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Reinforcement learning and human behavior
Hanan Shteingart1 and Yonatan Loewenstein1,2,3,4
The dominant computational approach to model operant
learning and its underlying neural activity is model-free
reinforcement learning (RL). However, there is accumulating
behavioral and neuronal-related evidence that human (and
animal) operant learning is far more multifaceted. Theoretical
advances in RL, such as hierarchical and model-based RL
extend the explanatory power of RL to account for some of
these findings. Nevertheless, some other aspects of human
behavior remain inexplicable even in the simplest tasks. Here
we review developments and remaining challenges in relating
RL models to human operant learning. In particular, we
emphasize that learning a model of the world is an essential
step before or in parallel to learning the policy in RL and discuss
alternative models that directly learn a policy without an explicit
world model in terms of state-action pairs.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, The Hebrew
University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Department of Neurobiology, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life
Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Department of Cognitive Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
91904, Israel
Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
91904, Israel
Corresponding author: Loewenstein, Yonatan (
[email protected])
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2014, 25:93–98
This review comes from a themed issue on Theoretical and
computational neuroscience
Edited by Adrienne Fairhall and Haim Sompolinsky
0959-4388/$ – see front matter, # 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Model-free RL
The computational problem in many operant learning
tasks can be formulated in a framework known as
Markov Decision Processes (MDP) [1]. In MDPs, the
world can be in one of several states, which determine
the consequences of the agent’s actions with respect to
the future rewards and world states. A policy defines the
agent behavior at a given situation. In MDPs, a policy
is a mapping from the states of the environment to
actions to be taken when in those states [1]. Finding
the optimal policy is difficult because actions may have
both immediate and long-term consequences. However, this problem can be simplified by estimating
values, the expected cumulative (discounted) rewards
associated with these states and actions and using these
values to choose the actions (for a detailed characterization of the mapping from values to actions in
humans, see [2]).
Model-free RL, as its name suggests, is a family of RL
algorithms devised to learn the values of the states without learning the full specification of the MDP. In a class of
model-free algorithms, known as temporal-difference
learning, the learning of the values is based on the
reward-prediction error (RPE), the discrepancy between
the expected reward before and after an action is taken
(taking into account also the ensuing obtained reward).
The hypothesis that the brain utilizes model-free RL for
operant learning holds considerable sway in the fields of
neuroeconomics. This hypothesis is supported by experiments demonstrating that in primates, the phasic
activity of mid-brain dopaminergic neurons is correlated
with the RPE [3,4]. In mice, this correlation was also
shown to be causal: optogenetic activation of dopaminergic neurons is sufficient to drive operant learning,
supporting the hypothesis that the dopaminergic neurons
encode the RPE, which is used for operant learning [5].
Other putative brain regions for this computation are the
striatum, whose activity is correlated with values of the
states and/or actions [6,7] and the nucleus accumbens
and pallidum, which are involved in the selection of the
actions [8]. In addition to its neural correlates, model-free
RL has been used to account for the trial-by-trial
dynamics (e.g., [2]) and for several robust aggregate
features of human behavior such as risk aversion [9],
recency [10] and primacy [2]. Moreover, model-free RL
has been proven useful in the field of computational
psychiatry as a way of diagnosing and characterizing
different pathologies [11–13,14].
However, there is also evidence that the correspondence between dopaminergic neurons and the RPE is
more complex and diverse than was previously thought
[15]. First, dopaminergic neurons increase their firing
rate in response to both surprisingly positive and
negative reinforcements [16,17]. Second, dopaminergic activity is correlated with other variables of
the task, such as uncertainty [18]. Third, the RPE is
not exclusively represented by dopamine, as additional
neuromodulators, in particular serotonin, are also correlated with the RPE [19]. Finally, some findings
suggest that reinforcement and punishment signals
are not local but rather ubiquitous in the human brain
[20]. These results challenge the dominance of the
anatomically modular model-free RL as a model for
operant learning.
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94 Theoretical and computational neuroscience
Model-based RL
When training is intense, task-independent reward devaluation, for example, through satiety, has only a little
immediate effect on behavior. This habitual learning is
consistent with model-free RL because in this framework, the value of an action is updated only when it is
executed. By contrast, when training is moderate, the
response to reward devaluation is immediate and substantial [21]. This and other behaviors (e.g., planning) are
consistent with an alternative RL approach, known as
model-based RL, in which a model of the world, that is, the
parameters that specify the MDP are learned before
choosing a policy. The effect of reward devaluation after
moderate training can be explained by model-based RL
because a change in a world parameter (e.g., the devaluation of the reward as a result of satiety) can be used to
update (off-line) the values of other states and actions.
(POMDP), applying model-free algorithms such as Qlearning may converge to a solution that is far from
optimality or may fail to converge altogether [25]. One
approach to addressing these problems is to break down
the learning task into a hierarchy of simpler learning
problems, a framework known as Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) [26]. Neuroimaging studies have
indeed found neural responses that are consistent with
subgoal-related RPE, as is predicted by HRL [27].
