Future Performance Challenges in Nanometer Design
Dennis Sylvester
Himanshu Kaul
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
[email protected]
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
[email protected]
We highlight several fundamental challenges to designing highperformance integrated circuits in nanometer-scale technologies (i.e.
drawn feature sizes < 100 nm). Dynamic power scaling trends lead to
major packaging problems. To alleviate these concerns, thermal monitoring and feedback mechanisms can limit worst-case dissipation and
reduce costs. Furthermore, a flexible multi-Vdd + multi-Vth + re-sizing
approach is advocated to leverage the inherent properties of ultrasmall MOSFETs and limit both dynamic and static power. Alternative
global signaling strategies such as differential and low-swing drivers
are recommended in order to curb the power requirements of crosschip communication. Finally, potential power delivery challenges are
addressed with respect to ITRS packaging predictions.
Many challenges confront device engineers, circuit designers, systemlevel architects, and electronic design automation (EDA) tool developers in nanometer (sub-0.1µm) design. They can be broadly categorized as speed, power, reliability, and variability challenges. Specific
examples include soft error rates (reliability), increasing Vth fluctuations across a large die (variability), full-chip inductance extraction
(reliability/signal integrity), rising global interconnect latency (delay),
and distributing Vdd/GND stably despite large current transients and
massive supply currents (power). This paper will center on powerrelated challenges for high-performance IC design (e.g., for desktop
microprocessor (MPU) applications) in the 50nm and 35nm technology nodes at the end of the ITRS. Our discussion will highlight key
challenges facing designers and EDA developers, existing or proposed solutions to these challenges, and new ideas that may help circumvent the biggest challenges.
This paper does not address such important issues as difficulties in
synchronization at extremely high clock rates, the impact of growing
process variability, signal integrity, etc. We focus on power-related
issues because power consumption has more widespread implications
than the above issues. For instance, limitations in power management
capabilities can fundamentally restrict performance.1 In Section 2, we
see that power-related packaging limitations place bounds on die area
and integration density. Removing these limits by better packaging/cooling or other methods improves overall performance, not
merely power management. Furthermore, static power dissipation and
transistor drive current are linked – it is in large part transistor drive
current that enables high speed ICs. In general, any roadblocks to the
long-standing trends of rising transistor density, die sizes, and clock
frequency/throughput can be seen as challenges to performance.
Whether they are commonly viewed as reliability problems, signal
That is, any important design metric such as clock speed/throughput,
integration density, power dissipation, reliability/yield, etc.
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DAC 2001, June 18-22, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Copyright 2001 ACM 1-58113-297-2/01/0006…$5.00.
integrity, power management, etc., the consequence of such challenges is to limit IC performance. To summarize, while the submicron
and deep submicron regimes concentrated on maintaining device and
circuit speed improvements despite shrinking supply voltages, nanometer design will be most concerned with limiting power consumption while sustaining throughput and reliability.
In the following, Section 2 examines dynamic power, as well as
tradeoffs and possible ways to reduce power limitations on performance. Section 3 explores static power consumption’s increasing importance, even in desktop (non-portable) applications. Section 4 examines difficulties in distributing power to increasingly larger ICs
under restrictive performance targets (e.g. IR drop < 5-10% of a
shrinking Vdd). Throughout, we refer to the 2000 update of the ITRS
and highlight important trends and key deviations required to continue relatively unabated along the roadmap. We also use predictive
MOS SPICE models [2] as well as a realistic 50nm device model
extracted from rigorous process and device simulations [3].
