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Mesa Verde Migrations
Article in American Scientist · March 2008
DOI: 10.1511/2008.70.3641
4 authors:
Tim Kohler
Mark D. Varien
Washington State University
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Aaron Wright
Kristin A Kuckelman
Archaeology Southwest
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
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New archaeological research and computer simulation suggest why Ancestral
Puebloans deserted the northern Southwest United States
Timothy A. Kohler, Mark D. Varien, Aaron M. Wright and Kristin A. Kuckelman
village of vacant, sandcastle-like
structures fills a shallow cave
along a canyon wall. Rectangular windows adorn some houses, and a few
structures rise into towers. These famous cliff-dwellings of the Ancestral
Pueblo people (Anasazi to the Navajo
Diné)—built from blocks of sandstone
and timbers using adobe as mortar
and plaster—are the culmination in the
a.d. 1200s of a series of farming settlements that appeared locally around
a.d. 600. This is Mesa Verde, Spanish
for “green table,” and it lies in southwestern Colorado in the Four Corners
region, where Arizona, Colorado, New
Mexico and Utah touch. Looking at
these ghost towns, visitors wonder:
Why were these well-constructed settlements abandoned, and where did
the occupants go?
Timothy A. Kohler is Regent’s Professor in the
Department of Anthropology at Washington State
University and an external professor at the Santa
Fe Institute. He earned a Ph.D. in anthropology
from the University of Florida, and he studies Neolithic societies around the world and the application
of evolutionary logic to understanding change in
human societies. Mark D. Varien is Vice President
of Programs at the Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center in Cortez, Colorado. He holds a Ph.D. in
anthropology from Arizona State University, and
he studies household community organization,
patterns of sedentism and mobility and a variety of
other topics. Aaron M. Wright is a doctoral student
in anthropology at Washington State University
and a preservation fellow at the Center for Desert
Archaeology. He studies paleoclimatology, palynology and Southwest archaeology. Kristin A. Kuckelman is Senior Research Archaeologist at the Crow
Canyon Archaeological Center. She earned an M.A.
in anthropology from the University of Texas at
Austin. She studies field methodology, spatial patterning and other topics in the Southwest. Address
for Kohler: Department of Anthropology, P.O. Box
644910, Washington State University, Pullman,
WA 99164-4910. Internet:
[email protected]
American Scientist, Volume 96
Early archaeologists often invoked
single factors—such as climate change
or conflict—as explanations for the
depopulation of more than 600 cliff
dwellings in Mesa Verde, as well as
thousands of home sites and community centers across the Four Corners.
More recently, some scholars have posited that better conditions or new types
of social organization drew Pueblo
people south. We propose, instead, that
the emigration resulted from a combination of causes. To explore such a
complex hypothesis, we employ computer modeling, using new climatic,
ecological and demographic data that
synthesize a century of archaeological
Over the past century, archaeologists
have developed more-precise methods
for estimating population sizes and
dating the occupations of southwestern agricultural settlements. Tree-ring
scientists, for example, build local reference chronologies to date individual
beams of wood from archaeological
sites. Many species of trees in semi-arid
areas put on wider rings in years with
relatively greater amounts of precipitation and narrower rings in years of
lower precipitation. At an archaeological site, the outermost ring of a section
of tree—most commonly left behind as
a construction timber—can be dated if
it can be uniquely matched with a portion of the local master sequence. As
a result, scientists can determine the
year when Pueblo people cut that timber for use. Moreover, data on lowerfrequency climatic variation—for example, trends that are imperceptible
on yearly scales but which accumulate
over decades—come from analyses of
pollen and an assortment of macrofossils recovered from 14C-dated sediment
cores drawn from lakes and bogs.
By synthesizing these data and examining them against simulation results we gain new insights into why
Ancestral Pueblo people migrated
from the Four Corners region. A combination of factors—including climate
change, population growth, competition for resources and conflict—seem
to have sparked the move.
Building a Village
In 2002 we began working with colleagues to start the Village Ecodynamics Project (VEP). This ongoing study
explores the interactions between Ancestral Pueblo people and their environment in a portion of the northern
San Juan region, which encompasses
areas studied by several large archaeological projects. For example, the Dolores Archaeological Project (DAP) undertook very large-scale excavations
of early Pueblo villages (a.d. 780 to
920) in this area. The VEP study area
is among the most productive farming
areas in the Southwest. Consequently,
it supported very dense populations
throughout most of the period from
a.d. 600 to 1300.
