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This review examines the interlocking of violence, gender, and subjectivity within the overarching framework of the sexualization of the social contract. Tracking the question of gendered belonging to the nation state, the article discusses the anthropological literature along with feminist and critical theory to shed light on the relation between reproduction and death as a way of giving life to the nation-state.
Feminist Review, 2007
era's ideas about how the exercise of 'self-mastery' in relations between men and boys contributed to the production of appropriate masculinity. And, as would be expected, she recognizes that the modern construction of the figure of the homosexual is linked to what Laqueur (1990) has identified as the creation of two separate sexual spheres. Less positively, although the subject matter is interesting, contrary to the publisher's blurb, I did not find the book 'a compelling read'. Partly this is a problem related to the publisher's style and layout but Hawkes' writing style also at times feels laboured rather than engaging. Feminist insights are included but are not central, and where power is discussed it is not as often as might be expected identified as gendered or racialized. Issues of ethnic diversity are absent, and while this is of course a text on a predominantly Caucasian culture, one would expect some mention of how the ideas she invokes are connected to an imperialist project involving distorted ideas about the sexuality of non-white people. But these criticisms apart, Sex and Pleasure in Western Culture will provide a useful introduction to ideas about sexuality for students, academics and general readers.
With an increase in the incidence of sexual violence in armed conflict, there has also been increased academic scrutiny over the way that the (primarily female) body can be objectified and manipulated as a space to convey meaning in times of war. There are currently three dominant ways of understanding the role of sexual violence in armed conflict, and the differing meanings that perpetrators attempt to inscribe upon bodies through their heinous acts. This paper will provide an account of the three dominant theories which seek to understand the rationale for the use of sexual violence within armed conflict: essentialism, structuralism and social constructivism. Examples will be drawn from cases in international criminal law, to demonstrate the way that bodies have, at different times, become a site and tool for conveying messages regarding gender, culture or power within particular conflicts. Accordingly, this paper will demonstrate how the body itself can become a space which is objectified and manipulated as another tool of war.
The article presents the difficulties and possibilities for feminist and anthropological discourses to be articulated not only by authors who recognize themselves as anthropologists and feminists at the same time (feminist anthropologists), but seeks also to establish a fruitful and polemical dialog between anthropologists (and social scientists), whether there are or aren’t feminists. The heart of the debate is the challenge arising both from a theoretical anthropological perspective as well as from a theoretical feminist perspective of gender. The subjects of knowledge that will be focused in this text are the concepts of gender violence and cultural diversity.
Canadian Woman Studies, 2000
Estoy viva, Regina José Galindo. Skyra. ISBN 885722318, 2014
was 1993, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on the border with the United States. Women began to disappear, and their lifeless bodies started to be found. From 1993 to 2003 alone, a total of 410 women were killed 1 , tortured, raped and abandoned in the desert. The desert is full of questions. What word can we use in order not to transform the murders of women from Juárez into a landmark case, making the vastness of the crime invisible and generalizing the problem? What word can be constructed to express the political meaning of violence against women? How can we unmask the mechanisms of a violence that maintains and reproduces asymmetrical power relationships, so ingrained as to be perceived as normal and natural? How can we conceive a new vocabulary 2 to create meanings that are constructed through collective conversations and audacious practices? In that desert, in order to start talking, one of the first things we become aware of is that studying the etymology of the terms is of no use, that we can see and make visible the atrocity of an event without reproducing violence and that, through choral practices, we can