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317 dogs were examined in 7 sites to determine the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in Zaria zone. The disease occurrence was detected by microscopic examination of sample blood collected from the dogs in the laboratory and a questionnaire was used to record the bio-data of the dogs. Chi-square analysis revealed a significant difference in dirofilaria infection in the dog population in Zaria according to age, with the 1-2 years age group showing the highest prevalence (29.2%). There was no significant difference between males (62.5%) and females (37.5%), or across different breeds or homes. However, local breeds showed the highest prevalence, and stray dogs had a higher infection rate compared to those kept in cages. The results suggest that Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs is endemic in Zaria zone of Kaduna State and needs to be made notifiable to government and dog owners for effective control measures.

DISCUSSION The prevalence of 15.1 percent of confirmed cases of canine dinofilarial Immitis infection in the population of dogs in zaria indicates that the disease is not only a common problem in the zaria areas but likely a threat to public health. The extremely high prevalence of dirofilaria Immitis infection in the age group 1 – 2 years old is altributable to the age level of this group of dogs. As they are considered little pupils (which are allowed to roum about exposing them to mosquito bite which are potential al vector of dirofilaria Immitis of dogs). Dogs below one year old or receiving any microfilaricide or adulticide area excluded from the study and these is altributable to the age level of this group of dogs and the period of time 5 to 6 months and above, for which it takes the infective filarial parasites to mature in the dogs and reach their reproductive age tostant producing microfilariae, that may be detected in the blood. The demonstration of a higher dirofilarial Immitis infection rates in the male dogs is probably due to the fact that the male dogs could be more exposed at nights to blood – sucking vectors than the females. This might be possible due to the wandering habits of the male dogs. Nevertheless, the detection of microfilariae as a proof of dirofilaria infection is known to go with some draw – backs as about 5 – 20% of dogs infected according to Richard (1979) and American Heartworm society (1979) do not show microfilariae in their blood. Although, no microfilariae are detected in the blood when examined, such dogs may be infected. This condition has been explained as an Imunologically mediated response in the host for which the microfilariae are concentrated in the lung tissues and not allowed to circulate in the blood stream of the dog. Furthermore, the infection rates among the breeds show a remarkable pattern and thus the breed sampled in this study are not equally susceptible to the infection. As the foreign/Alsatian breeds show knows infection although most of these breed are kept in a cage/house/chained thus not expose to mosquito bite. The detection of dirofilaria Immitis infection among the dogs living in all the 7 major area of zaria likely indicated that the ecological conditions in these areas are similar and which favour the vast breeding of the filarial vectors responsible for the disease transmission. Anyanwu, et al (2000), have implicated Aedea aegypti, culex papains Spp, and Aedes vitatus mosquitoes as potential vectors of D Immitis in Nigeria. This species of mosquitoes are commonly present in our community. This is not also un – connected with the observations of Beaver and Orihal (1965), wright et al (1989) that dirofilarial infection is determined by the frequency of contact between the dog and the transmitting mosquitoes and of course, the prevalence of disease in the dog population. In addition, the infection rates among the Home of dogs did not show remarkable pattern and thus the Home sampled in this study are probably equally susceptible to the infection. The result also shows that when W.B.C level of the dogs are low there is an high infection rate than normal W.B.C level as no infection is recorded when the W.B.C is high likewise, the lymaphocyte also normal HB & TPP level. Pack cell volume shows high rate of infection. Likewise, the lymphocytes, HB and TPP level and corrulation of age with blood parameter show no remarkable pattern of infection. It is therefore, expected that the filarial parasites can can be transmitted to man since dog is a domestic animal living with man at home. As the mosquitoes (vectors) have no preference in taking a blood meal, there is a possibility of transmitting the parasite among the human population. The disease was detected in all the areas in zaria. It is suggested that more attention be directed towards controlling this disease of public health significance. This could be effectively achieved by the screening of dogs and therapeutic interventions. Besides, information/health education programmes etc are all useful measures at controlling the infection rates. Also, vector control operations would be needed in dirofilarial prevention and control since mosquitoes are implicated as the vectors. