for
several slow currents in STG neurons.
Use of the dynamic clamp technique requires that
the current calculations are updated rapidly enough
to simulate the real conductance while maintaining
an accurate measurement of membrane potential.
The maximum rate at which a conductance described by a single activation variable can be
updated, with our present 50 MHz 486 computer, is
about 5 kHz. This is sufficient to follow rapid voltage
fluctuations such as action potentials, With our
present system, the update rate for the simulation of
eight conductances is - 1 kHz. Increases in hardware
speed will increase these rates.
The dynamic clamp will not replicate the effects of
second messengers elicited by Ca 2÷ currents. To
simulate Ca2+ entry using the dynamic clamp Ca 2÷containing electrodes can be used, but this may not
duplicate the secondary effects of Ca 2÷ because the
dynamic clamp injects current at the site of the
electrode tip rather than where the Ca 2÷ channels
are located.
In principle, the dynamic clamp can be used to
either add or subtract an existing conductance from
a neuron. However, care must be exercised in the
case of subtraction, especially if the investigator
attempts to remove a conductance completely. If
the conductance is not modeled accurately, a
difference current with unpredictable properties
may result from the mismatch between the real and
the modeled conductance. Furthermore, adding a
negative conductance that is too large will destabilize a neuron with disastrous consequences (for the
neuron) if the maximum current output of the clamp
is not restricted.
Future prospects
One of the most appealing features of this new
method is the construction of novel circuits from
isolated neurons in which the strength and timecourse of each synaptic connection can be varied at
will. The experimenter can now study 'model'
circuits without worrying about the limitations o[
over-simplified model neurons. The biological unknowns are built into such hybrid modeling studies
because the many biochemical and metabolic processes that control neuronal activity are handled
correctly by the neurons themselves.
We expect the dynamic clamp will augment other
conventional simulation, biophysical and pharmacological approaches. The dynamic clamp makes it
possible to combine computer simulation with living
neurons, and adds an interactive modeling technique to the tools available for studying neurons and
nervous systems.
Selected references
1 Hodgkin, A. L. and Huxley, A. F. (1952) J. Physiol. 117,
2 Sharp, A. A., O'Neil, M. B., Abbott, L. F. and Marder, E.
(1993) J. Neurophysiol. 69, 992-995
3 Marder,E. etal. in Enabling Technologies ForCultured Neural
Networks (Stenger, D. A. and McKenna, T. M., eds),
Academic Press(in press)
4 Renaud-LeMasson,S., LeMasson,G., Marder, E. and Abbott,
L. F. (1993) in Advances in Neural Information Processing
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Motor Programme Selection (Kien, J., McCrohan, C. R. and
Wintow, W., eds), pp. 3-19, PergamonPress
8 Golowasch, J. and Marder, E. (1992) J. Neurophysiol. 67,
9 Kiehn,O. and Harris-Warrick,R. M. (1992)J. Neurophysiol.
68, 496-508
10 Hartline, D. K. (1979) Biol. Cybernetics 33,223-236
11 Tierney, A. J. and Harris-Warrick, R. M. (1992) J. NeurophysioL 67, 599-609
12 Eisen, J. S. and Marder, E. (1984) J. Neurophysiot. 51,
13 Ready,D. F. and Nicholts,J. (1979) Nature 281, 67-69
14 Camardo, J., Proshansky, E. and Schacher, S. (1983)
J, Neurosci. 3, 2614-2620
15 Syed, N. I., Bultoch, A. G. M. and Lukowiak, K. (1990)
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16 Kleinfeld, D., Raccuia-Behling, F. and Chiel, H. J. (1990)
Biophys. J. 57, 697-715
17 Bulloch,A. G. M. and Syed,N. t. (1992) Trends Neurosci. 15,
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