Ellen Whipple Guthrie, Pharm.D.
Reviewed by Jacquelyn L. Bainbridge, Pharm.D., FCCP, Mindi S. Miller, Pharm.D., BCPS, and Michelle M.
Richardson, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
care costs of more than $10 billion per year. In addition, MS
is the leading cause of non-traumatic disability in young
adults with a lifetime risk of 1 in 400. Recent advances in
understanding the pathophysiology of MS coupled with the
release of six disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) since 1993
have significantly improved the clinical outlook of the
disease. Although DMDs are not a cure for MS, they can
alter the natural course of the disease by decreasing the
number and severity of relapses, slowing the progression,
and decreasing the occurrence of new lesions.
Learning Objectives
Describe the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology,
and clinical presentation of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Distinguish among relapsing-remitting MS, benign MS,
secondary-progressive MS, and primary-progressive
Interpret results from disability scales and magnetic
resonance imaging scans to monitor the progression of
MS and recommend treatment changes.
Evaluate the various treatment options of acute
exacerbations with regard to indication, efficacy, and
adverse effects.
Develop optimal treatment plans for individual patients
with MS using the 2005 Consensus Statement from the
Executive Committee of the Medical Advisory Board
of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Evaluate the disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) with
regard to efficacy and adverse effects.
Assess the symptomatic problems associated with MS
and their various treatment options.
Design methods for educating patients on their
pharmaceutical regimens that improve adherence and
Epidemiology and Risk Factors
Multiple sclerosis is a relatively common condition. An
estimated 250,000–350,000 persons in the United States
and more than 2.5 million persons worldwide have MS. The
prototypical patient is a young woman of childbearing age.
Multiple sclerosis is most often diagnosed in patients
between the ages of 20 and 45, with the peak incidence in
the fourth decade of life. Occasionally, the disease presents
in childhood or in late adulthood. The literature describes
patients as young as 10 months and as old as 80 being
diagnosed with MS. Women are afflicted with MS more
than men by a ratio of 2–3:1. However, men usually develop
the first signs of MS at a later age and are more commonly
diagnosed with the progressive form of the disease than
women. Multiple sclerosis tends to affect Caucasians,
especially those of Northern European descent, more than
other ethnic groups. Multiple sclerosis is rare in tropical
areas, and the prevalence increases in areas further away
from the equator, excluding polar regions. Finally, genetics
appears to play a role. The familial recurrence of MS is
about 5%, with siblings being the most commonly reported
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory
autoimmune disorder characterized by central nervous
system (CNS) demyelination and axonal damage. The term
multiple sclerosis refers to two major characteristics of the
condition: the multiple affected areas of the CNS that
produce neurologic symptoms and the characteristic
sclerosed areas that are the hallmark of the disease. French
neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, the father of neurology,
first described MS in 1868, calling the condition sclérose en
Multiple sclerosis is the second most common cause of
neurologic disability in the United States, incurring health
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Although the exact cause of MS is unknown, most
experts agree that the condition is most likely caused by a
combination of factors, including genetics, environment,
and immune system derangement. Multiple sclerosis occurs
when the immune system of genetically susceptible
individuals becomes altered after exposure to certain viruses
Multiple Sclerosis
Abbreviations in This
Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, and
Central nervous system
Disease-modifying drug
Multiple sclerosis
Magnetic resonance imaging
(e.g., measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, Epstein-Barr, or
human herpes virus 6) that allow autoreactive
T lymphocytes to become activated, cross into the CNS, and
attack myelin. However, to date, no direct causal
relationship has been observed between any of these
infections and the development of MS. In addition, the only
definitive genetic association with MS lies with the
DR2 haplotype-DR5, DQ6. The risk conferred by this
haplotype is small and inconclusive; however, its link to MS
is well established.
The basic physiologic derangement in MS is the
stripping of the myelin sheath surrounding neurons in the
CNS by autoreactive T cells. Myelin, which is composed of
tightly wrapped lipid bilayers with specialized protein
components, facilitates nerve fiber conduction and provides
insulation for axons (Figures 1-1 and 1-2).
Multiple sclerosis is believed to follow a biphasic disease
process. In the early phase of the disease, autoreactive
T cells (CD4+ or CD8+) cross into the CNS. Under normal
circumstances, T cells do not enter the CNS. Once inside the
CNS, T cells attack the myelin sheath. The primary targets
of this attack appear to be myelin in the CNS and the
oligodendrocytes (the cells that form myelin in the CNS).
Demyelination, which results when the nerve is stripped of
myelin, coupled with an inflammatory response leads to the
formation of lesions. In most circumstances, myelin can be
restored and axons are well preserved during this phase.
However, every attack, even subclinical attacks, produces
some damage, and it is the accumulation of damage from
repeated attacks that accounts for long-term disability. As
MS progresses, there is a transition to a neurodegenerative
phase. This phase is characterized by irreversible axonal
damage, which can lead to disease progression and
permanent disability. Axonal damage can cause permanent
disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses, leading to
neurologic symptoms that reflect the affected area of the
CNS (Figure 1-3).
Figure 1-1. Nerve fiber conduction.
Nerve impulses originate in the nucleus and travel to axon terminals, where
they are transmitted to other neurons and/or muscles. The myelin sheath
facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses and insulates and protects
axons. Without myelin, axons would have to be about 100 times larger to
achieve the same speed of nerve transmission. When the myelin sheath is
damaged in conditions such as MS, nerve fiber conduction can be impaired
and/or lost.
Reprinted with permission from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Available at Accessed June
7, 2007.
Making the Diagnosis
The diagnosis of MS is based on the presence of CNS
lesions that are disseminated in time and space (occurring in
different parts of the CNS and found at least 3 months
apart), with no better explanation for the disease process.
Early symptoms of MS may include muscle weakness or
numbness in the limbs, partial or complete loss of vision in
Multiple Sclerosis
Figure 1-2. Cross section of a nerve.
Myelin, which is wrapped around the axon in many thin layers, is
composed of protein and fatty substances. The nodes of Ranvier are regular
breaks in the myelin sheath that surround the axons. Although the precise
function of the nodes of Ranvier is unknown, it has been proposed that they
may prevent the decay of nerve impulses, anchor the myelin sheath to the
axon, and/or isolate each segment of myelin.
Reprinted with permission from the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Figure 1-3. The stripping of myelin.
The picture on the top represents a normal axon with an intact myelin sheath. The middle picture depicts a demyelinated axon that has lost a portion of the
myelin sheath. The bottom picture shows the final result of demyelination, known as axonal damage. The axon has been severed due to the loss of myelin.
Reprinted with permission from the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
normal aging, migraine headaches, high blood pressure,
head injuries, infections, or vasculitis.
Lumbar punctures can also help in the diagnosis of MS.
Ninety percent of patients with definite MS have elevated
amounts of immunoglobulin G proteins in their
cerebrospinal fluid. In addition, oligoclonal bands are also
commonly present in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with
MS. However, increased immunoglobulin G levels and the
presence of oligoclonal bands are not specific for MS. These
diagnostic tests are probably more useful in ruling out
infectious or neoplastic conditions that mimic MS.
Evoked potential tests that measure the electrical activity
of the brain in response to stimulation of specific sensory
nerve pathways can assist clinicians in making a diagnosis
of MS. These tests are particularly useful in identifying
areas of demyelination that are clinically silent. Of the four
sensory evoked potential tests (visual, brainstem, auditory,
and somatosensory), the visual evoked potential test is most
useful because it can provide objective evidence of optic
nerve lesions that are not visible on MRI scans. The visual
evoked potential test is not specific for MS, and other
conditions (e.g., tumors compressing the optic nerve or
other demyelinating diseases) can also produce abnormal
one eye, double vision, or instability. Symptoms may appear
suddenly, or over the course of minutes to hours. Some
patients may describe similar events that occurred
previously. Because no one test is completely reliable in
identifying MS, and a variety of conditions can mimic the
disease (e.g., vascular disease, spinal cord compression,
vitamin B12 deficiency, or CNS infections), diagnosis
depends on physician expertise and clinical findings.
