Solomon and Marcolf full text PDF

2008, Harvard Studies in Medieval Latin 1

Solomon and Marcolf is known for being both important and mysterious. It pits wise Solomon, famous from the Bible, against a wily peasant named Marcolf. One of its two parts is a dialogue, in which the king and jester, sage and fool, prophet and blasphemer bandy back and forth questions and comments. Whereas Solomon is solemn and pompous, Marcolf resorts to low language and earthy topics. The other part comprises twenty short chapters in which Marcolf tricks Solomon time and again. These episodes are as impudent and scatological as is the dialogue. Together, the two parts constitute a rudimental prose novel or “rogue biography.” Cited by Bakhtin in Rabelais and His World, Solomon and Marcolf is widely known by name. But until now it has not been translated into any modern language. The present volume offers an introduction, followed by the Latin and English, detailed commentary, and reproductions of woodcut illustrations from the 1514 edition. Appendixes help readers understand the origins and influence of a work that was composed around 1200, that attained its greatest popularity in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and that has the potential still today to delight and instruct.

Harvard Studies in Medieval Latin 1 SoLoMon and MarcoLf [about this Pdf file This file includes the following portions of the book Solomon and Marcolf, by Jan M. Ziolkowski: the Latin text, with facing English translation, and the index of Latin words and phrases. The complete table of contents is given for reference only. The book is available in print (hardcover and paperback) from Harvard University Press and By storing this file, or any content derived from it, in any format, you are agreeing to the following Terms of Use: Users are free to download, archive, and print this PDF file for personal use. Any other use is subject to the copyright held by the President and Fellows of Harvard University on the book from which this file is excerpted. Questions about reprint permission may be directed to the Department of the Classics, Harvard University. (Rev. 03-14-2013)] SoLoMon and MarcoLf Jan M. Ziolkowski Department of the Classics, Harvard University Distributed by Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London 2008 CoPyRigHT © 2008 By THE PREsiDEnT AnD FELLows oF HARvARD CoLLEgE ALL RigHTs REsERvED THis Book is PRinTED on ACiD-FREE PAPER. iTs BinDing MATERiALs HAvE BEEn CHosEn FoR sTREngTH AnD DURABiLiTy. PRinTED in THE UniTED sTATEs oF AMERiCA Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ziolkowski, Jan M., 1956solomon and Marcolf / Jan M. Ziolkowski. p. cm. includes bibliographical references and index. summary: “The Medieval Latin text of solomon and Marcolf, presented with facing English translation. includes introduction, commentary clarifying difficulties in language and identifying proverbial material and narrative motifs, reproductions of woodcut illustrations from the 1514 printing of the Latin, appendices with sources, analogues, and testimonia”--Provided by publisher. isBn 978-0-674-02841-8 (alk. paper) -- isBn 978-0-674-02842-5 (alk. paper) 1. salomon et Marcolphus. 2. Dialogues, Latin (Medieval and modern)--History and criticism. 3. Dialogues, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Translations into English. 4. solomon, king of israel--in literature. i. salomon et Marcolphus. English & Latin. ii. Title. PA8420.s14Z56 2008 872’.03--dc222 2008031140 To my nieces and nephews, Lynn, Jeff, Keri, and Laura; Alexander and Lara; Steven and Andrew; Theodora and Cecilia; Ben, Katelyn, and Michelle: As close to South Park as the Middle Ages get, as close to this century of ours as this uncle of yours comes contents Acknowledgments ............................................................................................... ix illustrations ...............................................................................................................xiii Abbreviations............................................................................................................. xv introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 Latin Text and English Translation ........................................................................ 51 Commentary ............................................................................................................ 103 Textual notes ........................................................................................................... 247 Appendices one: Alternative Beginning and Ending ................................................... 285 Two: sources, Analogues, and Testimonia ................................................ 305 Three: A welsh Solomon and Marcolf, translated by Diana Luft .................. 361 Four: sequence of Questions and Answers ................................................ 384 Bibliography of works Cited Primary sources................................................................................................ 391 secondary sources ........................................................................................... 400 indices index of Latin words and Phrases .................................................................. 421 index of scriptural References ....................................................................... 427 index of Tale Types, Motifs, and Proverbs .................................................... 433 index of subjects .............................................................................................. 439 vii Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi Solomon and Marcolf Latin Text [Pars 1] [Prologus] 1. Cum staret rex salomon super solium David, patris sui, plenus sapiencia et divicijs, vidit quendam hominem Marcolfum nomine a parte orientis venientem, valde turpissimum et deformem, sed eloquentissimum. 2. Uxorque eius erat cum eo, que eciam nimis erat terribilis et rustica. 3. Cumque eos rex pariter conspectui suo exhiberi iussisset, stabant ambo ante eum se mutuo conspicientes. 4. statura itaque Marcolfi erat curta et grossa. 5. Caput habebat grande; frontem latissimum, rubicundum et rugosum; aures pilosas et usque ad medium maxillarum pendentes; oculos grossos et lipposos; et labium subterius quasi caballinum; barbam sordidam et fetosam quasi hirci; manus truncas; digitos breves et grossos; pedes rotundos; nasum spissum et gibbosum; labia magna et grossa; faciem asininam; capillos veluti sunt spinule ericiorum. 6. Calciamenta pedum eius rustica erant nimis, et cingebat renes eius dimidius gladius. 7. vaginam quoque mediam habebat crepatam et in summo capite repalatam. 8. Capulum de tilia factum erat et cum cornu hircino ornatum. 9. vestimenta coloris turpissimi, panniciosa atque rugosa. 10. Pelles curte, tunica usque ad nates. 11. Calige repagulate. 12. Uxor quoque eius erat pusilla et nimis grossa cum grossis mammis. 13. Comam habebat spinosam; supercilia setosa quasi dorsum porcinum; barbam ut hircus; aures asininas; oculos lippos; aspectum colubrinum; carnem rugosam et nigram; et musca de plumbo ornabat grossas [fol. 62v] mammas eius. 14. Digitos habebat grossos et breves, ornatos annulis ferreis; nates valde grandes; tybias breves et grossas in modum urse pilosas. 15. Tunica eius erat pilosa et diruta; calciamenta fissa et crepata. 16. De tali quidam juvenis dixit versus: 17. Femina deformis, tenebrarum subdita formis, 18. cum turpi facie, transeat absque die. 19. Est mala res multum turpi concedere cultum, 20. sed turpis nimium turpe ferat vicium. [dialogus] 1a 1b 52 Rex vero salomon, cum eos conspexisset, sic orsus est, dicens: “Qui estis vel unde est genus vestrum?” Marcolfus respondit: “Dic tu nobis prius geneologiam tuam et patrum tuorum, et tunc indicabo tibi genus nostrum.” English Translation Part 1 Prologue 1. when king solomon, full of wisdom and riches, sat upon the throne of his father, David, he saw coming from the direction of the East a certain person, most exceedingly ugly and misshapen but most eloquent, named Marcolf. 2. with this person was his wife, who was also extremely frightful and boorish. 3. when the king had ordered them to be brought together into his sight, the two of them stood before him looking at each other in turn. 4. well, then, in build Marcolf was short and squat. 5. He had a great big head; a very broad, red, and wrinkled forehead; ears that were hairy and hung down all the way to the middle of his jaws; fat and bleary eyes; a lower lip like a horse’s; a dirty beard that reeked like a goat’s; stubby hands; short and squat fingers; round feet; [2] a thick and bulging nose; large and fat lips; a face like a donkey’s; hair like the spines of hedgehogs. 6. His footwear was extremely rustic, and a half sword girded his loins. 7. He also had a sheath split down the middle and patched at the very top. 8. The hilt was made of linden and was decorated with a goat’s horn. 9. His clothes, of a very foul color, were ragged and wrinkled. 10. His hide was cut short, his smock reached only to his buttocks. 11. His stockings had been patched and repatched. 12. His wife too was little and very squat with thick breasts. 13. she had spiky hair; eyebrows that bristled like a pig’s back, a beard like a goat; ears like a donkey’s; bleary eyes; a snakelike face; wrinkled and black skin; and a fly of lead adorned her thick breasts. 14. she had squat and short fingers, adorned with iron rings; [3] very big buttocks; and legs that were short, squat, and shaggy like a she-bear’s. 15. Her smock was shaggy and decrepit; her footwear split and cracked. 16. of such a woman a young man spoke the verses: 17. May a misshapen woman, subjected to the forms of darkness, 18. with her ugly face, pass away from the light of day. 19. it is a bad thing to devote much finery to an ugly woman; 20. instead, may an ugly woman bear her all too ugly defect. dialogue 1a 1b in fact, king solomon, when he had seen them, began to speak thus, saying: “who are you, and what is your descent?” Marcolf replied, “First you tell us your lineage and that of your forefathers, and then i will indicate to you our descent.” 53 Latin Text 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b 9a 54 salomon dixit, “Ego sum de duodecim generacionibus prophetarum: Judas genuit Phares, Phares genuit Esrom, Esrom genuit Aram, Aram genuit Aminadab, Aminadab genuit naason, naason genuit salmon, salmon genuit Boos, Boos genuit obed, obed genuit ysay, ysay genuit David regem, David autem rex genuit salomonem, et ego sum salomon rex.” Marcolfus respondit, “Et ego sum de duodecim generacionibus rusticorum: Rusticus genuit Rustan, Rustan genuit Rusticium, Rusticius genuit Rusticellum, Rusticellus genuit Tartan, Tartan genuit Tartol, Tartol genuit Farsi, Farsi genuit Farsol, Farsol genuit Marcuil, Marcuil genuit Marcuart, Marcuart genuit Marcol, Marcol genuit Marcolfum, et ego sum Marcolfus follus. “Uxor vero mea de duodecim generacionibus Lupitanarum: Lupitana genuit Lupitan, [fol. 63r] Lupitan genuit Ludibrut, Ludibrut genuit Bonstrut, Bonstrut genuit Boledrut, Boledrut genuit Ploidrut, Ploidrut genuit Lordan, Lordan genuit Curtan, Curtan genuit Curticellam, Curticella genuit Cuculam, Cucula genuit Politam, Polita genuit Politanam, et hec est Politana, uxor mea.” salomon dixit, “Audivi te esse verbosum et callidum, quamvis sis rusticus et turpis. Quamobrem habeamus inter nos altricacionem. Ego te interrogabo, tu vero subsequens responde michi.” Marcolfus respondit, “Qui male cantat, primus incipit.” salomon: “si per omnia poteris respondere sermonibus meis, ditabo te magnis opibus et nominatissimus eris in regno meo.” Marcolfus respondit: “Promittit presbyter sanitatem unde non habet potestatem.” s: “Bene iudicavi inter duas meretrices que in una domo oppresserant infantem.” M: “Ubi sunt auce, ibi sunt cause; ubi mulieres, ibi parabole.” s: “Dominus dedit scienciam in ore meo, ut nullus sit similis mei in cunctis finibus terre.” M: “Qui malos vicinos habet, ipse se laudat.” s: “Fugit impius, nemine persequente.” M: “Quando fugit capreolus, albicat eius culus.” s: “Mulier bona et pulchra ornamentum est viro suo.” M: “olla plena de lacte bene debet a catto custodiri.” s: “Mulier bona super omnia bona; mulier mala super omnia mala. Mulier mala nec defuncta [fol. 63v] credatur.” English Translation 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b 9a solomon said, “i come from twelve generations of prophets: Judas begot Phares, Phares begot Esron, Esron begot Aram, Aram begot Amminadab, Amminadab begot naason, naason begot salmon, salmon begot Booz, Booz begot obed, obed begot [4] isaiah, isaiah begot king David. Moreover king David begot solomon, and i am solomon the king.” Marcolf replied, “And i come from twelve generations of boors: Rusticus begot Rustan, Rustan begot Rusticius, Rusticius begot Rusticellus, Rusticellus begot Tartan, Tartan begot Tartol, Tartol begot Farsi, Farsi begot Farsol, Farsol begot Marcuil, Marcuil begot Marcuart, Marcuart begot Marcol, Marcol begot Marcolf, and i am Marcolf the fool. “To be sure, my wife comes from twelve generations of Lupitanae: Lupitana bore Lupitan, Lupitan bore Ludibrut, Ludibrut bore Bonstrut, Bonstrut bore Boledrut, Boledrut bore Ploidrut, Ploidrut bore Lordan, Lordan bore Curtan, Curtan [5] bore Curticella, Curticella bore Cucula, Cucula bore Polita, Polita bore Politana, and this is Politana, my wife.” solomon said, “i have heard that you are talkative and cunning, although you are boorish and ugly. For this reason let us hold a dispute between us. i will pose you questions, and then you follow and reply to me.” Marcolf replied, “He who sings badly begins first.” solomon: “if you can reply to my utterances in their entirety, i will enrich you with great riches and you will be most renowned in my realm.” Marcolf replied: “The priest promises a well-being over which he has no power.” solomon: “i judged well between two prostitutes who had suffocated a baby in one house.” Marcolf: “where there are geese, there are disputes; where women, there are words.” solomon: “The Lord gave me wisdom in my mouth, such that no one is like me in all the ends of the earth.” Marcolf: “He who has bad neighbors praises himself.” solomon: “A wicked man flees, even when no one pursues.” Marcolf: “when a roebuck flees, its ass turns white.” [6] solomon: “A good and beautiful woman is an adornment to her husband.” Marcolf: “A pot filled with milk must be guarded well from the cat.” solomon: “A good wife is good above all things; a bad wife bad above all things. not even when dead may a bad wife be believed.” 55 Latin Text 9b M: “Frange illi ossa et mitte in fossam, tunc ioca securus de morte eius!” 10a s: “sapiens mulier edificat domum suam, insipiens vero extructam destruet manibus.” 10b M: “olla bene cocta melius durat, et qui merdam distemperat merdam bibit.” 11a s: “Mulier timens deum ipsa laudabitur.” 11b M: “Cattus cum bona pelle ipse excoriabitur.” 12a s: “Mulier pudica est multum amanda.” 12b M: “vacca lactiva est pauperi retinenda.” 13a s: “Mulierem fortem quis inveniet?” 13b M: “Quis cattum super lac fidelem reperiet?” 13c s: “nullus.” 13d M: “Et mulierem raro.” 14a s: “Mulier bene formata et honesta retinenda est super omnia desiderabilia bona.” 14b M: “Mulier pinguis et grossa est largior in dando iussa.” 