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1991, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
2 pages
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Colic in infants is a common but short-lived problem. Many different theories and treatments for this distressing ailment have been tried over the years, yet the definitive cure remains elusive. Although the risks associated with the use of atropine and its derivatives are well known, they are still prescribed by some in the management of colic. We report a case of serious side effects from the treatment of colic with an atropine containing mixture, in which an error in preparation was identified. In view of the potential for serious toxicity resulting from either inappropriate prescription, preparation or administration, alternative methods of treatment should be employed.
Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2019
A denoid hypertrophy (AH) is common among pediatric patients with nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, hyponasality, cough, or snoring. 1,2 Several studies have suggested its association with infectious and allergic stimuli. 2 AH can lead to chronic sinusitis, recurrent otitis media, obstructive sleep apnea, neurocognitive deficits, and craniofacial growth abnormalities. 1,2 History taking and physical examination via nasendoscopy may be adequate to diagnose AH. 1 In severe cases, adenoidectomy can resolve the obstructive symptoms, 2 whereas in less severe cases, intranasal steroids and nasal decongestants are used. 2 A commonly used topical decongestant is Otrivin (xylometazoline hydrochloride), which is an alpha agonist that constricts the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, thus reducing nasal lumen swelling and improving the airflow. 3 In the field of otorhinolaryngology, Otrivin, can sound similar to atropine when pronounced, is frequently prescribed to relieve nasal congestion. Atropine inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system by disrupting the binding of acetylcholine to the muscarinic receptors in the motor cortex. 4 Routinely, atropine is used for treating symptomatic bradycardia and muscarinic poisoning. 5 Its side effects include dry mouth, rapid heart rate, light sensitivity, distorted vision, skin warmth, and rarely, exfoliation resulting from hypersensitivity reactions. 5 Moreover, high doses can lead to toxicity presenting with dilated pupils, blurred vision, tachycardia, urinary retention, agitation, delusions, and seizures. 5 In severe cases, it can manifest with a coma or cardiovascular collapse. 5 To reverse an overdose, physostigmine is administered. 6 In this case report, we describe a 28-month-old boy who presented to the emer
Infantile colic is a common disturbance occurring in the first three months of life. It is a benign condition and one of the main causes of pediatric consultation in the early part of life because of its great impact on family life. Some pediatricians are prone to undervalue this issue and there is no consensus concerning management and treatment. In literature are growing evidences about the effectiveness of dietary, pharmacological, complementary and behavioral therapies as options for the management of infantile colic. Dietary approach is based on the avoidance of cow’s milk proteins in breast-feeding mothers and bottle-fed infants. Currently pharmacological agents over the counter or by prescription are not recommended because of reported side effects. There is limited evidence supporting the use of complementary and alternative treatments (herbal supplements, manipulative approach and acupuncture) or behavioral modification interventions. Recent studies have partially clarified...
Diphenoxylate-atropine (Lomotil) intoxication incidence was significantly high in the past, but seeing such cases in the present day of modern and advanced medicine, hints about the gaps in the practice of medicine. In our case, a general physician maltreated an infant for diarrhea with an adult dose of diphenoxylate-atropine (Lomotil), a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unapproved drug, which caused labored breathing and pinpoint pupils. After being maltreated, at the time of presentation to the emergency room (ER), she was being misdiagnosed as a case of dehydration until doctors noticed miosis and reached the diagnosis of diphenoxylateatropine (Lomotil) toxicity. Her condition completely reversed with a single dose of naloxone. Hence, this case highlights the need for basic knowledge about the dosage of drugs for different age groups, especially infants, along with the importance of adherence to the evaluation protocols for accurate management.
Acta Paediatrica, 2007
Infantile colic is a widespread clinical condition in the first 3 months of life, which is easily recognized, but incompletely understood and difficult to solve. The available evidence suggests that infantile colic might have several independent causes. The medical hypotheses include food hypersensitivity or allergy, immaturity of gut function and dysmotility, and the behavioural hypotheses include inadequate maternal-infant interaction, anxiety in the mother and difficult infant temperament. Other recent hypotheses, such as hormone alterations and maternal smoking, still need confirmation, whereas the new concept of alterations in the gut microflora, have been reported. A number of interventions, including pharmacological agents, are discussed, but it is probable that infants with colic require a graded strategy.
Infant colic is a troubling condition for both parents and pediatrician, but it is benign and self-limiting. About 40% infants experience colic and it resolves between 12-16 week of life. ROME III and IV criteria are used for diagnosing infantile colic, but ROME IV is more specific for research purposes. The cause of colic is unknown but some hypotheses were proposed such as bile acid immaturity, microbial alterations and immaturity of gastrointestinal motility. Parental reassurance is the key of management of this condition, other therapies such as dietary modification, pharmacological and other approaches were not proven to be effective. Probiotics (Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938) are proven to reduce the symptoms and can prevent the colic. Other strains are still need further studies to be recommended.
Italian journal of pediatrics, 2014
Infantile colic is a common disturbance occurring in the first three months of life. It is a benign condition and one of the main causes of pediatric consultation in the early part of life because of its great impact on family life. Some pediatricians are prone to undervalue this issue mainly because of the lack of evidence based medicine guidelines. Up to now, there is no consensus concerning management and treatment. Literature reports growing evidence about the effectiveness of dietary, pharmacological, complementary and behavioral therapies as options for the management of infantile colic. Dietary approach, usually based on the avoidance of cow's milk proteins in breast-feeding mothers and bottle-fed infants, more recently has seen the rise of new special formulas, such as partially hydrolyzed proteins and low lactose added with prebiotics or probiotics: their efficacy needs to be further documented. Investigated pharmacological agents are Simethicone and Cimetropium Bromide...
Minerva pediatrica
Infantile colic concerns about 10-30% of all newborns and has been defined as a condition characterized by paroxysmal episodes of unexplained full force crying for at least three days a week and continuing for one week or more in a thriving well-nourished infant. The disorder more likely occurs in the evening, without identifiable causes and resolves spontaneously by the fourth month of life. The several factors involved in the etiopathogenesis (food intolerance or allergy to cow's milk protein, intolerance to lactose, intestinal hyperperistalsis, neuro-hormonal immaturity, maternal anxiety and familial stress), make the management of infants with colics difficult. We propose a scoring system for the evaluation of colics in infants based on: 1) crying intensity and duration; 2) accompanying characteristics of crises (e.g. meteorism, family history for allergic disease, type of feeding, type of stools); 3) evaluation of parents' opinion of their infants' crying. Type of m...
Sharing Advances, 2024
This paper is a response to criticisms leveled against me and my archaeological research in the Valley of Sonora
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Wie wird an Menschen erinnert und was an ihnen und ihrem Leben erscheint erinnernswert? Antworten auf diese Fragen gibt ein mehr als 500 Jahre altes „frühes Wikipedia“ aus der Mamlukenzeit: Während der vom 13. bis 16. Jahrhundert in Ägypten und Syrien bestehenden Herrschaft einer aus ehemaligen Sklaven bestehenden Militäraristokratie entstanden zahlreiche immer wieder überarbeitete biographische Enzyklopädien mit gesammelten Informationen zu wichtigen, interessanten oder auch kuriosen Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft. Das umfangreiche Quellenmaterial zeigt der Islamwissenschaft, wie die damaligen Autoren ihre Gesellschaft sahen oder sehen wollten und wie sich dieses Bild im Lauf der Zeit veränderte.
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