The McDonald criteria, which was adopted in 2001 by
the International Panel on MS Diagnosis, incorporates both
clinical and laboratory elements in the diagnosis of MS.
Although the McDonald criteria requires the presence of at
least two lesions that are separated by time and space, it
allows for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies,
cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and evoked potential findings
to be used as a means of identifying second attacks. The
McDonald criteria calls for 1 of 3 potential diagnoses: 1) a
diagnosis of MS, 2) a “possible” diagnosis of MS, or 3) no
diagnosis of MS.
Magnetic resonance imaging scans are the most useful
test for confirming the diagnosis of MS because they are
highly selective in detecting MS lesions. However, not all
patients with MS have lesions that can be seen on MRI.
Early in the disease course, scans may be normal because
the lesions are not yet large enough to be visualized on MRI.
Magnetic resonance imaging scans with contrast are
commonly used because they differentiate new lesions from
old ones. Lesions that enhance (glow) after injection with
the contrast material gadolinium indicate the presence of
new lesions. Despite the usefulness of MRI scans, they
should not be solely used to diagnose or rule out MS. Five
percent of people with MS do not have evidence of the
disease on MRI scans. In addition, spots on MRI scans
suggestive of MS are based on changes in proton density
(water content) and thus are intrinsically nonspecific.
Therefore, spots on MRI scans can occur with any condition
that results in changes in brain water content, including
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Clinical Presentation
Types of MS
The clinical presentation of MS is extremely variable
among patients and usually varies over time, but
invariably the disease can be categorized into four
general categories: relapsing-remitting MS, benign MS,
secondary-progressive MS, and primary-progressive MS
(see Table 1-1 and Figure 1-4).
Relapsing-Remitting MS
Eighty-five percent of patients with MS are originally
diagnosed with the relapsing-remitting form. This form of
Multiple Sclerosis
Figure 1-4. Types of multiple sclerosis.
In benign multiple sclerosis (MS), patients return to normal after attacks and experience no disability. In relapsing-remitting MS, patients experience relapses
that can lead to increasing degrees of clinical deficits. In secondary-progressive MS, patients may continue to have relapses, but also experience a slow steady
loss of neurologic function. In primary-progressive MS, patients experience a continuous worsening from onset, without distinct relapses and remissions.
Reprinted with permission from the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
Table 1-1. Types of Multiple Sclerosis
% of Patients at Onset
About 85%
Less than 5%
About 10%–15%
Characterized by relapsing-remitting episodes—new attacks
(relapses) that occur and last for at least 24 hours and are separated
from other new symptoms by at least 30 days; followed by periods of
remissions when symptoms resolve or partially resolve
Residual symptoms and an increasing degree of clinical deficit are
common after attacks
Abrupt onset, few exacerbations, and no permanent disability
30%–50% of patients with relapsing-remitting MS eventually
develop secondary-progressive MS
Characterized by a gradual worsening of neurological symptoms
Relapses can occur (especially early in this phase, but as the disease
progresses relapses are less common and brain atrophy is more
Progressive disease from onset without relapses and remissions
Associated with a bad prognosis
MS = multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Monitoring the Progression
Disability scales are commonly used to monitor the
overall progression of MS. The MS Functional Composite
combines the results from three individual measures
(i.e., ambulation, arm and hand function, and cognition) into
a single score. This disability scale is expected to eventually
replace the traditional Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status
Scale, a scale that takes only ambulation into account,
ignores cognition, and requires advanced expertise to use.
Magnetic resonance imaging scans are extremely useful
tools for monitoring disease progression in patients with
MS. In clinical practice, MRI scans can confirm disease
progression in patients for whom disease activity is not
clear, and persistent MRI activity during treatment with
DMDs can be suggestive of disease progression and/or
worsening. The focus for evaluation is on lesions in two
areas, T1 and T2. The T1 hypointensities are dark or
hypointense lesions. The T1 hypointensities that persist for
6 months or longer represent areas of tissue destruction and
are called black holes. Newer lesions can be associated with
transient T1 hypointensities representing edema. Bright
areas (hyperintensities) on T2-weighted scans may represent
a mixture of tissue pathologies, including active/chronic
demyelination, tissue destruction, and edema. Regardless of
type, gadolinium-enhancing lesions reflect breakdown of
the blood-brain barrier and indicate the presence of active
inflammation. The location of the lesions and the ensuing
damage caused by the lesions are a better predictor of a poor
clinical course than the actual number of lesions. Advancing
methods of MRI (e.g., diffusion tensor imaging,
magnetization transfer imaging, and MRI spectroscopy) are
more specific than traditional MRIs. They are better able to
assess tissue injury and recovery following treatments.
MS is characterized by attacks—new symptoms lasting at
least 24 hours and separated from other new symptoms by at
least 30 days—followed by remissions, during which
symptoms resolve or partially resolve. Attacks are generally
referred to as relapses or exacerbations, with the first attack
(one single isolated episode of inflammation) being termed
a clinically isolated syndrome. It is common for residual
symptoms and an increasing degree of clinical deficit to
persist after each attack.
Benign MS
A small subset of patients with relapsing-remitting MS,
less than 5%, are eventually diagnosed with benign MS, an
extremely rare form of MS characterized by an abrupt onset,
few exacerbations, and no permanent disability. However,
because of the variable clinical courses associated with MS,
the diagnosis can change at any time.
Secondary-Progressive MS
Over the course of months to years, 30%–50% of
patients with relapsing-remitting MS experience a
gradual worsening of neurologic symptoms and are
diagnosed with secondary-progressive MS. This type of
MS most likely represents a neurodegenerative process
initiated by earlier episodes of tissue injury. Patients
with secondary-progressive MS continue to have relapses,
especially during the early disease stages, but tend to
experience increasing levels of disability. In addition, the
incidence of new lesions (as seen on MRI) is less common,
whereas, the development of brain atrophy is much more
common in patients with secondary progressive MS.
Primary-Progressive MS
About 10%–15% of patients experience progressive
disease without relapses and remissions from the onset and
are diagnosed with primary progressive MS. Patients with
primary progressive MS generally have a worse prognosis
than patients diagnosed at the onset with relapsing-remitting
Clinical Management
The clinical management of MS should be considered as
three parallel pathways. First, relapses (acute exacerbations)
should be treated with appropriate therapies. Next, DMDs
should be used to alter the natural history of the disease and
to prevent/minimize neuronal damage. Finally, symptomatic
problems associated with MS should be managed with
additional medications to prevent and/or treat
Prognostic Indicators
It is often difficult to predict the prognosis of a patient
with MS because the disease is far too variable and can
change at any time. Although the course of MS is often
unpredictable, there are some indicators that can predict a
patient’s prognosis. Patients diagnosed before age 40 tend to
do better than patients diagnosed after age 40, and women
have a better prognosis than men. Patients initially
presenting with optic neuritis or numbness/tingling in the
extremities have a better prognosis than patients who have
motor or cerebellar symptoms at the disease onset. Not
surprisingly, patients who have fewer attacks and those
diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS tend to fair better
than those diagnosed with progressive MS.
The disease MS does not alter life expectancy; however,
complications related to MS (e.g., urosepsis and
pneumonia) may lead to shorter than expected life spans.
Generally speaking, patients suffering from rapidly
progressive MS tend to have shorter life expectancies than
those diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS or a slowly
progressive form of the disease.
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Treating Acute Exacerbations
The unpredictable nature of MS makes it difficult to
anticipate when acute exacerbations (sudden events that
produce functional decline) will occur. However, certain
factors (e.g., infections, hyperventilation, fever, lack of
sleep, stress, malnutrition, anemia, or childbirth) have been
reported to aggravate symptoms and precipitate acute
Corticosteroids are considered the mainstay of treatment
for acute exacerbations. These drugs exert their effect by
decreasing edema in areas of demyelination, restoring the
integrity of the blood-brain barrier, inducing T-cell
apoptosis, and diminishing the release of proinflammatory
cytokines. Numerous controlled, clinical trials found that
corticosteroid therapy hastens the recovery time from acute
attacks, and that high-dose corticosteroids are significantly
more effective than moderate-dosed regimens in achieving
Multiple Sclerosis
patients who do not respond or who are not considered
viable candidates for corticosteroid therapy. Studies have
shown that plasma exchange is effective in about 40% of
patients who have previously failed high-dose intravenous
methylprednisolone therapy. Similarly, numerous clinical
trials have shown that intravenous immune globulin reduces
the intensity and duration of acute exacerbations.