2.1 Packaging Limitations
With the forecasted increase in MPU power consumption, IC packaging will bear the burden of dissipating even more heat in the future. A
package’s ability to remove waste heat is defined by the junction-toambient thermal resistance (θja), expressed as:
θ ja = (Tchip − Tambient ) Pchip
In (1), Tchip is the on-die junction temperature, Tambient is the ambient
(outside package) temperature, and Pchip is the maximum IC power
consumption. Given a packaging solution with a fixed θja and an
MPU design consuming Pchip, the resultant on-die temperature can be
calculated using (1). Alternatively, when considering packaging solutions for a new MPU, the maximum allowable θja can be determined
based on constraints for maximum on-die temperature (this is typically limited to ensure correct operation of the MPU). Currently, IC
operation frequently pushes the junction temperature beyond 100°C
while Tambient is approximately 45°C. With Pchip rising, packaging
technology must improve (meaning θja must decrease) to meet heat
dissipation demands. Consistent reduction of thermal junction resistance requires advanced cooling techniques such as larger, more powerful (and louder) fans, liquid cooling, etc. Furthermore, to ensure
reliability in nanometer scale MPUs, the ITRS calls for a reduction in
junction temperature (from 100°C in 1999 to 85°C in 2002). Due to
cost constraints, achieving the corresponding θja values for packaging
is considered a barrier to scaling – the materials needed are currently
unknown. Presently, θja values range from 0.6 to 1 °C/W for the
workstation/desktop processor markets [4]. ITRS projections call for a
θja of 0.25 °C/W in 3 years – requiring improvements in the CPU
package (ceramics, etc.) as well as heat sinking technology. Allowing
Tchip to rise allows for less complex and expensive packaging solutions to be used, but this adversely affects circuit performance with
respect to leakage current and device reliability. Some packaging
experts believe cooled systems are the best alternative for packaging
high power density nanometer microprocessor designs. The advantages of cooling the ambient and junction temperatures are well
documented: improved voltage scalability due to reduced leakage
currents, higher carrier mobilities, lower interconnect resistances, and
improved reliability [5]. However, as a reference point, current vapor
compression based refrigeration techniques are expensive, on the
order of $1 per watt cooled. Such measures for desktop applications
in the next decade will likely not be needed, due to improved heat
sinking technology and evolving low power design techniques applied
to high-end processors.
The above packaging-constrained system perspective leads into the
concept of dynamic thermal management [6]. Thermal management
techniques can take a number of forms. Transmeta’s approach dynamically varies the supply voltage when the CPU is not heavily
loaded. Simpler techniques can be used with only minor changes to a
straightforward processor implementation. An example is the thermal
monitor in Intel’s Pentium 4 design [7], which has an on-chip temperature sensor (a diode with a fixed voltage across it) along with a
reference current source and current comparator to determine when
the on-die temperature exceeds a given value. This temperature corresponds to a power dissipation level for the microprocessor (determined by (1)). When the temperature (and power consumption) is
exceeded, the internal clock frequency is reduced, limiting power and
performance / throughput.
The importance of dynamic thermal management techniques lies in
their ability to reduce Pchip in (1) to the effective worst-case power
dissipation rather than the theoretical worst-case [6]. The effective
worst-case power consumption, as found by running power-hungry
applications, is about 75% of the theoretical worst-case, which is
determined using synthetic input code sequences that are not realized
in practice [7,8]. This difference has major implications for packaging
costs and design flexibility. Small increases in the maximum power
can lead to significantly more exotic, expensive cooling techniques.
For example, Intel engineers found that a rise in power consumption
from 65 to 75 W would triple cooling costs due to the need for additional heat pipe technology to achieve the required θja [7]. With an
effective 25% reduction in Pchip, the allowable θja is 33% higher,
translating to less expensive heat sinking, quieter and smaller fans,
and avoidance of refrigerated or liquid-cooled solutions.
2.2 Global Signaling
Propagation of global signals across a large die in a shrinking clock
period is one of the foremost challenges in nanometer design [1,9,10].
It appears likely that global signaling will use a slower clock than
localized logic such as datapaths (despite the fact that multi-cycle nets
can be broken up using latches). For example, a recent Intel microprocessor clocks the integer ALUs at a higher rate than other sections
of the design. Even with relaxed timing constraints on global communication, substantial power is consumed to achieve the desired global
clock speeds. [9] demonstrates that using unscaled top level wiring,
ITRS projected global clock frequencies can be met. Based on the
current signaling paradigm of inserting large CMOS buffers along an
RC line, this requires over 50 W of power in the nanometer regime.
