Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
Fascism as a Mass-Movement:
Translator’s Introduction
Jairus Banaji
Department of Development Studies,
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
[email protected]
This Introduction to Rosenberg’s essay starts with a brief synopsis of his life, then summarises the
key arguments of the essay itself before looking briefly at the twin issues of the social base of the
fascist parties (wider than just the ‘petty bourgeoisie’) and the passive complicity/compliance of
‘ordinary Germans’, as the literature now terms whole sectors of the civilian population that were
deijined by their apathy or moral indifference to the horrors of the Nazi state.
Arthur Rosenberg, Marxist theories of fascism, white-collar workers, mass-complicity
Arthur Rosenberg was a major historian and Communist Reichstag deputy
best known for his books The Birth of the German Republic, 1871–1918 (1928) and
A History of Bolshevism (1932). The three broad phases of his life as a Marxist
are the years from 1919 to April 1927, when he played an active part in the KPDLeft, the period from May 1927 to March 1933, following his resignation from
the KPD (the years that best deijine him as a ‘Communist without a party’), and
the tragic ijinal decade of his life when he fled Germany along with his family,
would ijind himself stripped of German citizenship, and lead an impoverished
life as a tutor in Brooklyn College, New York, having failed to ijind any sort of
academic position in England. All of Rosenberg’s major works stem from the
last period of his life, except for The Birth of the German Republic, which he
published in 1928.
As a member of the left wing of the USPD, Rosenberg found himself joining
the German Communist Party in October 1920. The hallmark of the Left-current
within the KPD was of course its intransigent opposition to any sort of front
with the SPD in the intensely volatile political climate of Weimar, but unlike
Fischer and Maslow (more substantial leaders of the ‘Berlin Left’, as the
© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2012
DOI: 10.1163/156920612X632791
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
KPD-Left was called), Rosenberg himself was deeply resentful of excessive
Comintern interference in the affairs of the German party. By 1925 the KPDLeft was split wide open, lost control of the party-leadership to Thälmann, and
saw a major purge of the Left-elements, including Korsch and Werner Scholem,
all denounced as ‘anti-Bolshevik’. Rosenberg seems to have survived this purge
but resigned from the party in April 1927. He remained a Reichstag deputy for
about a year, but was doubly ostracised both within the academic establishment
and by the orthodox Left in Germany. Thanks to the implacable hostility of
Eduard Meyer and Ulrich Wilcken, he was denied a proper appointment in
Berlin University. By now, the eve of the massive expansion of Nazism among
the electorate, he wrote exclusively for publications run by the SPD. In A
History of Bolshevism, the last book he published before his exile, he
characterised Stalin’s Russia as ‘state-capitalist’ (this in 1932). On 30 January
1933, Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor and the German Communists
frantically appealed to the SPD for a ‘united front’ when the terror started in
February. By the end of March Rosenberg had fled to Zurich with his family, in
September he moved to London where he failed to land a job at the LSE, and
then four months later got a one-year fellowship at the University of Liverpool
where he wrote Democracy and Socialism. Fascism as a Mass-Movement
appeared as a booklet (‘Broschüre’) in 1934 under the pseudonym ‘Historikus’
and published by the Karlsbad publisher Graphia, which was run by SPD
refugees and German-speaking Social Democrats in Czechoslovakia. Rosenberg
left for the States in late October 1937 and eventually died of cancer in 1943.1
The abbreviated version of Rosenberg’s fascism-essay that runs to 65-odd
pages in Abendroth’s collection Faschismus und Kapitalismus is the one
translated here.2 It divides into three portions, the ijirst mapping a general
vision of the history and politics of Europe in the later-nineteenth century, and
the second and third dealing with Italy and Germany respectively. The
distinctive feature of the argument is summed up in the title itself, namely, the
conception of fascism as a mass-movement. Written in 1933, this contrasted
both with the Comintern’s ofijicial line that fascism was ‘the power of ijinancecapital itself ’,3 a sort of political incarnation of capital, and with the contrary
theories that saw fascism mediating between capital and labour on the model
1. Biographical data from Riberi 2001 and Keßler 2003, both of which (Keßler especially) have
full bibliographies of Rosenberg’s writings. Eduard Meyer was Germany’s leading ancient
historian at the time but also a staunch nationalist (a supporter of the Deutsche Vaterlandspartei)
and a resolute opponent of Weimar, e.g., Keßler 2003, pp. 48–9.