Challenges in relating human behavior to RL
The curse of dimensionality and the blessing
of hierarchical RL
Despite the many successes of the different RL algorithms in explaining some of the observed human operant
learning behaviors, others are still difficult to account for.
For example, humans tend to alternate rather than repeat
an action after receiving a positively surprising payoff.
This behavior is observed both in simple repeated twoalternative force choice tasks with probabilistic rewards
(also known as the 2-armed bandit task, Figure 1a) and in
the stock market [28]. Moreover, a recent study found
that the behavior of half of the participants in a 4-alternative version of the bandit task, known as the Iowa gambling task, is better explained by the simple ad-hoc
heuristic ‘win-stay, lose-shift’ (WSLS) than by RL models
[29]. Another challenge to the current RL models is the
tremendous heterogeneity in reports on human operant
learning, even in simple bandit tasks, measured in different laboratories in slightly different conditions. For
example, as was described above, the WSLS observed
in 4-arm bandit [29] is inconsistent with the alternation
after positively surprising payoffs discussed above [28].
Additionally, probability matching, the tendency to choose
an action in proportion to the probability of reward
associated with that action, has been a subject of debate
over half-a-century. On one hand, there are numerous
reports supporting this law of behavior both in the laboratory and when humans gamble substantial amounts of
money on the outcome of real-life situations [30]. On the
other hand, there is abundant literature arguing that
people deviate from probability matching in favor of
choosing the more rewarding action (maximization)
[31]. Finally, there is substantial heterogeneity not only
between subjects and laboratories but also within subjects
over time. A recent study has demonstrated substantial
day-to-day fluctuations in the learning behavior of monkeys in the two-armed bandit task and has shown that
these fluctuations are correlated with day-to-day fluctuations in the neural activity in the putamen [32].
There are theoretical reasons why the RL models
described above cannot fully account for operant learning
in natural environments. First, the computational problem of finding the values is bedeviled by the ‘curse of
dimensionality’: the number of states is exponential with
the number of variable, which define a state [1]. Second,
when the state of the world is only partially known (i.e.,
the environment is a partially observable MDP
The lack of uniformity regarding behavior even in simple
tasks could be due to heterogeneity in the prior expectations of the participants. From the experimentalist
point of view, the two-armed bandit task, for example,
is simple: the world is characterized by a single state and
two actions (Figure 1a). However, from the participant
If the parameters of the MDP are known, one can
compute the values of all states and actions, for example
by means of dynamic programming or Monte-Carlo simulation. Alternatively, one could choose an action by
expanding a look-ahead decision tree on-line [1]. However, a full expansion of a look-ahead tree is computationally difficult because the number of branches
increases exponentially with the height of the tree, so
pruning of the tree is a necessary approximation. Indeed,
a recent study has suggested that humans prune the
decision-tree, by trimming branches associate with large
losses [14].
Whether or not model-based and model-free learning are
implemented by two anatomically distinct systems is a
subject of debate. In support of anatomical modularity
are findings that the medial striatum is more engaged
during planning whereas the lateral striatum is more
engaged during choices in extensively trained tasks
[22]. In addition, the state prediction error, which signals
the discrepancy between the current model and the
observed state transitions is correlated with activity in
the intraparietal sulcus and lateral prefrontal cortex,
spatially separated from the main correlate of the RPE
in the ventral striatum [23]. Findings that negate anatomical modularity include reports of signatures of both
model-based and model-free learning in the ventral
striatum [24].
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2014, 25:93–98
Heterogeneity in world model
Reinforcement learning and human behavior Shteingart and Loewenstein 95
Figure 1
L 1,-1 -1,1
R -1,1 1,-1
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Repertoire of possible world models. In this example, a participant is tested in the two-armed bandit task. (a) From the experimentalist’s point of view
(scientist caricature), the world is characterized by a single state (S0) and two actions: left (blue, L) or right (red, R) button press. However, from the
participant’s point of view there is an infinite repertoire of possible world models characterized by different sets of states and actions. (b) With respect
to the action sets, she may assume that there is only a single available action, pressing any button, regardless of its location (purple, L/R). (c) With
respect to the state sets, the participant may assume that the state is defined by her last action (SL and SR, for previous L and R action, respectively).
(d) Moreover, the participant may assume she is playing a penny-matching game with another human. (e) These and other possible assumptions may
lead to very different predictions in the framework of RL.
point of view there is, theoretically, an infinite repertoire
of possible world models characterized by different sets of
states and actions. This could be true even when precise
instructions are given due to, for example, lack of trust,
inattention or forgetfulness. With respect to the actions
set, the participant may assume that there is only a single
available action, the pressing of any button, regardless of
its properties (Figure 1b). Alternatively, differences in the
timing of the button press, the finger used, among others,
could all define different actions. Such precise definition
of action, which is irrelevant to the task, may end with
non-optimal behavior [32]. With respect to the states set,
the participant may assume that there are several states
that depend on the history of actions and/or rewards. For
example, the participant may assume that the state is
defined by the last action (Figure 1c), the last action and
the last reward, or a function of the long history of actions
[33]. Finally, the participant may assume a strategic game
setting such as a matching-pennies game (Figure 1d).
