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2020, Works and Archives. Mara Coccia
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first exhibition, and catalogue, on Mara Coccia Galleries in Rome, from 1963 to 2012, based on gallerist archives.
Dhruv Raina, ed., Histories of the Sciences and the Politics of History. Festschrift for Irfan Habib (Delhi: Primus Books, 2024), pp. 221-247., 2024
The so called 'global turn' of the 1990s had a profound influence on all disciplines in the social sciences, not least the history of science and science studies. Indeed, the domain has seen a rising spate of publications, both books and articles, ever since the turn of the present century. 1 The journal Isis itself, has, for example, published at least four of its focus sections on global themes since 2004. 2 In addition to the continued deployment of an irenic vision where all human cultures contributed to the ocean of knowledge culminating in modern science, à la Joseph Needham, or to the diffusionist one embodied in George Basalla's emblematic article of 1967, both of which we shall come to later, other recent approaches to globalizing the history of science include a multiplication of narratives of knowledge-formation in different linguistic, national, and regional contexts, to complement the traditional, European, narrative of the history of science. 3 More often than not, this concatenation constitutes a repackaging of traditional area studies, or a re-labelling of what was previously called 'non-Western' science. Although some authors have included what
The concern for the quality of field study courses is a relevant call of the time as it provides tertiary students an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, skills, and desirable attitudes and values from public schools in the Philippines. Some of the problems encountered or experienced by students greatly affect their performance and the college in general. This study aimed to: review and describe the relevance of prescribed field study coursebook; determine the problems encountered; and propose intervention strategies and activities which can give social and practical implications. This study is a descriptive method of research participated by 70 third year students. A self-made questionnaire had been used to gather data. The following tools like mean and ranking were used employing a likert scale 1-4 for both the relevance of field study as a course and problems encountered by FS students. Findings show that students strongly agreed with some of the descriptions of FS courses. The respondents strongly agreed that they experienced problems as reflected to ambiguity and some content, practices and exercises of the book were out of context. They also found that there were limited time for consultation from the supervisors, as well as lack of experience and incompetence of the FS and cooperating teachers. This study proposed to have proper selection of: cooperating schools and teachers, field study books, additional discussion or insights for the FS book, time for regular monitoring, and some other legal obligations pertaining to field study courses and activities.
SASARAN : Keluarga RW 05 dan RW 06 Desa Cilayung WAKTU : 1 x 30 Menit TEMPAT : Posyandu RW 05
O tema: Tecnologia e Educação, constitui uma discussão fundamental nos tempos atuais. Pensar a influência da tecnologia no desenvolvimento dos processos educativos, consiste numa tarefa intelectual necessária, para pensarmos as possibilidades de compreensão teórica da realidade social. A educação na contemporaneidade é atravessada por transformações significativas, e, é inegável, nesse sentido, que pensar seus arranjos, redefinições e pressupostos passa, inevitavelmente, por uma leitura crítica acerca da função que ela cumpre nesse contexto. Os artigos que compõem esta coletânea versam sobre as mais variadas relações e problemas pertinentes à educação na atualidade. Trazem em seus arcabouços teóricos de análises, os fundamentos da tecnologia, a educação em Marx, a questão da consciência de classe, o pensar filosófico hoje, a formação docente no contexto da pandemia, o papel da escola e as contribuições dos pensadores clássicos e contemporâneos, entre outros temas.
A pre-circulated draft paper for the conference Anthropology's Philosophy, 26th-29th June, University of St Andrews. The paper reviews two approaches to common-sense.
እስልምና እና ዓለም አቀፍ የሰብአዊነት ሕግ በአምባገነናዊ የመንግስት ስርዓት ውስጥ, 2020
European Journal Philosophy of Science, 2023
FME Transactions, 2019, 2018
Boletín informativo, 2023
Journal of Aerosol Science, 1974
المركز الكردي للدراسات في مدينة بوخوم بألمانيا, 2024
Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckaver
International Journal of Refrigeration-revue Internationale Du Froid, 2017
European Journal of Business and Management, 2023
DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, 2020
Echocardiography, 1995
Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2015
Synthesis lectures on engineers, technology, and society, 2024