Polymer xxx (2014) 1e6
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Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers
Markus A. Downey*, Lawrence T. Drzal
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Composite Materials and Structures Center, Michigan State University, 2100 Engineering
Building, 428 South Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 23 September 2014
Received in revised form
17 October 2014
Accepted 26 October 2014
Available online xxx
While aromatic diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) based epoxy polymer matrix systems are
important for high-performance applications, their brittle nature is an issue that needs to be addressed.
In this paper the authors show that small additions of a more flexible aliphatic epoxy copolymers, both
di- and tri-functional, can significantly increase the notched Izod impact strength (56e77%) over the neat
DGEBA, while not detrimentally affecting other mechanical properties such as glass transition temperature and flexural properties. In fact, at 1 wt% concentrations, the tri-functional epoxy shows a slight
increase (~2%) in the glass transition temperature compared to neat DGEBA. The improvement in impact
toughness is attributed to the more flexible backbone of the aliphatic epoxy molecules. The total
miscibility of the aromatic and aliphatic epoxies within the investigated concentration range (up to 20 wt
%) allows for this toughening approach to be directly applied to current composite production methods,
such as resin transfer molding (RTM).
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aliphatic epoxy
Enhanced impact strength
1. Introduction
Light-weighting is a concept that replaces traditional materials
of construction such as steel and aluminum with advanced metal
alloys and composites to achieve the goals of weight reduction and
reduced energy use. Fiber-reinforced composites play an important
part in many light-weighting strategies. The aviation industry, both
airframe and turbine engine, has been implementing composite
materials on their products in an effort to reduce weight and increase efficiency. The modern airliners, such as the Boeing 787 and
Airbus A350 XWB, are comprised of more than 50% composite
materials [1].
The appeal of thermosetting epoxy resins used as the matrix
material in fiber-reinforced composites for high-performance
structural applications is their high strength-to-weight ratio,
good stiffness and high corrosion resistance. One of the drawbacks
is the brittle nature of the highly cross-linked epoxy system, i.e.
their lack of toughness [2]. Once formed in an epoxy material, a
crack will propagate through the material uninhibited. Unlike
metals, where the crack propagation will be quickly impeded by
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 517 353 4708.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (M.A. Downey),
[email protected]
(L.T. Drzal).
intersection of a grain boundary [3], no such mechanism exists in
Much research effort has already been put into the toughening
of epoxy polymers as has been recently summarized by P. Mohan
[4]. Two general approaches can be taken to enhance the toughening of an epoxy polymer: first, adding filler materials as a crack
arresting mechanism and second enhancing the amount of energy
that can be adsorbed before a fracture occurs by addition of a more
flexible aliphatic co-polymer. In pursuit of the former, nano-scale
filler materials have been shown to have toughening benefits at
low filler loadings (<0.3 wt%) [5,6]. Many different nano-fillers have
been investigated, including thermoplastic co-polymers [7,8],
inorganic nano-fillers [9,10] and organic nano-fillers [11e13]. All of
these filler materials have shown promise in enhancing the
toughness of epoxy polymers via different toughening mechanisms, such as crack bridging, crack pinning and crack deflection
which have been proposed in the literature [5]. Other approaches
that have shown toughening of epoxies include the use of microscale particles filled with healing agent to impart some selfhealing properties [14]. As with any filler based toughening
mechanism, the suspension of particulates in the matrix phase can
pose a challenge when these toughening approaches are applied to
production methods using liquid molding processing. For example,
resin transfer molding (RTM) and vacuum-assisted resin transfer
molding (VARTM) inject the epoxy resin matrix material under
pressure into a layup of reinforcing fibers [15]. Particulates that are
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Please cite this article in press as: Downey MA, Drzal LT, Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers, Polymer (2014), http://
M.A. Downey, L.T. Drzal / Polymer xxx (2014) 1e6
suspended in the liquid matrix material can be filtered out by the
weave of reinforcing fibers, resulting in an uneven distribution of
nano-filler material. Since a uniform distribution of the nano-filler
is essential, this would negate any potential toughening benefits.
The second approach of adding a more flexible aliphatic epoxy
copolymer would address the issue of processability, provided that
the epoxy copolymers are miscible. Having the same functional
epoxy groups, the copolymers will undergo the same reaction with
the diamine curing agent to form a highly cross-linked network.
