An argumentative annotation schema for meeting discussions
Vincenzo PALLOTTA, Hatem GHORBEL, Patrick RUCH and Giovanni CORAY
Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne
IN F Ecublens 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
{Vincenzo.Pallotta, Hatem.Ghorbel, Patrick.Ruch, Giovanni.Coray}
In this article, we are interested in the annotation of transcriptions of human-human dialogue taken from meeting records. We first
propose a meeting content model where conversational acts are interpreted with respect to their argumentative force and their role in
building the argumentative structure of the meeting discussion. Argumentation in dialogue describes the way participants take part in
the discussion and argue their standpoints. Then, we propose an annotation scheme based on such an argumentative dialogue model as
well as the evaluation of its adequacy. The obtained higher-level semantic annotations are exploited in the conceptual indexing of the
information contained in meeting discussions.
Interaction through meetings is among the richest human
communication activities. Multimodal multi-party dialogs
can be audio-visually recorded and stored in a multimedia
repository. Recording meetings implies the storage and
the structuring of a large set of heterogeneous information
scattered over time and media. The raw data format from
the various recording devices is not directly usable for the
creation of indexes, or for the content-based access to the
relevant parts of the meeting recording. Data are then
analysed and annotated in order to provide thematic access to the meeting recordings.
The application scenario we envisage for meeting recording, structuring, storage and retrieval is the following:
suppose someone has not attended a group meeting, but
needs information about “what happened” at the meeting.
In this situation the user might want to make queries about
the meeting participants, about the issues that were discussed and the decisions that were made. Answers to these
queries can be of different types. An answer to the former
question can be a list of participants, whereas a written
summary or an excerpt of the most relevant audio-video
recording sequence can be the answer to the latter. The
user might also be interested in accessing the documents
related to the meeting, such as the agenda, reports, presentation handouts, related articles, etc.
In the framework of the (IM)21 project, we are aimed at
developing a robust computational dialogue model which
could be exploited for the representation and the access to
the information contained in dialogues from meeting
discussions. In this article, we propose an annotation
schema that describes the task of argumentative annotation of meeting discussions.
The goal of such an annotation is to enrich the structure of
meetings by means of higher-level semantic description.
Based on such a description, we also propose to apply
Information Retrieval (IR) and Question Answering (QA)
techniques to create semantic indexes that aid in the answering content-based queries about the meetings.
The National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) on
Interactive Multimodal Information Management, in brief (IM)2,, is aimed at the advancement of research, and
the development of prototypes, in the field of man-machine interaction.
Meeting annotation
A first type of annotation is based on the shallow dialogue
model, proposed in (Armstrong et al., 2003). This model
provides a simple logical structure for dialogues based on
the following categories:
• a dialog is a non empty set of episodes; a new
episode is identified by a topic shift.
• an episode is a non empty set of turns; a new turn
is introduced by a speaker change.
• a turn is a non empty sequence of utterances.
Each turn is annotated by one or more dialogue acts highlighting the communicative function of an utterance. The
set of dialogue act labels is based on Switchboard/DAMSL guidelines (Core and Allen, 1997) and it is
currently used for the annotation of the ICSI2 corpus of
meeting dialogues that we use for our tests.
In addition to the shallow model, which will be mostly
automatically extracted, we also consider the adoption of a
more structured representation. It will be produced with
more manual intervention, and will provide the system
with more possibilities for the users to identify the desired
segments of the meeting. In fact, the main limitation of the
shallow dialogue model is that a single utterance may
have multiple communicative functions and that there is
no trace of participants’ intentions. In multimodal dialogues, for instance, there are other types of communicative actions besides utterances, e.g. agreement by applause, disagreement by gesture or facial expressions.
Also silence might express an agreement after a question
like "Do you have something to object?". Moreover, the
model does not take into account the emergence of opinions by hearers about speakers, and, more important, it
does not highlight the social behaviour of the participants,
nor their role in the deliberation process.
In order to overcome the above limitation, we propose to
consider meeting dialogues from the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) perspective (Pallotta, 2003). A
meeting is defined as a multi-party (multi-agent) decision
making process: a collaborative process, where agents
follow a series of communicative actions in order to establish a common ground on the dimension of the problem. The main dimensions of CDM process are:
International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley.
An overall task goal;
A set of alternatives;
A collection of choice criteria (perspectives and
preferences) settled upon the participants;
• A decision (or evaluation) function that combines criteria to judge the alternatives.
This definition focuses on the processes, which take place
during meetings and how these processes contribute to the
accomplishment of a joint goal.
build summaries. We believe that this model is not sufficient for the meeting dialogues, since it only highlights
argumentative rhetorical relations in monologues.
Figure 1: The IBIS model
Types of Meetings
According to a classification provided by NIST (Cugini et
al, 1997) and based on the McGrath work on group dynamics (McGrath, 1984), meeting scenarios are likely to
contain the following CDM processes:
Staff Meetings: Participants discuss real technical is-sues,
brainstorms ideas and make decisions. They include also
planning, negotiation and brainstorming.
Information exchange and decision-making meetings:
For instance, office furnishing: An expert will help participants to choose office furniture, carpet, etc. for an office. They also include brainstorming.