15a s: “subtrahe pedem tuum a muliere litigiosa!” 15b M: “subtrahe nasum tuum a culo iussoso!” 16a s: “Bene decet album peplum in capite pulchre mulieris.” 16b M: “scriptum est: ‘non est talis pellicia quales manice; sub albo peplo 17a s: “Qui seminat iniquitatem metet mala.” 17b M: “Qui seminat paleas metet miseriam.” 18a s: “Qui stat videat ne cadat.” sepe latet tinea.’ ” 18b M: “Qui offendit pedem respicit ad lapidem.” 19a s: “Doctrina et sapiencia in ore sapientis debet consistere.” 19b M: “Asellus in messe semper debet esse. Ubi pascit, ibi renascit. Ubi pascit unam plantam, quadraginta resurgunt. Ubi cacat, ibi fimat. Ubi mingit, ibi rigat. Ubi se volutat, ibi frangit glebas.” 20a [fol. 64r] s: “Laudet te alienus et non os tuum!” 20b M: “si meipsum vitupero, nulli umquam placebo.” 21a s: “Luxuriosa res est vinum et tumultuosa ebrietas.” 21b M: “ieiunus est pauper qui ebrius sibi videtur dives.” 22a s: “Qui expectat consequitur quod desiderat.” 56 English Translation 9b 10a 10b 11a 11b 12a 12b 13a 13b 13c 13d 14a 14b 15a 15b 16a 16b 17a 17b 18a 18b 19a 19b 20a 20b 21a 21b 22a Marcolf: “Break her bones and put her into a ditch, then joke in security about her death!” solomon: “A wise wife builds her home, but an unwise one will destroy with her hands a home that has been built.” Marcolf: “A well-fired pot lasts better, and he who stirs in shit drinks shit.” solomon: “A god-fearing wife will herself be praised.” Marcolf: “A cat with a good fur will itself be skinned.” solomon: “A modest woman is much to be loved.” Marcolf: “A poor man should keep possession of a milch cow.” solomon: “who will find a strong woman?” Marcolf: “who will locate a cat that is trustworthy about milk?” solomon: “no one.” Marcolf: “And rarely can one locate such a woman.” solomon: “A well-formed and honest woman is to be held above all desirable goods.” Marcolf: “A fat and large woman is more lavish in producing farts.” [7] solomon: “Take your feet away from a brawling woman!” Marcolf: “Take your nose away from a farting asshole!” solomon: “A white veil is well suited to the head of a beautiful woman.” Marcolf: “it has been written: ‘The fur coat is not the same as the sleeves; under a white veil a moth often lies hidden.’ ” solomon: “He who sows iniquity will reap evils.” Marcolf: “He who sows chaff will reap wretchedness.” solomon: “May he who stands look that he not fall.” Marcolf: “He who stubs his foot looks back at the stone.” solomon: “Learning and wisdom ought to reside in the mouth of the wise.” Marcolf: “A donkey ought always to be among the crops. where it grazes, there they grow back. where it eats one shoot, forty rise up. where it shits, there it fertilizes. where it pisses, it irrigates. where it wallows, it breaks the clods.” solomon: “May praise of you come from others and not from your own mouth!” Marcolf: “if i slander myself, i will never please anyone.” solomon: “wine and uproarious drunkenness are a luxurious thing.” Marcolf: “The poor man is hungry who when drunk seems rich to himself.” solomon: “He who waits obtains what he desires.” 57 Latin Text 22b 23a 23b 24a 24b 25a 25b 26a 26b 27a 27b 28a 28b 29a 29b 30a 30b 31a 31b 32a 32b 33a 33b 34a 34b 35a 35b 36a 36b 37a 37b 38a 38b 39a 58 M: “Catella saginosa cecos catulos parit, vel anus totus in yma descendit.” s: “Mel multum ne comedas!” M: “Qui apes castrat digitum suum lingit.” s: “in malivolam animam non introibit sapiencia.” M: “in durum lignum cum mittis cuneum, cave ne incidat in oculum!” s: “Durum est tibi contra stimulum calcitrare.” M: “Bos calcitrosus debet pungi binis vicibus.” s: “inter bonos et malos repletur domus.” M: “inter podiscos et merdam repletur latrina.” s: “Melius est habere dampnum in abscondito quam verecundiam in publico.” M: “Bibere merdam desiderat qui canis culum basiat.” s: “Elemosinam desiderat facere qui alienum servum cupit ingeniosum esse.” M: “Qui furiosum castrat merdam recentem bibere desiderat.” s: “Hilarem datorem diligit Deus.” M: “Parum dat servienti qui cultellum suum lingit.” s: “Duodecim manentes faciunt unam villam.” M: “Duodecim torciones faciunt unam iussam.” s: “Duodecim vicarij faciunt unum comitatum.” M: “Duodecim bombi faciunt unum strontum.” s: “Duodecim comites faciunt unum ducatum.” M: “Duodecim stronti faciunt unam paladam.” s: “Duodecim duces faciunt unum regnum.” M: “Duodecim palade [fol. 64v] faciunt unam tinariam.” s: “Duodecim regna faciunt unum imperium.” M: “Duodecim tinarie faciunt unam carradam.” s: “Erudi filium tuum ab infancia et doce eum bene facere!” M: “Qui suam bene nutrit vaccam de lacte sepe manducat.” s: “Qui delicate nutrit servum ab infancia postea senciet eum contumacem.” M: “nugax servus fetidos habet semper honores.” s: “omne genus ad suam naturam revertitur.” M: “Planta de genista revertitur ad scopam.” s: “Quatuor ewangeliste sustinent mundum.” M: “Quatuor subposte sustinent latrinam, ne cadat qui sedet super eam.” s: “Qui quod novit loquitur iudex est iusticie et veritatis.” English Translation 22b 23a 23b 24a 24b 25a 25b 26a 26b 27a 27b 28a 28b 29a 29b 30a 30b 31a 31b 32a 32b 33a 33b 34a 34b 35a 35b 36a 36b 37a 37b 38a 38b 39a Marcolf: “A fat bitch bears blind puppies, or her whole anus sinks down to the bottom.” solomon: “Do not eat much honey!” Marcolf: “He who takes honey from bees licks his finger.” [8] solomon: “wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul.” Marcolf: “when you put a wedge into hard wood, be careful that it does not fly into your eye!” solomon: “it is a hard thing for you to kick against the prick.” Marcolf: “An ox that kicks ought to be prodded twice.” solomon: “Between good and wicked people the house is filled.” Marcolf: “Between ass-wipes and shit the privy is filled.” solomon: “it is better to have a loss in private than a shame in public.” Marcolf: “He wants to drink shit who kisses a dog’s ass.” solomon: “He wants to give alms who wishes the servant of another to be quick-witted.” Marcolf: “He who castrates a mad one desires to drink fresh shit.” solomon: “god loves a person who gives gladly.” Marcolf: “He who licks his knife gives little to the server.” solomon: “Twelve land-tenants make a village.” Marcolf: “Twelve gas-pains make a fart.” solomon: “Twelve viscounts make a county.” Marcolf: “Twelve booming farts make one turd.” solomon: “Twelve counts make a duchy.” Marcolf: “Twelve turds make a spadeful.” solomon: “Twelve dukes make a kingdom.” Marcolf: “Twelve spades make one tubful.” [9] solomon: “Twelve realms make one empire.” Marcolf: “Twelve tubs full make one cart load.” solomon: “instruct your son from infancy and teach him to do well!” Marcolf: “He who nurtures his cow well eats of milk often.” solomon: “He who nurtures a servant indulgently from infancy will find him disobedient afterward.” Marcolf: “A slipshod servant always has a disreputable name.” solomon: “Every species reverts to its nature.” Marcolf: “The twig of broom changes to the broom.” solomon: “Four evangelists uphold the world.” Marcolf: “Four support-posts uphold the privy, so that the person who sits over it does not fall.” solomon: “He who says what he knows is a judge of justice and truth.” 59 Latin Text 39b M: “Episcopus tacens hostiarius efficitur.” 40a s: “optime convenit in clipeo candido nigra bucula.” 40b M: “optime considet inter albas nates niger culus.” 41a s: “Honor exhibendus est magistro, et virga semper est timenda.” 41b M: “Qui suo iudici ungit buccam, solet macerare suum asellum.” 42a s: “Luna infra dies triginta peragit cursum suum.” 42b M: “Culmus quantum ascendit in anno, tantum descendit in una die.” 43a s: “Contra hominem potentem et aquam currentem contendere noli!” 43b M: “Qui vulturem scoriat durum volucrem plumat.” 44a s: “Emendemus in melius quod ignoranter peccavimus.” 44b M: “Postquam pedem et culum stringis, nichil est quod agis.” 45a s: “Blandis suasionibus noli decipere quemquam!” 45b M: [fol. 65r] “Per ingenium manducat qui manducantem salutat.” 46a s: “Eice derisorem, et exibit cum eo iurgium cessabuntque cause et contumelie.” 46b M: “Eice inflacionem de ventre, et exibit cum ea merda cessabuntque torciones et iusse.” 47a s: “Cum homine litigioso ne habeas societatem!” 47b M: “Merito manducant illum canes qui se mittit inter furfures.” 48a s: “inter duos montes unam vallem reperies.” 48b M: “inter duo femora magna sepe latet vulva.” 49a s: “Multi sunt qui verecundiam habere nesciunt.” 49b M: “vivunt cum hominibus qui similes sunt canibus.” 50a s: “sunt nonnulli qui benefacientibus mala pro bonis reddunt et odio eos habent.” 50b M: “Qui alieno cani panem suum dederit malam mercedem habebit; talem graciam habet qui dormientem suscitat.” 51a s: “non est amicus qui non durat in amicicia.” 51b M: “Merda de vitulo non diu fumat.” 52a s: “occasiones querit qui vult ab amico recedere.” 52b M: “Mulier que non vult consentire indicat se scabiosum culum habere.” 53a s: “sermo regis debet esse inmutabilis.” 53b M: “Cito retornat qui cum vulpe arat.” 60 English Translation 39b 40a 40b 41a 41b 42a 42b 43a 43b 44a 44b 45a 45b 46a 46b 47a 47b 48a 48b 49a 49b 50a 50b 51a 51b 52a 52b 53a 53b Marcolf: “A bishop who remains silent is made an usher.” solomon: “A black boss is very well suited on a white shield.” Marcolf: “A black asshole sits very well between white buttocks.” solomon: “Honor is to be shown to the master, and the rod is ever to be feared.” Marcolf: “He who greases his judge’s mouth usually makes his donkey grow thin.” solomon: “The moon completes its course within thirty days.” Marcolf: “However much a stem rises in a year, it falls that much in one day.” [10] solomon: “Do not contend against a powerful man or running water!” Marcolf: “He who flays a vulture plucks a tough bird.” solomon: “Let us correct for the better the sins that we have committed in ignorance.” Marcolf: “After you bind fast your foot and asshole, there is nothing for you to do.” solomon: “Do not betray anyone with flattering persuasions!” Marcolf: “He eats by wit who greets a person eating.” solomon: “Cast out the mocker, and with him quarrel will depart, and lawsuits and slanders will cease.” Marcolf: “Cast out flatulence from the stomach, and with it shit will depart, and gas pains and farts will cease.” solomon: “May you not have dealings with a quarrelsome man!” Marcolf: “Rightly dogs eat him who places himself amidst bran.” solomon: “Between two mountains you will find a valley.” Marcolf: “Between two large thighs a vulva often lies hidden.” solomon: “Many are those who do not know to have shame.” Marcolf: “They live with people who are like dogs.” solomon: “There are some who render evil in place of good to their benefactors and who hold them in hate.” Marcolf: “He who gives his bread to another’s dog will have a bad reward; he has the same sort of thanks who rouses one sleeping.” [11] solomon: “He is not a friend who does not persevere in friendship.” Marcolf: “shit from a calf does not reek for long.” solomon: “He who wishes to break with a friend seeks opportunities.” Marcolf: “A woman who does not want to consent declares that she has a mangy ass.” solomon: “The word of the king ought to be inalterable.” Marcolf: “He who plows with a fox comes back quickly.” 61 Latin Text 54a 54b 55a 55b 56a 56b 57a 57b 58a 58b 59a 59b 60a 60b 61a 61b 62a 62b 63a 63b 64a 64b 65a 65b 66a 66b 62 s: “Radices raphani bone sunt in convivio sed fetent in consilio.” M: “Qui raphanum manducat ex utraque parte iussat.” s: “Cum homine litigioso non ineas pactum!” M: “vicioso incole si tres dantur uncie, non habet cor docile.” s: “Perit auditus ubi non vigilat sensus.” M: “Perdit sagittam suam qui scirpum sagittat.” s: “Qui avertit aurem suam a clamore pauperis ipse clamabit et non exaudietur.” M: “Perdit suas [fol. 65v] lacrimas qui coram iudice plorat.” s: “surge, aquilo, et veni, auster, perfla ortum meum, et fluent aromata illius.” M: “Quando pluit aquilo, pluit alta domus, Et qui habet hirniam, non est bene sanus.” s: “Mortem et paupertatem celare noli!” M: “Qui celat hirniam crescunt illi maiora.” s: “venter meus dolet et fluctuat.” M: “vade ad latrinam, bene preme ventrem; culus evomat de quo fluctuat venter!” s: “Qui sibi nequam, cui bonus erit?” M: “Cui placet hirnia inhonestus debet esse.” s: “si ascenderit super te spiritus potestatem habens, locum tuum ne dimiseris!” M: “Quando hirnie gravescunt, testiculi marcescunt; cum venerit pluvia, fugit estus.” s: “Cum sederis ad mensam divitis, diligenter inspice que apponuntur tibi!” M: “Universa ministracio per ventrem dirigitur et in ventrem vadit.” s: “Quando ad mensam consederis, cave ne primus comedas!” M: “Qui in alciori sederit sella primus comedit ille.” s: “si fortis supervicerit inbecillem, universam substanciam illius domus auffert.” M: “Bene videt cattus cui barbam lingit voluntarius.” s: “si aliquando victoriam habueris super inimicum, cave ne incidas in manus illius!” M: “Qui in estate quiescit in hyeme laborabit.” English Translation 54a 54b 55a 55b 56a 56b 57a 57b 58a 58b 59a 59b 60a 60b 61a 61b 62a 62b 63a 63b 64a 64b 65a 65b 66a 66b solomon: “The roots of the radish are good in a dinner party but they stink in a council.” Marcolf: “He who eats radish emits gas from both ends.” solomon: “Do not enter an agreement with a quarrelsome man!” Marcolf: “Even if three ounces are given to a wicked countryman, he still will not have a pliant heart.” solomon: “Hearing goes to waste when judgment is not alert.” Marcolf: “He loses his arrow who shoots at a bulrush.” solomon: “He who turns his ear from the cry of a poor man will himself cry out and not be hearkened to.” Marcolf: “He who weeps before a judge wastes his tears.” solomon: “Arise, north wind, and come, south wind, fan my garden, and may its scents waft about.” Marcolf: “when the north wind rains, the high house rains, and he who has a hernia is not well.” solomon: “Do not conceal death or poverty!” Marcolf: “Bigger problems grow for the man who conceals a hernia.” [12] solomon: “My belly grieves and is in turmoil.” Marcolf: “go to the privy, press your belly well; let the asshole spew forth what has the belly in turmoil!” solomon: “He who is wicked to himself, to whom will he be good?” Marcolf: “He who likes a hernia must be dishonorable.” solomon: “if the spirit of him that hath power ascend upon thee, leave not thy place!” Marcolf: “when hernias turn serious, the testicles wither; when rain has come, the hot season goes away.” solomon: “when you sit at a rich man’s table, observe carefully the things that are set out for you!” Marcolf: “The whole serving is guided by the belly and goes into the belly.” solomon: “when you have taken a seat at the table, take care that you not eat first!” Marcolf: “He who has sat in a higher seat eats first.” solomon: “if a strong man overcomes a weak one, he takes away the entire contents of his house.” Marcolf: “The cat sees well whose beard it licks willingly.” solomon: “if sometime you have a victory over an enemy, take care not to fall into his hands!” Marcolf: “He who rests in summer will toil in winter.” 63 Latin Text 67a s: “Quod timet impius venit super eum.” 67b M: “Qui male facit et bene sperat totum se fallit.” 68a s: “Propter frigus piger arare noluit; mendicabit autem estate et non dabitur ei.” 68b M: “nudus canis non inveniet locum ubi mordeat.” 