Some of the DAP investigators also
founded a non-profit research and
educational organization in our study
area called the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center (CCAC). For the past 25
years, the center has studied the 150 to
1280 period, the final episode of Pueblo occupation in the Mesa Verde area.
The VEP addresses two main puzzles and tries to solve them through
a combination of collecting new data,
synthesizing existing data and modeling. First is the question of aggregation: Why in some periods did most
people live in hamlets—small settlements of one or a few households—
whereas at other times most people
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Figure 1. Cliff dwellings and other Ancestral Pueblo ruins cover the Four Corners region of the United States, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah touch. As shown here, Oak Tree House in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, includes remains of sandstone-and-adobe structures
nestled in a shallow cave on a canyon wall. From A.D. 600 until 1280, Pueblo people occupied this region. The question is: Why did they leave?
aggregated in villages that ranged in
size from 9 to more than 100 households? Second, what prompted the
two major cycles of population growth
and decline, the first between a.d. 600
and 920 and second between 920 and
1280? After the first depopulation,
some people remained in the area,
but Ancestral Pueblo peoples left the
area entirely—as well as the rest of the
northern Southwest—by the end of
the second cycle.
We believe these phenomena are
linked, because intensive aggregation
preceded each drop in population. Here
we concentrate on what we know about
the second episode of depopulation,
after which our study area was not repopulated by farming populations until
Euroamerican settlers arrived toward
the end of the 19th century.
Producing Population Estimates
To determine if resource limitations
stimulated the depopulation in the
late-1200s, we needed numerical estimates of resources and people. Scott
Ortman of the CCAC led our effort
to develop population estimates. He
started by dividing the years from
600 to 1280 into 14 periods ranging
in length from 20 to 125 years. These
are the shortest episodes that we can
discriminate using changes in the style
of pottery and buildings in our area.
Some periods are longer than others
because styles changed more slowly in
those periods.
As a start, we needed to date sites.
We can precisely date excavated sites if
they yield wood amenable to tree-ring
dating, but the vast majority of the
more than 4,000 habitation sites in our
area are known only through examination of the modern ground surface. To
date such sites, we primarily rely on
visible pottery types and architecture,
correlating these characteristics with
the pottery and architecture from excavated sites that have been precisely
dated by tree rings.
Ortman developed an approach
to dating sites and estimating their
momentary populations that yields
useful results even when applied to
surveys conducted by many different researchers over more than 50
years. This technique uses the mostprecise dating evidence available for
each site, which usually comes from
pottery counts, observations on types
of surface-exposed architecture and
dating estimates made by the initial
surveyors and recorders. Where fewer
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2008 March–April
Karen & Ian Stewart/Alamy
have specific characteristics that indicate they were also used for ceremonial activities; such structures are commonly called kivas.
We counted pitstructure depressions
(or estimated how many were suggested by the extent of rubble and artifacts)
to estimate the total number of houses
built at each site. Then we determined
how many of these houses Pueblo people occupied during each period.
Our team then translated these total-occupied-house estimates for each
period into momentary-population estimates for the VEP area. This corrected for variable uselives of houses—the
typical time that residences were in
use before they were abandoned or
rebuilt—during the occupation. Uselives were shorter for early pithouses,
with their wooden roof supports, than
for later masonry structures. As a final
step, we extrapolated from the data for
recorded sites to the entire study area
using a variety of procedures, which
resulted in a range of estimates (see Figure 5). We prefer our middle estimate,
which assumes the surveyed areas are
representative of the whole for small
settlements and that all the large settlements are known and recorded. We
consider the high and low estimates to
be informal, approximate confidence
Figure 2. Timbers found in Ancestral Pueblo structures—such as these protruding beams at
the Balcony House cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park—can often be dated to estimate a building’s age. The annual precipitation determines the width of tree rings, allowing
scientists to match specific sequences of ring thickness to years. If a remaining piece of wood
contains enough rings, the outermost ring reveals the year in which the timber was cut.
data were available, we relied on the
fact that in our area sites of similar
age tend to cluster together. We dated
these data-poor sites by analyzing the
pottery at other sites in a seven-kilometer neighborhood and then used
this information to determine the most
likely period of occupation.