The proliferation of repeaters (nearly 106 required at 50-nm compared
to about 104 in a large 180nm microprocessor [11]) heightens difficulties in power distribution and floorplanning2.
An alternative is to use advanced signaling strategies such as differential and/or low-swing drivers and receivers for global communication
[12]. In many cases, these approaches can lead to power and delay
savings due to smaller voltage transitions as well as major reductions
in the magnitude of power grid current transients. For instance, the
Alpha 21264 uses differential low-swing buses to communicate between functional units [8]. Worst-case power for these buses was
reduced significantly by limiting the voltage swing to 10% of Vdd.
Differential signaling increases routing area, but the increase may be
less than the expected factor of 2 due to the use of shield wires in
Repeater clusters constrain repeater placement to ease floorplanning and
simplify insertion of repeaters late in the design. Resulting power densities
can exceed 100 W/cm2, complicating power distribution.
global signaling to limit coupling from neighboring signals on long
lines. Furthermore, shielding may be insufficient to limit inductively
coupled noise, whereas low-swing differential signaling creates less
noise and is more noise immune than single-ended full-swing CMOS
[13]. While further study is necessary to determine worst-case noise
behavior and tolerable voltage swings, the Alpha design demonstrates
that the approach is already viable today. With trends indicating rising
power consumption for global communication, the use of alternative
signaling strategies will likely increase.
2.3 Library Optimization
While most high performance microprocessors rely heavily on custom
design, library optimization can still enhance performance in these
applications. System complexity and the resulting design productivity
needs mean that some components of nearly every IC design will
draw from a cell library. Advances in library generation, and synthesis
tools that take advantage of improved libraries, can together yield
more automated, less expensive design flows. Recent work claims
libraries are one important reason that custom designs are significantly faster (6-8X) than counterpart ASIC designs [14,15]. For instance, [15] asserts that the lowest performance level (smallest) gates
in modern libraries are nearly 10X larger than minimum-sized gates,
leading to major power increases due to overdriving small loads.
However, most current libraries contain a large number of drive
strengths, including some very near minimum size. As evidence, we
cite the same 180 nm library as [15]: the smallest standard cell inverter has an input capacitance of just 1.5fF (smaller than the custom
gate in [15]) and the smallest inverter with balanced rise/fall delays
has an input capacitance of 6.6fF [16]. Other leading-edge libraries
contain a rich set of drive strengths (e.g. 11 2-input NANDs, 16 inverter sizes), dual output polarities, and single pin inverted inputs on
This recent increase in library complexity seems to be closing the gap
slightly between custom designed cells and those from libraries.
However, more work needs to be done: a recent study [17] demonstrates the potential of on-the-fly cell generation layered on top of a
pre-existing rich library. Results show 15-22% power reductions with
fixed timing, and one design achieved 13.5% speed gains and 18%
power reduction. In these cases overnight optimizations created hundreds of new cells, adding flexibility to the original library and more
closely approximating a custom design approach. The new cells serve
to exactly match load conditions (limiting overdrive of small capacitances) and allow for imbalanced P/N sizing if advantageous.
2.4 Multiple-Vdd
Multiple supply voltages on a chip will be one of the most valuable
tools for designers to fight the rise of dynamic power in nanometer
design. Only a few designs based on this concept, all with relatively
low clock speeds, have been reported [18,19]. However, results are
promising, and the slow acceptance in high-performance MPUs seems
primarily due to a lack of urgency in dynamic power reduction.
The general idea most often applied is that of clustered voltage scaling (CVS) [20]. With two Vdd levels (Vdd,h and Vdd,l), the circuit is
partitioned so that non-critical gates run at Vdd,l and only critical gates
use Vdd,h. Level conversions, performed when gates running at Vdd,l
fan-out to gates at Vdd,h, are reduced by clustering Vdd,l and Vdd,h gates
together to minimize the number of such interactions.
