On a Class of Minimax Stochastic Programs

2004, SIAM Journal on Optimization

For a particular class of minimax stochastic programming models, we show that the problem can be equivalently reformulated into a standard stochastic programming problem. This permits the direct use of standard decomposition and sampling methods developed for stochastic programming. We also show that this class of minimax stochastic programs subsumes a large family of mean-risk stochastic programs where risk is measured in terms of deviations from a quantile.

On a class of minimax stochastic programs Alexander Shapiro∗ and Shabbir Ahmed† August 12, 2003 Abstract For a particular class of minimax stochastic programming models, we show that the problem can be equivalently reformulated into a standard stochastic programming problem. This permits the direct use of standard decomposition and sampling methods developed for stochastic programming. We also show that this class of minimax stochastic programs subsumes a large family of mean-risk stochastic programs where risk is measured in terms of deviations from a quantile. Key words: worst case distribution, problem of moments, Lagrangian duality, mean risk stochastic programs, deviation from a quantile. 1 Introduction A wide variety of decision problems under uncertainty involves optimization of an expectation functional. An abstract formulation for such stochastic programming problems is Min EP [F (x, ω)], (1.1) x∈X n where X ⊆ R is the set of feasible decisions, F : Rn × Ω 7→ R is the objective function and P is a probability measure (distribution) on the space Ω equipped with a sigma algebra F. The stochastic program (1.1) has been studied in great detail, and significant theoretical and computational progress has been achieved (see, e.g., [17] and references therein). In the stochastic program (1.1) the expectation is taken with respect to the probability distribution P which is assumed to be known. However, in practical applications, such a distribution is not known precisely, and has to be estimated from data or constructed using subjective judgments. Often, the available information is insufficient to identify a unique distribution. In the absence of full ∗ Supported † Supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS-0073770. by the National Science Foundation under grant DMI-0133943. 1 information on the underlying distribution, an alternative approach is as follows. Suppose a set P of possible probability distributions for the uncertain parameters is known, then it is natural to optimize the expectation functional (1.1) corresponding to the “worst” distribution in P. This leads to the following minimax stochastic program:   Min f (x) := sup EP [F (x, ω)] . (1.2) x∈X P ∈P Theoretical properties of minimax stochastic programs have been studied in a number of publications. In that respect we can mention pioneering works of Žáčková [22] and Dupačová [3, 4], for more recent publications see [19] and references therein. These problems have also received considerable attention in the context of bounding and approximating stochastic programs [1, 7, 9]. A number of authors have proposed numerical methods for minimax stochastic program. Ermoliev, Gaivoronsky and Nedeva [5] proposed a method based on the stochastic quasigradient algorithm and generalized linear programming. A similar approach along with computational experience is reported in [6]. Breton and El Hachem [2] developed algorithms based on bundle methods and subgradient optimization. Riis and Andersen [15] proposed a cutting plane algorithm. Takriti and Ahmed [21] considered minimax stochastic programs with binary decision variables arising in power auctioning applications, and developed a branch-and-cut scheme. All of the above numerical methods require explicit solution of the inner optimization problem supP ∈P EP [F (x, ω)] corresponding to the candidate solution x in each iteration. Consequently, such approaches are inapplicable in situations where calculation of the respective expectations numerically is infeasible because the set Ω although finite is prohibitively large, or possibly infinite. In this paper, we show that a fairly general class of minimax stochastic programs can be equivalently reformulated into standard stochastic programs (involving optimization of expectation functionals). This permits a direct application of powerful decomposition and sampling methods that have been developed for standard stochastic programs in order to solve large-scale minimax stochastic programs. Furthermore, the considered class of minimax stochastic programs is shown to subsume a large family of mean-risk stochastic programs, where the risk is measured in terms of deviations from a quantile. 