The main difference between the molecules is the flexibility of the
chain segments between the functional groups. The higher flexible
aliphatic chains should be able to absorb more impact energy prior
to fracturing. Misaki et al. [16] showed increases of toughness of
several different aliphatic epoxies at a constant concentration of
30 wt%. The increased toughness was associated with decreases in
tensile modulus and glass transition temperature. Zhang et al. [17]
looked at different concentrations of a di-functional aliphatic epoxy
in the range of 7e15 wt% which showed substantial increases in
impact strength. However, these were also associated with substantial decreases in modulus and glass transition temperature. A
survey of the current literature indicates that the toughening of
aromatic epoxies with low concentrations (<5 wt%) of aliphatic
epoxies has not been systematically investigated. This study includes this lower concentration range.
As with any toughening approach, the optimization of a single
parameter is straightforward. However, a substantial increase in
toughness is mostly done to the detriment of other material
properties such as modulus or glass transition temperature. Both
parameters are essential for structural applications. A balanced
approach of enhancing impact toughness without detrimentally
affecting the other system properties is desirable and presented in
this work.
2. Materials
The aromatic epoxy, diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA,
Epon 828, Fig. 1), with an epoxy equivalent weight (EEW) of
185e195, as well as the tri-functional aliphatic epoxy, trimethylolpropane triglycidyl ether (Heloxy 48, Fig. 2) with an EEW of 138
were purchased from Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. The difunctional aliphatic epoxy, polypropylene glycol diglycidyl ether
(PDGE, Fig. 3) with an EEW of 190 (Mn 380), as well as the curing
agent meta-phenylenediamine (m-PDA) were purchased from
SigmaeAldrich. All chemicals were used as received.
3. Methods
The DGEBA was weighed out in a glass beaker and the appropriate amount of aliphatic epoxy (either di- or tri-functional) was
added. The mixture was then placed on a stir plate and heated to
about 70 C under agitation with a magnetic stir bar. The heating of
the epoxy mixture was primarily done in an effort to reduce the
viscosity during mixing, degassing and casting of the material into
the molds. A stoichiometric amount of m-PDA was melted in an
oven. In the case of di-functional aliphatic, the stoichiometry was
constant at 14.5 phr based on the similar EEW of the two epoxies.
Fig. 2. Trimethylolpropane triglycidyl ether (tri-functional aliphatic).
Fig. 3. Polypropylene glycol diglycidyl ether (di-functional aliphatic).
The stoichiometry for the tri-functional aliphatic, needed to be
adjusted for each tri-functional aliphatic epoxy concentration and
ranged from 14.6 to 15.5 phr. After addition of the liquefied curing
agent and homogenizing the DGEBA/aliphatic epoxy/mPDA
mixture by hand, the mixture was degassed in a vacuum oven for
about 5 min to eliminate trapped gas bubbles. After degassing, the
mixture was poured into silicone molds for the appropriate sample
configuration and placed in a convection oven. The samples were
cured at 75 C for 2 h and post-cured at 125 C for 2 h. The cured
samples were polished on a Struers Abramin polisher with 320,
600, 1200 and 4000 grit paper to yield a smooth sided sample prior
to mechanical testing. Neat DGEBA/mPDA samples were made
without the addition of any aliphatic epoxy copolymer to serve as a
All mechanical properties were tested on the bases of at least
two replicates at each aliphatic co-polymer concentration, with
each replicate consisting of at least 4 samples. The flexural properties were determined on the basis of ASTM D790 using a United
Testing Systems SFM-20 load frame with a 100lbf load cell. The
flexural samples had dimensions of 75 12.5 3 mm. The support
span width to thickness ratio was taken at 16:1 and the crosshead
speed was calculated per ASTM D790-10. The notched Izod impact
properties were determined using a TMI pendulum impact tester
on the basis of ASTM D256 using a 1 ft-lbf hammer. The notched
Izod impact samples used a molded pre-notch and had dimensions
of 63.5 12.5 12.5 mm. The thermo-mechanical properties were
determined using a TA Instruments Q800 dynamic mechanical
analysis (DMA) instrument using a single-cantilever beam setup in
air from room temperature to 250 C at a ramp rate of 3 C/min and
a TA Instruments Q2000 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC)
using a modulated DSC at from 25 to 250 C at 3 C/min and a
modulation of ± 2 C.
Fig. 1. Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA).
Please cite this article in press as: Downey MA, Drzal LT, Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers, Polymer (2014), http://
M.A. Downey, L.T. Drzal / Polymer xxx (2014) 1e6
Fig. 4. Tand function of DGEBA toughened with di-functional (left) and tri-functional (right) aliphatic epoxy determined by DMA.
Fracture surfaces were investigated using a Zeiss EVO LS25
scanning electron microscope under high-vacuum. Samples were
coated with a 3 nm thick layer of tungsten prior to observation.