Analysis indicates that Vdd,l should be around 0.6 to 0.7 times Vdd,h to
maximize power savings. The dynamic power reduction by using two
Vdd levels is readily calculated if one can estimate the fraction of cells
that can be assigned to Vdd,l. Existing media processor designs that
use CVS report that ~75% of all gates can tolerate Vdd,l without altering the critical path delay. Similarly, path slack distributions for highend MPUs show that over half of all timing paths commonly use less
than half the clock cycle [21,22]. Using Vdd,l = 0.65 * Vdd,h, this yields
a 45-50% dynamic power reduction, considering 8-10% additional
level conversion power. In [18], area overhead due to constrained cell
placement, level converters, and added power grid routing was found
to be 15%. The impact of post-synthesis transistor re-sizing on multiVdd processes is discussed in Section 3.3.
The key challenges to the use of multiple supplies on a chip lie in
minimizing area overhead and providing EDA tool support for Vdd
cell selection, placement given new clustering constraints, dual power
grid routing, and enhanced library generation capabilities. In Section
3.3 we describe the major improvements that can be achieved in the
delay vs. Vdd design space by use of multiple threshold voltages. With
this new concept, the idea of using multiple supplies on a chip becomes much more powerful.
Table 1. Recent NMOS device results, compared with ITRS projections.
Tox (Å)
µm) (nA/µ
13 - physical
3.1 ITRS Projections & Analysis
The ITRS predicts an increase in MOSFET off current (Ioff) by a factor of 2 per generation. The author of [23] projects a 5X rise in
Ioff/generation. Figure 1 shows the relative importance of static and
dynamic power for an inverter driving a fan-out of 4 with an average
interconnect load. 70 nm and 50 nm technologies are explored; results
indicate that for logic with switching activities on the order of 0.01 to
0.1, static power can approach and exceed 10% of dynamic power.
The ITRS calculates the expected increase in static power consumption due to Ioff and sets constraints to limit static power to 10% of the
maximum power dissipation of the MPU. Hence at 35 nm, an MPU
can draw 30A of current in standby. Even with this mild restriction on
static power consumption, the reduction needed by circuit/architecture
innovations reaches 98% at the end of the roadmap [1]. Unchecked,
static power would reach kilowatt levels, dwarfing dynamic power.
Circuit and architectural techniques have been proposed to reduce
standby power. These approaches will become standard in low-power
applications and experience with these designs will ease integration
into high performance ICs. Some of these techniques are described in
the following section.
To give further perspective on Ioff scaling, we examined recent literature on advanced CMOS processes, noting the Ion, Ioff, Vdd, and Tox
(oxide thickness) values. Results are summarized in Table 1. The key
point of this table is that, while very good Ion/Ioff characteristics are
achieved, there are no examples of sub-1 V technologies that come
close to meeting ITRS expectations. For instance, the 70nm technologies described in [26,28] offer leakage currents below that projected
by the ITRS with Ion values slightly lower than forecast. However, the
Vdd value required to achieve this performance is 1.2 V – not 0.9 V as
expected for 70nm. This Vdd increase gives a 78% rise in dynamic
Pstatic / Pdynamic
70nm, Vdd=0.9V
50nm, Vdd=0.7V
50nm, Vdd=0.6V
Switching Activity Factor
Figure 1. The ratio of static power consumption to dynamic power for an
inverter with fan-out of 4 and average wiring load. Temperature is 85°°C.
12-15 physical
8-12 physical
6-8 physical
While the current literature is not scalable to sub-1 V supplies, there
will be improvements when these processes come online (2-5 years).
Looking at historical references, reports of pre-production technologies tend to underestimate Ion by ~20% compared to actual performance several years later [30,31]. Unfortunately, most of the gains in Ion
from R&D to production have been obtained from aggressive oxide
scaling. This performance “lever” may be approaching the end of its
usefulness; even with high-dielectric materials, maintaining current
scaling trends for the effective oxide thickness faces a number of barriers in nanometer design.