2 The problem of moments In this section we discuss a variant of the problem of moments. This will provide us with basic tools for the subsequent analysis of minimax stochastic programs. Let us denote by X the (linear) space of all finite signed measures on (Ω, F). We say that a measure µ ∈ X is nonnegative, and write µ  0, if µ(A) ≥ 0 for any A ∈ F. For two measures µ1 , µ2 ∈ X we write µ2  µ1 if µ2 − µ1  0. That is, µ2  µ1 if µ2 (A) ≥ µ1 (A) for any A ∈ F. It is said that µ ∈ X is 2 a probability measure if µ  0 and µ(Ω) = 1. For given nonnegative measures µ1 , µ2 ∈ X consider the set  M := µ ∈ X : µ1  µ  µ2 . (2.1) Let ϕi (ω), i = 0, ..., q, be real valued measurable functions on (Ω, F) and bi ∈ R, i = 1, ..., q, be given numbers. Consider the problem R MaxP ∈M RΩ ϕ0 (ω)dP (ω) subject to RΩ dP (ω) = 1, (2.2) RΩ ϕi (ω)dP (ω) = bi , i = 1, ..., r, ϕ (ω)dP (ω) ≤ bi , i = r + 1, ..., q. Ω i In the above problem, the first constraint implies that the optimization is performed over probability measures, the next two constraints represent moment restrictions, and the set M represents upper and lower bounds on the considered measures. If the constraint P ∈ M is replaced by the constraint P  0, then the above problem (2.2) becomes the classical problem of moments (see, e.g., [12],[20] and references therein). As we shall see, however, the introduction of lower and upper bounds on the considered measures makes the above problem more suitable for an application to minimax stochastic programming. We make the following assumptions throughout this section: (A1) The functions ϕi (ω), i = 0, ..., q, are µ2 -integrable, i.e., Z |ϕi (ω)|dµ2 (ω) < ∞, i = 0, ..., q. Ω (A2) The feasible set of problem (2.2) is nonempty, and, moreover, there exists a probability measure P ∗ ∈ M satisfying the equality constraints as well as the inequality constraints as equalities, i.e., Z ϕi (ω)dP ∗ (ω) = bi , i = 1, ..., q. Ω Assumption (A1) implies that ϕi (ω), i = 0, ..., q, are P -integrable with respect to all measures P ∈ M, and hence problem (2.2) is well defined. By assumption (A2), we can make the following change of variables P = P ∗ + µ, and hence to write problem (2.2) in the form R R Maxµ∈M∗ RΩ ϕ0 (ω)dP ∗ (ω) + Ω ϕ0 (ω)dµ(ω) subject to RΩ dµ(ω) = 0, (2.3) RΩ ϕi (ω)dµ(ω) = 0, i = 1, ..., r, ϕ (ω)dµ(ω) ≤ 0, i = r + 1, ..., q, Ω i where  M∗ := µ ∈ X : µ∗1  µ  µ∗2 with µ∗1 := µ1 − P ∗ and µ∗2 := µ2 − P ∗ . 3 (2.4) The Lagrangian of problem (2.3) is Z Z ∗ Lλ (ω)dµ(ω), ϕ0 (ω)dP (ω) + L(µ, λ) := (2.5) Ω Ω where Lλ (ω) := ϕ0 (ω) − λ0 − q X λi ϕi (ω), (2.6) i=1 and the (Lagrangian) dual of (2.3) is the following problem:  Minλ∈Rq+1 ψ(λ) := supµ∈M∗ L(µ, λ) subject to λi ≥ 0, i = r + 1, ..., q. It is straightforward to see that Z Z Z ψ(λ) = ϕ0 (ω)dP ∗ (ω) + [Lλ (ω)]+ dµ∗2 (ω) − [−Lλ (ω)]+ dµ∗1 (ω), Ω Ω (2.7) (2.8) Ω where [a]+ := max{a, 0}. By the standard theory of Lagrangian duality we have that the optimal value of problem (2.3) is always less than or equal to the optimal value of its dual (2.7). It is possible to give various regularity conditions (constraint qualifications) ensuring that the optimal values of problem (2.3) and its dual (2.7) are equal to each other, i.e., that there is no duality gap between problems (2.3) and (2.7). For example, we have (by the theory of conjugate duality, [16]) that there is no duality gap between (2.3) and (2.7), and the set of optimal solutions of the dual problem is nonempty and bounded, iff the following assumption holds: (A3) The optimal value of (2.2) is finite, and there exists a feasible solution to (2.2) for all sufficiently small perturbations of the right hand sides of the (equality and inequality) constraints. We may refer to [18] (and references therein) for a discussion of constraint qualifications ensuring the “no duality gap” property in the problem of moments. By the above discussion we have the following result. Proposition 1 Suppose that the assumptions (A1)–(A3) hold. Then problems (2.2) and (2.3) are equivalent and there is no duality gap between problem (2.3) and its dual (2.7). Remark 1 The preceding analysis simplifies considerably if the set Ω is finite, say Ω := {ω1 , ..., ωK }. Then a measure P ∈ X can be identified with vector p = (p1 , ..., pK ) ∈ RK . We have, of course, that P  0 iff pk ≥ 0, k = 1, ..., K. The set M can be written in the form  M = p ∈ RK : µ1k ≤ pk ≤ µ2k , k = 1, ..., K , for some numbers µ2k ≥ µ1k ≥ 0, k = 1, ..., K, and problems (2.2) and (2.3) become linear programming problems. In that case the optimal values of