2. Rosenberg 1967.
3. Dimitroff told the Seventh Congress of the Comintern: ‘Der Faschismus – das ist die Macht
des Finanzkapitals selbst’.
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
implied in Marx’s analysis of Bonapartism.4 Rosenberg seems to have steered
clear of this whole debate, which as a historian he may well have found
superijicial. The crucial point for him was to know where fascism came from, not
what it resembled in the past. He rejected the view that fascism was somehow
primordially or quintessentially connected with the petty bourgeoisie in
particular – either driven by it or largely founded on it – suggesting that it had
a much wider social appeal and was more widely based than that view implied.
If fascism was a product of its own ideology, then that ideology was already
widespread by 1914. Throughout the main countries of Europe, liberalism was
either stillborn or successfully contained and defeated. This was as true of the
Hapsburgs as it was of Germany or Britain for that matter. The crux of the new
‘authoritarian conservatism’, as he called it, was its ability to win mass-support,
popular conservative majorities, by encouraging a new breed of nationalism
that was ultra-patriotic, racist and violently opposed to the Left. This took
different forms in different parts of Europe but its essential features were the
same – a ‘demagogic nationalism’ that targeted minorities (in Europe, mainly
Jews) to build a mass-support. The powerful surge of antisemitism that swept
through Europe in the last quarter of the nineteenth century was a fundamental
part of this radical nationalism.
Thus Rosenberg’s key argument here is that ‘the ideology which is today
called “fascist” was already fairly widespread throughout Europe before the War,
and exerted a strong influence on the masses.’ He goes on to say, ‘However,
with one exception, what was missing then was the peculiar tactic of using
stormtroopers which is thoroughly characteristic of modern fascism. The sole
exception was formed by the Black Hundreds of Tsarist Russia and their ability
to stage pogroms’ (p. 152).
Legally, the stormtroopers should be tried and sentenced to jail. But in fact nothing
of the sort happens to them. Their conviction in the courts is pure show – either
they do not serve their sentence, or they are soon pardoned. (p. 153.)
The important insight here is that stormtroopers work with the connivance of the
state, a theme he returns to repeatedly. As for the pogrom itself, he claims ‘the
rage of the patriotic masses has to be manufactured’ (ibid.). This is what
happened in the Tsarist pogroms of 1905.
Rosenberg saw Italian fascism as a modernising force that broke the power
of the Southern cliques to pave the way for Northern industrial capitalism. In
Italy, ‘Fascism was and remained the party of the advanced North’ (p. 169),
smashing the working class but also ‘br[eaking] the dominance of the backward
4. Notably Thalheimer 1967 (from Gegen den Strom. Organ der KPD (Opposition), 1930).
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
feudal cliques of Central and Southern Italy’ (ibid.). ‘Mussolini was the leader
of the modern Italian North, with its bourgeoisie and its intelligentsia.’ (ibid.)
The state-capitalist concentration of the country in the so-called ‘corporatist
system’ facilitated control of the country by the most efijicient groups of capitalists.
Heavy industry, chemicals, automobiles, aircraft, and shipping were all
systematically developed. Where in all this is the ‘petty-bourgeois’ spirit that is
supposed to form the essence of fascism? (p. 170.)
In the German case, it is the sheer weight of the nationalist Right that is so
striking. Nazism emerged from this background, survived its fragmentation in
the years of stability between 1924 and 1929, and retotalised both its ideologies
as well as much of the German past – the massive weight of militarism and the
widespread latent antisemitism that survived into the Weimar period.