This point is further described using a set of compact MOSFET I-V
expressions to project the scaling of Ion and Ioff in nanometer scale
processes [32]. Ion is expressed as:
I dsat 0 Rs
I on = I dsat 0 1 + dsat 0 s −
V −V
th + E sat Leff
Rs is the parasitic source resistance (set according to [1]), Esat is the
lateral electric field required to saturate the carrier velocity, and Leff is
the effective gate length (final, as-etched dimension in [1]). Idsat0 is:
I dsat 0 =
Wµeff Coxe
2 Leff
(Vdd − Vth )2
1 + (Vdd − Vth )/ Esat Leff
Here µeff is the effective mobility, which is a function of gate voltage
and Tox. Coxe is the electrical oxide capacitance, described later.
Off current (per unit width) is estimated as [33]:
I off = 10 × 10 85mV µA µm
85 mV is the assumed subthreshold swing parameter throughout scaling (taken at room temperature to match [1])3. An analytical analysis
of the ITRS on/off current projections is summarized in Table 2. The
Vth for each technology is set to meet 750µA/µm for Ion. We make the
following observations:
1. Including electrical oxide thickness is important and should be
considered in the ITRS. Electrical oxide thickness reflects the finite
inversion layer thickness (i.e. the inversion layer is not a sheet of
charge located at the Si/SiO2 interface) and gate depletion effects
(GDE) [32]. The net effect is that the oxide appears ~0.7 nm thicker
than the physical oxide layer. Advanced gate materials may limit the
contribution of GDE, however the quantization of the inversion layer
will be unaffected. An analysis ignoring GDE but incorporating inversion layer thickness (denoted “metal gate” in Table 2) shows Ioff decreases by 78% at 35 nm. Enhanced current resulting from a thinner
effective gate oxide allows a 55 mV increase in Vth, significantly reducing Ioff.
Technologies such as fully-depleted SOI may reduce this value considerably
(i.e. by 20%), making lower thresholds feasible given fixed Ioff constraints.
ITRS node (nm) ⇒
Coxe (normalized)
Cox (physical)
Vth required to meet
Ioff (nA/µm)
Ioff (metal gate)
ITRS Ioff projections
2. A 0.6 V supply voltage for 50 nm high-performance parts will
make it difficult to achieve the desired Ion/Ioff targets. A Vdd of 0.7 V
is more realistic (given that Vdd for 35 nm is projected as 0.6V), reducing off current by nearly 7X but increasing dynamic power by
36%. Extracted 50 nm device parameters support this – simulations
demonstrate a marked increase in Ioff at Vdd=0.6 V to meet ITRS Ion
(Ioff = 2.6 µA/µm at 0.6 V, 430 nA/µm for 0.7 V).
3. The projected Ioff from the models is 3 nA/µm for 180 nm, rising to
456 nA/µm for 35 nm. The increase of 152X is markedly higher than
the ITRS value of 23X4. Furthermore, the leakage current at 35 nm
here is 2.9X larger than ITRS projections. This translates to additional
static power reduction required by circuit design techniques. In general, the 2X increase in Ioff/generation listed in [1] allows just a 25mV
drop in Vth in each technology. Following this constraint, the models
show a 16% loss in Ion by the end of the roadmap5. We note, however, that the 152X increase in Ioff across the roadmap is much less
than predicted by [23] which anticipates a 3125X rise by 35nm.
3.2 Multiple-Vth Approaches
Several approaches have been developed to reduce CMOS static
power consumption. This section briefly highlights several of these
techniques that use multiple thresholds on a single chip to limit Ioff.
3.2.1 MTCMOS and variants
3.2.2 Dual-Vth
Recently, circuit designers gained access to multiple threshold voltages on a single IC to select between gates that use high or low
3.3 Scalable Dynamic/Static Power Approach
The combination of multiple Vdd’s, multiple Vth’s, and intra-cell size
and Vth assignments points to a highly flexible, scalable, costeffective design approach to dynamic and static power minimization.
