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Abstract: The self-complexity model (Linville, 1987) predicts that individuals who have numerous self-aspects with little overlap among them will be buffered against the effects of stressful life events and will experience less depression. Despite some evidence to this effect, many replication attempts have failed (cf. Rafaeli-Mor & Steinberg, 2002).
Cognitive therapy and research, 2003
Self-complexity (SC) theory proposes that a highly differentiated self-concept protects against the depressogenic impact of negative life events. Linville's influential prospective study appeared to support this proposition . Subsequent reports have raised questions about the construct validity of Linville's operationalization of self-complexity (defined by the degree to which self-reported personality descriptors are dispersed across self-aspects), as well as the robustness of a buffering effect of self-complexity. In the present replication, Linville's SC measure was again found to moderate the impact of stress on depressive symptoms. However, contrary to SC theory, the form of the Stress × SC interaction was not clearly consistent with stress protection. Also contrary to SC theory, the interaction of stress and SC was entirely explained by the number of self-descriptive personality traits endorsed in the SC task. Both of these findings suggest that with regard to depressive symptoms, reports of a stress-buffering effect for self-complexity are premature.
Abstract We reviewed the extant literature examining Linville's (1985, 1987) self-complexity (SC) model. SC is a structural feature of people's self-knowledge. Linville (1987) proposed that SC serves as a cognitive buffer against extreme affective reactions to life events. We report results of two procedures: a classic meta-analysis and a more primitive vote-counting procedure. Overall, SC was negatively, but weakly, related to well-being, a relationship qualified by strong heterogeneity among studies.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2005
Greater self-complexity refers to the extent that oneÕs self-concept is comprised of many and relatively differentiated self-aspects. Although some research has found that those greater in self-complexity fare better physically (e.g., fewer illnesses) and psychologically (e.g., less depression) when experiencing stress, other studies have reported another pattern of data (e.g., greater self-complexity predicts greater depression). In the current work, two studies found support for a moderating variable in this latter pattern, self-aspect control. Specifically, for those who perceived relatively little control over their self-aspects, being greater in self-complexity predicted worse physical and psychological outcomes. Study 2 tested alternative explanations and supported an interpretation that perceptions of control over oneÕs multiple selves, in particular, moderated the relation between self-complexity and well-being.
Personality and Individual Differences, 1999
The self-complexity (SC) theory is a structural model of self-knowledge that suggests individual differences in the complexity of knowledge about the self are predictive of emotional stability and reactivity to stress. Various studies have identified problems concerning the consistency, reliability and validity of the often used measure of SC, the dimensionality statistic (H; Scott, 1969). Addressing these issues, the present study proposes 2 alternative measures of the components of SC and examines psychometric properties of these measures. Results of this study indicate a lack of a general factor underlying the dimensionality statistic. In addition, they offer support for the benefit of distinguishing between 2 components of self-complexity: quantity of self-aspects and overlap among them.
North American Journal of Psychology, 2005
Two studies examine the relations of self-complexity (Linville, 1987) and the authenticity of self-aspects to well being. Study 1 results show that self-complexity is largely unrelated to well being, whereas the authenticity of the self-aspects that constitute it is associated with greater well being. Study 2 uses a two-week, prospective design to replicate Linville's finding of a buffering effect of complexity on the negative outcomes associated with stressful events. In addition, study 2 results revealed either null or negative relations of complexity to well being, whereas the authenticity of self-aspects was again positively related to well being. The findings are discussed with respect to the meaning of self-complexity for personality functioning, and the importance of having one's self-aspects be authentic. According to many theorists, the diversity of roles, demands and models of identity to which people are exposed within modern cultures has fostered a greater comple...
Personality and Social …, 2009
Journal of Palestine Studies, 2009
Challenging the widely accepted premise that the 1948 war was a war of Jewish self-defense, the author demonstrates that the 1947 United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) partition resolution was fundamentally a green light for the Yishuv's fully mobilized paramilitary organizations (supported by the resources of the World Zionist Organization) to effect the long-planned establishment of a Jewish state by force of arms. He further argues that as a national movement, Zionism was inherently conquest-oriented from the moment of its birth in Basel in 1897 and that it most closely resembles-in the alchemy of its religious and secular motivation and its insatiable land hunger, irredentism, and indifference to the fate of the "natives"-the Iberian Reconquista of the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries. i The prevalenT vieW in The WesT sustained by Israeli and pro-Israeli proponents is that the Yishuv (the Jewish community in Palestine) was in an essentially defensive mode during the "civil" and "regular" phases of the 1947-48 war. This view is not shared by some left-of-center Israeli revisionist historians and sociologists, but it remains the foundational premise of official Israeli historiography, including school curricula, and of most non-Israeli Western writers on the 1947-48 war. This article argues that on the eve of the 1947-48 war, the Yishuv was in a full-blown aggrandizing, militant, and territorially expansionist mode, and that this mode long preceded the November 1947 UNGA partition resolution, which within six months led to the Nakba. walid Khalidi, a founder of the Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS) and its general secretary, has taught at Oxford University,
AIB 142, 2024
( 2014 deklarierte Viktor Orbán seine Vision der Hinwendung zum Osten. Sie geht auf eine ins 19. Jahrhundert zurückreichende Tradition zurück und meint die Hinwendung zum eurasischen Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraum. Ihr Ziel ist die Transformierung der eigenen Gesellschaft und die Neuordnung Europas und der Welt überhaupt. Dies ist eine gegenaufklärerische, gegenemanzipatorische, maskulinisch-hierarchische, menschenfeindliche und rassisierende Position, die sich für eine transnationale ‚Artengemeinschaft‘ ausspricht. Der immer wieder zwanghaft beschworene Hinweis auf die Christlichkeit bedeutet nicht die Religion der Nächstenliebe, sondern ist im Sinne eines ario-christlichen, eurasischen Ahnenkults zu verstehen, in dem selbst Christus zum Propheten des Lichts wird. Der eurasische Ahnenkult mit der skythischen Abstammungsthese wird z. B. in dem Buch beschworen, das 2019 im MCC-Verlag und 2021 in deutscher Übersetzung im Springer Verlag mit dem Titel „Der ungarische Staat“ erschien und in dem unter anderen auch Carl Schmitts politische Theologie zustimmend rezipiert wird.
Immanuel 3 - 51-56, 1973
The Dorot (Generations) series, published by Mosad B ialik, has as its aim the presentation of works of Jewish literature and thought from the period of the Second Temple up to the time of the rebirth of the Hebrew language, with contemporary commentary and explanation. It contains, at present, some thirty volumes, many edited by the chief Israeli authorities on their respective topics.
Mining Technology, 2014
Bayburt eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2023
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2009, 2023
Uralʹskij istoričeskij vestnik, 2024
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2016
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2015
Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 2020
Proceedings, 2018
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 1997
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011