Rosenberg starts the German analysis by drawing a key distinction between
households dependent on wage-employment [die Arbeitnehmerschaft] and
industrial workers in the narrower sense. For example, he included governmentemployees and ofijice-workers in the proletarian camp because their jobs
involved some form of paid employment. Of a total of around 25 million paid
employees and proletarians in this broad sense, ‘at most only 11 million were
factory-workers in the true sense’ (p. 172). Those workers, say, roughly a third
of Germany’s population, remained loyal to the Left down to the bitter end,5
but other sections of the general mass of paid employees (the majority)
consistently voted for the bourgeois parties throughout the Weimar years. The
huge Republican majority of January 1919 soon crumbled. The November
Revolution left the state-machinery intact – that is, in the hands of the old
bureaucracy, a bastion of reaction – and the middle-class, ‘large sections of the
white-collar and government-employees who had greeted the Republic in
November with enthusiasm’, ‘would soon stand aloof from it in sheer
disappointment’ (p. 173). In fact, the percentage of the wage-earning population
that was opposed to the Left (including the Catholic Centre Party) increased
dramatically in the crucial early years of Weimar. Rosenberg claims that by
March 1933, when the Nazis polled a stunning 17 million votes against 12 million
for the Social Democrats and KPD, something like 11½ million votes of the
‘other wage-earners’-category went to the parties of the Right.
Fascism as a Mass Movement is an essay about the origins and growth of
fascism, not fascism in power. Though much of the humongous bibliography
that has grown up around the subject particularly since the late sixties deals
5. The KPD was a solidly working-class party, cf. Kater 1983, p. 37: ‘[in 1927] more than 80
percent of the KPD members belonged to the working class’.
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
overwhelmingly with the latter (with Neumann’s Behemoth as an early and
outstanding example of the kind of issues that would dominate subsequent
historiography), the essential themes of Rosenberg’s argument stand fully
vindicated by recent scholarship. ‘The error of the Italian Communist Party lies
mainly in the fact that it sees fascism only as a military-terrorist movement, not
as a mass movement with deep social roots’, Clara Zetkin warned in 1923.6 It is
this conception – of the capacity of the Right to mobilise mass-support – that
forms the central thread of Rosenberg’s essay, where the key to its interpretation
lies both in the political defeat of liberalism and its rapid retreat across most of
Europe in the nineteenth century and in the virulent nationalisms that emerged
to buttress the rule of traditional élites against the threat of democracy and
Marxist socialism. If the singular brutality of the Nazi genocide remains a
watershed in the history of the modern world,7 one that Rosenberg could
scarcely have anticipated in 1933, the racial myth of the Volksgemeinschaft that
paved the way for it was far from novel, its roots ijirmly embedded in the
‘integral nationalism’ of Treitschke and Maurras and the visions of national
redemption preached by Schönerer and Lueger (against both Slavs and Jews)
to pan-German constituencies in Austria that Weiss has described as ‘one of
the most anti-Semitic publics west of Russia’.8 Thus the argument, cited above,
that ‘the ideology which is today called “fascist” was already fairly widespread
throughout Europe before the War’ is thoroughly convincing. It is a major
insight into why the fascist movements could expand so rapidly, both in Italy
and in Germany (in the early and late twenties respectively), against the
background of war-hysteria and assaults on the Left (in Italy) and of a powerful
nationalist Right in Germany that prepared the ground for the Nazis. The
centrality of racism to Nazism in particular emerges more forcefully in
Rosenberg’s essay than any other Marxist writing of the twenties and early
thirties. So does the argument that the success of the fascists depended crucially
on the connivance or active complicity of the existing state-authorities, many
of whom would of course have been active members of the PNF and NSDAP.
This was starkly obvious in Italy where the squadristi ‘succeeded because they
could always count on the state’, (p. 164) but no less so in Germany where, as
Neumann noted, not one of the conspirators in the right-wing Kapp Putsch of
1920 had been punished even 15 months later, ‘the Weimar criminal courts
were part and parcel of the anti-democratic camp’, and the ‘courts invariably
6. Zetkin cited in Poulantzas 1974, p. 84. She refers to ‘broad social layers, large masses that
reach even into the proletariat’, cf. Riddell 2011.