transform pain into the possibility of knowledge. The word "The life of words is drawn simultaneously on a field of experience and the socio-political practice that analyzes its effects on the community of speakers" 3. Who are the women of Ciudad Juárez? What chance of speech and visibility do they have, starting with the social inequalities to which they are subjected? Indigenous women, migrants, maquilladoras workers 4 , women whose race and gender place them in a particularly vulnerable position 5. In Latin American societies, with their history of colonization processes and genocide, the value of lives has historically been hierarchical. Killers of women are part of the history of Latin America, but in modern times, what changes are the reasons and the forms of the phenomenon, and this obliges us to rethink and give a name to other forms of violence. What does it mean to be a Latin American at the height of globalization 6 ? What does it mean to be a Maquilla worker in Juárez? "Latin American women in the era of globalization, whether integrated or not", writes feminist anthropologist Marcela Lagarde, "come from the rise of conquered and colonized societies and States that originated through violent processes or genocide. These societies were shaped by patriarchy. The social and political malformations have lived alongside distorted echoes of democracy and humanist utopias of freedom, where the States were weak and subsidiary mechanisms prevailed. The social structures solidified into closed classes and marginalized communities and the position of women remained backward" 7. Being a worker in a factory in a frontier town in Latin America means being a migrant woman, or a woman who must raise her children differently because she cannot always be at home, or a woman who is independent because she works and earns. It means that you are changing the gender role that was historically assigned to you. Popular imagination has described and transformed the maquiladoras of Juárez into maquilocas 8. They behave like American women, forgetting the morals of a good little Mexican woman, wearing shorts, high heels and glittery lipstick. And if you're a maquilocas or disobey the gender mandates, it is right that you should pay. Women are murdered merely for being women or not behaving appropriately. "The lack of appropriateness-writes Julia Monárrez Fragoso-assumes that women have 'crossed the line'" and have "gone beyond the limit" 9. Feminicide: the power of the word, the image and the practice Emanuela Borzacchiello 1993, Ciudad Juárez, Messico, frontiera con gli Stati Uniti. Iniziano a scomparire donne, iniziano a essere ritrovati i loro corpi senza vita. Solo dal 1993 al 2003 si contano un totale di 410 donne uccise 1 , torturate, violentate e abbandonate nel deserto. Un deserto pieno di domande. Quale parola usare per non trasformare gli omicidi di donne di Juárez in un caso esemplare, invisibilizzando la dimensione del crimine e la generalizzazione di un problema? Quale parola costruire per esprimere il senso politico della violenza contro le donne? Come smascherare i meccanismi di una violenza che mantiene e riproduce relazioni asimmetriche di potere, tanto sedimentate da percepirsi come normali e naturali? Come pensare a un nuovo vocabolario 2 da usare per creare significati che si costruiscono attraverso conversazioni collettive e pratiche audaci? In quel deserto, per iniziare a parlare, una delle prime consapevolezze è che lo studio etimologico dei termini non serve, che possiamo vedere e visibilizzare l'atrocità di un evento senza riprodurne la violenza e che, attraverso pratiche corali, possiamo trasformare il dolore in possibilità di conoscenza. La parola "La vita delle parole si disegna allo stesso tempo su un campo di esperienza e sulla pratica sociopolitica che analizza i suoi effetti sulla comunità dei parlanti" 3. Chi sono le donne di Ciudad Juárez? Che possibilità di parola e visibilità hanno a partire dalle disuguaglianze sociali che vivono? Indigene, migranti, operaie maquilladoras 4 , donne la cui condizione di razza e genere le colloca in una posizione di particolare vulnerabilità 5. Nelle società latinoamericane, attraversate da un processo di colonizzazione e genocidi, il valore delle vite è stato storicamente gerarchizzato. Gli assassini di donne sono parte della storia latinoamericana, ma in età contemporanea a cambiare sono le ragioni e le forme del fenomeno, che obbliga a ripensare e dare nome ad altre forme di violenza. Cosa significa essere latinoamericana in piena epoca di globalizzazione 6 ? Cosa significa essere una operaia della maquilla in Juárez? "Le donne latinoamericane dell'era