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Animaux fantastiques. Du merveilleux dans l’art (Catalogue d'’exposition), 2023
Both the Greeks and the Roman excelled in the glyptic art, including the engraving of minuscule images and texts on small semi-precious stones. These engraved gems served many different functions, from signet- and seal-rings used for official documents to decorative jewelry, worn on rings and necklaces. In the modern study of such gems, one particular subcategory is that of “magical gems.” One special feature of these gems is the recurrence of images of numerous Egyptian and Greco-Roman gods, of mythological figures such as the Phoenix-bird or of the ouroboros, of animals, and of newly-created deities and various hybrid creatures.
Statemen keuangan perusahaan adalah statemen yg memberikan ikhtisar mengenai keadaan keuangan perusahaan, dimana Neraca (balance sheet) mencerminkan nilai aktiva, hutang dan modal sendiri pada suatu saat tertentu, dan Statemen Rugi-Laba (income statements) mencerminkan hasil-hasil yang dicapai selama suatu periode tertentu biasanya satu tahun. Media komunikasi dan pertanggungjawaban/ pertanggungjelasan antara perusahaan dan para pemiliknya atau pihak lainnya 2. ANALISIS STATEMEN KEUANGAN Konsep analisis keuangan, bahwa hubungan – hubungan kuantitatif dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam kinerja suatu perusahaan. 3. MANFAAT ANALISIS RASIO KEUANGAN Membantu penganalisis untuk mengetahui keadaan dan perkembangan keuangan perusahaan yg bersangkutan. Untuk mengambil manfaat rasio keuangan kita memerlukan standar untuk perbandingan. Salah satu pendekatan adalah membandingkan rasio-rasio perusahaan dengan pola industri atau lini usaha di mana perusahaan secara dominan beroperasi.
1 Economie mondială -definiţii, etape de constituire, caracteristici. Economia totalitatea economiilor nationale legate intre ele prin mobilitatea factorilor de productie,prin sistemult diviziunii mondiale a muncii.
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2011
El objeto de esta reseña no es desde luego intervenir en el complejo deba-te sobre cuál historia para la filosofía, ni siquiera en el caso particular de un filósofo —por ejemplo Merleau-Ponty—, sino simplemente llamar la atención sobre una obra de la que nos separa ya medio siglo y que se ofrece de una ma-nera diáfana a la consideración del historiador, no solo porque Merleau-Ponty fue un agudo participante en los debates cívicos de su tiempo, sino porque su obra forma parte de la constitución de algunas de las corrientes de las ciencias humanas que más han tenido que ver en la segunda mitad del siglo con el aná-lisis histórico: la fenomenología y el estructuralismo, dos corrientes que, por fuera de toda duda, fueron uno de los horizontes de constitución de las ciencias sociales en Colombia.
Diogenes, 2011
The essays in this volume have been written by art historians who have all been involved in the activities of CIHA (The International Committee of the History of Art/ Comité International de l'Histoire de l'Art) during the past few years. CIHA is a daughter of CIPSH (Comité international pour la Philosophie et les Sciences humanitaires, The International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies), the body for the Humanities formed by UNESCO and responsible for Diogenes. This is the first issue of this famous periodical that has been devoted to the history of art. CIHA is the oldest international organization of art history in the world. It was first constituted at Vienna in 1873. From that date CIHA has held quadrennial congresses-known colloquially as the art history Olympics, that represent the state of art history throughout the world and which were and are open to all nationalities. Well before it became fashionable to discuss globalization, CIHA was global, and as this volume shows, the concerns of CIHA remain global in a very special way. The last congress was held at Melbourne in January 2008, where the theme was: Crossing Cultures, Conflict, Migration and Convergence. The themes of this issue of Diogenes are taken from the concept of the congress and how art history has developed during my presidency. At CIHA Melbourne, 700 art historians participated from 50 countries. Despite the fact that Australia is a long way from many other countries, the call for papers resulted in a truly global expression of the subject, the concept enticing many contributions from countries south of the equator, notably Latin America. In the large volume 220 papers are published by art historians from 25 countries. CIHA's role has been to stimulate international meetings of art historians, either as the quadrennial congresses or with the more frequent colloquia every year, held in different countries throughout the globe, and to publish the proceedings as a record of the state of art history. Some 33 countries belong to CIHA and the number is increasing. Representatives from local national committees constitute the General Assembly. A smaller Executive known as the Bureau is responsible for guiding the academic programs and many of the authors in this volume are members of the Bureau:
P.D James in her 1992 dystopian novel "The Children of Men" illustrates a post-war, futuristic Britain where men are deprived of the ability to procreate the female ovum.