Table 1-2. Minimizing the Adverse Effects of
Metallic taste in mouth: Chocolate milk and/or candy can
decrease this sensation
Insomnia: Short-acting hypnotic drugs or benzodiazepines can be
useful; avoid recommending over-the-counter antihistamines as
they can worsen the metallic taste in the mouth
Gastrointestinal upset: Tell patients to avoid all products that
typically upset their stomach (e.g., spicy foods, caffeine) and to
minimize exposure to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
suggest over-the-counter histamine-2 blockers or antacids.
Headaches/body aches: Suggest acetaminophen and tell patients
to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Altering the Natural History of the Disease
The primary goal of DMDs is to alter the natural course
of MS by reducing the frequency and severity of relapses,
preventing the chronic progressive phase, and slowing the
progression of disability. Currently, six DMDs are approved
for the treatment of MS, including the two interferon-β1a
groups (Avonex and Biogen Idec; Rebif and Serono),
interferon-β1b (Betaseron; Berlex), glatiramer acetate
(Copaxone; Teva Neuroscience), natalizumab (Tysabri;
Biogen, Elan Pharmaceuticals), and mitoxantrone
(Novantrone; Serono).
The DMDs can be divided into two categories:
immunomodulators and immunosuppressants. The
immunomodulators, which modify the immune system, are
dosed continuously; they include all of the interferon-β
products, glatiramer acetate, and natalizumab. The
interferon-β products and glatiramer acetate, which are
frequency called the ABCR drugs based on their proprietary
names, are considered first-line treatments for
relapsing-remitting MS, whereas natalizumab is indicated
only for patients who have not responded adequately to, or
who cannot tolerate, the ABCR drugs. Mitoxantrone is the
only drug approved for marketing in the United States to
treat the worsening forms of relapsing-remitting MS and
progressive MS. Unlike the immunomodulators,
mitoxantrone is administered in pulse doses up to a
maximum lifetime dose of 140 mg/m2.
Accumulating evidence suggests that the best time to
initiate therapy with a DMD is early in the disease process.
Data indicate that irreversible axonal damage may occur
early in relapsing-remitting MS and that drug therapies
appear to be more effective in preventing new lesions than
in repairing old lesions. Based on these findings, the
National Multiple Sclerosis Society recommends that
therapy with DMDs be initiated as early in the disease
process as possible. These recommendations along with
others regarding the use of DMDs can be found in the 2005
Consensus Statement from the Executive Committee of the
Fox RJ, Bethoux F, Goldman MD, Cohen JA. Multiple sclerosis: advances
in understanding, diagnosing, and treating the underlying disease. Cleve
Clin J Med 2006;73:97.
this goal. However, although high-dose corticosteroids have
proven to shorten the duration of acute attacks, they have
not been demonstrated to alter the progression of the
The American Academy of Neurology recommends
intravenous methylprednisolone (500 –1000 mg/day for
3–10 days) for treating acute exacerbations. Patients usually
improve within the first 3–5 days of corticosteroid therapy.
Some evidence suggests that equivalent doses of oral
corticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone and prednisone) are
methylprednisolone; however, definitive studies using this
administration route for acute exacerbations of MS are
The adverse effects of corticosteroids should not be
underestimated despite the obvious benefits of the drugs.
Short-term treatment sometimes produces a metallic taste in
the mouth, insomnia, altered mood, headaches/body aches,
and gastrointestinal pain. Clinicians should educate patients,
before treatment, about these adverse effects and offer
suggestions to help patients minimize the problems
(Table 1-2).
Corticosteroids should be used with caution in some
patient populations (e.g., patients with brittle diabetes or
severe osteoporosis). In addition, high-dose corticosteroids
are effective in only about 75% of patients. Alternatives to
corticosteroids do exist and should be considered for
Table 1-3. A Summary of the Major Points of the 2005 Consensus Statement From the Executive Committee of the
Medical Advisory Board of the Multiple Sclerosis Society
Initiate treatment with a DMD as soon as possible following diagnosis of MS with a relapsing course. Consider treatment for selected
first-attack, high-risk patients.
Access to therapy should not be limited by relapse frequency, age, or level of disability.
There should be access to/coverage for all FDA-approved drugs. Patients should be allowed to change therapies.
Immunosuppressant therapy with mitoxantrone should be considered for worsening or progressive MS.
None of the DMDs are approved for use in women who are pregnant, nursing, or attempting to become pregnant.
Treatment should not be stopped while insurers evaluate for continuing coverage.
Therapy should continue indefinitely except in the event of clear lack of benefit, intolerable adverse effects, new data, or better therapies
DMD = disease-modifying drug; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; MS = multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Table 1-4. Comparing Interferon-β Products
Type of Interferon
Interferon-β 1b (high-dose)
Interferon-β 1a (low-dose)
Interferon-β 1a (high-dose)
Proprietary Name
0.25 mg SQ QOD
30 mcg IM QW
44 mcg SQ TIW
IM = intramuscularly; QOD = every other day; QW = every week; SQ = subcutaneously; TIW = 3 times/week.
Medical Advisory Board of the National Multiple Sclerosis
Society. Table 1-3 summarizes the major points from the
2005 Consensus Statement.
symptoms are more often associated with the high-dose
interferon-β products. Over time, influenza-like symptoms
tend to decrease. Treatment with antipyretic drugs (e.g.,
ibuprofen or acetaminophen) and/or low-dose oral
corticosteroids may decrease these influenza-like
symptoms. Other adverse effects associated with the
interferon-β products include injection site reactions,
increased spasticity, mild anemia, thrombocytopenia, and
menstrual irregularities. These adverse effects are usually
not severe and rarely warrant discontinuation of the drug. In
rare cases, interferon-β products can cause liver damage;
therefore, patients should have their liver enzymes checked
periodically. Because interferon-β products can cause
depression, the products should be used cautiously in
patients with mild to moderate depression and avoided in
patients with severe depression.
Neutralizing antibodies can develop against any
interferon-β product and can, in theory, decrease the
effectiveness of the drugs. Although study results are
variable, Avonex appears to be associated with the lowest
incidence of neutralizing antibodies. However, to date, no
agreed-upon assay, cutoff value, or recommended time
frame to evaluate neutralizing antibodies exists. The recent
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Consensus Guidelines
do not endorse changing therapy for patients with elevated
levels of neutralizing antibodies who are otherwise stable
and doing well.
Interferon-β Products
Currently, three interferon-β products are approved for
treating MS: Avonex, Betaseron, and Rebif (Note: because
of the similarities in generic names, proprietary names will
be used henceforth to differentiate between the three
interferon-β products). Numerous large, independent,
multicenter, multicountry trials have consistently
demonstrated that interferon-β products reduce the number
of exacerbations and improve MRI measures of disease
activity in the brain. interferon-β products are considered
first-line treatments for relapsing-remitting MS and are also
indicated for patients who cannot tolerate glatiramer acetate.
The interferon-β products that have antiviral and
immunoregulatory functions belong to a class of peptides
that are involved in various biological processes (e.g.,
defense against viral infections, cell growth regulation, and
modulation of immune response). The exact mechanism(s)
by which interferon−β products exert their beneficial
effects in MS are not known. It appears that the interferon-β
products decrease T cell production of interferon-γ
(a pro-inflammatory cytokine), decrease the production of
pro-inflammatory T-helper 1 lymphocytes and increase the
production of T-helper 2 anti-inflammatory lymphocytes,
and decrease T lymphocytes trafficking into the CNS.