7. Traverso 1999.
8. Weiss 1977, p. 119, with Chapter 6 on Heinrich von Treitschke, and Chapter 8 on Maurras.
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
became sounding-boards for [Nazi] propaganda’;9 and where, as Rosenberg
points out, ‘a whole series of government-ofijicials, especially in the army, . . .
maintained close contact with the Freikorps and [other] counter-revolutionaries’
(p. 176). Finally, a major part of the essay sets out to discredit the so-called
‘middle-class theory’ of fascism. Rosenberg was convinced that fascism was not
a petty-bourgeois movement nor was the mass-base of the fascist parties
conijined to the petty bourgeoisie. Of course, Trotsky saw fascism ‘raising itself
to power on the backs of the petty bourgeoisie’, and then putting the middleclasses ‘at the service of capital’. ‘Through the fascist agency, capitalism sets in
motion the masses of the crazed petty bourgeoisie.’10 Reich, too, made the
middle-class central to fascism, seeing submission to or ‘identiijication with’
‘authority, ijirm, state, nation, etc.’ as peculiar to the mass-psychology of the
lower-middle-class. ‘The middle class was and continued to be the mainstay of
the swastika.’11 But of course none of these characterisations prove that fascism
was a movement of the middle-classes, at least in the stronger sense in which
Luigi Salvatorelli had argued this for Italy in 1923.12
What is true, on the other hand, is that the middle-class was particularly
susceptible to Nazi propaganda, and that, whereas ‘working-class milieus
dominated by the parties of the Left . . . remained unyielding terrain for the
NSDAP’, a major share of the Nazi vote in the electoral landslide of September
1930, at least 40 per cent, came from the middle-classes.13 That a further 25 per
cent of Nazi voters was drawn from the working class suggests ijirst that the
German workers were far from homogeneous either socially or politically, and
second that the appeal of fascism was not class-speciijic but rather, as Neumann
suggested, more widely spread over ‘the most diverse social strata’.14 These are
both points that come through with remarkable clarity in Fascism as a MassMovement. Rosenberg’s distinction between the general mass of wage-earners/
salaried employees and industrial workers in particular crucially explains the
difference in political behaviour between workers who stayed with the Left
down to the end and workers who supported the Nazis. Kershaw notes that,
9. Neumann 1942, pp. 27ff., and his striking observation that ‘[i]n the centre of the counterrevolution stood the judiciary’.
10. Trotsky 1971, pp. 405, 406, 155.
11. Reich 1972, pp. 40ff., and the statement ‘fascism, viewed with respect to its mass basis, was
actually a middle-class movement’ (Reich 1972, p. 42).
12. Salvatorelli 1923.
13. Kershaw 2001, p. 334.
14. Neumann 1942, p. 37: the NSDAP was ‘composed of the most diverse social strata but never
hesitat[ed] to take in the dregs of every section, supported by the army, the judiciary, and parts of
the civil service, ijinanced by industry, utilizing the anti-capitalist sentiments of the masses and
yet careful never to estrange the influential moneyed groups’.
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
down to the Reichstag election of May 1928, the Nazis’ ‘concentration on the
industrial working class had not paid dividends’,15 yet Mühlberger, analysing
branch-membership data for various periods between 1925 and 1933, claims
that the Nazis secured ‘signiijicant support’ in predominantly lower-class areas.16
Anywhere between 28 per cent and 46 per cent of Nazi branch-members might
consist of workers, both skilled and unskilled.17 The contradiction is only
apparent. First, the ‘rush to the swastika’ occurred chiefly after 1928, following
the winter of 1928–9 and against the background of worsening economic
conditions. But, just as important, if workers living in heavily industrialised
urban centres such as Hamburg remained immune to Nazism, those who lived
in small communities and villages were more vulnerable. ‘It was residence in a
rural environment that was decisive.’18 And not just residence, of course,
but age, gender, religion, and whether one retained a job at all. Workers were
on the whole signiijicantly under-represented in the hard-core Nazi ranks,
except for the SA where, at least in Western and Southern Germany, the rankand-ijile was largely ‘lower class’19 (mainly unemployed, as Rosenberg notes),
the white-collar groups, or ‘new middle-class’ more broadly, dramatically overrepresented, as were ‘the élite’, including students and academic professionals.