69a s: “Qui timet pruinam veniet super eum nix.” [fol. 66r] 69b M: “Qui timet festucam numquam caccat in stipulam.” 70a s: “satis indecens est stulto gloria.” 70b M: “Bene sedent ad scabiosum culum ulcera porcina.” 71a s: “Qui partem suam deteriorem fecerit morte moriatur.” 71b M: “Equalis sarcina non rumpit dorsum.” 72a s: “os mendax non habundat veritate.” 72b M: “Expertus bucca de petulancia, cui non prodest malum, loquitur bonum.” 73a s: “studium reddit magistrum benivolum.” 73b M: “Assuete manus recurrunt ad caldarium.” 74a s: “Amicus et medicus in necessitate probantur.” 74b M: “Adiuvat, non nocet. sepius bibit qui cellaria diligit.” 75a s: “Proiciendi sunt de consorcio bonorum litigiosi et garruli.” 75b M: “Domina irata et patella perforata dampnum sunt in casa.” 76a s: “Qui despicit parum, non meretur multum accipere.” 76b M: “vulva despecta et canis incenatus tristes vadunt pausare.” 77a s: “noli arguere derisorem, ne oderit te!” 77b M: “Quando aliquis plus movet merdam, plus fetet.” 78a s: “non eligas cui bonum facias!” 78b M: “Perdit suas penas qui crasso porcello culum saginat.” 79a s: “Pro amore Dei, dileccio omnibus exhibenda est.” 79b M: “si amas illum qui te non amat, perdis dileccionem tuam.” 80a s: “ne dicas amico tuo, ‘vade et revertere, et cras dabo tibi,’ cum ei statim possis dare.” 80b M: “ ‘Ad tempus faciam’ dicit qui non habet aptum utensile.” 81a s: “Uxoris preces sobrias despicere noli!” 81b M: “Cum tua uxor vult sese uti, noli illi negare, quia necesse habet.” 64 English Translation 67a 67b 68a 68b 69a 69b 70a 70b 71a 71b 72a 72b 73a 73b 74a 74b 75a 75b 76a 76b 77a 77b 78a 78b 79a 79b 80a 80b 81a 81b solomon: “what the wicked man fears befalls him.” Marcolf: “He who does evil but hopes for good deceives himself entirely.” solomon: “Because of the cold the lazy man did not want to plow; but he will go begging in summer and nothing will be given to him.” Marcolf: “A bare dog will not find a place where it may bite.” [13] solomon: “snow will fall upon the man who fears hoar-frost.” Marcolf: “The man who fears straw never shits on stubble.” solomon: “Fame is very unbefitting to a fool.” Marcolf: “Pig ulcers sit well near a mangy asshole.” solomon: “He who makes his part worse shall be put to death.” Marcolf: “An even load does not break the back.” solomon: “A lying mouth does not abound in truth.” Marcolf: “one accustomed to badmouthing, to whom bad brings no advantage, says good.” solomon: “study makes the master well-disposed.” Marcolf: “Hands that are accustomed hurry back to the kettle.” solomon: “The friend and the physician are proven in time of need.” Marcolf: “He helps who does not harm. He who loves cellars drinks more often.” solomon: “The quarrelsome and talkative must be cast out from the company of good people.” Marcolf: “An angry lady and a cooking pan with holes represent a loss in the home.” solomon: “He who spurns a little does not deserve to receive much.” Marcolf: “A spurned vulva and an unfed dog go to rest sadly.” solomon: “Do not rebuke a mocker, lest he hate you!” Marcolf: “when someone moves shit around more, it stinks more.” [14] solomon: “Do not pick and choose to whom you do good!” Marcolf: “He wastes his efforts who fattens the ass of a plump piglet.” solomon: “For the love of god, affection is to be shown to everyone.” Marcolf: “if you love one who does not love you, you waste your affection.” solomon: “Do not say to your friend, ‘go off and come back again, and i will give it to you tomorrow,’ when you could give it to him immediately.” Marcolf: “He who does not have the tool handy says, ‘i will do it eventually.’ ” solomon “Despise not the sober entreaties of a wife!” Marcolf: “when your wife wishes herself to be enjoyed, do not deny her, because she has need.” 65 Latin Text 82a s: “Crapulatus a vino non servat tempus in eloquio.” 82b M: “Culus perforatus non habet dominum.” 83a s: “Multi [fol. 66v] cupiunt habere divicias, cum sint in paupertate detenti.” 83b M: “Prande quod habes et vide quid remaneat!” 84a s: “Multi sunt qui famem sustinent et tamen sustinent uxores.” 84b M: “Miser homo panem non habebat et tamen canem comparabat.” 85a s: “Responde stulto iuxta stulticiam suam, ne sibi videatur esse sapiens!” 85b M: “Petra quod audit, illi respondet echo.” 86a s: “ira non habet misericordiam, et ideo qui per iram loquitur perpetrat malum.” 86b M: “ne dicas amico tuo malum iratus, ne postea penitearis placatus.” 87a s: “os inimici non loquitur veritatem, nec verum labia eius personabunt.” 87b M: “Qui te non amat, ipse te diffamat, et qui suum canem vult perdere 88a s: “Considera que promittis, sed plenius quam promiseris presta!” 88b M: “in quantum habes longum saccum, tende pedem!” 89a s: “Da sapienti occasionem, et addetur ei sapiencia!” 89b M: “infarcire ventrem, et addetur tibi merda!” 90a s: “Qui amat sapienciam, additur illi.” 90b M: “Laxa culum pedere, et ipse concuciet se!” 91a s: “Bonum convivium malumque convivium suppis decoratum.” per rabiem imponit illi nomen.” 91b M: “suppe faciunt teneras buccas et culum viscosum.” 92a s: “Quod satis est dormi!” 92b M: “Cui licet et non dormit, pigricia nocet illi.” 93a s: “sacietate repleti sumus; referamus Deo gracias!” 93b M: “iubilat merulus, respondit ei cuculus; non equaliter cantant saturatus et ieiunus.” 94a s: “Manducemus et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.” 94b M: “sic moritur famelicus sicut refectus.” 95a s: “Quando homo harpat, non potest parabolisare.” 95b M: “Quando canis cacat, non potest latrare.” 66 English Translation 82a 82b 83a 83b 84a 84b 85a 85b 86a 86b 87a 87b 88a 88b 89a 89b 90a 90b 91a 91b 92a 92b 93a 93b 94a 94b 95a 95b solomon: “The man surfeited with wine does not keep track of time in speaking.” Marcolf: “A punctured asshole does not have a lord.” solomon: “Many, since they are held fast in poverty, wish to have riches.” Marcolf: “Eat what you have and see what remains!” solomon: “There are many who endure hunger and yet endure wives.” Marcolf: “The wretched man did not have bread and yet acquired a dog.” solomon: “Respond to the fool according to his foolishness, lest he seem to himself to be wise!” Marcolf: “what the stone hears, an echo responds to it.” [15] solomon: “Anger does not have mercy, and for that reason he who speaks out of anger commits a wrong.” Marcolf: “when angered, do not speak ill to your friend, lest afterward, when calmed, you should regret it.” solomon: “The mouth of an enemy does not speak the truth, nor do his lips sound out anything true.” Marcolf: “He who does not love you defames you, and he who wishes to destroy his dog inflicts upon it a reputation for madness.” solomon: “Consider what you promise, but deliver more amply than you promise!” Marcolf: “stretch out your foot in accordance with the length of the sack you have!” solomon: “give a wise man an opportunity, and wisdom will be added to him!” Marcolf: “stuff the belly, and shit will be added to you!” solomon: “wisdom is increased in the person who loves wisdom.” Marcolf: “Relax the asshole to fart, and it will shake itself!” solomon: “A good meal and a bad meal are embellished by soups.” Marcolf: “soups make mouths tender and the asshole sticky.” solomon: “sleep as much as suffices!” Marcolf: “idleness is harmful to the person who is permitted to sleep and does not do so.” solomon: “we have been filled to satiety; let us give thanks to god!” Marcolf: “The blackbird sings a jubilee, the cuckoo responds to it. The well-fed and the unfed do not sing equally.” [16] solomon: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we will die.” Marcolf: “The famished man dies just as the fed.” solomon: “when a person harps, he cannot talk in parables.” Marcolf: “when a dog shits, it cannot bark.” 67 Latin Text 96a s: [fol. 67r] “saciata est iniquitas ventris; nunc eamus dormire!” 96b M: “Tornat et retornat, male dormit qui non manducat.” 97a s: “Exiguum munus cum dat tibi pauper amicus, 97b M: “Quod habet castratus dat sue vicine.” 98a s: “Melius est sedere in angulo solum quam cum muliere litigiosa.” 98b M: “sorex que non potest ire ad suum foramen malleum ad suam caudam 99a s: “non gradiaris cum homine malo vel litigioso, ne forte sencias propter accipito placite et plene laudare memento.” ligat.” eum periculum!” 99b M: “Apis mortua non cacat mel.” 100a s: “si cum homine callido et malivolo amiciciam firmaveris, magis tibi adversabitur quam auxilium prestet.” 100b M: “Quod lupus facit lupe placet.” 101a s: “Qui ante respondet quam audiat stultus demonstrabitur.” 101b M: “Quando aliquis te pungit, retrahe pedem!” 102a s: “omne animal sibi simile eligit.” 102b M: “Ubi fuerit caballus scabiosus, parem sibi querit, et se uterque scabunt.” 103a s: “Bene facit anime sue vir misericors.” 103b M: “Magnum donum despicit qui seipsum non recognoscit.” 104a s: “Qui fugit lupum obviat leoni.” 104b M: “De malo in malum, de coco ad pistorem.” 105a s: “Cave ne aliquis faciat tibi malum; si tamen facit, noli ei facere!” 105b M: “Aque non currenti et homini tacenti noli credere!” 106a s: “non omnes omnia possunt.” 106b M: “Scriptum est in breve, ‘Qui non habet caballum, vadat cum pede.’ ” 107a s: “sermo mollis frangit iram, sermo durus suscitat furorem.” 107b M: “irasci cui non potes, nec finge te quasi noceas!” 108a s: “Cor mundum nichil timet.” 108b M: “Qui sanum digitum ligat sanum dissolvit.” 109a s: “Cum tibi acciderit flagellum, noli [fol. 67v] murmurare, sed gracias Deo age et pacienter sustine!” 109b M: “invitus basiat malamium, cui in bucca nascitur dampnum.” 68 English Translation 96a 96b 97a 97b 98a 98b 99a 99b 100a 100b 101a 101b 102a 102b 103a 103b 104a 104b 105a 105b 106a 106b 107a 107b 108a 108b 109a 109b solomon: “The unfavorable condition of the stomach has been sated; let us now go to sleep!” Marcolf: “He tosses and turns, he sleeps badly who does not eat.” solomon: “when a poor friend gives you a paltry gift, accept it graciously and remember to praise it fully.” Marcolf: “A man castrated gives what he has to a woman nearby.” solomon: “it is better to sit alone in a corner than with a brawling woman.” Marcolf: “A mouse that cannot go to its hole ties a hammer to its tail.” solomon: “Do not travel with a wicked or quarrelsome man, lest by chance you should experience danger because of him!” Marcolf: “A dead bee does not shit honey.” solomon: “if you have formed friendship with a cunning and malicious person, he will oppose you rather than offer aid.” Marcolf: “The she-wolf likes what the wolf does.” [17] solomon: “He who answers before he hears will be proven a fool.” Marcolf: “when someone prods you, draw back your foot!” solomon: “Every animal chooses its like.” Marcolf: “where there is a mangy horse, it seeks out its equal, and they scratch each other.” solomon: “A merciful man accomplishes good for his soul.” Marcolf: “He who does not recognize himself scorns a great gift.” solomon: “He who flees the wolf encounters the lion.” Marcolf: “From one ill to another, from the cook to the baker.” solomon: “Beware that no one do an ill to you; but if he does it, do not do it to him!” Marcolf: “Do not trust standing water or a silent man!” solomon: “not everyone can do everything.” Marcolf: “it has been written in brief, ‘May he who does not have a horse go by foot.’ ” solomon: “A gentle manner of speech breaks anger, a hard one stirs rage.” Marcolf: “when you cannot show anger to someone, do not pretend as if you might harm him!” solomon: “A clean heart fears nothing.” Marcolf: “He who bandages a healthy finger unwraps it healthy.” solomon: “when a disaster befalls you, do not mutter against it, but give thanks to god and endure it patiently!” Marcolf: “Unwillingly he kisses the melanth, in whose mouth an injury arises.” [18] 69 Latin Text 110a s: “Puer centum annorum maledictus erit.” 110b M: “Tarde est vetulum canem mittere in ligamen.” 111a s: “omni habenti dabitur, et habundabit.” 111b M: “ve illi qui habet panem et non habet dentes!” 112a s: “Ante os clybani non nascitur herba, et si nata fuerit, cito arescit a calore ignis.” 112b M: “in culo non nascuntur pili, et si nati fuerint, cito uruntur propter aquas calidas que per alvum de vicino discurrunt.” 113a s: “ve viro duplici corde et duabus vijs incedenti!” 113b M: “Qui duas vias vult tenere aut culum aut bracam debet rumpere.” 114a s: “sicut malum inter ligna silvarum, sic amica mea inter filias.” 114b M: “Mel male habentibus ponitur.” 115a s: “Circa aures, stultus es et de fama plenus; reliqua parte corporis, sordidus.” 115b M: “Ubi invenis talem follem, bucca illum basia aut in culo morde!” 116a s: “Ex habundancia cordis os loquitur.” 116b M: “Ex saturitate ventris triumphat culus.” 117a s: “Duo boves equaliter trahunt ad unum iugum.” 117b M: “Due torciones equaliter trahunt ad unum culum.” 118a s: “Mulier pulchra ornamentum est viro suo.” 118b M: “in collo alba est ut columba, in culo nigra est ut talpa.” 119a s: “in tribu iuda minima est cognacio mea, et Deus patris mei principem populi sui me constituit.” 119b M: “Recognosce mappam, quia de stuppa fuit facta!” 120a s: “necessitas facit iustum peccare.” 120b M: “Lupus apprehensus et in custodia positus aut cacat aut mordet.” 121a s: “summo opere cave ne illi qui tibi carus [fol. 68r] amicus est des exiguum munus!” 121b M: “si amico tuo invitus das munera, perdis amicum tuum et munera.” 70 English Translation 110a 110b 111a 111b 112a 112b 113a 113b 114a 114b 115a 115b 116a 116b 117a 117b 118a 118b 119a 119b 120a 120b 121a 121b solomon: “A boy a hundred years old will be cursed.” Marcolf: “it is late to put an old dog on a lead.” solomon: “To everyone who has, it shall be given, and he shall abound.” Marcolf: “woe to him who has bread and does not have teeth!” solomon: “grass does not sprout before the mouth of the oven, and if it does sprout, it dries out quickly from the heat of the fire.” Marcolf: “Hairs do not grow in the asshole, and if they do grow, they are burned quickly, because of the hot waters which pass out from nearby through the bowels.” solomon: “woe to the man with a twofold heart and who proceeds along two routes!” Marcolf: “He who wishes to continue on two roads must burst either asshole or breeches.” solomon: “Just as an apple among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among young women.” Marcolf: “Honey is set out for people feeling ill.” solomon: “As regards the ears, you are stupid and full of slander; as for other parts of the body, you are dirty.” Marcolf: “where you find such a fool, kiss him on the mouth or bite him on the ass!” solomon: “The mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart.” Marcolf: “The asshole trumpets a triumph from the fullness of the stomach.” solomon: “Two oxen pull equally upon one yoke.” Marcolf: “Two gas pains pull equally upon one asshole.” solomon: “A beautiful woman is an ornament for her husband.” Marcolf: “in the neck she is white as a dove, in the asshole black as a mole.” [19] solomon: “in the tribe of Judah my clan is very small, and the god of my father established me as prince of his people.” Marcolf: “Recognize the napkin, that it was made of tow!” solomon: “need causes a just man to sin.” Marcolf: “A wolf that has been caught and put under guard either shits or bites.” solomon: “watch out especially that you not give a paltry gift to that person who is your dear friend!” Marcolf: “if you give gifts unwillingly to your friend, you lose your friend and the gifts.” 