Performance Optimization
Techniques in Analog,
Mixed-Signal, and
Radio-Frequency Circuit
Mourad Fakhfakh
University of Sfax, Tunisia
Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle
INAOE, Mexico
Maria Helena Fino
New University of Lisbon, Portugal
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Performance optimization techniques in analog mixed-signal, and radiofrequency circuit design / Mourad Fakhfakh, Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, and Maria
Helena Fino, editor.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4666-6627-6 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-6628-3 (ebook) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-6630-6 (print & perpetual access) 1. Radio frequency integrated circuits. 2. Mixed signal circuits. I. Fakhfakh, Mourad. II. Tlelo-Cuautle,
Esteban. III. Fino, Maria Helena, 1958TK7874.78.P47 2015
This book is published in the IGI Global book series Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering (ACEE) (ISSN:
2327-039X; eISSN: 2327-0403)
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Chapter 13
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Yogendra Gupta
The LNM Institute of Information Technology, India
Sandeep Saini
The LNM Institute of Information Technology, India
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is a key functional block in the design of mixed signal, system on chip,
and signal processing applications. An optimized method for the direct conversion of analog signal to
Gray code representation is presented. This eliminates the need for binary-to-Gray code conversion in
many digital modulation techniques like M-PSK and M-QAM, which uses Gray coding representation to
represent the symbols that are modulated. The authors design a low-power and high-speed Thermometer
to Gray encoder for Flash ADC, as encoders have been widely utilized in high-performance critical
applications which persistently impose special design constraints in terms of high-frequency, low power
consumption, and minimal area. In this chapter, they propose a new circuit that converts the Thermometer
code to Gray code and also yields minimized power.
In a communication system with real world data
represent some physical quantity such as speech,
temperature, etc. The real world physical quantity exists in the analog domain and if we want
to send it via digital communication system, it is
imperative to convert it into digital domain. So the
process of converting an analog signal to digital
signal is done by Analog to Digital Converter
(ADC). The digital circuits are more robust and
transmission errors are less and also digital circuit
offers greater advantages over analog circuit in
processing speed and efficient transmission of
information. The current scenario of VLSI design
for signal processing system demands high speed
and low power consumption ADCs. In this chapter
a method for direct conversion of analog signal
to their Gray code representations is presented.
This eliminates the need for binary-to-Gray code
conversion in many digital modulation techniques. When multilevel signals are transmitted
over a binary channel (PCM) or binary words
transmitted over a multilevel channel, the mutual
representation of the binary and non-binary signals are often in terms of Gray code, whose unit
distance property proves to be of some advantage
in such circumstances. So we have designed a
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6627-6.ch013
Copyright © 2015, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
low power and high speed Thermometer to Gray
encoder, as encoders have been widely utilized
in high-performance critical applications which
persistently impose special design constraints in
terms of high-frequency, low power consumption
and minimal area.
Flash ADC is a type of ADC which offers
highest sampling rate (Kanan, Kaess and Declercq,
1999). In the Flash ADC an array of comparators
compares the input voltage with a set of increasing
reference voltages. The comparator output represents the input signal in digital (Thermometer)
code, which can be easily converted into Gray code.
Figure 1 shows the main structure of Flash
ADC. In this figure there are three main parts.
The First part is reference ladder network com-
Figure 1. Flash ADC architecture
posed of a series of resistor. The reference ladder
used to generate 2n equally spaced reference
voltages. In the second part an array of comparator compares the input voltage with the set of
increasing reference voltages (Yoo Jincheol,
Kyusun Choi, and Ali Tangel, 2001). If the input
signal is greater than the reference voltage, the
corresponding comparator output is high and
denoted as logic “1”. On the other side, if the
input signals voltage is lower than the specific
reference voltage output is low and denoted as
logic “0”. Note that comparison of the input signal with all reference voltage is performed at the
same time.
As shown in figure the transition of output
code from “1” to “0” denote the input signal
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
voltage level because the reference voltage are
arranged increasingly from the bottom to the top
of comparators array, the output code will all
be equal to “1” as the reference voltage is lower
than input voltage level and all “0” as reference
voltage is higher than input voltage level (Pereira
& Fernandes, 2001). Hence all the comparator’s
output looks like a Thermometer. Finally the third
part is Thermometer to Gray encoder.
Gray coding representation that is used
ubiquitously in all applications. In Gray coding,
the adjacent representations (symbols) differ by
only one bit. Gray coding, when combined with
Forward Error Correction codes capable of corrective single bit errors, it can aid in correction of
erroneous reception of bits that spills into adjacent
symbols. Digital modulation techniques like MPSK and M-QAM use Gray coding representation
to represent the symbols that are modulated. In
M-PSK and M-QAM modulation techniques if the
constellation symbols are Gray encoded, and then
the adjacent constellation symbol differs only by
one bit. Thus this Gray encoded structure gives
a lesser probability of error than natural binary
ordering. Gray code is useful because only one
bit changes at a time. When used as encoders for
a position sensor, for instance, if the sensor were
right at the edge of a change boundary, there is
A new improved multiplexer based encoder
for flash analog-to-digital converter is proposed,
which converts Thermometer code to Gray code.
