S ta n P . Ra cho o t i n and Kei t h S t e war t Thoms on
Pe a bo dy Museum of Na tu ra l Hi s t ory , Yale University ,
New Hav en , Co nne c t i c u t 0 6511 , U. S .A .
'Three requirements of evolution are persistence with chang e, internally cohe s ive
individua l s of limi t ed dura t ion, and interaction with environment. We recas t th es e
proper t i es in mega evolutionary terms. Harologous structures persist over geological
t ime as th ey evo lve in f orm and func t ion . Spec ies, which arise through a greater or
lesser genetic r evolution, behave as individuals. The interac t ion of genes and environments- -development- -under lies bo th the origin of species and the continuity of harologies. The properties of epigenetics - -self assemb ly , feedback, a lternative pathways
to the sane devel opmental end, canpensati on for the inevitable irregularities of development--allow a redefinition of gene t ic revol ution in terms of the establishment of
new, stab le developmental patterns : a typological r esult produced in ac ceptably popul ati ona l ways . Harologues, s imi larly , are the products of evo lving ep igene tic sub-systems. Al though developmental systems retain ancestral potentials that renain unex pressed for tens of millions of years, such potentials are so burdened with other developmental pathways built upon them that they hold little promise for evolutionary change.
But where a recent developmental change ha s occurred, no such "buf f ering" exists . As
errors oc cur , sane will be ep igenetically acconm:>dated and , if adap tive, gene t i cally
assimilated . Thes e are the quanta of evo lution . If a r ecent adaptive breakthrough has
oc curred, i t wi ll be " suppor t ed" at first by interacting ep igenetic sub-systems. The
poorly canalized epigenetic system roost; closely associated with the new adaptation will
be under intense selection to build up an epigenetic environment that assures the predictable expression of the new trait . Until this happens, fur ther " exper imen ts" along
the l ines of t he initial change can occur and be assimilated . Depend ing on eco logical
mi lieu, t his i s the stuff of adaptive r adiation , evo l u t i onary trends, or a llanetri c
change. Speciation, which can occur without any adaptive chang e, is th e result of analogous changes in the ep igenetic systems responsible for mate r ecogni tion . We accept the
neo-Darwinian reliance on natural selection acting in populations. But we choose to
concentrate on i ts action on developmental processes, rather than on traits , the obvious
and experimentally tractable end -products of such processes. The normal features of epigenet ics f ortui tousl y l ay down the lines of l ea st r esistance to evo l utionary change. We
find ours elves l ooking a t an intrinsic and emergent s i de to evo lution, a view that in
the past was held, on s imilar gen er a l grounds, by Bateson, Goldschnidt, and Waddington .
The story of evolution i s perhaps less the warfare of selfish genes than the YX>rking out
of the potentials of selfless epigenes.
The title of our paper, "Epi gen etic s,
Paleontology, and Evolution", i s de liberately chosen to r eca ll the title of the
conference that was held at Princeton Univ ersi ty in 1947 on "Genetics , Paleontology,
an d Evol ut i on" (Jepsen e t a l . 1949). I t
included not only th e subjects of gene tics ,
speciation, and paleontology, but canparative anatany, ecology, and systematics as
well . The syn the tic theory that came of
age with that symposium ha s been the notable success of organ isrnal biology of thi.s
century . In a day when theories in o ther
parts of biology change wi th the seasons,
it i s astonishing to f ind that 33 years
later the study of evo lution is no l es s
vigorous f or having r emained in the sane
no de . We =uld be pleased if our contri -
bution i s seen as a na tural offshoo t from
the syn thet ic stock. But though the synthetic theory has provided many answers ,
i t has not adequately framed a l l the questions. llich renains to be explained , especially when we take the long pa leontological pe r sp ective . The answers to thes e
questions are, we think , t o be found in a
considera t i on of the evo lutionary implicat ions of development and the developmental
impl i cations of evo l ution, topics that were
notably l acking in the 1947 conference .
Our goa l in t his paper i s to se t in a
developmental con text the problems of megaevo lution : the nature of adaptation , the
tempos and nodes of evo l ution , the framing
of us eful general izati ons about the origin
and diversifica tion of major groups . As
we go about this , we find ourselve s r ein-
G.G . E. Sc udd er & J . L. Rev e a l (ed s .)
EVOLUTION TODAY, Proc e edings of t he Second Inter na ti o na l Congress o f Sys tematic a nd Evolut i onar y Bi ol o g y, p p . 18 1 - 19 3 . 19 81 .
terpreting sane of the ftmdarnenta l concepts of evo lut ion, including variation,
s pec ies, and what i t i s that selection
acts upon . These reinterpretations cane
out of a series of generally accepted
premises about development , which, however, have unexpected impl ications when
viewed over the time scale familiar to the
paleontologist. Our paper is an outline
of a way of ret:hinking what everyone knows
about evolution. We ask you to rearrange
your mental furniture and consider sane
changes that we think are suitable for
sane circurns tances . Al though the rearrangeme nt is new, the pieces are not .
Those that look unfamiliar we have only
brought down from the attic .
In the broadest terms. we ask what mega -evolution ought to require of theories
at the level of genetics and development,
and also at the level of speciation. We
expect that nothing at the l evel of megaevolution contradicts what happens at
these l ower levels, bu t that we will not
fully understand these l ower l ev el s un til
we actively search them for phenCID2I1a that
may seem peripheral to the population biologist, but which are required to explain
the data of the paleontologist and the
roorphologist. We trace the emergent megaevolutionary phenanena down to their hidden roots, which we find to be developmental, and then ask what this mega-evolutionary view of development suggests about the
nature of species and speciation .
We also ask you to allow us to break one
other convention of evolutionary theory,
concerning intrinsic and extrinsic factors
in evolution. Extrinsic factors are the
relations of an organism to the external
environnent- -adaptations to local conditions, the sorting-out of congeners in
sympatry by character displacement, and
such chance effects as the genetic sample
borne by the traditional gravid female compared to the population from which she derives, or the effect of a river changing
its course and cutting off a population.
We accept such extrinsic factors as the
carrron property of all m:xIem evolutionists. But although we all believe in such
factors, they are remarkably difficult to
demonstrate in anyone case . We define
intrinsic factors as the adaptation of the
genane to itself . Developmental mechanisms, especially epigenetics, the selforganizing and correcting properties of
developmental pathways, are the means by
which the intrinsic side of evolution i s
manifested . Intrinsic factors will be
just a s difficult to demonstrate as ex trinsic factors, all the roore so because
biologists are not accustaned to t:hinking
much about them. But there is no a priori
reason why they rrust be mystical.
Rachootin & Thomson
"Intrinsi c" and "ex trins i c" bear close
relation to the distinction that Mayr has
drawn be tween typological and populational thinking . Thr oughou t the paper, we
wi ll be contrasting a populational, or ,
rrore generally, an extrinsic approach
with a complementary intrinsic approach
that is developmental and typological.