problem 4 (2.2) (problem (2.3)) and its dual (2.7) are equal to each other by the standard linear programming duality without a need for constraint qualifications, and the assumption (A3) is superfluous. Let us now consider, further, a specific case of (2.2) where  M := µ ∈ X : (1 − ε1 )P ∗  µ  (1 + ε2 )P ∗ , (2.9) i.e., µ1 = (1−ε1 )P ∗ and µ2 = (1+ε2 )P ∗ , for some reference probability measure P ∗ satisfying assumption (A2) and numbers ε1 ∈ [0, 1], ε2 ≥ 0. In that case the dual problem (2.7) takes the form: n o Minλ∈Rq+1 EP ∗ ϕ0 (ω) + ηε1 ,ε2 [Lλ (ω)] (2.10) subject to λi ≥ 0, i = r + 1, ..., q, where Lλ (ω) is defined in (2.6) and  −ε1 a, if a ≤ 0, ηε1 ,ε2 [a] := ε2 a, if a > 0. (2.11) Note that the function ηε1 ,ε2 [·] is convex piecewise linear and Lλ (ω) is affine in λ for every ω ∈ Ω. Consequently the objective function of (2.10) is convex in λ. Thus, the problem of moments (2.2) has been reformulated as a convex stochastic programming problem (involving optimization of the expectation functional) of the form (1.1). 3 A class of minimax stochastic programs We consider a specific class of minimax stochastic programming problems of the form Min f (x), (3.1) x∈X where f (x) is the optimal value of the problem: R MaxP ∈M RΩ F (x, ω)dP (ω) subject to RΩ dP (ω) = 1, RΩ ϕi (ω)dP (ω) = bi , i = 1, ..., r, ϕ (ω)dP (ω) ≤ bi , i = r + 1, ..., q, Ω i (3.2) and M is defined as in (2.9). Of course, this is a particular form of the minimax stochastic programming problem (1.2) with the set P formed by probability measures P ∈ M satisfying the corresponding moment constraints. We assume that the set X is nonempty and assumptions (A1)–(A3), of section 2, hold for the functions ϕi (·), i = 1, ..., q, and ϕ0 (·) := F (x, ·) for all x ∈ X. By the analysis of section 2 (see Proposition 1 and dual formulation (2.10)) 5 we have then that the minimax problem (3.1) is equivalent to the stochastic programming problem: Min (x,λ)∈Rn+q+1 subject to EP ∗ [H(x, λ, ω)] x ∈ X and λi ≥ 0, i = r + 1, ..., q, (3.3) where H(x, λ, ω) := F (x, ω) + ηε1 ,ε2 [F (x, ω) − λ0 − Pq i=1 λi ϕi (ω)] . (3.4) Note that by reformulating the minimax problem (3.1) into problem (3.3), which is a standard stochastic program involving optimization of an expectation functional, we avoid explicit solution of the inner maximization problem with respect to the probability measures. The reformulation, however, introduces q + 1 additional variables. For problems with a prohibitively large (or possibly infinite) support Ω, a simple but effective approach to attack (3.3) is the sample average approximation (SAA) method. The basic idea of this approach is to replace the expectation functional in the objective by a sample average function and to solve the corresponding SAA problem. Depending on the structure of the objective function F (x, ω) and hence H(x, λ, ω), a number of existing stochastic programming algorithms can be applied to solve the obtained SAA problem. Under mild assumptions, the SAA method has been shown to have attractive convergence properties. For example, a solution to the SAA problem quickly converges to a solution to the true problem as the sample size N is increased. Furthermore, by repeated solutions of the SAA problem, statistical confidence intervals on the quality of the corresponding SAA solutions can be obtained. Detailed discussion of the SAA method can be found in [17, Chapter 6] and references therein. 3.1 Stochastic programs with convex objectives In this section, we consider minimax stochastic programs (3.1) corresponding to stochastic programs where the objective function is convex. Note that if the function F (·, ω) is convex for every ω ∈ Ω, then the function f (·), defined as the optimal value of (3.2), is given by the maximum of convex functions and hence is convex. Not surprisingly, the reformulation preserves convexity. Proposition 2 Suppose that the function F (·, ω) is convex for every ω ∈ Ω. Then for any ε1 ∈ [0, 1] and ε2 ≥ 0 and every ω ∈ Ω, the function H(·, ·, ω) is convex and  if N (x, λ, ω) < 0,  (1 − ε1 )∂F (x, ω) × {ε1 ϕ(ω)}, (1 + ε2 )∂F (x, ω) × {−ε2 ϕ(ω)}, if N (x, λ, ω) > 0, ∂H(x, λ, ω) =  ∪τ ∈[−ε1 ,ε2 ] (1 + τ )∂F (x, ω) × {−τ ϕ(ω)}, if N (x, λ, ω) = 0, (3.5) where the subdifferentials ∂H(x, λ, ω) and ∂F (x, ω) are taken with respect to (x, λ) and x, respectively, and N (x, λ, ω) := F (x, ω) − λ0 − q X λi ϕi (ω), ϕ(ω) := (1, ϕ1 (ω), ..., ϕq (ω)). i=1 6 Proof. Consider the function ψ(z) := z + ηε1 ,ε2 [z]. We can write q X  λi ϕi (ω), H(x, λ, ω) = ψ V (x, λ, ω) + λ0 + i=1 Pq where V (x, λ, ω) := F (x, ω) − λ0 − i=1 λi ϕi (ω). The function V (x, λ, ω) is convex in (x, λ), and for ε1 ∈ [0, 1] and ε2 ≥ 0, the function ψ(z) is monotonically nondecreasing and convex. Convexity of H(·, ·, ω) then follows. The subdifferential formula (3.5) is obtained by the chain rule. Let us now consider instances of (3.3) with a finite set of realizations of ω: n o PK Min (x,λ)∈Rn+q+1 h(x, λ) := k=1 p∗k H(x, λ, ωk ) (3.6) subject to x ∈ X and λi ≥ 0, i = r + 1, ..., q, where Ω = {ω1 , . . . , wK } and P ∗ = (p∗1 , ..., p∗K ). The above problem can either correspond to a problem with finite support of ω or may be obtained by sampling as in the SAA method. Problem (3.6) has a nonsmooth convex objective function, and often can be solved by using cutting plane or bundle type methods that use subgradient information (see, e.g., [8]). By the Moreau-Rockafellar theorem we have that ∂h(x, λ) = K X p∗k ∂H(x, λ, ωk ), (3.7) k=1 where all subdifferentials are taken with respect to (x, λ). Together with (3.5) this gives a formula for a subgradient of h(·, ·), given subgradient information for F (·, ω). 3.2 Two-stage stochastic programs A wide variety of stochastic programs correspond to optimization of the expected value of a future optimization problem. That is, let F (x, ω) be defined as the optimal value function F (x, ω) := Min y∈Y (x,ω) G0 (x, y, ω), (3.8) where Y (x, ω) := {y ∈ Y : Gi (x, y, ω) ≤ 0, i = 1, ..., m} , (3.9) Y is a nonempty subset of a finite dimensional vector space and Gi (x, y, ω), i = 0, ..., m, are real valued functions. Problem (1.1), with F (x, ω) given in the form (3.8), is referred to as a two-stage stochastic program, where the firststage variables x are decided prior to the realization of the uncertain parameters, and the second-stage variables y are decided after the uncertainties are revealed. The following result show that a minimax problem corresponding to a two-stage stochastic program is itself a two-stage stochastic program. 7 Proposition 3 If F (x, ω) is defined as in (3.8), then the function H(x, λ, ω), defined in (3.4), is given by H(x, λ, ω) = inf y∈Y (x,ω) G(x, λ, y, ω), (3.10) where " G(x, λ, y, ω) := G0 (x, y, ω) + ηε1 ,ε2 G0 (x, y, ω) − λ0 − q X # λi ϕi (ω) . i=1 (3.11) Proof. The result follows by noting that G(x, λ, y, ω) = ψ G0 (x, y, ω) − λ0 − q X i=1 ! λi ϕi (ω) + λ0 + q X λi ϕi (ω), i=1 and the function ψ(z) := z + ηε1 ,ε2 [z] is monotonically nondecreasing for ε1 ≤ 1 and ε2 ≥ 0. By the above result, if the set Ω := {ω1 , ..., ωK } is finite, then the reformulated minimax problem (3.3) can be written as one large-scale optimization problem: PK ∗ Min x,λ,y1 ,...,yK k=1 pk G(x, λ, yk , ωk ) (3.12) subject to yk ∈ Y (x, ωk ), k = 1, ..., K, x ∈ X, λi ≥ 0, i = r + 1, ..., q. A particularly important case of two-stage stochastic programs are the twostage stochastic (mixed-integer) linear programs, where F (x, ω) := V (x, ξ(ω)) and V (x, ξ) is given by the optimal value of the problem: Miny cT x + q T y, subject to W y = h − T x, y ∈ Y. (3.13) Here ξ := (q, W, h, T ) represents the uncertain (random) parameters of problem (3.13), and X and Y are defined by linear constraints (and possibly with integrality restrictions). By applying standard linear programming modelling principles to the piecewise linear function ηε1 ,ε2 , we obtain that H(x, λ, ξ(ω)) is given by the optimal value of the problem: Miny,u+ ,u− subject to cT x + q T y + ε1 u− + ε2 u+ W y = h − T x, u+ − u− = cT x + q T y − ϕT λ, y ∈ Y, u+ ≥ 0, u− ≥ 0, (3.14) where ϕ := (1, ϕ1 (ω), . . . , ϕq (ω))T . As before, if the set Ω := {ω1 , ..., ωK } is finite, then the reformulated minimax problem (3.3) can be written as one 8 large-scale mixed-integer linear program:  PK + Minx,λ,y,u+ ,u− cT x + k=1 p∗k qkT yk + ε1 u− k + ε2 uk subject to Wk yk = hk − Tk x, k = 1, . . . , K, − T T T u+ k − uk = c x + qk yk − ϕk λ, k = 1, . . . , K, + − yk ∈ Y, uk ≥ 0, uk ≥ 0, k = 1, . . . , K, x ∈ X. (3.15) The optimization model stated above has a block-separable structure which can, in principle, be exploited by existing decomposition algorithms for stochastic (integer) programs. In particular, if Y does not have any integrality restrictions, then the L-shaped (or Benders) decomposition algorithm and its variants can be immediately applied (see, e.g., [17, Chapter 3]). 