4. Results and discussion
The aromatic and aliphatic epoxies were found to be completely
miscible in the concentration ranges investigated in this study (up
to 20 wt%). Simple mechanical mixing was sufficient to achieve a
homogenous mixture. Fig. 4 shows representative tand curves for
the different di- and tri-functional aliphatically toughened DGEBA.
Tand also referred to as the material loss factor is the ratio of the
loss to the storage modulus of a material [18] and the maximum of
the tand peak represents one measure of the glass transition temperature, which will be shown later in this paper. The single a
transition is further indication of the homogenous structure that is
formed between the two epoxies during curing. This bodes well for
applying aliphatic toughening to current production methods, such
as pre-preg production and resin transfer type processes.
Fig. 5 shows representative curves of the storage modulus,
which is related to the stiffness of the material, of the di- and trifunctionally toughened DGEBA. At lower temperature, the storage
moduli are similar for all aliphatic copolymer concentrations. This
behavior is consistent with that seen in the flexural modulus as
shown in Fig. 6. As the temperature increases, the storage modulus
decreases. The temperature at which the storage modulus decreases substantially (onset temperature), decreases with
increasing aliphatic epoxy concentration. The temperature decreases are not as large for the tri-functional aliphatically toughened samples as can be seen from narrower temperature band,
Fig. 6. Flexural modulus of di- and tri-functionally toughened DGEBA/mPDA.
which all curves fall into. The 1wt% toughened samples, both the diand tri-functional, show very similar behavior to the neat DGEBA.
The flexural modulus as shown in Fig. 6 was found to be independent of aliphatic epoxy concentration within the investigated
concentration range. This is true for both the di- and tri-functional
aliphatic epoxies. Since the tensile and flexural properties tend to
mirror each other, the flexural behavior is consistent with previously published work by Zhang et al. [17] where the Young's
modulus was found to be constant up to 5 wt% of a di-functional
aliphatic epoxy concentration. The flexural test is conducted at a
slow loading rate so the polymer chains have a chance to rearrange
to accommodate the load and the enhanced flexibility of the
Fig. 5. Storage Modulus of DGEBA toughened with di-functional (left) and tri-functional (right) aliphatic epoxy determined by DMA.
Please cite this article in press as: Downey MA, Drzal LT, Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers, Polymer (2014), http://
M.A. Downey, L.T. Drzal / Polymer xxx (2014) 1e6
Fig. 7. Flexural strength of di- and tri-functionally toughened DGEBA/mPDA.
Fig. 8. Notched Izod impact strength of di- and tri-functionally toughened DGEBA/
Fig. 10. Glass transition temperature of di- and tri-functionally toughened DGEBA/
mPDA determined from maxima of tan d curve.
aliphatic epoxy chains does not come into play. Hence, there are no
measureable differences in these slow loading rate properties between the samples with different aliphatic epoxy concentrations.
The flexural strength shown in Fig. 7 exhibited different behaviors for the di-functional and tri-functional aliphatic epoxies.
For the di-functional aliphatic, the flexural strength is comparable
with neat DGEBA up to a concentration of about 5 wt%. Above this
concentration the flexural strength decreases. At a concentration of
~17 wt% the flexural strength drops by about 7% compared to the
neat DGEBA. The tri-functional aliphatic on the other hand shows a
flexural strength that is comparable to neat DGEBA up to a concentration of about 10 wt%. Above 10 wt% the flexural strength
decreases with a reduction of about 6% at 20 wt% tri-functional
aliphatic. The trend of flexural strength decreasing with increased
addition of aliphatic epoxy concentrations is again consistent with
the results from Zhang et al. [17], which found a reduction in upper
yield stress with increasing aliphatic epoxy concentrations. The
Fig. 9. SEM micrograph of the fracture surface of notch Izod impact samples. Neat DGEBA (top, left) and DGEBA toughened with tri-functional aliphatic epoxy: 1 wt% (top, right),
5 wt% (bottom, left), 15 wt% (bottom right).
Please cite this article in press as: Downey MA, Drzal LT, Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers, Polymer (2014), http://
M.A. Downey, L.T. Drzal / Polymer xxx (2014) 1e6
Fig. 11. Reversible heat flow of di-functionally (left) and tri-functionally (right) toughened DGEBA/mPDA determined from modulated DSC measurements.
reason cited for this behavior is the enhanced flexibility of the
aliphatic chain segments relative to the rigid aromatic chain segments of the DGEBA. The constant flexural strength up to a higher
concentration of tri-functional aliphatic when compared to the difunctional aliphatic is probably due to the formation of a network
with shorter distances between crosslinks of the tri-functional
aliphatic resulting in a higher crosslink density.