These and other possible assumptions (Figure 1e) may
lead to very different predictions on behavior [34]. In
support of this possibility, experimental manipulations
such as instructions, which are irrelevant to the reward
schedule, but may change the prior belief about the
number of states can have a considerable effect on human
behavior [35]. Finally, humans and animals have been
shown to develop idiosyncratic and stereotyped superstitious behaviors even in simple laboratory settings [36].
If participants fail to recognize the true structure of a
learning problem in simple laboratory settings, they may
also fail to identify the relevant states and actions when
learning from rewards in natural environments. For
example, professional basketball players have been
shown to overgeneralize when learning from their
experience [37].
Learning the world model
Many models of operant learning often take as given that
the learner has already recognized the available sets of
states and actions (Figure 2a). Hence, when attempting to
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2014, 25:93–98
96 Theoretical and computational neuroscience
Figure 2
Learning Model
Policy (and World Model if Applicable)
Learning Policy, Given World
Learned Policy
(a) Standard RL
Learned World Model Learning Policy, Given World Model Learned Policy
Learning World
(b) World Model
Learning Followed
By Policy Learning
Prior Worlds
Learning World and Policy
(c) Joint World and
Policy Learning
Learned World Model and Policy
Prior Worlds
Tunable System
Learned Policy
(d) Gradient
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Alternative models of operant learning. In operant learning, experience (left trapezoid), composed of present and past observations, actions and
rewards, is used to learn a policy. (a) Standard RL models typically assume that the learner (brain gray icon) has access to the relevant states and
actions set (represented by a bluish world icon) before the learning of the policy. Alternative suggestions are that the state and action sets are learned
from experience and from prior expectations (different world icons) before (b) or in parallel (c) to the learning of the policy. (d) Alternatively, the agent
may directly learn without an explicit representation of states and actions, but rather by tuning a parametric policy (cog wheels icon), for example,
using stochastic gradient methods on this policy’s parameters.
account for human behavior they fail to consider the
necessary preliminary step of identifying them (correctly
or incorrectly). In machine learning, classification is often
preceded by an unsupervised dimension-reduction for
feature extraction [38,39]. Similarly, it has been suggested
that operant learning is a two-step process (Figure 2b): in
the first step, the state and action sets are learned from the
history (possibly using priors on the world), where in the
second step RL algorithms are utilized to find the optimal
policy given these sets [40]. An interesting alternative is
that the relevant state-action sets and the policy are
learned in parallel (Figure 2c). For example, in a new
approach in RL, known as feature RL, the state set and the
values of the states are learned simultaneously from the
history of observations, actions and rewards. One crucial
property of feature RL is that it neither requires nor learns
a model of the complete observation space, but rather
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2014, 25:93–98
learns a model that is based on the reward-relevant
observations [41].
Learning without states
Operant learning can also be accomplished without an
explicit representation of states and actions, by directly
tuning a parametric policy (Figure 2d). A plausible implementation of such direct policy learning algorithms is
using stochastic policy-gradient methods [42–44]. The
idea behind these methods is that the gradient of the
average reward (with respect to policy parameter) can be
estimated on-line by perturbing a neural network model
with noise and considering the effect of these perturbations on the stream of payoffs delivered to the learning
agent. Changes in the policy in the direction of this
estimated gradient are bound, under certain assumptions,
to improve performance. However, local minima may
Reinforcement learning and human behavior Shteingart and Loewenstein 97
prevent the learning dynamics from converging to the
optimal solution.
Direct policy methods have been proposed to explain
birdsong learning [45] and have received some experimental support [46,47]. In humans, a model for gradient
learning in spiking neurons [48,49] has been shown to be
consistent with the dynamics of human learning in twoplayer games [50]. Under certain conditions, gradient-like
learning can be implemented using covariance-based
synaptic plasticity. Interestingly, operant matching (not
to be confused with probability matching) naturally
emerges in this framework [51,52]. A model based on
attractor dynamics and covariance-based synaptic
plasticity has been shown to quantitatively account for
free operant learning in rats [53]. However, the experimental evidence for gradient-based learning, implemented at the level of single synapses, awaits future
Concluding remarks
RL is the dominant theoretical framework to operant
learning in humans and animals. RL models were partially successful in quantitative modeling of learning
behavior and provided important insights into the
putative role of different brain structures in operant
learning. Yet, substantial theoretical as well as experimental challenges remain, indicating that these models
may be substantially oversimplified. In particular, how
state-space representations are learned in operant learning remain important challenges for future research.
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
have been highlighted as:
of special interest
of outstanding interest
We would like to thank Ido Erev for many fruitful discussions and David
Hansel, Gianluigi Mongillo, Tal Neiman and Ran Darshan for carefully
reading the manuscript.
This work was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 868/
08), Grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Israel and the
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of Higher
Education and Research France and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
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Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2014, 25:93–98