Clinical focus
Depression and physical illness
Depression and chronic pain
hronic pain and depression are frequently
comorbid.1 The presence of depression in a patient
with chronic pain is associated with decreased
function,1 poorer treatment response2,3 and increased
health care costs.4 An accurate diagnosis of major
depression can be challenging in the setting of comorbid
chronic pain. Antidepressants and psychological
treatments can be effective and are best delivered as part of
a coordinated, coh esive, multidisciplinary pain
management plan. Here, we describe the current approach
to the assessment and management of major depression in
patients with chronic pain.
Biological basis of pain
Alex Holmes
Associate Professor of
Nicholas Christelis
Anaesthesia and Pain
Medicine Specialist2
Carolyn Arnold
1 University of
Melbourne, VIC.
2 Alfred Hospital,
Melbourne, VIC.
3 Caulfield Pain
Management and
Research Centre, Alfred
Health, Melbourne, VIC.
MJA Open 2012;
1 Suppl 4: 17–20
doi: 10.5694/mjao12.10589
• Chronic pain and major depression commonly occur
• Major depression in patients with chronic pain is
associated with decreased function, poorer treatment
response and increased health care costs.
• The experience and expression of chronic pain vary
between individuals, reflecting complex and changing
interactions between physical, psychological and social
• The diagnosis of major depression in patients with
chronic pain requires differentiation between the
symptoms of pain and symptoms of physical illness.
• Antidepressants and psychological therapies can be
effective and should be delivered as part of a
coordinated, cohesive, multidisciplinary pain
management plan.
The International Association for the Study of Pain defines
pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or
described in terms of such damage”.5 Pain can be
considered chronic when it persists for more than 1 month
after anticipated tissue healing, or if it has been present for Pain and depression
at least 3 of the previous 6 months.6 A differentiation is
made between neuropathic and nociceptive pain, The range of pain experiences is wide and varied. An
reflecting different pathological mechanisms, clinical individual’s response to chronic pain reflects characteristics
features and treatments. Neuropathic pain is caused by a of the pain and the person’s thoughts and behaviour
lesion or disease involving the nervous system. It may have developed during the course of the illness, which are
signs of an altered pain response (allodynia, hyperalgesia) subject to positive and negative reinforcement.11 The daily
and is treated with agents targeting the nervous system challenges of chronic pain that are commonly described
abnormality. Nociceptive pain occurs as a consequence of include decreased enjoyment of normal activities, loss of
actual or threatened damage to non-neural tissue. It function, role change and relationship difficulties. 8
reflects a normally functioning somatosensory nervous Uncertainty about ever being pain-free or the possibility of
system and responds to general analgesics and anti- worsening pain are accompanied by feelings of anxiety,
inflammatory drugs.
sadness, grief and anger. For some people, the burden of
Chronic pain is reported by 18.6% of Australian adults. pain is difficult to manage and may lead to the emergence
It occurs more commonly in women and those who are of a mental disorder.
The Medical Journal of Australia ISSN: 0025-729X 1 October 2012
Maladaptive responses to pain can, in themselves,
poorly educated, unemployed, older, disabled or in
1 4 17-20 systems. 6 Common causes are joint worsen the pain experience and further impair function.
Medical Journal
disc of
injuries and The presence of catastrophisation, with excessive
Supplement – Clinical focus
various types of headache. Chronic pain can also occur rumination about the pain, magnification of distress and
as part of a generalised pain syndrome, such as excessive helplessness, is associated with a poorer
response to pain treatments and greater disability.12 For
The emergence of chronic pain has been associated example, in patients with low back pain, a cycle of
with a range of physical, psychological and social risk excessive fear of movement leading to deconditioning,
factors. These factors interact in complex and dynamic further worsening pain and further fear — termed fear
ways, often conceptualised within a biopsychosocial avoidance — has been found to be more predictive of
framework.8 Biological research has identified potential disability than pain intensity. 13 Behaviour such as
mechanisms for chronic pain in nociception, nerve grimacing or groaning, reduced levels of activity, guarding
conduction, regulation of spinal cord neurones, neuronal against movement, and the use of protective devices is
plasticity and gene expression.9 For example, there is often linked with negative pain cognitions, and may also
evidence that neuroplastic change arising from poorly hinder recovery.