The major differences between the three interferon-β
products lie in administration route, dosage, and frequency
of administration (Table 1-4). Betaseron, the first DMD
approved for use in MS, and Rebif are both high-dose
interferon-β products, whereas Avonex is a low-dose
interferon product. Much debate exists regarding which
interferon-β product(s) are most effective. Two randomized,
prospective, multicenter, Phase 3 trials that compared the
different interferon-β products were published in 2002.
Results from these two studies suggest that the high-dose
interferon-β products (Betaseron and Rebif) have greater
efficacy than the low-dose interferon-β product (Avonex).
Further evidence suggests that the dosing interval may be
the contributing factor, as a recent study of standard-dose
Avonex versus double-dose Avonex found that the
double-dose product was no more effective than the
standard-dose one. This evidence is consistent with previous
data showing that sustained levels of interferon-β (with a
greater area under the curve drug concentration) are more
efficacious than brief periods of interferon-β exposure.
Influenza-like symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, tiredness,
malaise, and muscle aches) are the most common adverse
reactions associated with interferon-β products, occurring in
about 60% of people. Not surprisingly, influenza-like
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Glatiramer Acetate
Glatiramer acetate, a non-interferon-β product, is a
synthetic mixture of polypeptides produced by the random
combinations of four amino acids that are frequently found
in myelin basic protein. Exactly how glatiramer acetate
works is not completely understood. It has been
hypothesized that the glatiramer acetate molecule influences
immature CD4 T cells to become less inflammatory. This
action suppresses the immune attack on myelin and prevents
demyelination and nerve fiber damage. In addition, some
evidence suggests that glatiramer acetate also has
neuroprotective properties because it stimulates CD4 T-cells
to produce a neuroprotection factor (known as brain-derived
neurotrophic factor) that helps to protect the brain from
axonal loss.
subcutaneously at 20 mg once daily. It is considered a
first-line treatment for relapsing-remitting MS and is also
indicated for patients who cannot tolerate interferon-β
products. In January 2005, 8-year data regarding the
efficacy of glatiramer acetate were released. These data,
which represent the longest-term data available on any of
the commercially available DMDs, demonstrated that
glatiramer acetate reduces relapse rates and slows the
Multiple Sclerosis
flushing, decreased blood pressure, shortness of breath, or
chest pain) are common with natalizumab. Such reactions
usually occur within 2 hours of the start of the infusion and
generally subside when the drug is stopped and/or treatment
is given. Patients should be monitored for signs of infusion
reactions during the infusion and for 1 hour after the
infusion. Common adverse effects associated with
natalizumab include headache, fatigue, urinary tract
infection, depression, lower respiratory tract infection, joint
pain, and abdominal discomfort.
Because natalizumab is a humanized product, antibodies
can be produced by the body against the drug. Fewer than
10% of people produce antibodies to natalizumab.
Persistently positive antibodies are associated with a
decrease in effectiveness of natalizumab and an increase in
infusion reactions.
accumulation of disability in patients with MS. In addition,
the data supported the initiation of glatiramer acetate, as
early in the disease process as possible, in the treatment of
patients with MS.
Glatiramer acetate is generally well tolerated, with
injection site reactions being the most bothersome adverse
effects. Unlike the interferon-β products, glatiramer acetate
is not associated with influenza-like symptoms. Glatiramer
acetate does not require routine laboratory monitoring and
does not produce neutralizing antibodies. However, at some
point in therapy, 10%–15% of patients treated with
glatiramer acetate experience a post-injection reaction
consisting of chest pain, palpitations, and/or trouble
breathing within minutes of administering a dose. This
reaction usually happens only once and typically resolves
within 30 minutes without residual adverse consequences.
When counseling patients, pharmacists should make a point
to educate patients about the possibility of this reaction.
Data suggest that patients experiencing the post-injection
reaction who were aware the reaction could occur were
likely to continue therapy than those who had the reaction,
but were not made aware of it.
Mitoxantrone, a synthetic anthracenedione, decreases the
migration of T cells into the CNS by arresting the cell cycle
and interfering with DNA repair and RNA synthesis. The
drug is effective in reducing clinical relapses and
progression of disability in patients with worsening
relapsing-remitting MS and progressive MS. Mitoxantrone
is not considered a replacement for interferon-β products or
glatiramer acetate, but it is often used in conjunction with
them. Only in certain cases (e.g., when patients are
progressing and worsening, but not relapsing) should
mitoxantrone therapy replace interferon-β products or
glatiramer acetate. Mitoxantrone should not be used in
conjunction with natalizumab because the combination
theoretically increases the risk of progressive multifocal
Mitoxantrone is dosed by intravenous infusion at
12 mg/m2 every 3 months up to a maximum cumulative
dose of 140 mg/m2. Because mitoxantrone is cardiotoxic, it
should be used only in patients who have normal cardiac
function. Mitoxantrone should not be used in patients who
have a left ventricular ejection fraction of less than 50%.
Although the risk of cardiotoxicity appears to be related to
the lifetime dose, it can occur any time during therapy. In
addition, blood dyscrasias (particularly secondary acute
myelogenous leukemia) have been associated with
mitoxantrone use. In May 2005, the FDA requested that a
Black Box Warning be added to the labeling of
mitoxantrone, which provided additional information about
the potential risk of cardiotoxicity and secondary acute
myelogenous leukemia. The new labeling states that
repeated testing of cardiac function should be performed
Natalizumab was initially granted accelerated approval
by the FDA in November 2004 as a treatment for
relapsing-remitting MS. The accelerated approval was based
on 1-year evidence from two clinical trials: the Natalizumab
Safety and Efficacy in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple
Sclerosis (AFFIRM) monotherapy trial with Avonex. Less
than 3 months later, natalizumab was withdrawn by the
manufacturer after three patients enrolled in the clinical
leukoencephalopathy, a serious, and potentially fatal, viral
infection of the brain. In June 2006, the FDA approved an
application for resumed marketing of natalizumab through a
special restricted distribution program, called the TOUCH
Prescribing Program (Table 1-5). The new labeling for
natalizumab states that the product should be used only as
monotherapy because administering the product with other
DMDs could potentially increase the risk of developing
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. In addition,
the new labeling states that natalizumab should be used only
in patients who have not responded adequately to, or who
cannot tolerate, the other DMDs.
Natalizumab is the first humanized monoclonal antibody
approved for treating MS. It should be administered by
intravenous infusion every 4 weeks at 300 mg. Infusion
reactions (e.g., rash, drowsiness, fever, chills, nausea,
Table 1-5. Requirements of the TOUCH Prescribing Program
Natalizumab can only be prescribed, distributed, and infused by prescribers, infusion centers and pharmacies registered with the program.
Natalizumab can only be administered to patients who are enrolled in TOUCH.
Before initiating the therapy, patients must have MRI scans. These scans can help differentiate potential future MS symptoms from PML.
Patients on natalizumab should be evaluated 3 and 6 months after the first infusion and every 6 months, thereafter, and their status will be
reported regularly to Biogen Idec.
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; MS = multiple sclerosis; PML = progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
Adapted from
Multiple Sclerosis
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
have fewer adverse effects, and are more efficacious.
Cladribine, fingolimod, and laquinimod are three orally
administered DMDs that have shown promise in treating
MS. A Phase 3 trial (known as CLARITY– CLAdRIbine
Tablets in Treating MS OrallY) is currently under way in the
United States examining the safety and efficacy of
cladribine. The results from a Phase 2 trial evaluating the
safety and efficacy of fingolimod found the product to be
both safe and efficacious. As a result, a Phase 3 clinical trial
evaluating fingolimod is under way in Europe and Canada.
Data also suggest that the hydroxymethyl glutaryl
coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) may possess some
disease-modifying properties. In fact, a study published in
The Lancet found that simvastatin significantly decreased
the number and volume of new lesions detected by MRI.
With regard to the efficacy of hydroxymethyl glutaryl
coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, most clinicians agree that
it is highly unlikely that research will demonstrate that these
products are as effective as the currently available DMDs.