As shown in Fig. 8, the notched Izod impact strength increases
significantly with the addition of aliphatic epoxies. Even low concentrations of aliphatic epoxy increased the notched Izod impact
strength considerably. The di-functional aliphatic increases the
impact strength by 56% over the neat DGEBA at 1 wt%. The impact
strength further increases with increasing concentration up to
about 77% at an aliphatic concentration of 10 wt%. No further increase is seen above this concentration. The tri-functional aliphatic
shows a greater increase of 77% at 1 wt% concentration. Above 1 wt
%, the impact strength is approximately constant with increasing
tri-functional aliphatic concentration. In contrast to the slow
loading rate of the flexural test, the notched Izod impact test is done
under a high loading rate as the pendulum strikes the sample. The
higher flexibility of the aliphatic chains enables energy to be
absorbed during impact. As Misaki et al. [16] postulated, the more
flexible materials will fracture with crack branching, leading to a
more uneven fracture surface that requires additional energy for
fracture. These findings are supported by the fracture surfaces as
shown in Fig. 9. The fracture surface of the neat DGEBA sample
exhibits the characteristic smooth surface of a brittle fracture. The
featureless mirror region covers most of the failure initiation region. With the addition of the aliphatic copolymer at concentrations of 1, 5 & 15 wt%, hackle features begin to appear in the mirror
region. As the aliphatic concentration is increased, the rough hackle
features increase in frequency and the smooth mirror region becomes less evident. At 15 wt% tri-functional aliphatic, the mirror
region has mostly disappeared. The rougher surface is associated
with a higher crack velocity and indicates crack branching [19].
With higher energy dissipation rates, the rough morphology coincides with increased impact toughness.
The impact of the addition of aliphatic epoxies on the glass
transition temperature (Tg) is shown in Fig. 10. At low concentrations (1 wt%) of di-functional aliphatic, the Tg is constant. Above
that concentration, the Tg decreases with increasing di-functional
aliphatic concentration. The maximum reduction is around 10% at
~17 wt% di-functional aliphatic. At 1 wt% tri-functional aliphatic,
the Tg has an increase of about 2%. Up to a concentration of 5 wt%
tri-functional aliphatic, the Tg is comparable to neat DGEBA. Above
a concentration of 5 wt%, the Tg decreases with a maximum
reduction of 6% at 20 wt% tri-functional aliphatic. For a given
concentration the reduction in Tg for the tri-functional aliphatic
epoxy is smaller when compared to the di-functional aliphatic
epoxy. This can be attributed to the different network formation of
the tri-functional epoxy. The lower EEW of the tri-functional
aliphatic implies a shorter distance between cross-links and a
higher cross-link density. Representative curves of the reversible
heat flow from the modulated DSC measurements are shown in
Fig. 11. The DSC measurements confirm the trends in the glass
transition temperature that were seen in the measurements from
the DMA.
The application of the presented toughening mechanism to
fiber-reinforced composites needs to be confirmed and will be
presented in a follow-up publication. As has been shown in the
literature, the effectiveness of toughening mechanisms can be less
pronounced in a system that includes reinforcing fibers. Hunston
et al., [20,21] showed that for brittle matrix materials, the increase
in toughness can be more pronounced in the fiber-reinforced
composite than the base matrix. This increase effect in the fiberreinforced composite is attributed to the additional energy
expended for fracturing of reinforcing fibers, fiber pullout and crack
deflection. With highly toughened resins however, the toughening
effect was reduced by as much as one-third. The toughening
mechanisms that rely on the formation of large crack-tip deformation zones can have these deformation zone constrained between reinforcing fibers, reducing the effectiveness. Since the
proposed aliphatic toughening mechanism relies on the crosslinking of more flexible chains into the epoxy network, the transfer to the fiber-reinforced composite is expected to be good.
5. Conclusion
The results presented here highlight an approach to enhance the
impact toughness of an aromatic DGEBA/mPDA epoxy system by
the addition of di- and tri-functional epoxy copolymers. At low
aliphatic epoxy concentrations (1 wt%) the impact toughness can be
significantly enhanced (57e77%) without reductions in the flexural
properties or glass transition temperature. The excellent miscibility
of the epoxy copolymers makes the application of this toughening
mechanism directly implementable for current fiber-reinforced
epoxy composite production methods.
The authors would like to thank General Electric Aviation for
their financial support for this research.
Please cite this article in press as: Downey MA, Drzal LT, Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers, Polymer (2014), http://
M.A. Downey, L.T. Drzal / Polymer xxx (2014) 1e6
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Please cite this article in press as: Downey MA, Drzal LT, Toughening of aromatic epoxy via aliphatic epoxy copolymers, Polymer (2014), http://