Time is continually shifting our lives. People do not think about the change but change is still exist with people and it still works. We can find out the change when we examine our family, especially our ancestry. The change manifests itself especially in cultural world of people. Therefore, I will point out that differences of our cultural world between three generations: my grandparents, my parents and me in this homework. Our cultural distinctions from past are seen at three points: in our relationships, in our worldview and ultimately in our way of life. To begin with, it is no wonder that our relationships has transformed throughout in time because of our cultural changing. When I consider about my grandparents, I can see the difference with us. They were different and we are different as a family. They were in Kars when they passed their childhood. Kars is a city which has not sufficient opportunities for living as a human. It is two thousand metres above from sea level. Because of this, it is always, four seasons, cold and chilly. There is not satisfactory job occasions for people and even the vehicle's existence is a problem due to lack of asphalt roads. Just as because of these reasons, people do not want live in there especially, educated ones. They are migrating to big cities for work, education or medical services. However, the main differences are still exist. For instance, most of the villages in Kars, breeding is being operated with midwifes. My grandparents have born like this example. On the other hand, in big cities there are big hospitals and medical opportunities for people. Moreover, when I compare my grandparents with my parents or me, another discrepancy reveals itself. In the past, the families and family members were close to themselves. They were living together and big families which including grandparents were common. Today, I just live with my mother and father. In our day, there is a notion which about family: " Nuclear family " which is consists of parents and only children or handful relatives. (Greif, 2005, p. 2) Furthermore, our daily life has changed. To clarify, once we were dealing with husbandry and daily domestic responsibilities. Today, as my parents we have a lot on our plate. We are in a hurry always and every day we are getting a handle on our works, lessons or other things. We are being gone to offices, classes. We cannot take off our animals out on grass in nature. As Weber mentions, people in an " iron cage " today. Every single day their activities are same and they have not freedom as their 05.01.15 UNI 117

CULTURAL CHANGES IN THREE GENERATIONS Time is continually shifting our lives. People do not think about the change but change is still exist with people and it still works. We can find out the change when we examine our family, especially our ancestry. The change manifests itself especially in cultural world of people. Therefore, I will point out that differences of our cultural world between three generations: my grandparents, my parents and me in this homework. Our cultural distinctions from past are seen at three points: in our relationships, in our worldview and ultimately in our way of life. To begin with, it is no wonder that our relationships has transformed throughout in time because of our cultural changing. When I consider about my grandparents, I can see the difference with us. They were different and we are different as a family. They were in Kars when they passed their childhood. Kars is a city which has not sufficient opportunities for living as a human. It is two thousand metres above from sea level. Because of this, it is always, four seasons, cold and chilly. There is not satisfactory job occasions for people and even the vehicle’s existence is a problem due to lack of asphalt roads. Just as because of these reasons, people do not want live in there especially, educated ones. They are migrating to big cities for work, education or medical services. However, the main differences are still exist. For instance, most of the villages in Kars, breeding is being operated with midwifes. My grandparents have born like this example. On the other hand, in big cities there are big hospitals and medical opportunities for people. Moreover, when I compare my grandparents with my parents or me, another discrepancy reveals itself. In the past, the families and family members were close to themselves. They were living together and big families which including grandparents were common. Today, I just live with my mother and father. In our day, there is a notion which about family: “Nuclear family” which is consists of parents and only children or handful relatives. (Greif, 2005, p. 2) Furthermore, our daily life has changed. To clarify, once we were dealing with husbandry and daily domestic responsibilities. Today, as my parents we have a lot on our plate. We are in a hurry always and every day we are getting a handle on our works, lessons or other things. We are being gone to offices, classes. We cannot take off our animals out on grass in nature. As Weber mentions, people in an “iron cage” today. Every single day their activities are same and they have not freedom as their think. (Bahar, 2009, p. 46) Such these examples our cultural world has been changing and it is showing itself in our relation ties. The other point is transformation in our perspective of life. Due to the changes in our life, our perspective has been changing. To exemplify, in Kars the woman perception is different from in a city society. Like my grandparent’s generation, the woman could not work or hanging around in daily life. It is believed that people look with an evil eye to these women in small societies. However, the point of view of us changed and today my both of parents is working in daily life. In today’s society the woman is equal with man. Thanks to it, there is a new perception: woman can do what the man do. In the days of old, the existence of sexual discrimination was okay but today, changing conditions switched the ideas. As Pauline M. Leet coined the term of “sexism” (2015) which a mean type of sexual racism in old times or small-undeveloped societies, sexual discrimination still common. In these societies people have a thought: “woman cannot do” or “she is not enough strong to be in able in daily life”. Briefly, because of altering in our cultural life our viewpoint of life changed. The last concept is changing in our life styles owing to our cultural development. The whole life style has changed of us because we evolved to Gesellshaft from Gemeinshaft as F. Tonnies defining. (Macionis and Plummer, 2012) It maintains that people in a small society at first, and in this society they all know and help each other. As my grandparents’ example, in Kars, in our village people were like a cogwheels. They were close together, and there were a solidarity between them. When someone needs something, his neighbours try to provide it immediately. They were trying and working for their neighbours, friends. My grandparents are same but in my parents and especially my generation do not have a contraption like this. In our society, people do not know each other even the neighbours. Thus, they do not feel a necessity to help. The common sense is everyone have to save himself. At this point, it can be considered that: “survival of the fittest” phase which originated in Herbert Spencer. (Macionis and Plummer, 2012) Individuals do not care about others so that they are in a race, a life race. When my parents migrated from Kars to Istanbul, first they seek a job to work because they had to earn and provide for themselves. However, the job openings were not commensurate for every immigrant. So, the competition of live is occurred and every individual starts to work for himself. Even in families, family members become lack of care others. In past, the world was not revolving like this. Our form of life changed owing to the cultural changings of our life. These examples and notions are supportive for this consideration. All in all, cultural changings of our life are appearing in three ways: in our relation ties, point of view of world and lastly in living. In this assignment I discussed and focused on my family through three generations from my grandparents to me. The change will exists for ever and we will in change. We should think about past and compare with today which provides us to figure out “how we developed”. Only this will make us successful. Bahar, H. İ. (2009). Sociology. USAK, Ankara. Retrieved from: “” Macionis, J. J. and Plummer, K. (2012). Sociology. Person: Edinburgh. Grief, A. (2005). Family Structure, Institutions, and Growth: The Origin and Implications of Western Corporatism. Retrieved from: Sexism. (2015). Retrieved from: 05.01.15 UNI 117 3