To estimate the human populations
of study-area sites, we drew on previous research suggesting that each
household occupied a single pitstructure. A pitstructure consists of a subterranean chamber covered with a
wooden and earthen superstructure.
Some are masonry-lined, and some
65") $0-03"%0
Figure 3. The Village Ecodynamics Project—run by the authors and their colleagues—explores how Ancestral Pueblo people interacted with
their environment in an 1,816-square-kilometer study area (green) in southwestern Colorado. This area supported dense populations for most of
the A.D. 600–1280 period. Toward the end of that time, for example, Sand Canyon Pueblo grew into a large community of around 500 people.
American Scientist, Volume 96
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intervals around this best estimate. All
three reconstructions, however, show
the two distinct population cycles. In
the VEP, the number of households
peaked at about 1,000 in the mid-800s
and at about 3,200 in the mid-1200s.
Assuming an average of six people per
household—based on studies of early
historic Pueblo households—these
counts suggest populations of about
6,000 and 19,200, respectively.
No other demographic reconstructions of comparable precision exist in
the northern Southwest for areas this
large. When such reconstructions are
built, we suspect they will not look
like this one. Current indications are
that the VEP area received populations
from some nearby regions as those began to shrink in population in response
to unfavorable farming conditions in
the 12th and 13th centuries. Migration,
it seems, was essential to Pueblo peoples’ centuries-long occupation of the
arid Southwest.
Modeling Crucial Resources
With populations of this size in the
VEP area, did any resource become
limiting? Various lines of evidence on
ancient diet—botanical remains, the
composition of preserved human feces and ratios of isotopes in human
bones—show a high dependence on
maize agriculture. Moreover, many archaeologists assume that shortfalls in
maize triggered the depopulation. So
we modeled potential maize production, as well as other often-overlooked,
crucial resources.
We incorporated changes through
time and across space in these resource-availability models. Temporal
control came from tree-ring data with
a resolution of one year. We added
spatial information by dividing our
1,816-square-kilometer study area into
200-by-200-meter cells. These techniques provide 700 years of potential
availability for several resources—
maize, potable water, fuel wood, cottontail rabbits and jackrabbits—at a
spatial resolution of 200 meters. We
also modeled deer populations, but
using 1-square-kilometer cells, because
of deer’s larger size and home range.
For maize, as an example, our annual estimates for average potential
productivity in the VEP area fluctuate
widely between about 125 and 400 kilograms per hectare from A.D. 600 to
1300, depending on the climatic conditions during a specific year. As we will
see, limitations in our calibration data,
on which these estimates are based,
make it possible that production was
in fact considerably lower than these
estimates in some years.
We also needed to know how Pueblo households used these resources.
First, not all the potential productivity of these resources could neces-
sarily be realized. Some areas of high
productivity for firewood or maize, for
example, might have been too remote
from domestic water to be practical for
human use. People needed all of these
resources and likely preferred to live
in areas where they co-occurred. More
important, we needed to examine the
possibility that the use of some of these
resources led to their depletion during
the Pueblo occupation. For example,
zooarchaeologist Jonathan Driver of Simon Fraser University has shown that
deer remains declined over time, probably as a result of overhunting.
Modeling Human Populations
To combine all this resource information and to assess possible human
impact on these resources, we developed an agent-based simulation for
the occupation of our study area. In
this computer simulation, the agents
are households that interact with one
another and with their environment.
This program “sets loose” households on our reconstructed study-area
landscape. In these virtual worlds, resource distributions change every year
because of climate-driven factors. In
our current rules for agent behavior,
households make approximately optimal decisions about where to live.
Taking into account the number of
household members and their ages,
our agents attempt to locate their resi-
Figure 4. Pitstructures, or buildings that are partially subterranean, were usually
residential in this area. A pitstructure at Duckfoot (left) was the central room of a
single household. More-elaborate pitstructures, such as a masonry-lined kiva at
Castle Rock Pueblo (right), also appear to have had ceremonial uses. To estimate the
number of households in the Village Ecodynamics Project study area, the authors
counted each pitstructure as evidence of a household. (Photographs courtesy of the
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.)