4 Connection to a class of mean-risk models Note that the stochastic program (1.1) is risk-neutral in the sense that it is concerned with the optimization of an expectation objective. To extend the stochastic programming framework to a risk-averse setting, one can adopt the mean-risk framework advocated by Markowitz and further developed by many others. In this setting the model (1.1) is extended to Min E[F (x, ω)] + γR[F (x, ω)], x∈X (4.1) where R[Z] is a dispersion statistic of the random variable Z used as a measure of risk, and γ is a weighting parameter to trade-off mean with risk. Classically, the variance statistic has been used as the risk-measure. However, it is known that many typical dispersion statistics, including variance, may cause the meanrisk model (4.1) to provide inferior solutions. That is, an optimal solution to the mean-risk model may be stochastically dominated by another feasible solution. Recently, Ogryczak and Ruszczynski [14] has identified a number of statistics which, when used as the risk measure R[·] in (4.1), guarantee that the mean-risk solutions are consistent with stochastic dominance theory. One such dispersion statistic is  hα [Z] := E α[Z − κα ]+ + (1 − α)[κα − Z]+ , (4.2) where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and κα = κα (Z) denotes the α-quantile of the distribution of Z. Recall that κα is said to be an α-quantile of the distribution of Z if P r(Z < κα ) ≤ α ≤ P r(Z ≤ κα ), and the set of α-quantiles forms the interval [a, b] with a := inf{z : P r(Z ≤ z) ≥ α} and b := sup{z : P r(Z ≥ z) ≤ α}. In particular, if α = 21 , then κα (Z) becomes the median of the distribution of Z and hα [Z] = 21 E Z − κ1/2 , and it represents half of the mean absolute deviation from the median. In [14], it is shown that mean-risk models (4.1), with R[·] := hα [·] and γ ∈ [0, 1], provide solutions that are consistent with stochastic dominance theory. 9 In the following, we show that minimax models (3.3) subsume such mean-risk models (4.1). Consider Lλ (ω), defined in (2.6), and α := ε2 /(ε1 + ε2 ). Observe that, for fixed λi , i = 1, ..., q, and ε1 > 0, ε2 > 0, a minimizer λ̄0 of EP ∗ ηε1 ,ε2 [Lλ (ω)], over λ0 ∈ R, is given Pq by an α-quantile of the distribution of the random variable Z(ω) := ϕ0 (ω) − i=1 λi ϕi (ω) defined on the probability space (Ω, F, P ∗ ). In particular, if ε1 = ε2 , then λ̄0 is the median of the distribution of Y . It follows that if ε1 and ε2 are positive, then the minimum of the expectation in (3.3), with respect to λ0 ∈ R, is attained at an α-quantile of the distribution of F (x, ω) − Pq λ ϕi (ω) with respect to the probability measure P ∗ . In particular, if the i i=1 moments constraints are not present in (3.2), i.e., q = 0, then problem (3.3) can be written as follows   (4.3) Min EP ∗ F (x, ω) + (ε1 + ε2 )hα [F (x, ω)], x∈X where hα is defined as in (4.2). The above discussion leads to the following result. Proposition 4 The mean-risk model (4.1) with R[·] := hα [·] is equivalent to the minimax model (3.3) with ε1 = γ(1 − α), ε2 = αγ and q = 0. The additional term (ε1 + ε2 )hα [F (x, ω)], which appears in (4.3), can be interpreted as a regularization term. We conclude this section by discussing the effect of such regularization. Consider the case when the function F (·, ω) is convex, and piecewise linear for all ω ∈ Ω. This is the case, for example, when F (x, ω) is the value function of the second-stage linear program (3.13). Consider the stochastic programming problem (with respect to the reference probability distribution P ∗ ): Min EP ∗ [F (x, ω)], x∈X (4.4) and the corresponding mean-risk or minimax model (4.3). Suppose that X is polyhedral, the support Ω of ω is finite, and both problems (4.3) and (4.4) have finite optimal solutions. Then from the discussion at the end of Section 3, the problems (4.3) and (4.4) can be stated as linear programs. Let S0 and Sε1,ε2 denote the sets of optimal solutions of (4.4) and (4.3), respectively. Then by standard theory of linear programming, we have that, for all ε1 > 0 and ε2 > 0 sufficiently small, the inclusion Sε1 ,ε2 ⊂ S0 holds. Consequently, the term (ε1 +ε2 )hα [F (x, ω)] has the effect of regularizing the solution set of the stochastic program (4.4). We further illustrate this regularization with an example. Example 1 Consider the function F (x, ω) := |ω − x|, x, w ∈ R, with ω having the reference distribution P ∗ (ω = −1) = p∗1 and P ∗ (ω = 1) = p∗2 for some p∗1 > 0, p∗2 > 0, p∗1 + p∗2 = 1. We have then that EP ∗ [F (x, ω)] = p∗1 |1 + x| + p∗2 |1 − x|. 