Gray codes are mainly used in glitch free fast
circuit design, in communication for error correction in digital modulation techniques and in
digital design for data path synchronization. It can
be configured to operate on Thermometer code
with reduced length without any extra overhead
which is suitable for adaptive resolution analog to
digital converters. Simulation results indicate that
the proposed encoder results in better performance
when compared to the existing encoders in terms
of power, delay, area and figure of merit. All the
architectures were structurally designed using
DSCH v3.5 and simulated using Microwind v3.5
and Xilinx ISE.
Encoder is a combinational logic function. It
converts the binary information from one form to
another. It gives a unique combination at the
output according to the information at the unique
input at one line. A n-bit encoder has 2n input
lines and n output lines (Sall, Vesterbacka and
Andersson, 2004). In this section, Thermometer
to Gray encoders are introduced.
As mentioned in the previous section, the output of
comparator array is a set of Thermometer code in
Flash ADC as shown in Table 1. In general there
will be only one “1” to “0” transition occurs in
Thermometer code indicating the corresponding
input voltage level. However, in practical circuits
there will be more than one “1” to “0” transition
occur in the Thermometer code. When such a
situation occurs, it looks like bubbles in Thermometer. Therefore we refer more than one “1”
to “0” transition to “bubble error” (Chuang, Jen,
Hung and Da Liu, 2005).
Figure 2 Shows two examples 2 (a) is bubble
free Thermometer code and 2 (b) is shows Thermometer code with bubble error. Take Figure 2
(b), for example there will more than single “1”
to “0” transition is detected in the Thermometer
code. Consequently, the input voltage level is corresponded to two different output codes defined
by these two transitions (Chuang, Jen, Hung and
Da Liu, 2005). However, the actual input voltage
level should be corresponded to only one output
code. These two transitions will induce some
unexpected coding errors for Thermometer to
Gray encoder.
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Table 1. Correspondence among decimal, Thermometer, and Gray code
Thermometer Code
Figure 2. The occurrence of bubble error
In this section a conventional Gray ROM based
Thermometer to Gray encoder is introduced.
ROM is basically a programmable logic device.
It is the most straightforward encoding structure.
It stores combination of input variables and for
each combination it will generate the output (Niket
and Paily 2008). ROM is actually a truth table
in hardware form. Figure 3 shows an example
of 4 bit Gray ROM based Thermometer to Gray
Gray Code
encoder. Every input Thermometer code combination corresponds to an address, which is “read” to
produce 4-bit Gray code. The advantage of ROM
encoder is its simplicity. However the conversion
speed is relatively slow and power consumption
is large due to, a constant static current used to
preset the ROM encoder. Algorithmically, ROM
encoder circuit signal delay is O (N).
The encoder is composed of two parts, the
one out of N (1-of-N) circuit and Gray ROM.
The 1-of-N circuit is used to detect the “1” to “0”
transition occurred in the Thermometer code which
indicates the input voltage level, by an array of two
input NAND logic gate with one input inverted
(Hiremath & Ren, 2007). When the input in the
non-inverted port is “1” and the inverted port
“0” than only the output will be equal to “0”. For
the other input patterns the output will be equal
to “1”. In general if no bubble errors occurred
there will only one “1” to “0” transition detected
in the Thermometer code. So there will be only
one“0”appearing at the output of 1-of-N circuit.
This “0” signal used to enable the corresponding
row in the Gray ROM. The total number of NAND
gate required for 1-of-N circuit is equal to
2n −1 + 2n − 2 + ....... + 21 + 20 = 2n − 1
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 3. A 4-bit Gray ROM based Thermometer to Gray encoder
The operation of Gray ROM encoder can be
separated- into two phases. In phase 1 when the
clock signal is high, the NMOS on the top of
Gray ROM are turned on and the output nodes
are discharged to a low logic level through the
turned on transistors. In phase 2 when the clock
is low, the NMOS are turned off to prevent current leakage at the output nodes. At the same time
PMOS in the enabled row of Gray ROM is turned
on by”0”signal at the output of 1-of-N circuit. The
outputs with turned on PMOS connected to the
power supply are charged to “1”. That’s how we
obtain a Gray code representation of corresponding Thermometer code.
Encoding Scheme
Figure 4 shows the encoding scheme of a 3-bit
Gray ROM based encoder. At first the 1-of-N
circuit detect the transition occurred between T
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 4. The encoding scheme of 3-bit Gray ROM
based encoder
signal delay is O (log2 N). Therefore, the fat tree
circuit is faster than the ROM encoder circuit.