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2008 March–April
Figure 5. Estimates of household numbers come from a combination of data-collection and statistical techniques. For example, types of pottery
(right) and other evidence, such as tree-ring dating, provide age estimates for household sites. The authors produced three estimates (left; column graphs) for the number of Ancestral Pueblo households in each period. The middle estimate (green) represents the most likely number of
households—peaking at about 3,200 in the mid-1200s—and the other estimates (blue and purple) provide approximate confidence intervals. All
three estimates show two cycles of population increase and decline. In addition, the authors developed an agent-based computer simulation
that generates estimates of carrying capacity (red lines) given specific values for various parameters, such as the amount of protein required by
households. (Photographs by David M. Grimes, courtesy of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.)
dences to minimize their caloric costs
for obtaining adequate maize harvests,
protein through hunting, domestic
water and fuel wood. Working with
computer scientists Robert Reynolds
of Wayne State University and Ziad
Kobti of the University of Windsor, we
added to some simulations the effects
of exchanging protein and maize between households.
So far, our simulations have produced two startling findings. One is
the relative ease with which populations—even ones as small as those in
the first population peak—deplete deer
on this landscape. We see this effect in
all of our simulations, even under a variety of assumptions about how many
grams of meat protein people seek,
how far from home they are willing or
able to hunt, the priority they give to
hunting prospects in their decisions on
where to settle, and the effects of too
little protein on their birth and death
rates. Sixteen runs of this simulation
with varied parameters all result in
depletion of deer to the lowest levels
allowed by the simulation, which is
1,000 deer in the study area.
Equally surprising to us is the finding that our simulations rarely gener150
American Scientist, Volume 96
ate the number of human households
we see on this landscape during the
population peak in the 1200s. Only in
those cases where all the parameters—
such as productivity of the landscape,
the presence and types of exchanges,
the severity of soil depletion and so
on—are set to allow the largest human population sizes do we begin to
generate the numbers of households
that we believe actually occupied this
At first we worried that underestimates of population resulted from
some error in our simulation’s logic.
Although we had carefully entered
numbers gleaned from ethnographic
reports on the amounts of time people spend on domestic tasks (such as
planting and weeding fields, gathering
water and fuel wood), caloric expenditures for hunting at various distances
from home, basic metabolic rates and
so forth, we omitted turkey domestication. Models necessarily omit details
believed to be unimportant—but deciding which really are unimportant
can be a matter of trial and error. In
our simulations, populations became
protein limited before reaching levels
that we estimated from pitstructures
and other evidence. We now believe
that protein deficiency could have
been overcome by raising turkeys.
We therefore suspect that populations as large as those seen in our
study area in the 12th and 13th centuries would have been possible only
with turkey domestication. This coincides with Driver’s finding that turkey
bones became much more prevalent as
deer bones declined and virtually disappeared from many sites in the VEP
area after a.d. 1150. We plan to add
turkey farming to our simulations as a
way for households to produce crucial
protein from less-scarce resources.
Pueblo people apparently used
maize to feed both themselves and
their turkeys. As a result, Pueblo
populations became reliant on maize
for its carbohydrate calories and to
feed their main protein source. Consequently, shortfalls in maize in the
1200s surely triggered serious nutritional deficiencies.
Maize Production and Pollen
To correlate climate with potential
maize production, we used production
data on maize and beans from southwestern Colorado between 1930 and
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Figure 6. Maize was central to the Puebloan diet throughout the A.D. 600–1300 period. Using
tree rings to reconstruct precipitation and temperature, calibrated against production data for
maize and beans in southwestern Colorado between 1930 and 1960, the authors computed how
much maize the Pueblo people might have produced prehistorically. Annual estimates (gray)
fluctuate widely. When smoothed (blue), trends on the decadal scale are more clearly visible.
Along the x axis, blue dots or bars represent cold years in which the authors possibly overestimate production. This reconstruction also does not take into account possible decreases in
production due to soil nutrient depletion or erosion.
make maize farming risky. Dry winters
compounded this problem.
In fact, droughts occurred at various
times during the Pueblo habitation of
the Four Corners region. Some could
even be called megadroughts. These
might not have been more severe than
droughts of the modern period, such
as the Dust Bowl years, but they lasted much longer, sometimes for sev-
1960 together with annual data on
temperature and precipitation. These
production data were corrected for
the differences between Puebloan and
modern farming technologies and the
different varieties of maize in use. But
there were many years from 600 to
1300 that were colder than any years
during the 1930–1960 interval, and it
is likely that we overestimate maize
production in these years.