10 Let us discuss first the case where p∗1 = p∗2 = 21 . Then the set S0 of optimal solutions of the stochastic program (4.4) is given by the interval [−1, 1]. For ε2 > ε1 and ε1 ∈ (0, 1), the corresponding α-quantile κα (F (x, ω)), with α := ε2 /(ε1 + ε2 ), is equal to the largest of the numbers |1 − x| and |1 + x|, and for ε2 = ε1 the set of α-quantiles is given by the interval with the end points |1 − x| and |1 + x|. It follows that, for ε2 ≥ ε1 , the mean-risk (or minimax) objective function in problem (4.3):   f (x) := EP ∗ F (x, ω) + (ε1 + ε2 )hα [F (x, ω)], is given by f (x) =  1 2 1 2 (1 − ε1 )|1 − x| + 12 (1 + ε1 )|1 + x|, if x ≥ 0, (1 + ε1 )|1 − x| + 12 (1 − ε1 )|1 + x|, if x < 0. Consequently, Sε1 ,ε2 = {0}. Note that for x = 0, the random variable F (x, ω) has minimal expected value and variance zero (with respect to the reference distribution P ∗ ). Therefore it is not surprising that x = 0 is the unique optimal solution of the mean-risk or minimax problem (4.3) for any ε1 ∈ (0, 1) and ε2 > 0. Suppose now that p∗2 > p∗1 . In that case S0 = {1}. Suppose, further, that ε1 ∈ (0, 1) and ε2 ≥ ε1 , and hence α ≥ 21 . Then for x ≥ 0 the corresponding α-quantile κα (F (x, ω)) is equal to |1 − x| if α < p∗2, κα (F (x, ω)) = 1 + x if α > p∗2 , and κα (x) can be any point on the interval |1 − x|, 1 + x if α = p∗2 . Consequently, for α ≤ p∗2 and x ≥ 0, f (x) = (p∗1 + ε2 p∗1 )(1 + x) + (p∗2 − ε2 p∗1 )|1 − x|. It follows then that Sε1 ,ε2 = {1} if and only if p∗1 +ε2 p∗1 < p∗2 −ε2 p∗1 . Since α ≤ p∗2 means that ε2 ≤ (p∗2 /p∗1 )ε1 , we have that for ε2 in the interval [ε1 , (p∗2 /p∗1 )ε1 ], the set Sε1 ,ε2 coincides with S0 if and only if ε2 < (p∗2 /p∗1 − 1)/2. For ε2 in this interval we can view ε̄2 := (p∗2 /p∗1 − 1)/2 as the breaking value of the parameter ε2 , i.e., for ε2 bigger than ε̄2 an optimal solution of the minimax problem moves from the optimal solution of the reference problem. Suppose now that p∗2 > p∗1 and α ≥ p∗2 . Then for x ≥ 0, f (x) = (p∗1 + ε1 p∗2 )(1 + x) + (p∗2 − ε1 p∗2 )|1 − x|. In that case the breaking value of ε1 , for ε1 ≤ (p∗1 /p∗2 )ε2 , is ε̄1 := (1 − p∗1 /p∗2 )/2. 5 Numerical results In this section, we describe some numerical experiments with the proposed minimax stochastic programming model. We consider minimax extensions of twostage stochastic linear programs with finite support of the random problem parameters. We assume that q = 0 (i.e., that the moment constraints are not present in the model) since, in this case, the minimax problems are equivalent 11 to mean-risk extensions of the stochastic programs, where risk is measured in terms of quantile deviations. Recall that, owing to the finiteness of the support, the minimax problems reduce to the specially structured linear programs (3.15). We use an ℓ∞ –trustregion based decomposition algorithm for solving the resulting linear programs. The method along with its theoretical convergence properties is described in [11]. The algorithm has been implemented in ANSI C with the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) [13] library routines to solve linear programming subproblems. All computations have been carried out on a Linux workstation with dual 2.4 GHz Intel Xeon processors and 2 GB RAM. The stochastic linear programming test problems in our experiments are derived from those used in [10]. We consider the problems LandS, gbd, 20term, and storm. Data for these instances are available from the website:∼swright/stochastic/sampling These problems involve extremely large number of scenarios (joint realizations of the uncertain problem parameters). Consequently, for each problem, we consider three instances each with 1000 sampled scenarios. The reference distribution P ∗ for these instances correspond to equal weights assigned to each sampled scenario. Recall that a minimax model with parameters ε1 and ε2 is equivalent to a mean-risk model (involving quantile deviations) with parameters γ := ε1 + ε2 and α := ε2 /(ε1 + ε2 ). We consider α values of 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9, and ε1 values of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9. Note that the values of the parameters ε2 and γ are uniquely determined by ε2 = αε1 /(1 − α) and γ = ε1 /(1 − α). Note also that some combinations of ε1 and α are such that γ > 1, and consequently the resulting solutions are not guaranteed to be consistent with stochastic dominance. First, for each problem, the reference stochastic programming models (with ε1 = ε2 = 0) corresponding to all three generated instances were solved. Next, the minimax stochastic programming models for the various ε1 -α combinations were solved for all instances. Various dispersion statistics corresponding to the optimal solutions (from the different models) with respect to the reference distribution P ∗ were computed. Table 1 presents the results for the reference stochastic program corresponding to the four problems. The first six rows of the table displays various cost-statistics corresponding to the optimal solution with respect to P ∗ . The presented data is the average over the three instances. The terms “Abs Med-Dev,” “Abs Dev,” “Std Dev,” “Abs SemiDev,” and “Std SemiDev” stand for the statistics mean absolute deviation from the median, mean absolute deviation, standard deviation, absolute semi-deviation, and standard semi-deviation, respectively. The last two rows of the table display the average (over the three instances) number of iterations and CPU seconds required. Tables 2-4, 3-7, 8-10, and 11-13 present the results for the problems LandS, gbd, 20term, and storm, respectively. Each table (in the set 2-13) corresponds to a particular α value and each column in a table correspond to a particular ε1 value. The statistics are organized in the rows as in Table 1. 