Certainly the most balanced assessment of this still largely controversial issue
remains the one Noakes offered years ago in his study of Lower Saxony and
electoral districts that saw some of the highest Nazi votes in 1930–3. He
concluded that the Nazis ‘could appeal to a whole range of classes and interests’,
even if ‘it was the lower middle class which was most attracted to the party’.20
This, broadly, is Rosenberg’s position, since he makes repeated reference to the
white-collar element and civil servants being a decisive part of the Nazi social
base, while refusing to characterise either the party or the movement as
middle-class. White-collar workers in particular showed a bizarre afijinity for
the racist [völkisch] organisations that were striking precursors of the Nazi
movement, above all the Deutscher Schutz- und Trutzbund (DSTB) and its
successor the DVSTB.21 That the SPD white-collar union failed to organise
more than a handful of these employees who preferred to join ‘professional’
15. Kershaw 2001, p. 303.
16. Mühlberger 1991, p. 203.
17. Mühlberger 1991, pp. 37, 77, 115, 139.
18. Kater 1983, p. 36.
19. Mühlberger 1991, p. 180. ‘Workers’ formed 58 per cent of all SA recruits prior to 1933
(Mühlberger 1991, p. 177).
20. Noakes 1971, pp. 79, 19.
21. Noakes 1971, pp. 9–11; Merkl 1975, p. 56. Lohalm 1970 calls the Bund a ‘Wegbereiter des
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
organisations22 suggests that, more than material interest or the immediate
perception of one, these (white-collar elements, lower- and middle-ranking
civil servants, the self-employed, etc.) were strata of the Mittelstand that drew
their identity or their sense of one from their family-backgrounds and the
deeply nationalist and authoritarian traditions interiorised there.23 Describing
his own experience of visiting large factories and managements in 1934 and
1935, Sohn-Rethel wrote:
As a rule the hard core of the workers, but to a lesser extent the younger ones and
the new apprentices, were not Nazi and did not pretend to be Nazi . . . But the
middle and lower white-collar workers [Angestellten] were those for whom the
party-badge was a symbol of faith and who assumed unmistakeable Nazi
bearings . . . The members of the ‘new intelligentsia’ were the most inflexible of
these – the real rabid fanatics [who] seemed so passionately committed to the
interests of capital without having any personal share in its proijits.24
‘Symbol of faith’, ‘rabid fanatics’ – these are not characterisations that could
apply to the mass of ‘ordinary Germans’, those who were neither direct
perpetrators nor hate-campaigners. Yet this is where the real problem
of fascism lies. As Christopher Browning notes in his extraordinary book
Ordinary Men, ‘the vast majority of the general population did not clamor or
press for anti-Semitic measures’, yet they allowed a gulf to open up between
the Jewish minority (and of course other minorities) and themselves.25 Thus
we have a paradox or seeming paradox of what Browning in another work
calls a ‘widespread receptivity to mass murder’,26 or what, less dramatically,
has been called ‘German public support for Nazi rule’,27 including the fact that
knowledge of the concentration-camps (and deportations, mass-shootings of
Jews, etc.) was available and ‘fairly widespread’,28 coupled, on the other hand,
with the sharp and obvious distinction between the overtly Nazi element of
the population and a civilian population, the so-called ‘Mitläufer’, that could
show repeated disgust at overt acts of brutality and violence even as it accepted
‘the broad principles of legal discrimination and exclusion on racial grounds’
and harboured discriminatory attitudes.29 Brecht’s own ambivalence about
22. Lebovics 1969, p. 37.
23. Merkl 1975, based on the Abel biographies.
24. Sohn-Rethel 1975, pp. 195–6; Sohn-Rethel 1978, pp. 135–7, translation modiijied.
25. Browning 2001, p. 200.
26. Browning 1992, p. 64.
27. Bull (ed.) 1986, p. 5. Of course, as Tim Mason never failed to point out, ‘[t]he Nazi regime
set out to obliterate the German Left’, arresting anywhere between a hundred to two hundredthousand socialists and murdering ‘tens of thousands’ of them; Mason 1986, pp. 96–7.
