Luiz Bertelli,* Tom L. Waters,* Guthrie Miller,* Milan S. Gadd,* Michelle C. Eaton,*
and Raymond A. Guilmette†
chelation treatments. At the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), a special bioassay sampling protocol is
initiated in response to a radiological incident involving
intakes of radionuclides by workers at the facility, where
specific indicators are present. The radionuclides are
promptly identified and in most cases there is only one
relevant radionuclide to be monitored. This allows the
responders to follow the corresponding monitoring procedures for the isotope. Normally for 239Pu, samples are
collected at 1, 3, and 5 d after the incident and analyzed
using radiochemical alpha spectrometry (RAS) and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) with the possibility for extending the collection schedule beyond the
first week depending on the results from the first samples.
When DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) chelation treatment occurs additional bioassay samples are
requested. This is done for two reasons:
Abstract—Chelation treatments with dosages of 1 g of either
Ca-DTPA (Trisodium calcium diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) or Zn-DTPA (Trisodium zinc diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) were undertaken at Los Alamos Occupational Medicine in
three recent cases of wounds contaminated with metallic forms
of 239Pu. All cases were finger punctures, and each chelation
injection contained the same dosage of DTPA. One subject was
treated only once, while the other two received multiple
injections. Additional measurements of wound, urine, and
excised tissues were taken for one of the cases. These additional
measurements served to improve the estimate of the efficacy of
the chelation treatment. The efficacy of the chelation treatments was compared for the three cases. Results were interpreted using models, and useful heuristics for estimating the
intake amount and final committed doses were presented. In
spite of significant differences in the treatments and in the
estimated intake amounts and doses amongst the three cases, a
difference of four orders of magnitude was observed between
the highest excretion data point and the values observed at
about 100 d for all cases. Differences between efficacies of
Zn-DTPA and Ca-DTPA could not be observed in this study.
An efficacy factor of about 50 was observed for a chelation
treatment, which was administered at about 1.5 y after the
incident, though the corresponding averted dose was very
small (LA-UR 09-02934).
Health Phys. 99(4):532–538; 2010
1. Experience has shown that data collected prior to
100 d following the final chelation treatment are not
suitable for dose assessment purposes because chelation treatment disrupts the normal metabolism of
plutonium (or americium or curium). This time delay
is necessary to allow metabolism and excretion patterns to return to normal so that an accurate dose
estimate can be obtained; and
2. Samples obtained before and after chelation treatments can provide an estimate of the dose averted by
the treatments, and hence their effectiveness. This
information is of value to medical personnel to make
decisions about the benefits of continuing treatment.
Key words: chelation; dose assessment; exposure, occupational; plutonium
THE PURPOSE of this paper is mostly to report the steps
taken in dealing with three chelation cases, the corresponding dose assessments and the efficacy of the
* RP-2, Health Physics Measurements, Radiation Protection, Mailstop G761, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545;
Center for Countermeasures Against Radiation, Toxicology Division,
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, 2425 Ridgecrest Drive, SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108-5127.
For correspondence contact: L. Bertelli, RP-2, Health Physics
Measurements, Radiation Protection, Mailstop G761, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, or email at
[email protected].
(Manuscript accepted 27 December 2009)
As already stressed by La Bone (1994), “Rather than
waiting to evaluate the long-term urinary excretion data,
we frequently want to estimate the intake before the
effects of chelation have subsided. One reason for this
impatience is that intake estimates are often requested by
management and regulatory agencies within a month or
so of the intake.” So, this paper also aims to provide
useful information to the internal dosimetrist in dealing
Copyright © 2010 Health Physics Society
DOI: 10.1097/HP.0b013e3181d18c61
Three plutonium chelation cases ● L. BERTELLI
with plutonium intakes, which involve chelation. This is
an ongoing investigation, and at this point the intentions
of this paper are 1) to predict the order of magnitude of
urinary excretion values of plutonium when the effects of
chelation have subsided, using urinary excretion data
from samples collected during the early phase after the
intake; 2) to verify initial values of the excretion enhancement ratios; 3) to estimate the total averted doses
for the three cases; 4) to compare the estimated intake
through the wound against the wound measurements; and
5) to apply the National Council on Radiation Protection
and Measurements (NCRP) wound model to estimate the
intake and committed doses (NCRP 2006).