Note that both approaches are ways of
t:hinking, not hypotheses about nature .
comThe mind has a hard time holding
pletely different views of the worId simul taneously, but it is our guess that
having two ways and switching when i t
seems appropriate i s better than having
one way that we a lways be lieve to be right,
and another, which we seem to fall into ,
but which we have decided is always wrong.
Development is studied in a typological
m:xIe. Development shows directedness; in
an experimental manipulation, the embryo
" tri es" , if you will, to develop normally,
according to type, in spite of the insult.
Results in a dev el opment al experiment turn
on the behaviour of particular, crucial
embryos. This is a far cry from population thinking. The dichotomy is apparent
in the 1947 symposium, which ne glected developmental biology, but not because there
were no evolutionists interested in it .
Indeed, embryology dominated evolutionary
studies in the las t century , and was the
guiding light to such twentieth century
vorkers as William Bateson, Richard Gold schmidt, and C. H. Waddington. The problem was that the typological and the popt l a t i ona l could not be fused into a single approach. How, for instance , could
Goldschmidt 's macro-evolution, which took
developmental saltations as the means of
getting from one major group to another,
be reconciled with the gradual, populational approach that was then being fashioned, an approach that accounted for mega -evolution by an aCCl.IIllllation of ュゥ」イッセ
evo lutionary events? The r es olution on
the part of those who formu lated and popularized the synthetic view--Mayr, Dobzhansky, Simpson, Stebbins--was to take
population t:hinking a s right, true , and
rrodern , and typological thinking as wrong,
false and old-fashioned . A sympathe t i c
treatment of evolutionary development was
difficult in this envirornnent. Nevertheless, as of the 1947 Princeton symposium,
the verdtcrwas not unanimous - -Dwight Davis
(1949) made a strong case for typology and
development in the study of comparative
anatomy . In this paper, we take up where
he left off.
In our mega -eVolutionary appr oach , we
make use of three concepts that David Hull
(1980) proposes for micro-evolution. Hull
notes that evolution has a component of
"cont inui ty" , provided by the genes , and
Epigen et ics & Evolution
a component of " int er act i on" , t he pheno type . One cannot be a rror e ba sic un it of
s election t han the other , and bo th must
be contained in "individua l s" --en tities
of fixed durat i on and extension in t ime
an d space. The contirnlity of rrega -evolut ion i s expressed in persistent s tructure s that recur in a l ineage - - cha ins of
horrol ogous s tructure s (Ri ed l 1977) . Thes e
homologues change over geo logica l time ,
in s tructure, posit i on , and function, j us t
as genes change at a micro-evolutionary
l evel . The chains of homologues are the
outward manifestations of the interactive
canponent , whi ch i s canposed of "devel opmen t al systems". Each system cons ists of
one or more integrated , part ial l y selfr egulating deve l opmental pathways l eading
t o t he s tructure we recognize as a link
in t he chain of homologues . These systems
interact with nei ghboring developmental
sy stems , and with the external environment .
All of them taken toge ther produce the ontogeny of t he organ ism . In view of t he
self-regulating prope rties of t hese developmental systems, we ca ll them "epi genes " .
Following Hull (1976), we suggest that the
individual appropriate to our analysis is
the spec ies.
We know a devel opmental syst em or epi gene by i t s VJOr k . I t i s a theoretical en t ity, like t he gene , bu t i t i s even rrore
abs t ract, becaus e it i s a process, a ser ies of interactions . Perhaps it i s best
t o consider it as a set of deve lopmental
fields in time and space that are jointly
responsible f or sene useful part of an or ganism . The part appears gene r ation after
gener a t i on , species after spec ies , thus
produc ing a cha in of horrol ogue s . Over
t ime , the r equirement fo r concer ted action
constitutes s e l ec t i ve pressure that knit s
the f ields t ogether . The temptations for
reification and metaphor when we consider ,
s ay , s el ecti ve pres sures on an epigenetic
l and s ca pe, are overwhelming . We often
yield t o them in this paper , for wi thout
such devices camunication on t his sub ject
i s impossi bly abstract and compl ex .
Let us turn to the properties of development that are centra l t o our analysis .
To begin with a couple of truisms , development i s not a thing , or a series of
s tages . I t is a process- -an int erac tion
between the expression of genet i c infor mat ion and environment. The internal en vironment--what has previously developed- is as important a s the external envir onment. The s impl ist i c ques tion that is
inrnediately raised abou t any difference
between individuals in a population- -is
t he diff er en ce genetic or rrer e ly environ mental? - -is a mis l ea ding di chotany because
18 3
any t hing that has deve l oped ha s as part
of i t s gene s is an environmental component.
As Wadd ington ' s (1959 ) VJOrk ha s shown, an
envir onmentally induced change i s a developmental r e sul t with a r elatively weak
gene tic component . That component can be
s trengthened by selection , so that l e s s
environmenta l informat i on is needed to produce' t he effect . Thi s i s what he provocati ve ly but ap t l y termed "gene t i c as simil a t i on of an acquired character isti c" .
A second truism i s that devel opment i s
to a considerable degree self-organizing .
We do not have genes for individual ridges
compris ing our fingerpr ints ; nor do we
have gen es that inform ea ch neuron in our
br ain wher e i t wi ll s ynapse and wher e its
dendrites will gxos , We do have an inher ited program for making certain patterns
of neuronal connect ions, but there i s con s iderable r oan fo r variation. This envel ope of ac ceptable variation , within which
differences do no t compranis e the operation of t he organ i sm, is bes t appreciated
fran the typological point of view.
The typological approach has played a
maj or role in continental European VJOrk
in evo l ut i onary morpho logy . It has not
been mich in evidence in the United States
or Britain , where variability is generally
viewed s tat istical ly , as an expr e ssion of
popul a tion processes ; Bates on be ing t he
notable exception to this t endency . Seil ac her (1970) has set forth a valuable modern vers ion of this app roach- - a balancing
of phyl ogen e t i c , functional , and morphogenet i c f ac t ors called constructional norphology . It i s under the heading of rror phogenetics that typology f inds i t s use .
In order to under s tand t he developmenta l
process that yields a variable structure
- - say , our fingerpr ints - -one examines developmental error s and their subsequen t
accamndat i on , the r ang e of variability ,
ontogen etic changes, patterns of repa ir
and regeneration , and especially aclapti ve ly neu tral by -products of morphogene s i s .
Thes e neu t r a l bu t annipresent by-p roduc t s
are traces of developmental processes .
Sei l acher (19 73) has named them fabricationa l no ise. The amount of f abrica t i ona l
nois e in a structure shows the degree of
freedan that ex isted in its production .