With two voltage supply values available, different Vth’s will allow
designers or EDA tools to choose to emphasize speed, standby power,
or dynamic power. Figure 3 demonstrates the potential of the multiVdd + multi-Vth approach. In 35nm technology, a reduction in Vdd
from nominal (0.6V) to 0.2V incurs a severe delay penalty (normalized delay is 3.7X that at 0.6V). However, by reducing Vth in the
gates using 0.2V supplies, the delay increase is less than 30% while
dynamic power is 89% lower and static power is constant. These
compelling results are the product of two powerful ideas: 1) MOSFET
drive current when using sub-1V Vdd are very sensitive to Vth, so
small reductions in Vth achieve major current gains. 2) Static power
decays roughly quadratically with Vdd reductions (given a fixed Vth)
due to shrinking Ioff and a smaller Vdd value. Figure 3 harnesses these
two concepts by slowly reducing Vth as Vdd is dropped so that Ioff rises
at the same rate Vdd is shrinking, keeping Pstatic constant. Figure 4
shows that the vast improvements in dynamic power and a constant
Pstatic push the ratio of Pdynamic/Pstatic towards 1 for low switching activ30
Ioff increase to achieve 20% rise in Ion
Ion increase with 100mV Vth reduction
Published data points
Ioff increase (normalized)
Multi-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) gates a high-Vth transistor with
a sleep mode signal to virtually eliminate leakage current in idle states
[34]. The sleep transistor is placed between ground and fast low-Vth
CMOS logic. As it is in series, it adds delay, which can be reduced by
increasing its area. Disadvantages include no leakage reduction in
active mode, increased device area, and additional overhead for routing sleep signals.
Other related techniques include dual-Vth domino logic [35], substrate
biasing to modify Vth in standby [36], and using negative NMOS gate
voltages to bias the devices further into cut-off [37]. A singlethreshold leakage reduction technique combines the concepts of sleep
transistors and state dependent leakage [38]. All these techniques
trade off area to limit static power and most only reduce leakage in
standby mode. In practice, they are currently limited to portable applications such as notebook processors. Also, some of the proposed
methods do not scale well – the use of domino logic for example, and
substrate bias controlled Vth (body bias is less effective at controlling
Vth in scaled devices). Dual Vth insertion, described next, is the only
technique used in current high-end MPUs.
thresholds. The impact of Vth on the delay and power of gates such as
inverters and NANDs is profound. As seen in (4), a reduction in Vth
(with constant Vdd) exponentially increases off current and roughly
linearly reduces propagation delay. An additional threshold adjust ion
implantation step allows designers to choose from a wider range
within the power-performance design envelope. Gates located on
critical paths can be assigned fast low Vth, while gates that are not
timing critical can tolerate high Vth and slower response times. Algorithms have been developed to optimally assign gates to either high or
low threshold voltages [22,39]. Typical results show leakage power
reductions of 40-80% with minimal penalty in critical path delay
compared to all low-Vth implementations.
It is instructive to examine the scaling properties of a dual-Vth approach to limiting Ioff. Based on (2)-(4), we consider two NMOS devices in the same technology with thresholds offset by 100 mV. The
high-Vth device has its Vth set so that Ion is 750 µA/µm. Figure 2
shows the increase in Ion for the low-Vth device. The relative difference in Ioff between the two devices will remain constant throughout
the roadmap (at about a 15X increase in Ioff for 100 mV reduction in
Vth). Given that the off current change is constant, the steady improvement in Ion with scaling demonstrates that the dual-Vth (or multiVth) approach to leakage reduction is inherently scalable. Figure 2
also shows the resulting Ioff increase for Ion to rise 20% beyond the
high-Vth case. At 35 nm, just a 7X rise in Ioff is required to yield 20%
drive current improvement, compared with a factor of 54X today.
Published data from [21,40] validate the models, as seen in Figure 2.
Ion Increase (%)
Table 2. Analytical model results for Ioff scaling. Values in ( ) for 50nm
are results for Vdd=0.7V.
Technology Node (nm)
The slope of Ioff vs. technology is larger for the models as well, meaning a
fast rise in leakage may be ahead.
This includes a reduction of 37% at 50 nm (19.6% if Vdd = 0.7 V).