della globalizzazione, integrate o meno-come scrive l'antropologa femminista Marcela Lagarde-provengono dall'ascesa di società conquistate e colonizzate e da Stati originati da processi violenti o da genocidi. Società e stati segnati dal patriarcato. Le malformazioni sociali e politiche hanno convissuto con echi democratici distorti e utopie umaniste di libertà, dove gli stati furono deboli e prevalsero meccanismi sussidiari, le strutture sociali si solidificarono in ceti chiusi e comunità emarginate e la posizione della donna rimase arretrata" 7. Essere un'operaia in una fabbrica di una città di frontiera in America Latina significa essere una donna migrante, o una donna che alleva i figli in maniera diversa perché non puoi essere sempre in casa, o una donna indipendente perché lavori e guadagni. Significa che stai cambiando il ruolo di genere che ti era stato storicamente assegnato. L'immaginario popolare ha descritto e trasformato le maquilladoras di Juárez in maquilocas 8 : si comportano come un'americana, perdendo la buona morale di bambina messicana, usano pantaloni corti, tacchi alti e lucidalabbra con brillantini. E se sei una maquiloca o disobbedisci ai mandati di genere, è giusto che paghi. Assassinate per il solo fatto di essere donne o per non esserlo in maniera adeguata. "La mancanza di adeguatezza-scrive Julia Monárrez Fragoso-presuppone che la donna abbia 'passato il segno'" e abbia "superato il limite del consentito" 9. È difficile comprendere un problema quando non si hanno termini per nominarlo. Iniziare a usare la Femminicidio: la potenza della parola, dell'immagine e della pratica Emanuela Borzacchiello 04_9318_saggio femminicidio.qxd:Scultura_def_andrea 24-02-2014 15:57 Pagina 42
Non ti spogliero' solo per portarti a letto». Construction sociale du sentiment amoureux chez les neomelodici………………………………………………………….…….
The Women's War of 1929: Gender and Violence in Colonial Nigeria. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. xiii + 278 pp.; ISBN 978-0-230-30295-2 (cl). Elizabeth D. Heineman, ed. Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. vi + 342 pp.; ISBN 978-0-8122-4318-5 (cl). Sonja M. Hedgepeth and Rochelle G. Saidel, eds. Sexual Violence against Jewish Women During the Holocaust. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2010. xii + 308 pp.; ISBN 978-1-58465-903-1 (cl); 978-1-58465-905-1 (pb);. Yasmin Saikia. Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011. xx + 311 pp.; ISBN 978-0-8223-5021-7 (cl); 978-0-8223-5038-5 (pb) Brett Shadle
This article seeks to discuss how gender and sexuality relations operate in the weaving of narratives about violence and how the narrative claim to violence contributes to making gender and sexuality relations. I analyze the narratives employed in the " Emília case " – a case of rape and murder – by some of the women who were part of the committee dedicated to uncovering her disappearance. I address three main themes: a) that the " struggle for justice " requires the dispute for the victim's legitimacy as a victim; b) that, within these disputes, the publicization of intimate pain and suffering usually operates along the outlines of the legitimation of accusations, accusers and victims, mobilizing, for instance, notions of gender related to motherhood; and, lastly, c) that the claims to violence tend to actualize moral conventions surrounding sexuality, such as those involving notions of " prostitution " and " human trafficking " .
Esta obra clásica aborda de una forma accesible el Cálculo de varias variables aplicándolo en los ejercicios conceptuales, con datos del mundo real y en la asignación a proyectos. La clara orientación de las explicaciones y de la pedagogía utilizada hacia el estudiante, es una característica inherente del autor, que ha convertido esta obra en la mejor elección de maestros y estudiantes. Características • Se incorporan nuevos ejemplos y ejercicios que exploran el significado de las derivadas e integrales dentro de varios contextos, antes de pasar al análisis de las reglas. • La sección " Redacción de proyecto " hace una comparación entre los métodos de hoy y los que utilizaban los fundadores del cálculo, en tanto que la sección " Proyecto de aplicación " capta la imaginación del estudiante. • Se han agregado notas al margen para hacer más clara la exposición. • Más del 25% de los ejercicios de cada capítulo son nuevos.
M. Campagno, J. Gallego y C.G. García Mac Gaw (eds.), Rapports de subordination personnelle et pouvoir politique dans le Meditérranée Antique et au-delà (Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté), 2013
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