The Federal Legislature of Switzerland is known as Federal Assembly. The Federal Assembly is bi-cameral. The Federal Assembly exercises the supreme power of legislation in Switzerland. The Swiss Parliament is supreme and the Constitution expressly states that ‘subject to the rights of the people and of the Cantons.

FEDERAL LEGISLATURE The Federal Legislature of Switzerland is known as Federal Assembly. The Federal Assembly is bi-cameral. The Federal Assembly exercises the supreme power of legislation in Switzerland. The Swiss Parliament is supreme and the Constitution expressly states that ‘subject to the rights of the people and of the Cantons. The supreme power of the Confederation shall be exercised by the Federal Assembly.” Thus, Federal Assembly of Switzerland exercises supreme powers in matters of legislation. The two chambers of the Federal Council are: ‘Counsil des Etates’ or the Council of States and ‘Counsil National’ or the National Council. Powers and Functions of the Federal Assembly (i) Legislative Powers: The Legislative power of the Federal Assembly are as follows: The Federal Assembly, as a legislative body is competent to enact all laws and decrees dealing with matters which the Constitution assigns to federal authorities, and make laws dealing with the organization and mode of the election the federal authorities.  The Assembly determines and enacts necessary measures to ensure the due observance of the Federal Constitution; the guarantees of Cantonal Constitutions and the territory of the Cantons, the fulfillment of Federal obligations; adopts measures ensuring the external safety of the country, her independence and neutrality; the internal safety of Switzerland, and the maintenance of peace and good order, enacts the annual budget of the Confederation, approves State accounts and decrees authorizing loans. The Federal Assembly can demand all kinds of information, which it deems necessary, on the administration of the Confederation. The Constitution of Switzerland also states that all laws passed and resolutions adopted by the Federal Assembly must be submitted to the people for their acceptance or rejection if the law is not urgent. It is the duty of the Federal Assembly to decide what laws or resolutions are urgent. (ii) Executive Powers: Besides the legislative powers, the Federal Assembly also performs various executive powers. These are as follows: The two houses of the Federal Assembly at their joint sitting, elect the seven members of the Federal Council, its President and Vice-President.  The members of the Assembly also appoint judges of the Federal Court, the members of the Federal Insurance Court and the Commander-in-Chief. The Federal Assembly supervises the activities of the civil service, and even decides administrative disputes and conflicts of jurisdiction between federal officials. It determines salaries and allowances of the members of Federal Departments. The Federal Assembly is also vested with the power of controlling the Federal Army. It declares war and concludes peace, ratifies alliances and treaties. All treaties concluded by the Cantons between themselves or with foreign States must be confirmed by the Federal Assembly If the Cantons fail to execute federal laws or obligations, the Federal Assembly decides on the nature of intervention against the offending Canton or Cantons. It also sees the relationship between the Confederation and the Cantons. The Assembly also guarantees the Cantonal Constitutions. (iii) Judicial Powers: Main judicial powers of the Federal Assembly are— 1.The Federal Assembly grants pardon in joint sessions  2. It also hears appeals against the decisions of the Federal Council relating to administrative powers. 3. The Assembly also supervises the performance of the functions of the Federal Tribunal. iv) Financial Powers: The Federal Assembly of Switzerland also enjoys some financial powers. They are: 1. By making laws, the Assembly can levy taxes. 2.The Assembly decides on the public expenditures of the Confederation. It votes the annual budget as well as approves the annual account of the country. v) Power of Constitution Amendment: 1.The Federal Legislature may initiate either total or partial constitutional amendment. 2.When both the Chambers agree to revise the Constitution, the proposed revision is submitted to the people for their acceptance or rejection. 3. If one Chamber does not agree to the proposed revision, then the matter is referred to the people for final decision.  Besides the above powers, the Federal Assembly has also been entrusted with the power of deciding foreign policies for the country and supervising Switzerland’s relations with foreign countries.