Figure 2. Ion increases more rapidly with a 100mV change in Vth for
scaled technologies. Ioff penalty for 20% Ion gain reduces with scaling.
ity gates at Vdd=0.2V6. If a constraint is set that Pdynamic must be 10X
larger than Pstatic (as in the ITRS), a Vdd of about 0.44V is attainable,
providing 46% dynamic power reduction. More options are available;
Figure 3 shows that if threshold voltage is scaled less aggressively
than required to maintain constant Pstatic, delay increases more quickly
but remains reasonable at 1/3 the nominal Vdd value. In this scenario,
the static power is being reduced linearly with Vdd so that Pstatic is 1/3
that of a gate using Vdd=0.6V.
Now, consider post-synthesis transistor re-sizing, which reduces
power by down sizing transistors off critical paths [21]. As a result,
more paths approach criticality; this makes the application of multiVdd approaches less advantageous since fewer cells than assumed
above (75%) can move to Vdd,l. This point highlights the sub-optimal
nature of today’s low power design techniques. If, before transistor resizing, slack distributions demonstrate a large number of paths with
significant slack, the current approach is to down size the corresponding cells, slowing down that path. This approach provides a sublinear
reduction in power with respect to the size reduction (sublinear since
interconnect capacitance will not scale down and represents a constant
factor in the total capacitance). Instead of such re-sizing efforts, a
lower supply voltage could be used, providing a quadratic drop in
power. Leakage power will be significantly reduced in this case due to
the Vdd reduction as well as Ioff which also decreases. The combination of multiple Vdd’s, multiple Vth’s, and transistor re-sizing needs to
be harnessed in future EDA tools to achieve excellent
power/performance results.
Combining the above multi-Vdd + multi-Vth optimization strategy with
the on-the-fly cell generation approach of Section 2.3, designers and
Delay (Normalized)
Constant Vth (0.11V)
Scaled V th, Constant Pstatic
Conservatively Scaled Vth
35-nm, nominal Vdd = 0.6V
EDA tools can fully explore the design space of dynamic power, static
power, and timing slack. One example of unique gate layouts that
could help face the power challenges of nanometer design is the use
of different Vth’s inside a cell. Particularly, the use of different threshold transistors in a stacked arrangement can give fairly substantial
leakage savings with minimal delay penalties. Furthermore, the state
dependence of leakage can be leveraged in cases with stacked multiVth’s without additional sleep transistors that sacrifice area and dynamic power.
Flip-chip and grid array packaging allows distribution of Vdd/GND
and signals throughout a die, rather than just at the periphery. This
increased flexibility makes power grid IR drops substantially more
manageable, to meet 10% IR drop constraints, etc. However, in this
section we show that current ITRS projections for power/grid pad
connectivity in nanometer designs do not fully take advantage of grid
array capabilities and lead to power distribution problems.
Based on BACPAC models [41], we examine the scalability of typical
power grid distribution in the face of quickly rising chip current supplies. Hot-spots are considered since uniform power density assumptions are overly optimistic. A hot-spot is defined to have a localized
power density four times larger than a uniform power density approximation (given by Pchip / Achip)7.
Figure 5 shows the required power rail width (normalized to minimum top-level metal width) to ensure <10% IR drop in “hot-spots” of
a design in scaled technologies using the minimum allowable bump
pitch. This figure focuses on top-level routing only, assuming that the
remainder of the power grid is under the designers control whereas
the top-level granularity is technology-limited8. 35 nm is less restricted than 50 nm due to a reduction in power density at 35 nm9. In
general, while the trend seems alarming (roughly quadratic increase in
power rail linewidth, normalized to minimum allowable linewidth),
even 35 nm results are manageable, in that Vdd and GND rails that are
16X minimum width will consume less than 4% of top-level routing
resources (based on 80 µm bump and power-grid pitch). The total
routing resources consumed due to power routing is around 17-20%
as a constant factor of 16% is used to reflect the need for large metal
“landing pads” for the bumps. The continued reductions in bump
pitch allow Vdd/GND to be supplied at finer granularities where it is
most needed.