71 Latin Text 122a s: “sufficeret michi temporaneus honor, si tantummodo Deus universum orbem terrarum mee dicioni subiugasset.” 122b M: “non tantum datur catello quantum blanditur cauda sua.” 123a s: “Qui tarde venit ad mensam suspensus est a cibo.” 123b M: “gluto non comedit totum.” 124a s: “Cum molesta tibi fuerit uxor tua, ne timeas!” 124b M: “Molli bergario lupus caccat lanam.” 125a s: “Qui habet malam uxorem non potest securus esse.” 125b M: “Qui habet caballum pravum non debet eum lassare ociosum.” 126a s: “non decent stulto composita verba.” 126b M: “non decet canem sellam portare.” 127a s: “Tunde latera filij tui dum tenera sunt!” 127b M: “Qui osculatur agnum amat arietem.” 128a s: “Celum quando nubilat, pluviam facere vult.” 128b M: “Canis quando crupitat, cacare vult.” 129a s: “omnes semite ad unam viam tendunt.” 129b M: “omnes vene ad unum culum tendunt.” 130a s: “A bono homine bona mulier.” 130b M: “A bono convivio bonum cacare.” 131a s: “Bene decet uxor pulchra iuxta virum suum.” 131b M: “Bene decet olla plena iuxta ticionem.” 132a s: “Bene decet gladius honestus iuxta latus meum.” 132b M: “Bene decet strontus iuxta sepem meam.” 133a s: “Quanto magnus es, humilia te in omnibus!” 133b M: “Bene equitat qui cum paribus equitat.” 134a s: “Beatus homo qui semper est pavidus.” 134b M: “Tarde clamat quem lupus strangulat.” 135a s: “suspiciosus homo numquam requiescit.” 135b M: “Cornarius duo patitur, dampnum et [fol. 68v] obprobrium.” 136a s: “Filius sapiens letificat patrem suum, insipiens vero mesticia est matris sue.” 136b M: “non equaliter canunt tristis et letus.” 137a s: “Qui parce seminat parce et metet.” 137b M: “Cum plus gelat, plus stringit.” 138a s: “Benefac iusto, et invenies retribucionem magnam; et si non ab ipso, certe a Domino!” 138b M: “Benefac ventri, et invenies eructuacionem magnam; et si non ab ore, certe a culo!” 72 English Translation 122a solomon: “short-lived honor would suffice for me, if only god had subjected to my authority the whole world.” 122b Marcolf: “not so much is given a puppy as its tail wheedles.” 123a solomon: “He who comes late to the table is deprived of food.” 123b Marcolf: “The glutton does not eat up everything.” 124a solomon: “Do not fear when your wife has been troublesome to you!” 124b Marcolf: “when the shepherd is weak, the wolf shits wool.” 125a solomon: “He who has a wicked wife cannot be carefree.” 125b Marcolf: “He who has an ill-behaved horse ought not to let it be idle.” 126a solomon: “well-formulated words are not suited to a fool.” 126b Marcolf: “A dog is not suited to carry a saddle.” 127a solomon: “Beat your son’s flanks while they are tender!” 127b Marcolf: “He who kisses the lamb loves the ram.” [20] 128a solomon: “when the sky clouds over, it wants to rain.” 128b Marcolf: “when a dog hunches its back, it wants to shit.” 129a solomon: “All paths lead to one road.” 129b Marcolf: “All veins lead to one asshole.” 130a solomon: “From a good man comes a good wife.” 130b Marcolf: “From a good dinner party comes good shitting.” 131a solomon: “A beautiful wife makes a good impression beside her husband.” 131b Marcolf: “A full pot makes a good impression beside a stick of burning wood.” 132a solomon: “A handsome sword makes a good impression beside my flank.” 132b Marcolf: “A turd makes a good impression beside my hedge.” 133a solomon: “However great you are, humble yourself in all matters!” 133b Marcolf: “He rides well who rides with equals.” 134a solomon: “Blessed is the person who is ever fearful.” 134b Marcolf: “He whom a wolf is throttling cries out too late.” 135a solomon: “A suspicious person never rests.” 135b Marcolf: “A cuckold suffers two things, injury and insult.” 136a solomon: “A wise son brings joy to his father, but an unwise one is the sorrow of his mother.” 136b Marcolf: “The sad and the happy do not sing in the same way.” 137a solomon: “He who sows sparingly also reaps sparingly.” 137b Marcolf: “The more something freezes, the more it draws tight.” 138a solomon: “Do well to a just man, and you will come upon a great repayment; and if not from him himself, surely from the Lord!” 138b Marcolf: “Do well to the stomach, and you will come upon great belching; and if not from the mouth, surely from the asshole!” [21] 73 Latin Text 139a s: “omnia fac cum consilio, et post factum non penitebis!” 139b M: “satis est infirmus qui infirmum trahit.” 140a s: “omnia tempora tempus habent.” 140b M: “ ‘Diem hodie et diem cras’ dicit bos qui leporem sequitur.” 141a s: “Fessus sum loquendo. iam requiescamus!” 141b M: “non obmittam loquelam meam.” 142a s: “non possum amplius loqui.” 142b M: “si non potes, humiliter confitere te victum et da quod promisisti!” [Epilogus] 1. Ad hec Banaias, filius ioiade, et Zabud, amicus regis, et Adoniram, filius Abda, qui erat super tributa, dixerunt ad Marcolfum: 2. “Ergone tu eris tercius in regno domini nostri? 3. Ante eruantur tui pessimi oculi de tuo pessimo capite! 4. Melius decet te iacere cum ursabus domini nostri quam sublimari aliquo honore.” 5. Quibus Marcolfus respondit: “Et quis adheret culo nisi pastelli? Quare rex promisit?” 6. Tunc Benhur et Bendecar et Benesed et Benabinadab et Bana et Bengaber et Achinadab et Achimaas et Baana et iosaphat et semei et gaber, duodecim prepositi regis salomonis, dixerunt: 7. “Ut quid iste follus infestat dominum nostrum regem? 8. Cur non magis colaphis maceratus aut fustibus confractus eicitur de conspectu [fol. 69r] domini nostri regis?” 9. Ad hec salomon rex ait: “non ita fiat; sed bene saturatus cum pace dimittatur.” 10. Tunc Marcolfus: “satis paciar quidquid dixeritis. 11. sed ego semper dicam quia ubi non est lex, ibi non est rex.” [Pars 2] [caput 1] 1. igitur rex salomon quadam die, cum venatoribus suis et multis copulis canum de venacionis prosecucione rediens, forte transibat ante hospicium Marcolfi folli. 2. Cui cum dictum fuisset a circumstantibus ibi esse hospicium Marcolfi folli, divertit illuc cum equo suo et, inclinato capite sub limine hostij, requisivit 74 English Translation 139a solomon: “Do everything with discernment, and you will not rue it after the fact!” 139b Marcolf: “He is feeble enough who leads a feeble man.” 140a solomon: “All seasons have their season.” 140b Marcolf: “ ‘Today is a day and tomorrow is a day,’ says the ox that follows a hare.” 141a solomon: “i am tired of speaking. Let us rest now!” 141b Marcolf: “i will not leave off my speaking.” 142a solomon: “i cannot speak any more.” 142b Marcolf: “if you cannot do so, confess humbly that you have been beaten and give what you promised!” Epilogue 1. At this Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, and Zabud, friend of the king, and Admiram, son of Abda, who was in charge of taxes, said to Marcolf: 2. “will you then be the third in the realm of our lord? 3. Before that, may your wicked eyes be plucked from your wicked head! 4. it suits you better to lie with the she-bears of our lord than to be elevated by some honor.” 5. To them Marcolf responded: “And who sticks to the asshole if not little clots? on what account did the king promise?” 6. Then Benhur and Bendecar and Benhesed and [22] Benabinadab and Bana and Bengab and Abinadab and Achimaas and Baanah and Josaphat and semei and gaber, twelve stewards of king solomon, said: 7. “why does this fool harass our lord king? 8. why rather is he not tossed from the sight of our lord king, after being tormented by blows and broken by cudgel-blows?” 9. To this king solomon said: “Let it not happen in this way; but let him be well fed and let him go in peace.” 10. Then Marcolf: “i will endure well enough whatever you have said. 11. But i will always say that there is not a king, where there is not law.” Part 2 chapter 1 1. Thereupon king solomon on a certain day, as he was returning from the pursuit of hunting with his huntsmen and many leashes of dogs, passed by before the lodgings of Marcolf the fool. 2. when he had been told by bystanders that the lodgings of Marcolf [23] the fool were there, he turned off there with his horse and, with his head bowed under the lintel of the front door, asked 75 Latin Text quis intus esset. 3. Marcolfus vero, ad focum sedens et ollam plenam fabis custodiens, respondit regi: 4. “Hic intus est homo, et dimidius homo, et caput equi; 5. et quanto plus ascendunt, tanto plus descendunt.” 6. Ad hec salomon ait: “Quid hoc est quod dicis?” 7. Marcolfus respondit: “Homo integer ego sum intus sedens; dimidius vero homo tu es, super equum extra sedens et intus prospiciens; caput equi caput est tui caballi, super quem sedes.” 8. Tunc salomon dixit: “Qui sunt ascendentes et descendentes?” 9. Marcolfus: “Fabe in olla bulientes.” 10. salomon: “Ubi sunt tuus pater et tua mater, tuus frater et tua soror?” 11. Marcolfus: “Pater meus facit de uno dampno duo dampna. 12. Mater vero mea facit sue vicine quod ipsa ei amplius non faciet. 13. Frater autem meus, extra domum sedens, quicquid invenit occidit. 14. soror denique mea, in cubiculo sedens, plorat risum annotinum.” 15. salomon: “Quid ista significant?” 16. Marcolfus: “Pater meus in campo est suo, et semitam transeuncium occupare cupiens, spinas in semitam ponit, hominesque venientes duas vias faciunt, et ita facit de uno dampno duo dampna. [fol. 69v] 17. Mater vero mea claudit oculos morientis vicine sue, quod ipsa vicina ei amplius non faciet. 18. Frater autem meus, extra domum sedens ad solem et pelliculas suas ante se tenens, pediculos quos invenit omnes occidit. 19. soror denique mea preterito tempore quendam iuvenem adamavit, et inter ludicra et molles tactus et basia viciata quod tunc risit, modo pregnans plorat.” [caput 2] 1. Ad hec salomon: “Bene istud,” inquit, “sed, o rustice, unde tibi ista versucia?” 2. Marcolfus: “Tempore David, patris tui, cum esses infantulus, medici patris tui quadam die pro agendis medicinis unum vulturem acceperunt, et dum singula membra suis necessitatibus expendissent, Bersabe, mater tua, cor illius accepit et, super crustam panis ponens, in igne assavit ac tibi comedere dedit; michique, qui tunc in coquina eram, crustam proiecit. 3. Ego vero ipsam crustam adipe vulturis perfusam comedi; et inde, ut spero, michi hec versucia evenit, sicut et tibi pro cordis comestione sapiencia.” 4. salomon: “sic te Deus adiuvet! in gabaon michi apparuit Deus et ipse replevit me sapiencia.” 5. Marcolfus: “Talis dicitur esse sapiens qui ipse habet se pro stulto.” 6. salomon: “nonne audisti quales 76 English Translation who was inside. 3. Marcolf indeed, sitting by the fire and keeping watch over a pot full of beans, responded to the king: 4. “Here inside is a man, and half a man, and the head of a horse; 5. and however much more they rise up, by that much more they sink down.” 6. To these words solomon said: “what is this that you are saying?” 7. Marcolf responded, “i am the whole man sitting inside; you indeed are the half man, sitting outside upon your horse and looking inside; the head of the horse is the head of your horse, upon which you are sitting.” 8. Then solomon said, “who are those rising up and sinking down?” 9. Marcolf: “The beans boiling in the pot.” 10. solomon: “where are your father and your mother, your brother and your sister?” 11. Marcolf: “My father is making two losses out of one loss. 12. My mother indeed is doing for her neighbor what she will do no more for her. 13. Moreover my brother, sitting outside the house, is killing whatever he finds. 14. Finally my sister, sitting in her room, is weeping over her laughter of the previous year.” 15. solomon: “what do these words mean?” 16. Marcolf: “My father is in his field and, wishing to block the path of passersby, puts thorns on the path; and the people coming make two routes, and thus he makes two losses out of one loss. 17. indeed my mother is closing the eyes of her dying neighbor, which she—the neighbor—will do no more for her. 18. Moreover my brother, [24] sitting outside the house in the sun and holding his clothes in front of him, is killing all the lice he finds. 19. Finally, my sister in bygone times loved a certain young man, and now pregnant, she weeps over what she then laughed about, among frolics, soft touches, and corrupt kisses.” chapter 2 1. To these words solomon said, “This is all very well but from where, o peasant, did this cleverness come to you?” 2. Marcolf: “in the time of David, your father, when you were a small infant, the physicians of your father on a given day caught a vulture for producing medicines, and as they disposed of its individual members according to their needs, Bathsheba, your mother, took its heart and, putting it upon a crust of bread, roasted it on the fire and gave it to you to eat; and to me, who was then in the kitchen, she tossed the crust. 3. i indeed ate this crust smeared with the vulture’s fat; and from this, so i hope, came to me this cleverness, just as to you too in return for eating the heart came wisdom.” 4. solomon: “Thus may god help you! god appeared to me on gabaon and filled me with wisdom.” 5. Marcolf: “such a man is said to be wise who regards himself as a fool.” 6. solomon: “Did you not hear what sorts of 77 Latin Text divicias donavit michi Deus super ipsam sapienciam?” 7. Marcolfus: “Audivi. scio enim quod ubi vult Deus, ibi pluit.” [caput 3] 1. Ad hec subridens, rex salomon ait, “Homines mei extra domum me exspectant; non possum amplius stare tecum. 2. sed vade et dic matri tue ut de meliori vacca quam habet mittat michi ollam plenam lacte et ipsam ollam de eadem vacca cooperiat, 3. tuque michi eam portes.” 4. “Faciam,” inquit Marcolfus. 5. Rex vero salomon, cum ingenti strepitu suorum iherusalem repetens, [fol. 70r] in pallacio suo sicut dives et potens dominus est receptus. 6. Mater autem Marcolfi, Flocenna nomine, ollam plenam lacte accipiens et placentam candidam de eodem lacte liniens, super ollam posuit, sicque per Marcolfum, filium suum, regi transmisit. 7. Marcolfus vero per semitam unius prati incedens et calore estatis exestuans, vidit bosam vacce iacentem; moxque ollam ad terram deponens, placentam comedit et de bosa vacce ollam contexit. 8. Cumque venisset ante salomonem regem ollam bosa vacce coopertam representans, ait rex salomon, “Cur sic olla cooperta est?” 9. Marcolfus: “nonne tu, rex, iussisti, ut lac vacce de vacca cooperiretur? 10. nonne bosa est de vacce?” 11. Ad hec rex salomon ait: “non ita precepi.” 12. Marcolfus: “sic intellexeram.” 13. salomon: “Melius fuisset, si placenta lacte delinita fuisset.” 14. Marcolfus: “sic fuit factum, sed fames mutavit ingenium.” 15. salomon: “Quomodo?” 16. Marcolfus: “sciebam te non indigere pane et ego indigens comedi placentam linitam lacte, et pro ipso ingenio bosam vacce super ollam posui.” [caput 4] 1. salomon: “nunc illud dimittamus! sed si in hac nocte tam bene non vigilaveris sicut ego, in crastino de capite tuo non poteris confidere.” 2. Marcolfus: “Laudo.” 3. Tempore autem vigilie adveniente, 4. rex salomon et Marcolfus consederunt, parvoque intervallo facto Marcolfus dormitare et runcare cepit. 5. Cui salomon ait: “Dormis, Marcolfe?” 6. Marcolfus: “non dormio, sed penso.” 7. salomon: “Quid pensas?” 8. Marcolfus: “Penso tot iuncturas esse in leporis cauda quot in spina.” 9. salomon: “nisi hoc probaveris, reus eris mortis.” 