Major depression is the most common mental illness
treated persistent pain can lead to sensitisation, defined
as an “increased responsiveness of neurons to their associated with chronic pain. High rates of generalised
normal input or recruitment of a response to sub- anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and
threshold inputs”.10 Neuroplastic change is one possible substance misuse have also been described.14 The lifetime
explanation for the altered pain perception, persistence of prevalence of major depression in Australia is 11.6%,15 but
pain beyond tissue healing, and resistance to commonly it is 1.6 times higher in those reporting arthritis.15 In
used analgesics that are frequently found in chronic pain. Canada, the prevalence of depression is three times greater
MJA Open 1 Suppl 4 · 1 October 2012
Depression and physical illness
in those with chronic back pain.16 In patients with chronic
pain presenting for treatment, the prevalence of major
depression is 30%–40%.17
There are several ways pain and major depression may
be associated, one or more of which may be present in a
single patient. First, the psychological and physical distress
of persistent pain interacting with individual and social
vulnerability may precipitate an episode of major
depression.18 Common markers of vulnerability to major
depression are a past personal or family history of
depression, developmental deprivation, early loss of a
parent, and substance misuse.19 Second, depression may
be a precursor to, and in some way contribute to, the pain.
Pain tolerance is decreased in major depression, and
somatic preoccupation can be a prominent symptom,
especially in older people. Of note, more than half of the
patients presenting with major depression in primary care
report some pain.19 In these circumstances, there can be a
delay in making the diagnosis, especially when anhedonia
predominates over lowered mood. Another proposed
mechanism is that chronic pain is a subtype of
d e pr es s i on . 2 0 S e ro to n e r g ic a n d n or a dr en er g ic
neurotransmitters have been implicated in both
conditions, and they share a clinical pattern of persistence
beyond the precipitant. However, there is little other
evidence to support this notion. The final way in which
chronic pain and major depression may be associated is
when both arise out of a common underlying process. This
may be a neurological illness, such as multiple sclerosis, or
one where the mechanism is not well understood, like
An assessment of major depression in a patient with
chronic pain should be done in conjunction with a pain
assessment. A pain assessment characterises the pain,
iden tifies promin en t cog nitions an d beh aviour,
differentiates nociceptive and neuropathic pain, and
determines the impact of pain on fun ction. A
comprehensive assessment may include input from a
range of disciplines, including pain medicine.
The diagnosis of depression in patients with chronic
pain is made more complex by an overlap between
depressive symptoms and those relating to the comorbid
physical illness and pain (see also Olver and Hopwood,
page 9).21,22 According to the Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSMIV-TR), a diagnosis of major depression requires depressed
mood or diminished interest or pleasure over 2 weeks,
with additional somatic symptoms (sleep disturbance,
fatigue, diminished ability to think, weight disturbance)
and cognitive symptoms (worthlessness, guilt, suicidality),
all leading to significant distress or dysfunction. 23
However, most patients with chronic pain describe
decreased initiative,18 anhedonia,18 and sleep and appetite
disturbance. Several approaches may be used to overcome
this diagnostic overshadowing, each representing a
different balance of sensitivity and specificity.24
First, the inclusive method allows for all symptoms to be
included in making the diagnosis, even if they could be
explained by physical illness or pain. This approach has the
MJA Open 1 Suppl 4 · 1 October 2012
Clinical focus
advantage of simplicity and reliability, but can result in
overdiagnosis of major depression.
Second, the exclusive method requires that somatic
symptoms are not used, leaving the cognitive symptoms
from which to make the diagnosis. Patients with chronic
pain and depression are more likely to describe increased
sadness, reduced self-worth, lack of meaning and
suicidality than those with pain alone,18 giving support to
an exclusive approach. The exclusive method deals well
with diagnostic overshadowing but at the cost that some
cases, including in patients with more severe forms of
depression manifest in somatic complaints, might be
Third, using the substitutive method, somatic symptoms
of depression are replaced with additional cognitive or
affective symptoms. These may include hopelessness,
pessimism, irritability, tearfulness, feeling punished, or
social withdrawal. There is no consensus on which
symptoms can be used as substitutes, nor the total number
Finally, the aetiological approach requires judgement by
the clinician as to whether the symptoms are related to the
physical illness or the depression. This method is
supported by the DSM-IV-TR,23 but has the disadvantage
of the reduced reliability implicit in making this
No one approach has a clear advantage over the others.
In some cases, the same conclusion will be reached
regardless of the method, as in a patient with clear mood
change, rumination, pessimism, hopelessness, guilt, low
self-worth, and a depressed affect on mental state
examination. When the diagnosis is less clear, as in a
patient with a fluctuating affect, less prominent cognitive
symptoms or marked somatic symptoms, interviewing
collateral historians, such as the patient’s family, to
determine a clear and persistent change in mental state
over time can be useful.
The management of major depression in patients with
chronic pain should occur as part of a coordinated
approach to pain management, with attention to relevant
psychological processes and social issues. In addition to
specific interventions, pain management involves
identifying and establishing shared treatment goals,
collaborative multidisciplinary care and a mutual
understanding of the different practitioner roles and
Pharmacological treatment
Research into the pharmacological treatment of major
depr ess ion in patie nts wi th ch ro n ic pain ha s
predominantly focused on tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs).