Moreover, we needed to put these
annual weather measurements and
the associated production estimates
into a longer-term climatic context. To
investigate the low-frequency component of climate change in our region, one of us (Wright) developed
measures using pollen to estimate
changes in winter precipitation and
annual temperature. A core of peaty
sediments from a high-elevation fen—
a type of wetland—provided material
dated from 100 b.c. to a.d. 2005. We
can estimate low-frequency changes
in winter precipitation from the relative deposition rates of pollen from
sedges—grass- and rush-like plants of
the family Cyperaceae—and from the
weedy families Chenopodiaceae and
Amaranthaceae. Sedges indicate wet
and waterlogged sediments whereas
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae
species indicate disturbed environments, such as meadows experiencing low rates of winter precipitation.
Moreover, Wright detected long-term
warming conditions by documenting
increased deposition rates for Ponderosa-pine pollen relative to that of
Engelmann spruce. For these two ratios in the period from 500 to 1400, we
calculated z-scores, which provide a
distribution with a mean of zero and a
standard deviation of 1.
We are reasonably confident that
when both of these z-scores are strongly negative—meaning drier winter
conditions as indicated by the ratio of
sedges to Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae, and cooler conditions
suggested by the ratio of the two evergreens—our annual reconstruction
overestimates production for maize.
Similarly, we might underestimate
productivity when both z-scores are
strongly positive.
About a.d. 900, for example, strongly negative z-scores for both pollen
ratios coincide with declines in our
population estimates. Presumably,
the most productive portions of this
area became cold enough in the 900s to
Figure 7. Deer populations in the study area, determined with the authors’ agent-based
computer simulation, show that even small populations of Pueblo people likely reduced the
herds to the lower limit allowed in the program, 1,000 deer. Here, 16 runs of the simulation
with various assumptions show potential peak populations of more than 14,000 deer. When
abundant, deer were the lowest-cost protein source available to Pueblo peoples. Their depletion appears to have made turkey domestication economically attractive.
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2008 March–April
Figure 8. Pollen was counted in a core (see Figure 3) to reconstruct low-frequency climate trends. Relative deposition rates of pollen (right) from
sedges and from the weedy families Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae (orange)—such as the Cheno-Am grain in this photomicrograph
(left)—indicate wetter winters when z-scores are higher, whereas higher z-scores for the deposition rates of Ponderosa pine pollen relative to
that of spruce (green) suggest warmer conditions. When both scores are positive, the authors suspect that the reconstruction in Figure 6 underestimates potential maize productivity, and it likely overestimates productivity when both scores are negative. Extremely negative z-scores
for both ratios in the 900s—suggesting reduced maize-production potential—coincide with local declines in Pueblo populations. Bars (red)
indicate “megadroughts”—long-term droughts reconstructed from tree rings—that afflicted large portions of the Southwest. (Photomicrograph
courtesy of John G. Jones of Washington State University.)
eral decades, and their effects were
broadly felt throughout the western
United States. In 1929 A. E. Douglass
of the University of Arizona’s Steward
Observatory discovered one of these,
which he called the Great Drought,
which lasted from 1276 to 1299.
Aggregating at the End
Relatively high elevation and fertile
soils probably made the VEP study
area more immune to drought than
many surrounding areas. In fact, the
VEP’s population grew during or after
some of the megadroughts, probably
due in part to immigration.
Although immigrants continued to
move into the VEP study area in the
13th century, and the area’s population peaked between 1225 and 1260,
this was a time of stress. Climatic deterioration and population increase were
Figure 9. Castle Rock Pueblo, constructed around and atop an imposing butte, was one of the
last Ancestral Pueblo communities in the northern Southwest. Evidence of conflict indicates
that warfare played a role in the final depopulation of the area. The authors argue that a combination of dwindling resources and conflict forced Ancestral Pueblo people to migrate from
the Four Corners region and to create new communities to the south. (Photograph courtesy of
the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.)
American Scientist, Volume 96
accompanied by the construction of
numerous large, densely packed settlements in the northern San Juan region.
Around 1250, coincident with a trough
in our maize-production estimates,
Pueblo people in the VEP study area
constructed large villages around canyon-head springs.