10. Post hec, salomone tacente, Marcolfus dormire et runcare [fol. 70v] cepit. 11. Cui salomon ait: “Dormis, Marcolfe?” 12. Marcolfus: “non dormio, sed penso.” 78 English Translation riches god gave me above and beyond this very wisdom?” 7. Marcolf: “i heard. For i know that where god wishes, there it rains.” [25] chapter 3 1. smiling at these words, king solomon said, “My men await me outside the house; i cannot stay any more with you. 2. But go and tell your mother to send me a pot full of milk from the best cow that she has and to cover that pot from the same cow, 3. and you should bring it to me.” 4. “i will do so,” said Marcolf. 5. in fact king solomon, returning to Jerusalem with an immense din from his retinue, was received in his palace as a rich and powerful lord. 6. For her part the mother of Marcolf, named Flocenna, taking a pot filled with milk and smearing a white pat from the same milk, put it on the pot, and thus conveyed it to the king by way of Marcolf, her son. 7. But Marcolf, proceeding by a path in a meadow and overheated from the summer heat, saw a cow pie lying; and immediately setting down the pot on the ground, he ate the pat of milk and covered the pot with some of the cow pie. 8. And when he had come before king solomon and presented the pot covered with the cow pie, king solomon said, “why is the pot covered in this way?” 9. Marcolf: “Didn’t you order, king, that the cow’s milk should be covered from the cow? 10. isn’t a cow pie from a cow?” 11. To this king solomon said, “i did not so order.” [26] 12. Marcolf: “i understood in this way.” 13. solomon: “it would have been better, if the pie had been smeared with milk.” 14. Marcolf: “so it was done, but hunger changed my mind.” 15. solomon: “How?” 16. Marcolf: “i knew that you did not need bread and so in my need i ate the pie smeared with milk, and by quick-wittedness itself i put a cow pie on the pot.” chapter 4 1. solomon: “now let us leave off this topic! But if during this night you do not remain watchful as well as i do, tomorrow you will not be able to have confidence about having your head.” 2. Marcolf: “That’s fine.” 3. But when the time of the night watch arrived, 4. king solomon and Marcolf settled down, and after a brief period had passed Marcolf began to fall asleep and to snore. 5. solomon said to him, “Are you sleeping, Marcolf?” 6. “i am not sleeping, but thinking.” 7. solomon: “what are you thinking?” 8. “i think that there are as many joints in the tail of a hare as in its spine.” 9. solomon: “Unless you prove this, you will be sentenced to death.” 10. After this, as solomon fell silent, Marcolf began to sleep and to snore. 11. solomon said to him, “Are you sleeping, Marcolf?” 12. Marcolf: “i am not sleeping, but thinking.” 79 Latin Text 13. salomon: “Quid pensas?” 14. Marcolfus: “Penso tot pennas in pica esse albas quot nigras.” 15. salomon: “nisi hoc probaveris, reus eris mortis.” 16. Post hoc, salomone tacente, Marcolfus iterum dormire et runcare cepit. 17. Cui salomon ait: “Dormis, Marcolfe?” 18. Marcolfus: “non dormio, sed penso.” 19. salomon: “Quid pensas?” 20. Marcolfus: “Penso nullam rem esse sub celo candidiorem die.” 21. salomon: “numquid dies est candidior lacte?” 22. Marcolfus: “Est.” 23. salomon: “Probandum est.” 24. Post hec, salomone tacente et vigilante, Marcolfus dormire cepit et sufflare. 25. Cui salomon ait: “Dormis, Marcolfe?” 26. Marcolfus: “non dormio, sed penso.” 27. salomon: “Quid pensas?” 28. Marcolfus: “Penso nil tute credendum mulieri.” 29. salomon: “Et hoc probabitur.” 30. Post hoc iterum, salomone tacente et vigilante, Marcolfus dormire et sufflare cepit. 31. Cui salomon ait: “Dormis, Marcolfe?” 32. Marcolfus: “non dormio, sed penso.” 33. salomon: “Quid pensas?” 34. Marcolfus: “Penso plus valere naturam quam nutrituram.” 35. salomon: “nisi hoc probaveris, reus eris mortis.” 36. Post hoc, transacta nocte, salomon, fessus vigilando, collocavit se in lecto suo. [caput 5] 1. Tunc Marcolfus, dimisso rege, festinus cucurrit ad sororem suam, Fusadam nomine, et simulans se multum tristem, dixit ad eam: 2. “Rex salomon est michi contrarius, et non possum pati minas et iniurias eius. 3. sed ego accipiam cultellum unum sub veste mea et hodie, eo nesciente, infigam in cor eius sicque occidam eum. 4. nunc autem, cara soror mea Fusada, precor ne me accuses, sed omni fide celes nec eciam fratri meo Busardi indices istud.” 5. Cui Fusada respondit: “Care mi fratercule Marcolfe, ne dubites, quia pro capite meo perdendo non te accusarem.” 6. Post hec Marcolfus [fol. 71r] caute redijt ad curiam regis. [caput 6] 1. sole autem terras illuminante, curia regis impletur; 2. et salomon, a lecto suo consurgens, sedit in throno pallacij sui. 3. Tunc, iussu regis, lepus queritur et in sui presencia defertur; 4. et tot iuncture in cauda quot in spina a Marcolfo numerantur. 5. Deinde, pica quesita et coram rege delata, tot penne a Marcolfo 80 English Translation 13. solomon: “what are you thinking?” 14. Marcolf: “i think that there are as many white as black feathers on a magpie.” 15. solomon: “Unless you prove this, you will be sentenced to death.” 16. After this, as solomon fell silent, Marcolf began to sleep and to snore. 17. solomon said to him, “Are you sleeping, Marcolf?” 18. Marcolf: “i am not sleeping, but thinking.” 19. solomon: “what are you thinking?” 20. Marcolf: “i think that under the heavens nothing is whiter than day.” 21. solomon: “Day is not whiter than milk, is it?” 22. Marcolf: “it is.” [27] 23. solomon: “it must be proven.” 24. After this, as solomon fell silent and remained awake, Marcolf began to sleep and to breathe deeply. 25. solomon said to him, “Are you sleeping, Marcolf?” 26. Marcolf: “i am not sleeping, but thinking.” 27. solomon: “what are you thinking?” 28. Marcolf: “i think that nothing can be entrusted safely to a woman.” 29. solomon: “This too will be proven.” 30. After this, as solomon again fell silent and stayed awake, Marcolf began to sleep and to breathe deeply. 31. solomon said to him, “Are you sleeping, Marcolf?” 32. Marcolf: “i am not sleeping, but thinking.” 33. solomon: “what are you thinking?” 34. Marcolf: “i think that nature counts more than nurture.” 35. solomon: “if you do not prove this, you will be sentenced to death.” 36. After this, with the night having passed, solomon, tired from remaining watchful, settled himself in his bed. chapter 5 1. Then Marcolf, having left the king, in haste ran to his sister, named Fusada, and pretending that he was very unhappy, said to her, 2. “king solomon is hostile to me, and i cannot endure his threats and insults. 3. But i will take a knife under my clothing and today, without his knowing, i will stick it in his heart and thus kill him. 4. But now, my dear sister Fusada, i entreat you not to accuse me, but to conceal this in all good faith and not even to disclose it to my brother Busardis.” 5. Fusada responded to him, “My dear little brother Marcolf, do not worry, because i would not accuse you, even under threat of losing my head.” 6. After this Marcolf returned warily to the king’s court. [28] chapter 6 1. As the sun casts light upon the earth, the king’s court is filled; 2. and solomon, rising from his bed, sits in the throne of his palace. 3. Then, at the bidding of the king, a hare is sought out and delivered into his presence; 4. and as many joints on the tail as on the spine are counted by Marcolf. 5. Then, after a magpie is sought and brought before the king, as many white as black feathers 81 Latin Text numerantur albe quot nigre. 6. Tunc, rege nesciente, Marcolfus lagenam plenam lacte in cubiculo infra hostium posuit et foramina cuncta cubiculi, ne lux intraret, obstruxit regemque vocavit. 7. Cumque rex intrare voluisset in cubiculum, posuit pedem suum in lagenam plenam lacte; 8. et lapsus, corruisset nisi manibus suis se retinuisset. 9. Tunc rex salomon iratus ait: “Fili perdicionis, quid est quod fecisti?” 10. Marcolfus: “noli irasci ab re! 11. nonne dixisti quod lac sit candidius die? 12. Quare non vidisti coram pedibus tuis de lacte, sicut vidisses de die? 13. Equum iudica! 14. nil tibi peccavi.” 15. salomon: “Deus te perdat! 16. vestis mea est perfusa lacte et collum meum debui habere fractum tuo opere, et nil michi peccasti?” 17. Marcolfus: “Alia vice custodi te, et nunc sedens fac mihi iusticiam de proclamacione pro qua loquar ad te.” [caput 7] 1. Cumque rex consedisset, Marcolfus dixit, “Habeo unam sororem nomine Fusadam, que meretrix effecta est, que eciam pregnans facta dehonestat omnem parentelam meam, et tamen vult habere partem hereditatis paterne.” 2. Tunc salomon ait, “vocetur ante nos soror tua et audiamus quid ipsa velit dicere! 3. nemo absens diiudicetur!” 4. Cumque vocata venisset Fusada coram rege, subridens salomon ait, “Bene potest ista esse soror Marcolfi.” 5. Figura autem Fusade curta erat et grossa, pregnantique [fol. 71v] ventre grossior; que, habens spissas nates, claudicabat utroque pede, vultu et oculis et statura similitudinem Marcolfi gerens. 6. Tunc rex salomon ait ad Marcolfum, “Dic quid queras a sorore tua!” 7. Ad hec Marcolfus surgens dixit coram omnibus, “Proclamacionem facio, o rex, de ista sorore mea coram te, que meretrix effecta est et pregnans, sicut videre potes, et dehonestat omnem parentelam meam ac insuper vult habere partem hereditatis mee. 8. Quamobrem precor, ut iubeatis ei ne accipiat partem in ipsa hereditate.” 9. Audiens hec Fusada, repleta furore et ira, prorupit in hanc vocem: 10. “Pessime leccator, quare ego non haberem partem in hereditate mea? 11. nonne Marcol genuit me sicut et te? 12. nonne Flocenna fuit mater mea sicut et tua?” 13. Marcolfus respondit, “non habebis hereditatem quia tua culpa dampnabitur tibi.” 14. Fusada ad hec ait, “non michi dampnabitur quia, si peccavi, emendabo. 15. sed iuro per Deum et per virtutes eius: nisi me dimiseris 82 English Translation are counted by Marcolf. 6. Then, without the king’s knowing, Marcolf put a jar filled with milk in the bedroom inside the entrance and blocked all apertures of the bedroom so that light could not enter and called the king. 7. And when the king wanted to enter the bedroom, he put his foot into the jar filled with milk; 8. and having slipped, he would have fallen if he had not held himself back with his hands. 9. Then king solomon grew angry and said, “son of perdition, what is it that you have done?” 10. Marcolf: “Don’t be angered without cause! 11. Didn’t you say that milk is whiter than day? 12. why didn’t you see in front of your feet by the milk, just as you would have seen by day? 13. Judge what is fair! 14. i have sinned in no way against you.” 15. solomon: “May god destroy you! 16. My clothes are soaked in milk and i came near to breaking my neck through your doing, and you have sinned in no way against me?” 17. Marcolf: “on another occasion watch out for yourself, and now sit and give me justice about the complaint about which i will speak to you.” chapter 7 1. when the king had taken a seat, Marcolf said, “i have a sister named Fusada, who having become a prostitute and also [29] pregnant is dishonoring all of my family, and yet she wishes to have a share of our father’s inheritance.” 2. Then solomon said, “Let your sister be called before us and let us hear what she wishes to say! 3. Let no one who is absent be judged!” 4. And when Fusada had been called and had come before the king, solomon said, smiling, “This can well be the sister of Marcolf.” 5. For the appearance of Fusada was short and squat, and even squatter with her pregnant womb; and, having thick buttocks, she limped in each foot, presenting a likeness of Marcolf in face, eyes, and height. 6. Then king solomon said to Marcolf, “say what you are seeking from your sister!” 7. At these words Marcolf arose and said before everyone, “o king, i make a complaint before you about this sister of mine, who has become a prostitute and pregnant, as you can see, and dishonors all my family and in addition wishes to have a share of my inheritance. 8. on this account i entreat you to order that she not receive a share in the same inheritance.” 9. Hearing these words Fusada, filled with rage and anger, burst out into this speech: 10. “worst of knaves, why should i not have a share in my inheritance? 11. Did not Marcol beget me, even as he begot you? 12. was not Flocenna my mother, even as she was yours?” 13. Marcolf responded, “you will not have an inheritance [30] because you will be condemned for your crime.” 14. To these words Fusada said, “i will not be condemned because, if i have sinned, i will make amends. 15. But i swear by god and his virtues: unless you let me go 83 Latin Text in pace, dicam talem rem pro qua rex faciet te suspensum perire.” 16. Marcolfus: “sordida meretrix, quid michi diceres? nil peccavi cuiquam.” 17. Fusada ait, “Multum peccasti certe, quia vis occidere dominum meum regem. 18. Et si mihi non creditur, queratur cultellus sub veste tua.” 19. Cumque cultellus a familia regis quereretur et non inveniretur, dixit Marcolfus, 20. “nonne verum dixi, o rex, nil tute credendum mulieri?” 21. Cumque omnes elevassent risum, dixit rex salomon: “Per ingenium omnia facis, Marcolfe.” 22. Marcolfus: “non est ingenium; sed quod fraudulenter credidi sorori mee, publicavit; sic quoque fecisset de veritate.” 23. Tunc rex salomon ait, “Et quare dixisti melius valere naturam quam nutrituram?” 24. Marcolfus: “Modo sustine paululum et antequam dormias, ostendam tibi.” [caput 8] 1. Die autem [fol. 72r] ipsa transeunte et hora cene adveniente, rex salomon consedit ad cenam cum maximo apparatu suorum. 2. Et Marcolfus, sedens cum aliis, inclusit tres sorices in manica tunice sue. 3. Fuerat enim in curia regis salomonis cattus unus ita nutritus ut omni nocte rege cenante, teneret candelam coram universis, duobus pedibus suis stans et duobus tenens lucernam. 4. Cumque iam prope omnes cenassent, Marcolfus emisit unam de soricibus; quam cum cattus conspexisset et post illam ire voluisset, grunitu regis est retenta. 5. Cumque de secunda sorice similiter factum fuisset, Marcolfus emisit terciam. 6. Quam cum cattus conspexisset, ultra non ferens candelam proiecit et, post soricem currens, illam comprehendit. 7. Hec Marcolfus videns dixit ad regem, “Ecce, rex: coram te probavi melius valere naturam quam nutrituram.” 8. Ad hec rex salomon ait servis suis, “Proicite eum de conspectu, et si amplius venerit, dimittite super eum omnes canes meos!” 9. Tunc Marcolfus ait, “nunc pro certo dicere possum quia ibi est mala curia ubi non est iusticia.” 10. Cumque expulsus fuisset Marcolfus de curia regis, cepit intra se dicere: 11. “neque sic neque sic sapiens salomon de bricone Marcolfo pacem habebit.” [caput 9] 1. insequenti autem die Marcolfus, de lectulo suo surgens, cogitabat quomodo 84 English Translation in peace, i will tell such a thing for which the king will make you die by hanging.” 16. Marcolf: “Filthy prostitute, what would you say to me? i have sinned in no way against anyone.” 17. Fusada said, “Certainly you have sinned much, because you wish to kill my lord, the king. 18. And if i am not to be believed, let the knife under your clothing be sought.” 19. And when the knife had been sought by the king’s attendants and not found, Marcolf said, 20. “Didn’t i speak the truth, o king, that nothing can be entrusted to a woman safely?” 