The Boolean expressions of the fat tree encoder are:
G3 = d 0
G2 = d 0 ⊕ ( c0 + c1 )
G1 = ( c0 + c1 ) ⊕ (b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 )
[3] and T [4] bit. This “0” at the output of 1-of-N
circuit is used to enable the corresponding row
of the Gray ROM. That’s how the Gray output
code “110” is obtained according to the input
Thermometer code “00001111”.
Apart from the speed, the fat tree encoder does
not require any clock signal, sense amplifiers, or
pull-up resistors. The fat tree circuit is more noise
tolerant than the ROM circuit. Full static CMOS
implementation of the OR gates eliminates any
static power consumption otherwise necessary
in circuits with pull up resistors. Therefore, the
fat tree circuit is less power consuming than the
ROM circuit.
On the other hand, the layout of the fat tree
is more difficult to design than the ROM. A tree
is considered as a regular structure but it is not
as regular as the ROM. Moreover, the fat tree is
a 3-D structure, challenging to layout on a two
dimensional chip.
Fat Tree Based Encoder
Wallace Tree Based Encoder
The Thermometer to Gray encoding is carried out
in two stages in the fat tree based encoder (Lee,
Daegyu et al, 2002). Like the ROM encoder the
first stage converting the Thermometer code to
1-of-N code. This code conversion is done by two
input AND gate with one input inverted. The second stage converts the 1-of-N code to Gray code
using multiple trees of OR gate. Figure 5 shows
the example of 4 bit Flash ADC. A 15 bit 1-of-N
code is presented at the leaf nodes of the tree and
4-bit Gray output code are produced at the root
nodes of the tree (Akashe, Shyam, Vinod Rajak
and Gunakesh Sharma, 2013). An edge count of
a node increase as the tree height increases so it is
named as fat tree. Algorithmically, fat tree circuit
Wallace tree based encoder is a very straight
forward approach to convert Thermometer code
into Gray code (Pereira, Paula, Fernandes and
Silva, 2001). The Wallace tree method originally
used to implement high speed multipliers in computer arithmetic units. This encoding scheme is
especially devoted to high speed analog to digital
converters. It counts the number of 1s present
in the Thermometer code or we can say that the
output of comparator array. It does not process
Thermometer code locally around the transition.
Figure 6 shows Wallace tree based Thermometer
to Gray encoder (Wallace, Christopher, 1964).
The Wallace tree based encoder is built only
with the elementary full adder cell. These “1” bit
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 5. An example of fat tree encoder for 4 bit Flash ADC
full adder cell is used to count the “1”s occurred
in the Thermometer code. At the first stage each
full adder cell counts the number of logical “1”s
at its entries and the output is 2-bit binary coded
output. The second stage consists in adding the
two-bit words of adjacent cells two by two, giving
3-bit binary outputs ; and so on in order to obtain
the final binary output code for the converter. The
number of full adder cells used in Wallace tree
encoder is given by equation:
m = 2n − n − 1
Where m is the number of full adder cell for
n-bit flash ADC. The main advantage of Wallace tree encoder is that the encoded value can
precisely match the best approximated output
value. However it takes long latency to obtain
the results, hence it is not suitable for high speed
operation (higher than 1GHz).
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 6. Wallace tree based encoder
A multiplexer based Thermometer to Gray encoder
is proposed (Gupta, Yogendra, et al, 2013). This
encoder results in higher speed and smaller area as
compared to Wallace and fat tree based encoders.
The Figure 10 shows the implementation of MUX
based encoder for 15-bit thermometer code input.
This section first describes the idea behind the
presented multiplexer and second describes how
it can be generalized (Sail, Vesterbacka, 2004).
Basic Idea
The basic idea behind this design is self reconfigurable property. When this property was used
in Wallace and fat tree based design gave higher
delay and more power consumption. The main
idea behind the design of the proposed multiplexer
based encoder is to group the results of smaller
length multiplexer based encoders to form a
larger encoder for Thermometer to Gray conversion. This idea is explained by designing a 7-bit
Thermometer code to Gray code encoder using
a 3-bit Thermometer code to Gray code encoder.
A simple circuit to convert 3-bit Thermometer
to Gray code along with the truth table for the same
is shown in Figure 7. Here T3 - T1 represents the
input Thermometer code and G2 – G1 represents
the Gray code. So this idea is implemented using
2:1 multiplexers which give minimum power and
lesser delay as compared to existing ones.
