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Ноема, 2024
maaf copy, hanya mencoba , 2019
A. Pendahuluan Indonesia menjadi Negara hukum karena "dipaksa" melalui pencangkokan (transplantasi) hukum oleh Belanda. Pemaksaan ini dilakukan tanpa melalui proses musyawarah ataupun menunggu keambrukan suatu sistem sosial Indonesia. Proses lompatan sistem sosial dari tradisonal dan feodal langsung ke negara hukum. Substansi negara hukum pada masa penjajahan menjadi sangat kompleks, karena terjadi dualisme hukum (hukum barat dan hukum adat) khususnya hukum agraria. Lebih kompleks lagi karena hukum adat sendiri bersifat kedaerahan sehingga terdapat pluralisme hukum di Indonesia pada waktu itu. Indonesia sebagai negara baru supaya dapat berdiri sejajar dengan negara-negara lain perlu membuka diri dan berinterkasi dalam percaturan dunia global. Oleh karenanya diperlukan hukum agraria nasional yang mampu mengakomodasi kepentingan masyarakat internasional, tanpa harus mengalahkan sifat kenasionalan. Lebih dari itu perlu dijaga agar nasionalisme itu tidak luntur karena desakan hukum internasional. Oengan kata lain, hukum nasional harus disusun dalam semangat menjaga kedaulatan hukum alas negeri sendiri. Maka arah pembangunan hukum agraria nasional yang dilandasi oleh cita hukum dan cetak biru masyarakat di dalam UUO NRI 1945, tidak sepenuhnya sama dengan cita-cita kapitalisme global.' Seperti prinsip kekeluargaan, penolakan terhadap dominasi kepentingan perorangan di atas kepentingan rakyat banyak, tanah berfungsi sosial, pengakuan hak ulayat, prinsip nasionalisme penguasaan tanah, pembangunan ekonomi untuk Kata Kunci: Pancasila, HukumAgraria, Produk Politik. Kajian hukum ini untuk mengetahui: perwujudan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam hukum agraria nasional dan substansi hukum agraria nasional sebagai produk politik. Hasil kajian disimpulkan bahwa nilai-nilai Pancasila telah mengakar sedemikian kuat dalam UUPA, sehingga potensial sebagai sarana untuk menjelaskan, mengantisipasi dan memberi solusi segala persoalan hukum agraria di Indonesia. UUPA sebagai produk politik berkarakter responsif dan memenuhi tuntutan rasa keadilan yang didambakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Abstrak Key words : Pancasila, Agrarian Law, The Product of Politics. The study of this law to know: embodiment of the values rrof Pancasila in the national agrarian law and substance of national agrarian law as a product of politics. Conclude that the results of the study: values Pancasila has entrenched in such strong in UUPA, so potential as a means to explain, anticipate, and giving the solution all legal problem of agrarian law in Indonesia. UUPA as the product of a poHtical characterless responsive, and appeasing a sense of justice coveted by Indonesian people. Abstract FX. Sumarja Fakultas Hukum Umvers1tas Lampung Jalan Prof. Or Ir Soematn Broionegoro No. I, Gedungmeneng, Bandar Lampung 35145
El Kânûn Fi’t Tıb Okuma Grubu (2. Duyuru), 2024
Modern öncesi tıp geleneğinin temel metinlerinden birisi olarak okutulan, muhtasar-müfit eserlerle ve şerhlerle tıp literatüründe uzun yüzyıllar dolaşımda olan İbn Sînâ’nın el-Kânûn Fi’t-Tıb adlı eseri, humoral patolojiye dayalı geleneksel tıp uygulamalarına dair de en kapsamlı eserlerden biridir. On sekizinci yüzyılda Tokadî Mustafa Efendi tarafından ilk defa Arapçadan Türkçeye çevirisi yapılan eserin, bu okuma grubunda Yazma Eserler Kurumu tarafından yayımlanan Tokadî tercümesi üzerinden tahlil edilerek okunması hedeflenmektedir. Derslerimiz 23 Mayıs 2024'te başlamış olup, giriş dersinin ardından eserin tahlil edilerek okunmasına başlanmıştır. İkinci kayıtla alınan öğrencilere giriş derslerinin (2 ders) kayıtları gönderilecek ve diğer grupla yapılan ilk derslerinde okunan metne dair kısa bir özet yapılacaktır. Dersler yapılırken gerekli yerlerde geriye dönük tekrarlar yapılacağı için kaçırılan derslerdeki kayıp zaman içerisinde tamamlanacaktır. Katılımcılarda Aranan Özellikler: On sekizinci yüzyılda Osmanlı Türkçesiyle yazılmış bir tıp metnini takip edebilecek yetkinliğe sahip, konuya ilgi duyan araştırmacılar programa başvuru yapabilir. Katılımcılardan programı düzenli takip etmeleri ve okunacak metinlere hazırlıklı gelmeleri beklenmektedir. Kontenjan sınırlıdır, lisansüstü öğrencilere öncelik verilecektir. Program: Son kayıt: 9 Ekim 2024 Ders başlangıç: 17 Ekim 2024 Dersler online olarak perşembe günleri saat 21:00'de gerçekleşecektir. Kayıt:
Nous avons à présent un accès aisé à des dizaines de milliers de pages constituant les treize premiers siècles de la littérature arménienne. La centaine d’auteurs qui seront étudiés cette année témoigne d’une exceptionnelle richesse et d’une grande diversité dans les thèmes abordés et la sensibilité à tous les aspects de la vie humaine. Ces centaines d’œuvres constituent un témoignage unique sur la vie, la foi et les rêves des habitants du plateau arménien durant près de mille trois cent ans de Mesrop Maschot’s (†439) à Sayat-Nova (†1795).