21. And when everyone had burst into laughter, king solomon said, “you accomplish everything through wit, Marcolf.” 22. Marcolf: “it isn’t wit; but what i deceptively entrusted to my sister, she made public; and so too she would have done for real.” 23. Then king solomon said, “And why did you say that nature counts more than nurture?” 24. Marcolf: “now be patient a little while and before you go to sleep, i will show you.” chapter 8 1. As that very day passed and the hour of dinner arrived, king solomon settled down to dinner with the greatest pomp from his retinue. 2. And Marcolf, sitting with the others, enclosed three mice in the sleeve of his tunic. 3. For there was in the court of king solomon a cat nurtured in such a way that every night when the king dined, it would hold a candle in front of everyone, standing on two of its paws and holding the lamp with two. 4. And when almost everyone had dined, Marcolf let loose one of the mice; when the cat caught sight of it [31] and wanted to go after it, it was restrained by a grunt from the king. 5. And when the same thing happened with the second mouse, Marcolf let loose the third. 6. when the cat caught sight of it, it was unable to resist any longer and tossed down the candle and, running after the mouse, caught it. 7. seeing this, Marcolf said to the king, “Look, king: i have proven in your presence that nature counts more than nurture.” 8. whereupon king solomon said to his servants, “Throw him out of my sight, and if he comes back any more, unleash all my dogs upon him!” 9. Then Marcolf said, “now for certain i can say that there is a bad court in that place where there is no justice.” 10. And when Marcolf had been expelled from the king’s court, he [Marcolf] began to say to himself, 11. “neither in this way nor in that will wise solomon have peace from the rogue Marcolf.” chapter 9 1. on the following day Marcolf, arising from his little bed, was pondering how 85 Latin Text in curiam regis intrare posset sic ut eum canes regis non comederent. 2. Et abiens emit leporem vivum et posuit sub veste sua, sicque reversus est ad curiam regis. 3. Quem cum servi salomonis vidissent, canes regis super eum eiecerunt. 4. Marcolfus vero leporem emisit. 5. Protinus canes, Marcolfum relinquentes, leporem insecuti sunt. 6. Et sic Marcolfus pervenit ad regem. [fol. 72v] 7. Cumque rex vidisset eum, dixit ei, “Quis te huc intromisit?” 8. Marcolfus: “Calliditas, non misericordia.” [caput 10] 1. Tunc salomon ait, “Cave ne hodie emittas salivam de ore tuo nisi super nudam terram!” 2. Pallacium autem omne erat stratum tapecijs et parietes erant cooperti cortinis. 3. Cumque Marcolfus nimiam tussim haberet et inter colloquia in eius ore saliva nimis habundaret, respiciens circa se vidit unum hominem calvum stantem iuxta regem. 4. Tunc, in angustia grandi positus, cum non videret nudam terram super quam screare posset, collegit salivam in ore et cum magno impetu screavit in frontem istius calvi hominis. 5. Mox calvus ille, nimio rubore perfusus, frontem suam detersit et, se ad pedes regis submittens, proclamacionem de Marcolfo fecit. 6. Tunc rex dixit ad Marcolfum, “Quare fedasti frontem istius hominis?” 7. Marcolfus: “non fedavi, sed fimavi. in sterili enim terra fimus ideo ponitur ut segetes in ea habundancius multiplicentur.” 8. salomon: “Quid pertinet hoc ad calvum hominem?” 9. Marcolfus: “nonne prohibuisti ut hodie non screarem nisi super nudam terram? 10. vidi enim frontem eius nudatam capillis, et credens esse nudam terram, screavi in ipsam. 11. non certe irasci debet pro hac re, quia pro suo proficuo feci. 12. si enim frons eius frequenter ita esset rigata, capilli renascerentur.” 13. salomon: “non te Deus adiuvet! nonne calvi homines sunt ceteris honestiores? 14. Calvicium enim non est vicium sed honoris indicium.” 15. Marcolfus: “non ita dico, sed quod calvicium muscarum est ludibrium. 16. Modo conspice, o rex, [fol. 73r] quomodo musce insequuntur frontem istius calvi magis quam ceteras frontes capillatorum! 17. Putant namque esse aliquod vas tornatile plenum aliquo potu aut aliquem lapidem delinitum aliqua dulcedine, et ideo infestant nudam frontem eius.” 18. Ad hoc coram rege calvus ait, “Ut quid iste inpurissimus leccator huc intromittitur ante dominum meum regem ut nos vituperet et confundat? Aut taceat aut eiciatur!” 19. Marcolfus ait, “Fiat pax! Tacebo.” 86 English Translation he could enter into the king’s court in such a way that the king’s dogs would not eat him. 2. And going off he bought a live hare and put it under his clothes, and thus returned to the king’s court. 3. when solomon’s servants had seen him, they unleashed the king’s dogs upon him. 4. But Marcolf set loose the hare. 5. immediately the dogs, leaving Marcolf behind, pursued the hare. 6. And thus Marcolf [32] reached the king. 7. And when the king had seen him, he [the king] said to him, “who let you in here?” 8. Marcolf: “Cunning, not compassion.” chapter 10 1. Then solomon said, “Be careful that you do not release saliva from your mouth today except upon the bare earth!” 2. For the whole palace was spread with carpets and the walls were covered with hangings. 3. As Marcolf had a powerful cough and in conversing an excess of saliva welled up in his mouth, he looked around himself and saw a bald man standing near the king. 4. Then, caught in extreme distress, since he did not see bare earth on which he could clear his throat, he gathered the saliva in his mouth and with great force cleared his throat on the forehead of this bald man. 5. At once that bald man, flushing a deep red, wiped off his forehead and, kneeling at the king’s feet, made a complaint about Marcolf. 6. Then the king said to Marcolf, “why did you foul the forehead of this man?” 7. Marcolf: “i didn’t befoul it; i fertilized it. For fertilizer is put on barren land so that the crops on it may be increased more aboundingly.” 8. solomon: “what relevance does this have to the bald man?” 9. Marcolf: “Didn’t you forbid me to clear my throat today except upon bare earth? 10. For i saw his forehead laid bare of hair and, believing it to be bare earth, i cleared my throat upon it. [33] 11. surely he ought not to grow angry about this business, since i did it for his advantage. 12. For if his forehead were frequently watered in this way, his hair would grow back.” 13. solomon: “May god give you no help! Are not bald men more honest than others? 14. For baldness is not a vice but a token of honor.” 15. Marcolf: “i do not say so, but rather that baldness is a plaything for flies. 16. now see, o king, how flies pursue the forehead of this bald man rather than other foreheads of men with hair! 17. For they think that it is some rounded vessel filled with some drink or some stone smeared with something sweet, and for this reason they harass his bare forehead.” 18. To this the bald man said in the presence of the king, “why is this most impure knave granted entrance before my lord king to insult and embarrass us? Let him either be silent or be thrown out!” 19. Marcolf said, “Let there be peace! i will be silent.” 87 Latin Text [caput 11] 1. interea due mulieres meretrices venerunt ad regem salomonem deferentes infantulum unum, de quo nimium coram rege contendebant. 2. Una dicebat, “Meus est infantulus.” 3. Altera respondebat, “Mentiris. non est tuus sed meus.” 4. Una quippe earum dormiens suum oppresserat filiolum, unde coram salomone de vivo contendebant. 5. Ad hec rex dixit servis suis, “Afferte gladium et dividite infantulum, ut unaqueque inde accipiat partem suam!” 6. Quod audiens meretrix cuius vivebat filius dixit ad regem: 7. “obsecro, domine, date illi infantem vivum et non occidatur!” 8. Commota quippe fuerant viscera eius super filio suo. 9. E contrario, altera respondebat: “nec michi nec tibi sit, sed dividatur.” 10. Tunc rex salomon ait, “Date illi infantem vivum, hec est enim mater eius!” [caput 12] 1. Tunc Marcolfus, assurgens, dixit ad regem, “Quomodo nosti hanc esse matrem pueri?” 2. salomon respondit, “Ex affectu et mutacione vultus et suffusione lacrimarum.” 3. Marcolfus: “non bene sapis. 4. An credis lacrimis femine? 5. sapiens nescis artes femine? 6. Dum femina plorat oculis, ridet in corde; 7. plorat uno oculo, altero ridet; 8. ostendit vultu quod non habet in affectu, 9. loquitur ore quod non cogitat mente; 10. id tibi pro- [fol. 73v] mittit quod implere non cupit; 11. si inmutatur vultus, per varia ingenia cursitat cogitatus. 12. innumerabiles artes habet femina.” 13. salomon: “Quot habet artes tot habet probitates.” 14. Marcolfus: “non probitates sed decepciones, student enim decipere insipientes.” 15. salomon: “non omnes sunt deceptrices neque meretrices.” 16. Marcolfus: “Una plus, alia minus; ego omnes dico deceptrices et meretrices.” 17. salomon: “vere illa fuit meretrix et plus quam meretrix que te talem filium genuit.” 18. Marcolfus: “Cur hoc dicis, domine rex?” 19. salomon: “Quia vituperas sexum muliebrem. 20. Mulier enim est res honesta, concupiscibilis, honorabilis, et amabilis.” 21. Marcolfus: “Adhuc potes adiungere ei quod sit fragilis et flexibilis.” 22. salomon: “si fragilis, per humanam condicionem est; si flexibilis, per debitam delectacionem, mulier enim de costa hominis facta homini est in adiutorium et delectamentum data. 23. nam mulier potest dici quasi ‘mollis aer.’ ” 24. Marcolfus: “Similiter potest dici mulier quasi ‘mollis error.’ ” 88 English Translation chapter 11 1. Meanwhile two women who were prostitutes came to king solomon carrying a little baby, about which they were arguing intensely before the king. 2. one was saying, “it is my little baby.” 3. The other was replying, “you lie. it is not yours but mine.” 4. For one of them while sleeping had smothered her little son, as a result of which they were arguing before solomon about the one who was alive. 5. At this the king said to his servants, [34] “Bring a sword and cut in half the little baby, so that each of them may receive her share of it!” 6. when the prostitute whose son was still alive heard this, she said to the king, 7. “i entreat you, lord, give her the baby alive and let him not be killed!” 8. For her heart was in tumult over her son. 9. in contrast, the other responded, “Let it not be mine nor yours, but let it be split in two.” 10. Then king solomon said, “give the first one the baby alive, for she is his mother!” chapter 12 1. Then Marcolf, arising, said to the king, “How do you know that this is the boy’s mother?” 2. solomon responded, “By her emotion, change of demeanor, and shedding of tears.” 3. Marcolf: “you are not showing good sense. 4. so you believe in a woman’s tears? 5. in your wisdom are you ignorant of a woman’s wiles? 6. As a woman cries with her eyes, she laughs in her heart; 7. she cries with one eye and laughs with the other; 8. she displays in her face what she does not feel in her heart; 9. she speaks with her mouth what she does not think in her mind; 10. she promises you what she does not wish to fulfill; 11. if her expression changes, her thinking is coursing through various quick-witted stratagems. 12. A woman has countless wiles.” 13. solomon: “she has as many virtues as she has wiles.” 14. Marcolf: “not virtues but deceits, for she is eager to deceive the unwise.” 15. solomon: “not all are deceivers or prostitutes.” 16. Marcolf: “one more, another less; but i say that all are deceivers and prostitutes.” 17. solomon: “Truly that woman was a prostitute and worse than a prostitute who bore a son such as you.” [35] 18. Marcolf: “why do you say this, lord king?” 19. solomon: “Because you slander the female sex. 20. For a woman is a decent thing, desirable, honorable, and lovable.” 21. Marcolf: “To this you can add that she is frail and pliant.” 22. solomon: “if frail, it comes as a result of the human condition; if pliant, it is for the obligatory delight, since woman was made from the rib of man to be given to man as helpmate and delight. 23. For woman (mulier) can be etymologized as ‘soft air’ [mollis aer].” 24. Marcolf: “Likewise woman (mulier) can be etymologized as ‘easy error’ [mollis error].” 89 Latin Text 25. salomon: “Mentiris, pessime. 26. Pessimus homo omnis male loquens de muliere. 27. nam de muliere nascitur omnis homo, et qui dehonestat muliebrem sexum nimium vituperandus est. 28. Quid divicie, quid regna, quid possessiones, quid aurum et argentum, quid gemme, quid preciose vestes, quid sumptuosa convivia, quid leta tempora, quid delicie valent sine femina? 29. vere potest vocari mundo mortuus qui est ab hoc sexu segregatus. 30. Femina generat filios et filias, nutrit, diligit, amplectitur, optat salutem eorum, opponit se morti pro salute ipsorum. 31. Femina regit domum; sollicita est de salute mariti et familie. 32. Femina est delectacio regum, dulcedo iuvenum, consolacio senum, exhilaracio puerorum. 33. Femina est gaudium diei, solacium noctis, laborum alleviacio. 34. Feminas [fol. 74r] servet Deus, sicut volo, ut servetur introitus et exitus meus.” 35. Ad hec Marcolfus ait, “verum dixit, qui dixit, ‘Quod in corde, hoc in ore.’ 36. Multum amas feminas, et ideo laudas eas. 37. Bene facis, quia non debes aspuere quod ad os debes ponere. 38. Divicie et nobilitas et pulchritudo ac sapiencia tua bene concordant tibi et amores mulierum. 39. sed dico tibi quia qui nunc laudas eas antequam dormias vituperabis illas.” 40. salomon ait, “Mentiris certe, quia cunctis diebus vite mee, mulieres amavi et amabo. 41. sed nunc discede a me et vide ne amplius in conspectu meo male loquaris de muliere!” [caput 13] 1. Tunc Marcolfus, de pallacio regis exiens, vocavit ad se meretricem illam, cui redditus fuerat filius vivus, et dixit ad eam, “scis quid actum sit in curia regis salomonis?” 2. At illa respondit, “Filius meus hodie michi concessus est; sed quid postea factum sit prorsus ignoro.” 3. Cui Marcolfus: “Penitet regem tibi hodie reddidisse filium tuum vivum et non divisisse. 4. Unde precepit ut crastino die voceris tu et socia tua; 5. et tunc dividetur filius tuus et dabitur illi media pars et tibi pars remanebit.” 6. Ad hec meretrix ait, “o quam malus rex et quam male sentencie eius!” 7. Tunc Marcolfus: “Adhuc graviora et deteriora tibi dicam. 8. nam rex et omnes consiliarij eius statuerunt ut unusquisque homo septem accipiat uxores. 9. Unde animadvertant mulieres quid eis faciendum sit. 10. si enim unus homo septem habuerit uxores, numquam in pace erit domus. 11. Una amabitur et altera despicietur. 12. nam illa que magis placuerit cum marito frequencius erit; que vero minus placuerit cum marito rarius erit. 90 English Translation 25. solomon: “you lie, worst of men. 26. Every man is the worst who speaks badly of woman. 27. For of woman every man is born, and he who dishonors the female sex is to be slandered greatly. 28. what good are riches, kingdoms, possessions, gold and silver, gems, precious clothing, expensive banquets, joyous times, and delights without a woman? 29. Truly he can be called dead to the world who is separated from this sex. 30. woman produces sons and daughters, nurtures them, cherishes them, embraces them, hopes for their health, puts herself up against death to save them. 31. woman rules the home; she is concerned with the health of husband and family. 32. woman is the delight of kings, sweetness of young men, solace of old men, gladness of boys. 33. woman is the joy of the day, mitigation [36] of the night, relief of toils. 