Now the 3-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder
can be used to design a 7-bit Thermometer to Gray
encoder. The truth table and pictorial representation of the design of 7-bit Thermometer to Gray
encoder is shown in Figure 8. In the truth table
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 7.bit Thermometer to Gray encoder for 2-bit Flash ADC
Figure 8. Truth table of 7 bit T to G encoder
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 9. Proposed 7-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder for 3-bit Flash ADC
T7 – T1 represents the input Thermometer code
and G3 – G1 represents the Gray code.
As seen from the truth table G3 = T4, and when
T4 = 0 the G2 – G1 are equivalent to the outputs of
3-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder with T3 - T1
input. When T4 = 1 the G2 – G1 are equivalent to
the outputs of 3-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder
with T7 – T5 input.
Hence using aT4 as selection signal, 7-bit
Thermometer to Gray encoder can be designed
using 3-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder and an
array of multiplexers. Such an implementation
of 7-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder is shown
in Figure 9.
For an N bit Flash ADC the most significant
bit (MSB) of Gray output is high if more than
half of the outputs in the Thermometer code are
logic one. Hence MSB is same as Thermometer
output at level 2N-1. The Boolean expressions of
proposed 15 bit Thermometer to Gray encoder
are as follows:
So we can generalize this concept to a 2N -1
bit encoder for N bit flash ADC. This encoder
can be designed by using two 2N-1–1 bit encoders
and an array of multiplexers to generate the Gray
code from the thermometer code. This iterative
self re-configurable implementation can be done
until the basic element i.e. a 3-bit Thermometer
to Gray encoder, is reached. The proposed 15-bit
Thermometer to Gray encoder is shown in Figure 10. The proposed encoder results in reduced
number of gates when compared to Wallace tree
encoder and fat tree encoder. So this encoder gives
better results than the existing encoders in terms
of power, delay, area and figure of merit.
In general, for an N bit Flash ADC the Thermometer output has 2N-1 levels. The Thermometer
output or multiplexer output is connected to the
“0” or “1” input of the multiplexer of next level.
Hence the presented encoder requires 2:1 multiplexers for N-bit Flash ADC:
N −1
G4 = T8
xN = ∑ (2 N − y − 1)
y =1
G3 = T 8 .T4 + T8 .T 12
G2 = T 8 (T 4 .T2 + T4 .T 6 ) + T8 (T 12 .T10 + T12 .T 14 )
G1 = T 8 [T 4 .(T2 .T1 + T2 .T3 ) + T4 (T 6 .T5 + T6 .T7 )]
+T8 [T 12 .(T 10 .T9 + T10 .T 11 )
+T12 (T 14 .T13 + T14 .T 15 )]
where y is the number of level y = 1, 2, 3…..N-1.
This encoder can be configured to operate as
a 7-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder by making
the MSB bits T8-T15 as logic zero. In this case
only the gray colored 2: 1 multiplexer are work-
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
Figure 10. Proposed multiplexer based encoder for 4-bit flash ADC
ing. The 15- bit Thermometer to Gray encoder
can be operated as two 7-bit Thermometer to Gray
encoders by making the T8 signal as logic one
and latching the intermediate outputs of the 7-bit
Thermometer to Gray encoder which has T1-T7
as inputs. This property is unique to the proposed
multiplexer based encoder and is not present in
any of the existing encoder designs.
Table 2. Critical path delay comparison of different encoder
By taking advantage of multiplexers, the number
of working gates in the converter is effectively
minimized, and thus, low power and high speed
is achieved. The proposed multiplexer based encoder has three gates delay in its critical path for
a 15-bit Thermometer to Gray encoder shown in
Figure 10. The 15-bit Wallace tree based encoder
and fat tree based encoder has a critical path delay
of 10 gates and 5 gates respectively.
15-bit Encoder
(for 4-Bit Flash adc)
No. of Gates in Critical Path
Wallace tree
Fat tree
Proposed mux based
A new improved multiplexer based encoder for
flash analog-to-digital converters is proposed,
which converts Thermometer code to Gray code.
Gray codes are mainly used in glitch free fast
circuit design, in communication for error correction in digital modulation techniques and in
digital design for data path synchronization. It can
be configured to operate on Thermometer code
with reduced length without any extra overhead
which is suitable for adaptive resolution analog to
digital converters. Simulation results indicate that
Thermometer to Gray Encoders
the proposed encoder results in better performance
when compared to the existing encoders in terms
of power, delay, area, and figure of merit.
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Bubble Error: More than 1 to 0 transition
in Thermometer code results Bubble error in
Thermometer code.
Encoder: It converts the binary information
from one form to another. It gives a unique combination at the output according to the information
at the unique input at one line.
Gray Code: The reflected binary code, also
known as Gray code is a binary numeral system
where two successive values differ in only one
bit (binary digit).
ROM (Read Only Memory): ROM is basically a programmable logic device. It is actually
a truth table in hardware form.
Thermometer Code: The output of comparators in flash ADC.