Three cases involving systemic uptake by wounds
from a finger puncture are described in this paper. In all
cases the wounds were caused by a puncture by a
metallic part contaminated with 239Pu. The only additional radionuclides which could contribute with relevant
radiological results were 238Pu and 241Am, whose results
are also shown for comparison. With the exception of
one treatment, each chelation injection had the same
dosage of 1 g of DTPA, changing between Zn- and
Ca-DTPA. The medical management of the treatment
was performed under the guidance of the Radiation
Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS)
from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
(ORISE), who also provided the two forms of DTPA.
The DTPA injections were administered intravenously
with sterile isotonic saline solution.
Committed effective doses [E(50)] and the committed equivalent doses [H(50)] to the most affected body
organs were calculated for the three cases and are shown
below. The E(50)s were calculated using the Bayesian
Markov-Chain internal dosimetry code (Version ID2.3e)
(Miller et al. 2002a). The Bayesian method requires prior
statistical distributions. A collection of biokinetic models
constituted the biokinetics prior for wounds, consisting
of the NCRP wound model default cases, as well as
injection biokinetics using the International Commission
on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 67
plutonium systemic model (ICRP 1993), and two other
biokinetic models using the NCRP wound model parameterization, but based on two previous LANL wound
cases. The prior probabilities of all wound models in this
collection were assumed to be equal. The ICRP 60 tissue
weighting factors (ICRP 1991) were used. The analysis
uses exact Poisson likelihood functions (Miller et al.
2002b) for RAS count data and Gaussian likelihood
functions to represent the TIMS data. The calculated
quantities are probability distributions, which are represented by mean (expectation) values as well as 5% and
95% Bayesian posterior credible limits. From this point
on all intake amounts and estimated doses will be
represented as “Mean Values” (“5% Limit,” “95%
Limit”), for example 74.3 Bq (62.3, 89.3).
The averted dose reflects the reduction in E(50) due
to the enhanced urinary excretion produced by the
chelation therapy. Hence, it is a measure of the efficacy
of the chelation treatment. It is conventional wisdom that
the efficacy of chelation treatment decreases with time
after the intake, as the radionuclide is deposited in the
systemic organs. Thus, it is generally recommended that
chelation therapy begin as soon as possible after a
contamination incident (Volf 1978; Breitenstein et al.
1990; Carbaugh et al. 1989). However, it has been
pointed out that optimizing the treatment schedule to
match the in vivo solubility of the contaminating material
may be a more efficacious approach (Guilmette 1997),
because not all materials result in maximal systemic
input immediately after exposure (e.g., Guilmette and
Muggenburg 1988).
In order to calculate the averted dose, we simulated
an injection of unit activity of 239Pu into the blood,
resulting in a committed effective dose coefficient of 489
Sv Bq⫺1 (Bertelli et al. 2008). It is assumed that all
available radionuclide in the circulating blood is removed together with the chelating agent (Volf 1978).
The averted dose due to a single chelation procedure was
calculated by multiplying the dose coefficient by the
activity measured in the urinary excretion collected after
the chelation. It must be pointed out that cases reported
previously in the literature have based the averted dose
estimates on the old ICRP 26 tissue weighting factors
(ICRP 1977). In this case, the dose coefficient is 862 Sv
Bq⫺1, which could give a false impression of greater
efficacy. The estimated E(50) and the H(50) would have
been correspondingly higher.
Case 1
This person suffered a wound on the left index
finger with a screwdriver while working in a glovebox
containing Pu metals. After washing and irrigation, the
first wound count measured 629 Bq. Assuming as a
worst-case scenario that the whole measured activity is
absorbed to blood instantaneously, and using the committed effective dose coefficient of 489 Sv Bq⫺1, a total
E(50) of 308 mSv would be expected. The chelation
therapy, which comprised a total of 29 chelations, was
initiated with an injection of 500 mg of Zn-DTPA. On
the day after the intake, 1 g of Ca-DTPA was administered. After that, daily injections of 1 g of Zn-DTPA took
place on the following days after the intake: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Health Physics
8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31, 44, 52, 58, 66, 78, and
92. Additional injections of 1 g of Ca-DTPA were done
at 106, 121, 135, 151, and 163 d after the intake. In
addition, the person requested a late injection with 1 g of
Ca-DTPA, which was done at 590 d after the intake. Fig.