34. May god protect women, as i want, so that my entrance and exit may be protected.” 35. To this Marcolf said: “He spoke the truth who said, ‘what is in the heart is in the mouth.’ 36. you love women much, and for that reason you praise them. 37. you do well, because you ought not spit upon that which you must put to your mouth. 38. Riches and nobility and beauty and your wisdom and loves of women suit you well. 39. But i tell you that you who now praise them will slander them before you go to sleep.” 40. solomon said, “For certain you lie, because in all the days of my life, i have loved and will love women. 41. But now depart from me and watch out that you speak badly of woman no longer in my sight!” chapter 13 1. Then Marcolf, going forth from the king’s palace, called to himself that prostitute whose son had been returned alive to her, and he said to her, “Do you know what has been done in the court of king solomon?” 2. in return she responded, “Today my son was granted to me; but of what happened afterward i am altogether ignorant.” 3. To her Marcolf said, “The king regrets today having restored to you your son alive and not having split him in two. 4. For this reason he has commanded that you and your colleague be summoned tomorrow; 5. and then your son will be split in two and half will be given to her and half will remain for you.” 6. To this the prostitute said, “o how bad a king and how [37] bad his verdicts!” 7. Then Marcolf: “i will tell you still more grievous and worse matters. 8. For the king and all his counselors have decreed that each man should take seven wives. 9. in this connection women should consider what must be done by them. 10. For if one man should have seven wives, there will never be peace in the home. 11. one will be loved and another despised. 12. For the one who is more pleasing will be with the husband more frequently; but she who is less pleasing will be with the husband more rarely. 91 Latin Text 13. Una bene vestietur, altera nuda relinquetur. 14. Dilecta habebit annulos, monilia, aurum et [fol. 74v] argentum, varium et griseum; 15. custodiet claves domus honorabitur ‘domina’ ab omni familia vocabitur et omnes divicie mariti ei subiacebunt. 16. Cum una sic amabitur, quid alie sex dicture sunt? 17. (si due, quid quinque? si tres, quid quatuor? si quatuor, quid tres? si quinque, quid due? si sex, quid una?) 18. Cum carior deosculabitur, amplexabitur maritoque sociabitur, hoc alie videntes numquid referent, ‘neque vidue neque maritate, nec cum marito nec sine marito sumus?’ 19. Penitebit enim eas perdidisse virginitatem. 20. ire, rixe, contenciones, emulaciones, et invidie inter eas semper erunt; perpetuum odium inter eas regnabit; et nisi prohibitum fuerit hoc malum preceptum, una parabit venenum alteri et mutuo se interficient. 21. Multum inde doleo. 22. Quamobrem tu, que femina es et nosti muliebrem sexum, festina nunciare dominabus huius civitatis, et dic eis ut omnino non consenciant, sed contradicant regi et consiliarijs eius!” [caput 14] 1. Cumque hec dixisset Marcolfus, caute rediit ad curiam regis et consedit in angulo pallacij. 2. illa autem meretrix, credens verba eius esse vera, transvolabat per mediam urbem et, palmas suas pectusque quaciens, verba que audierat undique divulgabat. 3. Fit concursus matronarum, vicina refert vicine, oritur ingens tumultus, et sub parva hora omnes mulieres urbis in unum congregantur. 4. Quibus congregatis, placuit eis consilium, ut agmine facto ad pallacium irent et regem invaderent preceptisque eius contradicerent. 5. venientes autem ad curiam, quasi septem milia mulierum vallaverunt pallacium regis salomonis, et, impetu facto, fregerunt valvas eius. 6. Tunc, invadentes regem, convicia horrenda inferebant ei et consiliarijs eius. 7. Furor enim nimius omnem mensuram [fol. 75r] abstulerat, et una plus, alia minus, omnes coram rege cum ingenti tumultu voces emittebant. [caput 15] 1. Tandem rex, vix imperato silencio, requisivit que esset causa tanti tumultus. 2. Ad hec una, que constancior eloquenciorque ceteris videbatur esse, dixit ad 92 English Translation 13. one will be dressed well, another will be left naked. 14. The favorite will have rings and necklaces, gold and silver, squirrel fur and miniver; 15. she will guard the house keys; she will be honored; she will be called ‘lady’ by the whole household; and all the husband’s riches will be placed at her command. 16. when one is loved in this way, what will the other six be able to say? 17. (if two, what will the other five? if three, what will the other four? if four, what will the other three? if five, what will the other two? if six, what will the other one?) 18. when the dearer one will be kissed, embraced, and joined to the husband, will not the others seeing this say, ‘we are neither widowed nor married, neither with a husband nor without a husband’? 19. indeed they will regret having lost their virginity. 20. Fits of anger, quarrels, contentions, rivalries, and jealousies will always be present among them; perpetual hate will reign among them; and if this wicked command is not forestalled, one woman will prepare poison against another and they will kill each other by turns. 21. i grieve much on this account. 22. For this reason you, who are a woman [38] and know the female sex, make haste to announce to the ladies of this city, and tell them that they should not consent in any way but that they should oppose the king and his counselors!” chapter 14 1. when Marcolf had said these things, he returned warily to the king’s court and sat in a corner of the palace. 2. in contrast, that prostitute, trusting that his words were true, flew about through the middle of the city and, beating the palms of her hands upon her breast, revealed everywhere what she had heard. 3. A gathering of matrons comes about, neighbor woman reports to neighbor woman, an immense uproar arises, and in a short time all the women of the city flock together. 4. Having flocked together, they approved the plan of going in a formation to the palace, attacking the king, and opposing his commands. 5. And in fact almost seven thousand women, coming to the court, surrounded the palace of king solomon, and, having made an attack, broke its doors. 6. Then, attacking the king, they inflicted horrible abuse upon him and his counselors. 7. indeed their extreme rage exceeded all bounds, and one more, another less, they all let forth cries before the king in an immense uproar. chapter 15 1. At last the king, barely able to enjoin silence, asked what was the cause of so great an uproar. 2. At this one woman, who seemed to be firmer and more 93 Latin Text regem, 3. “Tu, rex, cui aurum et argentum et lapides preciosi omnesque divicie terrarum deferuntur, facis omnes voluntates tuas, et nullus resistit tuis voluntatibus. 4. Habes reginam et reginas pluresque inducis concubinas ac iuvenculas innumerabiles; 5. et das unicuique quantum vis, quia habes quicquid vis. Hoc omnes facere non possunt.” 6. salomon respondit, “Unxit me Deus regem in israhel, et non potero facere voluntates meas?” 7. Ad hec mulier: “satis,” inquit, “fac tuas voluntates de tuis; de nobis cur faceres? 8. nos nobiles de genere Abrahe sumus, et legem Moysi tenemus. 9. Tu quare immutare vis legem nostram? 10. Qui debes diligere iusticiam, cur facis iniusticiam?” 11. Ad hec salomon, furore repletus, ait, “Quam iniusticiam facio, inpudibunda mulier?” 12. Mulier respondit, “Maxima iniusticia est quod vis constituere ut unusquisque homo septem uxores accipiat. 13. Certe omnino non fiet istud. 14. non est dux neque comes neque princeps qui sit tantarum diviciarum ut uni uxori suas adimpleat voluntates. 15. Quid faciet, si septem habuerit? 16. supra vires hominis est istud facere. 17. Melius est enim ut unaqueque mulier septem habeat maritos, ut omnes laborent unde una uxor procuretur.” 18. Ad hec rex salomon, subridens, dixit suis, “Bene ista loquitur pro consodalibus suis. 19. non enim estimabam numerum hominum posse equari mul- [fol. 75v] titudini mulierum. 20. Hec vero non solum equat, verum eciam septies multiplicat.” 21. Tunc omnes ierosolomitane mulieres una voce clamaverunt, “vere malus et derisor, rex, es tu, et iniuste sentencie tue. 22. nunc vere scimus quia vera sunt que audivimus. 23. Malum tractas nobis, et modo derides nos coram omni plebe. o Deus! 24. Quam hora mala prius saul regnavit super nos; quam peiore David; quam pessima iste salomon regnat!” [caput 16] 1. Tunc rex salomon, in iram prorumpens, dixit, 2. “non est caput nequius super caput colubri, 3. et non est ira super iram mulieris. 4. Commorari leoni et draconi magis placebit, quam habitare cum muliere nequam. 5. Brevis est omnis malicia super maliciam mulieris. sors peccatorum cadat super illam! 6. sicut ascensus arenosus in pedibus veterani, sic mulier linguosa viro quieto. 7. Mulieris ira et irreverencia confusio magna est. 8. Mulier, si primatum habet, contraria est viro suo. 9. Cor humile et facies tristis et plaga mortis mulier 94 English Translation eloquent [39] than the rest, said to the king, 3. “you, king, to whom gold and silver and precious stones and all the riches of the earth are brought, accomplish everything that you will, and no one resists your will. 4. you have a queen and queens, and you bring in many concubines and countless young girls; 5. and you give each one as much as you wish, because you have whatever you wish. not everyone can do this.” 6. solomon responded, “god anointed me king over israel, and i will not be able to accomplish what i will?” 7. To this the woman said, “satisfy your wishes with your own women; why should you do so with us? 8. we are noble women from the clan of Abraham, and we hold to the law of Moses. 9. why do you wish to change our law? 10. you who ought to delight in justice, why do you commit an injustice?” 11. To this solomon, filled with rage, said, “what injustice do i commit, shameless woman?” 12. The woman responded, “The greatest injustice is that you wish to establish that each man should take seven wives. 13. Certainly this cannot be done in any way. 14. There is no duke, count, or prince who has so much wealth that he may fulfill the wishes of even one wife. 15. what will he do, if he has seven? 16. To do this is beyond the capacities of a man. 17. in fact it is better that every single woman should have seven husbands, that they should all toil for what one wife would obtain.” 18. At this king solomon said, smiling, to his men: “This woman speaks well on behalf of her companions. 19. indeed, i did not reckon that the number of men could be equal to the multitude of women. 20. But she not only makes it equal, indeed she even multiplies it by seven.” [40] 21. Then all the women of Jerusalem cried out in unison, “Truly you are bad and a mocker, king, and your verdicts are unjust. 22. now we know truly that the things we have heard are true. 23. you commit a wrong against us, and now you mock us before the entire populace. o god! 24. in how bad an hour saul reigned over us earlier; in how much worse a one David reigned; but this is the worst in which this solomon reigns.” chapter 16 1. Then king solomon, bursting into anger, said, 2. “There is no head worse than the head of a serpent, 3. and there is no anger above the anger of a woman. 4. it will be more agreeable to stay with a lion and a dragon, than to dwell with a wicked woman. 5. All malice is short to the malice of a woman. Let the lot of sinners fall upon her! 6. As the climbing of a sandy way is to the feet of the aged, so is a wife full of tongue to a quiet man. 7. A woman’s anger and impudence are a great shame. 8. A woman, if she has superiority, is contrary to her husband. 9. A wicked woman abates the courage and makes a heavy counte95 Latin Text nequam. 10. A muliere inicium factum est peccati, et per illam omnes morimur. 11. Dolor cordis et luctus mulier zelotipa. 12. in muliere infideli flagellum lingue omnibus communicans. 13. sicut boum iugum quod movetur, ita et mulier nequam. 14. Pars mala mulier mala. 15. Qui tenet illam, quasi qui apprehendit scorpionem. 16. Mulier ebriosa ira magna est, et contumelia et turpitudo illius non contegetur. 17. Fornicacio mulieris in extollencia oculorum et in palpebris illius agnoscetur. 18. in filia non avertente se firma custodiam, ne inventa occasione abutatur se. 19. Ab omni irreverencia oculi eius cave, et ne mireris si te neglexerit!” [caput 17] 1. Talia referente rege salomone, nathan propheta assurgens [fol. 76r] dixit, 2. “Cur dominus meus rex confundit facies omnium ierosolomitanarum mulierum?” 3. salomon respondit, “nonne audisti quot vituperia michi sine mea culpa iniecerunt?” 4. Continuo nathan propheta respondit, “Cecus et surdus et mutus ad tempus debet esse qui in pace cum subiectis desiderat esse.” 5. salomon ait, “Respondendum est stulto iuxta stulticiam suam.” 6. Tunc saliens Marcolfus de loco suo quo sedebat, dixit ad regem, 7. “Bene locutus es, o rex, secundum voluntatem meam.” 8. salomon respondit: “Quomodo?” 9. Marcolfus dixit, “Multum hodie laudasti feminas; multum modo vituperas eas. 10. Hoc ego volebam; semper enim facis me veracem.” 11. salomon ait, “Quid est hoc, furcifer? numquid commovisti tu tumultum istum?” 12. Marcolfus: “non ego, sed pusillanimitas earum. 13. non debet quisquam credere quicquid audierit.” 14. Tunc salomon rex, iratus, dixit, “Discede a me et cave ne amplius videam te in mediis oculis!” 15. Confestim Marcolfus eiectus est de pallacio. [caput 18] 1. illi autem qui regi astabant dixerunt, “Loquatur dominus noster rex in auribus mulierum istarum, et dimittantur!” 2. Tunc rex, conversus, dixit mulieribus, “sciat dulcedo vestra me innocentem esse coram vobis et sine culpa esse de oppositis. 3. ille callidus leccator, quem modo vidistis, hec omnia confinxit. 4. Unusquisque vir uxorem unam habeat, et illam cum fide et honestate diligat. 5. Quod vero dixi de muliere, non dixi nisi de muliere nequam. 96 English Translation nance and a wounded heart. 10. From woman came the beginning of sin, and by her we all die. 11. A jealous woman is the grief and mourning of the heart. 12. with a jealous woman is a scourge of the tongue that communicates with all. 13. As a yoke of oxen that is moved to and fro, so also is a wicked woman. 14. A bad wife is a bad portion. 15. He that has hold of her, is as he that takes hold of a scorpion. [41] 16. A drunken woman is a great wrath, and her reproach and shame shall not be hid. 17. The fornication of a woman shall be known by the haughtiness of her eyes and by her eyelids. 18. on a daughter that turns not away herself set a strict watch, lest finding an opportunity she abuse herself. 19. Take heed of the impudence of her eyes, and wonder not if she slights you!” chapter 17 1. As king solomon related such things, the prophet nathan arose and said, 2. “why does my lord king dismay the countenances of all the women in Jerusalem?” 3. solomon responded, “Did you not hear how many slanders they hurled against me in my blamelessness?” 4. nathan the prophet responded straightway, “He must sometimes be blind, deaf, and dumb who desires to be at peace with his subjects.” 5. solomon said, “one must respond to a fool in accordance with his foolishness.” 