Thus , it i s a measure of the amount of
self-organization in the underlying epigenet i c system. Seilac her 's appr oach ha s
a general utilit y- -Hut ch inson (1978) has
extended it t o an explanation of differences in human intelligence- -and a sp ecial
va l ue to paleontology . With it, paleontol ogis t s can us e the pa t t erns preserved in
fossils as windoes on the epigenetic processes that shape thos e patterns, and on
t he intrinsic evo l ution of such processes .
Fabricat ional no ise i s a s ource of innocuous variability. A pot en t ially threatening source of variability is error in
devel.opnental, pr ocess es . Yet , gi ven the
canp lexity of devel.oprent , mis takes are
inevitable, what ever the degree of genet i c
specifica t i on . Certain sorts of mistakes
may occur because of f ea tures of the ex ternal envi.rorrrent , others may r esult fran
intrins ic susceptibilities to error. In
either case , there i s a predi sposition fo r
certain kinds of mistakes to recur. When
t his ha ppens , there is a select ive pressure e ither t o specify a s ingle deve l opmental pathway a ll the rrore emphatically,
or to accoom:xlate these tendencies to error and turn them towards alternative
pathways that lead t o the normal developmental end. These alternat ive pathways
are , we expect , in large part created out
of those wrong turns that a devaloprental,
sys t em is peculiarl y l ikely to make- -the
problem becanes part of the so l u t ion .
The se r espons es to the inevitabilit y of
error are what Wadd ington (1942) called
canalizati on . Canalized pathway s evo lve
so that in a variety of external and internal envirorrnents the deval.oprental, sys tem reaches its normal goa l .
We expect that alternative pathways to
the same devel.oprental, end are the rule in
devel.oprental, systems . Selection will, we
believe, produce and maintain many alterna t ive devaloprental, routes in the genane ,
and the success of such canalization may
well be constant phenotypic expression in
the structure that is produced .
This suggests a paradoxica l invers i on
of camonly held ideas about the na ture of
variability. Wher e we see pheno typic con s t ancy , we may be dealing with underlying
developrental, and genetic variability.
Where we see phenotypic variability , for
example, in fingerprints, we may be l ooking at the results of a single gene t i ca l l y
invariant epigenetic process with a large
canponent of self-organization . In sane
cases, such an epigene t i c process may be
locked into a fabr i ca t i ona l mechanism that
cannot be further specified genetically .
The large range of variability we see in
such cases is an extension of the interac t i ve rather than the r eplica t i ve side of
or ganisms , and as such is not :innEdiately
like l y to be t he source of fu ture evo lut ionary change. Unles s Fishe r 's Funda mental Theorem i s f ramed in a wider, de ve l.opnental. context, it is perhaps not so
fundamental .
Still, despite canalization within epi gene s , mistakes will occur. Even a t the
level of int er act i ons between epigenes,
accoom:xlat i ons will still be made. Given
t he inevitable mistakes - -a heart t oo small ,
Ra cho otin & Thoms on
or too large , or too far t o the side to
play i t s small r ole in the conditioning of
the battalion of cells that induce the fo rmat ion of lens - - there has be en a great sel ec tive pressure t o "make do". This ac coom:xlation- -behavioral , devel.oprental ,
physiological- -is the r esult of the mul t itude of int er-connect ed alternat ives
wi thin and be tween systems .
Occasi onal l y , gross errors oc cur and
are still accoom:xlated . The congenitally
bipedal goa t s tudied by Slij per (1942a ,
1942b , 1946) i s a fallDUS example of this.
Not only did the goat manage wi th its hind
l egs alone , but , as it l earned to walk
bi pedal l y , i t developed an S-shaped spine,
modified muscle insertions, and developed
such correlates of bipedal Locormt i on as
a relatively broad neck and an oval rather than a V-shaped thor acic cross -section.
No one would maintain that goats have
genes for devel oping an S-shaped sp ine ,
"j ust in ca se". What we see he r e i s a
ba sic rnanrnalian potential, emerging fran
t he self-ri ghting pr operti es of the skel eto-muscu lar sy stems of a l l rnanrnals, and
the sor t exploited by our haninid ancestors . A similar range of pot en t ial s , this
time for the sku l l , is suggested by DuBrul
and Laskin 's (1961) production of several
primate- like features a s the result of a
s imp'Ie nutilation of a synchondrosis in a
newborn r at .
A spec trum of self-organizing developmental properties exists , fran alternative
biochemical pathways, to the bound ed free dan of fabr i cat ional noise , to the canal i za t ion of deve lopmental systems or epigenes, t o the ac coom:xlat ion of errors that
occ ur in the inter action of ep igenes , to
the behavioral and phys iological adjustments of the whole organism to deve lopmental calamities . The po t en t ial to make
thes e accoom:xlations i s a canpon en t of the
conservative force of stabilizing se lec t i on. Such selec tion is omnipresent, but
its expr ession is nearly invisible .
The epigene t i c lands ca pes that are built
up for perfectly normal developrrental, r ea-
sons are , fortuitously , a reserve of coo r dinated, cohesive change . I f a mistake oc curs- -not sanething as gross as a bipedal
goa t , but perhaps as great as t he di vided
maxillae of the bolyerine snakes des cribed
by Frazzetta (1970) - -it may be accommodated . We do not know whet he r t he ini t i a l
effect was a response t o an internal or an
external perturbation , but the snake YXlrked, and it marked the beginning of a new,
now tragically extinguished, l inea ge .
That such an ananaly could becane normal
nust mean that after r epeated evocations ,
Epigenetics & Evolution
t he response became genet i ca l ly ass imi lat ed.
Genetic ass imi lat io n of an ac commodated deve l.opnen cal, change, if the change
i s of imrediat e adaptive interes t , may be
the sort of r are event that marks the entrance to a new adaptive zone . The interest of dcvel.oprent; to comparative anatrmists and pa leontologists i s built on t his
possi bi l ity. But an accommodated developmental error that i s neutral or even
s l ightly maladapt ive with r espect t o th e
ext ernal envir onment may still be genet i ca l ly as similated i f environmental influences persist in producing the error .
That i s , given both intrins ic and extrinsic selective pressures . on occasion se-
lection on the internal environment can
have primacy over the demands of the external environment. This may be a camon
event in evolution at and below the spe cies level.
Develorxnental change is cohesive, selfintegra ting and fast. It need not be
adap t ive in the sense of fit ting sore as pect of t he external environment, th ough
it may be. Adaptation may sexretimes be
intrins i c ; that is, i t serves to further
the coordinated expression of a change
that exists mainly because that change is
easily produced . Such sorts of changes
are we l L known, generally under the heading "a l.Loret.ry". What happens ontogenetically constrains and faci litates What
happens phylogenetically . Allexretry i s
r elated in turn t o t he pat t erns and processes of heter ochrony , which were so ably
refurbished by Gould (1977). And heterochrony i s, simply, a special case of epigenetic evolution: those changes that are
feasible in the interactions between epigenes . Changes in the structure, position,
function, relative size, or time of appearance of parts of organs are called forth
from the usua lly cryptic variation in the
paths of their development.
