The Republic of Switzerland, known by the formal title of Swiss Confederation, is situated in the heart of Western Europe. . The country is surrounded by three powerful neighbours — France, Italy and Germany. The people of the country belong to different religious, racial and linguistic communities. In spite of all these differences, the Swiss constitute a thoroughly coherent nation. A high sense of democracy has developed in Switzerland. It may be mentioned here that Switzerland is known for its healthy tradition of self-government which has been established on Swiss soil for the last seven hundred years.

A Dynamic Constitution: The Constitution of Switzerland is dynamic as

it is changing with the changing time. The constitution has been amended several times to meet the new demands of the people. In this unit, we have found that the Swiss constitution of 1848 has been amended in 1874. Thereafter the constitution has undergone various changes.

Rigid Constitution:

The Swiss constitution may be classified as rigid as its amendment procedure is complex. The method of constitutional revision is discussed in detail in Chapter III of the Constitution of 1874.

For amending the constitution, the instruments of Constitutional Referendum and the Constitutional Initiative are used. The Swiss constitution may be partially or totally revised. A total and partial revision of the Constitution can be made if both the Houses of Federal Assembly approve of the amendment and the same is also approved by a majority of the Swiss cantons and a majority of the citizens of Switzerland.

Moreover, the citizens of Switzerland can also take initiative in the amendment of the constitution. For the total amendment of the constitution at least 50000 people should put their signature.