6. Then Marcolf, leaping from the place in which he was sitting, said to the king, 7. “you have spoken well, o king, in accordance with my will.” 8. solomon responded, “How so?” 9. Marcolf said, “Today you praised women much; now you slander them much. 10. i wanted this; for you always prove me to have been truthful.” 11. solomon said, “what is this, scoundrel? surely you did not stir up this uproar?” 12. Marcolf: “not i, but their meanness of spirit. 13. no one ought to believe whatever he hears.” [42] 14. Then king solomon, enraged, said, “Depart from me, and watch out that i see you no more between the eyes!” 15. immediately Marcolf was tossed out of the palace. chapter 18 1. Those who were standing near the king said, “Let our lord king speak in the ears of these women, and let them be dismissed!” 2. Then the king, turned around, said to the women, “in your sweetness you should know that i am innocent before you and that i am blameless of what has been alleged. 3. That cunning knave, whom you saw just now, concocted all these things. 4. May each man have one wife, and may he cherish her with faith and honesty. 5. in fact, what i said about a woman, i have not said except about a wicked woman. 97 Latin Text 6. De bona quis diceret malum? 7. Pars enim bona mulier bona. 8. Mulieris bone beatus vir, numerus enim annorum illorum duplex. 9. gracia mulieris sedule delectabit virum suum et ossa illius inpinguabit. 10. Disciplina illius datum Dei est. 11. Mulier sensata et tacita; [fol. 76v] non est inmutacio erudite anime. 12. gracia super graciam mulier sancta et pudorata. 13. sicut sol oriens mundo in altissimis Dei, sic mulieris bone species in ornamentum domus eius. 14. Lucerna splendens super candelabrum sanctum, et species faciei super etatem stabilem. 15. Columpne auree super bases argenteas, et pedes firmi super plantas stabilis mulieris. 16. Fundamenta eterna supra petram solidam, et mandata Dei in corde mulieris sancte. 17. Dominus Deus israhel ipse benedicat vos et multiplicet semen vestrum in generacionibus seculorum!” 18. Cumque omnes respondissent, “Amen,” adorato rege recesserunt. [caput 19] 1. Marcolfus vero, moleste ferens iniuriam sibi factam a rege et quod rex iusserat ne eum amplius in medijs oculis videret, cogitabat quid ageret. 2. Deinde nocte insecuta nix multa de celo ad terram cecidit. 3. Tunc Marcolfus accepit cribrum unum in manu una et pedem ursi in altera, et calciamenta sua transverse calciavit, et quasi bestia quatuor pedibus per plateas urbis cepit ire. 4. Cum autem venisset extra civitatem, invenit furnum unum et intravit in eum. 5. nocte abeunte dies venit. 6. Et familia regis surgens tramitem Marcolfi in nive invenit, et existimans esse tramitem alicuius mirabilis bestie, nunciavit regi. 7. Tunc rex salomon cum copula canum et cum venatoribus suis cepit prosequi vestigia Marcolfi. 8. Cum autem pervenisset ante furnum et vestigia defecissent, descendens ad os furni cepit introspicere. 9. Marcolfus vero iacebat in faciem suam curvatus et deposuerat bracam suam, apparebantque ei nates et culus et gurgulio et testiculi. 10. Quem videns [fol. 77r] rex salomon ait, “Quis est qui ibi iacet?” 11. Marcolfus: “Ego sum, Marcolfus.” 12. salomon: “Quomodo,” inquit, “ita iaces?” 13. Marcolfus: “Tu mihi precepisti ne amplius me videres in medijs oculis. 14. nunc autem, si non vis me videre in medijs oculis, videas me in medio culo.” 98 English Translation 6. who could say anything ill about a good woman? 7. For a good wife is a good portion. 8. Happy is the husband of a good wife, for the number of their years is double. 9. The grace of a diligent woman shall delight her husband and shall fat his bones. 10. Her discipline is the gift of god. 11. such is a wise and silent woman, and there is nothing so much worth as a well instructed soul. 12. A holy and shamefaced woman is grace upon grace. 13. As the sun when it riseth to the world in the high places of god, so is the beauty of a good wife for the ornament of her house. 14. As the lamp [43] shining upon the holy candlestick, so is the beauty of the face in a ripe age. 15. As golden pillars upon bases of silver, so are the firm feet upon the soles of a steady woman. 16. As everlasting foundations upon a solid rock, so the commandments of god in the heart of a holy woman. 17. May the Lord god of israel himself bless you and multiply your seed in everlasting generations!” 18. And when all had responded, “Amen,” they went away after adoring the king. chapter 19 1. in truth Marcolf, taking poorly the wrong done him by the king and that the king had ordered that he see him no more between the eyes, was pondering what to do. 2. Then during the night that followed much snow fell from the sky to earth. 3. Then Marcolf took a sieve in one hand and the foot of a bear in the other, put on his footwear crosswise, and began to go like a beast on four feet through the streets of the city. 4. But when he had come outside the city, he found an oven and entered it. 5. As night departed, day came. 6. Upon arising, the retinue of the king found the trail of Marcolf in the snow, and believing it to be the trail of some marvelous beast, announced it to the king. 7. Then king solomon with a leash of dogs and with his hunters began to follow the tracks of Marcolf. 8. And when he had arrived before the oven and the footprints stopped, he dismounted at the mouth of the oven and began to look inside. 9. indeed Marcolf was lying bent over with his head downward and had pulled down his breeches, and his buttocks, asshole, penis, and testicles were revealed. 10. seeing him, king solomon [44] said: “who is it that who is lying there?” 11. Marcolf: “it is i, Marcolf.” 12. solomon said, “How is it that you are lying in this manner?” 13. Marcolf: “you instructed me that you would not see me any more between the eyes. 14. But now, if you do not wish to see me between the eyes, you may see me between the buttocks.” 99 Latin Text [caput 20] 1. Ad hec rex salomon, confusus, ait suis, “Comprehendite mihi eum et suspendite in ligno!” 2. Comprehensus autem Marcolfus dixit ad regem, “Domine mi rex, tantum misericordie michi impendere potes ut in illo ligno quod elegero suspendar.” 3. salomon rex ait: “Fiat! Pro minimo michi est in quo suspendaris.” 4. Tunc ministri regis, Marcolfum corripientes, duxerunt extra civitatem. 5. Et pertranseuntes vallem iosaphat et clivum Montis oliveti, pervenerunt usque ad iericho; et nullam arborem invenire potuerunt quam Marcolfus suo suspendio eligeret. 6. inde transeuntes iordanem et peragrantes omnem Arabiam, nullam arborem illarum Marcolfus elegit. 7. inde circumeuntes saltum Carmeli et cedros Libani et solitudinem Campestri circa Mare Rubrum, inter Pharan et Tophel et Laban et Astaroth et oreb et Cades et Barne et terram Moab, nullam arborem illarum Marcolfus elegit. 8. inde peragrantes Hebron et Bethel et ieromet et Lachis et Eglon et gaser et Dabir et gader et Herma et Lebna et odollam et Macedam, nullam arborem illarum Marcolfus elegit suo suspendio. 9. Et cum non possent invenire arborem quam Marcolfus eligeret, dimiserunt eum. 10. Et sic Marcolfus evasit manus regis salomonis. 100 English Translation chapter 20 1. At this king solomon, confounded, said to his men, “seize him for me and hang him on a tree!” 2. But when Marcolf had been seized, he said to the king, “My lord king, you can bestow upon me so much mercy that i be hanged on the tree that i choose.” 3. king solomon said, “Let it be so! it is of no account to me on which one you are hanged.” 4. Then the king’s attendants, laying hold of Marcolf, led him outside the city. 5. And passing through the valley of Jehoshaphat and the slope of the Mount of olives, they arrived at last at Jericho; and they could find no tree that Marcolf would choose for his hanging. 6. From there, crossing the Jordan and traversing the whole of Arabia, Marcolf chose none of those trees. 7. From there, going around the forest of Carmel and the cedars of Lebanon and the wilderness of Campester around the Red sea, between Paran and Tophel and Laban and Ashtaroth and oreb and kadesh and Barne and the land of Moab, Marcolf chose none of those trees. 8. From there traversing Hebron and Bethel and Jarmuth and Lachisch and Eglon and gezer and Debir and gadara and Hormah [45] and Libnah and Adulam and Makkedah, Marcolf chose none of those trees for his hanging. 9. And since they could not find a tree that Marcolf would choose, they let him go. 10. And thus Marcolf eluded the hands of king solomon. 101 Index of Latin Words and Phrases (spelled according to standard classical Latin practice) ab re, 213 adeps, 201 ad — hec, 190, 219 — utramque partem manus, 296 adorato rege, 236 aequaliter, 169 aequus, 160 aestus, 154 ait ad, 215 altricatio, 120, 121 alvus, 177 Amen, 236 amplius, 190 anus, 124 asellus, 183 aspuere, 229 autem, 213 barba sordida, 109 bene decet, 186 bergarius, 11, 182 bibere merdam, 136 binis vicibus, 134 bombus, 139, 178 bosa, 11, 204, 212 braca, 240 brico, 11, 215, 220 bucca, 143, 144, 160 buccula, 143 bumbisare, 178 caballinus, 109, 173 caballus, 173 cacatergito, 135 cacare, 131, 186 Cades et Barne, 245 calciamentum, 111, 239 caldarium, 161 caliga, 111, 113 calliditas, 222 callidus, 120–121 campester, 245 candidior die, 210 candidior lacte, 210 canis, 147, 183, 196 canis culum basiat, 136 capulus, 112 carmen, 169 carrada, 11 casa, 163 castrare, 133 castratus, 171 catellus, 181 cellarium, 162 clibanus, 177, 239 clivum Montis oliveti, 244 clunes, 113 collo . . . columba, 179 comparare, 165 421 Index of Latin Words and Phrases composita verba, 183 comprehendere, 243 confundere facies, 234 confusus, 243 consedere, 155 consentire, 150, 231 conversus, 235 copula, 196 cor mundum, 175 cornarius, 11, 187–188 cortina, 223 crassatus, 171 crastino die, 230 crepare, 112 crepitare, 185 crupitare, 185 cubare, 213 cubiculum, 213 cuculus, 118–119 culmertus, 145 culmus, 145 culus, 113, 124, 126, 131 culvertus, 145 cunnus, 147 curculio, 240 curtus, 118 de — lacte, 140 — plumbo, 296 debere, 213 delinire, 205 despicere, 163 deus te perdat, 201 dimidius — gladius, 111 — homo, 197 dimittere, 193 discere, 144 422 distemperare, 125–126 dives et potens dominus, 204 dominus rex, 193, 235 domus, 163 dulcedo vestra, 235–236 elemosina, 137 —m facere, 137 episcopus tacens, 143 equus, 173 eruere, 191 — cor meum, 296 excoriare, 126, 145 exiguum munus, 170, 181 exspuere, 229 extra civitatem, 244 faba, 197 faber, 287 far, 117 farcire, 117 faver, 28 femina deformis, 114 ferre, 115 festuca, 158 foetosus, 110 filius perditionis, 213 fimus, 131 flagellum, 175 flexibilis, 227 floccus, 204 follis, 117, 178, 196 follus, 11, 117 fragilis, 227 fraterculus, 212 fugere, 124 furcifer, 234 furnus, 177, 239 furore nimio, 232 Index of Latin Words and Phrases gelare, 188 genealogia, 115, 116 generatio, 115 —nibus seculorum, 236 genista, 141 genus, 115, 141 gibbosus, 110 gignere, 115 gloria, 158 gluto, 182 — non comedit totum, 181–182 griseum, 11, 230 grossitudo, 108 grossus, 108 grunnitus, 219 gurgulio, 240 inmutatur vultus, 227 in summo capite, 112 integer, 198 iocus, 125 ipse, 167 iubere. See iussum iudex iustitiae, 143 iunctura, 207 ius, 127, 128. See also iussum iussa, 127, 139 iussare, 127–128, 151 iussosus, 127, 128 iussum, 127, 139 iustitia, 213 iuvencula, 233 iuxta, 186 habere, 213 harpare, 170 hirnia, 153 homo integer, 198 honor, 140 hostiarius, hostium. See ostarius, ostium labium quasi caballinum, 109 lactinus, 127 lactiva, 127 lassare, 11, 183 latrina, 135, 142 laudare, 206 laxare, 183 leccator, 11, 215 lectulus, 221 lepus, 221 lex, 193–194 limen, 196–197 litura, 331 loqui in auribus, 235 ludibrium, 118 lupa, 118 lurdus, 118 luridus, 118 igitur, 196 imum, 133 in — breve, 174 — collo, 240 — conspectu suo, 108 — crastino, 206 — culo, 240 inde, 226 inflatio, 147 infra, 213 ingeniosus, 11, 137, 147 ingenium, 121, 137, 147, 205, 216, 227 ingens, 204 macerare, 144 malamium, 175 malannum, 176 423 Index of Latin Words and Phrases malannus, 176 mala uxor, 182. See also mulier mala; mulier nequam male, 178 maledoctus, 176 malum, 178 manducare, 140 manens, 139 Marcolfus, 107 maxilla, 109 medicus, 122 medius, 112 in mediis oculis, 235, 240 in medio culo, 240 mel, 178 melior, 203, 216 melius valere, 11, 219 merda, 11, 126, 131 mingere, 131 ministrare, 155 miseria, 130 mittere, 134 mollis aer, 228 morte moriatur, 160 mulier mala, 234 mulier nequam, 236 multiplicare semen vestrum, 236 mundo mortuus, 228 mus, 172 musca de plumbo, 114 nascitur omnis homo, 228 nates, 113 necesse habere, 164 neque sic neque sic, 219 nex, 193–194 nominatissimus, 122 non fiet istud, 233 non te Deus adiuvet, 201, 223 424 nutritura, 11, 210 oculus lipposus, 109 omnis vena, 185 onus, 140 os mendax, 160 ostiarius, 143, 197 ostium, 197 paenitere, 166 pala, 139 palada, 139 palare, 112 palatium , 204 palea, 130 panis, 205 panniciosus, 112 parabola, 123 parabolisare, 170 parentela, 215 pars orientis, 105 pastellus, 192 pastillus, 192 pastor, 182 pater, 116 pausare, 163 pedere, 167 pedes — rotundos, 110 — ursi, 239 pellicia, 129 pellicium, 112 pellicula, 199 pellis, 112 pensare, 11, 207 peplum, 128, 129 per debitam delectationem, 227 per Deum et per virtutes eius, 216 petulantia, 160–161 Index of Latin Words and Phrases pilosus, 109 placenta, 204 placite, 171 planta, 131, 141 Planta de genista, 141, 151 pluere, 153, 201 plumare, 145 pluviam facere, 184 podex, 134 podiscus, 124, 134–135 poena, 11, 163 pontus, 331 porcus, 147 postquam, 146 praepositus, 192, 296 presbyter, 122 probare, 161, 207 propheta, 116 prudentia, 287 pudiscus, 135 puledrus/ -etrus, 118 pulmentum, 145 pusillanimitas, 234 quid est, 26 radices raphani, 151 raphanus. See radices raphani refectus, 169 renes, 111 repagulare, 113 reparare, 112 retornare, 151 retrahere pedem, 172 rex, 193 risus, 216 — annotinus, 199 rixa, 123 runcare, 11, 207 rusticus, 107, 116–117 saccus, 167 sacerdos, 122 saepe latet, 129 saginare, 163 saginosus, 133, 163 saltus Carmeli et cedros Libani, 244–245 sanctitas, 122 sanguinosus, 133 sanitas, 122 sapiens, 125 sapientia, 123, 125, 201, 226–227, 287 satietas , 168 satis est infirmus, 189 scabiosus, 150 scientia, 123 scoriare, 145 scriptum est, 128 scriptura, 313 scrofula, 159 sedes, 155 sella, 155 semper eris, 332 sententia, 230 sermones, 121 sic te Deus adiuvet, 201 sociare, 231 solitudo Campestri, 245 sordida meretrix, 216 sorex, 172, 218 spinosus, 110 spinula, 110–111 stercus, 131 sthy, 296 strontus, 11, 118, 139, 186 strues, 186–187 stultus, 117, 158 425 Index of Latin Words and Phrases sub parva hora, 232 subposta, 142 sufflare, 11, 210 suppa, 11, 168 suppositorium, 142 sus, 147 suspendite in ligno, 243 sustinere, 165 talis, 201 talpa, 179 Tartarus, 117 terra Moab, 246 testiculus, 154 tibia, 114 tilia, 112 tinarium, 140 tornare, 170 tortio , 139 tornatilis, 224 triumphare, 178–179 trompare, 179 tubare in tubam, 297 tunc, 244 tunica, 112 turpi facie, 114 ulcera porcina, 158 una plus, alia minus, 227, 232 426 universus, 155, 156 unus, 122, 211 utensile, 164 vadat cum pede, 174 vadunt pausare, 163 vae mihi, misero, 296 vafer, 287 valde, 105 vallare, 232 vallem iosaphat, 244 varium, 11, 230 venter, 147, 154, 177 verecundia, 136 vero, 115 versutia, 121 vicarius, 139 vigilare, 206 villa, 139 villanus, 287 viscosus, 128, 168 viscum. See iussum vissire. See iussum vissium. See iussum voluntarius, 156 vulturus, 200 vulva, 147 zizania, 139