However, data do suggest that they may have a synergistic
effect when added to the currently available DMDs.
Finally, several monoclonal antibodies (including
daclizumab and rituximab) appear to show promise in the
treatment of MS. Daclizumab is currently being studied in a
Phase 2 clinical trial, and rituximab is being evaluated in a
Phase 3 clinical trial.
before each dose, along with the baseline testing of cardiac
function that was recommended in the original labeling.
Mitoxantrone should not be given if the ejection fraction
falls below 50% or if there is a 5% or greater decline from
the patient’s baseline ejection fraction. Other adverse effects
associated with mitoxantrone include nausea, leukopenia,
alopecia, menstrual irregularities, and urinary and
respiratory tract infections.
When counseling patients about taking this drug, it
should be explained that mitoxantrone may impart a
blue-green color to the urine that lasts about 24 hours after
drug administration and that may cause the sclera of the
eyes to appear bluish. In addition, all women of
child-bearing age should be reminded to avoid becoming
pregnant while taking mitoxantrone. If women become
pregnant while taking mitoxantrone, they should be
instructed to contact their physician immediately.
Combining Therapies
Patients are generally treated with only one DMD at a
time; however, in certain circumstances a second DMD may
be prescribed. For example, patients who are experiencing a
worsening of their relapsing-remitting disease commonly
receive pulse mitoxantrone infusions in addition to their
currently prescribed ABCR drugs. Data suggest that
combination therapy slows and (sometimes) even halts
disease progression. On the other hand, patients should
never receive natalizumab with one of the other DMDs
because the combination significantly increases the risk of
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy infections.
With regard to combining the interferon-β products with
glatiramer acetate, data are lacking but hopefully
forthcoming. In 2006, the National Institutes of Health
began recruiting patients for the Combi Rx trial. This study
is designed to evaluate whether glatiramer acetate plus
Avonex reduces relapse rates more than either drug alone.
Symptom Management
Patients with MS tend to experience many symptomatic
problems secondary to their disease that can interfere with
activities of daily living and decrease their quality of life.
Some of the more common symptomatic problems
associated with MS include spasticity, bladder and bowel
dysfunction, fatigue, pain, tremors, cognitive dysfunction,
depression, and sexual dysfunction. Because no two patients
with MS are exactly alike, symptomatic problems tend to
vary tremendously from individual to individual.
Symptomatic problems can be divided into those that are
caused directly from the disease itself (primary symptoms)
and those that are not. Primary symptoms result from the
myelin destruction and neuronal damage in the particular
areas of the CNS, whereas secondary and tertiary symptoms
are manifestations of primary symptoms. Examples of
primary symptoms include tremors resulting from
cerebellum lesions or lower limb weakness due to lesions in
the spinal cord. It is not uncommon for primary symptoms
to cause secondary symptoms (e.g., falling and breaking a
hip because of a leg tremor or slow gait due to weakness in
the legs). Tertiary symptoms, which have a negative impact
on life in general, can follow secondary symptoms.
Depression, frustration, and/or vocational/marital problems
are common components of tertiary symptoms. Examples of
tertiary symptoms include refusing to leave home because
of fear of falling or continually canceling social activities
because of embarrassment of slow gait. Tertiary symptoms
generally occur when primary problems are ignored or not
Spasticity, a velocity-dependent increase in muscle tone
derived from hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex,
primarily affects the lower limbs and can lead to pain,
stiffness, tremor, clonus, impaired balance, and spasms.
Non-Approved Therapies
Non-approved therapies that lack definitive scientific
evidence are sometimes used in the treatment of MS. The
immunosuppressant cyclophosphamide ranks as the most
commonly prescribed non-approved therapy for MS in the
United States. Although several non-blinded studies claimed
that monthly intravenous infusions of cyclophosphamide
slowed progression, other blinded studies have shown no
benefit. Because of these inconsistent results and the high
potential for serious adverse effects (e.g., hemorrhagic
cystitis and malignancy), cyclophosphamide is typically
reserved for patients with aggressive disease who have not
responded to approved treatments.
Numerous oral therapies, including methotrexate,
azathioprine, cyclosporine, and mycophenolate, have also
been studied in MS. However, little or no controlled, clinical
data exist supporting their use. These drugs are primarily
prescribed to patients who cannot tolerate or for whom
therapy failed with them.
DMDs in the Pipeline
Numerous clinical trials are presently under way
examining “new and improved” DMDs in the hopes of
finding alternative treatments that are easier to administer,
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Multiple Sclerosis
local muscle weakness and atrophy being the most
commonly reported adverse events. Although botulinum
toxin is not an approved treatment for spasticity, many
insurance companies will pay for its use in patients with
Patients who cannot tolerate or who are unresponsive to
oral monotherapy or combination therapy with anti-spasm
drugs usually benefit from intrathecal baclofen. This form of
baclofen is markedly more effective and better tolerated
than oral baclofen in patients suffering from severe spasms
who are wheelchair bound. Intrathecal baclofen is delivered
through a surgically implanted catheter and pump.
Bladder dysfunction is considered one of the most
common symptomatic problems associated with MS; an
estimated 96% of patients have bladder symptoms at some
point in the disease. Left untreated, bladder dysfunction can
exacerbate the underlying disease course and cause
secondary infections.
Bladder dysfunction problems include failure to empty,
failure to store, or a combination of the two. Failure to
empty (detrusor hyperreflexia) is the most common bladder
problem seen in patients with MS. Patients commonly
complain of urinary urgency and frequency and of voiding
only small amounts of urine. Over time, urgency can
become more difficult to control and can lead to
incontinence. Anticholinergic drugs (e.g., oxybutynin and
tolterodine) are commonly prescribed for failure to store
problems. The most common adverse effects associated
with these drugs include dry mouth and constipation.
Pharmacists should remind patients to increase their fluid
intake while taking anticholinergic drugs. Although these
drugs are usually effective, patients with large postvoid
residual volumes (greater than100 mL) may also need to use
intermittent self-catheterization because large urine residual
volumes increase the risk of developing urinary tract
Failure to store (detrusor sphincter dyssynergia) is a less
common bladder dysfunction problem in patients with MS.
The condition, which primarily occurs only in men, causes
hesitancy, retention, and overflow incontinence. α-Blockers
(e.g., terazosin and tamsulosin) are the drugs of choice for
failure to store problems. Pharmacists should tell patients
that these products decrease blood pressure and can cause
severe dizziness, especially after the first dose. When
α-blockers are not effective, adjunctive measures (e.g.,
pads, undergarments, or condom catheters) may improve the
patient’s quality of life by minimizing the embarrassing
effects of overflow incontinence.
Bowel dysfunction, including diarrhea, constipation, and
fecal impaction, occurs in about 70% of patients with MS.
Treatments should focus on treating the underlying
complaint (e.g., diarrhea or constipation). Bowel regimens
with a high-fiber diet, exercise, and drugs such as laxatives
and stool softeners are commonly used to treat bowel
dysfunction problems. Patients should be cautioned to avoid
using overly strong products because such drugs can cause
diarrhea and fecal incontinence. Practitioners might suggest
the use of daily or every other day bowel programs if
constipation is an issue.
Fatigue, one of the most common complaints of patients
with MS, often limits activities of daily living, job
Spasticity can be induced by many noxious stimuli,
including urinary tract infections, constipation, ingrown
toenails, pressure ulcers, and poorly fitting assistive living
devices (e.g., wheelchairs or braces). Because the
interferon-β products enhance nerve conduction in the
spinal cord, they can also exacerbate spasticity.
The goal of therapy when treating spasticity is to reduce
symptoms to improve patient comfort and function rather
than to completely eliminate spasticity. Of interest, some
degree of spasticity actually helps patients with lower
extremity weakness walk because it offers some limb
Rehabilitation, which is considered key to managing
spasticity, should be tailored to each patient’s degree of
impairment and disability. However, rehabilitation rarely
alleviates all symptoms. Drugs that decrease spasticity are
often used as adjuncts to rehabilitation. With regard to drug
management of spasticity, one should attempt monotherapy
initially, starting at the lowest possible dose, and slowly
escalating the dose upward as needed.