28. Kershaw 1986, pp. 378ff.
29. Kershaw 1986.
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
the distinction between the German people and the National Socialists would
of course survive to dominate postwar Germany and appear repeatedly in
Fassbinder’s work and in ijilms such as Germany, Pale Mother. As Anton Kaes
says, ‘Those born in 1945, like Fassbinder, were given the German past as an
unwanted legacy’.30 Fassbinder himself had an acute sense of the continuities
between the bourgeois values of the nineteenth century and the ideology of the
Third Reich, the ferocious culmination of German/bourgeois nationalism in
the horrors of the Nazi state.31 This is a perspective close to Rosenberg’s view
that it was the bourgeoisie that formed the chief bearer of this redemptive
conception of German power in the decades before 1914 (pp. 188–9). But the
problem of civilian compliance remains. ‘O Germany, pale mother! / What
have your sons done to you . . .’ The Nazi movement was almost exclusively
male,32 yet millions of women voted for the Nazis in 1932, and in 1936 ‘eleven
million out of thirty-ijive million women in Germany were members of the
NS-Frauenschaft’.33 To suppose that women were ‘peculiarly resistant to
National Socialism’34 is to espouse a strangely essentialist feminism that fails
to confront the issue of fascism in any serious way, and just as David Bankier’s
work broke new ground in exploring the issue of compliance head-on, showing
the complex ways in which passive and genocidal forms of racism interacted,35
Claudia Koonz’s books Mothers in the Fatherland and The Nazi Conscience
are both important pointers to some of the ways in which socialists and the
Marxist Left should restructure the terms of the debate about fascism, neither
exaggerating the extent to which workers (for example) were integrated into
the fascist state36 nor shying away from the harder issue of the type and degree
of complicity of large masses of the population in the régime’s criminality,
however we choose to characterise that – as ‘genocidal consensus’,37 ‘passive
complicity’,38 or just plain ‘moral indifference’.39
30. Kaes 1992, p. 76.
31. Fassbinder 1992, pp. 115ff.
32. Mühlberger 1991, p. 90: ‘It was almost exclusively a male movement . . .’
33. Saldern 1996, pp. 219, 217.
34. Stephenson 1981, cited in Saldern 1996, p. 218.
35. Bankier 1992.
36. See, for example, the excellent paper by Tobias Abse (Abse 1996), which argues that ‘a
tradition of class-conscious militancy established in Italy in particular pre-Fascist circumstances
was not broken under Fascism’ (Abse 1996, p. 53) and that Italian Fascism ‘never really gained any
widespread consensus of support amongst the industrial working class of northern and central
Italy’ (Abse 1996, p. 42).
37. Koonz 2003, p. 221.
38. Kulka and Rodrigue 1984.
39. Kershaw 1986, discussing his own earlier assessments in Popular Opinion and Political
Dissent in the Third Reich (1983).
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
Finally, even if fascism today is not and will not be the return of old-style
fascism but more eclectic and variegated versions of extreme-Right politics,
Rosenberg’s essay loses none of its relevance for us. In particular, the increasing
support drawn from the working class by parties of the extreme Right in
countries such as France, Austria, Denmark and Norway,40 or the ability of the
Sangh Parivar in India (the RSS/BJP combine) to create mass-mobilisations
based on hate-campaigns and strategies of tension should be some of the
more pressing reasons why the Left needs to return to the issue of fascism in a
central way.
Abendroth, Wolfgang 1967, Faschismus und Kapitalismus. Theorien über die sozialen Ursprünge
und die Funktion des Faschismus, Frankfurt: Europäische Verlagsanstalt.