A terracotta figure which can be dated to the 1 st century BC coming from one of the burial areas documented in the city of Malaga (Spain) located in Beatas Street is described. The figure is currently being displayed in the Museum of Malaga and has remained unpublished up until now. It corresponds to a zoomorphic askos in the shape of a lion whose purpose would be to protect the tomb's owner for the afterlife. The representation of this animal in this pottery shape could be linked with Phoenician female goddesses, particularly Tanit, and it is not very common in the ancient Phoenician colonies around the Mediterranean, being the only finding in Malaca, which certainly sparks interest.
Education Sciences , 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This study examines the seasonal variation and asses surface water quality of Sundarbans Mangrove Forest in Bangladesh. The statistical analysis ANOVA was used to explore the seasonal variations among three seasons.Water quality and seasonal variation were assessing by measured twelve physico-chemical parameters like Temperature, EC (Electrical Conductivity), pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Salinity, Total Alkalinity, Total Acidity, Free dissolved CO 2 , Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen demand (COD). The values most of the water quality parameters indicate that the sundarbans aquatic habitat is at suitable range for aquatic species but have a little concern about Salinity values. During study timelow level of BOD and COD value indicates that the organic waste pollution was insignificant in the Sundarbans water. The statistical analysis ANOVA shows a significant seasonal variation among three seasons at 0.01 levels of significance.
Journal of Montessori research & education, 2022
On 6 May 2022, 70 years after Maria Montessori's death, Stockholm University and the Department of Education and Didactics organized an international Montessori symposium. The idea was to present a breadth of research on Maria Montessori. The symposium dealt with Maria Montessori in the interwar period, an analysis of the history of ideas. Another presentation suggested possible research models to study this large field. The symposium also presented interpretations of Montessori's writings that point her out as a visionary and pioneer in education for a sustainable world. An additional research area addressed was the potential of neuroscience to examine the effects of teaching theory and learning in Montessori education. Finally, this report describes a study on whether Montessori-inspired education compared to traditional education stands up in areas of socioeconomic disadvantage.
The collective monograph Memory of Central and Eastern Europe: Past Traumas, Present Challenges, Future Horizons provides a unique platform for collaboration of different theoretical and conceptual approaches to memory and related studies. The first part of the book focuses on the issues related to the problematic aspects of memory in the context of urban and media space. The second part deals with the interaction between nation, national history and memory. The third part is devoted to the representation of memory and sheds light on the specific role of text as a means of cultural memory.
Brill's Companion to German Platonism., 2019
The purpose of this chapter is to present the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa in relation to the texts of Plato and other authors of the Platonic tradition. I will highlight the Greek philosopher’s importance for one of the earliest and most excellent exponents of German philosophy. In Section 1, I outline Cusanus’ philosophy; in Section 2, I focus on his Platonism. Section 3 explores Cusanus’ Neo-Platonic sources, while Section 4 describes his effect on the German Platonic tradition. Finally, in Section 5, I close with a discussion of Cusanus’ Christian Platonism
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Crimson Publishers, 2019
Revista de la Secretaría del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión, 2016
International Journal of Financial Research, 2020
Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2014
Biblical Interpretation, 2012
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2007
Renewable Energy, 2012
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Plant Physiology
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 2012
Comparative Demography of the Syrian Diaspora: European and Middle Eastern Destinations, 2020
Case Reports in Urology, 2015