Information gathering and decision-making meetings:
For instance, shopping on-line where participants search
the Web and collaborate to purchase a digital camera. This
type of meeting includes also negotiation.
As resulted from recent studies (Pallotta et al., 2004),
questions related to the above type of meetings are mainly
those pertaining to the outcome of the discussion in terms
of the arguments invoked, questions raised, and consensus
achieved on the discussed issues. There are few examples
of possible question types:
About discussion:
1. What were the objections against the proposal Y?
2. What was the position of X on subject Z?
3. Give me all the contributions of participant X in favour of alternative A regarding the issue I.
4. Who was supporting the alternatives proposed by X?
5. Who systematically rejected all the proposals made
by X?
About the decision:
6. Which alternatives have been chosen for the issue I?
7. Why the alternative A has been rejected for the issue
8. For which open question there was no solution
adopted? Why? What are the open questions for a
next meeting?
9. Which criteria were chosen to take the decision D1?
10. Which criteria did the members who disagreed on the
decision D1 invoke?
About the coherence of the dialogue:
11. When did X contradict himself about the issue I?
12. Was the decision about issue X democratically taken?
Argumentative structure of meetings
In order to answer the types of questions exemplified in
the previous section, we need to further mark up meeting
recordings with appropriate meta-description. In other
words, we need to annotate the parts of the meeting where
the decision process takes place with a suitable "argumentative structure".
A basis for an Argumentation Mark-Up language has been
proposed in (Delannoy, 1999). It provides a set of XML
tags to pre-process text containing arguments in order to
A simple model, shown in figure 1, of an argumentative
structure is the "Issue Based Information Systems" (IBIS),
proposed by (Kunz and Rittel, 1970) and adopted as a
foundational theory in some computer-supported collaborative argumentation (CSCA) systems such as Zeno
(Gordon and Karacapilidis, 1999), HERMES (Karacapilidis and Papadias, 2001), Questmap (Conklin et al.,
2001), and Compendium (Selvin, 2001). We adopt this
model as the reference model for the description of the
argumentative structure of decision meetings. The model
captures and highlights the essential lines of a discussion
in terms of what issues have been discussed and what alternatives have been proposed and accepted by the participants.
The development of the argumentation structure is a dynamic process which itself needs to be modelled. In
(Gordon and Karacapilidis, 1999), the process of proposing and arguing over alternatives is modelled by a state
transition graph. This simple model uses a strict protocol,
which constrains the interaction between participants, but
hardly scales up from computer-mediated discussion to
real life, unconstrained, meetings.
One main difference between CSCA and meeting recordings is that, in the former case, the argumentative structure
is used to constrain the interaction whereas, in the latter,
we aim at deriving the corresponding argumentative
structure (if any) by observing a recorded interaction. It is
apparent that the second problem is harder since one has
to infer the causal relationships of dialogue events without
knowing the participants’ intentions and goals. Modelling
the dynamics of argumentation also means dealing with
multimodal knowledge about the dialogue events, since
some argumentation acts can be stated in other modalities
(e.g. agreement by silence or by applause, disagreement
by laughing).
The importance of tracking collaborative argumentation of
discussion meetings has a central importance for building
what Duska Rosemberg calls "Project Memories" in
(Rosemberg and Sillince, 1999). The construction of projects memories is similar to the annotation of meetings by
their argumentation structure since it highlights not only
"strictly factual, technical information", but also relevant
information about the decision making process.
The Meeting Description Schema
The description schema we propose as the starting point
for the construction of a meeting ontology, is formalized
using XML-schemas3 and reflects the substantial aspects
of the IBIS model. However, we only model argumenta3
tive relationships between meeting episodes, without imposing any strong constraint on the structure that the
meeting develops. The Meeting Description Schemas
(MDS) is based on the previous observation that there
exist a number of sequencing regularities in dialogue, adjacency pairs, de-scribing facts as, for instance, that questions are generally followed by answers, issues by solutions, proposals by acceptances or rejections, etc. The
main point in our proposal is that adjacency pairs are described within a specific dialogue context where they may
have different argumentative roles and thus different interpretations. For instance, accepting a proposal in a context of the agenda discussion in a meeting has different
argumentative role than accepting a proposal in a context
of an issue discussion. The context is basically seen as a
temporal interval during which the discussion has a specific focus: an episode. In MDS, the dialogue contexts are
represented by episodes and can be viewed as snap-shots
of the discussion during which a specific argumentation
act is occurring. As argumentation acts could be decomposed in more specific or detailed sub-acts, an episode
itself can be com-posed of other sub-episodes. For instance an episode of agenda in a meeting can be detailed
into an episode of agenda presentation, some episodes of
propositions to add (or modify or delete) an issue to be
discussed in the agenda, as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: Meeting's main structure
Although episodes could overlap in time, we can represent
the taxonomy of the Meeting Schema as a hierarchical
structure: each argumentative act is composed of possible
sub-acts, as shown in figure 3 for the case of the Agenda
Figure 3: Agenda episode structure
alise its context. For instance, the context of ACCEPT(clarification) will be the episode of the clarification
and that of the proposal (if we know that a clarification is
preceded by a proposal) as well as the episode where the
proposal was uttered (agenda, discussion issue, etc.).