Orally administered baclofen is considered the first-line
treatment for spasticity. Because baclofen can cause
significant weakness, dosages should be started low
(e.g., 5–10 mg 3 times/day) and titrated upward slowly, as
needed, to a maximum of 120 mg/day. Common adverse
effects of baclofen include somnolence and confusion. Over
time, these adverse effects tend to lessen dramatically. When
patients are counseled about baclofen, they should be
reminded to avoid suddenly stopping the drug because
abrupt withdrawal can lead to hallucinations, seizures, and
Tizanidine is also frequently used to treat spasms. It
appears to be as effective as baclofen, but tends to cause
significantly less weakness. The starting dose of tizanidine
is 2 mg at bedtime. This drug causes extreme sedation;
therefore, doses must be gradually increased to a maximum
of 36 mg/day (given in 3–4 divided doses each day).
Common adverse effects of tizanidine include sedation, dry
mouth, hypotension, and constipation. In severe cases of
spasticity, baclofen and tizanidine can be combined.
Other products that are also sometimes used to treat
spasms include diazepam, clonazepam, dantrolene, and
clonidine. The benzodiazepines (diazepam and clonazepam)
are most commonly used to treat nocturnal spasms that are
refractory to baclofen and tizanidine. Dantrolene is typically
reserved for patients who cannot walk and are therefore not
affected by the muscle weakness that it causes. All of these
products (e.g., diazepam, clonazepam, dontrium, and
clonidine) can cause drowsiness. Patients should be
reassured that the drowsiness usually decreases with time.
Botulinum toxin (type A or type B) is increasingly being
used to treat MS spasticity, especially in patients with focal
target areas (e.g., difficulty with self-catheterization and
hygiene due to spasticity of the hip adductors). The drug is
delivered by intramuscular injection; however, localization
with electromyelography or electrical stimulation may be
needed to find small or deep muscles. The effects of
botulinum toxin occur within a few days to up to 2 weeks
after injection, and typically last from 3 to 6 months.
Periodic repeat injections are needed to maintain the benefit.
Botulinum toxin is usually safe and well tolerated, with
Multiple Sclerosis
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
performance, and quality of life. About 90% of patients with
MS experience fatigue. Although MS-related fatigue is a
common problem, clinicians should evaluate patients for
coexisting medical conditions (e.g., thyroid disease, anemia,
and sleep disturbances) that could cause or contribute to
fatigue. The degree of MS-related fatigue varies from
patient to patient. Although the exact cause is unclear, it is
known that MS-related fatigue worsens before and during
exacerbations and with external and core temperature
increases. Not surprisingly, spasticity and weakness can also
worsen MS-related fatigue.
Multiple sclerosis-related fatigue is best treated with a
combination of low-impact aerobic exercise and anti-fatigue
drugs. First-line drugs used to treat fatigue include
amantadine or modafinil. Because modafinil can reduce the
efficacy of hormonal contraception, women of childbearing
age who use oral contraceptives should be reminded to use
a back-up or alternative form of contraception. Other drugs
used to treat MS-related fatigue include methylphenidate,
fluoxetine, and 4-aminopyridine.
Neurogenic pain, defined as pain along the course of a
nerve, occurs in an estimated 80% of patients. Neurogenic
pain typically starts out with numbness and tingling,
particularly in the extremities, but can progress to an
extreme burning type of pain. Ironically enough, neurogenic
pain is a good prognostic indicator for MS. Traditional pain
medications (e.g., hydrocodone, morphine, and codeine) are
not usually effective in treating neurogenic pain. Gabapentin
or pregabalin is considered the first-line drug for neurogenic
pain. Other products commonly used to treat neurogenic
pain include carbamazepine, duloxetine, amitriptyline,
oxcarbazepine, and nortriptyline. Patients should be
reminded that these products do cause sedation, but that the
sedation decreases with time.
Tremors, which affect the legs more often than the arms,
occur in an estimated 75% of patients with MS.
Unfortunately, tremors can be extremely disabling but
generally respond well to drugs. Drugs used to treat tremors
include clonazepam, propranolol, gabapentin, and
primidone. In addition, some patients may benefit from
adaptive equipment and gait training provided by
occupational and physical therapists.
Depression is common in chronic diseases, including
MS. Up to 50% of all patients with MS suffer from
depression. Although the exact cause of MS-related
depression is not fully understood, researchers have
hypothesized that it could be a psychological reaction to a
chronic illness, part of the grieving process, an adverse
effect from drugs used to treat MS (e.g., interferon-βs),
and/or related to the neuropathology of MS. Treatments of
MS-related depression include both psychotherapy and
pharmacotherapy. Multiple sclerosis-related depression
typically responds well to antidepressant drugs
(e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, selective
serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic
antidepressants). In recognizing that concurrent MS
symptoms can cause depression, tricyclic antidepressants or
the selective serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
should be considered for patients who also suffer from pain
and/or insomnia.
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Sexual dysfunction, which occurs in 75% of all patients
with MS, can affect both men and women. Male sexual
dysfunction commonly manifests as erectile dysfunction,
ejaculatory disorders, and difficulty in achieving orgasm,
whereas women most often experience abnormal sensations,
decreased lubrication, difficulty achieving an orgasm, and
anxiety about incontinence. In general, MS-related sexual
dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, including
depression, fatigue, neurological impairment, pain, and
drugs (e.g., alcohol, baclofen, β-blockers, selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants).
Ironically, many drugs used to treat symptomatic problems
can cause sexual dysfunction.
Male sexual dysfunction is much easier to treat than
female sexual dysfunction due to the availability of the
phosphodiesterase inhibitors (e.g., sildenafil, tadalafil, or
vardenafil). In clinical trials, sildenafil was no more
effective than placebo in treating female sexual dysfunction.
Because lack of lubrication can cause some female sexual
problems, lubricants can be helpful to some women.
Special Populations
Pediatric MS
The estimated prevalence of childhood-onset MS ranges
from 0.3% to 17%, although experts in the field estimate
that the prevalence can be narrowed to 2%–5% of all cases.
When MS is diagnosed in children, it most commonly
occurs between the ages of 10 and 18. Disease onset before
age 10 is considered exceptional, occurring in only
0.2%–0.7% of patients.
None of the ABCR drugs are approved for use in
children. In fact, only limited data are available regarding
the use of these products in pediatric patients. Although the
ABCR drugs are not approved for use in children, most
clinicians support their use because data (mainly in adults)
clearly show that early initiation significantly slows the
progression of the disease. When initiating therapy with one
of the ABCR drugs in children, the dosing is perhaps the
most challenging dilemma because only a few studies are
available to guide practice. For patients between ages 7 and
18, it is generally suggested to begin therapy at 25%–50%
of the recommended adult dose and gradually increase to the
full dose. For children younger than age 7, it is usually
advised to begin therapy at 25% of the recommended adult
dose and then increase to 50% of the adult dose. Doses
should be reassessed and increased as children age and
Pregnancy and MS
The decision to become pregnant and have children can
be a difficult one, especially for women who have MS. The
degree of physical disability present is an obvious factor that
needs to be examined when patients are considering
pregnancy. Because no two patients with MS are alike,
patients wanting to become pregnant should consult with
both their MS physician and obstetrician. For the most part,
pregnancy does not make the disease process worse. In fact,
pregnancy is sometimes considered a “honeymoon” period
for patients with MS because women typically have fewer
MS relapses while pregnant. Sometimes MS symptoms will
even abate during pregnancy.
Multiple Sclerosis
The decision whether to use the ABCR drugs in women
who are attempting to become pregnant, who are pregnant,
or who are breastfeeding is a complicated one. Patients
should consult both their MS physician and obstetrician
when making these decisions. Typically, patients are advised
to discontinue their ABCR drugs before attempting to
become pregnant and to resume them after delivery.