1 shows all urinary excretion data obtained after the
incident. The dotted lines represent the chelation treatments. There is a remarkable correlation between the
chelation treatments and the higher urinary activity
excretion results for samples right after each treatment.
There is no apparent explanation for the “peak” that
occurred around 200 d after the intake. The same degree
of urinary excretion enhancement could be observed for
the single chelation treatment which was carried out at
590 d after the incident. The total estimated averted dose
was 99.4 mSv.
The calculated E(50) and the H(50)s to the most
affected body organs, having values greater than 10 mSv,
and the corresponding 5% and 95% Bayesian credible
limits are shown in Table 1. Values for 238Pu are also
shown for comparison.
The intake was estimated to be 74.3 Bq (62.3, 89.3).
The corresponding doses are shown in Table 1, which is
a result of the Bayesian analysis assuming seven possible
wound models. Only the data points unaffected by
chelation were used in the analysis (last four data points),
which correspond to 263, 271, 278, and 285 d after the
incident or to 100, 108, 115, and 122 d after the last
chelation therapy. The corresponding normalized 24 h
excretions and standard deviations in Bq are (4.19 ⫾
0.77) ⫻ 10⫺3, (4.60 ⫾ 0.44) ⫻ 10⫺4, (5.42 ⫾ 0.52) ⫻
10⫺4, and (3.82 ⫾ 0.40) ⫻ 10⫺4.
Fig. 1.
October 2010, Volume 99, Number 4
Table 1. Estimated committed effective dose [E(50)] and the
committed equivalent doses [H(50)] to the most affected body
organs for Case 1.
E(50) (mSv)
36 (31, 42)
0.54 (0, 1.09)
H(50) (mSv)
Bone surface
Red marrow
1,208 (1,026, 1,404)
254 (215, 296)
58 (49, 68)
Table 2 shows the wound models used and their
corresponding posterior probabilities or the fractional
contributions of several categories of the wound models
to the intake estimate through the Bayesian analysis. The
posterior probabilities are evenly distributed amongst a
single injection and the most soluble categories of the
soluble and of the colloid models, as defined in NCRP
Report No. 156 (NCRP 2006). The “soluble avid” and
the “particle” categories have very little influence on the
final result, which shows, as expected, a predominance of
a soluble plutonium. The single injection scenario means
that no retention at the wound site occurs. As a result, the
analysis shows that about 75% of the contribution comes
from a wound with residual activity. The last wound
counts after all surgical procedures were done ranged
from 198.7 to 373.0 Bq. The inferred mean intake
amount of 74.3 Bq differs significantly from the latest
wound site measurement result, which was around 450
Bq. However, it must be also taken into account that a
total of about 205 Bq were measured in all urine bioassay
samples collected during the chelation therapy.
Pu activity excreted in urine vs. time after the incident showing the chelation treatment (Case 1).
Three plutonium chelation cases ● L. BERTELLI
Table 2. Biokinetic models considered and their posterior
probabilities for Case 1.
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
“soluble” customized
“soluble strong”
“soluble avid”
“colloid” customized
Case 2
The individual was working in a glovebox machining Pu metal, lost his grip, and hit a sharp-edged surface
within the glovebox, making a shallow laceration on the
wrist. Prompt decontamination procedures took place
until the external levels were reduced to non-detectable.
The first wound count measured 62.9 Bq. After another
skin decontamination was done, the wound measurement
showed 48.1 Bq. Subsequently 1 g of Ca-DTPA was
administered, and after the skin flap was removed a
subsequent wound count was performed showing no
detectable remaining activity. The excised skin flap
contained 44.4 Bq, or essentially all the remaining Pu
One bioassay sample was collected before and three
more after the chelation therapy. The total calculated
averted dose was only 150 Sv. Subsequently, more
bioassay samples were collected at 90, 96, and 102 d
after the incident, which were used to estimate the
committed effective dose, which was only 210 Sv (70,
440). Fig. 2 shows the urinary excretion measurements,
including an additional urine sample, which was collected at 280 d after the incident.
Fig. 2. 239Pu activity excreted in urine vs. time after the incident
(Case 2).
Case 3
This individual suffered a wound on his right thumb
while working in a glovebox. A metallic fragment
containing 239Pu became deposited in the wound. Several
excisions and four DTPA therapies were used to decontaminate. Twelve urine bioassay samples were submitted
and were analyzed for 238Pu using RAS and for 239Pu
using both the RAS and the TIMS techniques. These
samples have been used to evaluate the efficacy of the
decontamination treatment and to estimate the committed
effective dose equivalent due to this incident.