Categories such as ASK, ACCEPT, REJECT might (but
not necessary) correspond to dialogue acts. In this case we
have refined the concept of dialogue act and adjacency
pairs by specifying the role of dialogue contribution
within the discussion.
Note that there is an invariant structure of discussion episodes, which is present in several discussion episodes
(changing the external parameter i.e. "discuss-issue"),
which is reported below and framed in figure 3 for the
case of Agenda; This structure mirrors in terms of episodic structure, the IBIS model. The only structural constraints are imposed to the "reply-to" relation, which is
graphically represented above by dependency tree. In fact,
we require that an argumentative episode "replies" to the
parent argumentative episode in the argumentation tree:
If considered as constraints, this model can be viewed as a
sort of argumentation dependency grammar.
Finally, from an annotator's point of view, more general
categories can be refined by sub-categories if the annotator is able to identify finer-grained episodes. This means
that the annotation can be done in several stages, following either a top-down (from general to specific categories)
or bottom-up strategy
The automatic construction of argumentative structures
from meetings is a long-term goal, while manual construction seems to be more reasonable in the short-term.
Nevertheless, there are some important steps, which can
be performed automatically. Recent works (McCowan et
al., 2002) made by partners in the (IM)2 project have been
focused on stochastic models for the automatic detection
of meeting episodes based on the combined extraction of
multiple audio-visual features from meeting recordings.
Indeed, the automatic detection of candidate segments
where an argumentation is likely to be found could be of
great help to the human annotator. Moreover, in an adaptive annotation tool (Ballim et al., 2000), topic segmentation can be used to propose annotation of issues, and the
presence of a high number of propose-accept or proposereject adjacency pairs may signal a segment, which contains an argumentation act.
Towards a Meeting Query Engine
However, practically, when analyzing the dialogue, the
hierarchical structure is not sufficient to represent the adjacency pairs: consider an answer that refers to two questions in the discussion. In this case, we need to add a relation that links the answer to both of the questions. This
relation is called "reply-to" relation, which links an episode to one or more previous (in time) episodes. The reply-to relation induces a chain structure on the dialogue
which is local to each episode and which enables to visu-
Searching meeting dialogues raises several problems
compared to standard IR indexing techniques. One important point is that users may ask different types of queries depending on their needs, therefore one single retrieval strategy may be not sufficient. The required recall
and precision may vary depending on the type of query
since, in some cases the user's query needs to be answered
with a precise information (e.g. who, where, when, why),
while in some other cases the user is looking for a context
(i.e. a passage in the meeting) where the interesting information can be found. Moreover, it is not apparent which
level of granularity the document base should have (turns,
episodes, issues or entire meetings).
If we also aim at navigation through meetings by query,
the problem of contextual interpretation of user's queries
becomes more evident (e.g. history-based IR). The link to
additional knowledge (present in the meeting repository in
form of annotations or reference to other knowledge
sources or related documents) may increase the robustness
and the performance of the search engine (e.g. imagine the
situation where the user is asking for a passage where a
topic is only contained in the slide presentation which a
meeting participant is referring to during the meeting,
without explicitly mentioning the topic in the dialogue).
IR techniques can be applied to the following problems:
• inter-meeting search: look for relevant meetings
among a collection of meetings;
• intra-meeting search: search within a single meeting
for relevant (multimodal/multimedia) passage (topics,
episodes, documents, ..);
• entity search: look for specific entities (e.g. participants, issues, documents, dates) within a single or
multiple meetings (e.g. "who was the person who
systematically disagree with X's proposals?");
• discussion's event search: look for certain action/events which have a particular role in the discussion (e.g. proposals, argument, counter-argument,
support, rejection, acceptance).
We believe that standard text-based IR techniques are
adequate to meet the requirements for retrieving multiparty multimodal dialogues only partially. In a real application we suspect that the users will ask for complex and
focused queries that could not be adequately answered (in
terms of both precision and recall) if the indexing model
does not include some information sources other than
textual data. In practice we propose to extend the traditional IR techniques to dialogues by combining heterogeneous indexes having different nature (lexical, semantic)
and using different modalities (speech, documents). Each
dialogue segment (episode, turn, utterance) will thus be
referenced in four indexes:
• a stem-based index;
• an automatically-built4 latent argumentative index (PURPOSE, METHODS, CONCLUSION)
(Ruch et al., 2003);
• a human (or semi automatically) annotated argumentative index described in MDS (PROPOSE, ISSUE, ACCEPT, REJECT, DECISION,
• a speech to document dynamic index.
One might consider, in addition to enhanced content indexing, investigating on the knowledge-based methods for
flexible query expansion/reformulation.
We believe that a Query Engine on records of meeting
discussions requires adequate conceptual indexing techniques. We propose an annotation scheme based on a
model of argumentation. The scheme provides the right
level of abstraction and meets the requirements of the targeted application (Pallotta et al. 2003), since the argumentative structure is needed to answer actual queries
about issues and events that occur in meeting discussions.
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