TCAs have analgesic properties independent of their
antidepressant effect.25 The presumed mode of analgesic
action is through enhancing descen din g spinal
noradrenergic and serotonergic inhibitory neurones.26 The
doses used in analgesic studies27 and in pain medicine (10–
50 mg) are lower than those used for depression (100–
200 mg).28 Analgesic studies have demonstrated decreased
depressive symptoms alongside reductions in pain, but the
treatment of major depression has not been established at
Clinical focus
these doses. If TCAs are used to treat major depression,
antidepressant doses are required.28 Higher doses lead to
increased side effects, including sedation, blurred vision,
orthostatic hypotension, falls and an increased risk of
delirium. Concern about cardiac toxicity, especially in
overdose, has led to caution around the use of TCAs as
antidepressants. In patients without cardiovascular disease
and in whom concerns about self-harm are low, TCAs still
have a role, especially when other antidepressants have
not been effective. The secondary amines nortriptyline and
desipramine are better tolerated than imipramine and
amitriptyline in medically ill patients29 and may also be
preferable in patients with pain.
A smaller body of research exists in relation to the newer
antidepressants and their analgesic properties. Of
particular interest are the serotonin–noradrenaline
reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), given their similarities to
TCAs. Duloxetine, an SNRI with balanced inhibition of
serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake, is effective for both
neuropathic 30 and nociceptive pain 31 — an effect
independent of reductions in depression or anxiety. The
United States Food and Drug Administration has
approved duloxetine for the treatment of fibromyalgia and
painful diabetic neuropathy at a dose of 60 mg daily.32
Common side effects of duloxetine are nausea, vomiting,
constipation, dry mouth and insomnia, but these are often
mild and transient. The evidence for venlafaxine, in which
serotonin reuptake inhibition predominates, especially at
low doses, is less robust. Case reports33 and some study
evidence34 suggest potential for analgesic activity in
neuropathic pain at doses of around 75 mg.
The management of comorbid major depression and
chronic pain with antidepressants requires clarity around
the aims of treatment. TCAs and venlafaxine at analgesic
doses are subtherapeutic for major depression. Combining
TCAs with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
has the potential to induce a serotonergic syndrome.
Although there is evidence for response of major
depression to duloxetine at doses of 60 mg, some patients
require doses of 120 mg.35 To treat major depression
effectively, antidepressants need to be used at therapeutic
doses for at least 4 weeks, before increasing to higher
doses or changing to another agent. SSRIs, which have
limited analgesic effect, are often used as first-line
treatment of major depression. Among these, escitalopram
and sertraline are most efficacious and best tolerated,36
with escitalopram having a low propensity for drug
interaction through induction of liver enzymes. Even with
optimal treatment, however, antidepressants may not be
effective in inducing remission of major depression,
especially in the context of severe and prolonged pain.37
Psychological interventions
Psychological therapies are used to treat major depression
and reduce depressive symptoms in patents with chronic
pain. The most robust evidence for their use in the
treatment of major depression is derived from randomised
controlled trials involving the general population and
patients with other medical comorbidities. In a landmark
study, 12 sessions of standardised and adherent cognitive
behaviour therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy were
found to be equivalent to imipramine (200 mg) and more
Depression and physical illness
effective than placebo or supportive therapy in treating
major depression.38 A study of CBT and antidepressant
therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis showed lower
rates of major depression in the two treatment groups,
compared with the group receiving treatment as usual.39
The negative cognitions challenged in CBT for major
depression relate to the world (pessimism), the future
(hopelessness) and the self (low self-worth), and the focus
of behaviour change is withdrawal and cessation of
pleasurable activities. The aim of CBT for major depression
is remission and recovery.
Psychological therapies are effective in reducing
depressive symptoms in patients with a medical illness40 or
chronic pain. 41 CBT in patients with chronic pain
challenges maladaptive pain cognitions and behaviour,
such as catastrophisation and fear avoidance. The aim of
CBT in regard to chronic pain is symptom reduction and
functional improvement, rather than complete pain relief.
Within a multidisciplinary pain program, these methods
c a n in c re a s e pe r c e iv e d c o n tr o l a n d d e c re a s e
catastrophising, leading to a decrease in pain and
depressive symptoms and improved fun ction . 4 2
Techniques that address change, loss, relationship
difficulties, acceptance and self-regulation may also be
useful.43 Pharmacological and psychological treatments
are commonly combined, an approach that has been
shown to be effective in the management of depressive
symptoms in patients with musculoskeletal pain in
primary care.44
Major depression is common in patients with chronic pain.
Making the diagnosis can be difficult and is best done as
part of a wider pain assessment. Depression is treated
pharmacologically and psychologically, although
treatment efficacy can be reduced in patients with severe
and prolonged pain. Collaboration with other treating
clinicians and specialist advice are often useful, especially
in complex cases. Despite these challenges, successful
treatment of major depression will reduce pain and
improve function and quality of life for patients with
chronic pain.
Competing interests: No relevant disclosures.
Provenance: Commissioned by supplement editors; externally peer
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