Singular & Plural Nouns

Plural nouns

Singular & Plural Nouns Name: Date: Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) enemy (17) bush (2) try (18) light (3) library (19) charm (4) strawberry (20) tiger (5) army (21) elephant (6) puppy (22) power (7) theory (23) company (8) jackhammer (24) bridge (9) lunch (25) trench (10) cabinet (26) spy (11) daisy (27) fax (12) club (28) girl (13) table (29) whiteboard (14) paragraph (30) dish (15) hex (31) conversation (16) connection (32) match Copyright ©2016 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) enemy enemies (17) bush bushes (2) try tries (18) light lights (3) library libraries (19) charm (4) strawberry strawberries (20) tiger (5) army armies (21) elephant (6) puppy puppies (22) power (7) theory theories (23) company (8) jackhammer jackhammers (24) bridge bridges (9) lunch lunches (25) trench trenches (10) cabinet cabinets (26) spy spies (11) daisy daisies (27) fax faxes (12) club clubs (28) girl girls (13) table tables (29) whiteboard (14) paragraph paragraphs (30) dish (15) hex hexes (31) conversation (16) connection connections (32) match Copyright ©2016 charms tigers elephants powers companies whiteboards dishes conversations matches