Consider a spec ies whi ch responds de-
va l.oprnenta ILy to an environmenta l gradient by producing
phenotypes , A and B.
Even if in all environments B is competitively inferior to A, if sore environment
exists such that the threshold for production of the B phenotype is crossed ,
then there will be selective pressure to
produce the best, most harrroni.ous B possible. This i s not the only outcexre ; we
may also have selection to raise the
threshold of pr oduction of the B phenotype , perhaps in the B environment itself
if the environment is wavering on the edge
of the threshold.
What is important is that, granting a
recurrent environmental influence, "e can
have assimilation for intrinsic reasons.
A possible example of this is the marked
trend to size reduction that occurred in
medieval cattle in Denmark (Degerb¢l 1963) .
One hypothes i s to account for t his change
is that it is the result of keeping the
cattle in captivity over the winter, rather than allowing them to range freely .
This was the season that the calves were
being carried , and the inadequate fodder
that the cows received produced small offspring . The size change was not itself
adaptive, but while the environment called
it forth, it became a selective pressure
for smaller cattle in subsequent ァセQ・イ。
tions . Once started, the trend could not
abruptly be reversed . Even wi.th improved
nutrition, a large calf is no service to
the genes of too small a cow. A similar
story , involving accommodation to an internal deve lopnental environment rather than
adaptation to external conditions, may ac count for the consistent evolution of
dwarfism in large island marrmals (Sondaar
In all of this we fo llow a track not
often taken fran that great marsha lling
yard of evolutionary thought, Mayr's An ima l Spe ci es and Ev o lut i on セ ケ イ
1963). A
breakthrough in that book is the balancing
of external factors in speciation, especially geography, which he had so thoroughly established in Syst ema ti cs and the
Or i gi n of S peci es (Mayr 1942), with ll1ternal factors- -the co-adapted gene complexes ,
epigenotypes, and especially the genetic
revolution at speciation. These terms are
sexretimes taken as labels for our collective ignorance about species. This we
think is an unfair assessment . In the
genet i c revolution, セ ケイ
united the typological properties of the wild type, which
show up in the good soloist phase, with
the populational properties of balancing
selection, which characterize the good
mixer phase. Thus he harnessed the theo retical M:>rk horses of the 1950s population genetics to the task of explaining
the emergent properties of species. In so
doing he produced a species concept that
canbined the advantages of an intrinsic
approach, which could be applied to the
breakdown of developmental pathways in hybrids, wi.th the advantages of an extrinsic
approach, which made sense of the geographic and ecological aspects of species .
This theoret ical approach to species is
far more powerful than one that is merely
operationally convenient, say, a cut-off
point on an electrophoretic score card.
The genetic revolution is not yet very accessible to study, but it is a major contribution to science , nonetheless.
A new emphasis on the intrinsic side of
evolution is called for today. Although
it has been ,vith us since the biological
spec ies concept, t his s i de of the concept
has been pl ayed down in f avor of such ex trins ic ques t ions a s al l opa try vs . sympa t ry , t he real ity of subs pecie s, l ocal ad aptati on , charact er displacement , an d
antihybridization mechani sms . It i s time
for a chang e in perspecti ve , the sort that
cou l d be provided by un coupl ing as mic h
as possi ble the ex trinsic and intrins i c
as pects of evoluti on . Of special s ignifi cance in this program i s t he odd sympat r ic, or morphologically sal tatory , or ins tantaneous speciation that shows the intrinsic evo l utionary potentials of organi sms that are usually concealed by rrore
obvious extrinsic f ac t ors. I n the 1950s
and 1960s evo l utionists sought a singl e
t heory t hat could account fo r a ll the phe norena of evol ution . Thi s has probably
been pushed a s f ar as it wi ll go . If we
are t o go beyond i t, we mis t; partially
disassemble t he synthesis and experiment
wi th t he potential s of i t s components .
Rachootin & Thoms on
f ossi l r ecord, and that many species show
no change a t a ll between or iginati on and
extinct i on, and Gingerich 's (e .g ., 1977)
argumen t for uru.-dfrectdona l, changes in
rrorphology . The rror e we know about the
Lower Cambrian diversifi cation of inverte brates , and the Cretace ous r ad iation of
ang iosperms , the fas ter and rrore staccato
they s eem to be . Direc tionality , saltat ory leaps t ha t land on their feet and
stay sti ll unt i.L they l eap aga in, adaptive
types - -these r eca ll the irri tat ion But ler
(1879) felt fo r the evol ut i on of his day-was it really accounted f or , "by a series
of accidental varia tions , each of which
was thrown for , a s it were, with dice ? We
sha ll rrost; of us feel that there mis t; have
been a l i t tle cheating sanewhere . . . "
Chi e f among thes e i s t he l a t en t evo l utionary potent ial of developmental systems .
Most current considerations of epigenet ics
r e strict the importance of epigeneti c
mechanisms to t he reason for which they
evo lve. Epigeneti c systems are conservat ive- - t hey prot ect the ends of a developmental pathway by r esor t ing t o al ternat i ve
developmental means. But the normati ve
flIDctions of epigene t ic sy s t ems do not ex ha us t their pot en t ial when i t canes to
t r ans - spec ifi c evo l ut i on . How do epigen eti c systems cane together and how do they
cane ap art? A look at the fos sil r ecord
gives , we think , sane hints concerning
this problem .
Epigene sis can provide the directionality, the typology , t he saltati on, in shor t ,
the che ating that has in the past aroused
in the breasts of our predecessors pa s sions
for neo-Lamarckianism , aristogenesi s , pangenesis, bathmism, hopeful nonsters , and a
hos t of entelechies . They saw sanething
that gene rati on a f ter gene rat i on of evolut i onists have been t aught not t o see - -an
integrative and emergent s ide to evolution .
Epi genetics can bring to this phenanenon
a s trai ght - f orward, non-mys t i cal exp lanat ion . However , i t is an appr oach on which
i t i s r ather difficult to experiment .
What we are abou t t o out l ine may not ca ll
t o mind 101 f alsifi able hypothe ses . This
doe s no t worry us . The s trai ght-forward
probl ems of evol ut i onary biology have been
a ttacked a l ready. The r es idue that r e mains wi ll not give up its s ecrets to
blunt; methodological instnnnents .
I t has cons ist en t ly been the pal eont ologists who have the hardest time in r e conciling syn thet i c theory wi th t he ir
stock in t rade of evo l ut ionary data . The
existence of l ong-term trends, sane a l leged ly quit e single- minded; l arge scale convergence and parallelism; the abrupt appearance and , at some subsequen t point ,
exp losive radiation of new groups ; the apparent abs ence of intermediate s ; the integri ty (in terms of rrorpho logy and r ates
of evo l ution) of what Simpson (1944) or i ginally ca lled adapt ive types ; and such
throwbacks to Geoffroy-S t . -Hilaire a s
Williston ' s Law-- thes e have a l ways nagged
at the synthet i c heart s of evo l ut ioni s ts.