12 For a fixed level of α, increasing ε1 corresponds to increasing the allowed perturbation of the reference distribution in the minimax model, and to increasing the weight γ for the risk term in the mean-risk model. Consequently, we observe from the tables, that this leads to solutions with higher expected costs. We also observe that the value of some of the dispersion statistics decreases indicating a reduction in risk. Similar behavior occurs upon increasing α corresponding to a fixed level of ε1 . A surprising observation from the numerical results, is that the considered problem instances are very robust with respect to perturbations of the reference distribution P ∗ . Even with large perturbations of the reference distribution, the perturbations of the objective values of the solutions are relatively small. A final observation from the tables, is the large variability of computational effort for the various ε1 -α combinations. This can be somewhat explained by the regularization nature of minimax (or mean-risk) objective function as discussed in Section 4. For certain ε1 -α combinations, the piece-wise linear objective function may become very sharp resulting in faster convergence of the algorithm. Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds LandS 225.524231 46.631711 46.950206 59.263949 23.475103 44.55075 47.333333 0.666667 gbd 1655.544680 502.017789 539.633584 715.331904 269.816792 605.012796 57.333333 0.666667 20term 254147.150217 10022.597583 10145.862901 12079.769991 5072.931451 8824.368440 275.333333 32.333333 storm 15498557.910287 304941.126223 313915.600392 371207.137372 156957.800196 261756.118948 5000.000000 2309.333333 Table 1: Statistics corresponding to the reference stochastic program 13 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 225.572591 45.907760 46.239633 58.277697 23.119817 43.783344 3357.333333 196.333333 ε1 = 0.3 225.741331 45.031670 45.384829 57.158371 22.692415 42.972997 3357.000000 195.333333 ε1 = 0.5 225.992122 44.408435 44.787747 56.408928 22.393873 42.477392 75.000000 1.000000 ε1 = 0.7 226.394508 43.743833 44.151339 55.625918 22.075670 41.969667 70.000000 1.000000 ε1 = 0.9 226.950087 43.040004 43.465447 54.838189 21.732724 41.451160 67.333333 1.000000 Table 2: Problem: LandS, α = 0.5 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 225.604863 45.691352 46.007275 57.941208 23.003638 43.475330 5000.000000 293.000000 ε1 = 0.3 225.860693 44.759124 45.108807 56.790168 22.554403 42.691880 72.666667 1.333333 ε1 = 0.5 226.308477 43.910281 44.283083 55.787518 22.141542 42.022589 64.666667 1.000000 ε1 = 0.7 226.924267 43.143102 43.536913 54.917470 21.768456 41.445042 70.666667 1.000000 ε1 = 0.9 227.732520 42.325219 42.757779 54.011196 21.378890 40.850585 68.000000 1.000000 Table 3: Problem: LandS, α = 0.7 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 225.657561 45.442289 45.767970 57.607866 22.883985 43.208970 65.666667 1.000000 ε1 = 0.3 226.231321 44.060225 44.452844 55.952645 22.226422 42.131097 63.333333 1.000000 ε1 = 0.5 227.158529 42.928119 43.357957 54.636028 21.678979 41.267697 59.666667 1.000000 ε1 = 0.7 228.239015 42.065348 42.497211 53.623360 21.248606 40.541459 60.000000 1.000000 Table 4: Problem: LandS, α = 0.9 14 ε1 = 0.9 228.723862 41.752750 42.175589 53.263650 21.087795 40.277103 1700.333333 95.666667 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 1655.544680 502.017789 539.633584 715.331904 269.816792 605.012796 79.000000 1.000000 ε1 = 0.3 1656.696416 496.352624 536.241586 711.500466 268.120793 602.666522 70.000000 0.666667 ε1 = 0.5 1659.855302 488.853714 531.229091 705.983292 265.614546 599.863871 70.666667 0.333333 ε1 = 0.7 1682.355861 450.792925 501.621083 678.924336 250.810542 586.674962 63.333333 1.000000 ε1 = 0.9 1685.929064 446.110925 498.632665 675.058785 249.316332 583.868317 66.000000 1.000000 Table 5: Problem: gbd, α = 0.5 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 1655.570090 501.772028 539.433816 715.147566 269.716908 604.913488 75.666667 1.000000 ε1 = 0.3 1657.065720 496.543213 536.230530 