Likewise, lactating women are generally advised to not use
their ABCR drugs while nursing. Of note, no data exist in
humans linking ABCR drugs to fetal or infant problems;
however, data exist in animals linking high-dose
interferon-β products to spontaneous abortions. The
interferon-β products are in the FDA Pregnancy Category C.
Glatiramer acetate, Pregnancy Category B, is considered the
safest ABCR drug in pregnant and/or lactating women.
Although pregnancy may be considered a “honeymoon”
period for patients with MS, the postpartum period is
usually the complete opposite. An estimated 70% of patients
relapse during the postpartum period. Most patients
experience these relapses only during the first 3 months
after delivery while other patients experience relapses for up
to 9 months. Data suggest that the use of intravenous
immunoglobulin in the immediate postpartum period
(within 3 days of delivery) and repeated monthly for
6 months decreases relapses during the postpartum period.
Table 1-6. Counseling Tips for Administering the ABCR
Use the auto-injector provided by the manufacturer (when available)
Make sure the drug is at room or body temperature before injecting
Ice the injection site before and after injecting the drug
Never shake the medication vials
Rotate injection sites
Never inject the drug into an area that has a lump or knot
ABCR = Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, and Rebif.
Table 1-7. Contact Information for the ABCR Drugs
Glatiramer acetate
Access Number
ABCR = Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, and Rebif.
have dual purposes (e.g., using fluoxetine to treat both
fatigue and depression) rather than prescribing a drug to
treat each condition. Such drug regimens are easier for
patients to follow and are associated with fewer adverse
Patient Counseling Challenges and Opportunities
About 50% of patients with MS suffer from cognitive
dysfunction as a result of their illness. Just as the physical
symptoms of MS can vary considerably from person to
person, cognitive changes can vary as well. Memory
impairment ranks as the most commonly experienced
cognitive problem. Cognitive rehabilitation is generally the
preferred treatment for MS-related cognitive dysfunction.
Numerous studies have recently examined pharmacological
treatments for MS-related cognitive dysfunction; thus far,
donepezil hydrochloride appears to be the most effective
pharmacological treatment for MS-related cognitive
dysfunction. Because cognitive impairments can negatively
affect patient compliance, pharmacists should make all
attempts to simplify drug regimens to make things easier for
patients (e.g., suggest drugs that can be given once per day
rather than multiple times per day, recommend monotherapy
options instead of multidrug ones).
Convincing patients who have MS of the importance of
adhering to prescribed drug regimens can be a daunting task.
Although the ABCR drugs have revolutionized the
treatment of MS, these products must be administered
parenterally. Drug treatment regimens can be extremely
difficult and intimidating for many patients. Table 1-6 lists
practical tips for decreasing the pain and discomfort
associated with ABCR drugs. In addition, the various
pharmaceutical manufacturers have free programs available
to assist patients with administering the ABCR drugs. Table
1-7 lists the various programs and their toll-free access
numbers. Patients should be regularly reminded about the
importance of these parental medications, with adherence to
therapy being emphasized.
With regard to treating symptomatic problems,
pharmacists should make every attempt to simplify drug
regimens. When possible, drugs should be prescribed that
Multiple Sclerosis
Program Name
Avonex Services
MS Pathways
MS LifeLines
Shared Solution
Treatment options for MS have dramatically changed
since 1993, the year that the first DMD was approved for
use in the United States. Although the DMDs are not a cure
for MS, they can alter the disease course by decreasing the
number and severity of relapses, by slowing the progression,
and by reducing the accumulation of new lesions. Despite
therapy with the DMDs, many patients continue to
experience a variety of symptomatic problems that can
negatively affect their lives. Clinical trials are currently
under way that examine the safety and efficacy of other
DMDs in the hopes of identifying new therapies that can
significantly improve the quality of life of patients with MS.
Annotated Bibliography
Disease Management Consensus Statement. Expert Opinion
Paper from the Medical Advisory Board of the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society 2005. Available at
Accessed May 15, 2007.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Consensus
Statements are educational and advocacy tools designed to
promote increased access to approved DMDs through
legislative, judicial, and regulatory means. The National
Multiple Sclerosis Consensus Statements are ever evolving as
new DMDs are approved, and new Consensus Statements are
created and approved by the National MS Society Medical
Advisory Board’s Executive Committee. The most recent
Consensus Statement, the 2005 Consensus Statement,
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
than the patients who received the low-dose interferon-β
product, Avonex. Of note, the results of the EVIDENCE trial
provided the basis for approval of Rebif for use in the United
States. Before this, Rebif had only been available in Europe.
Clinicians interested in better understanding the differences
between the low-dose and high-dose interferon-β products are
encouraged to examine the cumulative results of this study
along with the INCOMIN study (discussed above). In
combination, these two studies clearly demonstrate that the
high-dose interferon-β products (Betaseron and Rebif) are
more efficacious than the low-dose product (Avonex).
addresses the use of interferon-β productions (Avonex,
Betaseron, glatiramer acetate, and Rebif), glatiramer acetate,
and mitoxantrone. An updated Consensus Statement,
examining the role of natalizumab, is expected to be released
in the near future.
The goal of the 2005 Consensus Statement is to ensure that
all patients who are appropriate candidates for approved
DMDs have access to them as early in the disease process as
possible. The 2005 Consensus Statement is comprehensive in
nature (see Table 1-3 for a complete list of recommendations).
One limitation to the 2005 Consensus Statement is that it only
minimally addresses the topic of neutralizing antibodies,
noting “that sufficient data do not yet exist to base clinical
decisions exclusively on the results of neutralizing
All clinicians who take care of patients with MS are
encouraged to study and apply the principles of the 2005
Consensus Statement (and future Consensus Statements) to
their practices, especially because the Multiple Sclerosis
Consensus Statements are the only such available consensus
or guideline available.
Durelli L, Verdun E, Barbero P, Bergui M, Versino E,
Ghezzi A, et al; Independent Comparison of Interferon
(INCOMIN) Trial Study Group. Every-other-day interferon
beta-1b versus once-weekly interferon beta-1a for multiple
sclerosis: results of a 2-year prospective randomised
multicentre study (INCOMIN). Lancet 2002;359:1453–60.
The landmark Independent Comparison of Interferon
(INCOMIN) study, which was funded by the Italian
government and the Italian MS Society, compared the lowdose interferon-β product, Avonex, with the high-dose
interferon-β product, Betaseron. Patients in this 2-year study
received either Avonex 30 mcg intramuscularly once weekly
or Betaseron 0.25 mg subcutaneously every other day. The
authors found that the patients who received Betaseron were
more likely to be relapse free (51% vs. 36%; p=0.035), have
less Expanded Disability Status Score worsening (14% vs.
30%; p=0.04), and have decreased T2 lesion activity based on
brain MRI (26% vs. 55%; p=0.0003) than the patients who
received Avonex. According to the study authors, the results
suggest that dose frequency and concentration, possibly
acting together, can affect disease activity and progression in
patients with relapsing-remitting MS.
The results of this study, in conjunction with the results
from EVIDENCE (discussed below), have clarified the
differences in efficacy between the low-dose and high-dose
interferon-β products. Consequently, all clinicians involved
with the treatment of MS should understand and be able to
apply these study results to their clinical practices.
Panitch H, Goodin DS, Francis G, Chang P, Coyle PK,
O’Conner P, et al; EVIDENCE Study Group. EVidence of
Interferon Dose-response: European North American
Compartative Efficacy; University of British Columbia
MS/MRI Research Group. Randomized, comparative study
of interferon beta-1a treatment regimens in MS: The
EVIDENCE Trial. Neurology 2002;59:1496–506.
The landmark Evidence for Interferon Dose-respose:
(EVIDENCE) study examined the two interferon-β1a
products, Avonex and Rebif. A total of 677 patients were
enrolled in this 48-week study. At both 24 weeks and
48 weeks, patients who received the high-dose interferon-β
product, Rebif, were more likely to be relapse free, have
decreased MRI activity, and have fewer active MRI scans
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition
Clanet M, Radue EW, Kappos L, Hartung HP, Hohlfield R,
Sandberg-Wollheim M, et al; European IFN beta-1a (Avonex)
Dose-Comparison Study Investigators. A randomized,
double-blind, dose-comparison study of weekly interferon
beta-1a in relapsing MS. Neurology 2002;59:1507–17.