Ther e i s no denying t ha t thes e are problems
to be solved ; indeed, r ec en t pa l eon t ologi cal work has l ed u s t o take t hem rrore
serious ly. As exampl es, we ha ve Van Val en' s lawful r a t es of extinction fo r hi gh er taxa (Van Valen 1973) , the argumen ts of
Eldredge an d Goul d (1972), and St an ley
(1975) t ha t we do no t see spec iat i on in t he
The rare produc tion of a new adapt ive
t ype is not predicted fran l ower l evels of
anal ysis such a s population gene t i cs; such
events are emergent . But, if we might
adop t Needham' s (1933) metaphor that evo lution r equires a changing of gears , a
going t hrough neutral, then we woul d argue
that our black t r ansmiss i on box is development. And epigene s is ens ures that our
transmis s ion i s at l eas t semi - autcxnatic .
Though t he "point " of canal i za t ion i s to
en sure t hat an expected resul t i s obt ained ,
sti l l an lIDexpect ed r esul t autcxnatically
pull s rel ated devel opment al sys t ems along
wi th it.
Let US suppose t ha t a developmental
mistake , and such behavioral, structural ,
or phys iologi cal accommodati on as t he mist ake engend ers , a llows an organism t o en t er a new adaptive zone . Then all t hat
is needed for i t t o pers i s t there , i s f or
the l ower ing of t he developmental thres hol d that gene ral ly prevents that mistake .
Epigenetics & Evol ution
For assimilation to occur , t here must be
an environment which frequently evokes
the altered phenotype. 'That envi.rorrrent;
has always been assumed to be ext ernal.
The epigenetic effects of external change
could be transmitted to and intensified
by the internal envi.rorment , which could
then be the prime rrover behind assimilation .
EnvirorJrrentally affected t hres hol ds are
known; Van Valen (1974), f or instance, has
document ed an increase in (admit t edl y
hopeless) five-legged frogs in particul arl y cold l ake s . But if such changes were
us eful, t hey could be assimi lated into t he
genorre , Waddington (1975) suggested that
adap t i ve phenot ypi c differences be tween
quiet and turbulent water r ace s of th e
pond snai l Lymnaea stagnali s were genetica lly assimilated in j ust such a way. The
class ic obj ection t o hopefu l rronsters - that a pig with wings has no chance of
finding a s imil arly endowed mate - -misses
t he point t hat if you have one pig with
wings , there are rmre where that one carne
f ran- - in th e deve loprterital pathways of the
relatives of Archaeoptopig .
When an adaptive change has occurred ,
it will at f irst have but a f l ickering and
uncertain phenotypic express ion . Immedia t ely , t here will be intense se lecti on to
pr ot ect and buffer the express ion of this
changed state . Secondary patheays will
evolve that canalize the system. It will
be fur t her stabi l ized by t ies to other develop:nental sys tems t hat are temporally,
structural ly , and funct ionally related to
it. This kerfuffle of evolutionary activity i s only a rrore intense express ion of
the cons t ant but cryptic se lection that
maintains and strengthens the developrenra l status quo. In the end, a successful
evolutionary step will exhibit a hard,
gem-l ike constancy in the express io n of
the new feature . The adapti ve novelty will
have been pro t ected by a canalized epigene , as sembl ed out of the predispositions
to error in the early, unstabi l ized stage .
The new adapt i ve feature may lead the
organism to new behaviors and into new
envi rornnents ; these envir ornnents can then
i nt er act wi th th e underlying epigene to
produce further changes. The rrodi.f i.ed epigene many a l so be affected greatly in its
phenotypic expression by minor changes in
the wel l cana lized deve lop!lffltal systems
with which i t interac t s. Both intrinsic
and extrinsic fa ctors thus may lead to further changes , because t he recently altered
ep igene is relatively l ess buffered by
secondary pathways or deep devel op!lfflt al
channel s than its older, rrore cons istent
neighbors. Continuing changes, if adaptive and genet ical ly as similated, lead to
rmre and rrore changes on a single l arge
adapt i ve thane . This is an adaptive r adi ation. Not only might such a r adiation be
r apid ; we would expect it t o be so. Wer e
i t not it would be overtaken by the cons t ant pressure of stabilizing se lect i on
that resu l ts in th e production of a mature
and wel l canalized epigenet i c l andscape .
The epigene need not vary in all direct i ons at once; perhaps certain sorts of
vari at i ons are part i cul arly easy or adapti ve . If t he sarre sort of change occurs
sequentially in a s ingle epigene, the
cumulat i ve effect is a l ong term trend,
such as hypsodonty in horse t eeth.
We have proposed that a relatively uns table epigenetic system might illuminat e
seve r a l major evol ut i onary ques t ions. But
epigene t ic systems are normally s table .
Where do we turn to s tudy t he actual wor kings of evol ut i onary epigenetics ? An obvious area i s t he huge field of atavisms
and t heir experimental ana logues.
Horses born wit h t hree toes, flat f ishes
with ーゥセエ
undersides , h。ューセG
experimentally manipulat ed chick l eg that
reverted to a r eptilian state- - these are
striking signs of the sa ltato ry potential
of development . Of such cas es, Gould
(1980) writes:
What el s e might the ir ge ne t ic s ys t e m maintain , normally unexpres s ed ,
but ab le t o se r ve, i f act i va t ed , as
a po s s i b l e focus for majo r and rap id evo lu t io nary cha ng e?
[ a nd] An
o rga nism' s pa s t not o nl y constrains
its fu tu r e ; it a l so p r ov i des as leg acy an enormous reservoir of potent ial fo r rapid morphologica l c hange
ba sed up o n s ma l l ge ne t i c a l te rat i o n .
\-Ie agr ee totally with the spirit , but the
letter is slightly t roub ling .
Atavisms undoubt edly give us insight
into epigenetic processes, but t hey only
mislead when taken as examples of the patterns of epigenetic evolut io n . We l abel
a variant as an atavism because i t viol ates some defining quality and derived
character state of the group in question-horses are expected t o have single hooves
and flatfishe s are expect ed t o have right
and left s ides unl ike . Such qual ities, in
par t , determine t he or ganism 's adapt i ve
potentials as wel l , so that unles s they
have only recentl y evolved their devel opment ought to be heavil y cana l ized. While
vari ant s on an adapti ve thane have evolutionary potential , th e undoing of an adaptive t heme does not.