For example, Sand Canyon Pueblo
(SCP), one of the largest community
centers in our study area, was founded
about a.d. 1250. This village encircled a
canyon-head spring and housed some
500 people at its peak. Like many of
the centers built at this time, it was
mostly enclosed by a stone wall, and
several two-story towers constructed
against its exterior face probably provided additional security. Between
1984 and 1993, Crow Canyon archaeologists investigated about 5 percent
of this site, excavating at least part of
111 structures. Food remains indicate
that residents were heavily dependent
on maize, turkey and cottontail rabbits, and osteological analyses reveal
that the villagers were generally well
nourished and healthy during most of
the village occupation.
Nonetheless, studies of refuse accumulated in this pueblo’s final years
suggest trouble. Among the samples
of refuse analyzed for plant material,
maize remains were found in 44 percent during the height of the SCP but
in only 10 percent near the end. At the
same time, a diverse selection of wildplant foods—some of which appear
to be starvation foods—increased in
© 2008 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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frequency from 54 to 80 percent of the
samples. Among the food bones, turkey decreased from 55 to 14 percent,
compared with a marked increase in
the frequency of wild-animal bones.
These data suggest that, near the end
of the pueblo’s occupation, Sand Canyon villagers experienced substantial
subsistence stress and adopted a largely hunting-and-gathering strategy to
compensate for crop failure.
When the SCP community was in
its final throes, probably within a few
years of the latest tree-ring date of
1277, 25–75 percent of the villagers had
already left, and signs of desperation
are evident. Refuse was being deposited in once-important civic or ceremonial structures, such as the great kiva.
Moreover, excavators found 23 complete or fairly complete human bodies,
as well as scattered bones from at least
11 other individuals, indicating that
at least 34 people died at or near the
end of the village occupation. None of
these bodies was formally buried, and
at least eight exhibit direct evidence of
violent death.
The skeletal trauma and abundant
additional contextual and analytic
data pertaining to the human remains
clearly indicate that the village was
attacked. Other inhabitants of the
Four Corners region or Pueblo people
from an adjacent region might have
been the aggressors, because many
local projectile points were found at
the site. However, we can’t rule out
the possibility that the attackers were
from the Fremont or Virgin areas to
the west, because a few projectile
points characteristic of those regions
were also found. Some of the defenders were scalped, and the condition
and characteristics of some disarticulated human bones suggest that there
was anthropophagy.
Violent death and anthropophagy
are even more evident at Castle Rock
Pueblo, a smaller contemporaneous
village 10 kilometers to the south. At
about the same time as the attack on
SCP, unknown assailants killed at least
41 of the 75–150 residents at Castle
Rock, terminating its occupation. It is
likely that, had we excavated more of
this site, we would have discovered
the remains of many more villagers
who also perished in the attack. We do
not know the frequency of such violent
events across the northern Southwest
during the chaos of regional depopulation, but it is clear that conflict
tributed to it. This conflict exacerbated
climatically induced subsistence stress
by forcing residents into highly aggregated settlements. These large settlements provided increased security, but
packing more people into fewer sites
made it difficult to use the region’s
dwindling resources efficiently.
Thus there is no single, simple cause
for this depopulation. Instead, it was
a cascade of events that included climate-induced immigration from
peripheral regions resulting in overpopulation of the VEP study area, in
turn generating resource depletion that
was exacerbated by a decline in maize
productivity that affected both carbohydrate and protein intakes. These
changes provoked conflict, which in
turn induced more scarcity. As these
societies began to lose population, they
also functioned less successfully and
became vulnerable to aggression. In
the end, violence and famine provided
potent motives for departure.
Evidence suggests that the survivors
of these final events moved south, following kin who had pioneered migration streams in that direction at least a
century earlier. Osteological similarities between the VEP’s final populations and later Pueblo peoples—and
some oral traditions among the modern Pueblos—suggest that they joined
related groups to the south and east,
mostly along the northern Rio Grande
of New Mexico. Nevertheless, the societies that they joined and helped build
there were substantially different from
those they left behind. Perhaps this
suggests the degree of trauma that the
Pueblo people experienced toward the
end in the Four Corners region, and
why they never returned to farm the
Mesa Verde.
Herweijer, C., R. Seager, E. R. Cook and J.
Emile-Geay. 2007. North American droughts
of the last millennium from a gridded network of tree-ring data. Journal of Climate
Johnson, C. D. 2006. Critical Natural Resources in the Mesa Verde Region, A.D. 600–
1300: Distribution, Use, and Influence on
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dissertation, Department of Anthropology,
Washington State University, Pullman.
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