Fig. 3 shows the measurement results for wound
counts, excised tissues, a cotton glove, and the first six
urine bioassay measurements, covering the first 10 d
after the incident. The four chelation treatments (each
with a dosage of 1 g of DTPA), which took place at 0, 1,
5, and 7 d after the incident, are represented by dotted
lines. The chelation treatment consisted of injections of
1 g of Ca-DTPA. The text on the right side of the graph
shows the estimated averted dose corresponding to each
of the first six bioassay samples.
A gamma spectrometry analysis was performed on a
sample of tissue and material excised from the right
thumb. Activities of 39.2 and 6,660 Bq were found for
Am and for 239Pu, respectively. The results clearly
show that 239Pu was the main radionuclide. A subsequent
wound count showed 671.6 Bq for 239Pu. This 7,332 Bq
of 239Pu represents the total initial source activity available to become systemic if no countermeasures had been
taken. Due mostly to surgical procedures, this value was
reduced to only 25.5 Bq in less than 1 d after the incident.
Six days later, after all surgical procedures had taken
place, the final wound count for 239Pu was only about
18.5 Bq. The 241Am activity was negligible. No other
radionuclides were identified as being present.
The calculated E(50) and the H(50)s to body organs
having values greater than 10 mSv, with the corresponding 5% and 95% Bayesian credible limits, are shown in
Table 3. Values for 238Pu are also shown for comparison.
Only the data points unaffected by chelation were
used in the analysis (last three data points), which
correspond to 148, 176, and 185 d after the incident or to
141, 169, and 178 d after the last chelation therapy. The
corresponding normalized 24 h excretions and standard
deviations in Bq are (1.38 ⫹ 0.06) ⫻ 10⫺3, (1.22 ⫾
0.05) ⫻ 10⫺3, and (1.80 ⫾ 0.08) ⫻ 10⫺3.
The final calculated intake amount was 40.7 Bq,
with corresponding 5% and 95% Bayesian credible limits
of 15.5 and 55.5 Bq, respectively. This result is consistent with the last wound count result of about 18.5 Bq.
As discussed above, the Bayesian analysis considers
seven wound models. Table 4 shows the wound models
used and their corresponding posterior probabilities. As
Health Physics
Fig. 3.
Pu activity measured in wound, urine and in other relevant samples vs. time after the incident (Case 3).
Table 3. Estimated committed effective dose [E(50)] and the
committed equivalent doses [H(50)] to the most affected body
organs for Case 3.
E(50) (mSv)
18 (8, 26)
0.04 (3.8 ⫻ 10⫺5, 0.22)
H(50) (mSv)
Bone surface
Red marrow
Bone surface
603 (251, 855)
128 (53, 180)
30 (12, 41)
2 (0, 9)
Table 4. Biokinetic models considered and their posterior
probabilities for Case 3.
October 2010, Volume 99, Number 4
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
NCRP wound
“soluble” customized
“soluble strong”
“soluble avid”
“colloid” customized
observed in Case 1, the posterior probabilities are evenly
distributed amongst a single injection and the soluble and
colloid categories (NCRP 2006). The particle category
shows a contribution of only 3.06% and is practically
ruled out. As a result, the analysis shows that about 80%
of the contribution comes from a wound with a residual
activity. The comparison between the last measured
wound counts and the inferred intake amount shows that
a somewhat higher inferred activity can be expected
since a considerable 239Pu activity amount could have
been provided to the systemic organs before the first
excision. This corroborates the high agreement found
between the calculated intake amount and the last measured wound counts.
As explained above, the 239Pu source activity in the
wound was reduced from about 7,400 Bq to 25.5 Bq in
less than one day after the incident, mostly due to the
surgical procedures. In this way, the reduction in the
estimated values of the averted doses after the first
calculation can be explained by the much reduced availability of 239Pu to be excreted from the body, due to
surgeries and chelation. The total estimated averted dose
was 11.4 mSv. More details on the results of the averted
dose calculations due to individual urinary excretions are
shown in the frame of Fig. 3.