G, 2022
Kalibrasi pressure transmitter dilakukan agar pressure transmitter tetap handal saat melakukan pengukuran dan sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Kalibrasi sebaiknya dilakukan secara berkala selama 1 tahun sekali atau bisa saja 6 bulan sekali. Kalibrasi dapat dilakukan oleh personel yang telah diberi pelatihan khusus tentang kalibrasi atau oleh petugas dari Direktorat Metrologi. Kalibrasi dapat dilakukan langsung di lapangan (site) atau di dalam ruangan (Lab). Adapun langkahlangkah dan alat-alat yang di perlukan sebagai berikut :
Traditional Javanese house is basically a complex entity in which the shape and structure and function are closely related to each other. The composition of the space consists of space front and back of the house. Front of the house called pendhapa or omah ngarep associated imaginatively as a form of phallus, allegedly imitation male genitalia, so it is a symbol of virility. On the other hand dalem identical women, with characteristic senthong middle, there is a hole in the center, decorated with beautiful, rounded shape kenongan, sacred. All these indicators illustrate imaginative forms of yoni, the female genitals alleged impersonation. Traditional Javanese house thus embodies the notion of gender, human form of personification. This understanding is nothing but an attempt to align between the big world (the house) with the inhabitants (small world), in other words the world is an artificial world of small, meant to be together. Keywords: Java home, joglo, pendhapa, dalem
Anos 90 , 2022
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el delito de sodomía desde la representación en los procesos criminales y la arquitectura judicial que devela los testimonios de los actores sociales. Las fuentes primarias seleccionadas (procesos criminales) develan las tensiones sexuales y amorosas que surgen en la sociabilidad entre varones.En ninguna de las causas criminales seleccionadas se llegó a la violación sodomítica, sino que corresponden a relaciones de amistad, compadrazgos y vinculaciones comerciales que los varones desarrollaron en su cotidianidad y que, posteriormente, derivaron en procesos judiciales. El delito de sodomía en el Chile del periodo seleccionado era perseguido formalmente por el derecho penal nacional de 1874.
Int J Environ Res Public Health . , 2022
Background: This study aimed to compare well-being and physical activity (PA) before and during COVID-19 confinement in older adults with heart failure (HF), to compare well-being and PA during COVID-19 confinement in octogenarians and non-octogenarians, and to explore well-being, social support, attention to symptoms, and assistance needs during confinement in this population. Methods: A mixed-methods design was performed. Well-being (Cantril Ladder of Life) and PA (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) were assessed. Semi-structured interviews were performed to assess the rest of the variables. Results: 120 participants were evaluated (74.16 12.90 years; octogenarians = 44.16%, non-octogenarians = 55.83%). Both groups showed lower well-being and performed less PA during confinement than before (p < 0.001). Octogenarians reported lower well-being (p = 0.02), higher sedentary time (p = 0.03), and lower levels of moderate PA (p = 0.04) during confinement. Most individuals in the sample considered their well-being to have decreased during confinement, 30% reported decreased social support, 50% increased their attention to symptoms, and 60% were not satisfied with the assistance received. Octogenarians were more severely impacted during confinement than non-octogenarians in terms of well-being, attention to symptoms, and assistance needs. Conclusions: Well-being and PA decreased during confinement, although octogenarians were more affected than non-octogenarians. Remote monitoring strategies are needed in elders with HF to control health outcomes in critical periods, especially in octogenarians
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V. P. Nikonorov (ed.), Central Asia from the Achaemenids to the Timurids. Archaeology, Ethnology, Culture… Conference dedicated to the Centenary of A. M. Belenitsky, Saint Petersburg, Institut Istorija Material’noj Kul’tury, p. 319-321, 2004
Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española, 2008
France Culture - Le temps du débat, 2024
American Journal of Human Biology, 2010
Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 2020
Journal of Science and Technology Issue on Information and Communications Technology, 2019
International Dental Journal, 2012
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2016
International Journal of Biomedical Research, 2013
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014
Orbis Tertius, 1996
Melvi Sri Ramadani, 2024
International Journal of Education and Social Science Research