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Of regular script calligraphy styles from the Tang Dynasty, the style of Yan Zhen-qing (709-785) became one of the most highly regarded styles by later scholars. For centuries, " Yan style " was seen as a climax of Tang Dynasty regular script, and his work has had a wide and profound effect on Chinese calligraphy ever since. However, Tang Dynasty calligraphy critics did not place much value on Yan style, and they did not think of Yan Zhen-qing as a great calligrapher. This phenomenon is difficult to understand. The main aim of this paper is to further investigate the above-mentioned observation of Yan's lack of popularity in the Tang dynasty. The conclusions are as follows: 1. There are only ten extant genuine works of Yan Zhen-qing's regular script calligraphy, including Wang-lin Mu Zhi "Wang Lin's Epitaph", Duo-bao-ta Bei "Prabhutaratna Pagoda Stele",Yan Qin-li Bei " Stele for Yan Qin-li" and others. All other works are either co...
東吳中文研究集刊 第11期, 2004
本文在方法論上嚴謹依循「澄清概念」、「釐清判準」,以及「建構系統」三條原則,透過對先秦儒家原典的全面分析,探討「聖」、「聖人」及「聖人之道」等重要概念的豐富內涵,闡明「君子之道」與「聖人之道」之間適當的義理關係,並藉由先秦儒家「聖人觀」的基本理解進一步釐清其人性論與其「道統意識」的確切指涉,從而對先秦儒家之「道」展開系統性的界說。為了達成這些研究目的,本文著手回應下述四項核心問題:一,先秦儒家所謂的「聖」及「聖人」到底實指什麼?換言之,「聖人」的標準何在?二,如何界定「君子」(「君子之道」)與「聖人」(「聖人之道」)之間的適當關係?三,能否藉由先秦儒家「聖人觀」的分析反思其共通的「道統意識」?四,先秦儒者所主張的「聖人觀」與其人性論能否取得意義上的融貫?經由本文對《論語》、《孟子》以及《中庸》之「聖人觀」的解析,以及對先秦儒家「道統意識」的重新界定及再詮釋,我們得出以下三點結論。 其一,有關儒家「聖人」的定位問題,「聖人」是在某君子離世以後作為後世君子所敬仰和追念的道德典範而獲得的尊稱;它既是對君子一生道德事蹟的肯認與嘉定,也是作為後世君子所學習與效法的垂世典範。其次,「聖人之道」與「君子之道」不是彼此對立,各自為政的兩個概念,而實為一對相互證成、交相輝映的概念:「君子之道」以達成「聖人之道」為其終極目的,「聖人之道」必須藉由「君子之道」的具體開展而呈現其意義。具體來說,「聖人之道」透過聖人教化的形式構成一連接異代儒者的「意義場域」,而在此特殊的意義場域中,君子或聖人之徒將以歷代聖人的道德事功及人格典範為其自身行道的參照系。此「意義場域」之所以可能,關鍵在於先秦儒家一貫主張的「聖凡同心」之要義——每個人都有可能透過自身的立志和實踐而與「聖人之道」相契合,而「聖人之道」亦有義務光照每個人的成聖之路 。如此一來,「聖人之道」與「君子之道」即為同一個「道」的兩種面向,而這兩種面向經常是相互交涉的——沒有「君子之道」對「聖人之道」的期許與追求,「聖人之道」將淪為空洞懸浮的理念;沒有「聖人之道」的範導作用,「君子之道」將難以完成其自身的拓展。 其二,本文承接前面對先秦儒家「聖人觀」所展開的分析,試圖藉由一個概念的提出凸顯先秦儒家「聖人觀」的共同意識與關懷,並且將散漫於各先秦儒家經典的「聖賢論述」統合在一嚴謹的理論架構之中。這個概念即為「道統意識」。先秦儒者的「道統意識」...