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY The total of 317 dogs examined with a prevalence rate of 15.1% dirofilaria Immitis is widely distributed in the zaria area. The male dogs were apparently more infected with the dirofilaria Immitis parasites than their females counter parts. Incidence of dirofilaria Immitis in higher in dogs of 1 – 2 years age – bracket with D Immitis infection rate of 29.2% and most dogs infected with D Immitis parasite shows low W.B.C & Lymphocyte level. It may be recommended that: Prevention measures have to be taken in other to reduce the high infection rate of the disease in our local pets – the dogs. Such measures includes: 1) Control through screening of dogs and therapeutic intervention. 2) proper enlightenment and education about the disease through health education. 3) people should be encouraged to take their dogs to veterinary clinics for routine examination and possible treatment. 4) Control through eradication of known vectors is necessary. ABSTRACT 317 dogs were examine in 7 site to determine the prevalence of dirofilaria Immitis in dogs in zaria zone. The disease occurrence was detected by microscopic examination of sample blood collected from the dogs in the laboratory and questionnaire where used to record the bio – data of the dogs. The chi – square analysis revealed that there was significance difference (p>0.05) in the dirofilaria infection in the dogs population in zaria according to age. Through the 1 – 2 years age group showed the highest prevalence 29.2% (66). It also shown that there was no significance difference between the males (62.5 of 211) and females (37.5% of 106). Similarly, the overall prevalence rate according to breed shows no significance difference (p>0.05). Although the local breed shows the highest prevalence rate (75% of 218). Also there was no significance difference in home of dogs between the stray (70.8% of 223) to cage (29.2% of 94). The pattern distribution of D Immitis infections according to location/site shown non significance difference, has wusasa and basawa shows the highest infections of prevalence rate (20.8% of 46) and (20.8% of 67) respectively. The result also shows that, when W.B.C (Lymphocytes) level of the dogs are low there is an high infection rate (56.3% of 50) than normal W.B.C (Lympocytes) level (43.8% of 231). It was concluded that dirofilaria Immitis infection in dogs was endemic in zaria zone in kaduna state and needed to be made notifiable to both government, dogs owners and the largely ignorant population of dogs at risk of the disease towards effective control measures. DECLARATION I declare that the work in this thesis entitled prevalence of dirofilaria Immitis in zaria Kaduna state has been carried out by me in the department of Biological Science. The information derived from the literature has been duly acknowledge in the text and a list of references provided. No part of this thesis was previously presented for another degree or master at this or any other institution. ___________________________ _______________ _______________ Abah Harrison Ojonimi Signature Date CERTIFI CATION This thesis entitled “The prevalence of dirofilaria Immitis in Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria.” By Mr. ABAH HARRISON OJONIMI meets the requirements of the regulations governing the award of the degree of Master of Science in Biology of the Ahmedu Bello University Zaria, and it is approved for its contribution to knowledge and literary presentation. _____________________________ _______________ ______________ Chairman Supervisory Committee Signature Date _____________________________ _______________ ______________ Member Supervisory Committee Signature Date _____________________________ _______________ ___________ Member Supervisory Committee Signature Date _____________________________ _______________ ______________ Head of Department Signature Date _____________________________ _______________ ______________ Dean School of Post graduate studies Signature Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I give the Almighty God all the glory and honour for His knowledge and wisdom. I am also grateful to Him for giving me the faith and abundant grace to start and finish this work may His name alone be praised forever Amen. My immeasurable thanks go to my indefatigable and benevolent supervisory committee chairman, E.A Adegota for his intellectual and administrative contributions efficient editorial services, counseling services and financial support during the course of this research work. I gratefully acknowledge the intellectual contributions of Dr. Mrs. S.A Luka and prof. I.S Ndams, members of the supervisory committee who helped to streamline the research programmed. I express my profound gratitude to the Head of Department, Biological Sciences and vet medicine A.B.U Zaria Prof. Adamu and Prof. ------------- I gratefully appreciate the efforts of the chief laboratory technologist Haemitology Dept of A.B.U Zaria Mr. Amadi, parasitology laboratory A.B.U Zaria Mrs. Kete vet pathology laboratory A.B.U Zaria Mr. James Gantu, Mrs. Victory of small animal unit vet teaching hospital Zaria and the vet doctors for their technical assistance. I most not fail to thank my parents, brothers, sisters and my well-wishers. May God bless you all.