Linewidth (norm. to Wmin)
Figure 3. Delay increase due to Vdd reduction can be effectively offset by
reducing Vth.
Pdynamic / Pstatic
Switching activity = 0.1
Minimum bump pitches
Technology Node (nm)
Figure 5. IR drop scaling trends based on minimum allowable bump pitch
(open symbols) and ITRS bump/pad count projections (solid symbols).
Vdd (V)
Figure 4. The ratio of dynamic to static power drops when using low Vth’s
to reduce delay penalty in low Vdd gates. 35-nm technology is modeled.
Constant Vth
Scaled Vth, Pstatic constant
Conservatively scaled Vth
Routing resources used
Minimum Linewidth,
<10% IR drop
% Routing Resources Used
V dd (V)
Pdynamic is calculated using a fan-out of 4 and an average wiring load. Gates
are inverters with Wn/L=4,Wp/L=8.
The factor of four stems from estimating that half the chip area is consumed
by memory (having about 1/10th the power density of logic) and that certain
logic areas may have twice the power density of others.
Meaning that the chip’s access to Vdd/GND is limited by how often connections can be made to the off-chip supplies.
Total power at 50 nm increases only slightly while the area jumps 15%.
However, ITRS projections for microprocessor pad counts do not
correspond to the minimum achievable bump pitch. For instance, a
bump pitch of 80 µm is estimated to be attainable at 35 nm, but the
number of bumps actually used is 4416, translating to an effective
bump pitch of 356 µm. Since IR drop is strongly dependent on the
periodicity of power connections, this large bump pitch results in a
staggering increase in wiring resources needed to maintain adequate
IR drops. Figure 5 also shows the required power rail widths under
the ITRS assumptions of bump/pad count. At 35 nm, the required line
width is over 2000X the minimum allowable; this is the result of a
roughly constant bump pitch of around 350 µm throughout the roadmap. More Vdd and GND connections will be required and advances
in technology should be leveraged rather than consuming extra routing resources. In addition, with just 1500 Vdd bumps at 35 nm, ITRS
bump current capability projections are incompatible with the worstcase current draw of 300A in such a design. This also points to the
need for more Vdd/GND connections at the chip-to-package level.
Finally, rising supply currents and the use of sleep or standby modes
to reduce power have potential consequences in power distribution.
Awakening from standby results in large current transients, placing an
extreme burden on the power distribution network to limit inductive
noise. Using the minimum bump pitch will help here as well, providing a low inductance path to each gate on the chip. Alternate logic
styles may minimize current transients and provide superior powerdelay characteristics. One option is MOS current mode logic
(MCML), which burns static power but yields much smaller current
transients while providing comparable performance and lower total
power in high activity circuitry such as datapaths [42]. If a point is
reached where static CMOS leakage currents are intractable, current
steering logic families such as MCML may provide solutions.
The main points of this paper are:
1. Power management techniques such as on-chip temperature monitors and multiple voltage supplies will reduce dynamic power, enabling cheaper packaging and higher integration densities.
2. Alternative techniques to CMOS repeaters for global signaling
need to be investigated and mated with EDA tools (similar to buffer
insertion tools today but using different primitive components) to
minimize power consumed in global communications.
3. A multi-layered approach to power reduction (both dynamic and
static) is described, combining multiple threshold and supply voltages
with flexible gate layouts using different thresholds and device sizes
within a gate. Non-critical gates are first assigned to a reduced Vdd,
followed by sizing and Vth selection to reduce power most efficiently.
4. Power distribution will be manageable from the standpoint of IR
drop – given changes in the ITRS to take advantage of technological
advancements in flip-chip packaging. However, large current transients may be exacerbated by the use of sleep/standby modes.
The authors thank Kurt Keutzer, Andrew Kahng, and Dave Chinnery
for valuable comments, Pin Su, Charles Kuo, and Min She for device
models, Richard Hamilton for packaging discussions, and Philippe
Hurat and Martin Lefebvre at Cadabra Design.
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