Similar to true inhalation cases whose compound
solubilities/absorption cannot be exclusively described as
a pure Type F, or M, or S but rather as a mixture of
solubility types (Bertelli et al. 1998), the probabilistic
combination of several wound models from the NCRP
156 family was successfully used to analyze intakes by
wounds (NCRP 2006).
The behavior of the urinary excretion results after
cessation of chelation therapy is presented for all three
cases in Fig. 4. This shows the daily urinary excretion
normalized to the time of the last chelation. Since Cases
1 and 3 were treated more than once, “negative” time
values are shown. The analyses of the data showed that
Three plutonium chelation cases ● L. BERTELLI
Fig. 4. 239Pu activity excreted in urine vs. time after the last
considerably different intake amounts and corresponding
doses were estimated for the three cases. However, in
spite of this fact and in spite of the different number of
treatments, a difference of four orders of magnitude can
be seen between the highest excretion data point and the
values observed at about 100 d for all cases.
The simulation of a single injection of 239Pu (ICRP
1993) using the AIDE software (Bertelli et al. 2008)
showed that the decrease in the daily urinary excretion
values between the first and the hundredth day is two
orders of magnitude. Hence the extra factor of 100 can be
attributed to the efficacy of the chelation, which is
normally greatest at early times after the intake. Since in
all cases the administered dosages were 1 g of either
Zn-DTPA or Ca-DTPA, a correlation with an efficacy
factor of 100 could be tentatively established. La Bone
(1994) has observed efficacy factor values ranging from
1 to 150, where one means that chelation had no effect.
He also recommended an average value of 50 for the
initial evaluation of urinary excretion data following an
intake of 239Pu. Differences between efficacies of ZnDTPA and Ca-DTPA could not be observed in this study.
As shown in Fig. 1, Case 1 included a chelation at
590 d after the incident. The excretion peak is similar to
those for chelations at earlier times. The efficacy factor is
about 50, which shows that the chelation was still
effective more than 1.5 y after the incident. The averted
dose due to this chelation can be approximately calculated by multiplying the urinary excretion value of 0.13
Bq by the committed effective dose coefficient due to a
single injection of 239Pu, which is 489 Sv Bq⫺1. The
resulting averted dose was only about 64 Sv.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Technical Report Series Number 184 (Volf 1978) has
long been recognized as being an excellent reference for
chelation treatments. It is stated on page 17 that “For
extrapolation of animal data to man, Ca-DTPA doses
have been more recently expressed as human dose
equivalents (1 HD ⫽ 30 mol kg⫺1 or about 1 g
Ca-DTPA per 70 kg of body weight).” This is exactly the
recommended dosage by REAC/TS (2002), which was
used in the cases described in this paper. However, the
same reference states that a 44-wk treatment of rats with
little above 3 HD (100 mol kg⫺1) involving both
Ca-DTPA and Zn-DTPA twice weekly did not bring any
adverse effects in the treated animals or their offspring.
Based on these facts, this work suggests that more studies
should be carried out to test the efficacy and the toxicity
of higher dosages of Zn-DTPA and Ca-DTPA in chelation therapies. Moreover, new chelating agents have been
developed and tested throughout the last decades, which
have proved to be much more efficient than DTPA. They
should be pursued for application to human contamination with transuranic radionuclides as expeditiously as
possible (Durbin 2008).
In the future, we intend to study older chelation
cases associated with intakes of radionuclides by puncture wounds, where sufficient documentation exists.
These and the three cases described here will be used to
develop and to test procedures for evaluation of intakes
of actinides in early phases after the intake, to estimate
the efficacy of chelation therapy, and to validate the
available chelation models published in the literature
(Hall et al. 1978; La Bone 1994; Breustedt et al. 2009).
The study of three wound cases reported in this
paper allowed to draw the following conclusions.
In spite of the fact that considerably different intake
amounts and corresponding doses were estimated for the
three cases, and in spite of the different number of
treatments, a difference of four orders of magnitude was
observed between the highest excretion data point and
the values observed at about 100 d for all cases. A
decrease of two orders of magnitude in the daily urinary
excretion during this time period can be attributed to a
regular excretion of plutonium from the body. Hence, the
remaining excretion enhancement of two orders of magnitude can be explained by the chelation treatments.
Differences between efficacies of Zn-DTPA and
Ca-DTPA could not be observed in this study.
An efficacy factor of about 50 was observed for a
chelation treatment which was administered at about
1.5 y after the incident, though the corresponding averted
dose was very small.
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