This double-blinded, parallel-group, dose-comparison
study examined whether the approved strength of Avonex
(30 mcg intramuscularly once weekly) was more effective
than the double-dose strength of Avonex (60 mcg
intramuscularly once weekly) in reducing disability
progression in relapsing-remitting MS. A total of 802 patients
from 38 European centers were randomized to receive either
standard-dose or double-dose Avonex. The primary end point
of the study was increasing Expanded Disability Status
Scores; secondary end points included MRI findings, safety,
immunogenicity, and subgroup analyses of disability
progression. There was no difference between standard-dose
Avonex and double-dosed Avonex in the rate of accumulation
of physical disability in patients with relapsing-remitting MS.
Because both EVIDENCE and INCOMIN found that
high-dose interferon-β products (Betaseron and Rebif) were
more effective than the low-dose interferon-β product
(Avonex), many questioned whether the dose or the dosing
interval was the more important factor. Because double-dosed
Avonex did not prove to be more efficacious than standarddose Avonex, it appears that the dosing interval may be more
important than the dosing amount. This finding is consistent
with data demonstrating that a sustained level of interferon-β
(with a greater area under the curve drug concentration) is
better than brief periods of interferon-β exposure.
Johnson KP, Ford CC, Lisak RP, Wolinsky JS. Neurologic
consequence of delaying glatiramer acetate therapy for
multiple sclerosis: 8-year data. Acta Neurol Scand
This study, which assessed the long-term effectiveness of
glatiramer acetate in the treatment of relapsing-remitting MS,
represents the longest published duration of therapy for any
DMD. This open-label extension of an earlier randomized,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study lasted about
30 months. Patients previously randomized to glatiramer
acetate continued receiving active drug, and those originally
randomized to placebo were switched to glatiramer acetate.
Of the 251 patients originally randomized to glatiramer
acetate, 142 (56.6%) remained in the study after 8 years. With
therapy, annual relapse rate for both groups declined to about
1 relapse every 5 years. Of the two groups, a significantly
larger proportion of patients who had previously been
randomized to receive glatiramer acetate, had stable or
improved Expanded Disability Status Scores compared with
patients who had only received active drug for about
30 months (65.3% vs. 50.4%, respectively; p=0.0263).
This article not only reiterates the importance of the early
initiation of glatiramer acetate, but also the significance of the
Multiple Sclerosis
and daily functioning by participating in open dialogue,
providing patient specific treatment plans, and anticipating
patients’ general medical needs. Many times in the article, the
authors explain the importance of seeking referrals to treat
complex, specific issues. The authors end by discussing
general medical issues common to patients with MS,
including pregnancy and fertility, vaccinations, and
Patients with MS commonly have questions regarding the
safety of vaccines and the effect vaccines could have on their
disease. Table 4 of this article addressed all of these issues and
listed the various recommendations from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. The vaccinations discussed
in the table included age-appropriate vaccinations (e.g.,
tetanus or pneumonia vaccine), live-attenuated vaccinations,
influenza vaccinations, and smallpox vaccinations.
1998, 2002, and 2005 Consensus Statements. Clinicians
desiring to better understand the basis of these Consensus
Statements are encouraged to evaluate the trial results.
Clinicians should also be encouraged to share the trial results
with patients, especially noncompliant patients and patients
questioning the efficacy of glatiramer acetate.
Yousry TA, Major EO, Ryschkewitsch C, Fahle G, Fischer S,
Hou J, et al. Evaluation of patients treated with natalizumab
for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. N Engl J
Med 2006;354:924–33.
Natalizumab distribution was suddenly halted in February
2005 after three patients in the drug’s clinical trials developed
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Consequently,
an evaluation was conducted to determine whether
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy had developed in
any other patients treated with natalizumab. Of the 3417
patients with MS, Crohn’s disease, or rheumatoid arthritis
who had received natalizumab while participating in clinical
trials, 3116 (91%) who had been exposed to a mean of 17.9
monthly doses were evaluated for progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy. Of these patients, 44 were referred to
the expert panel because of clinical findings of possible
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, abnormalities
on MRI, or a high plasma viral load of JC virus. PML was
ruled out in 43 of the 44 patients. The authors concluded that
the risk of PML is roughly 1 in 1000 patients treated with
natalizumab for a mean of 17.9 months. However, the authors
noted that the risk associated with longer treatment is not
This study is considered significant because its findings, in
part, led to natalizumab being re-released in the United States,
some 15 months after its distribution was abruptly halted.
Clinicians who prescribe or monitor patients receiving
natalizumab are encouraged to read this article so that they
can properly educate their patients about risks of progressive
multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
Fox FJ, Bethoux F, Goldman MD, Cohen JA. Multiple
sclerosis: Advances in understanding, diagnosing, and
treating the underlying disease. Cleve Clin J Med
This concise review article, which evaluated advances in
the pathophysiology, diagnosis, imaging, and treatment of
MS, is well written and easy to read. Much emphasis was
placed on the various treatments of MS, including treatment
of relapses, symptom management, and long-term prevention
of tissue injury. The authors explored in detail the clinical
monitoring of MS, with an emphasis on the MS Functional
Composite scoring system and how MRI scans can aid in the
diagnosis and management of MS. This article is a benefit to
experienced MS clinicians as well as those unfamiliar with
the disease state.
Goldman MD, Cohen JA, Fox RJ, Bethoux FA. Multiple
sclerosis: Treating symptoms, and other general medical
issues. Cleve Clin J Med 2006;73:177– 86.
This review article discusses the incidence and treatment of
various common symptomatic problems associated with MS
(including spasticity, bladder dysfunction, bowel dysfunction,
fatigue, pain syndromes, ataxia, tremors, vertigo, cognitive
impairment, and mood disorders). Emphasis is placed on
exploring both pharmacological and nonpharmacological
treatments. The authors remind clinicians that they can
positively impact their patients’ overall health, quality of life,
Multiple Sclerosis
Henze T. Managing specific symptoms in people with
multiple sclerosis. Int MS J 2005;12:60–8.
This well-written and easy-to-read review article examines
the management of many of the disabling symptoms of MS,
including MS-related spasticity, fatigue, pain, and neurogenic
bladder dysfunction, that often impair quality of life and
social participation in people with MS. The authors note that
the goal of therapy should be the elimination and reduction of
symptoms. This article also reviews many recommendations
for treating MS-related spasticity, fatigue, pain, and
neurogenic bladder dysfunction from the MS Consensus
Group of the German MS Society. Those clinicians interested
in how to treat the various symptomatic problems associated
with MS are encouraged to read this article.
10. Chabas D, Green AJ, Waubant E. Pediatric multiple sclerosis.
NeuroRx 2006;(3):264–75.
This recently published review article examines the topic of
pediatric MS, noting that childhood MS represents up to 10%
of all MS cases. The authors explored the challenges of
making a diagnosis of MS in pediatric patients, explaining
that children often have different presenting symptoms (e.g.,
seizures, and brainstem and cerebellar symptoms) than adults
(who most frequently experience acute episodes of optic
neuritis). The authors also note that MS appears to affect
adolescent girls to greater extent than adolescent boys (with a
ratio approaching 3:1). The authors examine the limited
available pediatric data regarding the various DMDs and
stress the need for controlled, clinical trials in pediatric
patients, but acknowledge that it is unlikely that such trials
will ever take place. Finally, it is noted that the Multiple
Sclerosis Society has initiated support for six regional
pediatric MS centers across the United States, with the hope
of better delineating disease course, underlying biological and
epidemiological factors, and differences between pediatriconset and adult-onset MS. Those clinicians interested in the
field of pediatric MS are encouraged to study this concise
review article.
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 6th Edition