Abse, Tobias 1996, ‘Italian Workers and Italian Fascism’, in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany:
Comparisons and Contrasts, edited by Richard Bessel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bankier, David 1992, The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism, Oxford:
Browning, Christopher R. 1992, The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
—— 2001, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland,
Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Bull, Hedley (ed.) 1986, The Challenge of the Third Reich: The Adam von Trott Memorial Lectures,
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1992, The Anarchy of the Imagination: Interviews, Essays, Notes, edited
by Michael Töteberg and Leo A. Lensing, translated by Krishna Winston, Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Hainsworth, Paul 2008, The Extreme Right in Western Europe, Abingdon: Routledge.
Kaes, Anton 1992, From Hitler to Heimat: The Return of History as Film, Cambridge, MA.: Harvard
University Press.
Kater, Michael H. 1983, The Nazi Party: A Social Proijile of Members and Leaders 1919–1945, Oxford:
Kershaw, Ian 1986, ‘German Popular Opinion and the “Jewish Question”, 1939–1943: Some Further
Reflections’, in The Jews in Nazi Germany 1933–1943, edited by Arnold Paucker, Sylvia Gilchrist
and Barbara Suchy, Tübingen: Mohr.
—— 2001, Hitler 1889–1936: Hubris, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Keßler, Mario 2003, Arthur Rosenberg. Ein Historiker im Zeitalter der Katastrophen (1889–1943),
Cologne/Weimar/Vienna: Böhlau Verlag.
Koonz, Claudia 1988, Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics, London:
—— 2003, The Nazi Conscience, Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press.
Kulka, Otto Dov and Aron Rodrigue 1984, ‘The German Population and the Jews in the Third
Reich’, Yad Vashem Studies, 16: 421–35.
40. Hainsworth 2008, pp. 95ff.
J. Banaji / Historical Materialism 20.1 (2012) 133–143
Lebovics, Herman 1969, Social Conservatism and the Middle Classes in Germany 1914–1933,
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Lohalm, Uwe 1970, Völkischer Radikalismus. Die Geschichte des Deutschvölkischen Schutz- und
Trutz-Bundes 1919–1923, Hamburg: Leibniz Verlag.
Mason, Tim 1986, ‘The Third Reich and the German Left’, in Bull (ed.) 1986.
Merkl, Peter H. 1975, Political Violence under the Swastika: 581 Early Nazis, Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Mühlberger, Detlef 1991, Hitler’s Followers: Studies in the Sociology of the Nazi Movement, London:
Neumann, Franz 1942, Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, London: Victor
Noakes, Jeremy 1971, The Nazi Party in Lower Saxony, 1921–1933, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Poulantzas, Nicos 1974, Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of
Fascism, translated by Judith White, London: New Left Books.
Reich, Wilhelm 1972 [1933], The Mass Psychology of Fascism, translated by Vincent R. Carfagno,
London: Souvenir Press.
Riberi, Lorenzo 2001, Arthur Rosenberg. Democrazia e socialismo tra storia e politica, Milan:
Riddell, John 2011, ‘Clara Zetkin’s Struggle for the United Front’, available at: <http://johnriddell
Rosenberg, Arthur 1934 [1932], A History Of Bolshevism: From Marx to the First Five Years’ Plan,
translated by Ian F.D. Morrow, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—— 1962 [1928], The Birth of the German Republic, 1871–1918, translated by Ian F.D. Morrow, New
York: Russell and Russell.
—— 1967, ‘Der Faschismus als Massenbewegung. Sein Aufstieg und seine Zersetzung’, in
Abendroth (ed.) 1967.
Saldern, Adelheid von 1996, ‘Victims or Perpetrators? Controversies about the Role of Women in
the Nazi State’, in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Comparisons and Contrasts, edited by Richard
Bessel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Salvatorelli, Luigi 1923, Nazionalfascismo, Turin: P. Gobetti.
Sohn-Rethel, Alfred 1975, Ökonomie und Klassenstruktur des deutschen Faschismus. Aufzeichnungen
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