How did people in the Han (漢) Dynasty project their attachment to and imagination of hometown? What does this “hometown”refer to? These are the two questions which this thesis wants to ask. This thesis especially emphasizes the political context which personal feelings depend on and tries to explore how people in the Han Dynasty removed themselves from the indulgence and restraint of homesickness. How did an individual still keep different ways of emotional expression while sharing the same homesick atmosphere? The exhibition of these differences is called agency in this thesis. Chapter One explores how Liu Bang(劉邦) and Xiang Yu(項羽) felt homesick and their different relations and reactions to“hometown” according to the examples of choosing capital cities. What is involved includes not only emotional aspects but political calculations and rational reasoning. The two’s every decision was to seek for a balance between attachment with hometown and political calculations. In addition, th...
法鼓佛學學報, 2008
This article takes various expressions using the Chinese term "speak" (shuo) as the basis for its investigation of Nāgārjuna's linguistic strategy. These include speak, unspeakable, unspoken, and spoken by prajñapti in the Chinese version of the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā. I first point out the two background causes that make the Buddha withdraw from preaching and remain in silence: the profundity of the Dharma and the limits of people's capacities. In response, the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā seems to reveal a two-sided strategy, i.e., confirmation and negation. On the one hand, it emphasizes the unspeakable to get rid of people's attachment, until at last all prapañcas have ceased, and one arrives at the unspoken. On the other hand, Mūlamadhyamakākarikā positively approves of the conventional truth and prajñapti to express that conventional linguistic cognition is necessary. The Mūlamadhyamakākarikā's theory of pratītya-samutpāda and śūnyatā, therefore, reveal double the aspects of negation and confirmation in Buddhist Philosophy and lead people to the way of nirvāṇa.
[[abstract]] 自殺是種行為上的錯誤嗎?如果是,那要不要處罰?又該如何給予處罰?自殺是種心智上的疾病嗎?如果是,就不該被處罰,而應該給予醫治—包括限制個人行動自由的「醫療」過程;反正,自殺不是罪、就是病,「預防」就成了重要的工作。不管是處罰、醫療或預防都需要先解決一個問題: “Why people kill themselves?” 以上是所有討論自殺議題的書籍文獻的中心議題,更準確地說,我們應該在前句的「自殺議題」前加上「西洋社會的」五個字。但是在中國傳統社會中,「自殺」是個議題嗎?它需要被處罰、醫療或預防?老實說,我們不知道。不過可以確定的事,現今台灣社會有個經由政府公定的民俗假日—端午節,是為了紀念一位「自殺者」。 為了尋求上述疑問的解答,本文作者由古籍記載下手。由所收集的資料的排比分析後,本文發現中國傳統社會看待自殺的「眼光」,實有別於西洋社會。當時人們在面對必須做「存生」或「取死」抉擇的情境下,一切都得自行判斷。本文亦發現中國傳統社會最高的政治與意見領袖—皇帝,他運用自殺作為鞏固權威的手段,在此情況下使得針對「自殺」行為本身的負面論述不可能公開存在。 這是中國傳統社會的特殊狀況嗎?作為一位具有反思能力的現代人,或許不應排除另一個可能,那就是西洋社會對自殺的禁制態度,或許僅是人類社會歷史長流中的一個特例
《玄奘佛學研究》25期, 2016
摩登伽女的故事歷來都是漢傳佛教警戒男修行者遠離美色誘惑的 典型,她也成為情欲魔女的象徵。民國16 年溥緒(1882-1933)(清逸 居士)創作《摩登伽女曲本》,由京劇名伶尚小雲於北京新明戲院演出, 引起轟動。民國22 年,這個印度來的故事被印度泰戈爾(1861-1941) 創作成歌舞劇《昌達爾姑娘》,再改編為《昌達爾姑娘歌舞劇》搬上劇 場公演,至今仍表演不輟。同時代的二個劇本都能移動傳統視角,正視 摩登伽女自身,卸去僵化的魔女形象,但又各自呼應著自己的文化土壤 與時代關懷,呈現不同主題寓意:一者關注她的情愛與修悟,以色幻悟 道為精神;一者關注她的啟蒙與平等,以實踐平等新生為精神。 在溥緒筆下,摩登伽女具有端莊美麗,專情高潔的形象,有傳統文 學的杜麗娘之傷春幽情、賈寶玉之色空悟道,又有《西遊記》魔考誘惑 的情節。故事關注情愛與修悟,在情愛美色的貪執中,徹悟不淨與如幻, 並輔以平等慈悲之懷。 而泰戈爾的歌舞劇,藉此抒發對印度種姓不平等制度的批判。他筆 下的摩登伽女言語靈動,活潑熱情,從不平等的種姓思惟中被啟蒙新生 後,自我作主,勇敢追愛,這份蘊含「愛」的新生,歸向阿難與佛陀所 象徵的平等慈悲,隱含泰戈爾「在愛中徹悟」的梵愛合一路徑。 就女性視角詮釋的二個路徑「情欲主動」、「速證果位」觀察,溥緒 以專情高潔之主動來詮釋其「情欲主動」,並以消融情欲而得悟,雖然 能呈現她因情而悟,但並無深刻描寫其「速證果位」。泰戈爾則完全沒 有著墨「速證果位」,主力全在「情欲主動」上,這份主動來自平等的 啟蒙,情欲化為自主勇敢去愛,與泰戈爾「梵愛合一」的宗教哲學呼應。 