The major f eatures of evol ut ion are
not conposed of s tructures withdrawn f r an
a developmental legacy ; t hey are cCXllpose d
of processes that shape themselves as they
go a lo ng . Epigenes ret ain ances t ral potent ials becaus e, to us e Riedl's (1977) t erm,
they ar e ' 'burdened'' with other epigenetic
systems that use t he i r products as developmenta l cues. But these ancestral potent i als have little chance of expres sion in
t hemselves , becaus e their ance stral phenotypic expr ess ion i s i rrel evant to the se lective pr essures favoring t he ir r etent ion . The legacy exists , but t he assets
ar e not converti ble . It i s becaus e of the
burdens t ha t epigenes bear that they have
evolved t he capa city to accorrm:xlate eac h
other. And it is t he capacity for accon modati.on that give s epigenetic systems
their mega- evolutionary s i gnif icance, be cause i t fac i litates adaptive experimentation .
A genuinely l abi l e epigenetic system
ought t o be of the greates t in t er est to an
evolutionist, and i t i s a far, far better
t hing than an occas i ona l atavistic slip in
a mature epi gene t i c system . This i s not
t o say that reversion has no part t o play
in evolutio n , just that t he par t is small .
After a ll , all God 's hoatzins got rmre
than wings .
While an epigenetic approach cannot
tell us what will make a new adaptation,
it does suggest sanething about the sources of adaptive novelty and the ease with
which an adapt i ve change i s initially ac corrm:xlat ed . As Gould (1977) notes, many
pew adaptatio ns wi l l be t he r esul t of re arrangemen t s of developmental information
already at hand. Playing the f eatures on
one age or stage or size or shap e against
t hose of another i s , we do not doubt, the
'pr imary material basis of evolutio nary
change . Gould argues convincingly for an
extrinsic, ecol ogi ca l explanation of these
r eshufflings. He セオ
add that intrinsic
factors may a lso be a t セイォ
In cases where a functional intermediat e i s imposs ible, for instance in t he
maxilla of bolyerine snakes , which is ei ther in one piece or
a developmental
explanation may be the only alternative .
Simi l arly , a l ong- standing pro blem in the
evolutio n of the hind limb of r ept i l es is
the explanation of the transf er of the
calcaneum fran the foot (in crocodilians
and pseudosuchians) t o t he leg (in dinosaurs) , fran one functi onal unit to another . Paleonto log is ts have been hard pr es s ed to discover a funct ional int ermedi at e
stage; a gradual sequence is poss ible only
by invoking hypothetical small, l i ght rep-
Rachoo tin & Thom son
t i les with reduced ca l canea and other hopel es s lTOns t ers. A deve lopmenta l sequence
i s lTOre l i kely : a s imple r ate change in de velopmental f iel ds caused the ca lcaneum
to be included in a diff erent struc tural
unit and t he r esult was functionally accanrrodated ( in cluding shifts in nuscle in sertions occurring during subsequent deve lop ment). The capture of the calcaneum
changed the internal envi r onment of the
fields invo lved in l eg development . The
initial accorrm:xlat i on was the development al response upon which se lection セイォ・、L
eventual ly prod ucing its genetic ass imi lat ion . The r esult becane s an adaptat io n in
the sense of proving adapt ive, but not in
the sense of having been sel ect ed fo r .
The change in the pos ition of the tarsal
joint immediately gave a new range of adapti ve pos sibili ties . The new pat tern and
the new epi gene may be the origin of fur ther intrinsically produced ananalies ,
sane of which may prove adap tive and form
an adaptive radiation .
Even those adaptation s which do not
arise fran r earrangements of an organism ' s
development al pathways filqy somet imes be
produced by admixture with for eign developmental pathways . Given t he free-floating abi l i ty of devel opment al systems to
accorrm:xlate to insult, it ought co be possible f or introgression t o be the basis of
an epigenet i c revolution. The phenanena
of hybridism are pre -eminently t he phenomena of development al in cCXllpa t ibil i t y .
But there is no reason to deny t he possibility that a mixture of r elated but distinct developmental pathways might pr oduce
adaptively in t eres ting novelties, \'hich
on occasion are assimilated .
Developmental shake -ups need not be re s t r ict ed t o interactions with congeners .
The products of symbionts can shape development of a host so consistently that the
symbionts becane part of its intrins ic
evolution . lhus, in sea lettuce ( VI va)
th e characteristic foliose thallus has
been shawn t o be induced by bacterial symbionts. In axenic culture the a lga grows
as tufts of uniseriate cel l s , and t he addi tion of various bact eri a pr oduces ribbon-like forms, and tubular forms that r esemble the related green al ga Ente romo rpha
(Provasoli & Pintner 1980).
As for the tempo of adaptive change ,
the epigene t ic approach suggests that on
t he scale of evolving l ineages , an " imnature" epigene may facil itate a succession
of r elated changes. At the f iner sc ale of
the success io n of ind i vidual species, we
suggest that the constant evol ution of developmental systems within a species irregularly erup t s to produce new speci es ,
which then normal l y remain phenotypical ly
Epigen eti c s & Evolut i on
un changing even as their developrrental systems are e laborated in ways t hat fo rtuitous ly determine t he na ture of t he i r descen dant s pecies . Organisms are subject t o
cons tant evolution, sane extrins ic , whi ch
produces local adaptation , subspecies, and
cl ines, an d sane intrinsic , which produces
canalized ep igenetic pathways and a llows
fo r t he production of new species, or at
least a class of species with a special
rrode of origination, and special potential
for future evo l ution .
Evol u tionary epigenet ics may offer a
resol ution to t he current quandary of systematics . To date, the chief contri bution
of cladistics to the data of evolution has
been the uncovering of far nore parallelism (horopl.asy) than anyone could have
imag ined. Only cladistic analysis could
have made this discovery . If it holds up ,
the ph i l osophical assumptions of a l l
schoo ls of class ification, including clad istics, will turn out to be false. I f
parallelism is the rule , then why should
we i den t ify parsinony as the absence of
Corrmmly held pr imi.t i ve de veloprrentaJ.
pathway s, each of which have predispositions that are expressed independent of
descent, that is, paraphyletically, may
well hol d t he key to what is going on.
Extreme ly detai led attention to developmental pa thways may help to untangle apparently cladal arrangements of characters and the gradal processes of development that could produce them . For this ,
a s er i es of developrrental stages will not
in itself be sufficient: it i s the envel ope of epigenetic accamodations within
which reside the ontogenies of s is t er
groups that is no st important.
Pa leontologists wou l d seem to be l ef t
out in t he co l d by t his program, but s uch
is not the ca s e. They can analyze fabri cational no ise , which i s an appropriate
introduc tion to the epigenetic envelope
around the production of fossilizable
structures , and they can trace the evolut ion of such envelopes through time.
Obviously , bithor ax frui t flie s, whatever t he complexity of the i r altered norphology, are not per se s pe c ies in the sense
of the reproductive isolation that is at
the heart of t he b iolog ical species concept . One may grant us our saltations ,
and t hen deny them any s ignificance un less
we fashion appropriate anti -hybridization
mechanisms that would make them " good"
species .