711.256157 268.115265 602.289640 71.333333 0.333333 ε1 = 0.5 1663.667081 483.940329 523.960900 702.313425 261.980450 598.708725 71.666667 1.000000 ε1 = 0.7 1685.507685 452.686268 504.791237 678.743484 252.395618 584.678270 63.333333 0.666667 ε1 = 0.9 1771.068164 396.222865 442.632554 619.951050 221.316277 536.764625 60.666667 0.666667 Table 6: Problem: gbd, α = 0.7 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 1656.742634 497.768654 536.887996 711.572070 268.443998 601.247020 82.333333 1.000000 ε1 = 0.3 1668.311115 496.665323 533.105354 703.357694 266.552677 588.428289 73.333333 1.000000 ε1 = 0.5 1701.823473 493.446982 531.749429 685.771387 265.874714 568.798933 68.000000 1.000000 ε1 = 0.7 2054.695770 411.528582 437.668526 523.260522 218.834263 412.283174 63.000000 1.000000 Table 7: Problem: gbd, α = 0.9 15 ε1 = 0.9 2104.715572 416.847130 434.673818 518.807426 217.336909 401.524723 65.333333 0.666667 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 254156.095167 9865.177167 10026.802482 11909.728572 5013.401241 8654.320482 284.333333 35.666667 ε1 = 0.3 254172.391617 9780.642083 9935.445188 11827.617116 4967.722594 8590.418211 304.333333 36.000000 ε1 = 0.5 254272.736467 9547.653600 9700.126819 11506.971142 4850.063410 8289.983061 277.000000 32.666667 ε1 = 0.7 254338.015533 9424.043778 9550.311715 11323.282363 4775.155857 8106.878737 279.000000 33.000000 ε1 = 0.9 254368.068283 9387.429861 9505.935648 11267.261816 4752.967824 8049.794913 273.333333 32.666667 ε1 = 0.7 254655.101626 9120.799565 9345.966887 10958.635626 4672.983444 7738.486426 275.666667 32.666667 ε1 = 0.9 254670.894863 9114.212673 9337.985153 10947.621409 4668.992577 7726.880046 1834.000000 431.333333 ε1 = 0.7 255016.024362 9457.586872 9534.906547 11187.286221 4767.453273 7817.800413 443.000000 53.000000 ε1 = 0.9 255924.359895 9301.167534 9353.787342 11114.273955 4676.893671 7648.477100 475.666667 57.666667 Table 8: Problem: 20term, α = 0.5 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 254157.838900 9850.254233 10008.715887 11891.616364 5004.357943 8637.923902 314.000000 37.666667 ε1 = 0.3 254329.222033 9437.472500 9566.587326 11344.804887 4783.293663 8129.071863 273.666667 32.333333 ε1 = 0.5 254545.403950 9220.598261 9360.187746 11002.470097 4680.093873 7767.960224 281.333333 34.000000 Table 9: Problem: 20term, α = 0.7 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 254310.491039 9521.522703 9649.482731 11414.001982 4824.741366 8174.885367 290.000000 34.000000 ε1 = 0.3 254508.075023 9330.217798 9469.459564 11115.029895 4734.729782 7857.867726 311.333333 36.666667 ε1 = 0.5 254523.789306 9323.709859 9461.571942 11104.118907 4730.785971 7846.314786 351.000000 41.333333 Table 10: Problem: 20term, α = 0.9 16 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 15498566.363404 304768.076897 313743.532720 371020.831673 156871.766360 261623.460914 5000.000000 2344.333333 ε1 = 0.3 15498566.363404 304768.076898 313743.532725 371020.831676 156871.766363 261623.460918 1718.666667 785.000000 ε1 = 0.5 15499088.268081 303407.515564 312276.310249 369656.245604 156138.155125 260734.509580 80.666667 16.666667 ε1 = 0.7 15499180.567248 303257.959564 312125.258689 369528.782376 156062.629345 260641.989695 1719.666667 802.333333 ε1 = 0.9 15499502.750174 302867.196699 311544.608977 369239.025550 155772.304488 260124.766710 1713.333333 793.666667 ε1 = 0.7 15499412.008793 303345.546078 312284.406979 369444.593031 156142.203490 260321.919740 3358.666667 1574.000000 ε1 = 0.9 15501297.484860 303651.417922 312788.985008 368414.762740 156394.492504 259467.084176 1713.333333 788.666667 ε1 = 0.7 15517578.176729 302161.828558 310811.051642 366045.144715 155405.525821 254270.119605 3362.333333 1623.333333 ε1 = 0.9 15522145.320553 304312.662029 311205.223802 366481.769877 155602.611901 253850.982098 1701.666667 822.666667 Table 11: Problem: storm, α = 0.5 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 15498597.009358 304768.076896 313693.250991 371019.219394 156846.625495 261574.859566 3359.666667 1565.333333 ε1 = 0.3 15498912.463425 304264.549632 313144.675810 370329.421866 156572.337905 260945.658373 3358.000000 1643.000000 ε1 = 0.5 15499225.250463 303585.261410 312532.808424 369731.473411 156266.404212 260501.734375 1718.333333 807.333333 Table 12: Problem: storm, α = 0.7 Expected cost Abs Med-Dev Abs Dev Std Dev Abs SemiDev Std SemiDev Iterations CPU seconds ε1 = 0.1 15498693.299136 305049.775029 314177.306262 370960.125688 157088.653131 261570.538153 3360.000000 1610.333333 ε1 = 0.3 15499682.020559 304785.970204 313993.856585 370450.826583 156996.928293 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