關鍵詞:摩登伽女、阿難、溥緒、泰戈爾、昌達爾姑娘 In Chinese Buddhism, the story of Matangi's daughter has been taken as a warning for male Buddhists to keep away from the temptation of lust, and Matangi's daughter has become a representative of femme fatale. In 1927, Pu Xu (1882-1933, art name Qing Yi Ju Shi) composed a tune of "Matangi's daughter", starred by Shang Xiao-yun and caused a sensation in the Xinming Theater in Beijing. Then in 1933, this Indian story was written as a musical drama "Chandalika" by the respected Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore, and be readapted and played in theaters until now. These two scripts of the same era both change the point of view toward female by facing up to this character and getting rid of the stereotype as a femme fatale. What's more, they reflect to their own cultural soil and contemporary concern, and present two different theme implications: the former focuses on her love and enlightenment, taking enlightenment from form & vision as the essence; the later focuses on h...
Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (2021). Dedication to Dr. Liang-Chi Tsao for His Contributions in Taiwan Education and Evolutionary Mathematics and Science. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. 王抗曝 and Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (editors). Volume 3, Number 5, May 2021; 387 pages. Lenox Institute Press, Newtonville, NY, 12128-0405, USA. No. STEAM-VOL3-NUM5-MAY2021; ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. ...............ABSTRACT: Dr. Lian-Chi Tsao 曹亮吉 greatly improved the mathematical education in Taiwan of his time. His background and his 52 articles concerning the interesting stories and accomplishments of most influential mathematicians in the past are introduced. In order to commemorate Dr. Lian-Chi Tsao and numerous other scientists, we further include a commemorative poem "The Wind Blows Red Leaves to the Cloud" 風吹紅葉至雲端 of Dr. Lawrence K. Wang, Dr. Mu-Hao Sung Wang, and Dr. Hung-ping Tsao...........KEYWORDS: 曹亮吉, Lian...
教育資料與圖書館學, 2019
The studies of research productivity and authorship of theses published apply the method of bibliometrics. Through the method, the studies utilize the results of quantitative analysis to discuss and explore the results and trends of research activities and the direction of manpower development in academic communities. Through the exploration and analysis of the authors' productivity and the distribution of manpower structure, the potential of research and development of a particular field or subject and the current situation of research talents of the field or subject can be revealed. In this study, LISA and EBSCOhost-Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts databases were selected and we got a total of 219 English articles in the field of library and information science published from 1961 to 2016. With the content analysis and bibliometric approach, this study investigates the results include published years, research methods, research designs and samplings, subjects of literatures, content items of research and analysis. Moreover, this study conclude authors' patterns, institutional affiliations, degree of collaboration between institution and countries and core authors.
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ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems, 2023
The Daily Star, 2023
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2007
CNS spectrums, 2021
Prosiding Seminar Nasional NCIET, 2020
Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 2007
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2014
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016