1 B9
To this we answer that r eproduc tiv e
i sol a tion has a l l t he proper ties of a de veloprrental s ystem, one that has as i t s
goa l the pr edic t able r eproduction of the
s pecies . As such, i t r equ ires an especia lly large set of cues fran the external
environment. The environment is involved
not just during early developrrent , but
through adult life. Not only mist structure, physiology, and behavior of the organism be coordinated , bu t all I1USt be co ordinated with the structure, phys iology ,
and behavior of other individuals of the
sp ecies. The demand fo r t he equ ivalent of
canalizat i on and sel f- regulation i s all
the stronger here, g iven the mich l arger
environmental canponent. The argunent can
be made that mate recognition systems are
intrinsic to all organisms (Paterson 1978,
1980) , and that these intrins ic systems
are in many or gani sms more important in
reproduction than such extrinsic factors
as anti- hyb ridization mechanisms . It may
be easier to learn to mate wi th like than
to learn not to mate wi t h un l ike .
I f we view the mate r ecogn i t i on system
as a kind of epigenetic system with a
particularly large environmental canponent, then all that we have said about intrinsically controlled saltatory change
will hold, except that there is in this
case less reason to require an adaptive
change to result fran the s altation. Any
change in t he mate recognition system will
"work" as l ong as i t succeeds in s elec t ing
l ike-minded mates and perpe tuat e s i t s e l f .
This wi l l produce a new biological spec ies . If that species i s otherwise doing
nothing different fran its parent specie s ,
it may well disappear for no other reason
than its comparative rarity .
Thus, speciation may be a case of easy
cane , easy go . The cryptic or sibling
species that sanetimes turn up when a
group is c losely studied may be cases of
such easily produc ed , s l ightly differenti a ted , adaptively equivalent s pecies . Perhaps they r epr es ent the few survivors of
a vastly greater number of ephemeral spec ies that population biologists would
never find unless they had sane good reason to look for them.
Fran our perspective, a lineage with a
truly pranising evo lut ionary future woul d
be favored wi t h bo th a sanewhat l ab ile
mate recognit i on sys tem, and a sanewhat
labil e ep igenetic system for a trait that
i s of adaptive interest . Both will be
sufficiently canalized to appear as con s istent, dependable characters within species, but ne ither wi ll be so burdened with
other developrrental responsibilities that
they cannot change to produce new species.
Perhaps this sounds like a lot to ask fo r .
Rac llo o ti n & Thomson
We think not . I f , as the foss i l r ecor d
sugges ts, spec ies are general ly unchangi ng once they are formed , then t hose lineages which diversify and prosper will be
those that can eas i l y speciate and in so
doing capture intr ins i cally gener a t ed adaptations . In effect , we have spec ies
se lection for modes of mate r ecognition
that pr omote speciation. Species se lection need not be t he t ot ally pos t hoc
accumulation of l ineages that happen to
have survived . I t i s in our scheme an ac tive, intrins ic factor, a mechanism that
over geol ogi cal time produces l ot s of
speci es in a lineage . Adaptively indif f erent , ephemeral spec ies are produc ed in
l ar ge number s as wel l - - t hese are a kind
of spec ific l oad .
Our ideas in th i s area are an extens:'on
of Carson 's (1975) theory of the open and
closed gene t i c systems. Certain lineages
can adapt only by speciat ing- - t hat i s ,
shaking up their closed genetic sys tems .
Others can adapt without speciati on- -they
have relatively l ar ge open sys tems. In
l ineages of the first sort , we sugges t
that mechanisms that predispose the organi sms t o undergo frequent speciations will
be se l ected .
Mos t fac t ors that have been implicated
as causes of speciat i on could be reinforced by speci es se lection unti l they become a favored mechanism for speciation- an adaptat ion at the level of l ineage .
The f actors include suscepti bili ty t o
chr omosana l changes- -in ploidy level,
chromosome number , organizat ion of sex
chromosomes (for instance in bovids, se e
Todd 1975), inver sions and t ranslocations ,
and many permutations (see review by White
1973) . The frequency of such changes depends on the effi cacy of mechanisms fo r
chromosanal r epair- - a kind of canalization
lit t he cellular level. The s light est decrease in t he ef ficac y of such r epair mechanisms could greatly increase t he chance
of speciat i on without being an appreciable
burden on the dependabilit y of meiosis.
The shuffling of immunologic recognition
systems in the gametes of plants and free
spawning animals and the co-evo l ut ion of
eukaryo t es wit h r apidly evolving pathogens
or symbionts in th e germ line (or meris t em) coul d al so have t he effect of isolating a popul ation by intrins i c means, and
thus become a mechanism for spec ies production .
In r are instances , a mechani sm for speciating and a suitably plastic , adaptively
int eresting epigenet ic system will co-oc cur in an organi sm whose environment i s
sufficiently complex in space and time to
pr ovide al l that could be asked for in t he
way of extrins ic factors favo rable to spe -
ciati on . Such a case i s provided by th e
cichl i ds of t he rift l ake s of Afr ica.
Three intrinsic factors contribute to
the ease with which cichl ids gener a t e new
spec ies. Their complex and pl astic behavio r provides plenty of material t hat can
be shuffled t o make mate recogniti on sys t ems. The fish are int ensely visua lly
or iented , as schooling fry and , as adults,
in feeding and mate r ecognition. Interestingly , cichlids have the earliest developing opt i c placode of any teleost. And
t he f i sh are col orful , they exhibit color
polymorphism , and th ey depend on color
cues for mate recognition . On t he apparently adaptive s i de, ci chl i d spec i es show
a tremendous divers ity of j aw and tooth
morphologies . Liem (e .g . , 1973) a t t r i but es
their success t o a new arrangement of the
pharyng eal j aw . The array of f orms , Liem
writes, calls for "minor r econs t ruct i on of
the genot ype which i s involved in evolutionary changes of t he pert inent ontogenetic mechanisms" . The ontoge netic mechani sms may requi re minor tun ing, indeed:
the mollusc-eating cichlid As t a t oreochro mis all ua u ndi was reported by Greenwood
(1965) t o produce bicus pid teeth when
r aised on insec t s but mol ariform t eeth
when r aised on molluscs . These intrins i c
f ac tors , played against a success ion of
"ak es in t hese ancient basins, coul d produce the hundr eds of endemic speci es , pro bably during the geol ogi ca l ly shor t l ives
of the current lakes . For while the bas ins are ancient, the lakes th emselves,
like th e Triass i c r ift lakes of North Amer ica, fi ll with water and dry up in r esponse
to climatic cycles on th e order of 20,000
years (Li vingstone 1975; Olsen et al.
Note that our epi genet ic appro ach t o
spec iation does not insis t that th e mechanisms we postulat e apply t o a ll speciation event s , or even t o al l lineages .
But if th ey apply t o some l ineages , and
some speciat i on events in other lineages,
t hen , over geological time , th ey can account for the existence of properties of
the exi sting biota her et of or e inexplicable
or uns een .
We st art ed with orthodox notions of the
function of epigenesis , whi ch we have associated wit h t he intrinsic s ide of Mayr I S
concept of species. These we appl i ed t o
current prob lems in pal eonto logy - - adapt i ve
zones, functional anatomy , patterns of
or iginat i on , change (or i t s absen ce) in
f ossils with excellent s trat igraphic r ecor ds . We suggest :
Prope rties of epigenesis quite for -
Epigenetics & Evol ution
tuitously make r apid , cohesive, and ftmctional change poss ible . Internal adaptation is as impor tant as external adaptation.
2. Nonnally constant features, i f they
are not heavily burdened by ot her deve lop mental systems, may be the source of new
evol ut ionary directions because of th eir
underlying deve lopmental variabil ity. Vari able features may not be , because their
variation may be fab r i cational noise.
3. A spec i es is defined by , among other t hings, i t s cohesive devel opmental sys tems . Even t hough a spec ies need not
change phenotypicall y dur ing its life , i t
is cons t ant ly ac cumulat ing s i gni f icant developmental variabili ty, which allows (but
does not r equire) r api d , even sa ltatory
change i f i t spec iates .
4 . Mate r ecognition systems are also
ep igenet ic sys tems- -what i sn ' t, after al l?
Ma te recognition sy stems are nonnal l y wel l
cana lized ; abnonnally t he ir r earrangement
produces new species , without the constraint of pr oducing adapt ive changes . A
new spec ies so pr oduced may for tui tous ly
capture a new adaptation ; such spec ies are
mor e likely to survive.
5. Once a devel opment al change has occurred , t he same epigenetic system, if not
wel l buffered f rom deve lopmental errors,
may make related successful mistakes . This
produces what we r ecogni ze as t r ends, adap t ive zones and adaptive radiati ons . Though
per haps very rare at anyone t ime, over the
whole hist ory of l i fe, th e r esults would
prof oundly shape the entire biota .
6. Spec i es se l ection i s an intrinsic
and active proc ess - - given punctuated equil i br i um, those species that easily spec iate
will capture rmre adaptati ons and be rmre
likel y t o pers i s t and l eave descendant spe cies . Theref or e, mechanisms of speciation
may be cons idered to be adapt at i ons at the
l evel of l ineage. When plastici ty in a
developmental sys tem and the mate r ecognit ion system co-occur , species swarms result.
evol ut i onary theory that i s nearly an inver s i on of the usual expectations of evol utionists . Sal tation , typo logy , intrinsica l ly directed speciati on , evol utionary
trends independent of external condit i ons,
t he uncoupling of current population genetics and higher l eve l phenanena of rnegaevol ut ion , genetic assimi lat ion of acqui r ed
character ist i cs, selection for the abi l ity
t o speciate, t he ubi quity of paral l elism- t hese are not i deas that figur e prominen tly
in t exts , and sane of them have been
gr ounds, in the r ecen t past , f or excommunicatio n from the scientific communi t y.
We are by no means say ing that such
ideas ought to be the new dogmas of evolutionary biology . We are of f er ing this approach not as a r eplacement, but as a complement t o th e existing t heory . Evol ution
is pr e- eminent ly a science of contingent
truths - - t ha t i s , demonstrating th e exis tence of allopatric spec iation by no
s tret ch of the imagination implies th e
non-exis t ence of sympat r i c spec iat ion .
So too, with th e i gnor ed i f not pr oscribed
evolut ionary ideas that have been se r ious ly se t f orth by such notable workers as
Bateson , Gol dsc hmidt , Waddington , and many
continental workers. The synthetic t heory
i s sufficient ly mature to be ready to harmonize with many of its apparent oppos i tes.
The r esu l t ing pluralis tic approach to na ture suggests innumerable new problems
and holds out sane hope of answers t o old
problems we have alrrosr fo rgott en .
We invite you to r eflect on the possi bili ty that sane of t he evol uti onary hypotheses we have al l been taught to r ej ect
are perhaps no rmre wrong than the al t er natives that are th e usua l bas i s of our
day t o day wor k. If you will sus pend disbel ief, t his can be an invigorating and
exciting prospect .
8 . A t horough-going r evision and r eintegratio n of the synt hetic th eory is pos s ible on these gr ounds .
We as k, ftmdamentally , that you balance
the reductionistic , generally extrinaic
appr oach to evol ution, which as sumes that
al l evolution i s t he warfare of self i sh
genes wri t l arge , wit h an intrinsic s ide
of evolution most easil y perceived from
the higher integr ative l evel s of paleontol ogy and morphology . It i s from this vantage point that certain emergent proper t ies of development l ead us to t ake a hew
l ook at t he nature of spec ies . We as k you
t o balance the selfish genes wit h t he persistent se r ies of horrologues whose perpetuation we attribute to cooperative , accomrrodating developmental systems, which might
be ca lled "selfles s epigenes" .
Although this paper is a na tural extens ion of accepted ar t icles of the synthe tic
theory appl ied to the data of paleontology
and morphology, t he cumulati ve effect i s an
Richard Gol dschmidt 's (1940) Mat eri al
of Evoluti on made the case for deve lopment, saltation, and the uncoupling
of micro- evolution and macr o- evol ution .
7. Horrologous structures, pr oduced by
evolving developmental sys t ems or epigenes,
are a basic per sis t ent feature of megaevol ut ion, expressed in individuals of l imi ted dur ation- -speci es.
Basi s
Ra chootin & Thomson
19 2
Writ ing of t he cr i t ical r eception of t ha t
book in his aut obio graphy (Gol dschmidt
1960) , he sa id :
Th i s t i me I wa s not o n l y c ra z y , but
a l most a c r i mi na l . . . [ b u t ) I a m c o nf i de nt that in twen t y yea rs my bo ok ,
whic h i s now ignored , wil l be g i ve n
an hono r abl e p l a ce i n the hi s t o ry o f
e vo lu t i onary tho ug h t.
We stand in his house , twenty years after
t hose words wer e published , and f ind a
pro phet not without honor .
For discus s i ons and criticisms of this
mamiscr ip t , we are indebted to Catherine
Badgley , Anthony Bledsoe , Paul Olsen ,
We r eceived
the advantages of t he spec ial expertise
of Richard Harrison (population biology) ,
Robert Nakarrura (botany and Scr ip ture) ,
and Scott Poethig (developmental biology ).
Our special t hanks go to Arrr:! McCune and
Louise Roth, who not onl y provided exhaus tive criticisms a t every stage, but also
contributed or inspired several important
concept s.
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